当前位置:文档之家› 英语国际音标四线三格书写规范





创作者:凤呜大王* [ ?][ ?][ ?][?]





[?: ] [ ?? [ s ][θ?] ?[m] [n] [?

[ ?[ ?[ ??]

英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个) 1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening see ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people 2.[ ? ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday 比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel 4. seat—sit 5. tree—trip 6.bit—bee 7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read 13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip 3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best. e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again 4.[ ? ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare: 1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg 4. sat—set 5. neck--lack 6. sad—said 7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1267503.html,d—led 10. fad—fed 5. [ :][?:]The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 6. [?]The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China e: open ure: picture 7. [ ? ]Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country 8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude ou:soup oe:shoe 9.[ ?][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood classroom u:bull bullet 10.[ ?:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall call or:horse morning corn fork or short oor:floor door au: autumn ar: warm 11. [?][ ? ] The little pot is so hot. o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long sorry a: watch what 12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park. a: grass glass class plant dance fast father last half ar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarf au: laugh aunt ear: heart



英语国际音标音源练习 一.单元音:vowels(12个) 1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.

e: me be she he we evening see ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people 2.[ ?][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday 比较: 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel 4. seat—sit 5. tree—trip —bee 7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read 13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip 3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best. e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again 4.[ ? ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare: 1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg 4. sat—set 5. neck--lack 6. sad—said —bed —dead —led 10. fad—fed 5. [:][?:] The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 6. [?]The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China e: open ure: picture 7. [ ?] Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country 8.[ u:]How do you do You look really cool. o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude ou:soup oe:shoe 9.[ ?][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood classroom u:bull bullet 10.[ ?:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall call or:horse morning corn fork or short oor:floor door au: autumn ar: warm 11. [?][ ?] The little pot is so hot. o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long sorry a: watch what 12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park. a: grass glass class plant dance fast father last half ar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarf au: laugh aunt ear: heart 二.双元音(8个): 13. [e?] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away. Little Johnny wants to play. a: cake make name game snake gate lazy ai: rain train wait ay:day May play taday way ea: great 14.[ ??][ ?i] Soybean oil is my choice. oi: oil boil coin point oy: boy toy 15.[ a ?][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.


英语作文纸Composition —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Date:


[?: ] [ ?] [ ?] [ s ][θ][ f][?] [ tr] [ t?] [ ts] [m] [n] [?]

[ ?][ ?][ ?][?]

英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个) 1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening see ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people 2.[ ? ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday 比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel 4. seat—sit 5. tree—trip 6.bit—bee 7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read 13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip 3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best. e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again 4.[ ? ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare: 1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg 4. sat—set 5. neck--lack 6. sad—said 7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1267503.html,d—led 10. fad—fed 5. [ :][?:]The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 6. [?]The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China e: open ure: picture 7. [ ? ]Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country 8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude ou:soup oe:shoe 9.[ ?][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood classroom u:bull bullet 10.[ ?:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall call or:horse morning corn fork or short oor:floor door au: autumn ar: warm 11. [?][ ? ] The little pot is so hot. o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long sorry a: watch what 12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park. a: grass glass class plant dance fast father last half ar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarf au: laugh aunt ear: heart


英语四线三格使用方法及模板 虽然三年级就学了字母,但是具体如何书写,有什么注意的地方,可能很多孩子还不知道,或者都已经忘记了,因此,特梳理如下,希望给大家有所帮助。 字母书写的规格: 1.斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约10°左右,斜度要一致。 2. 大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 3. 占中间格的小写字母有a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z 13个,它们笔画的上端必须紧贴第二线,下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 4. 占一格、二格的小写字母有b,d,h,k,l 共5个,它们笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 5. 小写字母i和t也占一格、二格。但t的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i的小圆点在第一格中间稍偏下处。 6. 占二格、三格的小写字母有g,q,y 3个,它们的笔画的顶端要紧贴第二线,下端要紧贴第四线,不可离线也不可出格。 7. 占一格、二格、三格的小写字母有f, j, p 3个。其中f的上端稍离第一线(和大写字母一样),下端紧贴第四线,短横重合第二线;j的小圆点与i的小圆点位置相同,下面一笔的上端顶第二线,下端紧贴第四线;p的上端略高于第二线,约占第一格的三分之一,下端紧贴第四线。 8. 要注意书写的规范,字母a,d,g,o,q等上端必须封闭 字母l, k的收笔处是圆钩,不可写成尖钩或竖弯钩 字母r的收笔处不可多加一个弯 字母g,j,y收笔的弯钩要自然弯曲,不可太长,也不可太钩 9.一些英文字母还应注意壁画笔顺,如t和f横的笔画后写。H先写两竖,后写中间一横


