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21. Many people tend to assume that ________ just means creating something new, but actually

it’s more than that—it’s an attitude of doing things.

A. imitation

B. imagination

C. innovation

D. inspiration

22. Facebook has recently ________ a string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing

copyrighted music.

A. cracked down on

B. fallen back on

C. kept up with

D. got away with

23. Big fast food chains in New York City have started to obey a rule first of its kind, ________

them to post calorie counts right on the menu.

A. to require

B. requiring

C. required

D. having required

24. He’s a very good actor, ________ a lot of comedians are not, and he’s a good director and a

good writer as well.

A. who

B. where

C. whom

D. which

25. Hearing the doorbell, I ran to answer it but found my brother had ________ me and let the

guests in.

A. interrupted

B. updated

C. anticipated

D. overlooked

26. One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem ________ it becomes

an emergency.

A. when

B. before

C. after

D. unless

27. —Hi, Jenny, how are you getting on with your packing?

—I ________ what to take with me.

A. will have decided

B. would decide

C. am deciding

D. had decided

28. Shortly after the operation, the patient’s immune system would reject the transplanted organ as

a ________ object.

A. fragile

B. domestic

C. transparent

D. foreign

29. —I regret to tell you that the council did not ________ our plan.

—Oh, what a shame!

A. smile on

B. concentrate on

C. see through

D. live through

30. I’ve come to learn that the best time to debate with family members is ________ they hav e

food in their mouths.

A. how

B. that

C. whether

D. when

31. If 53,667 people ________ differently, Hillary Clinton would have keys to the White House.

A. voted

B. had voted

C. should vote

D. should have voted

32. In any case, parents should make clear what, ________, the child is expected to pay for with

the pocket money.

A. if ever

B. if so

C. if any

D. if anything

33. —Won’t Terry be upset?

—________? He never thinks about anyone but himself.

A. Guess what

B. Now what

C. Who cares

D.Who knows

34. Only since the Industrial Revolution ________ in places away from their homes or been left to

raise small children without the help of multiple adults.

A. most people have worked

B. have most people worked

C. most people had worked

D. had most people worked

35. —Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?

—You never ________.

A. learn your lesson

B. bite your tongue

C. eat your words

D. cross your fingers


21. Invest in yourself and hold on to your dreams. ________, stay with those who will encourage

you to go on forward all the way.

A. In fact

B. In contrast

C. In brief

D. In addition

22. To promote a correct understanding of the Basic Law, we need the courage to clarify some

________ points of view and to put the system into practice.

A. artificial

B. arbitrary

C. ambiguous

D. absolute

23. Friendship does not merely ________ a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very

personal level.

A. involve

B. request

C. associate

D. deliver

24. ________ you recognize an idiom when it is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what you

read or hear spoken.

A. Although

B. Because

C. Unless

D. While

25. It is almost always the case that the police conduct an investigation and look at the evidence

that may suggest who ________ the offence.

A. commits

B. commit

C. committed

D. will commit

26. Learning must bring joy, for we never forget ________ we learn with pleasure.

A. when

B. what

C. how

D. where

27. I think the experiment supports my theory, but I need to ________ the results a couple of times

to make sure that no mistakes were made while collecting the data.

A. get over

B. take over

C. hand over

D. go over

28. —Can you tell me what it means by “You can check out any time you like but you can never

leave” from the song Hotel California?

—It implies that drug users find themselves ________ in a prison from which they cannot escape.

A. to be trapped

B. having trapped

C. trapped

D. trapping

29. In the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, ________ is often called the CN

Tower for short.

A. where

B. which

C. that

D. when

30. —When a police officer or firefighter puts on their uniform, it gives them a sense of

responsibility and authority.

—________. Just as the saying goes, clothes make the man.

A. I’m all yours

B. I’m in

C. I’m all ears

D. I’m with you

31. One of the unanswered questions of September 11th is whether there was anything U.S.

intelligence ________ to stop the attacks.

A. must do

B. could do

C. must have done

D. could have done

32. In Beijing opera, performers are required to paint their faces in patterns and colors to help

show the ________ and depths of t he characters’ personalities.

A. dimensions

B. certificates

C. occupations

D. consciences

33. ________ speed and flexibility, China’s anti-ship missile CM-302 also has a greater

destructive power than others in the market.

A. On the contrary to

B. Apart from

C. On behalf of

D. Little more than

34. From 650 to 323 BC the Greek civilization made advances in various fields that _________the

world ever since and will continue to do so.

