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Ⅰ. True or false.

Directions: Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T in the brackets after a true statements and an F before a false statements.

1. Language is a logical system.

2. Language is capable of producing new forms and meanings.

3. Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ only in one sound.

4. The ways in which words follow one another and are related to one another is called the syntagmatic dimension of language, the dimension of “chaining” or “sequencing”.

5. In general, a rising intonation is seen as being more impolite that a falling one.

6. Conscious knowledge of rules does not help acquisition according to Krashen.

7. The goal of foreign language teaching is to produce over-users of monitor.

8. Krashen believes that adults are better language learners, while children are better language acquirers.

9. For Krashen, the affective filter is the principal source of individual difference in second language acquisition.

10. The natural order hypothesis is presumed by Krashen to be the result of the learned system, operating free of conscious grammar.

11. One function of a language can only be expressed by one structure.

12. A normal lesson should have the all the stages discussed in this unit and the stages should be in fixed order.

13. Usually a lesson should focus on practicing one single skill so that the students can develop that skill successfully.

14. The stages of a lesson overlap.

15. At each stage of the lesson, activities focus on all four skills.

16. Lesson plans are useful only before the lesson.

17. If the teacher uses the same techniques, some students may not have the chance to learn in the way that suits them best.

18. There is no one absolutely correct way to draw up a lesson plan and each teacher will decide what suits him or her best, but all good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.

19. In order to keep students interested in learning English it is important to include a variety of activities and techniques in the lesson.

20. It is enough to introduce a range of different activities into a lesson to keep the students interested in learning English.

21. A real good lesson plan should be long and complicated with detailed lesson notes.

22. Time can be saved by deciding on a format which suits you and then keeping a pile of blanks.

23. All good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.

24. Writing a comment after each lesson is a useful habit for a teacher to get into.

25. It is accepted by most experts of foreign language teaching that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 16th century.

26. Until the 16th century Latin was taught through active use of speech and written text without grammar analysis.

27. The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from Comparative

Historical Linguistics.

28. The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was Faculty Psychology. The Faculty Psychologists believed that the mind of human beings had various faculties which could be trained separately.

29. In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.

30. The most obvious characteristics of the Communicative Approach is that almost everything that is done is done with a communicative intent.

31. Feedback refers to any information which provides a report on the result of communication which takes place not only between the listener and the speaker.

32. Learning is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process.

33. With regard to syllabus design, the Communicative Approach emphasizes topics.

34. Today both language teaching experts and classroom teachers agree that the communicative approach is the best.

35. The Total Physical Response method emphasizes comprehension and the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level.

36. The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.

37. In practice, Community Language Learning is most often used in the teaching of writing skill and the course progression is topic based.

38. A suggestopadia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible.

39. The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.

40. The vowel is produced without (or with little) restriction during its production and is always voiced.

41. V owels are formed mainly by the position of the tongue and, secondarily, by the shape of the lips and movement of the jaw.

42. Consonants vary depending on where and how the air stream gets through, the place and movement of the tongue, and also whether the voice is used or not.

43. A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit, incapable of change in different phonetic environments.

44. The back-chaining technique means the students repeat a sentence after the teacher, starting from the end part of the sentence and moving towards the beginning.

45. Of the two types of sentence stress, sense stress shows contrast, while logical stress shows meaning.

46. Pitch is produced by frequency of vibration of the vocal cords. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

47. Usually low key is used for emphasis and contrast; mid key indicates an expected, neutral attitude; and low key provides low information.

48. Of the four possible tune movements, high fall is used for statements and wh-questions; high rise is used for questions asking for repetition of something; low rise is for yes/no questions, etc. and fall rise is for corrections and polite contradictions.

49. The most powerful signal of stress is a change of pitch on the vowel.

50. Syllables are short when they are stressed.

51. Techniques for grouping items of vocabulary fall into three general categories: semantic fields, phonological sets and grammatical sets. Grouping items related by topics, for example, types of fruit, belongs to the semantic fields.

52. Metaphor is a way of talking about one thing in terms of another. It is a device for creating and extending meaning.

53. The relationship between the spoken and written word is identical in English.

54. Semantization means that every new word should be presented in such a way that its meaning becomes clear to the learner.

55. Verbal presentation of new words means that the meaning of a second language word is demonstrated through concrete objects, visual aids, or through mime and acting.

56. An exercise with heterogeneity gives no opportunity for the really advanced students to exercise their capacity.

57. An exercise with heterogeneity can also have a positive effect on learner attitude and motivation. It provides an opportunity for the teacher to give slower or less confident students the approval and encouragement they need.

58. In the “language awareness” exercise, the statement “The baby’s crying” informs about a third person’s whereabouts.

59. In Hammer’s five-step model, the purpose of “elicitation” is to provide the teacher with feed back as to what to do next.

60. The aim of the practice stage is to cause the learners to absorb the structure thoroughly.

61. If we ask the class to listen and we ask the questions afterwards, we are helping them improve their listening skill indeed.

62. An important part of the skill of listening is being able to predict what the speaker is going to say next

63. In an English class we are usually concerned with casual listening.

64. It is important for the teacher to show students how easy it is to understand something from authentic materials rather than how difficult it is to understand everything.

65. Students almost always enjoy listening to stories.

66. If the teacher were talking too much in class the students would not be learning.

67. Listening activities can only be conducted with the whole class.

68. When the students listen to recorded materials there is very little opportunity for immediate interaction.

69. Silent reading involves looking at the text and saying the words silently to yourself.

70. There are no major differences between how one reads in one’s mother tongue and how one reads in a foreign language.

71. To understand a word, you have to read all the letters in it; to understand a sentence you have to read all the words in it.

72. The teacher can help the students to read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their books.

73. Normally when we read our eyes flick backwards and forwards over the text

74. In order to understand a text well, it is absolutely necessary to understand every word in the first place.

75. Authentic materials can only be used in the classroom for beginners.

76. Texts are usually used in English classes for two main purposes: as a way of developing reading comprehension and as a way of learning new language.

77. Through reading the students not only learn new language, but also develop their reading skills.

78. When the readers read to get the general picture, only the main points are what they are interested in, not the detail.

79. Planned conversations usually degenerate into silence or involve only a small number of students.

80. If the chosen topic for a conversation lesson is too general it will not excite the students, if it is too specific some students will be interested, and others not.

答案:1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. F 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. T 20. F 21. F 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. F 26. T 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. T 31. T 32. T 33. F 34. F 35. T 36. F 37. F 38. T 39. T 40. T 41. T 42. T 43. F 44. T 45. F 46. T 47. F 48. T 49. T 50. F 51. T

52. T 53. F 54. T 55. F 56. F 57. T 58. F 59. T 60. T 61. F 62. T 63. F 64. T 65. T 66. F 67. F 68. T 69. F 70. F 71. F 72. F 73. T 74. F 75. F 76. T 77.

T78.T 79. T80. T

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s).

1. Language teaching involves three main disciplines. They are linguistics, psychology and ____.

2. Linguistics is the study of language as a system of human ____.

3. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental processes that a person uses in producing and understanding language, and how humans learn ____.

4. _____ is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.

5. Sociology is the study of language in relation to ____, such as social class, educational level and so on.

6. At a macro level, society and community influence classroom teaching ____.

7. The making of foreign language education policy must take into consideration the ____ and educational situation of the country.

