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赖世雄 中级美国英语教程文字稿 完美版

赖世雄 中级美国英语教程文字稿 完美版
赖世雄 中级美国英语教程文字稿 完美版

Lesson 01 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day Lesson 02 How to Improve Your English Lesson 03 The City of Song

Lesson 04 He Who Hesitates Is Lost Lesson 05 Bungee Jumping

Lesson 06 Nothing Ventured, Nothing gained Lesson 07 Doctor Death

Lesson 08 No Hearts or No Brains? Lesson 09 Be Thoughtful

Lesson 10 What Are Friends For? Lesson 11 Power Without Pollution Lesson 12 Stop the Noise

Lesson 13 Health Comes First

Lesson 14 Quit Cold Turkey

Lesson 15 Don’t Rely on Luck!

Lesson 16 Study or Flunk

Lesson 17 A Computer Car

Lesson 18 Nothing Is Perfect

Lesson 19 Blame It on Men

Lesson 20 A Weighty Problem

Lesson 21 Coffee Bathing

Lesson 22 Whiskey or Coffee?

Lesson 23 Earthquake Survival Tips Lesson 24 Just Like a Woman

Lesson 25 Restaur ant Dos and Don’ts Lesson 26 The Missing Tip

Lesson 27 Thank Your Lucky Stars Lesson 28 Going on a Diet

Lesson 29 Just a Dream

Lesson 30 Yes, Sir

Lesson 31 Good Fengshui in New York Lesson 32 Goldfish, Souls and Coffee Tables Lesson 33 A Deadly Current

Lesson 34 A Lifesaving Kiss

Lesson 35 A Sense of Security

Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac

Lesson 37 Garbage Could Mean Money Active American English 罗马不是一天造成的






































Lesson 38 That’s Fashion

Lesson 39 At the Foreign Exchange

Lesson 40 Changing Money

Lesson 41 Getting a tan

Lesson 42 Roast Beef

Lesson 43 Hi-tech Romance

Lesson 44 Better Off with E-mail

Lesson 45 Tough Guys Do Dance

Lesson 46 Anything for a Kiss

Lesson 47 Fast-food Talk

Lesson 48 Fast Food, Slow Service

Lesson 49 Stop Snoring!

Lesson 50 Laser Cures Snoring

Lesson 51 Thanksgiving

Lesson 52 A Thanksgiving Get-together

Lesson 53 Monkeying Around

Lesson 54 Variety Is the Spice of Life

Lesson 55 Life After Death

Lesson 56 Baby Trouble

Lesson 57 New Asian Generation

Lesson 58 Like Father, Like Son

Lesson 59 About Moral Values

Lesson 60 How to Attract Boys

Lesson 61 Touring by Taxi

Lesson 62 Keep the Change

Lesson 63 The Dying Language

Lesson 64 Speaking the Same Language

Lesson 65 Italian Culture

Lesson 66 It’s Nap Time

Lesson 67 All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Lesson 68 Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

Lesson 69 Mean What You Say

Lesson 70 A Promise Is a Promise

Lesson 71 Earth in Danger

Lesson 72 Saving the World

Lesson 73 Don’t Be a Fish Out of Water

Lesson 74 Get with It, Bob

Active American English







































Lesson 75 The Amish

Lesson 76 Live and Let Live

Lesson 77 Think Before You Speak Lesson 78 Believe It Or Not

Lesson 79 The Weaker Sex?

Lesson 80 Girls Versus Boys

Lesson 81 Stop to Smell the Flowers Lesson 82 Being Around Nature

Lesson 83 Man’s Best Friend

Lesson 84 Oh My God!

Lesson 85 Beauty Is Only Skin-deep Lesson 86 Me and My Big Mouth Lesson 87 Traveling by Plane

Lesson 88 Bon Voyage!

Lesson 89 AIDS

Lesson 90 What an Idiot!

Lesson 91 Kayaking

Lesson 92 Only the Good Die Young Lesson 93 One Good Turn Deserves Another Lesson 94 As Poor As a Church Mouse Lesson 95 The poor Man’s Cure-all Lesson 96 What’s the Point Of Chewing Gum? Lesson 97 The Bronze Age

Lesson 98 Speaking from the Grave Lesson 99 Stop Swearing!

Lesson 100 Stop Bullshitting!

Lesson 101 A Red-hot Cure

Lesson 102 Old Wives’ Tales

Lesson 103 The Tallest Building in the World Lesson 104 Who Cares Anyway?

Lesson 105 Catch-22

Lesson 106 What a Dilemma!

Lesson 107 Seeing Is Believing

Lesson 108 No Free Lunch

Lesson 109 Adorable Koalas in Danger Lesson 110 Killing Is No Solution Lesson 111 I Want to Marry Your Wife Active American English Contents 亚米希人






































Lesson 112 You’ve Got to be Kidding!

Lesson 113 Heavy and Chubby

Lesson 114 Muscular My Foot!

Lesson 115 A Very Special Juice

Lesson 116 I Prefer My Own Brand

Lesson 117 Cheer Up!

Lesson 118 What a Grouch!

Lesson 119Where’s the Toilet?

Lesson 120 It’s Too Late

Lesson 121 Kick the habit

Lesson 122 Candy Helps?

Lesson 123 Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Lesson 124 Don’t Be a Lazybones

Lesson 125 Partying with Foreigners

Lesson 126 Wanna Dance?

Lesson 127 A Shocking Experience

Lesson 128 A Long Ride

Lesson 129 Dog Days Off

Lesson 130 An Inch Given, a Mile Taken

Lesson 131 Lost and Found

Lesson 132 What’s in the Bag?

Lesson 133 Smile, Everybody!

Lesson 134 Konbanwa, Everybody!

Lesson 135 The Roaring Englishman

Lesson 136 Letting Off Steam

Lesson 137 Going to the Barber’s

Lesson 138 Don’t Catch a Cold

Lesson 139 The Dancing Cop

Lesson 140 Going Bananas in Bangkok

Lesson 141 Men or Monkeys

Lesson 142 Say Cheese

Lesson 143 How to Improve Your Writing Skills

Lesson 144 Go for It

Lesson 145Breakfast Improves Mental Sharpness

Lesson 146 Doing It in the Pants

Lesson 147 Let Experience Be The Teacher

Lesson 148. What a Terrible Experience!







































Active American English Contents

Lesson 1

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It?s up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First don?t be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, “Rome wasn?t built in a day.”

Lesson 3

The City Of Song

Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the Waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don?t forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys? Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music

Lesson 5

Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping looks like fun. It makes me nervous just to watch someone do it. It certainly takes a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. It scares me just to think about it. However, it is someth ing I really want to do one day. Some people think I?m crazy. They say to jump is foolish enough, but to have to pay for it is madness. I don?t agree. For me, to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long and boring one. What do you think? Lesson 7

Doctor Death

Whether very sick people should be helped to end their lives is a question many people cannot answer. However, Dr. Kevorkian is an exception. That he has done this more than twenty times is known to everyone. Some say what he is doing is immoral. They call him Doctor Death. Others say what he is doing is merciful. They call it mercy killing. Whether Dr. kevorkian should be allowed to continue doing this is a real problem for the government. There seem to be two sides to the argument. Which side are you on?

Lesson 2

How To Improve Your English

Mike is talking to his friend Don.

M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class?

D: Not so well, I?m afraid. M: What?s the problem?

D: I?m not improving. Tell me, how com e your English is so good?

M: Well, uh… I have an American girlfriend.

D: Aha! That?s it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off)

M: Hey, come back! I was just kidding!

Lesson 4

He Who Hesitates Is Lost

Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.

Mike: Are you having a good time, Daisy?

D: Are you kidding?

I’m having the time of my life. I loved the concerts.

M: Concert-going is fantastic, but what else can we do?

D: Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun

M: It sounds like a great idea! D: L et?s do it then.

M: You?re right. As they say, “He who hesitates is lost.”

Lesson 6

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Lisa and Bill are talking about their future.

L: What’s your goal in life, Bill?

B: To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird.

L: That’s easy.

B: What do you mean?

L: Go bungee jumping.

B: You must be kidding. It’s too dangerous.

L: Well, nothing adventured, nothing gained.

Lesson 8

No Hearts Or No Brains

Helen and Dick are talking about the previous article.

H: I don?t understand how peop le can think.

Dr. Kevorkian is doing the right thing.

D: Well, helping people die with dignity is not that bad, isn?t it?

H: Don?t you know? Where there is a life, there is a hope?

D: Come on. Be realistic. Those people who want to do are

suffering. It?s b etter that they go quickly and painlessly.

H: All you men have no hearts.

D: And all you women have no brains.

Lesson 9

Be Thoughtful

Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others

before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect

on others. So it is important that you think before you

say or do anything. In this way you can avoid hurting

others? feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark

can spoil a perfect relationship. Remember these rules.

If you don?t have anything nice to say, don?t say

anything. Likewise, if you think what you do will hurt

others, don?t do it. After all, what goes around comes


Lesson 11

Power Without Pollution

Pollution is a big problem in almost all the big cities

of the world. City people are, therefore, becoming more

and more worried about how they can get rid of

pollution. They are also concerned about whether the

government is doing enough to protect the environment.

However, people in Ireland don?t have these worries.

They are sure that they have found the answer to the

problem. They use windmills. These windmills can

create power without creating pollution. This method is

so successful that other countries are thinking of doing

the same. Why not? What works for Ireland can work

for any other country.

Lesson 13

Health Comes First

Smoking is bad in that it is harmful to one’s

health. In spite of the fact that doctors have even

warned that it causes cancer, people still keep on

smoking. In some western countries, however,

people are beginning to kick the bad habit. They

realize that health should come first. To help them

quit smoking, there are laws against cigarette

advertising and smoking in public places. This is

praiseworthy except that western countries are

selling cigarettes in the east in greater numbers

than ever. That they are doing this is immoral,

don’t you think?

Lesson 10

What Are Friends For?

Jane meets her old friend, Fred. Jane greets Fred

J: Hi, Fred! How?s everything?

F: Not so good, I?m afraid. Supporting a family is

becoming more and more difficult these days.

J: What you say can?t be more true. Everything is so

expensive. I can hardly make ends meet myself.

F: Oh, really? Do you need any money?

What I have is not much, but I can loan you some.

J: I?m OK. Thanks for being so thoughtful anyway

F: What are friends for?

Lesson 12

Stop The Noise

Mr. Cheng is talking to his neighbor Mrs. Wang.

C: May I have a word with you?

W: Sure. What?s the problem?

C: It?s about your son. I?m tired of his making

so much noise at all hours of the day.

W: I?m sorry. I?m sure he?s not doing it on purpose

C: I?m sure he?s not,

but we can do without the noise pollution you know

W: You?re absolutely right.

By the way, how was your party last night?

It sure sounded like you had a great time.


Lesson 14

Quit Cold Turkey

Jane is talking to her boyfriend.

J: You promised me that you were going to give

up smoking. What’s that in your hand?

B: I’m sorry. I really want to except that every time

I get nervous, I can’t help smoking.

J: That’s just an excuse.

B: No. It’s true. I’ve tried everything, chewing gum,

biting my fingernails and even meditation, but

nothing works.

J: Well, if you want to be with me, you’ll just have

to quit cold turkey.

B: That will work!

Lesson 15

Don’t Rely On Luck!

Passing exams is every st udent?s dream. Failing them is their nightmare. So, to realize their dreams, many students try anything. They even go to fortunetellers, buy lucky charms and follow old customs. In Korea, many students bury something personal in the university they want to enter. They believe that these things will act as magnets and “pull” them into the university. Whether it works or not, nobody really knows. At least it does ease the students? minds about passing exams. Remember, though, you can?t always rely on luck. There is no substitute for hard work.

Lesson 17

A Computer Car

You are in a strange city. It?s late at night and you?re tired. But you can?t find your hotel. You sigh a deep sigh. It seems like you are dreaming a terrible dream. What is happening?

This situation often happens to people who travel by car. But it may become a thing of the past. New auto computers are being designed to tell you how to reach your destination. A small screen in your car displays a map of the city and shows you where you are .Just give the computer the name of your hotel. You?ll see it on the map. To top it off, a voice will give you directions while you drive. With a car like this, what else would you expect? Lesson 19

Blame It On Men

What?s the real reason women get fat? It?s not chocolate or ice cream. According to a recent report which was published in London, it?s men! A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreheads: “I can make you fat!” What do you think of that idea? The report claims that when women fall in love, they tend to eat more. When they get married, they cook more. And when they get pregnant, of course, they gain weight. They blame it on men. So, girls, if you want to lose weight, you don?t have to go on a diet; just dump your boyfriends! Lesson 16Study Or Flunk

Kim bumps into her classmate, Pak.

K: What’s the matter, Pak? You look depressed.

Did someone just die or what?

P: Well, someone is going to soon.

K: Oh, my God! Really? Who is it?

P: Me. I flunked the exam and m y dad?s going to kill me

K: How come you flunked? I thought you did

everything the fortuneteller told you to do.

P: I thought so, too. I was sure of passing.

That’s why I went to see him this morning.

K: Well, what did he say?

P: He said I flunked because I did everything very

well except that I forgot one thing.

K: What’s that? P: I didn’t study!

Lesson 18 Nothing Is Perfect

The computer in Dan?s car is helping him reach his hotel.

D: O.K. computer, how do we get there?

C: Go one block and take a l eft.”

D: That looks easy. (He turns right.)

C: Left! I said, “Left! You idiot.

D: Sorry! Wow, you don’t have to get so angry.

C: I’m sorry I guess I’m just having a bad day.

D: A bad day? You are a computer.

How can you have a bad day?

C: Well, I think I’ve got virus.

D: Ha! And I thought that computers could never be wrong.

Lesson 20 A Weighty Problem

Eve and Adam are talking.

E: Do you know I?ve put on 5 kilos since going out with you?

A; Why’s that?

E: You?re always taking me to fancy restaurant s.

A: Well, you don?t have to eat so much when we eat out, you know.

E: But I can’t resist all the delicious food.

A: Besides, it’s not cheap.

E: I guess you’re right.

Maybe I should start cooking again. (Adams turns pale)

A: Uh… Let?s just forget about y our weight problem, Ok?

I don?t care how fat you are.

E: Really?

Lesson 21

Coffee Bathing

When the Japanese ask you, “Would you like some

coffee?” think twice before you answer. In Japan, it is

quite popular to have a “coffee bath.” For about $20,

you ca n get a ground coffee bath; that is, they “boil” you

in coffee. The coffee smells good, but you?ll probably

feel the heat. It sounds like fun, doesn?t it?

Well, the Japanese don?t do it for fun. They believe it

helps cure diseases. Who knows? Maybe it?s true. But

in spite of what they say, I?ll just take my coffee in a cup,

thank you

Lesson 23

Earthquake Survival Tips

Would you know what to do during a really big

earthquake? Experts have looked into the matter

carefully. It may be worth your while to look over the

following tips they have for us. If the ground begins

shaking while you are driving, pull over and stay in your

car. If you are in a building, try to get near a strong wall.

The corner of a room or the space under a big doorway

is the safest. As soon as the earthquake is over, check

the gas pipe in the building. Gas fires often result from

earthquakes. These tips may prove to be lifesavers. We

should, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to

always hope for the best but prepare for the worst

Lesson 25

Restaurant Dos And Don’ts

When you want to eat at a Western restaurant, you

should first consider making a reservation. If not, you

risk having to wait for a long time for a table.