音素分类音标书写音位音长 元音 声带振动单 音 口 形 不 变 前元音[ i: ][ ? ][ e ][ ? ]扁唇形,舌尖抵下齿,依次张大 中元音[?: ] [ ?] [ ?] 圆唇,舌悬空中高,依次张大 后元音[u:][?][?:][?][ɑ:] 扁圆唇,舌后缩底高,依次张大 双 元 音 口 形 变 合口 双元音 [e?] [??] [a?] 前长后短,前重后轻,首音长三分之二,次音三分之一, 从首音滑向次音,一到即止。 合口 双元音 [??] [a?] 集中 双元音 [??] [??] [e?] 辅音 声带振动或无振动 腔阻成音爆 破 音 清[ p ] [ t ] [ k ] 1.双唇闭,气冲成音 2.舌尖抵上齿龈,弹舌成音 3.舌后部抵软鄂,咳气成音 浊[ b ] [ d ] [ g ] 摩 擦 音 清[ s ][θ][ f][?] 1. s z双唇微张,舌尖平近上齿,气流缓出舌齿间, 2. ////舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由 舌齿间送出,形成摩擦音。 3. /f/ /v/唇齿摩擦辅音。发音时下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇 齿间通过,形成摩擦音。 4. /?/ /?/舌端靠近齿龈后部,舌身抬起靠近上鄂,双唇 稍收圆并略突出。气流通过时形成摩擦音浊 [ z ][ e ][ v ][?] 破 擦 音 清[ tr] [ t?] [ ts] 1.////舌端齿龈破擦辅音。发音时舌身抬高,舌端抵上 齿龈后部,气流通过时发出破擦音 2./ts/ /dz/舌端齿龈破擦辅音。舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流, 然后略下降,气流送出口腔 浊[ dr ] [ d?] [ dz ] 半元音 [ w ] [ j ] 1. W稍圆突唇舌后抬起,嘴唇滑向两边,振动 2. j扁唇微笑,舌尖抵下齿,舌面贴上鄂,振动, 3. 两音长很短,一出即滑至后音 似摩音 [ l ] [ h ] [ r ] 1.l舌抵上齿龈,稍弯,气出舌两边成音,振动 2.h 嘴唇自然张开,呵气成音,声带不振动 3.r舌关上卷悬中,圆唇稍突,冲舌成音,振动 鼻音 [m] [n] [?] 1.m 双唇紧闭,气流从鼻腔送出。 2. n 发音时舌尖抵上齿龈,软颚下垂,气流从鼻腔送出。 3. //发音时堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻腔送出。声带振动。 语流音变浊化两清辅音相连,后清变浊,[sp] →[sb] [st] →[sd] [ sk] →[sg] [ str]→[sdr] sp eak sp y st udy st ar sk y sch ool sc reen st reet 失爆两爆相连,爆擦相连,前音 失爆 Blac k board boo k case be d side car d board foo t bridge Come bac k t omorrow. I don’t thin k so. 连读前词辅音尾,后词元音头, 连读成一词 No t at a ll. The re i s, o n i t, i n an o ffice ,i n E nglish, Ge t o ut, al l o ver, firs t of a ll,


英语字母的标准写法四线三格(以此为准) 标签:英语字母四线格写法,英语字母写法,英语字母的写法,英语字母的写法,英语26个字母的写法,英语26个字母写法,英语字母标准写法,英语字母规范写法,英语字母四线格写法,英语字母表,英语26个字母,四线三格模板,四线三格英语字母表,四线三格纸,四线格,英语四线格,英文四线三格,四线三格拼音字母表,拼音四线格,英语四线格模板,四线格模板四线格英语字母表,四线三格拼音字母表,四线格拼音字母表,英语字母表顺序,英语字母表英语字母表大小写,英语26个字母表,小学英语字母表,英语圆体字母表,英语拼音字母表,四线三格英语字母标准写法。 特别提示:有很多所谓的标准写法存在明显错误!注意下面的书写要点! 小学生一入学开始就涉及到英语字母、拼音、汉字的书写,这个时候一定不要放松标准的书写格式和方法训练,否则一旦形成了错误的书写习惯,今后还需要花时间来纠正,而且纠正比初学会难度大得多。这就需要家长注意: 一是家长要认真阅读学生教材,理解教材内容,引导学生正确的按照标准格式和要求书写。 二是通过归纳总结让学生掌握标准的书写格式和方法。 这里就是把英语字母的标准书写格式和方法进行了搜集整理和总结,为家长们做一个参考。

26个大写字母的顺序与汉语拼音表的顺序是一致的。背诵不是难题,主要在于书写和发音。下面是26个字母的标准写法、书写规则等相关内容: 1、基本内容 1) 英语大写字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式; 2) 书写形式有:印刷体和书写体; 2、帮助记忆的顺口溜: 字母书写有规则,倾斜15度正适合, 大写总在上两格,高低一致不会错。 小写字母也不难,请你记住这几点 有头就用上两格,b d h i k l 和t 有尾就占下两格,g p q y 要记着: 无头无尾写中格,多练几遍就不错, 剩下j f 不一般,三个格子全部占。 3、26个字母的书写格式写法和格式要求(要点说明) (1)斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约15°左右,斜度要一致。 (2)大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 (3)占中间格的小写字母笔画的上端必须紧贴第二线,下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 (4)占一格、二格的小写字母笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 (5)小写字母i和t也占一格、二格。但t的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i的小圆点在第一格中间稍偏下处。