8. The goals for secondary education are ____ from those for higher education.

9. Syllabus determines teaching aims, objectives, contents and ____.

10. Teaching materials should agree with or reflect the teaching ____, aims, objectives and teaching methods.

11. The ____ approach to language study is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation.

12. The ____ approach to language is to see it in terms of the bits and pieces by means of which it is put together.

13. The most common word order in English is ____, with other sentence constituents draped around these key parts in various ways.

14. According to the functionalists, language has three functions: ____, expressive, and social.

15. ____ is the study of how words combine to form sentences and the rules which govern the formation of sentences.

16. According to Skinner, language behavior can only be studied through observation of the ____ factors.

17. According to the behaviorists, all learning takes place through ____.

18. Mentalism holds that a human being possesses a mind which has consciousness, ideas, etc., and the mind can influence the ____ of the body.

19. The interactionalist’s position is that language develops as a result of the complex ____ between the uniquely human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops.

20. Chomsky refers to the child’s innate endowment as ____, a set of principles which are common to all languages.

21. If the aim of a lesson is “To learn the names of colours” the lesson may focus on a particular ______ .

22. The cardinal rule means _________________ .

23. “Knowing English” must mean knowing how to __________ in English.

24. The three main things that a learner has to acquire when learning a new structure are the form, meaning and _____ of the structure.

25. The attitudinal and emotional factors can be expressed in an item of vocabulary. These are often referred to as ____.

26. ____ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.

27. Animal is a super-ordinate term, while cow, horse, pig, dog, cat, etc. are ____.

28. There is a lack of consistency between ____ and pronunciation in English.

29. Grammar is a description of the ____ of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language.

30. The emphasis of the product perspective on grammar is on the component parts of the language system, divided up into separat e forms. Each form is the ____ of the grammarian’s analysis.

31. Process teaching engages learners in ____, formulating their own meanings in contexts over which they have considerable control.

32. When we teach grammar as ____, the learner is required to attend to grammar, while working on tasks which retain an emphasis on language use.

33. The complex form-function relationship is not a simplified, a one-to-one ____.

34. ________ are represented by phonetic symbols because there is no one-to-one correspondence between written letters and spoken sounds.

35. ________ is often described as the music of speech—the way the voice goes up and down as we speak.

36. Most contributors to the Communicative Approach share the view that language is used for communication and are more concerned with meaning than with ____________.

37. At one time ______________ was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.

38. When we use the word __________________ we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind.

39. A __________________ is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in efficient learning.

40. The three major causes for errors are: mother tongue interference, ______________________, and inappropriate teaching materials or methods.

答案:1. pedagogy 2. communication 3. language 4. Applied linguistics 5. social factors 6.indirectly 7. economic 8.different 9. methods 10. principles 11. functional

12 structural 13. SVO 14. descriptive 15. Syntax 16. external 17. h abit formation 18. behavior 19. interplay 20. universal grammar 21. topic 22.one thing at a time

23. communicate 24. use 25. connotation or affective meaning 26. Register 27. hyponyms

28. spelling 29. structure 30. product 31. language use 32. skill

33. correspondence, or: relationship 34. Sound 35. Intonation 36. structure

37. the grammar-translation method 38. approach 39. method 40. overgeneralization

Ⅲ. Term and its definition.

Directions: give briefly explanation of each term.

1.approach:When we use the word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever

the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind.

2.technique:When we talk about a technique, we mean a procedure used in the classroom. Techniques are

the tricks in classroom teaching.

3.method: A method is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is

hoped will result in efficient learning.

4.methodology:Methodology is the principle and techniques of teaching with no necessary reference to


5.sociolinguistics: Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, that is, social class,

educational level and type of education, age, sex, ethic origin, etc.

6.SR-model: SR-model refers to a connection which is established between a stimulus or stimulus situation (s)

and the organism’s response (R) to this stimulus.

7.phoneme: A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit or minimum unit of distinctive sound feature

8.casual listening: When we listen with no particular purpose in mind, and without much concentration, the

kind of listening is called casual listening.

Ⅳ. Short answers.

Directions: answer the following questions briefly.

1. How do you understand the difference between approach, method, and technique?

When we use the word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind. A method is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in efficient learning. When we talk about a technique, we mean a procedure used in the classroom.

A technique then is the narrowest term, meaning one single procedure. A method will consist of a number of techniques, probably arranged in a specific order. The word approach is much more general and has the implication that whatever method or techniques the teacher uses, he does not feel bound by these, but only by the theory in which he believes. If he can find new and better methods or techniques which will fit in with his approach, then he will adopt these.

2. What are the three views of language that support popular foreign language teaching?

They are the structural view; the functional view and the interactional view.

3. What are the elements with which a method is concerned?

There are six elements:

1.the nature of language;

2.the nature of language learning;

3.goals and objectives in teaching;

4.the type of syllabus to use;

5.the role of teachers, and instructional materials; and

6.the techniques and procedures to use.

4. What are the points of concern of methodology?

The points of concern of methodology include:

a. the study of the nature of language skills (eg. reading, writing, speaking, listening) and procedures for

teaching them

b. the study of the preparation of lessons plans, materials, and textbooks for teaching language skills

c. the evaluation and comparison of language teaching methods (eg. the Audiolingual Method)

d. such practices, procedures, principles, and beliefs themselves. (Richards, et al, 1985: 177)

5. Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?

He/she should have some knowledge about the related subjects such as linguistics, psychology and pedagogy. He should also know that a lot of variables influence classroom teaching. Factor like foreign language education policy, the goal of foreign language education, learners, teachers, syllabus, teaching method, teaching materials teaching aids, and assessment and evaluation all influence classroom teaching. If a teacher does not know them he would not be able to teach according to the circumstances and would achieve the best results possible.

6、In what sense can an understanding of the context of education contribute to language teaching and learning? Teaching and learning a foreign language inevitably involves relationships between different aspects of life, and teaching English successfully is not just a question of method. Other things influence English language teaching

(ELT) greatly. Refer to the nine variables discussed in the text.

7. Why do we say assessment has great backwash effects on foreign language teaching and learning?

Both positive and negative backwash effects. Assessment can provide teachers with feedback for lesson planning and remedial work. Students can also get information about their learning and progress, therefore have a sense of achievement. Through assessment they get to know their problems and areas for further study and improvement. However, inappropriate assessment can cause worries, discourage weak students, emphasis on grades instead of on abilities and competence, etc.

8. What is the difference between Skinner’s behaviorism and Chomsky’s mentalism?

Where behaviorism ignored the contribution of the child itself in the learning process, mentalism has practically denied that linguistic input and environment play a role in this process, and has generally paid very scant attention to the actual course language development takes.

9. Does Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition begin with theories, or with data?

Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition begins with theories or assumptions, not with data. H e used a deductive method, that is, he set up a number of hypotheses first, then collected information or data to support/refute his hypotheses.

10. What is the role of formal learning according to the monitor hypothesis?

The monitor hypothesis states that formal learning has only one function, and that is as a “monitor” or “editor” and that learning comes into play only to make changes in the form of our utterance, after it has been produced by the acquired system. Acquisition initiates the speaker’s utte rances and is responsible for fluency. Thus the monitor is thought to alter the output of the acquired system before or after the utterance is actually written or spoken, but the utterance is initiated entirely by the acquired system.

