当前位置:文档之家› 厦门双十中学2020届高三英语上学期月考1





第一部分听力(共两节, 满分20分)


1. What is the man looking for?

A. A book.

B. His iPhone.

C. A pay phone.

2. Where is the woman going next?

A. To a snack bar.

B. To a movie theater.

C. To the man’s friend Simon’s house.

3. What will the man do next?

A. Fill out another form.

B. Correct his mistake on the form.

C. Tell the woman his medical history.

4. When will the man most likely get home?

A. At 7:00.

B. At about 7:30.

C. After 8:00.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. On a farm.

B. At a fruit market.

C. At customs.


6. What relation is the woman to George?

A. His mother.

B. His teammate.

C. His coach.

7. What does the woman think is more important?

A. Winning the game.

B. Being a team player.

C. Impressing the parents.


8. What does the man want to do at the restaurant at first?

A. Hold a party.

B. Watch the big game.

C. Book a table.

9. Why does the woman imply?

A. The bar serves better food.

B. Putting tables together is too much trouble .

C.The restaurant will be busy with customers.


10. When does the woman have to hand in her essay?

A. This afternoon.

B. Tomorrow.

C. In a couple days.

11. What is the woman having trouble with?

A. Ending her paper.

B. Starting her essay.

C. Giving her thoughts.

12. How will the man help the woman?

A. By correcting her mistakes.

B. By showing her some examples.

C. By checking what she has written.


13. Who do the woman’s parents probably cheer for?

A. England.

B. Portugal.

C. Spain.

14. According to the woman, what is most likely to happen tonight?

A. Spain will lose.

B. Portugal will lose.

C. Ronaldowill score three goals.

15. Why does the man support for Portugal?

A. He likes Ronaldo.

B. Spain is blindly self-confident.

C. Portugal hasn’t lost a single game yet.

16. How much money do the speakers agree to bet?

A. $10.

B. $20.

C. $40.


17. Where is the speaker?

A. In New York.

B. In Los Angeles.

C. In Hong Kong.

2. Why are there some uncertain conditions on the way?

A. The flight hours are a little long.

B. There’s a hurricane in the nearby area.

C. The plane will travel over the Pacific Ocean.

3. When will the flight probably take off?

A. At 6:00 a.m.

B. At 10:00 a.m.

C. At 6:00 p.m.

4. What is the weather like in L.A. now?

A. Sunny and clear.

B. Rainy and cloudy.

C. Stormy and cold.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)


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21.How much should you pay if you are ordering 500 subscriptions for a whole year ?


B. $1780

C. $3200

D. $ 3560

22. Subscribers of TIME for Kids will get the following EXCEPT______.

A.key and select articles

B. teachers' guides

C.digital materials

D. school funds

23. This passage is most likely intended for ___________.


B. parents

C. students

D. children


Vegetable gardens may not be as visually pleasing as the variety of flowers, but Floridians looking to save some green by growing their own salad fixings can soon do so without fear. Gov. Ron DeSantis this week signed a law that bans local governments from carrying orders against homeowners from raising veggies in their yards.

The law, which takes effect July 1, puts an end to that particular power of towns and cities across the state to prohibit vegetable gardens for “aesthetic(审美的)purposes”.

The issue became a cause after a couple living in Miami Shores Village opposed the decision of a $ 50 a day fine for growing vegetables in their front yard, as they’d done for years.

Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll fought City Hall in a case that wound its way up the state’s court system, with judges consistently ruling against their money-saving and health-conscious project.

After the Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of Miami Shores’ right to control design and landscaping standards, the couple replaced their vegetables with pink flamingos (红鹳花) .

Their cause was not lost, however. State lawmakers proposed and passed a law that effectively voids the court rulings, with Rob Bradley, who sponsored the bill, reportedly calling the village’s action a “vast overreach”.

The lawmaker noted the difficulty that many families experience getting fresh and affordable food, calling bans against vegetable and fruit gardens ridiculous.

About a third of all households in the U. S. grow some of their own food, according to the National Gardening Association. The group says a 600-square-foot garden that costs around $ 70 a year to keep can grow 300 pounds of fresh produce worth about $ 600 annually.

24. Why will some Floridians plant salad fixings?

A. To protect the environment.

B. To beautify their home.

C. To build their own gardens.

D. To cut daily expenses.

25. What can be known about the couple from the passage?

A. They started a public health-conscious campaign.

B. They never gave in to the Miami Shores’ demand .

C. They were fined $50 a day by Miami Shores Village.

D. They were not backed by the Florida Supreme Court.

26. What does the underlined word “voids” in paragraph 6 mean?

A. Hides.

B. Cancels.

C. Prevents.

D. Values.

27. What does Rob Bradley think of the couple’s action probably?

A.It’s sensible.

B.It’s ridiculous.

C. It’s ambitious.

D.It’s costly.


When Jeff Sparkman draws his cartoon superheroes, he often has to ask other people to tell him what color his characters turned out to be because he's color-blind. Now, a new smart phone application can help him figure out what colors he's using and how the picture looks to others.

The DanKam app, available for iPhone and Android for $2.99, is an application that makes the vague colors that one percent of the population with color-blindness sees more like the "true" colors as everyone else sees them. In America, around 32 million color-blind Americans---95% are males---can soon have their life improved.

"DanKam takes the stream of data coming in through the phone's camera and changes the colors slightly so they fall within the range that people who are color-blind see," developer Dan Kaminsky told CNET. He came up with the idea after watching the film Star Trek with a color-blind friend.

It was then that he got to know more about colorblindness like its varying types and degrees. A vast majority, for instance, have trouble seeing red or green due to a genetic defect(缺陷). Blue-yellow colorblindness, however, is rarer and develops later in life because of aging, illness or head injuries, etc.

What the DanKam app attempts to do is to clean up the color space of the image signal so that colors can be seen to those suffering from viewing problems. “You can customize the app to fit your needs. There is a range and not everyone who is color-blind sees things the same.” Says Kaminsky.