When eating, the Japanese and some Chinese are

in the habit of slurping their food. By doing so, they

show their host how much they like the food.

Westerners find eating soup this way most unpleasant.

They also consider picking one?s teeth and putting on

makeup at the table no-nos. and when it comes to

tipping, they just leave some money on the table. The

amount is up to you, but it?s usually 15 to 20 percent of

the check.

Lesson 22 Whiskey or Coffee?

Jack and his Japanese friend, Norie, are on their way home from sch

N: What a hard day I had at school! I feel like

having a coffee or something J: Me, too.

N: Let’s go to Rick’s Coffee Shop.

J: That sounds good. (They are at the coffee shop)

N: What kind of coffee do you like?

J: I feel like having an Irish coffee.

N: OK. I’ll have the same. (After two cups

Norie is drunk.) Why am I feeling tipsy?

J: There’s whiskey in Irish coffee, you know.

N: Why didn?t you tell me? Boy, it can be dangerous to

have a simple cup of coffee with an American.

Lesson 24 Just Like A Woman

Jenny and Andy are having a cup of coffee at a café.

J: Hey, Andy, did you feel that earthquake yesterday?

A: Sure I was at work. Some of the women in the office

felt dizzy and screamed.

J: You know the ground shook so violently that I was terrified.

A: That sounds just like how a woman would feel

J: I guess we women should be brave like you, huh?

A: Of course! (Now Jenny shakes the table with her leg)

“Aaagh! Earthquake! Help!” (He gets under the table.)

J: Look at you -I was just playing. You?re worse than a woman

You even sounded worse than t he women at the office.

A: Uh I knew it was just a joke. I was only trying to scare you.

J: I bet! Lesson 26 The Missing Tip

Chen is in America. His American friend,

Daisy, suggested having lunch with him at a restaurant.

C: Why?s that waiter so angry?

D: Those people who just left didn?t seem to give him

any tip, which made him angry.

C: Is that absolutely necessary here? D: Kind of. It?s the custom.

You can?t really avoid leaving at least a small tip

C: But suppose the service is bad.

D: In that ca se, of course, we don?t leave one.

C: And does the waiter know that?s why you didn?t gi v e him a tip?

D: Exactly. It?s just li k e telling hi m off. C: No wonder he?s so angry.

D: Well, in fact, the people did leave him a trip,

but that kid over there took it.

Lesson 27 Thank Your Lucky Stars

I remember when I was a young boy, life was tough. My parents made me do many things for them. For example, they had me do the laundry, the dishes and the house cleaning. They even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses. If I was naughty, they would spank me. They would not let me go outside the house for days.

Nowadays, life is quite different for kids. Parents can?t force them to do anything. On the contrary, it seems as if children can get their parents to do anything for them. Parents and teachers are even afraid to spank children for fear of being sued. It amazes me, therefore, whenever I hear youngsters complain. Instead, they should be thanking their lucky stars. Lesson 29 Just A dream

One day I was at home listening to music when suddenly I felt a pain in my neck. As I tried to turn my head, I heard my neck crack. I got the fright of my life. I was so scared that I could feel my legs trembling. “What?s the matter with me?” I thought to m yself.

Just then, I felt myself slapped by someone. I opened my eyes and saw my teacher standing over me with an angry look in his face. I realized then that I had been dreaming. I didn?t mind getting caught dozing off in class. I was happy what happened was just a dream. Lesson 31 Good Fengshui in New York Fengshui, or geomancy in English, is becoming more and more popular in America. The Chinese consider fengshui old news, but to Americans, it?s something brand-new. Store and home owners are consulting Fengshui masters for advice.

How did this ancient Chinese tradition make its way across the seas? The answer is quite simple. Chinese businessmen have been building high rises in America. They deem it necessary to rely on fengshui experts, just as they would at home. More and more wealthy Americans are beginning to believe in geomancy. They say that geomancers in New York make US$ 250 an hour! In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America. Lesson 28 Going On A Diet

Little Johnny is talking to his mother.

J: How come you always make me do things I don?t want to?

M: What do you mean?

J: Well, for instance, you always force me to eat steaks,

pork chops and chicken, day in and day out.

M: Ok. What do you want?

J: All I want is vegetables and fruit from now on

M: What?s wrong with you? Are you sick?

J: No, but I want to go on a diet. M: Why?

J: Everyone?s calling me Fatty at school.

M: Oh… I get it now.

Lesson 30 Yes, Sir

The teacher wakes me up from my dream.

T: Get up, you lazybones!

M: Oh…sorry, sir. I must have fallen asleep.

T: You bet. And we could see you shaking like a leaf.

M: Really? Wow! Thank goodness. I was dreaming.

T: What? You were dreaming in class and you are happy about i t.

M: Uh…yes, sir. T: What? Do you take me for a fool?

M: Yes, sir…I mean no, sir.

T: As punishment you are to write “I must not sleep in class”

M: No, sir.100 times.

T: Wrong. You should say, “Yes, sir.”

M: Whatever, sir. T: Oh, I give up. M: Good, sir.

Lesson32 Goldfish, Souls and Coffee Tables

Ms. Smith, an American, is talking to

Mr. Ting, an expert on fengshui.

S: What changes would you suggest for my house?

T: I think that you should get an aquarium with goldfish.

S: Why? T: Goldfish bring good luck.

S: OK. Anything else?

T: You should also get rid of that mirror in front of your bed. S: Why?

T: Your soul travels at night. It must find its way back to the body.

The soul might see your body in the mirror and get confused.

S: Um… really? What else?

T: Um…(He bumps into a coffee table) Ouch! And get rid of thi s table.

S: Why? It?s just a coffee table.

T: It?s dangerous. It will bring you bad luck.

S: Uh… are you sure?

Lesson 33 A Deadly Current

It is a pity that every summer a few people drown at

the beach. In some cases, these people were good

swimmers. So how did it happen? Riptide!

Riptide is a strong underwater current. It moves

quickly away from shore and out to sea. It appears

suddenly and pulls its victim under and far off shore.

Therefore, people should make it a rule never to swim

too far out from the beach.

If you find yourself in a riptide, don?t panic. And by no

means should you try to go against the tide and swim

back to shore. You?ll tire yourself out and probably

drown. Instead, swim parallel to the beach. A riptide

is very narrow. So just a few strokes in the right

direction and you?ll be out of danger.

Lesson 35 A Sense of Security

Some people take the view that sometimes in life we

have to take chances in order to make progress. I

admire such people. It certainly takes courage to take

risks. Maybe it?s due to my upbringing, but I am the type

who likes to play it safe.

People like me believe in the saying, “A bird in the

hand is worth two in the bush.” Cons ervative as it

maybe, it keeps me out of trouble. I must confess,

however, that such a lifestyle may, at times, be boring.

Admittedly, my life is not half as colorful or exciting as

other people?s, but at least it gives me a sense of


Lesson 37 Garbage Could Mean Money

Fashion never ceases to surprise me. Recently, a

fashion designer came up with another strange creation.

His idea comes straight from the garbage dump, so to

speak. He makes sweaters from used plastic bottles.

What a weird sweater that?s going to be!

This new kind of sweater will protect you from the

rain and the cold. They will, therefore, be especially

attractive to outdoor people such as fishermen, hunters

and mountain climbers. However, they?re not cheap.

They sell at prices ranging from US$ 100 to US$ 150.

What a great idea for making money! Don?t you think?

Lesson 34 A Lifesaving kiss

Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard.

She has just saved Marvin from drowning in the ocean.

M: I feel a little groggy.

T: That?s natural. You ne arly drowned a minute ago.

M: You saved my life! You’re my savior!

T: Don?t get too excited. A minute ago you weren?t

breathing, and I had to give you CPR.

M: Oh, I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth

resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you

T: Take it easy, OK?

M: Oh, wait… I feel faint again.

T: Nice try, buddy, but don?t even dream about it.

Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac

Randy is consoling his friend Steve,

whose girlfriend has just left him.

R: Come on, Steve. No point in crying over spilt milk.

S: I shouldn’t have let her go.

R: Forget her. There?re plenty of fish in the sea.

S: But there’s only one that I like.

R: How do you know if you haven?t tried others?

S: You know me. I’m a one-woman man.

R: You?re a fool!

S: And you’re a sex maniac.

Lesson 38 That’s Fashion

Andy and Jess are at a fashion designer’s party.

A: My God, Jess. What’s that on Betty’s head?

J: Beats me. How weird! I think it?s a new kind of hat

A: Oh, really? If you ask me, it’s more like a bird’s

nest. How stupid it looks!

J: You think so? Hey, wait a minute. You might be right.

There?s something moving in the nest…I mean, hat.

A: Gee whiz! It’s a bird.

J: Holy cow! How does she keep it from flying away?

A: Don’t you see? She’s got it fastened to a gold

chain around her neck.

J: If the bird were strong enough, it could fly her to the

moon, so to speak.

A: That would really be funny.

J: Well, that?s fashion!

Lesson 39 At The Foreign Exchange When you go abroad, what?s the thing you need most? Money, of course! You?l l need to go to the bank to buy some traveler?s checks. Then when you arrive at your destination, you?ll have to go to a bank to cash the checks. Every bank has a foreign exchange department. However, you?ll have to speak with the teller in English because he or she will probably not understand Chinese.

You should, therefore, brush up on some of the words and phrases that are commonly used when changing money at a bank. For example, you might want to know what the day?s exchange rate is, or if there are any handling changes, etc. Worried? Don?t be. Our next lesson will give you a good idea of what you need to say and how to say it

Lesson 41 Getting A Tan

Both my brother and I are outgoing people. He as well as I likes being in the sun. It goes without saying, therefore, that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach. We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. To be frank, though, he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful “scenery” around the beach. However, if you are anything like us, we have a piece of advice for you. Don?t forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body. Not only does it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it also helps to keep you nicely tanned. Both my brother and I forgot to do that and now we look like Afro-Americans rather than Chinese.

Lesson 43 Hi-tech Romance

Both Charlene and Robert are librarians. Charlene is from America and Robert is from Australia. Four days after they met face to face for the first time, they got married. “That was quick,” you might think. Actually, they had known each other for nine months before they met. Thanks to E-mail (electronic mail0, they had been corresponding with each other through their computers.

It all started when Charlene came across Ro bert?s note in her computer. She replied to it. From then on, they would not only get in touch but flirt with each other. That was how this “hi-tech” romance began. Sound interesting? Well, if you?re looking for a spouse, why not give it a try? Who knows? You might be just as lucky as Charlene and Robert.Lesson 40 Changing Money

Richie Li is at a bank in Australia. He tries not to

show how nervous he is about speaking English.

R: Excuse me, Miss. I would like to change 500 US

dollars into Australian dollars, please.

T: Are you changing cash or traveler?s checks?

R: Traveler?s checks.

T: Can I have a look at your passport?

R: Sure. Here you are. By the way, do you charge any commi s sion?

T: Not at this bank. Please sign here on your checks.

How do you want your money?

R: Four one-hundred-dollar bills and the rest in smaller bills, please

T: Here you are, sir. R: Thanks. You?ve been very helpful.

T: Thank you. Have a nice day.

R: You too. Goodbye. (Richie says to himself.)

Whew! That wasn?t so diffi cult after all.

Lesson 42 Roast Beef

My Brother, Luke, goes to see his girlfriend, Daisy.

D: What on earth happened to you?

L: Oh, I just had a lazy day at the beach.

D: My goodness! You?re really burnt. Are you all right?

L: Well, yes, but I feel like I?ve been roasted.

D: In that case, let?s eat in rather than go out for dinner.

L: Up to you. D: What would you like to eat?

L: Uh…. D: How about your favorite: roast beef?

L: Uh…Not today, please. D: Ok. I understand.

Lesson 44 Better Off With E-mail?

Steve is chatting with his sister, Diana.

S: Gee, Diana, you’re always at home.

Don’t you have any friends to go out with?

D: Sure, I do. But all my friends are either out shopping

or they?re boring. And you know I hate shopping.

S: Get a boy friend. I?m sure you won?t be bored then

D: Actually, I want to meet some interesting guys

but I don?t know how to

S: Why don?t you try E-mail? You might get lucky.

D:I don?t think so. Besides, dating through E-mail i s neither personal

nor romantic. Why don?t you introduce me to some of your friends?

S: Why didn?t I think of that? How about my best friend, Fred?

D: Uh…maybe I?ll be better off with E-mail.

Lesson 45 Tough Guys Do Dance

Not only is Thai boxing violent, but it is also bloody. Yet it

involves the arts of dance and music. It is both ugly and

beautiful at the same time.That?s why it?s so exciting to watch.

Thai boxing was created by soldiers over five hundred

years ago. The fighters use every part of their bodies,

especially their feet and elbows to strike their opponents.

Their deadly style has earned them respect from other martial


Surprisingly, the fights start off with a graceful dance. The

dance is in honor of the boxers? teachers. There is even a

small band which plays s along with the dance and during the

fight. So, who says tough guys don?t dance?

Lesson 47 Fast-food Talk

Though it is generally accepted that junk food is not

healthful, American fast-food restaurants are popping up all

over the world. These restaurants are for people who are

always in a rush. If they don?t have time to sit down to a

regular meal, they race over to the nearest McDonald?s. There

they can quickly satisfy their hunger.

Because Americans like things done immediately, they

often order their food quickly at fast-food restaurants. They

say, “A burger, fries and a coke!” Though it?s not polite, it?s

efficient. So when you are in the States, try to order this way.

After all, in America do as the Americans do.

Lesson 49 Stop Snoring!

Millions of families have trouble falling asleep. Do

you know why? There?s someone in the family who has

a snoring problem. The problem can be quite serious.

In some cases, couples have to sleep in separate

bedrooms. And in others, kids can never study or even

watch TV once Dad hits the sack.

So how can we avoid being a snoring nuisance?

One way is to avoid eating a big meal before going to

bed. Drinking alcohol near bedtime is something which

also causes snoring. Changing the position in which the

snorer sleeps also helps. Another alternative is to wear

ear plugs. But if all these ideas fail, you have only one

choice: Wake the snorer up. Tell him it?s his turn to

watch you sleep.

Lesson 46 Anything For A Kiss

Martin and Sally have just watched Thai boxing.

M: How did you like the light, Sally?

S: I found it not only too violent but also very brutal.

M: You?re right. It?s amazing how the fighters can take not only the

punching but all the ki c king as well. I wouldn?t be able to handle it.

S: Oh, don?t be so mo dest, Martin.

M: No, really. I wouldn?t fight one of those tough guys

for all the money in the world

S: Would you do it for a kiss?

M: That?s a different story. Sure, I will. But you?ve got to

pay in advance. (Martin tries to kiss sally)

S: No, please don?t. I was only kidding.

Lesson 48 Fast Food, Slow Service

Tess is a cashier at a fast-food restaurant.

Michael is a customer in a hurry

T: Good afternoon, sir. How are you today/

M: Save it, lady. Just get me a burger and fries.

T: Would you care for a drink or anything else?

M: Listen. Though I know you?re trying to be nice, I don?t have

all day. If I want anything else, I?ll mention it, OK?

T: Are you sure you don?t want a dessert? A milkshake maybe?

M: No, just go and bring me my order, will you?

T: Wait a minute! You look familiar. You?re Mi c hael Jordan, aren?t you?