11. According to Krashen, there is only one way for human to acquire language. What is it?

By understanding meaningful messages or comprehensible input; the formula is i + 1.

12. What is the function of the affective filter?

According to the affective filter hypothesis, comprehensible input may not be utilized by second language acquirers if there is a “mental block” that prevents them from fully profiting from it. The affective filter acts as a barrier to acquisition: if the filter is “down”, the input reaches the LAD and be comes acquired competence; if the filter is “up”, the input is blocked and does not reach the LAD. Thus “input is the primary causative variable in SLA, affective variables acting to impel or facilitate the delivery of input to the LAD.”

13. What are some of the main stages of a lesson?

Here are some of the main stages of a lesson:

a.Presentation: The teacher presents new words or structures, gives examples, writes them on the board, etc.

b.Practice: Students practice using words or structures in a controlled way. Practice can be oral or written.

c.Production: Students use language they have learnt to express themselves more freely. Like practice,

production can be oral or written.

d.Reading: Students read a text and answer questions or do a simple task.

e.Listening: The teacher reads a text or dialogue while the students listen and answer questions, or the

students listen to the tape.

f.Revision: The teacher reviews language learnt in an earlier lesson, to refresh the students’ memories, or as a


数学奥林匹克初中训练题(1) 第 一 试 一、选择题:(每小题7分,共42分) 1.已知 33333a b c abc a b c ++-=++,则22()()()()a b b c a b b c -+-+--的值为( ) (A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4 2.规定”Δ”为有序实数对的运算,如果(,)a b Δ(,)(,).c d ac bd ad bc =++如果对任意实数,a b 都 有(,)a b Δ(,)(,),x y a b =则(,)x y 为( ) (A)(0,1) (B)(1,0) (C)(1,0)- (D)(0,1)- 3.在ΔABC 中, 211 a b c =+,则∠A( ) (A)一定是锐角 (B)一定是直角 (C)一定是钝角 (D)非上述答案 4.下列五个命题:①若直角三角形的两条边长为3与4,则第三边长是5; ②2;a =③若点(,) P a b 在第三象限,则点1(,1)P a b --+在第一象限;④连结对角线垂直且相等的四边形各边中点的四边形是正方形;⑤两边及其第三边上的中线对应相等的两个三角形全等.其中正确的命题的个数是( ) (A)2个 (B)3个 (C)4个 (D)5个 5.设P 为等腰Rt ΔABC 斜边AB 上或其延长线上一点,2 2 S AP BP =+,那么( ) (A)2 2S CP < (B)2 2S CP = (C)2 2S CP > (D)不确定 6.满足方程222()x y x y xy +=++的所有正整数解有( ) (A)一组 (B)二组 (C)三组 (D)四组 二、填空题:(每小题7分,共28分) 1.一辆客车,一辆货车和一辆小轿车在同一条直线上朝同一方向行驶,在某一时刻,货车在中,客车在前,小轿车在后,且它们的距离相等.走了10分钟,小轿车追上了货车;又走了5分钟,小轿车追上了客车.问再过 分钟,货车追上了客车. 2.若多项式2 2 28171642070P a ab b a b =-+--+,那么P 的最小值是 . 3.如图, ∠AOB=30O , ∠AOB 内有一定点P,且OP=10.在OA 上有一点Q,OB 上有一点R.若ΔPQR 周长最小,则最小周长是 . 4.已知二次函数2 (1)y ax a =≥的图象上两点A,B 的横坐标分别为 1,2-,O 是坐标原点,如果ΔAOB 是直角三角形,则ΔAOB 的周长为 . B




一、单选题(题数:20,共 40.0 分) 1 创造性天才与普通人最大的区别在于()。(2.0分)2.0 分 ?A、 智商超过常人很多 ? ?B、 情商高于常人 ? ?C、 思维方式与众不同 ? ?D、 体力超过常人很多 ? 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 2 关于头脑风暴法的描述,哪一项是错误的?()(2.0分)2.0 分 ?A、 头脑风暴法以8人~12人为宜

?B、 头脑风暴的时间不宜太长 ? ?C、 如果有人的想法非常荒谬应该及时指出? ?D、 头脑风暴的结果应该及时整理 ? 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 3 软性思考不包括()。(2.0分) 2.0 分 ?A、 逻辑思维 ? ?B、 形象思维 ? ?C、 联想 ? ?D、 直觉

正确答案: A 我的答案:A 4 下列哪一项不是适合创新的情境?()(2.0分) 2.0 分 ?A、 宽松愉快的 ? ?B、 和谐平等的 ? ?C、 认真思考的 ? ?D、 庄重严肃的 ? 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 5 关于创新人格的描述,下列哪项是不准确的?()(2.0分)2.0 分 ?A、 创造性天才大都是情商很高的人

?B、 创造性天才失败几率不比普通人少 ? ?C、 创造性天才大都比较自信 ? ?D、 创造性天才有强烈的自我意识 ? 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 6 要成为有创造力的人,应该()。(2.0分) 2.0 分 ?A、 有强烈的创新意识,培养创新思维习惯 ? ?B、 掌握创新思维的原理、方法,经常进行创新思维训练? ?C、 发现适合自己的创新情境并让自己置身其中 ? ?D、 以上都包括


2017年6月最新尔雅创新思维训练期末考试题及答案 一、单选题(题数:25,共50.0 分) 1思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?()(2.0分) A、核心主题与分支 B、关键词与联系线 C、颜色与图形 D、以上都是 我的答案:D 2关于打破规则的描述哪一项是最准确的?()(2.0分) A、很多时候遵守规则是必要的 B、当制定规则的基础已经变化,可以打破规则 C、打破规则有利于实现创新与突破 D、以上都对 我的答案:D 3关于转变思考方向的描述,下列哪项是错误的?()(2.0分) A、转变思考方向是突破思维定势的重要方法之一 B、转变思考方向包括逆向思维、侧向思维、多向思维等 C、头脑风暴法和思维导图有助于转变思考方向 D、转变思考方向对大多数人来说是容易做到的事情 我的答案:D 4创造性天才与普通人最大的区别在于()。(2.0分) A、智商超过常人很多 B、情商高于常人 C、思维方式与众不同 D、体力超过常人很多 我的答案:C

5 软性思考不包括()。(2.0分) A、逻辑思维 B、形象思维 C、联想 D、直觉 我的答案:A 6 进行强制联想的目的是()。(2.0分) A、追求事物的新颖性 B、喜欢别出心裁 C、突破思维定势 D、把两个不同事物重组在一起 我的答案:C 7关于高峰体验的描述,哪一项是不准确的?()(2.0分) A、一种欣喜若狂的状态 B、可能出现体温升高全身发抖 C、只关心内心的感受,对外界的敏感性下降 D、觉得没有任何事情可以让自己烦恼 我的答案:B 8 要想成为有创造力的人,最关键的是()。(2.0分) A、打好知识基础 B、发现自己的不足并加以弥补 C、提高逻辑思维能力 D、突破定势思维 我的答案:D 9 批判性思维有时会滑向论辩式思维是因为()。(2.0分) A、人类容易被自己的情绪与信念所左右 B、往往只接受对自己有利的证据,而忽视或曲解不利的证据


