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Lesson 45: Different Manners(黑体四号)


本节课选自冀教版九年级下册Unit 8 Culture Shape Lesson45,本节课主要讲述中国和北美国家的文化异同,主要介绍了双方在品德,日常交际和礼仪上的异同。











【教学目标】1.获取文章中提到的谚语,包括相关的词汇和短语,以及在小组中讨论并分享关于本课的精华,完成本课的学习。(学习理解)【教学活动】Step1: Greetings and warm up


Step2: Presentation

Present the new words:

manners, though, modest, praise, private, elderly, guest, extra, waiterwaitress, tip

The students read these words together. After the reading, let two students do the activity.

Step3: Listening & Reading

Listen to the text and fill in the blanks

Read the lesson and match the behaviours with the correct countries Read the passage, find out the topic sentence and then finish the

chart with the group members. (设计意图:将中西方文化差异以思维导图的形式总结下来,

Topic sentence :Understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other, live together and work together Have a memory test about the text!

Step5: 知识点

1. call A B 把A称为B

When you call me European, I say yes.


Why do I call it dreaming?


2. ( be) embarrassed about 对…感到尴尬

3.Though I have lived here for a long time, I still don’t feel Canadian.

though /although引导让步状语从句, though /although和 but 不能连用,但是可以still和yet连用. “Which is the most important festival in China?”

4. If someone praises you and says that your English is excellent.

praise sb. for sth.


5. When Chinese people eat out in restaurants, they may take turns paying for the meal.

take turns doing sth 轮流做某事.=take turns to do sth.

Show the PPT, let students do the exercise.






Recite the new words and phrases and Finish Lesson 45 in the exercise book




Write down a report about the cultural differences between the two countries.



第(1)课时 课题:书法---写字基本知识 课型:新授课 教学目标:1、初步掌握书写的姿势,了解钢笔书写的特点。2、了解我国书法发展的历史。3、掌握基本笔画的书写特点。 重点:基本笔画的书写。 难点:运笔的技法。 教学过程: 一、了解书法的发展史及字体的分类: 1、介绍我国书法的发展的历史。 2、介绍基本书体:颜、柳、赵、欧体,分类出示范本,边欣赏边讲解。 二、讲解书写的基本知识和要求: 1、书写姿势:做到“三个一”:一拳、一尺、一寸(师及时指正) 2、了解钢笔的性能:笔头富有弹性;选择出水顺畅的钢笔;及时地清洗钢笔;选择易溶解的钢笔墨水,一般要固定使用,不能参合使用。换用墨水时,要清洗干净;不能将钢笔摔到地上,以免笔头折断。 三、基本笔画书写 1、基本笔画包括:横、撇、竖、捺、点等。 2、教师边书写边讲解。 3、学生练习,教师指导。(姿势正确) 4、运笔的技法:起笔按,后稍提笔,在运笔的过程中要求做到平稳、流畅,末尾处回锋收笔或轻轻提笔,一个笔画的书写要求一气呵成。在运笔中靠指力的轻重达到笔画粗细变化的效果,以求字的美观、大气。 5、学生练习,教师指导。(发现问题及时指正) 四、作业:完成一张基本笔画的练习。 板书设计:写字基本知识、一拳、一尺、一寸 我的思考:通过导入让学生了解我国悠久的历史文化,激发学生学习兴趣。这是书写的起步,让学生了解书写工具及保养的基本常识。基本笔画书写是整个字书写的基础,必须认真书写。 课后反思:学生书写的姿势还有待进一步提高,要加强训练,基本笔画也要加强训练。 总第(2)课时 课题:书写练习1 课型:新授课 教学目标:1、教会学生正确书写“杏花春雨江南”6个字。2、使学生理解“杏花春雨江南”的意思,并用钢笔写出符合要求的的字。 重点:正确书写6个字。 难点:注意字的结构和笔画的书写。

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 8:Lesson 45 Different Manners 教案

冀教版九年级 Lesson45:Different Manners Title Lesson45 Different Manners Teaching aims Knowledge 1.To learn about different manners in different countries. 2.To learn to use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. Ability 1.To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. 2.To be polite and cultured while going abroad or being with foreigners. Emotion To help the students understand the world better and behave better. Project Content Aims Teaching procedures Step1: Lead-in and warm up T: Look at these pictures. They describe cultures in different countries. Try to divide them into two parts. Motivate the students. Step2: Listening and Reading 1. Listen to the first two paragraphs and answer the questions: How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? Why doesn't he feel Canadian? 2.First-reading ①Read the passage and match the behaviors with the correct country. ②Read the passage, find out the topic sentence and then finish the chart with the group members. Topic sentence: Understanding cultural differences Students can understand better through listening and reading. Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson.