Tell me, how does it feel to be such a famous basketball player?

M: That?s it. I?ve had enough. I?m going to a real fast-food restaurant

Lesson 50 Laser Cures Snoring

A mother and son are talking

S: I can’t stand Dad’s snoring anymore, Mom.

I didn’t sleep a wink last night.

M: I understand. Neither did I. But what can we do?

S: I read in a magazine that there’s some kind

of laser which can cure snoring.

M: I read that, too. But it?s pretty e xpensive. Besides, people

who have tried it say it?s painful and could cause voice chang

S: Oh, I didn?t know that. I guess there?s no hope then.

M: Well, I …ll talk to dad about it.

S: I hope he agrees to do it. Anyway, a voice change will do

him a world of good. Have you heard him try to sing lately?

M: Come to think of it, you’re right.

Lesson 51 Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the biggest American holidays. This holiday started in the early 1600?s after settlers arrived in America. These people who came from Europe didn?t know how to survive in the wild new country. Luckily, they met some friendly American Indians, who showed them how to hunt turkeys and grow corn. In the fall, after the harvest, the settlers had a great feast. They invited the Indians to thank them for their help.

Today the tradition continues. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans invite their friends over for a turkey dinner and give thanks for what they have.

Lesson 53 Monkeying Around

Thai people believe that keeping monkeys happy brings good luck. So every year there?s a day on which they have a special treat for monkeys called the Annual Monkey Feast. Hundreds of monkeys come from the mountains to “sit at” long buffet tab les which are piled high with bananas, peanuts, watermelons and cabbage. Monkeys will be monkeys. So they fool around and fights break out. But nobody seems to care. Neither do the monkeys. They just stare back at the crowds of people who turn out to watch them. Then they continue to monkey around and have a good time.

Lesson 55 Life After Death

A 34-year-old married man who died recently had no children. When he died, his wife was not pregnant, either. But now that he?s dead, he has a chance of becoming a father. How?s that possible.

After a man dies, his sperm remains alive for some time. In this case, the woman asked doctors to remove the sperm from her husband?s body and store it in a sperm bank. Now she can have the baby that she has wante d for a long time. She says it?s as if her husband would come back to life again when the child is born. If that is so, wouldn?t that make her husband her son?Lesson 52 A Thanksgiving Get-together

Larry, who is from Taiwan, is studying in America.

His classmate, Sue, who is American, is having a

Thanksgiving Day party at her house.

S: Hi, Larry. Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?

L: I don’t have any plans.

S: Good. I’m having a get-together at my house.

Would you like to come?

L: Sure, I’d love to. Should I bring anything?

S: No. There will be plenty of salad, ham, corn,

potatoes, wine and, of course, turkey.

L: That sounds great. Do you want me to come by

early to give you a hand?

S:That?s not necessary.Just come over at around two in the afternoo n

Lesson 54 Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Barney and Debbie are on vacation in Bangkok

D: So where are you taking me out to dinner tonight, barney?

B: Let’s go to Phuket. It has the most beautiful

sunsets that you will ever see. That’s also where

you can get a wide range of exotic foods.

D: Sounds good. What have you got in mind?

B: I’ve been dying to try monkey brains again.

C: What? You’ve got to be kidding. No way!

B: Come on. Haven?t you learned that variety is the spice of lif

D: You just said “again”. Have you tried it before?

B: Sure, it’s delicious.

D: No wonder! Sometimes you act like a monkey.

Lesson 56 Baby Trouble

Betty is talking to her husband Dan.

B: Don’t you think it’s time that we had a baby?

D: We’re much better off without children.

Think of all the trouble raising them.

B: But it?s only natural that married couples have babies.

D: I don?t want any brats who?ll run around the house breaking things.

B: Then I’ll have a baby by myself.

D: Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not possible.

B: Yes, it is. I can adopt or go to the sperm bank or…

D: Stop! Are you crazy? I forbid it.

B: Then, can we have a baby together?

D: OK. You win.

Lesson 57

New Asian Generation

In the past, the children of Asia had very few

choices. A son would usually follow in his father’s

footsteps and do the same kind of job as his father.

But now, young people have higher education

which opens doors to new kinds of jobs. TV

exposes kids to new ideas from other countries.

So, the younger generation of Asians are doing

thi ngs their parents never dreamed of. They’re

investing in stocks or dying their hair purple.

Unfortunately, some are also getting into trouble

with sex and drugs. Asian parents whose children

are doing all this do have a reason to be worried.

Lesson 59

About Moral Values

More and more people are forgetting the saying,

“Pride comes before a fall.” I remember only a few

years ago when things used to be so different.

People used to be modest and humble.

As I looked around at my classmates the other

day I realize how different things are. People are

so much more pretentious nowadays. With their

fancy clothes and stylish hairdos, they appear too

materialistic, which is not to my liking. I know

modernization is necessary for advancement.

However, I hope we don’t l ose our traditional

moral values along the way.

Lesson 61

Touring By Taxi

One of the most convenient but expensive ways

to get round the city in any country is by taxi. And

in some cases, tipping is expected.

A taxi driver knows the city like the back of his

hand. He can tell you whatever you want to know.

At the same time, he’ll be your personal tour guide.

He can take you wherever you want to go. So,

however expensive the taxi ride may be, the

advice you get from the driver will certainly be

worth it

Lesson 58 Like Father Like Son

Tom, whose parents are conservative, is talking to

Karen, whose parents are open-minded.

T: Boy, I?m really fed up with my dad.

C: Why? What?s the problem?

T: My dad, whose upbringing is very strict, expects me

to live by his old rules

C: That?s too bad. He must be crazy.

T: You know what? He even buys clothes for me, the

styles of which belongs to the fifties

C: What a nut!

T: Hey, stop calling my dad names.

C: But I thought…

T: No matter what, he?s still my dad.

C: Like father, like son!]

Lesson 60 How To Attract Boys

Jason is talking to Kate, a classmate he likes very much.

J: I don?t understand why you dye your hair and wear all

kinds of weird clothes, Kate.

K: I guess that?s how I attract boys.

J: Yes, but the wrong kind of boys. K: What do you mean?

J: The type of guys who go out with you wear earrings

and have tattoos on their arms.

K: What kind of guys do you think I should go out with them?

J: Uh…somebody like me, for instance. K: Oh, is that so?

J: The day will com e when you know I?m right. K: We?ll see.

Lesson 62 Keep The Change

Jimmy is at Boston airport. He hails a taxi.

T: Where to, buddy? J: The Sheraton Hotel, Please.

D: OK. Is this your first time in Boston?

J: Yes. What?s a good place for sightseeing?

D: If you have a lot of time on your hands, you can walk

the Freedom Trail

J: I?m kind of strapped for time.

D: In that case, whatever else you do, you must check out the

observatory on the 63r d floor of the John Hancock Building

J: Isn?t the building all glass?

D: That?s right. You can?t miss it. Here?s your hotel.

That?ll be $17.50, please.

J: Here?s $ 20.00. Keep the change.

Lesson 63 The Dying Languages

Today, more and more people than ever before are speaking to each other through satellite television, cellular telephones and computers. This means that people from different parts of the world need to be able to communicate in the same language. That language happens to be English.

Because of this, experts have predicted that more than half of th e world?s 6,000 languages may die out in the next century. Already almost all Californian Native American languages are in danger of extinction. They are being swallowed up by English and other languages. It is a pity, but that is one of the prices of modernization.

Lesson 65 Italian Culture

Italy is a land of history and culture. And as we all know, the ancient architecture there is breathtaking. Just as we Chinese are proud of our history and culture, so are the Italians. One of their traditions is to enjoy a long midday meal. This lengthy lunch can last up to four hours! As you can imagine, after all the eating, drinking and chatting, they need to take a nap.

Well, this custom may be great for the stomach, but it?s not so great for getting things done. If you happen to be in Italy, don?t be surprised if you have to wait for a long time for the banks and post offices to open.

Lesson 67 All That Glitters Is Not Gold Many people seek fame and wealth. Gul Muhammed Sought neither. However, through fate he is famous. He is so short that he is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest man in the world. He measures only 57 centimeters. Though he has fame, he is not rich. In fact, he?s too poor to pay his own medical bills. Recently, when Gul became so ill that he had top be brought to the hospital, he didn?t have enough money for the medicine. What a pitiful man he is! His story tells us that fame and wealth do not always go hand in hand. Indeed, Gul is a living example of the saying, “All that glitters is not gold.”Lesson 64 Speaking The Same Language

Sally is talking with her friend, Don.

S: Tell me, Don. How come you’re from Spain but

you can’t speak Spanish very well?

D: It?s not my mother tongue. My father is Spanish and my

mother is American. We usually speak English at home.

S: Oh, I see.

D: Your Spanish is probably better than mine.

S: Yes, but you speak English more fluently than I.

D: How come? Aren’t you American?

S: Yes, but my mother is Spanish. D: Don?t tell me…

S: Th at’s right. We usually speak Spanish at home.

D: It doesn?t matter as long as we can communicate.

S: That’s true.

Lesson 66 It’s Nap Time

Mr. Mishima, a Japanese tourist, enters a bank in Milan, Italy.

(M = Mishima; T = bank teller)

M: Uh, excuse me…T: Zzzzzz… M: Excuse me!

T: Aggghhh! What do you want? You scared the life out of me.

M: I?d like to cash a traveler?s check, please.

T: At this hour? You must be kidding!

M: But it?s two in the afternoon.

T: That?s right—and as usual, it?s nap time. C ome back at three or four.

We don?t work the same hours as you do in your country.

M: But I have to cash this check. I have no cash!

T: Don?t worry. You won?t need any cash. All of Italy is

asleep at the moment. Zzzzzz…

Lesson 68 Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

Lily is talking to her singer friend, Chad.

L: Chad, what a lucky guy you are!

C: What do you mean?

L: Well, you’ve got everything a person could ask

for: a lovely family, money and fame.

C: Nothing’s as wonderful as it seems.

L: But such a successful man as you must surely be happy.

C: Not really. I?m so busy that I don?t live a normal life.

L: Anyway, I wouldn?t mind being in your shoes.

C: And I would love to be able to live as simple a life as you do.

L: I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

C: How right you are!

Lesson 69 Mean What You Say

Some people say that promises are made to be

broken. That certainly seems to be true in this cutthroat

society that we live in. But if you break your promise,

you will ruin your reputation and no one will trust you

anymore. So whenever we say, “I give you my word.”

we should mean it. There is nothing worse than to be

let down by others because they have not kept their


In fact, it isn?t so difficult to keep promises. Just

remember never to promise anything we are not sure

we can live up to. In short, therefore, to be trustworthy,

we should always say what we mean and mean what

we say.

Lesson 71 Earth In danger

Seeing is believing. But seeing a huge rock half the

size of Earth smash into Jupiter in July 1996 was

incredible. Can you imagine what would happen if Earth

collided with a huge space rock? It would be disastrous.

In fact, it is thought that a meteor killed the dinosaurs

millions of years

A rock like the one that hit Jupiter could split Earth in

two. Doing nothing about it is like waiting for the end of

the world. So scientists plan to start a project to identify

all space rocks that could hit Earth.

Lesson 73 Don’t Be A Fish Out Of Water.

Do you sometimes have a hard time understanding

what Americans are talking about among themselves?

Do you want to know why? The answer is, Americans

are crazy about using slang. They tend to overdo it,


Otherwise, slang is fun to use. You should try it. And

some slang is easy to understand. For example, if

someone is “off the hook”, it means that he is no longer

in trouble. The “hook” is a fish hook. If a fish is on the

hook, of course, it is in trouble. If it is “off the hook”,

then it is out of danger. Didn?t we tell you slang is fun?

Besides, it should at least help you feel more at home

and not like a fish out of water when you speak to


Lesson 70 A Promise Is A Promise

Larry is talking to his classmate, Hedy.

L: Hi, Hedy! What seems to be bothering you?

H: I don’t u nderstand why my boyfriend finds it

so hard to keep his word.

L: What has he done this time?

H: Well, he made a date with me to see a movie

last night, but he stood me up.

L: What a lousy guy!

H: I know. And there’s nothing worse than to be in

love with such a guy.

L: Why don?t you just dump him? H: I can?t. L: Why not?

H: I promi s ed I?d never leave him. And a promise is a promise.

L: Oh, boy.

Lesson 72 Saving The World

A student is talking to her teacher.

S: I hear that scientists are planning to study

asteroids and meteors, right?

T: Yes. They want to determine whether Earth is in

danger of being struck by such a rock.

S: What if they discover that a big one is coming straight for us?

T: In that case, there are two things they can do.

They can launch rockets to push the rock off its course.

S: So that it will miss Earth, right?

T: Right. And if that fails, we can try destroying

the rock with nuclear missiles.

S: Wow! I never thought that nuclear weapons

could save the world instead of ending it.

Lesson 74 Get With It

Bob, who i s Chinese, i s speaking to his American classmate, Jill.

J: Hi, Bob. What?s up? B: I don?t see anything up in the sky. Do you?

J: No, Bob. “What?s up?” is slang for “What?s happening?”

B: Well, why didn?t you just ask me that in the first place?

J: Get with it, Bob. Everyone uses slang in America.

It makes speech more colorful.

B: I?m having enough trouble learning English.

J: But you should give it your best shot, Bob. B: Why?

J: How else can you get to meet American chicks?

B: What chicks? I don?t like eggs.

J: “Chicks” mean “girls”, you fool. B: I give up!

Lesson 75 The Amish

In the heart of America, in the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, live some people who are not your typical Americans. In order to lead simple lives, they don?t use cars. Instead, they drive horse-drawn buggies. They don?t use electric lights, either, not to mention telephones. They make their own clothing which looks ancient. And, to make matters worse, they don?t speak English but German among themselves.

These people are the Amish. They settled in America almost 300 years ago. Most of them are farmers who stay away from the temptations of the city. As modern life becomes more and more complicated, the Amish way of life seems to make more and more sense.

Lesson 77 Think Before You Speak

Sometimes we say things without thinking. Very often a thoughtless remark may hurt others? feelings or cause a misunderstanding or an embarrassment. We must, therefore, always think before we speak.

Once I told an old friend how beautiful his girlfriend looked when I saw them together at a movie theater the other day. Unfortunately, I made a mistake. It happened that she wasn?t with my friend. She was with someone else. I had let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. I?d never been so embarrassed in my life. I certainly learned my lesson, but at a very high price. His girlfriend never spoke to me again! And to make matters worse, it is rumored that they eventually broke up. Lesson 79 The Weaker Sex?

Who says that women are the weaker sex? 16-year-old Kelly Williams from St. Petersburg, Florida is the first female wrestler to fight against boys and beat them. Who would have though that possible not so very long ago? Her success, though, has angered some people. They say she should have been banned from wrestling because it will cause the boys to think impure thoughts. When asked about this, Kelly said, “People live in their own worlds and nobody has the right to force their values on oth ers.” Should women be allowed to wrestle with men in competition? What do you think?

Lesson 76 Live And Let Live

Paul and Wendy are talking about the Amish.

P: What do you plan to do in the summer, Wendy?

W: To be frank, I haven?t made any plans. What about you?

P: I’m thinking of going to Indiana.

W: What on earth for?P: To tell the truth,

I want to see how the Amish people live.

W: What for? From what I hear, they’re boring

people. To be honest, I think they’re kind of weird.