条件分析 1甲、乙两队进行象棋对抗赛,甲队的三人是张、王、李,乙队的三人是赵、钱、孙。按照以往的比赛成绩看,张能胜钱,钱能胜李,李能胜孙,但是第一轮比赛他们都没有成为对手。第一轮比赛的对手分别是谁对谁? 2A, B, C, D四名学生猜测自己的数学成绩。 A说:“如果我得优,那么B也得优。” B说:“如果我得优,那么C也得优。” C说:“如果我得优,那么D也得优。” 结果大家都没说错,但是只有两个人得优。谁得了优? 3某校五年级三个班举行乒乓球混合双打表演,每班男女生各出一名,男生是甲、乙、丙,女生是A,B,C。规定:同班的男女生不能配对。已知: 第一盘:甲和A对丙和B; 第二盘:丙和C对甲乙的同班女生。 问:甲的同班女生是谁? 4有三对夫妇在一次聚会上相遇,他们是X,Y,Z先生和A,B,C女士,其中X先生的夫人和C女士的丈夫是初次见面,B女士的丈夫和A女士也是初次见面,Z先生认识所有的人。问:哪位先生和哪位女士是夫妇? 5甲、乙、丙三位老师分别上语文、数学、外语课。 (1)甲上课全用汉语; (2)外语老师是一个学生的哥哥; (3)丙是一位女教师,她比数学老师活泼。 问:三位老师各上什么课? 6刘刚、马辉、李强三个男孩各有一个妹妹,六个人进行乒乓球混合双打比赛。事先规定:兄妹二人不许搭伴。 第一盘:刘刚和小丽对李强和小英;

第二盘:李强和小红对刘刚和马辉的妹妹。 问:三个男孩的妹妹分别是谁? 7徐、王、陈、赵四位师傅分别是工厂的木工、车工、电工和钳工,他们都是象棋迷。 (1)木工只和车工下棋,而且总是输给车工; (2)王、陈两位师傅是邻居; (3)陈师傅与电工下棋互有胜负; (4)徐师傅比赵师傅下的好; (5)木工的家离工厂最远。 问:徐、王、陈、赵四位师傅各是什么工种? 8甲、乙、丙三位老师分别讲授数学、物理、化学、生物、语文和历史,每位老师教两门课。化学老师和数学老师住在一起,甲老师最年青,数学老师和丙老师爱下象棋,物理老师比生物老师年长、比乙老师年青,三人中最年长的老师住家比其他二位老师远。问:三位老师各自分别教哪两门课? 9甲、乙、丙、丁每人只会中、英、法、日四种语言中的两种,其中有一种语言只有一人会说。他们在一起交谈非常有趣: (1)乙不会说英语,当甲与丙交谈时,却请他当翻译; (2)甲会日语,丁不会日语,但他们却能相互交谈; (3)乙、丙、丁找不到共同会的语言; (4)没有人同时会日、法两种语言。 问:甲、乙、丙、丁各会哪两种语言? 10一天,老师让小马虎把甲、乙、丙、丁、戊的作业本带回去,他见到这五人后就一人给了一本,结果全发错了。现在知道: (1)甲拿的不是乙的,也不是丁的; (2)乙拿的不是丙的,也不是丁的; (3)丙拿的不是乙的,也不是戊的;


数学奥林匹克初中训练题 第一试 一、选择题(每小题7分,共42分) 1.设z y x ++=+++6323,且x 、y 、z 为有理数.则xyz =( ). (A)3/4 (B)5/6 (C)7/12 (D)13/18 2.设二次函数f (x )=ax 2+ax +1的图像开口向下,且满足f (f (1))=f (3).则2a 的值为( ). (A)-3 (B)-5 (C)-7 (D)-9 3.方程|xy |+|x +y |=1的整数解的组数为( ). (A)2 (B)4 (C)6 (D)8 4.a 、b 是方程x 2+(m -5)x +7=0的两个根.则(a 2+ma +7)(b 2+mb +7)=( ). (A)365 (B)245 (C)210 (D)175 5.如图,Rt △ABC 的斜边BC =4,∠ABC =30°,以AB 、AC 为直径分别作圆.则这两圆的公共部分面积为( ) (A)2332+π (B) 3 3265-π (C) 365-π (D) 33 2-π 6.从1,2,…,13中取出k 个不同的数,使这k 个数中任两个数之差既不等于5,也不等于 8.则k 的最大值为( ). (A)5 (B)6 (C)7 (D)8 二、填空题(每小题7分,共28分) 1.若整系数一元二次方程x 2+(a +3)x +2a +3=0有一正根x 1和一负根x 2,且|x 1|<|x 2|,则a = . 2.当x =2 329-时,代数式x 4+5x 3-3x 2-8x +9的值是 . 3.给定两组数,A 组为:1,2,…,100;B 组为:12,22,…,1002.对于A 组中的数x ,若有B 组中的数y ,使x +y 也是B 组中的数,则称x 为“关联数”.那么,A 组中这样的关联数有


排列 39 某铁路线共有14个客车站,这条铁路共需要多少种不同的车票? 40 有红、黄、蓝三种信号旗,把任意两面分上、下挂在旗杆上表示不同信号,一共可以组成多少种不同信号? 41 有五种颜色的小旗,任意取出三面排成一行表示各种 42(1)有五本不同的书,分别借给3名同学,每人借一本,有多少种不同的借法?(2)有三本不同的书被5名同学借走,每人最多借一本,有多少种不同的借法? 43张华、李明等七个同学照像,分别求出在下列条件下有多少种站法: (1)七个人排成一排; (2)七个人排成一排,张华必须站在中间; (3)七个人排成一排,张华、李明必须有一人站在中间; (4)七个人排成一排,张华、李明必须站在两边; (5)七个人排成一排,张华、李明都没有站在边上; (6)七个人排成两排,前排三人,后排四人; (7)七个人排成两排,前排三人,后排四人,张华、李明不在同一排。 44甲、乙、丙、丁四人各有一个作业本混放在一起,四人每人随便拿了一本。问: (1)甲拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (2)恰有一人拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (3)至少有一人没拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (4)谁也没拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? 45用0,1,2,3四个数码可以组成多少个没有重复数字的四位偶数? 46用数码0,1,2,3,4,可以组成多少个小于1000的没有重复数字的自然数?

47在所有的三位数中,各位数字之和是19的数共有多少个? 48某管理员忘记了自己小保险柜的密码数字,只记得是由四个非0数码组成,且四个数码之和是9。为确保打开保险柜至少要试多少次? 49恰有两位数字相同的三位数共有多少个? 50自然数8336,8545,8782有一些共同特征,每个数都是以8开头的四位数,且每个数中恰好有两个数字相同。这样的数共有多少个? 51在1000到1999这1000个自然数中,有多少个千位、百位、十位、个位数字中恰有两个相同的数? 52从1,3,5中任取两个数字,从2,4,6中任取两个数字,共可组成多少个没有重复数字的四位数? 53从1,3,5中任取两个数字,从0,2,4中任取两个数字,共可组成多少个没有重复数字的四位数?其中偶数有多少个? 54用1,2,3,4,5这五个数码可以组成12020有重复数字的四位数,将它们从小到大排列起来,4125是第几个? 55在所有的三位自然数中,组成数字的三个数码既有大于5的数码,又有小于5的数码的自然数共有多少个? 56在前2020个自然数中,含有数码1的数有多少个? 57在前10000个自然数中,不含数码1的数有多少个? 58用1~7可以组成多少个没有重复数字,且能被11整除的七位数?


