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1. mark often attempts to escape ( D ) whenever he breaks traffic regulations. a. having been fined b. to have been fined

c. to be fined

d. being fined

2. he asked who i voted for and i said it was my own ( D ).

a. thing

b. matter

c. duty

d. business

3. i think we should let maria go camping with her boyfriend. ( A ), she’s a big girl now.

a. after all

b. above all

c. first of all

d. for all 4. i am sorry ( C ) written you a letter at the tim


a. to have not

b. to not have

c. not to have

d. not having 5. the man told his girlfriend he would wait for her where the three roads ( C ).

a. link

b. connect

c. meet

d. combine

6. mrs. smith warned her daughter ( A ) after drinking.

a. never to drive

b. to never drive

c. never driving

d. never drive

7. there is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and i think he

means ( B ) trouble. a. making b. to make c. to have made d. having made 8. –mum, it is nice weather. i want to skate this afternoon.

--don’t you think the ice on the lake is too thin to ( B ) your weight? a. stand b. bear c. catch d. take

9. years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science (B ) that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill. a. showed b. has shown c. will show d. is showing

10. in such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ( B ).

a. have survived

b. are to survive

c. would survive

d. will survive


governments,media and people around the world have become very worried about something called sudan i (苏丹红1号). this chemical dye,_1_ in many food products, was said to _2_ cancer. newspapers told everyone to be careful and governments pulled this product off supermarket _3_.

sudan i is a red dye used for _4_ oils, waxes, petrol, shoe and floor polishes(上光剂). scientists have found if used in food, it can _5_ an increased risk of cancer.

on march 4, beijing’s food safety office said that it found the cancer-causing dye in meiweiyuan chili (红辣椒)sauce in the city. now the _6_, famous us food company heinz, has recalled its chili sauces and chili oils sold in china.

this follows news of food companies, including mcdonald’s, _7_ some products in britain after finding the dye in them.

france was the first to _8_ the chemical dye in 2003. since then , foods _9_ sudan i have been banned in the european union.

_10_ experts say that people who have eaten any of the products should not _11_ too much. the cancer risk from sudan i is very _12_, as only tiny amounts of it are used in foods.

sudan i was banned from food products because experiments on rats _13_ that it could cause serious tumors (肿瘤).

but, alan boobies, an expert in london, says there is little _14_ for the public to worry. he said that the levels fed to the rats were in much, much bigger

amounts _15_their body size. the amounts in food products eaten by humans are _16_.

the rats that got tumors were given 30 milligrams of sudan i per kilogram of body weight, every day for two years. animals given half the amount showed no _17_ of cancer.

the tumors only _18_ in the rats after many months. for humans, this means that if the dye were to have any _19_, it would take around 20 years. professor boobis gives a _20_.”it’s just like the cancer risk linked with smoking just one cigarette in a lifetime,” he said.

1—5. cbacd 6—10 bdcca 11—15 cbdba 16—20 cdbad

1. a. stuck b. stored c. found d. offered

2. a. produce b.

cause c. make d. give

3. a. shelves b. cases c. storage d. tables

4. a. gluing b.

gathering c. coloring d. conducting

5. a. allow for b.

adjust to c. call for d. contribute to 6.



b. producer

c. customer

d. farmer

7. a. breaking up b. putting out c. pulling away d. taking back 8.



b. invent

c. notice

d. produce

9. a. causing b. including c. containing

d. using 10. a. but b. also c. then d. so

11. a. complain b. disagree c. worry d. blame

12. a. high b. low c. common d. rare

13. a. guided b. guaranteed c. rated d. showed

14. a. concern b. reason c. cause d. right

15. a. compared to b. regardless

of c. used to d. in spite of

16. a. none b. larger c. tiny d. more

17. a. signals b. marks c. symbols d. signs 18. a. produced b.

developed c. made d. created

19. a. effect b. cause c. harm d. change

20. a. connection b. perception c. recognition d. comparison 三、翻译题

1、 那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。(in person )

the manager looked into the quality

problems in person.

2、 大致看来,他的计划是成功的。(in general )

in general, his plan is successful. 3、 你可以选这件蓝色或者那件绿色夹克作为送给你父亲的礼物。(either …or )

you can select either this blue jacket or that green one as a present to your


4、 饮食习惯在不同的地方可能会有很大差异。(vary …from )

eating habit varies from place to place.