P: Nonsense! In fact, their simple way of life

is quiet appealing to me.

W: Well, to each their own, I guess.

P: Exactly, I wish more people would just live and let live.

Lesson 78 Believe It Or Not

My friend, Andy, is talking to his girlfriend, Jenny,

about what I said in the previous lesson.

A: So who did you go to the movies with?

J: Nobody. A: What do you mean NOBODY?

J: Don’t shout at me. Allow me to explain.

A: I’m waiting. J: Uh… that was my uh… brother.

A: Do you expect me to believe that?

J: You can believe what you want.

A: I’ll never get you to tell me the truth, I guess.

J: Why don’t you believe me?

A: Because I had dinner with your brother last night.

Lesson 80 Girls Versus Boys

Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly

Williams, the female wrestler.

D: What do you think, Samson? Should girls be

allowed to wrestle with boys?

S: I don’t see anything wrong with that.

D: Well, wrestling is contact sport. It?s very physical.

S: So? I thought you women always wanted

to be equal to men.

D: Yes. But this is differ ent. They?ll be grabbing each

other. And to win, one wrestler has to lie on top of his or

her opponent. S: So what?

D: It?s disgusting. Girls just shouldn?t wrestle with boys.

S: Gee, Daisy! Maybe you ought to be a nun.

D: That’s not funny! You sex maniac.

Lesson 81 Stop to Smell the Flowers

In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life,

people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Ask yourself how many times you have listened to

the birds sing. And when was the last time you

looked at the sparkling stars twinkle in the sky?

Time flies and life is short. So don’t forget to stop

to smell the flowers.

In our eagerness to make a living, we often

forget about our quality of life. Too often you hear

people say, “I’m too busy,” for this or that. What a

shame! One day, when they do find time to stop to

smell the flowers, it might be too late.

Lesson 83. Man’s Best Friend

Of all the animals of the Chinese horoscope, the dog

really stands out. Which other animal can compare to

the d og? The horse? No, he?s always horsing around.

The monkey? No, he?s always monkeying around.

The dog is a loyal companion. He makes us feel safe.

He helps us keep thieves out of our homes. The dog

has also helped us with our English. For example, if

there were no dogs, how could people complain about

leading a dog?s life? And how could the weather-man

say, “It?s raining cats and dogs?

The dog is truly man?s best friend. So the next time a

dog lifts a leg to your car, don?t get angry. Just let it

obey the call of nature.

Lesson 85. Beauty is Only Skin-deep

It is natural for people to be attracted to

beautiful things. It follows, therefore, that most

women desire nothing but to look beautiful. That

is why they cannot help but spend vast sums of

money on cosmetics and fashionable clothing.

They are interested in nothing but their looks.

However, they should be reminded that beauty is

only skin-deep.

Instead, they should pay more attention to their

character because when you have character, you

have class. And that is what gives one inner


Lesson 82. Being Around Nature

Ruby is trying to get her friend, Tony, to go bird-watching wi t h her.

R: You really should get some exercise, Tony. Why

don?t you come bird-watching with me this weekend?

T: Tha t sounds boring. What?s bird-watching all about anyway?

R: Bird watchers study birds in their natural surroundings. It?s

a great hobby. T: What?s the fun in that?

R: We enjoy listening to different birds sing, looking at

them fly and watching how they behave. T: What else?

R: Well, it?s also relaxing to be around nature. And

walking in the mountains helps keep you fit.

T: Nothing?s more relaxing than watching TV in my air-conditioned roo

R: You?re hopeless! T: And you?re birdbrained!

Lesson 84. Oh My God!

Two animals, Porky the pig and Donald the

duck, see something strange to them.

P: What’s that four-legged furry thing?

D: Beats me. Why don?t you get him to tell us who he is?

P: OK. Let me try. Hey! Hi, idiot!

D: Hey, Porky! Look at the the tag hanging around

its neck. It says G-O-D, God! You’re in big trouble.

P: Oh, please forgive me. I didn?t mean to call you an idiot, God.

D: Wait a minute! I read the tag backwards. It says D-O-G. Dog?

P: Oh my God! What a relief? By the way, where did you learn

to read English? D: Uh… I’d better not say.

Lesson 86. Me and My Big Mouth

Duke is out shopping with his wife, Angel.

D: How come every time I’m out shopping with

you, you buy nothing but cosmetics?

A: Don’t you want me to look pretty?

D: Yes. But do you really need that much?

A: Well, since you put it that way, I guess I don?t. Do I?

D: Of course, you don’t.

A: Do you really think I look pretty enough without cosmetics?

D: Uh…sure. Besides, you’re spending a fortune.

A: Oh, I see! You’re interested in nothing but

money. You don’t really care how I look.

D: Come on. Be reasonable. You’re married. Who’s

going to look at you anyway? (She gets angry.)

A: Make you own dinner tonight. D: Me and my big mouth.

Lesson 87. Traveling by Plane Traveling by plane is exciting, but it can also be very tiring. There are so many things to be done. You have to pay the airport tax, check in your bags and then get to the departure gate. So it?s best to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your plane is scheduled to take off.

When you check in, the attendant will ask you to show her your passport, ticket and airport-tax receipt. After you have done that, she will weigh your luggage. If it?s overweight, you?ll have to pay an extra fee. Then she will give you your boarding pass. On your way to the gate, don?t pass up the chance to buy something at the duty-free shop. Things are a lot cheaper there. the key is to give yourself plenty of time and everything should run as smooth as clockwork.

Lesson 89. Aids

Each day, more than 6,000 people around the world fall victim to HIV. That?s how serious the problem is. The World Health Organization has estimated that about 17 million people have already been infected with this disease. The news is tha t the virus is now spreading fastest in Asia. It?s high time some steps were taken.

Two proven methods should be followed. One way is to teach people how to avoid catching the virus sexually through condom promotion. The other way is to encourage people to stop having casual sex. A word to the wise is sufficient, so don?t take this warning lightly.

Lesson 91. Kayaking

If you are a little adventurous, like water sports, and enjoy being around nature, then kayaking is definitely for you. Floating, drifting and speeding down rivers is all part of kayaking. What better way is there to spend a boiling hot summer day? And if you think it is dangerous, you?re dead wrong. It?s also safe, you don?t even need to know how to swim! Everyone wears a life jacket while kayaking. So, you see, it?s not a sport for the brave only.

Kayaking may look difficult but it?s really very easy. Sea kayaking can be learned in 5 minutes! However, it takes about two days to learn river kayaking. And for an estimated US $1,500, yo u?ll be able to own all the proper equipment, including the kayak. It?s not cheap but good things seldom are

Lesson 88. Bon Voyage!

Joe is standing in the check-in line at the airport.

He has two bags to check in and one carry-on.

Attendant: Hello, sir. May I have your passport

and ticket, please? J: Here you are. I’d like to

have an aisle seat in the smoking section, please.

A: I’ll see what I can do. I’m sorry. They’ve all

been taken. How about a window seat?

J: Sure. It really doesn’t matter. Wha t gate does my

flight depart from? A: Gate two. Here?s your

boarding pass. We?ll begin boarding in about an hour.

J: Good. That will give me time to take advantage of the

duty-free shop. A: Bon Voyage! J: Thank you!

Lesson 90. What an Idiot!

Lucy is talking to her boyfriend, Vic, about their friend, Randy.

L: Did you hear that Randy?s got AIDS? V: Oh my God! Really? How L:

He became infected after having sex with a call girl. come?

V: What an idiot! Where’s he now?

L: He’s in a hospital.When I went to see him, I

found him trembling in fear. V: What did he say?

L: Not much. He seemed tired. He lay in bed with

his eyes staring up at the ceiling.

V: Gee! Poor guy. L: Let that be a lesson to you.

V: You’re right. I’ll never do that again.

L: What! So you’ve done it before! V: Uh oh!

Lesson 92. Only the Good Die Young

Diana bumps into her friend, Steve.

D: Hi, Steve! It’s awful hot today, isn’t it?

S: You can say that again! D: Let?s go kayaking later.

S: Are you kidding? I can’t eve n swim.

D: So what? You?ll be safe with a life jacket and a helmet on.

S: What if the kayak capsizes?

D: I’ll teach you to “Eskimo roll.” S: What’s that?

D: We, it’s a special technique we use to get the

kayak upright when it overturns.

S: I don’t know… it sounds pretty dangerous.

D: Come on. Don?t worry. Only the good die young.

S: What do you mean by that? D: Just kidding. Let?s go, OK?

S: OK. Anyway, if only the good die young, we’ll

both probably live to be a hundred.

Lesson 93. One Good Turn Deserves Another

One good turn deserves another. That’s the

lesson five store clerks learned recently.

Every day a strange old man came to their supermarket

to buy groceries. “Once he came in wearing only one shoe,”

recalled one of the clerks. And although he grumbled a lot and

they often had to stand there listening to him, he was a nice

old man. The clerks befriended him and even helped him

carry his groceries. One day when he fell ill with cancer, they

even visited him in the hospital. The old man turned out to be

a retired doctor. And, of course, when he died, he didn?t die a

pauper. He left US $ 70,000 in his will to than them for their

kindness. Lesson 95. The Poor Man’s Cure-all

Having one of the world?s largest garlic crops, Gilroy,

California is k nown as the “garlic capital of the world.” On a

hot summer day, a pungent odor rises from this farming town

which can be smelled miles away. All you have to do is roll

down the window of your car and you know you?re in Gilroy.

Believing that garlic helps the body fight many forms of

diseases, people add garlic to their cooking in many parts of

the world. Moreover, it?s popularly used as the poor man?s

cure-all. During the First World War it was used as an

antiseptic. And in the Second World War it was known as

“Russian penicillin.” Nowadays, thinking that it kills bacteria,

some people eat raw garlic as if it were candy.

Lesson 97. The Bronze Age

While on an expedition in Western China twenty

years ago, some explorers discovered the mummies of

a tall, red-haired people. Though estimated to be nearly

4,000 years old, the corpses were quite well preserved.

Scientists are excited because these mummies are a

link between the East and the West. What were

redheads doing in China and who were they?

Though the answers to these questions may never

be answered with certainty, these mummies provide

new information about the Bronze Age, when men used

tools and weapons made of bronze. This was the

period between the Stone Age and the Iron Age. As the

explorers continue their work, new mysteries are

waiting to be discovered.

Lesson 94. As Poor As a Church Mouse

Anna and Eric are talking about the previous lesson.

E: Wow! Those store clerks really got lucky.

A: You can say that again. Some people are born lucky.

E: There must be thousands of old men just li k e that doctor, I bet.

A: That?s probably true. And they must be wanting to draw up

a will to give their money away, too. So the next time you

meet a lonely old man, you?d better treat him right.

E: Come on! What kind of person do you think I am?

A:Don?t get so mad! I?m just kidding! Besides, you might not

be so lucky and come across my old uncle, Jake.

E: What do you mean? A: He?s as poor as a church mouse.

Lesson 96. What’s the Point of Chewing Gum?

Being an American, Donna wants to learn more about

the Chinese. She?s talking to her Chinese friend, Jeff.

D: Hi, Jeff! What?s up? J: Nothing much. What about you?

D: Same as usual. Here, have a stick of gum.

J: No, thanks. I?ll stick to my own brand. D: And what brand?s that?

J: Actually it?s not gum. I eat raw garlic instead. Want a piece?

D: No way! So that?s where the stinky smell is coming from.

J: Hey! Watch your tongue, OK? Garlic kills germs. It?s good for you.

D: Says who? J: Well, according to…

D: Nev er mind. Please stop talking. Your breath stinks. I?m out of here

J: Boy! These Americans don?t know what?s good for them.

Besides, what?s the point of chewing gum anyway?

Lesson 98. Speaking from the Grave

Two students, Beth and Carl, are talking about the

red-haired mummies.

B: Can you imagine what it was like 4,000 years ago?

C: That?s hard to imagine. But if the mummies could

speak, they could certainly tell us a great deal.

B: Well, that, of course, is impossible. But scientists can

tell a lot from the things the explorers found.

C: I know. For example, they think the 4000-year-old

mummies were Celts. B: Who were the Celts?

C: They were ancient European people who settled in Britain

even before the Romans existed. B: Wow! That?s amazing!

C: So you see, although mummies don?t really speak,

they are “Speaking? from their graves.

B: Stop it! You?re giving me the creeps!

Lesson 99. Stop Swearing Everywhere in the world you can hear people swearing or using foul language. Even when learning a second language, many people know how to swear before they can speak the language properly. Indeed it is a disease.

Recently, in New Jersey, the government decided to do something about the problem. It banned swearing. You should face a US $ 500 fine, including a three-month jail term for swearing. Considering the trivial nature of the crime, the punishment seemed quite harsh to some. Some say the law infringes on their rights. But others say it is a good law because people in New Jersey have really stopped s wearing so much. Lesson 101. A Red-hot Cure Have you ever had an operation? If you have, you?ll know that surgical scars can leave you with a burning pain for months and sometimes even years. Frankly speaking, the pain is sometimes so unbearable it?s hard to even stand the weight of your own clothes on the scars. Generally speaking, most ordinary painkillers won?t work. Besides, they are so powerful that they may cause side effects. Fortunately, according to a recent study, doctors say there is a red-hot cure: chili peppers. An ointment is made from the ingredient that makes chili peppers hot. It kind of short-circuits the pain. The ointment is sold in a tube that lasts a month and costs only US $ 16. It?s considered the newest, most creative and inexpensive way of dealing with the problem.

Lesson 103. The Tallest Building in the World Recently Kuala Lumper beat Chicago in a battle of skyscrapers when experts had the country?s Petronas Twin Towers measured and declared it the world?s tallest buildin g. The title was formerly held by Chicago?s 110-story Sears Tower. Its status had been left unchallenged for 22 years. Buildings in the United States have held the ti t le since 1913, but the need for space has created a skyscraper boom in Asia. According to one building expert, “The ball has started rolling in Asia.” However, experts think that building super-tall skyscrapers is not a matter of economics but ego. Every architect wants to have the honor of having the tallest building in the world. When the planned 1509-foot Shanghai World Financial Center is finished in a couple of years, i t will be China?s turn to have that honor.

Lesson 100. Stop Bullshitting

Candy is asking her friend, Ruby, why guys swear so much.

C: Why do guys swear so much?

R: It adds color and emphasis to language.

C: Bullshit! People who swear don’t have class.

R: See? You just said “Bullshit.”

C: “Bullshit” isn?t swearing. It?s even in the dictionary.

R: Sure it?s swearing. C: It simply means, “male cow manure.”

R: Then why don?t just say “shit”? It?s in the dictionary as well.

C: We?re just going round in circles. Tell you what. If

you stop saying “shit”, I?ll stop saying “bullshit?.

R: Considering they both aren?t very nice things to say anyway, that?s

Lesson 102. Old Wives’ Tale a deal.

Connie and Willy are talking about the previous lesson.

C: Do you believe what they say about chili peppers?

W: Frankly speaking, I don?t. The last ti m e I got hurt playing soccer,

my mom told me not to eat anything spicy. She said it will irritate the

wound.C: My mom is the same. For example,

according to her, eating fish eyes is good for the eyes.

W: If you think that?s weird, listen to this. My mom says eating

pigs? brains makes you smart. C: Are you kidding? Frankly

speaking, I don?t believe in any of these old wives? tales.