单选题 1 关于高峰体验的描述,哪一项是不准确的()A、 一种欣喜若狂的状态 B、 可能出现体温升高全身发抖 C、 只关心内心的感受,对外界的敏感性下降 D、 觉得没有任何事情可以让自己烦恼 我的答案:B 2 思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素() A、 核心主题与分支 B、 关键词与联系线 C、 颜色与图形 D、 以上都是 我的答案:D 3 包容性思维的长处主要是()。

明辨是非、做出评判 B、 避免冲突、多元思考 C、 整合歧见、统一认识 D、 折中妥协、不偏不倚 我的答案:C 4 关于头脑风暴法的描述,哪一项是错误的() A、 头脑风暴法以8人~12人为宜 B、 头脑风暴的时间不宜太长 C、 如果有人的想法非常荒谬应该及时指出 D、 头脑风暴的结果应该及时整理 我的答案:C 5 关于连接思维的描述哪一项是不正确的() A、 将一个事物与另一个事物有机连接起来,组成一个新的整体B、 其本质是二元联想

彼此连接的两个事物必须有相似性 D、 是很多发明创造的典型方法之一 我的答案:A 6 关于批判性思维的描述,哪项是不正确的() A、 批判性思维已有统一规范的定义 B、 批判性思维强调质疑与求证,进行理性思考 C、 批判性思维要求进行合符逻辑的分析与推理 D、 批判性思维并不等于一味否定 我的答案:A 7 关于强制联想的描述,哪一项是错误的() A、 在两个看上去无关的事物之间寻找内在联系 B、 对两个事物或概念进行细致拆分,再进行强制连接 C、 用两个词进行自由发散联想,然而再进行词与词之间的搭配与重组D、 发现两个事物之间的不同

我的答案:A 8 本课程涉及了哪些内容() A、 创新的定义、原理、方法、练习等 B、 批判性思维、平行思维和包容性思维 C、 创新情境、创新人格、高峰体验 D、 以上都包括 我的答案:D 9 有人按照衣夹的样子,用金属材料制作了一个巨大的“衣夹”,竖立在一座大厦的前面,你认为这是不是一种创新() A、 不是,衣夹是晒衣时用的,放在大厦前面算怎么回事 B、 不是,它仅仅是将衣夹放大了很多倍,算不上创新 C、 是的,因为它是艺术家做的,就是创新 D、 是的,因为它与众不同,而且颇具视觉冲击力,有欣赏价值 我的答案:D 10 阻碍我们创新的根本原因是()。

尔雅-创新思维训练 期末考试答案 课

1关于了结需要的描述,哪一项是错误的?()A、 了结需要越高的人越容易创新B、 了结需要是指:我们总希望尽快对某一问题下结论,而不能忍受暂时的模糊和混沌状况C、了结需要是一种心智枷锁D、 了结需要让我们倾向于接受单方面信息我的答案:A 2软性思考不包括()。A、 逻辑思维B、 形象思维C、联想D、直觉 我的答案:A 3下列哪一项与思维导图无关?()A、 自由联想发散法B、 科学联想发散法C、 强制联想发散法D、 随机联想发散法我的答案:D 4关于高峰体验的描述,哪一项是不准确的?()A、 一种欣喜若狂的状态B、 可能出现体温升高全身发抖C、 只关心内心的感受,对外界的敏感性下降D、 觉得没有任何事情可以让自己烦恼我的答案:B 5关于批判性思维的描述,哪项是不正确的?()A、 批判性思维已有统一规范的定义

B、 批判性思维强调质疑与求证,进行理性思考C、 批判性思维要求进行合符逻辑的分析与推理D、 批判性思维并不等于一味否定我的答案:A 6关于平行思维的描述,哪一项是不准确的?()A、 平行思维与转变思考方向有本质上的相似之处B、 平行思维有利于避免思维对立C、 平行思维帮助我们从多个角度看待事物D、 平行思维有利于整合不同意见我的答案:D 7有人按照衣夹的样子,用金属材料制作了一个巨大的“衣夹”,竖立在一座大厦的前面,你认为这是不是一种创新?()A、 不是,衣夹是晒衣时用的,放在大厦前面算怎么回事?B、 不是,它仅仅是将衣夹放大了很多倍,算不上创新C、 是的,因为它是艺术家做的,就是创新D、 是的,因为它与众不同,而且颇具视觉冲击力,有欣赏价值我的答案:D 8创造性天才与普通人最大的区别在于()。A、 智商超过常人很多B、 情商高于常人C、 思维方式与众不同D、 体力超过常人很多我的答案:C 9要成为有创造力的人,应该()。A、


五智巧问题 1 某国的货币有1元、50分、20分、10分、5分、2分、1分共七种硬币(1元=100分)。某人带了9枚硬币去买东西,凡不超过2元的东西他都能拿出若干枚硬币支付,钱数正好,无需找钱。这9枚硬币的总面值最多是多少?最少是多少? 2 A,B,C,D四人进行围棋比赛,每人都要与其他三人各赛一盘。比赛是在两张棋盘上同时进行,每天每人只赛一盘。第一天A与C比赛,第二天C与D比赛,第三天B与谁比赛? 3 有20间房子,有的开着灯,有的关着灯。在这些房子里的人都希望与大多数房子保持一致。现在,从第1间房子里的人开始,如果其余19间房子的灯开着的多,就把灯打开,否则就把灯关上。假设最开始时开灯与关灯的房子各10间,并且第1间房子的灯开着。那么,这20间房子里的人轮完一遍后,开着灯的房子有几间? 4 甲、乙、丙三名选手参加长跑比赛。起跑后甲处在第一的位置,在整个比赛过程中,甲与乙、丙的位置次序共交换了7次。比赛结果甲是第几名? 5 正义路小学共有1000名学生,为支持“希望工程”,同学们纷纷捐书,有一半男生每人捐了9本书,另一半男生每人捐了5本书;一半女生每人捐了8本书,另一半女生每人捐了6本书。全校学生共捐了多少本书? 6 某杂志每期定价元,全年共出12期。某班部分同学订半年,其余同学订全年,共需订费720元;如果订半年的改订全年,订全年的改订半年,那么共需603元。问:这个班共有多少名学生? 7 某次猜谜语比赛,谜语按难易分两类,每人可以猜三条。每猜对一条较难的谜语得3分,每猜对一条较容易的谜语得1分。结果有8人得1分、7人得2分、6人得3分、5人得4分、4人得5分。恰好猜对两条谜语的有几人? 8 一排六棵树(见下图)分别是六个人栽的,A,B,C三人栽的是大树,D,E,F三人栽的是小树。如果A与E栽的树相隔两棵树,B与F栽的树相隔一棵树,那么C栽的树是左起第几棵?