Sparkman, a copy editor at CNET, tried out the app and was pleased with the results. "It would be useful for dressing for a job interview," he said. But using it for his art is “the most practical application." It worked well on LED and other lights on electronic devices, which means Sparkman can now identify the power light on his computer display as green.

28. According to passage, DanKam ___________.

A. was developed by Jeff Sparkman.

B.appeared in the movie Star Trek.

C. is designed to help the blind.

D. can be purchased with a fee

29. It can be known from the passage that colorblindness __________.

A. causes trouble in telling all colors

B. occurs more commonly in females

C. is not necessarily an inborn disease

D. leaves people unable to see clearly

30. How does the DanKam app work?

A.It makes vague colors become vivid ones.

B.It operates in a fixed color model.

C. It shows images with an adjusted color space.

D. It puts LEDlights on electronic devices.

31. Which of the following serves as the best title for the passage?

A. Dankam: A New Treatment For Colorblindness.

B. DanKam: Augmented(增强) Reality For Colorblindness.

C. Dan Kaminsky: A Campaign Against Colorblindness.

D. .Jeff Sparkman: Satisfaction Guaranteed By DanKam.


Being seen in a fancy sports car or enjoying a beach holiday in a five-star hotel were once signs of having “made it”. But a new study suggested that having people think of you as constantly occupied and overworked is now a far better

way to demonstrate social position.

According to Harvard University in the US, people are increasingly leaning toward the phenomenon of “humblebragging”. This is when people make a seemingly modest statement that actually draws attention to something they want to show off.

Phrases such as “I have no life” and “I desperately need a holiday” are now used to imply social standing, while ordering food and shopping online is the perfect way to prove to neighbors that you are simply too busy and important to go to the supermarket.

“Movies, magazines, and popular TV shows often highlight the abundance of money and leisure time among the wealthy,” said Neeru Paharia, an assistant professor at Harvard University. “In recent years, featuring wealthy people relaxing by the pool, playing tennis or skiing and hunting are being substituted with advertisements featuring busy individuals who work long hours and have very limited leisure time,” he said. “Displaying a lack of leisure time operates as a visible signal of status in the eyes of others.”

The researchers pointed out that the Wall Street Journal’s 2016 advertising campaign featured celebrities complaining about their busy lives, with the slogan (标语), “People who don’t have time, make time to read the Wall Street Journal.”

The report, which was published in the Journal of Consumer Research, also found that brands that marketed themselves as time saving were becoming increasingly high-status, because of their users.

According to the authors, this trend of humblebragging is due to peo ple’s shift of focus –they now value “the preciousness and scarcity of individuals” more than “the preciousness and scarcity of goods”. “Busy individuals possess desirable characteristics, leading them to be viewed as in demand,” the authors concluded.

32. Which of the following statements can count as “humblebragging”?

A. “Just ate 15 pieces of chocolate. Gotta control myself flying first class or they'll cancel my modeling contract!”

B. “Everybody check this baby out---we just bought a castle! I mean literally!”

C. “Guys, I'm screwed. I I've missed the final deadline for my essay again and my tutor is going to fail me!”

D. “Wow, I can't believe a rubbishy article like yours got published in a national newspaper!”

33.To indicate their social position, people today prefer to ______.

A. share their passion for tennis or skiing

B. show how fast-paced their work life is

C. tell people about the wonderful holidays they take

D. show off their abundance of money and leisure time

34. The Wall Street Journa l’s 2016 adverting slogan is mentioned in para. 5 to prove ______.

A. showing a lack of time suggests high social status

B. the Wall Street Journal is worth people’s time

C. busy individuals need to better manage their time

D. people of high social position are lacking in time

35.The underlined word in the last paragraph “scarcity” probably means_____

A. quantity

B. identity

C. shortage

D. qualification

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Have you ever wondered how the trainers at Sea World get the 19,000-pound whale to jump 22 feet out of water and perform tricks? They get that whale to go over a rope farther out of the water than most of us can imagine.36 .

So how do the trainers at Sea World do it? The first thing they do is reinforce(强化) the behavior that they want

repeated --- in this case, to get the whale to go over the rope.37 , in a position where the whale can’t help but do what’s expected of it. Every time the whale goes over the rope, it’s g iven positive reinforcement and gets fed with fish. But what happened when the whale goes under the rope? Nothing — no criticism, no warning and no feedback. 38 .

Positive reinforcement is the key of that simple principle that produces such splendid results. And as the whale begins to go over the rope more often than under, the trainers begin to raise the rope. It must be raised slowly enough so that the whale doesn’t starve.

39 . Make a big deal out of the good and little stuff that we want consistently. Secondly, under-criticize. People know they need help when they mess up. 40 , people will not forget the event and usually will not repeat it.

So we need to set up the circumstances so that people can’t fail. Over-celebrate, under-criticize…and know how far to raise the rope.

A. This is a great challenge

B. And the whale stays right where it is

C. If we figure out a way to motivate the whale

D. They start with the rope below the surface of the water

E. If we under-criticize, punish and discipline less than expected

F. Whales are taught that their negative behavior won’t be acknowledged

G. The simple lesson to be learned from the whale trainers is to over-celebrate

第三部分语言知识运用(共四节, 满分55分)

第一节单句补全(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

41. People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often ______ rather than based on fixed criteria.

A. appropriate

B. conscious

C. arbitrary

D. controversial

42. Lack of sleep will cause an increase in stress levels, which will lead to you not liking your job. This_____ will also have a negative impact on your productivity.

A. in turn

B. in return

C. in place

D. in brief

43. The judge said that the fine would ________ a warning to other drivers.

A. look into

B. serve as

C. watch over

D.set up

44.Honesty is the best policy. If your account doesn’t ______ what the security cameras recorded, you’ll get punished.

A.subscribe to

B. attend to

C. correspond to

D. relate to

45.It’s difficult to _______ all tastes.One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

A.adapt to

B. cater to

C. appeal to

D. adjust to

46.We ____________ solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.


B. admit

C. assess

D. approach

47.It is most important for English teachers to have a knowledge of the theories of language_______.