W: I wish you would tell that to my mom. I?m sick of

eating pigs? brains. C: Poor guy!

W:Don?t tell anyone, OK? Or I?ll never hear the end of it.

C: OK. It doesn?t work anyway. W: What do you mean?

C: I?m only kidding. You?re at least as smart as a pig.

Lesson 104. Who Cares Anyway?

One student is testing another student?s common knowledge.

A: What?s the tallest building in the world?

B: The Shanghai World Financial Center, of course.

A: What?s th e longest river in the world?

B: In fact, there are two--- the Nile and the Amazon.

A: How do you know? Did someone have them measured?

B: Well, yes and no. They measured the rivers, but it?s

hard to tell where they begin.

A: Oh, I see. Tell me then. Who?s the tallest basketball player?

B: I don?t know. A: Hah! It?s Michael Jordan. He?s the greatest.

B: He may be the greatest, but he certainly isn?t the tallest .questions

A: OK. Who cares anyway? B: Then stop asking me all these stupid

Lesson 105. Catch-22

Nobody likes war and Jeseph Heller is no exception. In

1961 he published an antiwar novel entitled Catch-22. The

book is about a soldier who hated war and didn?t want to do

military service. To prevent soldiers from quitting, the military

has a rule which states that you can only get out of the

military if you?re crazy. However, they also have a rule

(number 22) which says that if you hate war, you?re not crazy,

so you can?t get out. In other words, it?s no use trying to leave

the military because you j ust can?t win.

Since that novel was published, the term catch-22

has come to be used to express a no-win situation.

Lesson 107. Seeing Is Believing

Wearing glasses can be a real day-to-day hassle, not to mention

using contact lenses which have to be cleaned, rinsed and disinfected

every so often. Fortunately, however, for those millions of contact lens

users, there?s a new product out---the 0ne-day Acuvue.

These new disposable contact lenses are designed to be

convenient and rather inexpensive because the idea is to

throw them away after use at the end of the day. What?s even

better is if you are planning to give them a try for the first time,

the manufactures will give you your first five pairs for free. If

you don?t think that?s possible, why no t go down to your local

optician and check it out? No one will blame you for doing that.

After all, seeing is believing.

Lesson 109. Adorable Koalas in Danger

Koalas are considered an Australian national icon.

These adorable tree-hugging animals feed on

eucalyptus tree leaves. The problem is on average a

koala destroys 13 pounds of the leaves to eat 2 pounds

a day. Because of this, 5,000 koalas soon face

starvation on Kangaroo Island in the south of Australia.

The authorities are now considering shooting them to

control the island?s koala population explosion. However,

animal activists suggest growing more trees. “There aren?t too

many koalas. There are too few trees,” they argue.

Neighboring provinces have been recommended relocating

some of the koalas to them. Most Australians feel that the

authorities must do all they can to avoid killing the koalas, for

to do so would be a national disgrace.

Lesson 106. What a Dilemma!

Hoping to persuade her boyfriend to quit smoking.

Jenny makes him an offer.

J: If you quit smoking, I’ll marry you.

B: I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep.

J: Is it that hard to quit smoking?

B: Well, you know I’ve tried many times already.

J: But this time you’ve got a big incentive to do it.

B: Uh… I?m not sure. J: What aren?t you sure about?

B: I do want to stop smoking, but if I do, I?ll have to get married.

J: So? B: I’m not so sure if I want to get married.

J: Well, you can’t eat your cake and have it, too.

B: What a dilemma!

Lesson 108. No Free Lunch

Hoping to get free contact lenses, Freddy goes to the optician

F: Could you help me check my eyes, please?

O: Sure. Please have a seat and put on these glasses.

Now, tell me. Which letters seem clearer?

F: The ones on the right.

O: OK. Can you read these price tags?

F: Y es. They?re as clear as daylight.

O: Fine. Read out the highest amount. F: US $100.

O: Right. That?s what it?ll cost you.

F: But I thought the contact lenses are free.

O: Yes. But you?ll have to pay for our service.

F: No wonder they say, “ There?s no such thing as a free lunch.”

Lesson 110. Killing Is No Solution

Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on kangaroo Island.

M: Look! There?s a koala hugging a tree. They?re really

so cute. Jill, why are you crying?

J: The government?s planning on killing them because

they may starve to death soon.

M: What a stupid idea! They should try saving them instead.

J: I agree. Let?s start a campaign to save them. If we can find

5,000 people to each take one home, the problem will be save

M: That?s a good idea. You know, there?re about 18

million people in Australia. Five thousand is 0,027

percent of the population. J: Let?s do it then.

M: Killing as a solution to a problem is just not right.

J: You can say that again.

Lesson 111. I Want to Marry Your Wife

Strange people do strange things. Aging German millionaire Walter Thiele certainly fits the bill. Recently, he put advertisements in newspapers to find someone to “look after” his wife and his fortune after he dies. Needless to say, thousands of letters poured in from all over the world. Some young men even showed up at Walter?s home. Once, when he opened the door, a young man said, “I want to marry your wife.”

If you think that?s funny, so does Walter. The problem is he isn?t getting much sleep. S o in order to get away for a while, he?s taking his beautiful young wife on a round-the-world trip. Well, I guess it takes all kinds of people to make up the world.

Lesson 113. Heavy and Chubby Watch out, all you chubby guys out there! If you continue to overeat, you might be just like Michael Hebrank.

He?s 43 years old. He can?t walk. He can stand up for no more than 0 seconds at a time. He has to use an oxygen mask to help him breathe. And he weighs1,000 pounds (455 kilograms). He once became seriously ill and couldn?t get out of the house. In the end, he had to be forklifted out after the front wall of his house was torn down. Poor Michaell says, “Once I start eating, I can?t stop.” So if you?re on the heavy side, take care lest you become another Michael.

Lesson 115. A Very Special Juice

A Very Special Juice and The Golden Fountain are the titles of two books. They have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Can you guess what they are about? They are guides to urine therapy. Don’t laugh! Urine is big business these days. There’s an annual market of US $ 500 million for products made from urine.

“It’s a great aftershave, “ says one customer. It’s even used in many skin creams and perfumes. Besides, it is widely used as a kind of medicine. Believe it or not, a lady in America says she drinks a glass of urine a day. At this point, you must excuse me; I have to go to the restroom. Lesson 112. You’ve Got To Be Kidding!

Walter answers the door at his home.

Stranger: Hi! I’m from Russia. My name is Vodka.

I want to marry your wife. W: With a name

like that, I’m not sure she’ll want to marry you.

S: So, what kind of man does she like?

W: You need to be strong, handsome and have a good

sense of humor. S: No problem. I guess I qualify them.

W: You’ve got to be kidding! One look at you and

my wife is bound to be burst out laughing.

S: Where is she anyway? Can I meet her?

W: I’m afraid she might kick the bucket before me

if she meets you. Goodbye! S: What a jerk!

Lesson 114. Muscular My Foot!

Jill is talking to her boyfriend, Mack.

J: You?d better watch your diet, Mack. You?re getting really fat.

M: It’s alright. I’m not fat. I’m muscular.

J: Muscular my foot! You?re flabby. Do you want to be

another Michael Hebrank? M: Are you kidding? That

guy weighed 1,000 pounds. He was a couch potato.

J: Well, you?re not far from that. M: Come on! I?m a big guy.

J: Gee, don’t you know that the best way to a

man’s heart is through his stomach?

J: Yes. But in your case, there?s so much fat around

your stoma ch, I?ll never make it to your heart.

Lesson 116. I Prefer My Own Brand

Jenny and Frank are at a coffee shop.

F: Did you read about the “special juice,” Jenny?

J; Yeah. Isn’t it disgusting?

F: Well, what gets me is how come so many

people are using it. J: It’s incredible, isn’t it?

F: Mind you, though, there might be some

truth in the matter. J: What? I can’t

believe what I’m hearing. Are you that naive?

F: I’m not that sure. It might really work.

J: Gee, don?t tell me you?re interested in trying it.

F: Why not? J:Tell you what, I’ve been drinking

coffee all morning. I’ll do you a favor….

F: Thanks, but I prefer my own brand.

(They breakout laughing.)

Lesson 117. Cheer Up

Grouchy people are always complaining for no

reason. Do you have a husband or boyfriend like that?

Is he driving you crazy with his complaints? Don?t worry.

Cheer up. There?s till some hope. A recent medical

report says that doctors have found a cure. They say

that some men are grouchy because they have a

physical problem. In other words, they are sick. They

need medical help.

So the next time your better half is grouchy, don?t

just sit there. Take him to the doctor?s. There?s one

strange thing about the report, though. It doesn?t say

anything about grouchy girlfriends or wives.

Lesson 119. Where’s the Toilet?

You’re walking along the street. You need to

go to the washroom desperately. What do you do?

If you can’t control yourself, you could be

embarrassed to no end.

Don’t worry. Someone in San Francisco has

invented a self-cleaning public toilet. The toilet

cleans itself. The seat goes back into the wall

where it is washed and blow-dried. Even the

floors are washed automatically. You must be

quick, though. You’ve only got 20 minutes to “do

your business.” Then, there’s a 2-minute warning

before the door opens. When it does, you’d better

be ready, or your face will be red.

Lesson 121. Kick the Habit

There are millions of people all over the world

who smoke. Most of these smokers have tried to

quit smoking at least once in their lives, but in vain.

Make no mistake; smoking is addictive. And once

you are addicted, it’s very difficult to stop

smoking. Many people have tried many different

ways to kick the habit. None of them is easy.

Take a tip from me. I smoked for twenty

years. Then one day, I decided to quit cold turkey

after trying everything else. It worked. That was

two years ago and I haven’t smoked a single

cigarette since then. Good luck!

Lesson 118. What A Grouch!

Barny and Sally are husband and wife. They?re having dinner.

B: These water dumplings taste like tennis balls.

S: But they’re your favorite dish!

B: Not the way you cook them.

S: Why are you so grouchy?

B: Why shouldn’t I be? I’ve got a wife who can’t

cook, my kids are naughty and…

S: Hold it a minute. Maybe you are the problem!

B: Huh? How could that be?

S: There might be something wrong with you. You

should see a doctor. B: Huh? No way! S: Why not?

B: Waiting in doctors’ offices makes me grouchy.

Lesson 120. It’s Too Late

A mother and her child are walking along the street.

C: Mom, I need to go to the washroom.

M: Uh-oh! Can’t you wait?

C: I can’t stand it anymore.

M: OK, let’s go into this restaurant.

Excuse me, but can my son use your toilet?

Waiter in a restaurant: Of course not. This is a

restaurant, not a public toilet.

M: You’re so mean.

W: Oh, OK. But it’ll cost you US$5.

M: What? That’s highway robbery.

C: Mom, never mind. It’s too late.

W: Hey, come back here and mop the floor.

Lesson 122. Candy Helps?

Candy is trying to get her boyfriend Benny to quit smoking.

C: Benny, your breath smells like an ashtray.

You’ve got to stop smoking!

B: I know. I want to, but it isn’t easy.

C: Why don’t you chew gum instead?

B: I can’t. I’ve got false teeth. Remember?

C: Oh yeah. In that case, how about eating candies?

B; If they?re as sweet as you, no problem.

C: Cut it out, will you? I’m serious.

B: Just kidding. Do I get a kiss if I really quit?

C:I don?t like the taste of ashtrays. Maybe tomorrow if

you quit right now. B: OK, you’ve got a dea l.

Lesson123. Early to bed, Early to Rise “Early to bed, early to rise,” so goes an old saying. But how many of us are in the habit of doing that? Not many, I bet. Most of us need an alarm clock to wake us up. But even that doesn?t always work. It?s too easy to punch the off button and fall asleep again.

The Lazybones Alarm Clock may be the solution to our problem. It?s specially designed so that i t cannot be switched off wi t h a simple push of a button. The clock has several “protective shells.” You must open these shell s one by one before you can turn off the alarm. If you don?t, i t?ll keep on saying, “Good morning…good morning…” So if any of you lazybones need a morning call that really gets you out of bed, thi s clock might be just the thing for you. Lesson 125. Partying with Foreigners Partying is fun. But have you ever been invited to a party by a foreigner? What should you wear? Should you bring anything? If so, what? Don?t worry. Today we are going to give you some tips about partying with foreigners.

First, you should ask if i t i s a formal or casual party. Then you will know what to wear. It?s as simple as that. At a casual party, it i s customary to bring a bottle of wine or some other refreshment. It i s not considered polite to bring someone along with you unless you first ask your host. At more formal parties like birthdays, a small gi f t will be suffi c ient. Giving money would cause some embarrassment. Finally, never overstay your wel c ome. Hen i t?s getting late, it?s time to thank your host for a wonderful evening and say good night.

Lesson 127. A Shocking Experience. Taking a taxi in a certain Eastern European country can be a shocking experience. It i s said that some taxi drivers have metal wires stuck into the passenger seats. And when a button i s pushed, the seat will give you an electric shock. These taxi drivers don?t do this for fun. They do i t to tourists who argue about the ridiculous fares they charge. Some drivers charge as much as ten ti m es the legal fare. They have a secret swi t ch whi c h makes the meters run faster. If you refuse to pay, you are really in for a shock.

In one case, a German woman had no choice but to pay US $120 for a US $ 20 ride from the airport. She said that she was “really taken for a ride,” but what could sh e do? Besides the electric shock, she was verbally abused and threatened with physical violence. She has only one piece of advice to tourists: “Take the bus or stay at home.”

Lesson 124. Don’t Be A Lazybones

Daisy and Herbie are chatting.

D: How come you were late for school again

this morning. Herbie? Didn’t you just buy a

Lazybones Alarm Clock? H: Yes, I did.

D: Did you forget to set it? H: No, I didn’t.

D: Didn’t it wake you up? H: It sure did.

D: So what happened? H: I had a hard

time switching the alarm off, so I gave up.

D: What do you mean you gave up?

H: I threw it out the window and went back to sleep.

Lesson 126. Wanna Dance?

Candy goes to Dan’s casual party. Dan’s her

American friend. C: Hi, Dan!

D: Hi, Candy! Glad you could make it.

C: I wouldn’t miss your party for the world.

D: Thanks for the compliment.

C: Here, I brought some beer and a bottle of wine.

D: That’s great. Come on in. I want you to

meet some of my friends. C: OK.

D: Hey, everybody. This is Candy.

Candy, uh…this is everybody.

( Everybody laughs as they continue to dance.)

C: Hey, don’t let me interrupt. D: Wanna dance?

C: Uh… how about some wine first? I need to

get in the mood. D: Sure thing.

Lesson 128. A Long Ride

Florine is in a taxi. (F=Florine; T=taxi driver)

F: Hey, driver, are we going the right way?

T: Of course. You think I’m cheating you?

F: Well, it seems like an awfully long ride.

(After a while) Driver, how come your meter

is running so fast? Is it out of order?

T: Hey, lady, if you think I?m cheating you, you can get out.

F: OK. I think I’ll do just that. Stop the taxi.

T: Sorry. I can’t. We’re on the highway.

You can get out if you like, but I can’t stop.

F: I’m going to report you to the police.

T:H a! Ha! That?s what they all say. (They arrive.) See you.

F:I don?t ever want to see you again. T: Same here.

Lesson 129. Dog Days Off

Have you ever made an excuse for not going to

work? I guess most people have. But have you ever

called in for a day off because your dog is sick? I bet

you haven?t. Most people wouldn?t have the guts.