A. influenced

B. have influenced

C. had influenced

D. are influencing

35. —We know Mrs. Jones is always the first to help anyone in trouble.

—Yes, definitely. She is ________ and respected by all of us.

A.the salt of the earth

B. a wet blanket

C. a big potato

D. the apple of our eye


21. — Have you heard that Jack has been promoted to be sales manager recently ?

—It’s nothing to be surprised at. The reason why he has won the trust of customers is that he has a(an) ______attitude.

A. changeable

B. acquaintance

C. movable

D. alternate

22. — Peter, this is Hanna, a famous model from Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. in New York.

—How do you do? I’m very delighted to make your __________.

A. identification

B. acquaintance

C. familiarity

D. identity

23. With the prices of houses rising, they became extremely anxious __________ they wouldn’t

have enough money to afford one.

A. in doubt

B. in case

C. for fear

D. for example

24. As is expected, it will still be some years before all the metro lines in our city __________ into operation.

A. will be put

B. are put

C. will have been put

D. have been put

25. Finding recipes in America is __________,for most good cooks have a shelf full of cookbooks

ranging from locally published recipe collections to national bestsellers like the Betty Crocker


A. as easy as pie

B. as clear as mud

C. as large as life

D. as light as feather

26.While the house prices in Wuxi keep rising, a lot of houses have been sold out, __________

most were sold to buyers from Shanghai and Suzhou.

A. in which

B. among them

C. of which

D. of them

27. This powerful music style addresses issues like love, sex, drugs, politics and death. Often it __________

the accepted values.

A. argues against

B. rebels against

C. fights with

D. deals with

28. —You could hardly imagine what great trouble John had reserving a hotel room during the G20 summit.

— He __________ in my apartment. It was vacant as I was abroad then.

A. must have stayed

B. should have stayed

C. could have stayed

D. would have stayed

29. China has successfully launched Tiangong-2, _____________ the way to the construction of a

large space station in the early 2020s.

A. to pave

B. having paved

C. paved

D. paving

30. Digital teaching, as you know, since introduced, has __________ our way of learning,

enabling us to focus more in class.

A. trade

B. transformed

C. translated

D. transported

31. —Why didn’t you go with us to the movie Star Trek 3?

— I would love to have, but I was __________ engaged.

A. else

B. otherwise

C. somehow

D. anyhow

32.The woman was a lady of strong mind and not once ______________ her hope of surviving the earthquake

in the darkness.

A. she has lost

B. she lost

C. did she lose

D. lost she

33. According to the school rule, no child __________ be allowed out of the school, unless

accompanied by his own parents.

A. should

B. must

C. shall

D. can

34. I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including

all those who put aside party differences to speak in __________ they believe was the national interest.

A. that

B. what

C. where

D. which

35.一Do you know if the new CEO is willing to meet the director this afternoon?

一__________ , does it?

A. It takes no time

B. It counts for nothing

C. It doesn’t hurt to ask

D. It doesn’t make sense


21. _____ what many people think, HIV cannot be spread through mosquitoes, a cough or

sneeze, or by merely touching someone with Aids.

A. Based on

B. Contrary to

C. Apart from

D. Regardless of

22. “Prehistorical powers” is one of the 10 most popular phrases used by Chinese people,

_______ many are frequently employed in online chats.

A. of whom

B. to whom

C. through which

D. among which

23. —Taylor Swift _____ the World's Highest-Paid Musicians of 2016 list.

— Really? Unbelievable!

A. took

B. made

C. topped

D. won

24. When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that's

______ my fingers fit perfectly.

A. what

B. where

C. why

D. how

25. In order to attract American students to the _______ Chinese arts, Zhao and her team have

turned to master musicians, magicians and martial artists.

A. authentic

B. confidential

C. tentative

D. artificial

26. Next year's key challenges include risks in the financial area and old issues that have yet


A. solved

B. been solved

C. to solve

D. to be solved

27. — Do you know anything about the intellectual property law?

— Well, _____ you produce pirated goods, ____ you are against it.

A. when … so

B. unless…otherwise

C. if…then

D. although…yet

28. It is on Spring Festival Eve, ______ every one is celebrating the Chinese new year, ______

Senior 3 students in China can take a rest from their study.

A. when; that

B. that; when

C. when; when

D. that; that

29. We’d visited the village without warning and selected our interview subj ects _______, so

that we would get the real data.

