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In B2C electronic commerce, logistics distribution between customers and enterprises linked to the bridge, relates to the image of enterprises, profit and development. With the development of electronic commerce, the aggravation of the market competition, consumer appears the dispersion and wide area, logistics and distribution in the development and operation of electronic commerce is becoming more and more important, the logistics distribution mode and service level gradually become the bottle neck of the development of B2C enterprise further. Choose suitable logistics distribution mode, enterprises can effectively reduce the cost, improve service levels, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Taking the Jingdong Mall as an example, a comprehensive analysis of the logistics distribution modes of the structure, the two kinds of logistics modes, the union current our country electronic commerce logistics distribution mode current situation and development trend of Jingdong Mall, logistics and distribution improvement measures

Keywords: Logistics distribution model;The B2C Electronic Commerce;Jingdong Mall; Third party logistics; Development strategy


1.前沿 (4)

1.前沿 (4)

1.1选题背景 (4)

1.2选题对象与意义 (4)

2.物流配送概述 (4)

2.1物流配送内涵 (4)

2.2物流配送模式分类 (4)

2.2.1企业自营物流模式 (5)

2.2.2第三方物流模式 (5)

2.2.3物流一体化 (5)

2.2.4共同配送模式 (5)

3.自营物流和物流外包对比分析 (6)

3.1自营物流的优势 (6)

3.1.1降低交易成本 (6)

3.1.2掌握控制权 (6)

3.1.3避免商业秘密的泄露 (6)

3.1.4盘活企业原有资产 (6)

3.1.5提高企业品牌价值 (6)

3.2自营物流的劣势 (7)

3.2.1企业投资巨大 (7)

3.2.2企业配送效率低下造成管理难控制 (7)

3.2.3物流配送的专业化程度低且成本高 (7)

3.2.4无法进行准确的效益评估 (7)

3.3外包物流的优势 (7)

3.3.1降低企业的生产成本 (7)

3.3.2企业的经营风险得到分担 (7)

3.3.3提高企业的运作效率 (8)

3.3.4有利于塑造企业形象 (8)

3.3.5降低新产品的开发风险 (8)

3.4外包物流的劣势 (8)

3.5企业在两种物流模式选择应考虑的因素 (9)

4.京东商城的物流模式 (9)

4.1京东商城自营配送模式 (9)

4.2京东商城采用第三方物流模式 (10)

5.京东商城物流模式的利弊分析 (10)

5.1京东商城自营物流的利弊分析 (10)

5.2京东商城采用第三方物流的利弊分析 (11)

6.京东商城物流模式的发展建议 (12)

6.1专心做好自己擅长的商品品种 (12)

6.2对节假日的销售高峰期提早做好准备 (12)

6.3划分不同的收费标准 (12)

6.4继续建立和完善各地物流中心的建设 (12)

6.5不断学习创新物流配送模式 (13)

参考文献 (13)

致谢 (14)