Lesson 45: Different Manners(黑体四号) 一、语篇研读(一级标题黑体小四) 本节课选自冀教版九年级下册Unit 8 Culture Shape Lesson45,本节课主要讲述中国和北美国家的文化异同,主要介绍了双方在品德,日常交际和礼仪上的异同。 本文中作者吴舟介绍了中国和加拿大之间的一些文化差异。学生通过学习本课更深入的理解双方文化,要求学生掌握一些与不同礼仪有关的词汇,句型及常识。 通过本文的学习,我们将进一步了解世界不同文化之间存在各种各样的差异。了解这些文化差异有助于我们增进了解,和谐共处。我们要尊重世界文化的多样性和差异性,积极参与跨文化交流。 (正文宋体小四,行间距22) 二、教学目标 通过本课的学习,学生能够: 1.通过展示图片和视频,让学生了解中外文化的差异 2.帮助学生了解和运用一些与本课相关的词汇和短语。 3.鼓励学生在小组中讨论并分享中外文化及体验。 4.提高学生的听力和口语技能,让他们尝试用英语描述中外文化的差异 三、教学过程(依据教学目标设计教学活动) 【教学目标】1.获取文章中提到的谚语,包括相关的词汇和短语,以及在小组中讨论并分享关于本课的精华,完成本课的学习。(学习理解)【教学活动】Step1: Greetings and warm up 出示三组不同的图片对比,引出今天文化差异的课题。 Step2: Presentation Present the new words: manners, though, modest, praise, private, elderly, guest, extra, waiterwaitress, tip The students read these words together. After the reading, let two students do the activity. Step3: Listening & Reading Listen to the text and fill in the blanks Read the lesson and match the behaviours with the correct countries Read the passage, find out the topic sentence and then finish the

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 8:Lesson 45 Different Manners. 课程

Lesson45: Different Manners (教学设计) 课题: Different Manners课时:One period 授课类型:New lesson 1.教材内容分析:本节课选自冀教版三年级起始版九年级下Unit 8 Culture Shapes Lesson45,本节课主要讲述中国和北美国家的文化异同,主要介绍了双方在品德,日常交际和礼仪上的异同。学生通过学习本课更深入的理解双方文化,要求学生掌握一些与不同礼仪有关的词汇,句型及常识。 2.学情分析:对于九年级的学生来说,部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础,掌握了一些英美国家日常生活的不同传统特点,但总体来说,还比较少。学生词汇量和信息量少。 3.教学方法:任务型教学法,合作讨论法。 4.学法指导:合作交流,自主探究,观察法。 教学内容: Mastery words and expressions: though, praise, private,call oneself sth., a sign of, embarrassed about, pay for. 教学目标: 1. 知识目标: To learn about different manners in different countries and use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. 2.能力目标:To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. 3.情感目标:.Cultivate the students’ spirit of cooperation. 重点: Talk about the different manners in different countries and grasp the adverbial clause with “though” or “although”. 难点:To know about the different manners between China and Canada. 教学准备: PPT. audiotape, pictures Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Lead-in and warming- up. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the following questions: (1).In your opinion, what are good manners?(2)Do you think cultures shape manners?(Give the students five minutes then report .Aims: Motivate the Ss.) Step 2: Listening (Aims: get to know about the content and key information about the lesson,) 1.First check the pronunciations and usages of new words by previewing. Make sure students can read and master key words. 2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions: “How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? Why doesn’t he feel Canadians?”( ask them write down the answers by themselves , share in groups, and report .) Step3.Reading 1.Fast-reading: Read the passage, find out the topic sentence 2.Detailed-reading .(Give Ss five minutes to finish the task by working in groups. Aims: Make students understand the text better. ) Step3. Grammar-learning: (Adverbial clause with “though” , “although”and “but”.) 1.Read the passage again and find out the sentences with “though” and “although”. And pay attention to the sentences 2.Ask students to observe the sentences and induce the rules (Discuss in groups and share the ideas, then report) (2)Conclude: “Although / though”and “but”are used when there is contrast between two objects. You shouldn’t use “but”and “although/though” together. Step 4: Discussion : Talk about other manners they know in different countries. First they write down what they know on the paper, then share them with others. And choose one or two groups to report. Step5. Practice: Finish the exercises Two on page 119.(Aims: Deal with the exercises and test the students mastery about the knowledge and the different manners between China and Canada. Summarize the using of “ though” ,“although” and “but” Step 6 Homework: To write a report about the different manners between China and Canada and give us the report about it next class