A. beyond description

B. in particular

C. by accident

D. at


30. Senior political figures worldwide have _____ one-China policy and have _____ support for

the widely accepted principle after it was challenged by US president-elect Donald Trump.

A. backed; voiced

B. sustained; spoken

C. approved; declined

D. supported; rejected

31. The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when ____ by the police

determine the punishment, _____ from a small fine to life imprisonment.

A. caught; ranging

B. caught; ranged

C. catching; ranging

D. catching; ranged

32. — Did they all pass the driving test?

— Yes, ___________________, they all succeeded.

A. as tough as they were

B. tough as was it

C. tough as it was

D. as tough as were they

33. “But for the fact that you _______ here for 3 years, I _______ in this key high school now,

facing its endless homework and exams!” the poor girl cried to her helpless father.

A. studied; wouldn’t have studied

B. studied; wouldn’t be studying

C. had studied; wouldn’t have studied

D. had studied; wouldn’t be studying

34. — What makes you so nervous?

— The China vs Iran World Cup qualifier will ________ tonight.

A. set off

B. show off

C. take off

D. kick off

35. — It annoys me when a person's cell phone goes off during a movie!

— Yeah, me too. It ___________.

A. really bites my tongue

B. really gets on my nerves

C. makes me see the handwriting on the wall

D. gets me to kill the fatted calf


()21. Memories from childhood stay with us forever, taking us ________ we have been and will go.

A. what

B. how

C. where

D. that

()22. When someone ________,it more than doubles his or her chances of being helpful again.

A. thanks

B. is thanked

C. was thanked

D. thanked

()23. As to Gaokao reform, the spokesman had a sincere conversation with journalists, the press release of ________ has already been made public.

A. whom

B. which

C. when

D. where

()24. When you cast a ________ for others, you help them see their potential and their possibilities.

A. glance

B. doubt

C. shadow

D. vision

()25. APEC economies will continue to ________ food security needs, and how best to meet them through policy action.

A. satisfy

B. assess

C. overlook

D. remove

()26. ________ you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

A. Once

B. If

C. Because

D. Unless

()27. I did better, but I still wasn't as focused as I ________.

A. should do

B. should have been

C. should be

D. should have done

()28. Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voices ________ in the world.

A. heard

B. having heard

C. hearing

D. to be heard

()29. —It's a complete mess. Where are the kitchen table tops?

—At the back. We ________ them by 7 pm this evening.

A. are placing

B. have placed

C. will be placing

D. will have placed

()30. If you manage to survive the crisis, think about how it will help you ________ new challenges.

A. give up

B. take up

C. hold up

D. put up

()31. The life you live will expand or shrink ________ the measure of courage you display.

A. in proportion to

B. in place of

C. in competition with

D. in return for

()32. —I will go on a diet tomorrow.

—________. You've said that over a million times.

A. Take your time

B. I don't enjoy myself

C. Beg your pardon

D. I don't buy it

()33. More employers now offer fresh college graduates ________ jobs, hoping to seek out experienced candidates.

A. contemporary

B. temporary

C. permanent

D. primitive

()34. Anne lost her wallet and Mother wasn't surprised that ________ as she was too careless.

A. she was so

B. so was she

C. so did she

D. she did so

()35. —How come Joan hasn't typed the report yet?

—Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. She is ________ in computer operation.

A. a green hand

B. a black sheep

C. a dark horse

D. a blue stocking


21. The volunteers provided the lonely elders each with an overcoat,____could help them

keep warm through the winter.

A. one



D.one that

22. What? The computer has broken down again! It____all right this morning.

A. is working

B.was working

C.had worked

D.has worked

23. 一the arguments, it's necessary to consider the contributions Hong Kong Disneyland

has made in lifting the number of tourists.

A. Whatever




24. The local authorities provide every college student this year with an annual____of4000

yuan for food and tuition fees.

A. award




25. Quite afew graduates cannot find jobs the moment they graduate. The situation will not

change much____the government makes more efforts.

A. if




26. Trump Tower,____as the headquarters for The Trump Organization, is a 58-story-skycraper

___ _ in Midtown Manhattan.

A. serving; located

B. served; located

C. served; locating

D. serving; locating

27.I think that conflict is unlikely to happen, but ifit____,the interest of both China and

the U.S. would be severely damaged.

A. would occur

B. had occured

C. were to occur

D. occurs

28. ---Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down.

---Trust me!1 won't. I'll keep you____.