However, some companies in New Zealand find

this as an acceptable reason for taking a day off. It is

counted as paid sick leave. The reason, they say, is

simple: “ A sic k dog is as much a dependent as a sick

child.” That makes plenty of sense, doesn?t it? This is

now known in New Zealand as “dog days off.” I wonder

what the bosses in China will say if someone calls in for

a dog day off. Lesson 131. Lost and Found

In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has

almost become a national pastime. Traveling is indeed

fun. But those of you traveling for the first time beware!

What should you do if you lose your luggage? Don?t

panic. Just go straight to the airline you?re trav eling with.

They?ll direct you to the Lost and Found department.

In most cases, they?ll find your luggage. But you must

not forget one thing when you?re at the check-in counter.

Make sure you get a baggage check stub. Without it, the

airline will have great difficulty helping you. Worried about

what to say at the lost and Found? Well, tune in tomorrow and

listen to someone who has just lost his luggage.

Lesson 133. Smile, Everybody!

“When you?re smiling, the whole world smiles with

you.” These are the words taken from an old song.

These words must have given Tomoji Kondo a bright

idea. He started smiling classes. Now, they?re all over

Japan. People from all walks of life, aged 20 to 83,

attend these classes.

As you enter the class, you must shout out,

“Konbanwa!” (Good evening) as loudly and cheerfully

as possible. Then you?re supposed to make direct

eye contact and smile as you shake hands with your

classmates. No bowing is necessary. Laughing is not

allowed, either. According to Kondo, smiling

immediately makes you better. Sound like a good idea?

Why not give it a try?

Lesson 130. An Inch Given, A Mile Taken

Karen calls the manager for a dog day off.

K: Hello, Mr. Fu? M: Yes. This is he.

K: Uh… I’m calling to ask for a day off.

M: What’s the ma tter? Are you sick again?

K: No… actually it’s my dog. I think it’s that time

of the month. I’ve got to take her to the vet.

M: I guess it?s OK. But I didn?t know dogs had periods.

K: They sure do. By the way, if she gets

pregnant, do I get two months off?

M: Do you want pregnant leave? K: Uh… what do you mean?

Lesson 132. What’s in the bag?

Mr. White is at the Lost and Found. He’s

talking to one of the clerks there.

W: Excuse me. I couldn?t find my luggage at the carousel!

C: OK Come with me please See if you can find it in this room

W: (After a while) It doesn?t seem to be here.

C: In that case, do you have your baggage

check stub with you? W: Yes. Here you are.

C: OK. I?m afraid you?ll have to fill out this form.

W: OK…(He looks at the form.) Hey! Wa it a minute.

How can I remember every item I have in the bag?

C:Why not? It?s your luggage, i s n?t it? You should know what?s in it.

W: Can you tell me everything you have in your pockets right now?

C:Uh… Um…OK, smart aleck! Just write down what you can

remember. Lesson 134. Konbanwa, Everybody!

Sato, a Japanese student, goes to a smiling class in Beijing.

S:Konbanwa, evali-badi! (everybody!) (The

whole class laughs.) Ha! Ha! Ha!

Teacher: What on earth is that?

S: Wow! You see. It works. My classmates are

so happy they’re laughing their heads off.

T: They’re laughing at you, Mr. Shatou.

S: No, no, no. My name is Sato, not Shatou.

(The class laughs again.) I think they?re laughing at you.

T: Whatever! Anyway, try to just say, “ Good

evening!” in English next time. OK?

S: OK. Gud-e-va-ling! (Good evening!) How?s that?

T: I haven’t got a clue what you’re saying.

S: Thank you. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Lesson 135. The Roaring Englishman A strange thing happened in London recently. A large number of Englishmen started roaring and eating food off the floor. They were behaving like a pack of lions. No, they weren?t going bananas. They were normal people like you and me. But they watched a “therapist? on a daytime TV show. They were convinced by him that roaring is good for you. Roaring helps people who are upright to relax,” he said.

The “therapist? turned out to be a hoaxer. He goes around the world playing tricks on people. It?s all for fun. So if you don?t want to feel like a fool, watch out! You can?t always believe w hat you see, read or hear.

Lesson 137 Going To The Barber’s

In the old days, going to the barber?s was as simple as ABC. You sit down, the barber cuts your hair, you pay, you leave and that?s it. Nowadays, the hairstylist will ask you how you would lik e your hair done. How on earth do I know? I?m no barber. So what do I do? I go to the same guy all the time. As soon as he sees me, he says, “Same as before?” I reply with a smile, “Yes, please.” In twenty minutes the job is done. For those of you who don?t know what to say to the barber, just remember the two S?s ----short and simple. When I was abroad, it always worked. Don?t forget to give the barber a tip before you leave, though. It?s their custom. If you don?t, make sure you don?t go back or you might get something else cut as well.

Lesson 139 The Dancing Cop

Do you want to be a traffic cop in Thailand? Are you a good dancer? If you aren?t, you won?t stand a chance.

Traffic cops in Thailand dance as they direct traffic. These cops are good entertainers. They twist and turn and make fancy movements with their white-gloved hands. Everyone agrees they help ease tension on the roads. And because they make people smile and feel happy, the image of Bangkok policemen has improved by leaps and bounds. As a result, motorists have become more cooperative and understanding. Odd as it maybe, it seems to work. Don?t forget to also keep your eye on the road, though. If you don?t, you might cause an accident. You can be sure the cops won?t be dancing then.

Lesson 136. Letting Off Steam

An Englishman is at home with his girlfriend.

G: Have you gone mad? Why are you roaring

your head off like a lion? E: Rrrr…ah!

G: Hey, have you gone off your rocket or what? Cut that out!

E:I?m letting off steam. The guy on TV said it?s good for me.

G: Oh, really? Meowww! Meowww!

E: Hey, what are you doing? G: The girl on the

radio said meowing like a cat helps to cure indigestion.

E: Come on, that?s absurd. You can?t believe everything

people say, you know. G: Look who?s talking!

E: Uh… OK, wise guy. You win.

Lesson 138. Don’t Catch A Cold

Angela bumps into her old friend, Ben, on the street.

A: Hey, Ben, you look as if you need a haircut.

B: Yeah, I will be wearing pigtails soon if I don’t

get my hair cut. But I hate going to the barber’s.

A: Why don’t you get a crew cut? That way

you won’t need to go to the barber’s so often.

B: Better still, maybe I should go around bald, right?

A: Hey! That’s cool!

B: You bet! That’ll be so cool I might catch a cold.

A: No problem. Just wear a wig.

B: You know, Angela, you do actually have a sense of humor.

A: Well, when it comes to talking about your

hair, what could be funnier?

B: Get out of here, you clown!

Lesson 140. Going Bananas In Bangkok

Garry and Carrie are driving in the streets of Bangkok.

C: Hey, Gary! Take a look at that cop. He?s gone bananas.

G: No, he hasn?t. He?s dancing and directing traffic at same

time. C: How ridiculous! He?s causing a traffic jam. Because

everyone?s looking at him, the traffic is almost at a standstill.

G: That’s not his fault. The traffic almost

always moves at a crawl anyway.

C: In that case, I’m going to join him.

G: Hey, come back, Carrie. Don’t do that.

(Carrie dances with the cop.)

C: This is fun! Look, other people are joining us.

G: What a mess!

Lesson 141. Men Or Monkeys?

No matter what anybody says, there?s no telling how man came into

existence. But some people insist that through evolution human

beings came from apes. A recent incident seems to support such a

suggestion. A three-year-old boy fell from a height of 18 feet

into an area where gorillas were kept in a zoo. On seeing this, a

150-pound gorilla came to his rescue. To everyone?s astoni s hment, i t

picked up the boy, cradled him in i t s arms and brought hi m to the

zookeepers. While zoo-goers screamed in horror, the gorilla showed

maternal behavior and even protected the child from other gorillas.

The boy survi v ed and the gorilla was given an award. This incident

had many people asking, “Could it be that hu mans do have a special

bond with apes?” Whatever the answer may be, there?s no denying

the resemblance between men and monkeys.

Lesson 143 How To Improve Your Writing Skills

By the time you reach this page, you will have

studied 142 lessons of this book. You will have learned

many new words, idioms, sentence structures and quite

a bit of grammar. You will have come to a stage where

you might be asking yourself, “How much have I

improved, if at all?”

Why not give yourself a simple test? Read a short

text. Read it carefully, then try to rewrite what you have

just read, in your own words. After that, compare what

you have written to the text. This is called paraphrasing.

In face, it is a good way to improve writing skills.

Lesson145.Breakfast Improves Mental Sharpness

If you are not in the habit of having breakfast, then

you should start doing so. A recent study shows that not

only is breakfast the most important meal of the day,

but it is also important to eat it at the right time. The

timing of breakfas t may affect one?s performance in

school or at work. For instance, if children eat breakfast

30 minutes before school, they will probably do better

than those who eat it two hours earlier.

What you eat is also an important factor. If you eat

sweet foods, they will probably improve your ability to

think and remember. In brief, the study claims that they

improve mental sharpness. If I were you, I would give it

a try. After all, what?s there to lose?

Lesson 142. Say Cheese

A boy and a girl are at the zoo.

B: Oh, my God! That kid just fell and one of the gorillas

is walking toward him quickly. Call the zookeeper!

G: It’s no use doing that. It’s too late. One of

the gorillas got him. B: Oh no! Help! Help!

G: Hey! Wait a minute. The gorilla is carrying

him to the gate. B: Wow! That’s cool!

G: Hurry! Take a picture of this. B: That?s a good idea.

G: Look, the gorilla’s actually posing for us.

B: Isn’t she cute? Come on, gorilla, say cheese.

G: Cut that out, will you? Do you think it

understands English? B: Look! It’s smiling!

Lesson 144. Go For It

Vicky is talking to her teacher about her English.

V: How can I improve my English , sir?

T: Well, the more you read, the better you’ll write.

V: What about my spoken English? T: Practice makes

perfect. Speak English whenever you have the chance.

V: But I don?t get many opportunities to speak English.

T: Remem ber: You’ll have to create o pportunities yourself.

V: what do you mean by that?

T: You can’t sit on your behind and hope that good

things will come to for you. You’ve got to go for it.

V: I see what you mean. T: Good. Now go and

put what you have learnt into practice.

Lesson 146. Doing It In the Pants

Donald is in class. He raises his hand to get

the teacher’s attention again.

T: Yes, Donald. What do you want?

D: Excuse me, sir. May I go to the washroom?

T: But this is the third time in half an hour.

D: I know. But my mother made me eat a big

breakfast this morning. T: Why?

D: She said that if I eat a big breakfast, I will

do better in my schoolwork.

T: But if you go to the toilet every ten

minutes, you won’t be able to do any work.

D: Uh…but if I don’t go now, I’ll do it in my pants.

T: Well, I guess if you?ve got to go, you?ve got to go.

Lesson 147 Let Experience Be The Teacher It has often been said that there’s no better teacher than experience. So how does a student of English learn the language through experience? Obviously, to “experience” English, you’ll have to use it as often as possible. That is why more and more teachers use role-plays, dramas and field trips to teach English. What you see, hear and feel will more likely stick in your mind than what you read in a book.

Should you have the opportunity to take part in a school drama one day, you will probably try to memorize your lines to perfection. If you are anything of an actor, you will probably say your lines with emotion. In other words, you may “experience” the use of the language as it is really used in everyday life. So if I were you, I would let experience be the teacher. Lesson 148. What a Terrible Experience! Jeff is in a school play with his classmates. C: Hey, Jeff! What’s the matter?

J: I forgot my lines.

C: If you forgot your lines, you should make something up. J: What should I say?

C: Anything! If you don’t say anything soon, you’ll ruin the whole play.

J: OK. Ok…(to the audience) I love you! (laughter) C: You’re an idiot! What on earth was that about? J: I think I’m gonna f aint.

C: Don?t. If you do, that will be the end of the play.

J: Good! (to the audience) Goodbye! (He faints.)


超简单从图片中读取文字的方法(使用word自带软件) (全文原创,转载请注明版权。本文下载免费,如果对您有一定帮助,请在右边给予评价,这样有利于将本文档位于百度搜索结果的靠前位置,方便本方法的推广) 【本文将介绍读取图片中的文字、读取书中文字、读取PDF格式文件中的文字的方法】一、背景 看到图片中满是文字,而你又想把这些文字保存下来,怎么办? 日常读书,某篇文章写的极好,想把它分享到网络上,怎么办? 一个字一个字敲进电脑?太麻烦了。是不是希望有一种东西能自动识别读取这些文字? 是的,科技就是拿来偷懒的。 其实你们电脑中安装的word早就为你考虑过这些问题了,只是你还不知道。 二、方法 1、图片格式转换 只有特定格式的图片才能读取文字,所以要转换。大家常见的图片格式都是jpg,或者png,bmp等,用电脑自带的画图软件打开你要获取文字的图片(画图软件在开始——所有程序——附件中,win7用户直接右击图片,选择编辑,就默认使用画图软件打开图片),然后把图片另存为tiff格式。 (以我的win7画图为例。另存为tiff格式如下图) 2、打开读取文字的工具 开始——所有程序——Microsoft Office ——Microsoft Office工具——Microsoft Office Document Imaging(本文全部以office2003为例。另外,有些人

安装的是Office精简版,可能没有附带这个功能,那就需要添加安装一下,安装步骤见文末注释①) 3、导入tiff格式的图片 在Microsoft Office Document Imaging软件界面中,选择文件——导入,然后选择你刚才存放的tiff格式的图片,导入。


《丰碑》这篇课文是一篇感人至深的文章,文章讲述了红军在行军途中,一位军需处长被严寒冻死的感人事迹。文章对人物的刻画非常细腻,表现了红军将士们那种毫不利己、专门利人的崇高精神。今天有幸听到马老师执教这篇文章,教者在课堂中巧妙地引导学生入情、入境、用情,让我留下了非常深刻的印象。 教无定法,但科学合理地运用教学方法却能使教学效果事半功倍,教与学达到和谐完美的统一。这节课中马老师巧妙的运用了多种教学方法来引导学生走进文本,体会思想感情。 1。情境教学法:课堂中注重创设情境,运用“情境教学法”激发学生学习兴趣,通过图片、录音等教学设备营造氛围,让学生观看红军过雪山的录相和冻僵的军需处长图片从而使学生感受到语言文字中所描绘的鲜明形象,引起学生对课文中人物的关注,入情入境生情。 2.诵读质疑法:指导读中感悟,读中质疑,实现语感积淀,促进学生自悟自得,使学生在图、声、乐、情中自主学习。背诵自己喜欢的段落,在诵读中进一步体会作者的写作方法,深刻领悟作品所表达的思想感情。 3.媒体演示法,多媒体展示感人的画面,再配以柔和的音乐,把学生带入了真实的生活场景中,加深了学生对课文的感悟。 朱熹曾说:“读得熟,则不待解说,自晓其义也”,他充分肯定了在语文学习中“读”是一个不可替代的手段.本节课还有一个最大的亮点就是在马老师的带领下,学生将课文读得充分、读得精彩,读出了课文要表达的感情,也读出了自己的真情实感。在本课教学中,学生以多种形式的读来整体感知这篇文章,即:1.大声自读,读通课文;2.分段朗读,检查自学;3.快速览读,概括内容;4.小声自读,画出最感动的语句。由品赏朗读到领悟情感自然水到渠成。 学习就是要培养学生的创造力,而创造力主要依靠求异思维。在结尾之处的教学设计也体现出教者的别具匠心。马老师用课件出示军需处长在雪地里冻僵,像座晶莹的丰碑的画面,让学生仔细看图,并想像,“当军需处长靠在树下马上要牺牲了,他会想些什么呢?他有什么心愿吗?”让学生看图想象延伸,不仅练习了学生的说话能力,发展了思维,也让孩子们进一步感受了军需处长舍己为人的崇高精神,这种精神在战士们心中树立了一座晶莹的丰碑,在同学们的心中也树立了一座晶莹的丰碑,军需处长和晶莹的丰碑一样永垂不朽。人们常说:“文道结合”,在总结课文时,马老师又问学生:“你从军需处长身上想到了什么?”这时学生畅所欲言纷纷把对军需处长的崇敬表达出来了现代教学论认为,教师的作用不单是“信息源”,更重要的是学生学习活动的调控器,教师应做到“导而弗牵”,为学生的学习导向、导法、导练、导学,以民主的教风和循循善诱的技巧,把学生引到一种想学、爱学、会学的境地。我认为马老师这节课的教学正体现了这些教育理念,也值得我去好好的学习。 让语文课充满情感和智慧的魅力 能上一节好的语文课,是许多老师梦寐以求的夙愿。一节好的语文课应该是洒脱的!自然的!幽默的!智慧的!诗意的……最终是有魅力的!那么,语文课的魅力在哪里?我认为,它应该在课堂中师生的情感和智慧中。 刘勰在《文心雕龙》里说:“夫缀文者情动而辞发,夫观文者披文以入情。”情感是连通读者和作者关键点。如果在阅读教学中学生和文本对话而不能“披文入情”,和作者在情感上发生共鸣,经历一次心里历程、情感洗涤,哪还有什么魅力而言呢?