5、 我们学校图书馆的书比他们学校

的多。 books in our school library are much

more than those in their library. 6、 他帮了我,同时也希望我能为他

做点什么作为回报。(in return ) he helped me, and in return hoped that i would do something for him. 7、 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。(tend to )

people under stress tend to express

their full range of potential.


my house is within walking distance of my university.

1、他过去只关心自己的家庭,可现在情况却大不相同了。(care about)

he used to care only about his own family, but has greatly changed now.


she claimed she hadn’t done it , but

i didn’t believed her.

3、他们在讨论这个项目的过程中互相吵了起来。(in the course of)

they quarreled with each other in the course of discussing the project.

4、他正忙于处理一个棘手的问题。(be busy doing…)

he is busy dealing with a difficult problem.

5、她在学校是个好老师,在家是个好妻子。(not only…but also)

she is not only a good teacher at school,but also a good wife at home.

6、几天前竣工的那座建筑是城里最宏伟的一幢建筑。(largest one)

the building completed a few days ago is the largest one in our city.

7、虽然英国人喜欢看赛马,他们对人类的比赛却并不感兴趣。(be fond of)

although the english are so fond of watching horse racing, they are not very interested in human being races.


having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.


the little boy went to the countryside with his parents this summer. that would be an unforgettable experience for him.

2、正是他的勤奋使他在他的领域里如此成功。(it is…that)

it is his diligence that makes him so successful in his field.

3、他父亲只在周末的时候才准他看小说。(allow sb. to do sth.)

his father only allows him to read novels on weekends.


both of us are likely to benefit from this cooperation.

5、你无权用别人的生命来冒险。(take risks)

you have no right to take risks with other people’s lives.


by working hard day and night, he succeeded at last.

7、比尔盖茨是个聪明能干的商人,微软的巨大成功使他成为一个强人。(make sb.sth.)

bill gates is a skillful and intelligent businessman,and the huge success of microsoft has made him a powerful person.

8、我们学校的图书馆里有许多参考书,比如词典和手册等。(such as)

there are a lot of reference books in our school library,such as dictionaries and handbooks.


getting that new job has completely transformed her.


the outbreak of any disease will be a disaster to the human beings.

3、这位电影明星拒绝就他的私生活发表任何评论。(comment on)

the film star refused to comment on the rumors(谣言) of his private life.

4、学校在民主的基础上运行,所有的员工都参与决策。(democratic, be involved in)

the school is run on democratic lines,and all the staff is involved in making decisions.

5、这个国家的经济在很大程度上依赖于它的旅游业。(depend on)

the economy of this country depends heavily on its tourist trade.

6、据说这位老人是镇上最富有的人。(it is said)

it is said that the old man is the richest one in the town.


the song composed by the little girl is popular among the students.

8、对这件事我不想发表任何评论。(make comment on)

i won’t make any comment on this matter.

四、写作题 (10) 分










3、词数:100 左右

4、业余打工 part-time job; 自食其力 earn one’s own living;

分心 divert one’s attention attention, please. i’m going to give you a summary of today’s discussion about whether we should have part-time job in our spare time.

thank you.

attention, please! i’m going to give you a summary of today’s discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time.

many students think we can go on line as much as possible in our spare time because we are free then. through the internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest

information at home and abroad. what’s more, network offers us a convenient way to communicate with each other. the internet makes our lives outside class colorful and various.

on the other hand, a few students partly agree to this idea. going on line is part of our daily life. but they suggest a time limit. they’ve found that more students are playing computer games or chatting instead of studying their lessons or looking up materials. there are a few students who are often absent from school in order to go on line for fun.

thank you!

五、阅读理解题 (30) 分

passage 1

the key to a good interview is thorough preparation. if you have prepared yourself well, the interview will most likely run smoothly and you will present yourself confidently.

as soon as you are invited to attend an interview,start researching facts about the company, such as the number of persons the company employs,specific fields in which it is involved. work for which it is particularly well known,its major products and services, location of branch offices,and the company’s involvement in community activities. such knowledge can be extremely useful during the interview, because it permits you to ask intelligent questions at appropriate places--questions that indicate to the interviewer that you have done your homework.

you also need to prepare for difficult questions an interviewer may ask to test your readiness for the interview and the sincerity(真诚) of your application. you may be asked: 1) why do you want to join our organization? 2) how do you think you can contribute to our company?

3) why do you want to leave your present employer? 4) what do you expect to be

doing in five years? ten years?

if you have not prepared for such questions,and so hesitate before answering, an interviewer may interpret your hesitation to mean you find a question difficult to answer or there are factors you would rather to hide. in either case, you may inadvertently(非故意地) provide an entirely misleading impression of yourself.