数学奥林匹克初中训练题 第 一 试 一. 选择题.(每小题7分,共42分) 1.下列四个式子中与(a -( ) (B) (D)2.由方程111x y -+-=确定的曲线所围成的图形的面积是( ) (A)1 (B)2 (C)π (D)4 3.若2221122 x y y x y y +-=-+-,则x 等于( ) (A)221y y +- (B)222y y +- (C)221y y ++ (D)222y y ++ 4.周长为有理数的等腰三角形,其底边上的高是底边的12 ,则腰与底边上的高( ) (A)都是有理数 (B)都不是有理数 (C)腰是有理数,底边上的高不是有理数 (D)腰不是有理数,底边上的高是有理数 5.如图1,在ΔABC 中,AB=AC,∠ABC=40O ,BD 是∠ABC 的平分线,延长BD 至E,使DE=AD,则∠ECA 的度 数为( ) (A)30O (B)35O (C)40O (D)45O 6.在平面上具有整数坐标的点称为整点.若一线段 的端点分别为(2,11),(11,14),则在此线段上(包括端点)的整点共有( ) (A)3个 (B)4个 (C)6个 (D)8个 二. 填空题.(每小题7分,共28分) 7.设21(0,)12x a a a x x =≠≠++且,则2 421 x x x ++的值为 . 8.半径为R 的⊙O 中,弦AB=R,弦.若AB ∥CD,则AB 与CD 的距离为 . 9.若实数,x y 满足2226x y x +=,则22 2x y x ++的最大值 为 . 10.如图2,A,B,C,D 四点在同一圆周上,且BC=CD=4,AE=6,线段


考试答案创新思维训练 网上有错误的答案,太坑了,还有不一样的,要看清楚96.0分(班级:默认班级成绩:)了 分)20,共40.0 一、单选题(题数:2.01下列哪一项与思维导图无关?()分、A?自由联想发散法、B?科学联想发散法、C?强制联想发散法、D?随机联想发散法D 我的答案:D 正确答案:2.02思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?()分、A?核心主题与分支B、?关键词与联系线 C、?颜色与图形 D、?以上都是 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 32.0创意的萌芽阶段需要()。分 A、?严密的分析与推理 B、?大量的知识储备 C、?周密的计划与实施 D、?信马由缰式的发散思维. D 我的答案:D 正确答案:2.04关于转变思考方向的描述,下列哪项是错误的?()分转变思考方向是突破思维定势的重要方法之转变思考方向包括逆向思维、侧向思维、多向思维等、C?头脑风暴法和思

维导图有助于转变思考方向、D?转变思考方向对大多数人来说是容易做到的事情D D 我的答案:正确答案: 2.05本课程涉及了哪些内容?()分、A?创新的定义、原理、方法、练习等、B?批判性思维、平 行思维和包容性思维、C?创新情境、创新人格、高峰体验、D?以上都包括D 我的答案:正确答案:D 2.06关于六顶思考帽的描述,哪一项是不正确的?()分、A?六顶思考帽就是用六种颜色的帽 子代表六个不同的思维角度或思考方向、B?六顶思考帽一般适合于团队思维时使用C、?六顶思考帽有固定的使用顺序 D、?红色思考帽代表情绪与直觉 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 72.0关于了结需要的描述,哪一项是错误的?()分 A、?了结需要越高的人越容易创新 了结需要是指:我们总希望尽快对某一问题下结论,而不能忍受暂时的模糊和混沌状了结需要是一种心智枷了结需要让 我们倾向于接受单方面信息A 我的答案:正确答案:A 2.08关于头脑风暴法的描述,哪一项是错误的?()分 、A?人~人为宜12头脑风暴法以8、B?头脑风暴的时间不宜太长、C?如果有人的想法非常荒谬应该及时指出、D?头脑风暴的结果应该及时整理C 我的答案:C 正确答案:2.09关于包容性思维与批判性思维的异同,下列哪一项是不正确的?()分、A?包容性思维从肯定合理部分开始,批判性思维从质疑开始 B、?包容性思维与批判性思维都强调逻辑与证据


一找规律 1.根据下列各串数的规律,在括号中填入适当的数: (1)1,4,7,10,(),16,…… (2)2,3,5,8,13,(),34,…… (3)1,2,4,8,16,(),…… (4)2,6,12,20,(),42,…… 2.观察下列各串数的规律,在括号中填入适当的数: (1)2,3,5,7,11,13,(),19,…… (2)1,2,2,4,8,32,(),…… (3)2,5,11,23,47,(),…… (4)6,7,3,0,3,3,6,9,5,(),…… 3.观察下列各串数的规律,并在每小题的两个括号内填入适当的数: (1)1,1,2,4,3,9,4,16,(),25,6,(),…… (2) 15, 16, 13, 19, 11, 22,(), 25, 7,(),…… 4.按规律填上第五个数组中的数: {1,5,10}{2,10,20}{3,15,30}{4,20,40}{ } 5.下面各列算式分别按一定规律排列,请分别求出它们的第40个算式: (1)1+1,2+3,3+5,1+7,2+9, 3+11,1+13,2+15, (2)1×3,2×2,1×1,2×3,1×2,2×1,1×3,…… 6.下面两张数表中的数的排列存在某种规律,你能找出这个规律,并根据这个规律把括号里的数填上吗? (1)2 6 7 11 (2)2 3 1

4 4 ( ) 1 3 5 2 3 5 5 6 4 ( ) 3 7.下面各列数中都有一个“与众不同”的数,请将它们找出来: (1)3,5,7,11,15,19,23,…… (2)6,12,3,27,21,10,15,30,…… (3)2,5,10,16,22,28,32,38,24,…… (4)2,3,5,8,12,16,23,30,…… 8.下图所示的两组图形中的数字都有各自的规律,先把规律找出来,再把空缺的数字填上: (1) (2) 9.观察下面图形中的数的规律,按照此规律,“?”处是几? 10.根据左下图中数字的规律,在最上面的空格中填上合适的数。


数学奥林匹克初中训练题(三) 第 一 试 一. 选择题.(每小题7分,共42分) ( )1.在11,,0.2002,722πn 是大于3的整数)这5个数中,分数的个数为: (A)2 (B)3 (C)4 (D)5 ( )2.如图1,正方形ABCD 的面积为256,点F 在AD 上,点E 在AB 的延长线上,Rt ΔCEF 的面积为 200,则BE 的长为:(A)10 (B)11 (C)12 (D)15 ( )3.已知,,a b c 均为整数,且满足2223 a b c +++<32ab b c ++.则以,a b c b +-为根的一元二 次方程是:(A)2320x x -+= (B)2280x x +-= (C)2450x x --= (D)2230x x --= ( )4.如图2,在Rt ΔABC 中,AF 是高,∠BAC=90O ,且 BD=DC=FC=1,则AC 为: ( )5.若222a b c a b c k c b a +++===,则k 的值为: (A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)非上述答案 ( )6.设0,0,26x y x y ≥≥+=,则224363u x xy y x y =++--的最大值是: (A)272 (B)18 (C)20 (D)不存在 二. 填空题.(每小题7分,共28分) 1.方程222111013x x x x ++=+的实数根是 . 2.如图3,矩形ABCD 中,E,F 分别是BC,CD 上的点,且 2,3,4A B E C E F A D F S S S ===,则AEF S = . 3.已知二次函数2(1)y x a x b =+++(,a b 为常数).当3x =时,3;y =当x 为任意实