B. accuracy

C. acquisition

D. punctuation

48.While the kids were making their decisions, they were periodically shown TV _________, some for fast food outlets and some for non-food businesses.


B. news

C. movies

D. commercials

49.You are being such a busybody. How I choose to conduct my private life is my own _______!


B. agenda

C. business

D. problem

50.I'm trying to ______ an interest in classical music in my children, which I think is good for their future development.


B. clarify

C. express

D. discourage

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

People live in the present. They plan for the future. History, 51, is the study of the past. Given all the 52 and pressures that come from living in the present and 53 what is yet to come, why bother with what has been? Given all the available branches of knowledge, why insist - as most 54 systems do - on history? And why encourage many students to study even more history than they are 55 to?

Any subject of study needs to be56: supporters must explain why it is worth 57. Like most widely accepted 58, history attracts people who simply 59 the information and modes of thought involved. But for people who are less interested in the subject and more 60 about why they should bother with it, a clearer explanation of its purpose is required.

61 do not perform heart transplants, improve highway design, or arrest criminals. In a society that quite correctly expects education to serve 62 purposes, history’s functions can seem more 63 to determine than those of engineering or medicine. History is in fact very useful, actually 64, but the products of historical study are often less 65 and immediate than those of other subjects.

History helps us understand people, societies and how they 66. For example, how can we 67 past wars (and future threats) without using historical materials? Unfortunately, major aspects of a society’s operation cannot be set up as precise experiments. 68, history must serve, however imperfectly, as our 69, helping us understand who we are and why we do what we do. This, fundamentally, is why we cannot 70 history.

51. A. otherwise B. besides C. however D. therefore

52. A. causes B. demands C. choices D. orders

53. A. avoiding B. fearing C. celebrating D. expecting

54. A. financial B. social C. educational D. political

55. A. required B. invited C. forced D. permitted

56. A. introduced B. explored C. justified D. dropped

57. A. protection B. attention C. expectation D. mention

58. A. subjects B. concepts C. topics D. concerns

59. A. provide B. receive C. share D. like

60. A. doubtful B. worried C. thoughtful D. certain

61. A. Supporters B. Historians C. Audiences D. Teachers

62. A. public B. multiple C. different D. useful

63. A. difficult B. sensible C. secure D.beneficial

64. A. optional B. attractive C. accessible D. vital

65. A. valuable B. interesting C. obvious D. instructive

66. A. feel B. behave C. fight D. live

67. A. prevent B. remember C. evaluate D. declare

68. A. Consequently B. Alternatively C. Fortunately D. Admittedly

69. A. library B. laboratory C. clinic D. museum

70. A. make up for B. give in to C. get close to D. stay away from

第三节单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

71.Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into __________(exist).

72.The _________(surround) villages have been absorbed by the growing city.

73.Even so, she impressed the world _______ her courage and strong desire to succeed.

74.The car's quite full, but we could manage _________ (squeeze) another couple of people in.

75.Many patients have benefited a lot ______ the new treatment then.

76.Many parents feel a sense of ________(lose) when their children leave home.

77.The _________(puzzle) look on his face suggested that what the monitor said was beyond her understanding.

78.People in the west make it a rule _______(buy) Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

79.They sold their house at the right time and made ____ fortune on it.

80.Domestic coal supplies _________(run) out. The country will have to import it from abroad.

第四节语篇语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

Technological changes brought dramatic new options to Americans ___81____(live) in the 1990s. During this decade new forms of entertainment, commerce, research, and communication ____82____(become) commonplace in the U. S. The driving force behind much of this change was an innovation popularly known as the Internet.

The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested ___83__ advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by scientists to communicate with other scientists.

One early problem faced by Internet users was speed. Phone ___84____(line) could only transmit information at a limited rate. The development of fiber-optic(光纤) cables allowed billions of bits of information _____85_____(receive) every minute. Companies like Intel developed faster microprocessors, so personal computers could process the incoming signals more ___86___(rapid).

In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was developed, in large part, __87___ commercial purposes. Corporations created home pages __88____ they could place text and graphics to sell products. Soon airline tickets, hotel reservations and even cars could be purchased online. Universities posted research data on the Internet, so students could find ____89____(value) information without leaving their dormitories. Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and ___90____(wear) pajamas(睡衣).

第四部分写作(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节91. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分, 满分10分)

Last summer, I participated in the Secondary School Program in Harvard. I spent half of the day in my class and homework, and then I'd be free to do I wanted. Since my course was a 8-credit one, it was a lot faster than other summer school course. I had to learn how to keep up with it the pace of my class and study efficient. For me, taking notes were of great help. I also come to know many professors who were available for extra help whenever I needed it. The resources and opportunities combined with the environment here made me want to attending Harvard even more.

第二节92. 书面表达(满分20分).



听力(每题1分,共20分, 每题3个选项)

1-5 CAABC 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 ACABB 16-20 ACBCB


21-25 BDADD 26-30 BADCC 31-35 BABAC

36-40 ADFGE(36-40每题7个选项)


41-45 CABCB 46-50 ACDCA


51-55 CBDCA 56-60 CBADA 61-65 BDADC 66-70 BCABD


71.e xistence 72. surrounding 73. with 74. to squeeze 75. from 76. loss 77. puzzled 78. to buy 79.

a 80. are running


81.l iving 82.became 83. the 84. lines 85. to be received 86. rapidly 87. for 88. where 89. valuable 90.wearing