新冀教版第八单元Lesson45 Different Manners教学设计

课题名Lesson 45 Different Manners 主备人马建忠课时1课时 上课教师上课时间2015年月日 教学目标To learn about different manners in different countries. To learn to use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. To be polite and cultured while going abroad or being with foreigners. To help the students understand the world better and behave better. 教学重点To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. To be polite and cultured while going abroad or being with foreigners. 教学难点To learn to use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. 教学步骤教学过程个性化设计 Lead-in Step1: Lead-in and warm up T: Look at these pictures. They describe cultures in different countries. Try to divide them into two parts. Present the Learning Aims and Tasks 1、Master the following words and phrases: tell ;teach ; call ; live; praise sound like be different from take turns each other pay for have been to 2、Master the following sentences: Joe is an English name that sounds like Zhou When Chinese people eat out in restaurants, they may take turns paying for the meal. I think understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other, live together and work together. Self-learning & Group-work Step2: Listening and Reading 1. Listen to the first two paragraphs and answer the questions: How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? Why doesn't he feel Canadian? 2.First-reading ①Read the passage and match the behaviors with the correct country. Step3: Practice 1.Have a memory test about the text! (Team work) Give students different parts of the sentences, they should finish the sentences first and then try to make them together to get the whole sentences. (We can give different groups different parts of it, and then let them to share it together and make the whole passage. Or we can give all to each group, but each student only has parts of it, they should finish their parts first and then make the whole passage. We can have a competition among the groups.)

冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners教案

Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners教案Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: though, praise, private Oral words and expressions: call oneself sth, a sign of, embarrassed about, be done, pay for, Teaching Aims: 1. Let the students know the different manners between China and Canada. 2. Create the students' spirit of cooperation. Teaching Important Points: 1. Talk about the different manners in different countris.. 2. Grasp the adverbial clause with “though” or “although”. Teaching Difficult Points: Let the students know the different manners between China and Canada. Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Discuss the following questions: In your opinion, what are good manners? Do you think cultures shape manners? Give the students five minutes to finish the task. Pay attention to all the students' feelings. Let all of them take part in the discussion. Step2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1. If somebody praises you and says that your English is excellent, you should be ________. 2. .Understanding cultural differences helps us to _________ each others. Step3. What cultural differences, besides the ones already discussed, have you noticed between China and English-speaking countries? Share your ideas with your classmates.


冀教2011版九年级英语全一册《Lesson45DifferentManners》 说课稿 一、课程背景 本教学内容为冀教2011版九年级英语全一册的第45课《Different Manners》。本节课的主要内容是介绍不同国家的礼仪和文化差异,通过学习和了解不同的礼仪,培养学生的跨文化交际能力和理解力。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: –学习并掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,如 manners, greeting, bow, etc. –了解不同国家的礼仪习惯,如日本、英国、中国等。 2.能力目标: –能够描述不同国家的礼仪差异。 –能够运用所学知识,进行跨文化交流。 3.情感目标: –培养学生的跨文化交际意识,尊重不同文化背景。 –培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 三、教学重点和难点 1.教学重点: –掌握本课的重点词汇、短语和句型。 –培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 2.教学难点:

–培养学生的观察力和理解力,让他们能够比较和分析不同国家的礼仪。 四、教学准备 1.教学工具: –教学PPT –黑板、彩色粉笔 2.素材准备: –不同国家的礼仪图片 –不同国家的双语资料 五、教学过程 Step 1:导入新课(5分钟) 1.创设情境,引起学生兴趣。 –通过展示不同国家的礼仪图片,让学生猜测不同国家的礼仪习惯。 –引导学生分享自己的经历,谈论自己在不同文化背景下的体验。 Step 2:课文教学(25分钟) 1.学习重点词汇和短语。 –通过PPT展示单词和短语,教授发音和使用方法。 2.听读课文,理解主要内容。 –分段播放课文录音,同时呈现课文。 –阐述课文中的关键词、句型和表达方式。 3.合作讨论,分析课文细节。 –将学生分组,让他们通过合作讨论,分析课文中的礼仪差异。

冀教版九年级英语全一册《nit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners》赛课导学案_18

Lesson 45Different Manners教学设计 教学目标 知识目标: 使学生掌握词汇though,praise,private,guest,manners, modest, virtue, elderly, extra, waiter, tip 及短语sound like,praise sb for (doing) sth,take turns doing/to do,pay for 能力目标: 1、能根据所给问题,通过速读,理解文章,回答问题并归纳文章主旨。 2、能在具体情境中体会though引导的状语从句。 3、能根据阅读技巧和策略阅读课外补充资料。 情感目标: 了解不同的文化塑造不同的礼仪;感受不同的文化礼仪,并学会尊重不同的文化。教学重难点 重点:主要词汇及短语,though的用法 难点:用英语描述中西方文化差异 教学过程 一、创设情境,切入主题 Step1:lead-in. 采用图片让学生猜测“manners”词义,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生初步了解不同国家的礼仪。 Step2: learn some new words创设情境,帮助学生更好地理解并记忆。 二、展开过程,探究新知 Step4: fast reading 1.How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? 2.What’s the topic sentence of the passage? 设计意图:培养学生通过快速阅读把握文章整体结构及主旨大意的能力。 Step5: Careful-reading 合作探究一:Fill in the chart. (Cultural differences between China and Canada ) 设计意图:培养学生通过仔细阅读,从文中提取关键信息的能力。 合作探究二: Find out the key phrases from the lesson 设计意图:学生应是学习的主体,教师要努力调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,通过组内合作讨论,探究,找出文中的关键单词和短语,把所学的知识转化为学习能力。 Step6: Do exercises 2 on Page119.(although/though语法探究) 设计意图:锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的语感。让学生能抓住文中

冀教版九年级英语 Lesson 45Different Manners学案设计

Unit8 Culture Shapes Us-Lesson45: Different Manners 一、学习目标 1.Knowledge aims: ss. know the main idea of this lesson, learn the new words and phrases by heart. 2.Skill aims: ss. know more about differences manners between China and English-speaking countries. 3.Emotion aims: ss. can feel that different cultures and different manners are interesting and important, we should be polite to others in daily life. 二、重难点分析 重点: To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. 难点: To help the students understand the world better and behave better. 三、学习过程 1.学法指导 Task-based teaching and learning 2.知识准备 Review contents we studied in lesson 44. 3.预习检测 Let some students write the old words on the blackboard 4.合作研讨 A.任务阅读 1.Read the text again, then find the main idea of this lesson. 2.Discuss and find the important sentences and language notes in this lesson. B.难点点拨 1.Though I have lived here for a long time ,I still don't feel Canadian.


Lesson45 Different Manners Title Lesson45 Different Manners Teaching aims Knowledge 1.To learn about different manners in different countries. 2.To learn to use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. Ability 1.To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite. 2.To be polite and cultured while going abroad or being with foreigners. Emotion To help the students understand the world better and behave better. Project Content Aims Teaching procedures Step1: Lead-in and warm up T: Look at these pictures. They describe cultures in different countries. Try to divide them into two parts. Motivate the Ss. Step2: Listening and Reading 1.Listen to the first two paragraphs and answer the questions How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? Why doesn't he feel Canadian? 2.First-reading ①Read the passage and match the behaviors with the correct country. ②Read the passage, find out the topic sentence and then finish the chart with the group members. Topic sentence: Understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other, live together and Students can understand better through listening and reading. Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson.