创新思维训练考试答案 一、单选题(题数:45,共分) 1有人说“学校扼杀创造力”,主要是指学校教育()。(分)分 A、 强调统一化培养目标和标准化评价体系,压缩学生个性化发展空间 B、 教学内容紧紧围绕教材与大纲,让学生思维和眼界受限,容易产生权威型心智模式 C、 题海战术和应试教育让学生失去好奇心和对学习的兴趣 D、 以上都有 我的答案:D 2富莱利用胶水的不强特性发明了便利贴,这是运用了()。(分)分 A、 逆向思维 B、 侧向思维 C、 转换思维 D、 直观思维 我的答案:B 3“任何一个微小的变化在某种特定的情况下,可能形成雪崩的效应,改变整个局势。”指的是()。(分)分 A、 木桶效应 B、 墨菲定律 C、 蝴蝶效应 D、 马太效应 我的答案:C 4怎样突破定势思维(分)分 A、 转变思考方向 B、 软性思考 C、 强制联想 D、 以上都是

我的答案:D 5六顶思考帽法中代表希望、创意创新的思考方式的颜色是()。(分)分A、 红色 B、 黄色 C、 白色 D、 绿色 我的答案:D 6下列不属于连接思维的是()。(分)分 A、 挤牙膏器 B、 政务超市 C、 用电视节目的方式上课 D、 瀑布上的房子 我的答案:A 7创新的关键是什么(分)分 A、 拥有与生俱来的创造思维 B、 怎样突破创新的思维障碍 C、 有一双善于发现的眼睛 D、 尝试学会改变 我的答案:B 8创新的目的是()。(分)分 A、 为自己赢得荣誉 B、 挣脱思维定势的束缚 C、 为社会创造新的事物、新的方法、新的技术 D、 转变思维方向 我的答案:C 9齐白石(1864-1957)画虾的特点表现的是一种()。(分)分 A、 具体思维

奥林匹克训练题库· 不定方程

三不定方程 1装某种产品的盒子有大、小两种,大盒每盒装11个,小盒每盒装8个,要把89个产品装入盒内,要求每个盒子都恰好装满,需要大、小盒子各多少个? 2有150个乒乓球分装在大小两种盒子里,大盒装12个,小盒装7个。问:需要大、小盒子各多少个才能恰好把这些球装完? 3大客车有39个座位,小客车有30个座位,现有267位乘客,要使每位乘客都有座位且没有空座位。问:需大、小客车各几辆? 4某商店卖出若干23元和16元一支的钢笔,共收入500元,问:这两种钢笔共卖出多少支? 5小明花4.5元钱买了0.14元一支的铅笔和0.67元一支的圆珠笔共17支。问:铅笔和圆珠笔各几支? 6小明把他生日的月份乘以31,再把生日的日期乘以12,然后把两个乘积加起来刚好等于400。你知道小明的生日是几月几日吗? 7在一次活动中,丁丁和冬冬到射击室打靶,回来后见到同学“小博士”,他们让“小博士”猜他们各命中多少次。“小博士”让丁丁把自己命中的次数乘以5,让冬冬把自己命中的次数乘以4,再把两个得数加起来告诉他,丁丁和冬冬算了一下是31,“小博士”正确地说出了他们各自命中的次数。丁丁和冬冬分别命中几次? 8甲、乙二人植树,用每天植18棵,乙每天植21棵,两人共植了135棵树。问:甲、乙二人各干了几天? 9有两种不同规格的油桶若干个,大的能装8千克油,小的能装5千克油,44千克油恰好装满这些油桶。问:大、小油桶各几个? 10参加围棋比赛的八段、九段选手有若干名,他们的段位数字加在一起正好是100段。问:八段、九段选手各几名? 11有 104个同学去操场踢足球和打排球,每个足球场地22人,每个排球场地12人。问:他们占用了足球场地和排球场地各几个? 12甲、乙二人搬砖,甲搬的砖数是18的倍数,乙搬的砖数是23的倍数,两人共搬了300块砖。问:甲、乙二人谁搬的砖多?多几块? 1314个大、中、小号钢珠共重100克,大号钢珠每个重12克,中号每个重8克,小号每个重5克。问:大、中、小号钢珠各多少个?


数学奥林匹克初中训练题附答案(一) 第一试 一、选择题(每小题7分,共42分) 1.如图,已知在Rt △ABC 中,AB=35,一个边长为12的正方形CDEF 内 接于△ABC.则△ABC 的周长为( ). (A)35 (B)40 (C)81 (D)84 2.设n=9+99+…+99…9(99个9).则n 的十进制表示中,数码1有( )个. (A)50 (B)90 (C)99 (D)100 3.已知f(x)=x 2+6ax-a ,y=f(x)的图像与x 轴有两个不同的交点(x 1,0),(x 2,0),且 ) x -6a -)(1x -6a -(13)x )(1x (1a 2121-++=8a-3.则a 的值是( ). (A)1 (B)2 (C)0或21 (D)2 1 4.若不等式ax 2+7x-1>2x+5对-1≤a≤1恒成立,则x 的取值范围是( ). (A)2≤x≤3 (B)2


相遇问题 41 甲车每时行 40千米,乙车每时行 60千米,甲车从 A地、乙车从B地同时出发相向而行,两车相遇后4.5时,甲车到达B地,A,B两地相距多少千米? 42 A,B两村相距 2800米,小明从 A村步行出发 5分后,小军骑车从B村出发,又经过10分两人相遇。已知小军骑车比小明步行每分多行130米,小明步行每分行多少米? 43 甲、乙同时从 A, B两地相向走来。甲每时走 5千米,两人相遇后,乙再走10千米到A地,甲再走1.6时到B地。乙每时走多少千米? 44 甲、乙沿同一公路相向而行,甲的速度是乙的1.5倍。已知甲上午8点经过邮局门口,乙上午10点经过邮局门口,问:甲、乙在中途何时相遇? 45 一列客车和一列货车同时从两地相向开出,经过18时两车在某处相遇,已知客车每时行50千米,货车每时比客车少行8千米,货车每行驶3时要停驶1时。问:两地之间的铁路长多少千米? 46 甲、乙两车的速度分别为 52千米/时和 40千米/时,它们同时从甲地出发到乙地去,出发后6时,甲车遇到一辆迎面开来的卡车,1时后乙车也遇到了这辆卡车。求这辆卡车的速度。 47 甲、乙二人同时从学校出发到少年宫去,已知学校到少年宫的距离是2400米,甲到少年宫后立即返回学校,在距离少年宫300米处遇到乙,此时他们离开学校已30分钟。问:甲、乙每分钟各走多少米? 48 甲、乙两车同时从A,B两地相向而行,它们相遇时距A,B两地中心处8千米,已知甲车速度是乙车的1.2倍,求A,B两地的距离。 49 甲、乙两车同时从两地相向而行,2.5时后相遇。已知甲车速度是乙 50 甲、乙两站从上午6时开始每隔8分同时相向发出一辆公共汽车,汽车单程运行需45分。有一名乘客乘坐6点16分从甲站开出的汽车,途中他能遇到几辆从乙站开往甲站的公共汽车? 51 两辆汽车从两地同时出发,相向而行。已知甲车行完全程比乙车多用1.5时,甲车每时行40千米,乙车每时行50千米,出发后多长时间两车相遇?