A. touched

B. posted

C. corresponded

D. preserved

29. No wonder some people don't show sympathy for the victim of the accident. She____

have observed the traffic rules.

A. must

B. should

C. need

D. would

30. ---How I am eager to see your new car! May I have a look now, Peter?

___ _. It's great to share.

A. That's all right.

B. Couldn't agree more.

C. You must be kiddding.

D.By all means.

31. How I envy Jones! She can eat super big hamburgers without fear____she will put on much weight.

A. that




32. The farmers were worried about the coming flood, because they just____ the seeds.

A. have; sowed

B.had; sowed

C.had; been sowing

D.would; sow

33. ---Would you mind going to the movies by yourself tonight?

---I am afraid.1 will feel lonely in the theatre, with no one____me.

A. being accompanied


C.to accompany

D.having accompanied

34.____all the work you're putting in, remember that you're probably growing roots not


A. For feat of

B.Apart from

C.Regardless of

D.In spite of

35. This policy, which used to be very successful, is a____,though it no longer meets the

needs of the current situation.

A. sacred cow

B.Pandora's box

C.Mickey Mouse course

D.good Samaritan


21. The argument doesn’t hold much ground ______ family backgrounds offer graduates an

advantage in the career competition nowadays.

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. when

22. —Why are you so upset, Mary?

—My boss ______ fault with me. He is not so kind as you think.

A. always finds

B. is always finding

C. has always found

D. always found

23. Thanks to the efforts of the last three years, there has been a ______ change in the infrastructure construction of our city.

A. tentative

B. confidential

C. fundamental

D. conventional

24. We are creating a new vision for public health ______ all of society work together to get

healthier and live longer.

A. which

B. whom

C. where

D. when

25. According to the regulations, most of our flights have a baggage ______ of 22 kilograms per passenger.

A. gravity

B. session

C. punctuation

D. allowance

26. ______ you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and satisfying part of life.

A. Even if

B. Now that

C. As though

D. In case

27. I’m sorry to say I failed to meet the deadline. With better equipment, I ______ the task on


A. would accomplish

B. might have accomplished

C. must have accomplished

D. could accomplish

28. Many natural disasters took place across the country, ______ severe losses on people’s life and property.

A.to have brought

B. only bringing

C. only to bring

D. having brought

29.When he ______ the bill in the restaurant, he suddenly realized that he had left his wallet in the car.

A. paid

B. would be paying

C. was to pay

D. had paid

30. Schools in our city provide a variety of optional classes to ______ students of different levels.

A. cater to

B. switch to

C. object to

D. submit to

31. The computer program of the 1970s was unable to ______ between letters and numbers.

A. discriminate

B. conclude

C. negotiate


32. ______ to the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during

his stay here.

A. Being attached

B. Attached

C. Attaching

D. Having attached

33. —You stayed up late again last night?

—Yes. I had to ______ the lost time last week.

A. count on

B. appeal to

C. take away

D. make up

34.—What do you think it is that has contributed to his huge success?

—______he keeps focused on what he is doing.

A. Because

B. How

C. Whether

D. That

35. —Will Mr Black allow us to bring mobile phones to school?

—He is ______and I don’t think he’ll give us permission.

A. a tough nut

B. our great rock

C. the best fish

D. an early bird


21. Why do we pay so much attention to gossips about pop stars, _______ millions are made

up and forgotten every day?

A. where

B. when

C. what

D. which

22. In China, the most _______ Spring Festival custom is making dumplings in the north while

new year cakes in the south.

A. temporary

B. punctual

C. authentic

D. stubborn

23. US singer Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the first

songwriter _______ the honor.

A. winning

B. having won

C. to win

D. to be won

24. Pingyao has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO _______ its conserved ancient

city layout.

A. in charge of

B. in defence of

C. in search of

D. in recognition of

25. Vancouver’s appeal consists of comfort and security, making it what Andy Yan calls a

“hedge city”, _______ feature is social and political stability.

A. of which

B. of whom

C. which

D. whose

26. Psychologists explain how your walk can _______ your hidden personalities in a recent

behavioral study.

A. reserve

B. relieve

C. release

D. reveal

27. We believe there is no independent scientific evidence that any internet dating site is

beneficial to matching people together, _______?

A. is there

B. do we

C. don’t we

D. isn’t there

28. —John, I think honesty is the best policy for my coming interview.

—Well, that rule _______ everyone. But be flexible then.