改错(10分) 略



福建省厦门双十中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试 数学试题 试卷分Ⅰ卷和Ⅱ卷两部分,满分150分考试时间120分钟 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、单选题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的.在答题卷上相应题目的答题区域内作答. 1.(2020双十高一11月期中考)如图,U 是全集,M 、P 是U 的子集,则阴影部分所表示的集合是( ) A.()U M C P B.M P C.() U C M P D.()()U U C M C P 『答案』A 『解析』由题易知阴影部分所表示的集合是()U M C P ,故选A. 2.(2020双十高一11月期中考)函数()2 f x x =-的定义域为( ) A.[1,2) (2,)+∞ B (1,)+∞ C.[1,2) D.[1,)+∞ 『答案』A 『解析』由题知10x -≥,解得1x ≥:20x -≠, 解得2x ≠;两者取交集得[1,2)(2,)+∞, 故选A. 3.(2020双十高一11月期中考)若a b c <<,则函数 ()()()()()()()f x x a x b x b x c x c x a =--+--+--两个零点分别位于区间( ) A.(,)b c 和(,)c +∞内 B.(,)a -∞和(,)a b 内 C.(,)a b 和(,)b c 内 D.(,)a -∞和(,)c +∞内 『答案』C

『解析』∵a b c <<,∴()()()0f a a b a c =-->,()()()0f b b c b a =--<, ()()()0f c c a c b =-->,由函数零点存在判定定理可知:在区间(,)a b 和(,)b c 内分别存 在一个零点;又函数()f x 是二次函数,最多有两个零点,因此函数()f x 的两个两个零点分别位于区间(,)a b 和(,)b c 内,故选C. 4.(2020双十高一11月期中考)设0.3 2a =,2 0.3b =,2log 0.3c =,则a ,b ,c 的大小 关系是( ) A.a b c << B.c b a << C.c a b << D.b c a << 『答案』B 『解析』因为2 00.31<<,2log 0.30<,0.321>, 所以20.32log 0.30.32<<,即c b a <<,故选B. 5.(2020双十高一11月期中考)已知函数()f x 满足(1)lg f x x -=,则不等式()0f x <的解集为( ) A.(,1)-∞ B.(1,2) C.(,0)-∞ D.(1,0)- 『答案』D 『解析』令1x t -=,∴1x t =+,10t +>,所以()lg(1)f t t =+,函数()f x 的解析式 为:()lg(1)f x x =+,不等式()0f x <化为lg(1)0x +<,解得10x -<<,故选D. 6.(2020双十高一11月期中考)已知函数2()log f x x =的反函数为()g x ,则()1g x -的图像为( ) A. B. C. D.


厦门双十中学2020—2021学年第一学期高三年期中考试 语文试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.请认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,在答题卡上与题号相对应的答题区域内答题,写在试卷、草稿纸上或答题卡非题号对应答题区域的答案一律无效。不得用规定以外的笔和纸答题,不得在答题卡上做任何标记。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮檫干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 5.本试卷共七大题。满分:150分考试时间:150分钟 一、古代文化常识(9分) 1.下列有关古代文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是()(3分) A.表,就是“表奏”,又称“表文”,是中国古代下级呈给上级陈情言事的一种特殊文体,在表中可以有所陈述、请求、建议。 B. “敕造”意为奉皇帝之命建造。“敕”本来是通用于长官对下属、长辈对晚辈的用语,南北朝以后作为皇帝发布命令的专称。 C.御史,春秋战国时期为国君亲近之职,掌文书及记事。秦时有纠察弹劾之权,汉以后,御史职责则专司纠弹。 D.“舍簪笏于百龄”中的“簪笏”是指代官职,其中“簪”是束发戴冠用来固定帽子的簪,“笏”是朝见皇帝时用来记事的手板。 2.下列有关古代文化常识的表述,不正确的一项是()(3分) A.孝廉,唐代以来选拔人才的一种察举科目,即每年由地方官考察当地的人物,向朝廷推荐孝顺父母、品行廉洁的人出来做官。 1

B.待漏,指百官五更前入朝,等待朝拜天子。漏,铜壶滴漏,古代的一种计时方法,用铜壶盛水,滴漏以计时刻。 C.万乘,万辆兵车,古时一车四马为一乘。周制,天子地方千里,能出兵车万乘,因此常以“万乘”指天子、帝王、帝位。 D.斋戒,通常指古人在在祭祀或行大礼前沐浴更衣,不饮酒,不吃荤,禁欲守戒,洁身清心,以示虔诚之意。 3.下列有关古代文化常识的表述,正确的一项是()(3分) A. 顿首,古时的一种跪拜礼。行礼时,以头叩地停顿一段时间才起身,故称“顿首”。也用于书信的起头或结尾,表致敬。 B.字,本义是生儿育女。古时,男子二十岁结发加冠时取字,女子十八岁许嫁结发及笄时取字,字常常是“名”的解释和补充。 C. 勒石,刻石记功,亦指立碑。此典故出自《后汉书》“勒石燕然”,当时东汉窦宪破北匈奴后,封燕然山,刻石记功而归。 D. 皇太子,皇帝的长子,是封建社会皇帝的第一顺位继承人,其地位仅次于皇帝。居住于东宫,故常以东宫代指太子。 二、文学类文本阅读(15分) 阅读下面的文字,完成4~6题。 士兵!士兵!阎连科 郭军火了,火透了!这是一种深埋地下,只能暗暗燃烧,不能公然爆发的委屈的火。这种难言之苦气得他肺就要炸开。何止是肺,心、脑、肝、骨、血、肉……都蓄满了一种爆炸的力量。 连队的最高“武职官员”居然在五十九秒前宣布退伍命令时短粗有力地唤到了他的名字。他答了一声“到”,但那只是士兵接受命令的本能。当他明白那声“到”的深刻含意后,就急步流星地退出了军人大会。 他遇事理智、冷静,但绝不是打掉牙咽肚里那号蔫不几几的士兵。不可理解、不可思议、不能容忍!想退伍的不让走,不想走的偏要打发你走! 他掉泪了。当泪珠从鼻翼落到手背上,他骂了一句“草包”,陆路不通水路通,我找师长去! 他没料到真会让他退伍。说到底他不同于一般士兵呵!入伍六年,队列、射击、军体、战术,哪样他不 2

