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Top 10 赞美


客人说"You must be tired? Have a good rest.".然而,普通的问候之语却有可能让西方人误解为你对她的身体状况表示担忧。他们很喜欢别人夸他们年轻、强壮,如果你质疑他们的身体健康,他们甚至会发怒的。

Top 9 致谢

中国人认为对家里人或者好朋友的帮助是one's own obligation, no need to thank or be thanked,彼此根本不必说谢谢,说了反而显得关系生分。而老外对家人或者朋友的帮忙都习惯说谢谢,他们期待polite expression like "please", "thank you",etc所以,和老外相处,千万不要吝啬"谢谢"两个字。"谢"少了只会让老外觉得你羞涩且不懂礼貌。

Top 8 出游

中国人结伴出游的时候,如果买什幺东西,花钱的那个人一般都会先统计有几个人,然后按照人头购买东西,即便有人之前客气地说不要,中国人还是会给他买上一份。When a Chinese offers refreshments or drinks to his colleague, hiscolleague often declines the offer politely, because he doesn't want to troublethe person who offers and it also shows his politeness. Normally the person whooffers still prepares or buys refreshments or drinks, and this will be expectedby his colleague. Sharing food and drink when going out together is commonamong colleagues and friends.然而和老外结伴出游,如果你客气地推说不需要某样东西,那幺对方真的就不会给你买。他们觉得不给你买是尊重你的决定。Respect one's own decision, "yes" means one wants it,"no" means one doesn't, politeness is usually shown by theexpression_r 'thank you' or


Top 7 称呼

当外国人听到中国人称呼他们为"老外"的时候,他们心里是不高兴的,因为他们觉得自己并不老,且很健康。他们dislike being labelled as "old", being young valued abovebeing old.而当他们听到中国人管外国小孩也叫"老外"的时候,他们才明白"老"其实是对某个人的尊称,比如老张,老王。"Lao" is a commonly used term by Chinese people to addresssomeone who is older than the speaker to show his politeness, respect andcloseness. The term does not necessarily mean old age. "Lao Wai" is acolloquial term of address for foreigners.

Top 6 送别

中国人表达情感的方式相对内敛。送别的时候,他们强忍泪水,吝于拥抱,种种"冷淡"表现让老外深感诧异。所以,如果你和老外送别,举止不妨洒脱奔放一些,可别让他们觉得你是"冷血动物". Like everyone else we are affectionate to our friends andrelatives, but perhaps we show our affection in public less than other peoples.Maybe the whole family as well as some friends will go to the railway stationor the airport to see a person off, no matter whether he/she goes abroad tostudy or to another province for work. This may well strike many Westerners asvery moving, yet they might be puzzled when they see that nobody will hug or kisswhen the time comes for saying goodbye. Friends may shake hands with the personwho is leaving and

parents may hold his/her hand for a long time with tears intheir eyes, but with no other physical contact. In fact hugging and kissing areseldom seen in public in China, no matter what the occasion is.

Top 5 鼓掌

当众发言的时候,如果别人给自己鼓掌,为了表达谢意,中国人通常都会暂停发言,而后随着听众一起鼓掌。In this way he expresses his thanks to the audience. 可是老外就不理解为何要自己给自己鼓掌。自己给自己鼓掌,多不谦虚啊。Of course, when a Chinese speaker claps his hands as the audience isapplauding, he is not applauding himself, but expressing his thanks to hisaudience. As noted earlier, Westerners feel puzzled when watching such a scene,since they think the speaker or the performer is applauding himself. 所以,以后老外在场,发言的人不妨用鞠躬或者挥手代替鼓掌。当然,微笑站立也是一种选择。

Top 4 眼神

许多中国人在和别人说话,或者当众发言的时候,羞于和听众进行眼神的交流。Some of them, perhaps because of nervousness, like to bury theirnose in their manuscript to read their speech all the time. 这种做法其实是不礼貌的。与人交流的时候,老外expectseye contact, though this does not have to be constant. 而当众发言的时候,老外lookat his audience now and then. 他们是不会把脑袋埋在稿子里面说话的。Speaking in public is also a kind of two-way communication, whichneeds eye contact from both sides. The speaker will certainly feel embarrassedwhen he sees