A. caters to

B. appeals to

C. applies to

D. objects to

29. A student can _______ obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest

without ploughing.

A. no more

B. not more

C. no less

D. not less

30. France has recently passed a law that says all supermarkets _______ donate all of their

unsold produce to charities.

A. may

B. should

C. will

D. shall

31. Many parents received a message about the class _______ because of hazy days in Beijing.

A. inspection

B. suspension

C. anticipation

D. participation

32. The cost of living in big cities _______ steadily for many years, and it has led some youths

to drop out of the big city race.

A. is climbing

B. is being climbed

C. has been climbing

D. has been climbed

33. Many anti-piracy experts are able to determine _______ an item has been pirated or not,

based on the maker’s style and qualifications.

A. that

B. whether

C. what

D. why

34. I am glad to find that on top of the mountain _______ from the time of the Roman Empire.

A. lies ancient ruins

B. lie ancient ruins

C. does ancient ruins lie

D. do ancient ruins lie

35. — Andrey really brightens up when he sees his girl. She looks so cute.

— Yeah. The girl is _______. Fortunately, the girl resembles her mother!

A. the apple of his eye

B. the salt of the earth

C. a dark horse

D. a feet of clay


21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D

31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A


21—25 DCACC 26—30 BDCBD 31—35 DABBA


21~25 BBCBA 26~30 CBCDB 31~35 BCCBC


21-25 BDCBA 26-30 DCADA 31-35 ACBD


21—25 CBBDB26—30 DBADB31—35 ADBDA


21-25 DBACC 26-30 ACBBD 31-35 ABCDA


21—25 BBCCD 26—30 ABBCA 31—35 ABDDA


21-25 BCCDD 26-30 DACAD 31-35 BCBBA


练中求变,能力至上 ——2010 年市一模试卷分析及高三英语复习策略 泰顺中学刘海宇 一.2010 年市一模试卷分析 1.2010 年市一模试卷评析 2010 年市一模试卷的难度适中,符合考试说明的要求,也体现了高中新课程理念和素质教育的内涵,整卷突出语篇,强调语境,注重交际,重视运用。大部分学生能够在规定的时间内答完全部试题,基础好的 学生还有一定的时间进行检查,确保了学生的英语水平得以真实的反映。因此,一模试卷对我市的高中英 语教学起到很好的导向作用。 2. 成绩分析 以泰顺中学高三段参加考试的584 人做样本进行数据统计,段平均分为88.9, 最高分为133.5,最低分为23,试卷难度值为0.59,符合高考作为选拔性考试, 需要适当的难度,整卷的难度系数控制在0.60 ±0.05 之间的标准。从下图的分数分布看,120分以上的高分偏少,只有22人,而70分以下有97人,因此,当务之急, 一模之后要面向全体, 培优补差,才能提高总体实力。 130 以上120 129.5 110 119.5 100 109.5 90-99.580-89.570-79.560-69.560 以下

本次的听力试题,语速适中,语音清晰,设问有梯度。从上表可以看出,第1、3、5、8、10、19 题失 分较多,其中1 到5小题只有念一次,许多学生在听力开始时,思想过度紧张,导致大脑一片空白,再加上追 求完美的心理,不舍得放弃,以至于一旦第一题没有听清楚后,还一直在琢磨究竟哪个是正确答案,结果就 如多米诺骨牌一样产生连锁反应,失分连连。第七段对话语速较快,很多学生没听清楚,因此第8、10 小题 基本就去蒙了,其中第8 题有47% 的学生选了 A.Atamusicparty 选项,只是因为在对话中听到了music 这个词. ②单项填空―― 基础知识是重点,强调语言实用性 a. 单选重双基,语境中活现 本卷单项选择部分考查要点突出,覆盖面广,没有刻意追求语言形式与结构的繁杂,而是强调考生在 各方面的实际运用能力;强调在注重实用性的基础上,将语法、词汇、习惯用语等语言项目的测试融入真 实的情景之中,体现了语言的交际功能。如第 3 题,把现在进行时的被动语态的考查放在机场的登机广播 中 b. 动词是重点 动词始终是单项填空的主旋律、重头戏。本卷题型中考查动词的有7题,与08、09 年高考一样占35%的分值。主要考查非谓语动词、情态动词、动词时态、语态、动词词义及词组的区别等。该题从以下几个方面考查学生的英语水平: 1. 基础语法知识 2. 对词义的正确理解 3. 相近词的辨析 4. 固定词组的搭配 5. 交际用语的灵活运用 各考查项目的分布情况如下: 第1题冠词;第2题名词辨析;第3题动词时态;第4题介词短语辨析;第5题副词辨析;第6题therebe 句型;第7题动词短语辨析;第8题疑问代词;第9题非谓语动词;第10题形容词辨析;第11 题情态动词;第12题定语从句;第13题动词短语辨析;第14题连词辨析;第15题代词;第16题情景交际;第17题非谓语动词;第18题