厦门双十中学初中部 八年级英语 语法填空训练八年级英语专项训练含答案解析

厦门双十中学初中部八年级英语语法填空训练八年级英语专项训练含答案解 析 一、八年级英语语法填空题 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(最多三个字单词)。 One day, lily father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏团). Finally, there was only________family between the ticket office and us. There were eight children in the family. All of the children, ________(old)child is only 12. Their clothes were not expensive but clean. The children talked________ (happy). The ticket lady asked how many________(ticket)the father wanted, he proudly answered, "Please let me buy eight children's and two adults'. "The lady________(tell)him the price. There was no longer a smile on his face. He didn't have enough money. But________could he tell his kills the bad news? My dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it________the ground. He said, "Excuse me, sir, this________(fall)out of your pocket. "The man picked tip the money, looked straight into my ________(father)eyes and replied in tears, "Thank you. This really means a lot to________(I) and my family. " 【答案】 a;the oldest/the eldest;happily;tickets;told;how;on;fell;father's;me 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者的爸爸是怎样帮助一个贫穷的家庭买到票的。 (1)句意:在买票中心和我们之间仅仅有一家。family是可数名词单数,以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。 (2)句意:最大的孩子仅仅12岁。all表明数量是三者以上,所以用最高级,old的最高级是the oldest/the eldest,故填the oldest/the eldest。 (3)句意:孩子们愉快地交谈。副词修饰实义动词,talked是实义动词,所以用happy的副词happily,故填happily。 (4)句意:女售票员问那个父亲想要多少票。how many后面用可数名词复数,ticket的复数是tickets,故填tickets。 (5)句意:女士告诉他票价。时态是一般过去时,tell的过去式是told,故填told。(6)句意:但是他怎样告诉他的孩子们这个坏消息呢》根据句意可知是怎样告诉,所以用how,故填how。 (7)句意:把它掉在地上。on the ground在地上,故填on。 (8)句意:这个从你的口袋里掉出来的。时态是一般过去时,所以fall用过去式fell,故填fell。 (9)句意:直直地看着我爸爸的眼睛。father和eyes都是名词,所以第一个用名词所有格,即father's,故填father's。 (10)句意:这真地对于我来说意义重大。to是介词,后面用宾格。I的宾格是me,故填me。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考虑句型、搭配、语境等,最后通读一遍检查验证。


【最新】福建省厦门双十中学高三上期中考试语文试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一句是( ) A.这样的小错误对于整个题目的要求来说是无伤大雅,不足为训 ....的,我们决不能只纠缠于细枝末节而忘了根本的目标。 B.在灿若群星的世界童话作家中,丹麦作家安徒生之所以卓尔不群 ....、久享盛誉,是因为他开启了童话文学的一个新时代。 C.“神舟”五号和“神舟”六号载人飞船的连续成功发射与顺利返回,为我国航天航空 事业作出的巨大贡献,必须彪炳千古 ....。 D.盗挖天山雪莲日益猖獗的主要原因是,违法者众多且分布广泛,而管理部门又人手不 足,因此执法时往往捉襟见肘 ....。 2.依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是() ①《平凡的世界》这部小说以陕北黄土高原为背景,反映了从“文革”后期到改革初期广阔的社会面貌。时至今日,很多60后对那段不平凡的岁月还。 ②一首《锦瑟》,实为义山一生的写照,他的一生如镜花水月,映入历史。他的深情、执著、聪慧以及给后人留下的宝贵精神财富始终令人,回味绵长。 ③每一次返校的清晨,母亲总是为我收拾行李,为我准备早餐,送我到车站。现在想来还,眼睛不自觉地总是湿湿的。 A.历历在目念念不忘记忆犹新 B.念念不忘记忆犹新历历在目 C.记忆犹新念念不忘历历在目 D.记忆犹新历历在目念念不忘 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是() ①卫生厅长评价某些医疗乱象时说,有些医院,从不把想法设法降低老百姓负担的事放在心上,而是 想办法赚钱。 ②为打好经济下行阻击战,我市创新方式,多措并举,积极帮助企业化解融资难题, 支持企业渡过难关,提振企业信心,促进企业稳生产增效益。 ③像《飘》《魂断蓝桥》这样令人赞叹的中文翻译名有很多,而这些译名只有在译者、有时甚至数位翻译者长时间苦苦思索后才能产生出来。 A.挖空心思千方百计搜肠刮肚 B.搜肠刮肚千方百计挖空心思C.千方百计挖空心思搜肠刮肚 D.搜肠刮肚挖空心思千方百计


2017-2018学年第一学期 厦门双十中学初一英语期中考试试卷 Ⅱ.选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 16. ---What’s this in English? ----It’s a ___________. A. eraser B. English book C. map 17. Mike’s room isn’t tidy. His books are _______-----on the table, under the bed, on the floor… A. there B. nowhere C. everywhere 18. ----_______is your mother? -----She is in the bedroom. A. What B. How C. Where 19.—The books on the table ______Mike’s, right? —Yes, they are. A. is B. are C. it’s 20. ---Is this your mother? ---No, she is my ____, my cousin’s mother. A. sister B. cousin C. aunt 21. Our English teacher is Jenny Jones. We all call her_______. A. Mr. Jones B. Miss Jones C. Mr. Jenny 22. ----Whose T-shirt is this? Is it Sally’s? -----No, it isn’t. ______is white. This one is purple. A. Her B. Mine C. Hers 23. ---Mike, let’s go. We are late. ----Oh, no. I don’t have _____baseball hat. Let _____get it. A. my; me B. my; my C. I; me 24. If you want to join our club, please ____ me at Sally12345@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c710802330.html,. A. call B. email C. meet 25. I don’t have a ping-pong bat, ______my friend Jack has one. A. and B. but C. so 26. ----________? ----It’s orange. A. What’s this? B. How are you? C. What color is it? 27. ---This pen is Tom’s. _____that notebook? ---Oh. It’s Linda’s. A. What is B. What about C. How is 28. ----_________ ---Yes, they’re my brothers, Jack and Mark. A. Who’re they? B. What are those? C. Are those your brothers? 29. ----I can’t _____my pen in the pencil box. ----Look, It’s under your bed. A. keep B. know C. find 30. ---Thanks______ your help. ----You’re welcome. A. for B. at C. in III.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 It's a fine day today. Jim’s family are having a picnic(野餐).They put a big cloth(布)on the ground(地面). There are some yellow bananas, red apples, oranges and some white eggs