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 8:Lesson 45 Different Manners. 课程

Lesson 45 Different Manners 教学设计 I. Learning aims: 1.New and phrases 2.了解中国和北美洲国家的礼仪不同 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c419043556.html,nguage points 4.(1)连系动词sound、taste 、smell、look、feel的用法 (2)牢记polite及其相关词形 (3)熟练掌握though/Although引导的让步状语从句II.Key points : (1) How to use “though” and “ although” (2) polite相关形式的构成 III Difficult points : 连系动词的用法 IV. Teaching Procedures Step I Leading—in Two pictures about different manners between China and North America StepII New words manners though modest virtue praise private elderly guest extra waiter tip Students Activities: 1. Learn the new words by phonetic symbol 2. Read the words together and then in groups 3. Have a test about new words Step III Listening

In China , being modest is a______. If someone ______ you and say that your English is __________, you should be _______ and says ,“ No ,no . My English is still poor.” But in North America, this is usually A sign of being weak and not_________. You should just say, “Thank you.” Students Activities: 1. Listen to the text and know the meaning of passage 2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks 3. Correct the answers Step IV Reading 1.Read the text and finish task 1 (ppt) (5min) 2.Read the text again and find key phrases(7) 3.Put the key phrases into practice 1. We should _____ little Debbie ____ her courage. (因…...而表扬) 2.It’s a long way. We can _____________(轮流)driving. 3. He___ 100 yuan ____ the shirt.(付款) 4. ___ ___ _______ (依你之见),who can win the first prize in the English competition. 5. It __________(听起来像)a good ideas. Step V Languages Points 1.Being modest is a virtue.

Unit8Lesson45教学设计 冀教版英语九年级全册

冀教版英语九年级Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners 教学设计

1.Read the lesson and match the behaviours with the correct countries. 2.Match and complete the sentences. 3.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box. 4.What cultural differences, besides the ones already discussed, have you noticed between China and English- -speaking countries? Share your ideas with your classmates. Step5 Language points 1 .表语从句 2.praise+n./pron.称赞 praise sb. for sth.因某事赞扬某人 in praise of 赞美 3.p rivate privately 4.b oth ... and ... 5.offer sb. sth. Step6. Dig in Western table manners napkin folk and knife Step7. Discussion What's the importance of manners? Watch the video and then discuss it with your classmates. Step8. Exercise 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1.Dr. Zhong receives high pfrom his patients. 2.Lucy often helps me with my English, 完成课本上和 课文相关的练 习 讲解课文中的 重点语法 了解西方就餐 礼仪 看视频,讨论 所给问题 完成习题 巩固和掌握文中 重点词汇用法及 课文内容 对文章中出现的 知识点,及时指 出并讲解,为以 后做题奠定基础 了解西方就餐礼 仪,提高口语水 平 学习礼节的重要 性,提高口语水 平 日积月累掌握做 题技巧

冀教版九年级英语全册教学设计Unit 8 Lesson 45教案

Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching Content Lesson 45 is the third lesson in Unit 8, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject Culture shapes us. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 45 mainly talks about Wu Zhou’s life in Canada, and he introduce the different manners between China and Canada. 【知识目标】 1. To master the words : though, praise, private, guest, manners, modest, virtue, elderly, extra, waiter, tip. 2. To master the phrases: call oneself sth, a sign of, embarrassed about, be done, pay for. 【能力目标】 Improve the students’ ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Let the students know the different manners between China and Canada. 【情感目标】 Create the students' spirit of cooperation.Teach students should be polite to others in daily life. 【教学重点】 To master the words and phrases. 【教学难点】 To know the different manners between China and Canada. Tape recorder, Multimedia

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45教案

Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners 知识目标单词praise,modest,polite,though, embarrassed,adult 词组be different from,be polite to,take turns,pay for 句型It is not polite to ask an adult’s age. I have many good friends in Canada though Canadian culture is different from Chinese culture.They may take turns paying for the meal. 技能目标能听懂本课时的听力材料,能说出本课时的重 要句型,能运用句式用英语谈论学习方法 掌握文中重点短语和句型。 掌握文中单词praise,modest,polite,though,embarrassed,adult并能熟练记忆。 Step 1:Warming up T:Hello,boys and girls.Nice to meet you!Today we are going to learn different manners,are you interested in foreign manners? Ss:Yes! T:OK!First,does anybody know some differences? S:(stand up)They are not asking private things,while it is different in China. T:Oh,that is very good.Thank you. T:Anything else?

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