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大学英语精读第六册 Unit 01

Phrase & Expressions

on the job: while working; at work 在上班,在工作岗位上,忙碌

break down into: separate into different kinds; divide into types


a variety (of): a number or collection of different sorts of the same general type


make up : form as a whole; constitute 组成, 构成

as a whole:普遍说来, 一般地说,整体来看

under consideration: being discussed; begin given thoughtful attention


as such: as being what is indicated or suggested; in itself or in themselves

依其身份、资格或名义等; 本身,

take on: begin to have; assume 具有(特征等),呈现,呈现某种特性

write up: rewrite in a fuller, better organized way; give a full written account of 整理好写成文章, 全部写出, 详细描写

get down: write, record (usu. quickly or with difficulty) 写下; 记下,记录下

live by:make a living from(sth.or doing sth.) 靠……谋生

live for:have as a reason for living;give most attention to

为…而生活, 以…为生活目的,极注意

live on:have as one’s only food;live at the cost of(sb.else)


live out:live till the end of 活过,活到

live through:remain alive in spite of or through the time of(sth.)

经历过; 经历…而未死,经受过,经历过,熬过

live up to: act according to;do(what is expected or promised)


live with:learn to accept(sth.unpleasant);put up with


get across:(cause to)become understood or accepted 使理解,接受

get along:advance;form or have a friendly relationship(with sb.)


get around/round:(of news)spread;move freely,travel


get around/round to: find time for(sth.or doing sth.)有时间做

get at: mean;reach and discover 意味着,意思是,够得着,发现

get by:pass;continue to live,often in spite of difficulties

经过,度日, 继续存在

get down: record(sth.)in writing 写下; 记下,记录下

get down to: begin to give serious attention to 开始认真注意

get over: recover from;deal with;control 痊愈,处理,解决,控制

get through: reach(sb.)by telephone;finish 接通电话,完成


Translate the following sentences into English:



When the task you encounter seems too big, it will be of help to break it down into several smaller and easier subsections to deal with.

解析: “面临”可用:encounter, meet with; “分解”可用: break sth. down into

或者: When the task you are facing seems too great, it may be helpful to break it down into certain smaller and easier tasks.


If you aren’t opposed, I’d like to duplicate the data on our experiment.

解析: “反对”可用:oppose, object; “复制”可用:duplicate, copy

或者:If you don’t object. I want to duplicate the data related to our experiment. 3.史密斯女士刚从波士顿开会回来,老板立刻要她写出一份报告给他。

As soon as Miss Smith came back from a meeting in Boston, her boss asked her to write it up soon.