厦门双十中学2015-2016学年(上)期中考试 高一数学试题(2015-11-10 上午08:00-10:00) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题 目要求的.请把答案填涂在答题卷的相应位置. 1. 设全集U 是实数集R ,{}{} 1,02M x x N x x =<=<<都是U 的子集,则图中阴影部分所表示的 集合是 A .{} 12x x ≤< B .{} 01x x << C .{} 0x x ≤ D .{} 2x x < 2. 下列函数中与x y =相等的是 A .2)(x y = B .2x y = C .x y 2log 2= D .x y 2log 2= 3. 若函数()(2)() x f x x x a = -+是奇函数,则a = A . 2- B .2 C .12 - D . 12 4. 给定映射f :()(),2,2x y x y x y →+-,在映射f 下,(3,1)-的原像为 A .(1,3)- B .(5,5) C .(3,1)- D .(1,1) 5. 已知函数2,0, ()(1),0. x x f x f x x ?>=?-+≤?则(3)f -的值为 A .1 B .1- C .0 D .9- 6. 已知,k b ∈R ,则一次函数y kx b =+与反比例函数kb y x = 在同一坐标系中的图象可以是 7. 已知()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在(],0-∞上是增函数,设()4log 7a f =,)3(log 2f b =, ()0.60.2c f =,则,,a b c 的大小关系是


高考模拟数学试卷 一、单项选择(5?12=60) 1.设I 为全集,S 1,S 2,S 3是I 的三个非空子集,且S 1∪S 2∪S 3=I ,则下面论断正确的是 A .C I S 1∩(S 2∪S 3)=Φ B .S 1?(C I S 2∩C I S 3) C .C I S 1∩C I S 2∩C I S 3)=Φ D .S 1?(C I S 2∪C I S 3) 2.已知复数()11 ai z a R i += ∈-,若1z =,则a = A. 0 B. 1 C.1- D.1± 3.已知点()()1,1,5,2A B -,则与向量AB u u u r 垂直的单位向量为 A. 3455?? ???,- 或3455??- ???, B. 4355?? ???,-或4355??- ???, C. 3 45 5??- ???,- 或3455?? ???, D. 4 355??- ???,-或4355?? ??? , 4.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若 3613S S =,则612 S S = A. 310 B.13 C.18 D.19 5. 200辆汽车通过某一段公路时的时速频率分布直方图如图所示,则时速在[)50,60的汽车大约有 6.已知点A (3,4),现将射线OA 绕坐标原点O 顺时针旋转4 π 至OB 处,若角α以x 轴非负半轴为始边、 以射线OB 为终边,则3tan 2πα?? -= ??? A. 7- B. 7 C. 17- D. 1 7 7. 已知函数()222014120141 x x x f x e -= ++,则()1ln 2ln 2f f ??+= ??? A. 52 B. 32 C. 1 2 D. 0


英语模拟考试卷 II. 单项选择从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 (每小题1分,满分15分) 16. David wants to buy a ______ as his birthday gift, because he likes music very much. A. piano B. baseball C. car 17. To be ______ honest student, you are not supposed to tell a lie. A. a B. an C. the 18. People shouldn’t ______ the sharks, because they are in great danger now. A. protect B. visit C. kill 19. The smile on the teacher’s face showed she was ______ with my answer. A. strict B. pleased C. angry 20. — Sunny Cinema is the best movie theater in this city, because you can buy the tickets here the most ______. — You are right. The prices in other cinemas are much higher. A. cheaply B. quickly C. carefully 21. Life is like a mirror. ______ you smile to it, or it won’t smile back. A. If B. Although C. Unless 22. — Must I hand in the homework now? — No, you ______. You can give it to me tomorrow. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t 23. — If we have to wear s chool uniform every day, I’d like to wear the uniforms ______ are designed by ourselves. —I can’t agree more. A. what B. that C. who 24. — Have you packed ______ well? We are leaving for the airport now. — Yes, I am ready. A. everything B. something C. nothing 25. — ______ is it from Xiamen to Fuzhou? —It’s more than 250 kilometers. A. How often B. How long C. How far 26. —Hey, Tom. ______ the waste paper and throw it into the bin. You can’t throw it here. — Sorry. A. Take up B. Pick up C. Make up 27. — In order to give more chances to the talented students, an dancing competition ______ soon. —That’s great! A. will be held B. is held C. was held 28. — The movie Pirates of the CaribbeanⅤ(加勒比海盗) is so exciting, and ... ... —Stop! ______ the movie. Please don’t let me know too much about the story. A. I won’t watch B. I’m not watching C. I haven’t watched 29. — Excuse me, could you tell me ______? — In about 20 days. A. when we will have the exam B. why we will have the exam C. where we will have the exam 30. — Mom, could I have a new computer? —______, we don’t have spare money.


2020-2021厦门双十中学初中部初二数学上期末模拟试题(及答案) 一、选择题 1.世界上最小的鸟是生活在古巴的吸蜜蜂鸟,它的质量约为0.056盎司.将0.056用科学记数法表示为( ) A .5.6×10﹣1 B .5.6×10﹣2 C .5.6×10﹣3 D .0.56× 10﹣1 2.如图,将边长相等的正方形、正五边形、正六边形纸板,按如图方式放在桌面上,则a ∠的度数是( ) A .42o B .40o C .36o D .32o 3.下列运算中,结果是a 6的是( ) A .a 2?a 3 B .a 12÷a 2 C .(a 3)3 D .(﹣a)6 4.如图,在△ABC 中,点D 在BC 上,AB=AD=DC ,∠B=80°,则∠C 的度数为( ) A .30° B .40° C .45° D .60° 5.2019年7月30日阳朔至鹿寨高速公路建成通车,已知从阳朔至鹿寨国道的路程为150km ,现在高速路程缩短了20km ,若走高速的平均车速是走国道的2.5倍,所花时间比走国道少用1.5小时,设走国道的平均车速为/xkm h ,则根据题意可列方程为( ) A .15020150 1.52.5x x --= B .15015020 1.52.5x x --= C .15015020 1.52.5x x --= D .15020150 1.52.5x x --= 6.如果30x y -=,那么代数式()2222x y x y x xy y +?--+的值为( ) A .27- B .27 C .72- D .72 7.如图,在△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠A =30°,AB 的垂直平分线l 交AC 于点D ,则∠CBD 的度数为( )