高考英语单选易错题汇编及答案全部详解 1. Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining. A. or else B. but still C. and then D. so that 2. We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go ____ it's raining. A. if B. when C. though D. because 3. ——The weather is too cold ____ March this year. ——It was still ____ when I came here years ago. A. for; colder B. in; cold C. in; hot D. for; hotter 4. ——How much vinegar did you put in the soup? ——I'm sorry to say, ____. I forget. A. no B. no one C. nothing D. none 5. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any 6. ——What should I wear to attend his wedding party? ——Dress ____ you like. A. what B. however C. whatever D. how 7. ——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? ——____ my students have a try? A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May 8. I'd like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long. A. which B. that C. where D. in which 9. I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away. A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan 10. ——Your book, Tommy? ——No, Mom, it's my friend's. ——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it. A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever 11. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a


2018年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分5分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.答案是C。 1.(1.00分)What will James do tomorrow? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.(1.00分)What can we say about the woman? A.She's generous. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.(1.00分)When does the train leave? A.At 6:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.(1.00分)How does the woman go to work? A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike. 5.(1.00分)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient.


英语高考单项选择 真题部分-2004年浙江省 21. The winner of 1990 was extremely bad. _____ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A. At last B.In fact C.In a word D.As a result 22. The Wilsons live in _____ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _____ 17th century cottage. A. the , / B. an, the C. /, the D. an, a 23. The discussion ____ alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came 24. ______ students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese 25. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite _____ as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up 26. I ____ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday. A. should B. might C. would D. could 27. ---- What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. ----- _____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A. It just depends B. It’s up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that 28. --- Brad was Jane’s brother! ---_______ he reminded me so much of Jane! A. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course 29. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ____ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known 30. If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would _____. A. act B. help C. serve D. last 31. _____ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. A. While B. Since C. As D. If 32. I’ve never seen anyone run so fast---- ______ David go. A. just watch B. just to watch C. just watching D. just having watched 33. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for ______. A. none B. either C. any D. each 34. Because the shop _____, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down 35. A nyway, that evening, ____ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place. A. when B. where C. what D. Which


海淀: 四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. Larry, please pass _______the dictionary,. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 23. The famous singer will give a performance _______ the concert hall. A. by B. at C. on D. of 24. Mr. Greencan’t go to the meeting ______ he has a bad cold. A. because B. unless C. whether D. although 25. The computer works well.There is _____ wrong with it. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 26. Travelingabroad is much __________ than before. A. easy B. easier C. easiest D. the easiest 27. You ______ cross the road when the traffic lights are red. A. can B. must C. mustn’t D. needn’t 28. Jim will phone you as soon as he _______ the tickets to the art exhibition. A. gets B. got C. has got D.will get 29. I _______ a picnic with my brother yesterday. It was very great. A. have B. had C. will have D. am having 30. Linda _____ Chinese for one year and she can speak good Chinese. A. learn B. learned C. has learned D. will learn 31. My teachers often tell us how _______ a healthy life. A. to live B. living C. live D. lives 32. All my classmates are busy _______ ready for the PE test. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got 33. A new zoo _____ in that area next year. A. built B. was built C. builds D. will be built 34. —Do you know ________now? —Outside the school gate. A. where Kate is waiting for her mother B. where is Kate waiting for her mother C. where Kate was waiting for her mother D. where was Kate waiting for her mother 单项填空(共13分,每小题1分) 22. B 23. D 24.A 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C 31.D 32. C 33. D 34. A 西城 四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 22. This restaurant is very popular. ____________ many people here every day. A. There' are B. There aren't C. There is D. There isn't 23. Jimmy is coming to Beijing by plane. I'Il meet him____________ the airport tomorrow. A. on B. at C. off D. for 24. --- ____________sweater is this, Peter? --- It's mine, Miss Smith. A. How many B. What C. Which D. Whose


