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1.Please acce pt our tha nks for the t ro uble you have take n.


2.We are obliged t o tha nk yo u for your kind attent io n in this matter.


3.We tender yo u our s incere tha nks fo r your ge nerous t reatment of us in this affa ir.


4.A llo w us to t hank you fo r the kindness extende d to us.


5.We thank you fo r the spe c ia l c are you have given to t he matter.


6.We should be gra teful fo r your t ria l o rde r.


7.We should be gra teful fo r your furnis hing us deta ils of your requirements.


8.It will be great ly appre c iate d if you will kindly send us your samples.如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。

9.We sha ll a pprec iate it very m uch if you will give o ur bid yo ur favorable cons iderat io n.


10.We are great ly o blige d for yo ur bulk o rde r just rece ived.


11.We assure yo u of our best serv ices at a ll t imes.


12.If there is a nything we can do to he lp yo u, we s ha ll be more tha n please d to do so.


13.It wo uld give us a great pleasure to render you a sim ila r serv ice should a n oppo rtunity occ ur.


14.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of serv ice to yo u.


15.We sha ll be very glad t o ha ndle fo r you at very lo w c omm iss io n charges.


16.We have a lways bee n able to supply t hese f irms with t he ir mo nthly requirements without int errupt ion.


17.We take this oppo rtunity t o re-emphas ize t hat we s ha ll, at a ll t im es, do everything poss ible to give you whatever info rmat ion yo u des ire.


18.We are a lways in a pos it ion to quote you the most advantage ous prices for higher qua lity merc handise.


19.T his plac es our dea le rs in a highly c ompet it ive pos it io n a nd a lso enable them to e njoy a max imum prof it.


20.We so lic it a c ont inuance of your c onf ide nce and suppo rt.