厦门双十中学2020届高三(上)期中考试英语试卷 命题人:苏斌斌张璐审题人:王庆华 Nov 8th , 2019 说明:1. 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟; 2.请将第I卷的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上; 第II卷必须用黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷相应的 位置上。 第一卷(选择题,共100分) 第一部分:听力(共20小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the man do next? A. Switch off the TV. B. Turn down the TV. C. Quit studying. 2. How old is the woman now? A. 55 years old. B. 45 years old. C. 65 years old. 3. What is small for the woman? A. The T-shirt. B. The hat. C. The skirt. 4. What does the man mean? A. The film can be seen online. B. The film is worth the money. C. He regrets buying the ticket. 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At home. B. At a drug store. C. At a hospital. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。 6. What does the man like about his hometown? A. It has low living costs. B. It has varied nightlife. C. The weather is mild. 7. What is the weather like in October in the man’s hometown? A. Cloudless. B. Cold. C. Wet. 听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。 8. What time was the plane originally scheduled to leave? 厦门双十中学2020届高三(上)期中考试英语试卷第1页,共10页

厦门双十中学初中部数学整式的乘法与因式分解易错题(Word版 含答案)

厦门双十中学初中部数学整式的乘法与因式分解易错题(Word 版 含答案) 一、八年级数学整式的乘法与因式分解选择题压轴题(难) 1.已知a =2018x +2018,b =2018x +2019,c =2018x +2020,则a 2+b 2+c 2-ab -ac -bc 的值是( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .3 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 把已知的式子化成1 2 [(a-b )2+(a-c )2+(b-c )2]的形式,然后代入求解即可. 【详解】 原式=1 2 (2a 2+2b 2+2c 2-2ab-2ac-2bc ) = 1 2[(a 2-2ab+b 2)+(a 2-2ac+c 2)+(b 2-2bc+c 2)] =1 2[(a-b )2+(a-c )2+(b-c )2] =1 2×(1+4+1) =3, 故选D. 【点睛】 本题考查了因式分解的应用,代数式的求值,正确利用因式分解的方法把所求的式子进行变形是关键. 2.下列运算正确的是( ) A .236?a a a = B .() 3 2 5a a = C .23?a ab a b -=- D .532a a ÷= 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 根据同底数幂乘法、幂的乘方、单项式乘法、同底数幂除法法则即可求出答案. 【详解】 A .原式=a 5,故A 错误; B .原式=a 6,故B 错误; C .23?a ab a b -=-,正确; D .原式=a 2,故D 错误. 故选C .

本题考查了同底数幂乘法、幂的乘方、单项式乘法、同底数幂除法,解题的关键是熟练运用运算法则,本题属于基础题型. 3.如图,矩形的长、宽分别为a 、b ,周长为10,面积为6,则a 2b +ab 2的值为( ) A .60 B .30 C .15 D .16 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 直接利用矩形周长和面积公式得出a+b ,ab ,进而利用提取公因式法分解因式得出答案. 【详解】 ∵边长分别为a 、b 的长方形的周长为10,面积6, ∴2(a+b )=10,ab=6, 则a+b=5, 故ab 2+a 2b=ab (b+a ) =6×5 =30. 故选:B . 【点睛】 此题主要考查了提取公因式法以及矩形的性质应用,正确分解因式是解题关键. 4.若(x 2 -x +m )(x -8)中不含x 的一次项,则m 的值为( ) A .8 B .-8 C .0 D .8或-8 【答案】B 【解析】 (x 2-x +m )(x -8)=3 2 2 3 2 8889(8)8x x mx x x m x x m x m -+-+-=-++- 由于不含一次项,m+8=0,得m=-8. 5.不论x ,y 为何有理数,x 2+y 2﹣10x+8y+45的值均为( ) A .正数 B .零 C .负数 D .非负数 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 因为x 2+y 2-10x +8y +45=()()2 2 5440x y -+++>, 所以x 2+y 2-10x +8y +45的值为正数,