创新思维训练考试答案 班级:默认班级成绩:96.0分(网上有错误的答案,太坑了,还有不一样的,要看清楚了) 一、单选题(题数:20,共 40.0 分) 1下列哪一项与思维导图无关?() 2.0分 ?A、自由联想发散法 ?B、科学联想发散法 ?C、强制联想发散法 ?D、随机联想发散法 正确答案: D 我的答案: D 2思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?() 2.0分 ?A、核心主题与分支 ?B、关键词与联系线 ?C、颜色与图形 ?D、以上都是 正确答案: D 我的答案: D 3创意的萌芽阶段需要()。 2.0分 ?A、严密的分析与推理 ?B、大量的知识储备 ?C、周密的计划与实施 ?D、信马由缰式的发散思维

正确答案: D 我的答案: D 4关于转变思考方向的描述,下列哪项是错误的?() 2.0分?A、转变思考方向是突破思维定势的重要方法之一 ?B、转变思考方向包括逆向思维、侧向思维、多向思维等 ?C、头脑风暴法和思维导图有助于转变思考方向 ?D、转变思考方向对大多数人来说是容易做到的事情 正确答案: D 我的答案: D 5本课程涉及了哪些内容?() 2.0分 ?A、创新的定义、原理、方法、练习等 ?B、批判性思维、平行思维和包容性思维 ?C、创新情境、创新人格、高峰体验 ?D、以上都包括 正确答案: D 我的答案: D 6关于六顶思考帽的描述,哪一项是不正确的?() 2.0分?A、六顶思考帽就是用六种颜色的帽子代表六个不同的思维角度或思考方向 ?B、六顶思考帽一般适合于团队思维时使用 ?C、六顶思考帽有固定的使用顺序 ?D、红色思考帽代表情绪与直觉 正确答案: C 我的答案: C 7关于了结需要的描述,哪一项是错误的?() 2.0分 ?A、了结需要越高的人越容易创新


正方形与长方形 1左下图多边形的每条边都垂直于它的邻边,且所有的边长都相等,周长是108cm,这个图形的面积是多少平方厘米? 2用四个相同的长方形拼成一个面积为100cm2的大正方形(见右上图),每个长方形的周长是多少厘米? 3有一块黑白格子布(右图),白色大正方形和白色小正方形的面积之比为1∶4。问:这块布中白色面积占总面积的几分之几? 4有大、小两个长方形(右图),对应边的距离均为1cm,已知两个长方形之间部分的面积是16cm2,且小长方形的长是宽的2倍,求大长方形的面积。 5从一块正方形木板上锯下宽5cm的一个木条后,剩下的面积是750cm2。问:锯下的木条面积是多少? 下的面积是9m2,求剩下部分的周长。 7一块长方形纸片,在长边剪去5cm,宽边剪去2cm后(如左下图),得到的正方形面积比原长方形面积少31cm2。求原长方形纸片的面积。

8用两块长方形纸片和一块正方形纸片拼成一个大正方形(见右上图),长方形纸片面积分别44cm2与28cm2,原正方形纸片面积是多少平方厘米? 9左下图的长方形被分割成5个正方形,已知每个大正方形比每个小正方形面积大5cm2,求原长方形的面积。 10右上图的长方形被分割成5个正方形,已知原长方形的面积为120202,求原长方形的长与宽。 11右图的长方形被分割成6个正方形,已知中央小正方形的面积为1cm2,求原长方形的面积。 12用四个一样的长方形和一个小的正方形拼成一个大正方形(左下图),大、小正方形的面积为别为64cm2和9cm2。问:长方形的宽和长各是多少? 13用同样大小的长方形小纸片摆成右上图所示图形,已知每张小纸片的宽是12cm,求阴影部分的总面积。 1410个相同的小矩形拼成一个面积为30cm2的大矩形(如右图)。求大矩形的周长。


《创新思维训练》期末考试(20) 姓名:xxx 班级:默认班级成绩:100.0分 一、单选题(题数:20,共40.0分) 1 关于六顶思考帽的描述,哪一项是不正确的?() 2.0分 A、 六顶思考帽就是用六种颜色的帽子代表六个不同的思维角度或思考方向B、 2 包容性思维的长处主要是()。 2.0分

阻碍我们创新的根本原因是()。 2.0分 c 、 折中妥协、不偏不倚 正确答案: C我的答案:C 4


2.0分 A、 人类容易被自己的情绪与信念所左右 B、 以上都对 正确答案:D我的答案:D 5 有人说“学校扼杀创造力”,主要是指学校教育()。 2.0分 A、 ■I ■“ 1 —I, ■“ r?1“l. j?ll ■ I li ■ I ■■ I J ■ I ■■ I I ■ I ■■ ■ 1^*11■■ 1A^H ■I 强调统一化培养目标和标准化评价体系,压缩学生个性化发展空间 B、 教学内容紧紧围绕教材与大纲,让学生思维和眼界受限,容易产生权威型心智模式 C、 以上都有

正确答案:D我的答案:D 6 关于批判性思维的描述,哪项是不正确的?()2.0分 A、 批判性思维已有统一规范的定义 B、 批判性思维强调质疑与求证,进行理性思考 C、 批判性思维要求进行合符逻辑的分析与推理 -MlIHMJIin—Ul IK^_nil k-HII L&—■?■■■—ll-Ml I ■11:^ J ■ ■ I ■ ■ I IM JJ ■ D、 III 111 ■ I I ■I I I ■-11 I I ■ I I I III J I I I I III SB nJ 11 ! ■ I I I I I I 11 I ■■ I 批判性思维并不等于一味否定 正确答案:A我的答案:A 7 创意的萌芽阶段需要()。 2.0分 A、 大量的知识储备 C、


一、单选题(题数:25,共50.0 分) 1 阻碍我们创新的根本原因是()。 (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 知识储备不足 B、 心智模式 C、 客观环境 D、 定势思维 我的答案:D 2 包容性思维的长处主要是()。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 明辨是非、做出评判 B、 避免冲突、多元思考 C、 整合歧见、统一认识 D、 折中妥协、不偏不倚

我的答案:C 3 创造性天才与普通人最大的区别在于()。(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 智商超过常人很多 B、 情商高于常人 C、 思维方式与众不同 D、 体力超过常人很多 我的答案:C 4 进行强制联想的目的是()。(2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 追求事物的新颖性 B、 喜欢别出心裁 C、 突破思维定势 D、 把两个不同事物重组在一起 我的答案:C 5 下列哪一项不是适合创新的情境?()(2.0分)

2.0 分 A、 宽松愉快的 B、 和谐平等的 C、 认真思考的 D、 庄重严肃的 我的答案:D 6 下列哪一项与思维导图无关?()(2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 自由联想发散法 B、 科学联想发散法 C、 强制联想发散法 D、 随机联想发散法 我的答案:D 7 思维导图包含哪些基本组成要素?()(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 核心主题与分支 B、 关键词与联系线

C、 颜色与图形 D、 以上都是 我的答案:D 8 批判性思维有时会滑向论辩式思维是因为()。(2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 人类容易被自己的情绪与信念所左右 B、 往往只接受对自己有利的证据,而忽视或曲解不利的证据 C、 对对方的观点往往攻其一点、不及其余,忽视其中合理的部分 D、 以上都对 我的答案:D 9 移植与借鉴思维是指()。 (2.0分)0.0 分 A、 将一个事物与另一个事物对接起来 B、 将一个事物的原理、方法运用到同一领域的其它地事情上C、

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