1. Ten years had passed. I found she had _______. A. a few white hairs B. a little white hair C. some white hair D. more fifty hair 2. —Hi, this way, please. —OK.I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad. A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition 3. —I’ve got an “A” in the examination. —That’s a good ______. You will surely win a second. A. result B. news C. start D. idea I did it by _______. 4. I didn’t have to work all weekend — A. chance B. choice C. accident D. myself 5. “Did you get _____ to the party?”“Yes, I replied to it this morning.”  A. an answer B. an invitation C. a question D. a letter 6. I paid him £50 for the painting, but its true ______ must be at least £500. A. price B. money C. value D. importance 7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it. A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. guess 8. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to wait for the next round. A. chance B. turn C. time D. part 9. —Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well. —It’s no ______ he always gets the first place in any examination. A. question B. doubt C. problem D. wonder 10. —How can I use this washing machine? —Well, just refer to the _______. A. explanations B. expressions C. introductions D. directions 11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ______. A. rooms number B. room number C. room’s numbers D. room numbers 12. —Hello, I’d like to speak to Henry. —Oh, which _______? There are two ______ in our office. A. Henrys, Henrys B. Henries, Henries C. Henry, Henrys D. Henrys, Henries 13. Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatly increased in price in recent years. A. pressure B. force C. strength D. energy 14. To most of us, friendships are considered very important, but we need to have clear in our _________ the kinds of friendships we want. A. hearts B thought C. actions D. minds 15. The result was a narrow victory for Smith in the competition. A. achievements B success C. victory D. triumph 16. As a candidate, you must make a good ______on everyone you meet if you want to win the election. A decision B situation C impression D position 17.—Jerry said something strange at the meeting.


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance ofcoming true. A. which B.what C. when D. that 【答案】C 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中作时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。 22.The musician along with his band members ________ ten performancesin the last three months. A. gives B.has given C.havegiven D.give 【答案】B 【详解】考查现在完成时与主谓一致。句意:在过去的三个月里,这名音乐家与他的乐队成员已经完成了十场演出。由“in the last three months”可知,这句话的时态为现在完成时,故排除AD选项。本句主语为the musician,为第三人称单数形式,句中的“along with his band members”是附加成分,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故选B。

23.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients ________ theyneed medical assistance. A. if only B.as if C. eventhough D.in case 【答案】D 【详解】考查状语从句的连词。句意:医生给了病人他的手机号码,以防病人需要医疗援助。A. if only要是……多好;B. as if好像,仿佛; C. even though即使,尽管; D. in case以备,以防,免得。故选D符合语境。 24.More wind power stations will ________ to meet the demand forclean energy. A. Takeup B.clearup C.holdup D. spring up 【答案】D 【详解】考查动词短语。句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会被建立起来。A. take up开始从事,占领,开始干(工作); B. clear up整理,收拾,解决(问题); C. hold up(论点、理论等)站得住脚,阻挡,举起; D. spring up出现,涌现。故选D。 25.Scientists have obtained more evidence ________ plastic is findingits way into the human body. A. what B.that C. which D. where 【答案】B


高考英语第二轮复习单项选择题专项练习200题 1.There is still much to discuss. We shall, ____________, return to this item at our next meeting. A.therefore B.however C.otherwise D.briefly 2.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ___________ of forced entry. A.scene B.signal C.sign D.sight 3.—Would you have your family get together this New Year’s Day? — ___________. We are busy working at that time. A.No way B.Not at all C.No problem D.No chance 4.—The National College Entrance Examination is drawing near. All we should do is make the best use of time. —I can’t agree more. Every minute ________. A.needs B.counts C.acquires D.urges 5.—I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice. — Oh, it __________ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment. A.must have been B.should have been C.could have been D.may have been 6.He has recently ___________ tennis to relax himself. A.taken off B.taken up C.put up D.put out 7.To our excitement, two _________ of students __________ a success after three years’hard work. A.scores; scored B.score; lost C.scores; made D.score; scored 8.Our class _________ all fond of singing English songs and we can sing ________ than others. A.is; many more B.are; many more C.is; much more D.are; much more 9.The long-lasting meeting __________ in disorder, __________ no conclusion. A.was ended; reached B.ended; reaching C.was ended; reaching D.ended; to reach 10.If you feel tired and sick of fat foods, that is _______ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination. A.why B.what C.when D.whether 11.The overseas Chinese scientist made another wonderful discovery, ___________ of great value to study AIDS. A.which I think it is B.which I think is C.I think it is D.I think is 12.Americans are nervous ____________ the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, but also worry __________ the ability of the United States and the United Nations to deal with the situation. A.about; about B.to; about C.for; about D.for; for 13.When __________ comes to golf, I know nothing and I have no interest in this match. A.this B.that C.it D.one 14.—You can’t enter the building without __________ permission. —I’ve lost __________ permission card. A.the; a B.a; the C.\; the D.\; \ 15.—I hear that Bai Shan can’t afford his schooling this fall. —___________, l et’s do something for him. A.If so B.Where possible C.When necessary D.What a shame 16. --- I have just had my watch repaired. --- How much did they for that? A. cost B. charge C. spend D. take 17. --- It’s been a wonderful Halloween Party. Thank you very much. --- ___________. A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It’s OK 18. --- How about the book you are reading? --- Good indeed. It ___________ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers 19. The room is in a terrible mess; it __________ cleaned. A. can’t have been B. couldn’t be C. may have been D. would be 20. He ___________ the test, but he wasn't careful enough.