2020年福建省厦门双十中学初中毕业班第二次模拟考试 语文 (试卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 命卷人:高艺、丁凯鹏审卷人:陈秀珍 班级:_________姓名:__________座号:__________准考证号:__________ 考生注意:1.全卷共两部分,共6页,23题。 2.答案一律写在答题卡上,否则不得分。 3.只能用0.5mm黑色水笔答题。 4.不得使用涂改液或涂改带等涂改工具,不得在答题卡上调换题号,否则该题以零分计算。 第一部分积累与运用(20分) (一)语言积累。(10分) 1.请根据提示填写相应的古诗文。(10分) (1)潮平两岸阔,_________。(王湾《次北固山下》) (2)_________,长歌怀采薇。(王绩《野望》) (3)商女不知亡国恨,_________。(杜牧《泊秦淮》) (4)_________,君子好逑。(《诗经·关雎》) (5)白头搔更短,_________。(杜甫《春望》) (6)_________,坐断东南战未休。(辛弃疾《南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀》) (7)报君黄金台上意,_________。(李贺《雁门太守行》) (8)_________,出则无敌国外患者。(《孟子》二章) (9)韩愈在《马说》中讲述千里马悲惨遭遇的是:_________,_________。 (二)语言基础与运用。(10分) 2.下列选项中,没有语病 ....的一项是()(3分) A.中华民族之所以成为伟大的民族,靠的是悠久的历史文明造就的。 B.在学习中,我们应该注意培养自己发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。 C.为了保护我们的家园,必须禁止任何组织和个人不得侵占或破坏自然资源。 D.畅销读物能否成为经典作品,关键在于它具备能经受时间考验的思想性和艺术性。 3.阅读下面语段,按要求完成问题。(7分) 端午节是追念高尚灵魂的节日。以屈原为代表的忠①liè人物,至今仍是各地祭祀的对象。“哀民生之多【甲】艰.(A.险恶 B.困苦),吾将上下而求索”的爱国诗人屈原,因其人格【乙】(A.高洁傲岸B.玉树临风),成为端午节日中国人追念的精神偶像。秭归人以粽子象征屈原的经历与人格,当地流传着《粽子歌》:“有棱.②有角,有心有肝。一身洁白,半世熬煎。”原本是夏至时节象征阴阳二气互相包裹的时令食品——粽子,成为屈原人格象征的纪念物。_________,_________,_________,_________。 (1)在文中①处根据拼音写汉字,文中②处根据汉字写拼音。(2分) ①()②() (2)为文中甲处加点字选择符合语境的解释;从文中括号内选择符合语境的词语填入乙处。 【甲】_________【乙】_________ (3)依次填入文中横线上的语句,衔接最恰当 ...的一项是() ①它赋予端午节日以灵魂 ②更使这一节日从自然属性向历史人文属性升华 ③不仅将其从普通节日提升为重大民族节日 ④可以这样说,拥有灵魂的端午节,是我们中华民族卓越的文化创造 A.④①③②B.①③④②C.④③②①D.①③②④



厦门双十中学2017届毕业班中考总复习第二轮模拟考试卷 英语 (试卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 学校____________ 姓名____________ 座位号____________ 考生注意: 本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-60小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。 第一部分(选择题) I. 听音理解(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节听句子听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。 (每个句子读两遍) 1. A B C 2. A B C

3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C 第二节听对话听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (每段对话读两遍) 听第1段对话,回答第6小题。 6. What does the man want to buy? A. A white shirt. B. A yellow hat. C. A green sweater. 听第2段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What does Amy want to be when she grows up? A. A teacher. B. A reporter.

C. A doctor. 听第3段对话,回答第8小题。 8. Where are the two speakers? A. In a library. B. In a supermarket. C. In a cinema. 听第4段对话,回答第9小题。 9. How does the woman feel? A. Bored. B. Moved. C. Angry. 听第5段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10. When are they going to Shanghai Disneyland? A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday. 11. How are they going to Shanghai? A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane. 听第6段对话,回答第12、13小题。 12. What’s Mary’s favorite animal? A. Elephants. B. Giraffes. C. Lions. 13. What does John think of elephants now? A. Big. B. Friendly. C. Tall. 听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。 14. What does the man want to have? A. A hamburger. B. A baked potato. C. A banana shake. 15. How much does the meal cost? A. $1. B. $2. C. $3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 注意:请将该题的答案书写在答题卡的第二部分 第三节听对话根据所听到的对话内容完成表格,每空一词。(对话读三遍)


福建省厦门双十中学【最新】高三考前热身考试(最后一卷) 文综地理试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 古人用竹子和木头做成两道墙从沼泽地分离出河流与耕地。从春秋时期开始,太湖沿岸人们利用这种技术,在滩涂上开挖溇港,水土分离,新的耕地出现。在每条溇港与太湖交汇处建有一道水闸(如下图),控制太湖南部灌溉与排水。2016 年 11 月 8 日,太湖溇港成功入选世界灌溉工程遗产名录。 根据材料回答下面小题。 1.古人选用竹子和木头筑墙的主要原因是() A.当地竹子和木头丰富B.竹子和木头结实耐用 C.竹子和木头质量轻,便于运输D.竹子和木头墙体便于水土分离 2.有关溇港灌溉与排水工作原理描述正确的是() A.溇港南宽北窄,为获得更多水源B.溇港南宽北窄,为防止交汇处泥沙淤积 C.太湖南部雨季时,水闸应该关闭D.太湖地区伏旱时,水闸应该关闭3.当时溇港大量建设,对该流域产生的影响是() A.旱涝灾害加剧,农业损失变大B.年降水量增多、降水变率减小 C.植被覆盖率减小,河流含沙量变大D.地下水量增加,地下水位季节变化增大 读我国东部某经济发达省份2000年和【最新】省外流入人口分年龄的性别比图,性别比是每百名女性人口对应的男性人口数。 读下图,回答下列各题。

4.【最新】,该省省外流入人口中性别比最大年龄段是( ) A.20~24岁B.30~44岁 C.40~44岁D.50~54岁 5.与2000年比,【最新】该省流入人口中( ) A.男性人口数量减少B.中年女性人口明显增加 C.少年儿童性别比降低D.人口性别比不平衡加剧 下图示意某河流地貌形成演化中的不同阶段,读图回答下面小题。 6.该河流地貌演化时段的先后顺序为 A.abcd B.badc C.cdab D.dacb 7.野外考察发现P处沉积物混杂着较多粒径粗大的砾石,导致该现象的原因最可能是A.堆积作用强烈B.侵蚀作用强烈 C.山洪暴发频繁D.河流改道频繁 8.与P处相比,T处沉积物 A.土壤更肥B.粒径更小 C.地势更高D.年代更老


厦门双十中学2013届高三期中考试 英语试题 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共105分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What do we learn about the man? A.He slept well on the plane. B.He had a long trip. C.He had a meeting. 2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening? A.To wait for a call. B.To watch a ball game on TV. C.To have dinner with a friend. 3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? A.A schoolbag.B.A record.C.A theatre ticket. 4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time? A.Learn a language.B.Do some sports.C.Play the piano. 5.What did the woman like doing when she was young? A.Riding a bicycle with friends. B.Travelling the country . C.Reading alone. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分l5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Where does the conversation take place? A.In a hotel.B.At a booking office.C.At a friend's house.7.What will the man probably do in a few days? A.Fly to another country. B.Come to the same hotel. C.Drive here to visit friends. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?

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