音标在四线三格的书写-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

[?: ] [ ?] [ ?] [ s ][θ][ f][?]1. s z双唇微张,舌尖平近上齿,气流缓出舌齿间, 2. 双唇微张,舌尖平抵上齿龈冲舌成音 3.圆唇微突出,舌尖微上卷近上齿龈,送气成音 4.上齿轻咬下唇,气出唇齿,摩擦成音. [ tr] [ t?] [ ts] 2

[m] [n] [?] 双唇紧闭,舌尖平悬,气出鼻腔振动 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气出鼻腔,振动 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后自然升顶,气出鼻腔, 3

[ ?][ ? ][ ? ] [? ] 4

5 一.单元音:vowels (12个) 1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening see ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people 2.[ ?][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday 比较: 2. live —leave 3. fill —feel 4. seat —sit 5. tree —trip —bee 7. sheep —ship 8. deed —did 9. live —leave 10. feed —fit 11. pea —pit 12. rid —read 13. street —strict 14. sleep —slip 3.[ e ] Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best. e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again 4.[ ? ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare: 1. bet--bat 2. pat —pet 3. bag —beg 4. sat —set 5. neck--lack 6. sad —said —bed —dead —led 10. fad —fed 5. [:][?:] The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 6. [ ? ] The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China e: open ure: picture 7. [ ?] Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country 8.[ u:] How do you do You look really cool. o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude ou:soup oe:shoe 9.[ ? ][u] Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood classroom u:bull bullet 10.[ ?:] My daughter who’s forty -four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall call or:horse morning corn fork or short oor:floor door au: autumn ar: warm 11. [ ? ][ ?] The little pot is so hot. o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long sorry a: watch what


. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '.


长元音短元音双元音轻辅音浊辅音轻辅音浊辅音鼻音半元音舌侧音 Vowels 英语国际音标四线三格书写规范 [ i:][ u:] [ ?:] [ ?:] [ ɑ:] [ ? [ ? ][ ? ][ ? ][ e ][ ? ][ ? ] /e ?// ??//a ?// ??// ??//e ?// ??/ /a ?/ /p // t // k // f// ?// s // θ/ /b //d// g // v // ? // z // e / / ts// t ?// tr// h/ / dz//d ?//dr// r/ /m// n //? / / j //w/ / ? /含糊音/?/ 英语国际音标新旧对照表 新i:?e??:??u:??:

元音 20 个 旧 i: i e ? ?: ? ? u: u ?: 新 ? a: e? a? ?? ?? a? ?? e? ?? 旧 ? ɑ: ei ai ?i ?u au i? ε? u? Consonants 无 pb t d k g f v s z 变 e m n ? l r h w j 辅音 28 个 化 ? ? t? d? tr dr ts dz 英语国际音标音源练习 一 .单元音: vowels ( 12 个) 1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.

e: me be she he we evening see supper duck ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ou: touch cousin country ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean8.[ u:] How do you do You look really cool. ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people o: do who whose 2.[ ? ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle.oo: food moon too soon i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin ui: fruit juice e: begin behind jacket basketball u: ruler rude y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely ou:soup study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy oe:shoe ey: monkey money9.[ ? ][u] Look at the cookbook. It’ s really good. ay: Sunday Saturday Friday o:woman wolf 比较: 2. live—leave 3. fill —feel oo:look good book foot wood classroom 4. seat—sit 5. tree —trip—bee 7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit12. rid —read 13. street — strict 14. sleep —slip u:bull bullet 10.[ ?:] My daughter who’ s forty-four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry 3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.al:ball wall call Till good is better. And better best.or:horse morning corn fork or short e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen oor:floor door ea: bread head breakfast au: autumn ai: again ar: warm 4.[ ?]Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!11. [ ? ][ ?] The little pot is so hot. a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag o: fox coffee dog shop dog hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map doctor long sorry Compare:a: watch what 1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg12.[ a:] It’ s far to the farm from the park. 4.sat—set 5. neck--lack 6.sad—said a: grass glass class plant dance —bed—dead—led fast father last half 10. fad —fed ar: car star arm park March hard garden 5. [:][?:] The early bird catches the worm first.dark scarf er: her serve term au: laugh aunt ear: heart ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn二 .双元音( 8 个): or: word work world13. [e?] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away. 6. [ ? ]The farmer ’ s sister is a doctor.Little Johnny wants to play. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler a: cake make name game snake gate ar: sugar lazy or:doctor ai: rain train wait a:panda about above camera sofa China ay:day May play taday way e: open ea: great ure: picture14. [ ??] [ ?i] Soybean oil is my choice. 7. [ ?] Come to the front on the double.oi: oil boil coin point o: son come colour love money oy: boy toy u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush15. [ a?][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.

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