高三英语一模AB阅读汇总 带答案分析

2019 一模海淀A Ray Tokuda, a 54-year-old Japanese American, is proud of the title his school has given him. He is a Shifu, a Chinese word literally meaning a master, mentor or senior practioner of martial arts. Tokuda has reason to be proud. He has been involved with Chinese martial arts for almost four decades. After learning them at the martial arts school in New Mexico State, today he is among the most experienced kung fu teachers of the school. Practicing martial arts two to three hours and helping students improve their skills have become Tokuda's daily routine. He expects to practice and teach martial arts for the rest of his life. “I'm still learning. It's worth more than a lifetime to learn Chinese martial arts,” he said. “Once I started, I just couldn't stop. I think it's also the magic of Chinese culture.” Tokuda was sent to the martial arts school when he was 10. He still remembers how unwilling he was when starting out. “My father had always wanted to learn Chinese martial arts but never got the chance, so he put his kid in,” he said. “I was so afraid at that time because I thought kung fu was all about fighting.” But things changed after he learned that martial arts were more than punching and kicking. “One of the things martial arts teach me is overcoming adversity,” Tokuda said. “As a little kid, my first lesson was like, oh, look, this is a thing that I can get through by diligence, perseverance(毅力)and dedication, and that was priceless for my life.” Learning Chinese martial arts opened a gateway for him to better understand Chinese culture because he could hear a lot of ancient Chinese kung fu-related stories. “It is like in America, where we hear stories about knights in shining armor and King Arthur and noble deeds done,” he said. “I feel martial arts preserve something of ancient China that can't be found in books. They are sort of an oral history.” Tokuda has also been invited to various events in his home state to showcase traditional Chinese culture, including the dragon dance and lion dance, which he also learnt at the martial arts school. Because of this, he is now considered a cultural envoy (使者) in the eyes of the public.

2018年英语高考试题单选分类 汇编(1)

2018年英语高考试题单选分类汇编 冠词与名词 1. (2018天津6月)6. The__________ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space. A. advice B. order C. possibility D. invitation 2. (2018江苏卷)32. Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the_______ you’ve made. A. assignment B. association C. acquisition D. assumption 3. (2018天津3月)9. Can we stop the ______of the world’s deserts and save the land that man depends so much on? A. loss B. heat C. spread D. defense 代词 1. (2018天津3月)1. Professional skills are tools like a knife or a hammer. You need _____to complete the things you want to do. A. it B. that C. them D. ones 介词 1. (2018北京卷)14. —Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office. —Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon. A. for B. on C. in D. at 2. (2018天津6月)11.Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went ___________. A. at first B. after all C. above all D. at random 3. (2018江苏卷)33. China’s soft power grows _______the increasing appreciation and understanding of China globally. A. in line with B. in reply to C. in return for D. In honour of 形容词与副词


高中英语单项选择题精选 1. A: I am going to the post office. B:-------you are there,can you get me some stamps? A.as B. while C. until D. if 2. These stories were made------his own head. A. out of B.up of C. into D. up out of 3. The cave------very dark , he made some candles-----light. A. was; given B. was ; being given C. being ; to give D. being ; give 4. Which is -------country , Canada or Australia ? A. large B. larger C. a larger D. the larger 5. In the dark , there wasn’t a single person ------she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom 6. In my opinion , it is the best use that could be------of the money. A. turned up B. turned out C. spent D. Made 7. Jenny liked Fred-------all the boys he was the most honest one .

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