1. a good preparation of interview will .

a make you feel confident

b make you work smoothly

c. give you a thorough research about yourself

d provid

e you a key to some difficult problems

2. what information should you collect about the company except ?

a the number of its employees

b the places of its branch offices

c the kinds of its products an

d services

d th

e employers attitude towards his workers

3. why should you know the company well before interview? because .

a it is useful to know the exact location of the company

b it gives you much knowledge you didn’t know before

c it will help you ask proper questions during the interview

d it shows you’v

e finished your homework before interview

4. by asking some difficult questions,the interviewer mainly wants to know .

a whether you have done your homework already

b whether you apply for the job sincerely

c what you think about the company

d what you know about th

e company

5. in order to avoid a misleading impression of yourself,you

should .

a hide some facts deliberately when answering questions

b try to know the questions before the interview

c answer all the questions without hesitation

d only say som

e good words about the company

passage 2

do you know how to use a mobile phone without being rude to the people around you?

talking during a performance irritates(激怒) people. if you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the exit doors and set your phone to vibrate(振动). when your mobile phone vibrates, you can leave quietly and let the others enjoy the performance. think twice before using mobile phones in elevators, museums, churches or other indoor public places--especially enclosed spaces. would you want to listen to someone’s conversation in these places? worse yet, how would you feel if a mobile phone rang suddenly during a funeral(葬礼)! it happens more often than you think. avoid these embarrassing situations by making sure your mobile phone is switched off.

when eating at a restaurant with friends, don’t place your mobile phone on the table. this conveys the message that your phone calls are more important than those around you.

mobile phones have sensitive microphones that allow you to speak at the volume you would on a regular phone. this enables you to speak quietly so that others won’t hear the details of your conversations. if you are calling from a noisy area,use your hand to direct your voice into the microphone.

many people believe that they can’t live without their mobile phone. owning a mobile phone definitely makes

life m ore convenient , but limit your conversations to urgent ones and save the personal calls until you are at home. CBDCC

1. what should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a perf ormance?

a. call back after the perf ormance.

b. answer it near the exit do or.

c. talk outside the exit do or.

d. speak in a low voic


2. putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think .

a. you prefer to talk to your friends at the table

b. you value your calls m ore than your friends

c. you are enjoying the company of your friends

d. you are polite and considerate of your friends

3. when you are calling in a noisy area , you are advised to .

a. use a m ore sensitive microphone

b. shout loudly into your microphone

c. go away quietly to continue the phone call

d. use your hand to help speak into the phone

4. the auth or implies that the use

of mobile phones in such places as museums should be .

a. limited

b. expected

c. discouraged

d. recommended 5. which of the following is true acc ording to the passage?

a. you should limit your mobile phone calls to personal affairs.

b. you should speak quietly into your phone while in a church.

c. you are supposed to turn off your mobile phone at a funeral.

d. you are supposed to use your mobile phone as much as possibl

e. passage 3

the human body has developed its millions of nerves(神经) to be highly

aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. this helps us adjust to the outside world. without our nerves and our brain, which is a system of nerves,we couldn’t know what’s happening. but we pay for our sensitivity. we can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. the history of torture(折磨) is based on the human body being open to pain.

but there is a way to handle pain. look at the indian fakir(苦行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. fakirs can put a needle right through an arm,and feel no pain. this ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain.

the big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. if the dentist says,“this will hurt a little,” it helps us to accept the pain. by staying relaxed,and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation(感觉), we can handle the pain without falling apart.

after all,although pain is an unpleasant sensation,it is still a sensation,and sensations are the

stuff of life.


1. the human body has developed a system nerves that enables us to .

a stay relaxed

b avoid pain

c stan

d tortur

e d feel pain

2. what does the writer mean by say “we

pay for our sensitivity” in the first paragraph?

a. we have to take care of our sense of pain.

b. we suffer from our sense of feeling.

c. we should try hard to resist pain.

d. we are hurt when we feel pain.

3. when the author mentions the indian fakir, he shows that .

a fakirs possess magic power

b indians are not afraid of pain

c people can learn to cope with pain

d som

e people are born without a sense

of pain

4. what is essential for people to st

and pain according to the writer?

a. their relaxation.

b. their interest.

c. their nerves.

d. their attitude

5. the author believes

that .

a feeling pain is part of our life

b pain should be avoided at all costs

c feeling pain can be an interesting


d magic power is essential for reducing pain

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