把书上的字快速弄到电脑上,我也会,哇哇。。。在工作中,我常常在想,要是能把纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中,不用打字录入便可以大大提高工作效率该有多好呀!随着科技的发展,这个问题在不断的解决,例如,现在市场上的扫描仪就带有OCR软件,可以把扫描的文字转换到电脑中进行编辑。但是,对于我们平常人来说,大多数人都是即不想多花钱购买不常用的设备,又不想费力气打字录入,那我就给大家提供一个我刚刚发现的方法吧!现在数码相机很普遍,也很常用,我们就从这里下手吧。e113[/em] 工具准备: 硬件:电脑一台数码相机 软件:word2003(其它的版本我没有实验) doPDF(百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的PDF制作软件) AJViewer软件(在百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的阅读器) 步骤: 1、在电脑中安装doPDF和AJViewer 2、用数码相机把需要的文字拍下来(相机和照像水平就不多谈了。照片效果越好,可以大大缩小转换文字的误差率) 例如: [/url] 3、在word中插入你用数码相机照的书上的文字(打开word——插入菜单——图片——来自文件——选择照片——插入) 4、在word中选择文件菜单——打印——在打印机选项中选择doPDF——确定——点击“浏览”选项——选择文件保存的位置和填写文件名称——保存——确定 5、按照上面的步骤,电脑会自动打开AJViewer软件,若没有自动打开该软件,可以自己打开AJViewer软件,然后在AJViewer中打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。 6、选择AJViewer中的 [/url],然后在需要的文字部分拖动鼠标画出虚线。 7、点击发送到word按钮,就可以转换成word文件了。可以编辑了e120[/em]。 第6、7步骤图片如下:


篇一:小学语文说课稿通用模板 小学语文说课稿通用模板 各位评委老师大家好。我是小学语文组____号,我今天说课的题目是《_____》的第__课时,下面我将从说教材、说教法和学法、说教学过程、说板书设计等四个方面来对本课作具体的 阐述。 一、说教材 《______》是____(文章体裁),主要写了______(主要内容),表达了_____________(中心思想),“语言简炼、层次清晰;描写生动、细致充满诗情”是本文最大的写作特色。/这篇课文以形神兼备、灵活多变的语言向我们介绍了______,课文层次清晰,描写生动、细致,充满感情,给人很深的启迪。/这篇课文按_____顺序,围绕____,向我们展现了_____、_____、_____等几个场面(情景),赞扬了_____的精神。表达了_____的感情。(歌颂了_____)。根据新课标对小学语文教学的要求和本文的教学内容和特点,结合学生的实际情况,我确定了本课时的教学目标: 1、知识目标:能正确读写本课要求掌握的生字词; 能够正确、有感情地朗读课文; 把握文章主要内容,抓住重点语句,品味重要词句所包含的思想感情。 2、技能目标:通过研读课文第______段,培养学生敢于质疑,解决问题、收集处理信息的 能力及初步学会探究性的学习方式。 3、情感目标:通过有感情朗读课文,感受??。培养??,喜爱??。引导学生从现实的 生活经历与体验出发。 为了落实本课时的教学目标,我把第课时的教学重难点确定为:紧扣课文语言文字,抓住关 键词,着重体会 由于(本课的一些特点),我将本课的教学重点确定为: 因为(学生的一些实际),我将本课的教学难点确定为: 二、说教法和学法 语文课程标准要求:学生是学习和发展的主体。为让学生充分理解本节课()教学内容,结合()年级学生阅读实际情况,教学中我主要通过学生参与式的教学模式,采取朗读法、讨论法、探究法等教学方法,配合现代教学手段,使学生积极参与到教学活动中来,乐于学, 勤于思考。 1、朗读感悟法:结合本课的语言特色,以读代讲,以读促学,通过自读自悟让学生在读中“思考”,在读中“感悟”,在读中“想象”,充分感受课文的语言美、意境美。 2、想象感悟法:在本堂课的教学中,我力求挖掘教材的空白处,开启学生想象的闸门。 3、情境教学法:有情有趣是教学。我借助现代化的教学手段,利用图画、语言、音乐来再 现、描绘、渲染情境,使学生在情境中理解课文语言,享受审美情趣。 4、评价激励法:在本堂课的教学中,我给学生充分的阅读时间,开放的阅读思维空间,只 要言而有物,言而有理,都给予认可与鼓励。 除了以上方法外,在本堂课的教学中,还穿插了自主探究法、合作学习法、等等。我力求学生在读中受到情感的熏陶,在语言实践中学习语言,在品味语言中积累语言,在内容体


小学语文优秀评课稿 中感悟,读中质疑,实现语感积淀,促进学生自悟自得,使学生在图、声、乐、情中自主学习.背诵自己喜欢的段落,在诵读中进一步体会 作者的写作方法,深刻领悟作品所表达的思想感情.3.媒体演示法,多 媒体展示感人的画面,再配以柔和的音乐,把学生带入了真实的生活 场景中,加深了学生对课文的感悟. 朱熹曾说:“读得熟,则不待解说,自晓其义也”,他充分肯定了在语文学习中“读”是一个不可替代的手段.本节课还有一个最大的亮 点就是在马老师的带领下,学生将课文读得充分、读得精彩,读出了 课文要表达的感情,也读出了自己的真情实感.在本课教学中,学生以 多种形式的读来整体感知这篇文章,即:1.大声自读,读通课文;2.分 段朗读,检查自学;3.快速览读,概括内容;4.小声自读,画出最感动 的语句.由品赏朗读到领悟情感自然水到渠成. 学习就是要培养学生的创造力,而创造力主要依靠求异思维.在结尾之处的教学设计也体现出教者的别具匠心.马老师用课件出示军需 处长在雪地里冻僵,像座晶莹的丰碑的画面,让学生仔细看图,并想 像,“当军需处长靠在树下马上要牺牲了,他会想些什么呢?他有什 么心愿吗?”让学生看图想象延伸,不仅练习了学生的说话能力,发 展了思维,也让孩子们进一步感受了军需处长舍己为人的崇高精神, 这种精神在战士们心中树立了一座晶莹的丰碑,在同学们的心中也树 立了一座晶莹的丰碑,军需处长和晶莹的丰碑一样永垂不朽.人们常说:“文道结合”,在总结课文时,马老师又问学生:“你从军需处长 身上想到了什么?”这时学生畅所欲言纷纷把对军需处长的崇敬表 达出来了现代教学论认为,教师的作用不单是“信息源”,更重要的 是学生学习活动的调控器,教师应做到“导而弗牵”,为学生的学习 导向、导法、导练、导学,以民主的教风和循循善诱的技巧,把学生 引到一种想学、爱学、会学的境地.我认为马老师这节课的教学正体 现了这些教育理念,也值得我去好好的学习. 让语文课充满情感和智慧的魅力


怎么样把书上的字很快的弄成电子版 在工作中,我常常在想,要是能把纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中,不用打字录入便可以大大提高工作效率该有多好呀!随着科技的发展,这个问题在不断的解决,例如,现在市场上的扫描仪就带有OCR软件,可以把扫描的文字转换到电脑中进行编辑。但是,对于我们平常人来说,大多数人都是即不想多花钱购买不常用的设备,又不想费力气打字录入,那我就给大家提供一个我刚刚发现的方法吧!现在数码相机很普遍,也很常用,我们就从 这里下手吧。 工具准备: 硬件:电脑一台数码相机 软件:word2003(其它的版本我没有实验) doPDF (百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的PDF 制作软件) AJViewer软件(在百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的阅读器) 步骤: 1、在电脑中安装 doPDF和AJViewer 2、用数码相机把需要的文字拍下来(相机和照像水平就不多谈了。照片效果越好,可以大大缩小转换文字的误差率) 例如: 3、在word中插入你用数码相机照的书上的文字(打开word——插入菜单——图片——来自文件——选择照片——插入) 4、在word中选择文件菜单——打印——在打印机选项中选择doPDF——确定——点击“浏览”选项——选择文件保存的位置和填写文件名称——保存——确定 5、按照上面的步骤,电脑会自动打开AJViewer软件,若没有自动打开该软件,可以自己打开AJViewer软件,然后在AJViewer中打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。

6、选择AJViewer中的,然后在需要的文字部分拖动鼠标画出虚线。 7、点击发送到word按钮,就可以转换成word文件了。可以编辑了。第6、7步骤图片如下:


2011年度最新小学语文示范课评课 稿 小学语文观摩课评课稿 白塔小学 辛勤

今天上午,观摩了三位老师的展示课。给我最大的感受是他们的课品如人品,他们的课不是做秀,也没卖弄,让人所能感受到的是他们对教育深深的挚爱和对学生真诚的关爱! 首先,范莉莉老师的课给人第一感觉是真实。比如说,导入时的游戏,“1月1日是什么节日?10月1日是什么节日?……”许多学生回答不上来,这可以看出范老师课前没有跟孩子们说过“悄悄话”,这样有缺憾的课才是真实的,才是美丽的!我们的公开课不是表演,在这里范教师的如果能沉着一点,耐心地告知学生,很自然很巧妙地过渡到自己的预设中来,会收到更好的效果。 其次,范老师有深厚的语文基本功。大方、流畅的粉笔字,标准流利的普通话,尤其是声音甜美。但我们遗憾的是没有听到范老师的那带有童音的动情的范读,如果范老师不用课件录音读,而是自己深情地吟诵,这样效果会更好。课件上画面加上动作,干扰了学生对诗歌美丽语言的感受,致使读完以后,有个小孩说“老师,声音小了听不见”。我想,可能是视觉干扰了学生的听觉吧,再说,对于一年级的学生来说教师的示范引领作用非常重要。 当我们还沉浸在节日的快乐气氛中,童娟老师为我们送上了《妈妈的账单》这一课。这节课,对于上课的学生而言,是一种幸福,对于听课的教师而言,是一次精神的洗礼!在这里,要感谢童老师,让所有的学生,所有的听课老师沉浸于她的情感课堂,同时,心灵为之一震!5月10日,是母亲节了,我们为人儿女的,不能以工作繁忙为借口,应该常回家看看!应该为我们那可亲可敬的母亲做些什么?我相信,在师生情感推向高潮的时候,没有谁不想念自己的妈妈,这正是语文教学人文性的体现,这就是所渭的诗意课堂,诗意语文。不过,如果童老师的音调再低沉些,语速再缓慢些,能做到语言的抑扬顿挫,这一定会催人泪下的。 当我们的心头还回荡着《烛光里的妈妈》的旋律的时候,季益波校长又为我们送上了精美绝伦的《普罗米修斯》,我认为季老师这节课上得大气,浑然天成、人课合一。 在这里,我想借用几句诗来评价一下季老师的课。 导入——未成曲调先有情 环节——一枝一叶总关情 过渡——嫁于春风不用媒 小结——似曾相识燕归来 氛围——山雨欲来风满楼 这是一节高品味的语文课,课堂上洋溢着浓浓的语文味、有品词析句、潜心会文的过程、有听说读写的训练,这就是语文课。同时,课堂上教师的语言如春风化雨,点点滋润着学生的心田,有巧妙的点拨,由衷的赞美,热情的鼓励,颇有大家风范,课堂意境的渲染更是独具匠心,当学生情感达到高潮的时候,季老师戛然而止,恰到好处,学生意犹未尽,“英雄”的韵律余音绕梁,三是不绝。 总之,今天的三节观摩课各有特色,各有千秋,虽然存在一些缺憾,但犹如维纳斯并不因为断臂而影响了她的美丽。今天的三节课也让我们看到了,我们的


把书上的字快速弄到电脑上,我也会,哇哇。。。 分享 首次分享者:卐解已被分享52702次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报 在工作中,我常常在想,要是能把纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中,不用打字录入便可以大大提高工作效率该有多好呀!随着科技的发展,这个问题在不断的解决,例如,现在市场上的扫描仪就带有OCR软件,可以把扫描的文字转换到电脑中进行编辑。但是,对于我们平常人来说,大多数人都是即不想多花钱购买不常用的设备,又不想费力气打字录入,那我就给大家提供一个我刚刚发现的方法吧!现在数码相机很普遍,也很常用,我们就从 这里下手吧。 工具准备: 硬件:电脑一台数码相机 软件: word2003(其它的版本我没有实验) doPDF (百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的PDF制作软件) AJViewer软件(在百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的阅读器)步骤: 1、在电脑中安装 doPDF和AJViewer 2、用数码相机把需要的文字拍下来(相机和照像水平就不多谈了。照片效果越好,可以大大缩小转换文字的误差率)

例如: 3、在word中插入你用数码相机照的书上的文字(打开word——插入菜单——图片——来自文件——选择照片——插入) 4、在word中选择文件菜单——打印——在打印机选项中选择doPDF——确定——点击“浏览”选项——选择文件保存的位置和填写文件名称——保存——确定 5、按照上面的步骤,电脑会自动打开AJViewer软件,若没有自动打开该软件,可以自己打开AJViewer软件,然后在AJViewer中打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。 6、选择AJViewer中的,然后在需要的文字部分拖动鼠标画出虚线。 7、点击发送到word按钮,就可以转换成word文件了。可以编辑了。 第6、7步骤图片如下:


小学语文《掌声》评课稿三 一、评教学目标 本课的教学难点指导学生朗读课文,了解小英的情感变化,深刻领会掌声的内涵。瞿老师在本课教学中重点突出,目标明确。 1、紧扣关键点,突出内涵 所谓关键点指一篇文章中最敏感、关键部位,可以是一个词或一个句、一个过渡段等。本文的关键点是同学们的两次掌声。瞿老师一开始就紧紧抓住同学们的两次掌声,引导学生品读课文的重点段第二至四自然段,体会同学们的两次掌声给小英的鼓励和赞扬,给小英带来的信心,由此突破口切入,突出掌声的内涵。 2、转换角色情,领悟内涵 当学生阅读文本时,远离学生的生活实际,学生体会不到真切的情感。瞿老师就发掘学生善良天性,引导学生转换角色,如:如果你是小英的同学,你想通过掌声告诉小英什么?如果你是小英,你听到同学们热烈、持久的掌声,你会想些什么?学生变成文中的人物,产生联想或幻想,激发出情感,走入人物内心世界,就更真切地体会到了掌声给小英变化,领悟掌声的内涵。 3、抓住掌声义,延伸内涵。 同学们的掌声给了小英鼓励、赞赏,给了她生活的信心,掌声的内涵就是给人的尊重、鼓励和关爱。瞿老师并没有让学生停止在对掌 声内涵的理解,而是接着问:你想给同学或朋友送去勇气和自信,除了给他掌声之外,你还有什么办法?学生的回答延伸了掌声的内涵,可以直接说,可以写纸条,可以竖起大拇指等等,都对别人的鼓励和关爱。 4、出示《掌声》诗,升华内涵。 读完最后一节,瞿老师出示了一首小诗《掌声》,掌声的内涵都融化在这首短小精悍的诗中,一连串的比喻不仅读来朗朗上口,而且形象地升华了掌声的内涵,人与人之间的关心和鼓励就是阳光、春风,温暖了我们的心,给了我

们力量和信心,这就是一份真爱。学生在轻柔的音乐声中品读着这首小诗,会再次被感动,升华内心的体验,并将这暖暖爱意融人到他们的生活当中去。[ 二、评教学特色 本节课的主要特色有以下几点: 1、教学xx严谨 《掌声》一课的教学紧紧围绕这四步进行: (1)读第四自然段,找出课文写的两次掌声。(2)品读小英上台演讲前的表现,体会两次掌声给小英带来的变化。 (3)结合小英演讲后变化,进而理解掌声的内涵。 (4)拓展阅读小诗,升华掌声的内涵。 这一教学思路,比较清晰地反映了文章的脉络,围绕掌声的内涵设计教学环节,自然而合理。对于教学目标的实现,不仅仅定位在知识与能力上,更多的表现为对学习方法的掌握,情感态度的升华,价值取向的引领。 2、教学语言优美工整 最后瞿老师出示的是一首自己写的小诗,可以看出瞿老师的语言功底优美而工整。在整堂中我们可以听到瞿老师优美工整的过渡语与小结语:只有短短的几步路。可是要走完这几步路,对于小英来说该有多难啊。每走一步,小英的内心都在痛苦地挣扎。这是期待的掌声、这是安慰的掌声,这是鼓励的掌声!我们有太多太多的话想对小英说,此时,千言万语都汇成了热烈、持久的掌声,他们什么也没有说,只是用自己的方式表达了对小英的鼓励、支持、理解这是多么的神奇的掌声啊!在小英最需要的时候,是掌声给了她勇气和力量,是掌声给了她自信的微笑。掌声能给我们带来温暖,带来力量,带来自信,带来关爱。在生活中,我们的要给别人带来温暖、带来力量,带来自信,带来关爱,除了鼓掌,还可以用什么方式呢? 3、教学细节扎实有效


在工作中,我常常在想,要是能把纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中,不用打字录入便可以大大提高工作效率该有多好呀!随着科技的发展,这个问题在不断的解决,例如,现在市场上的扫描仪就带有OCR软件,可以把扫描的文字转换到电脑中进行编辑。但是,对于我们平常人来说,大多数人都是即不想多花钱购买不常用的设备, 又不想费力气打字录入,那我就给大家提供一个我刚刚发现的方法吧!现在数码相机很普遍,也很常用,我们就从这里下手吧。 工具准备: 硬件:电脑一台数码相机 软件: word2003(其它的版本我没有实验) doPDF (百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的PDF制作软件) AJViewer软件(在百度可以搜索下载,是一款免费的阅读器) 步骤: 1、在电脑中安装 doPDF和AJViewer 2、用数码相机把需要的文字拍下来(相机和照像水平就不多谈了。照片效果越好,可以大大缩小转换文字的误差率)

例如: 3、在word中插入你用数码相机照的书上的文字(打开word——插入菜单——图片——来自文件——选择照片——插入) 4、在word中选择文件菜单——打印——在打印机选项中选择doPDF——确定——点击“浏览”选项——选择文件保存的位置和填写文件名称——保存——确定 5、按照上面的步骤,电脑会自动打开AJViewer软件,若没有自动打开该软件,可以自己打开AJViewer软件,然后在AJViewer中打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。 6、选择AJViewer中的,然后在需要的文字部分拖动鼠标画出虚线。



PDF图片转换成Word的文字 新年刚刚过去,每一个人陆续回到工作岗位的同时,都会有一些不适,似乎一瞬间忘记了该做什么,不知道怎么打字,如何转换文档。对此,小编也深有体会,看见熟悉的办公事务,小编给大家温习一下PDF图片转换成Word文字的方法,这个你是否记得?要是不知道如何转换,可要仔细阅读了。 PDF文件我们是清楚的,大部分文档都可以转换成PDF格式,当转换PDF文件的时候,对于普通的PDF文件,我们自然是手到擒来的,这是任何一种PDF转换器都可以办到的事情。可是有一些时候,PDF 文件并不会让你那么如意,它是扫描件,它是图片,这样PDF转换,对于我们来说就要头疼了,如何转换呢。我们就使用迅捷PDF转换器试一下吧。 为什么使用这款软件呢? 软件采用OCR技术,它就像是一台袖珍型扫描仪,帮助用户数字化白板或黑板上的笔记,就像变魔术一样。随时都能找到重要的文档或名片。用户可以把白板,文档和报刊里的文字提取出来,并保存在相应的文档中。 迅捷PDF转换器全新v6.0以上版本也支持Office文档转PDF,批量转换和加密的PDF文件转换的支持,这使得您的转换效率更高。有了这款文件转换工具,即便是图片或扫描版PDF文件也可以轻松转

换成Word/Excel/PPT/HTML/IMG,成功的文字、图片、符号、包括排版样式都可以随意在Word文档中进行编辑。 PDF转换成Word的方法: 首先,你需要一款这样的软件,可以到软件的官网下载,也可以在百度软件或是360软件等地方下载,非常方法; 然后,请运行软件,选择其转换的模式,软件有一个很大的特点,就是转换模式多样,可以满足您的任意需求。这里选择“文件转Word”; 接下来,点击添加文件将需要转换的PDF文件添加到主界面,选择转换后文件的储存位置,可自定义选择,也可以储存在原文件夹内,灵活度比较高; 最后,执行转换操作,软件转换单个文件瞬间即可完成,无需等待。若是您希望批量转换,也可以批量添加文件转换,转换速度根据您添加文件的数量会有所变化。 让人惊喜的是,软件还支持图片格式及扫描操作。其界面比较简洁明了,同时支持多国语言识别,特别是混合多国语言识别效果非常好。


小学二年级语文公开课《一分钟》优秀评课稿 小学二年级语文公开课《一分钟》优秀评课稿材料我校易雪英老 师年月日执教语文人教版第三册课文《一分钟》。 课文以小学生喜爱的故事形式出现,内容较为通俗。 主人公元元因为早上多睡了一分钟,带来的却是分钟的迟到,是 一路焦急地等待和不停地叹息,是步行的辛苦和脸红的尴尬,是深深 的后悔和宝贵的教训。 故事与学生实际生活联系十分紧密。 听了易老师的课,我受益非浅。 感到听易老师上课是一种享受,犹如在欣赏佳作。 她能使人为之一振,倍受启发。 易老师能根据低年级的教学重点组织教学,通过指导学生正确地 读课文和引导学生识字。 使学生在读中识字,在游戏中巩固识字,并注重培养学生良好的 学习习惯。 感受最深的有以下几点:创设情境,激发学习兴趣。 《语文课程标准》要求语文教学要把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首 位,托尔斯泰说过:成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的 学习兴趣。 是的,课堂上只有努力调动学生的学习兴趣,才能使学生变‘要我学’为‘我要学’。

易老师的开课就做得非常棒。 她通过设计;告诉大家一个不幸的消息,我和数学老师(陈老师)吵架了,你们想知道原因吗?那是因为我做数学计算题一=陈老师说我做错了,我不服,你们能给我评评理吗?你们想知道一=的原因吗?今天,我们一起来学习第课,就会明白是怎么回事了。 易老师的用意是让学生通过读书就能很快地知道元元因为多睡一 分钟而迟到分钟的事。 易老师的开课就像一把锤子,敲在了学生的心灵上,激起了学生 思维的浪花,提升了学生的求知欲望,是成功的一半。 教师既是课堂的组织者,也是引导者。 学生是语文学习的主人。 教师是课堂的组织者和引导者。 易老师在引导学生初读课文时,首先是注重读的方法指导,提示 学生怎样才能很快地读通课文?然后和和学生一起小结学习方法:读 课文时,遇到不认识的字可以拼读‘苹果’上的生字宝宝,也可以问问旁边的同学,这样就可以很快地把课文读通读顺了。 接着,引导学生选择自己喜欢的方式来读书,学生有的四人一起 读,有的四人轮着读,不一会儿,教室里书声朗朗。 易老师在检查学生是否把课文读通的环节上做得也很到位。 例如:让学生读完第一段后,她肯定地说,你们非常能干,已经 能够把这段读通了,老师给你们打,看看你们读第二段能不能得到+。


篇一:小学语文评课稿模板 凌亦祥 (1)在识字组词中,潜移默化。 (2)在课文教学中,加以深化。 小学语文教材中涉及的思想教育内容是丰富的。每篇课文的思想教育因素也是多侧面、多角度的分散在各册语文教材之中,没有完整的序列。我们只要深入钻研教材,确定恰当的教育目标,找出德育点,就 篇二:小学语文评课稿 小学语文评课稿 各位领导,老师们,大家好! 今天,我们听了三位老师的课。下面我代表第二学习小组对三位老师的课谈一谈我们的看法。 第一节:黄小伟《将相和》 亮点一:在语文教学中鼓励大胆质疑,是培养学生思维的重要手段之一。爱因斯坦说“提出一个问题,比解决一个问题更重要”,黄老师很善于质疑,在上课前让学生说说由题目想知道什么,然后读课题,再质疑,让学生带着质疑展开教学。 亮点二:黄老师让学生带着问题默读课文,体现了新课标第三学段对阅读的要求。另外,黄老师上课很认真,相信他这种认真教学的态度,一定能使自己的教学水平很快得到提高。 下面谈谈我们队黄老师需要改进的地方的看法。 1、课堂评价语言不少,但很单一,说得最多的一句是“掌声在哪里”,我们认为,评价语应该多样且符合实际的,如:真棒,你真聪明,非常不错等。 2、重视字词教学但不符合高年段学情要求。对于生字,学生已经读得很好了,老师还一直追问学生有没有哪个字不会写的,并且这时下面的学生都表示没有了。你这个时候可以马上说:“真没有了呀?那老师就要检查一下你们是不是真掌握好了。”可以检查他们写一两个难写的。就不用按照之前的教学设计吧自己认为易读错易写错的字硬跟学生分析一通。 3、在教学流程中,你先有一个环节是让学生简单说说课文讲了哪几个小故事。后年又有一个环节让学生给每个小故事起个小标题,说说故事的起因,经过,结果是什么。其实,我们认为,如果把这两个环节整合在一起讲,是不是会更好呢? 第二节:李丫梅《我为你骄傲》 亮点一:根据课程四大理念之一,努力建设开房而有活力的语文课程。黎老师在课堂上不仅解放学生的耳,还解放学生的脑、口、手,营造活跃的课堂气氛。 亮点二:兴趣是最好的老师,低年级学段的学生最喜欢游戏。李老师活学活用,把钱两天培训老师教的查收游戏引入课堂,激发了学生兴趣,培养了学生自信心。课中为了巩固词语,也做了听音找词语的游戏,这个方法好,一下子吸引了学生的注意力,学生的积极性又被调动起来了。 接下来谈谈我们对李老师这节课不成熟的看法: 从教育学的理论看,强调学生的纪律对塑造低年级儿童良好的课堂行为有积极的作用,毕竟低年级学生的注意力很容易分散。但李老师这节课没有强调课堂纪律,很多学生都是伏台的,个别学生交头接耳,老师也没有提醒学生注意。 第三节:莫美媚《鱼游到了纸上》 亮点一:莫老师的教学设计思路清晰,能将识字教学落到实处,让学生去发现南都难写易错的字,并且个别重点指导书写,符合学段要求。 亮点二:莫老师的教学有自己独特的风格,善于激励学生,充 至于不足,我们认为有一点便是莫老师上课时声音很洪亮,吐字清晰,但缺少一点亲和


一、背景 看到图片中满是文字,而你又想把这些文字保存下来,怎么办? 日常读书,某篇文章写的极好,想把它分享到网络上,怎么办? 一个字一个字敲进电脑?太麻烦了。是不是希望有一种东西能自动识别读取这些文字? 是的,科技就是拿来偷懒的。 其实你们电脑中安装的word早就为你考虑过这些问题了,只是你还不知道。 二、方法 1、图片格式转换 只有特定格式的图片才能读取文字,所以要转换。大家常见的图片格式都是jpg,或者png,bmp等,用电脑自带的画图软件打开你要获取文字的图片(画图软件在开始——所有程序——附件中,win7用户直接右击图片,选择编辑,就默认使用画图软件打开图片),然后把图片另存为tiff格式。 (以我的win7画图为例。另存为tiff格式如下图) 2、打开读取文字的工具 开始——所有程序——Microsoft Office——Microsoft Office工具——Microsoft Office Document Imaging(本文全部以office2003为例。另外,有些人安装的是Office精简版,可能没有附带这个功能,那就需要添加安装一下,安装步骤见文末注释①)

3、导入tiff格式的图片 在Microsoft Office Document Imaging软件界面中,选择文件——导入,然后选择你刚才存放的tiff格式的图片,导入。 4、文字识别

点击下图橙色方框圈中的图标,进行OCR识别,就是让软件把图片中的文字读取出来(图片中文字越多,识别花费的时间越长,进行识别完成之后,左边缩略图框中会有一个眼睛的标志,如图红色箭头所指);点击下图橙色椭圆圈中的图标,就能将整个图片中的文本发送到word。 5、也可以选择图片中的部分文字。 首先还是要点击OCR识别(如果上面已经识别过,就不用再识别一次了,具体看有没有眼睛标志),然后点击下图中左上角菜单中的箭头,就可以自由拖动选择文字、图片,右击选择框,就可以复制文本、图片或者将选中的文字发送到word。


小学三年级语文评课稿范文 篇一 一、角色朗读,理解内容。 这篇课文里的对话很多,而且又要抽出时间来引导学生理解课文中蕴含的道理,所以李老师并没有展开来读,而是抓住课文里很特殊的两组句子(“不像!”“像五角星!”和“不……像。”“像……五……五角星。”)比较后再来引导学生通过填空补充提示语,鼓励学生个性化朗读。刚开始学生在充分理解老师和同学态度变化后,就基本明确的同学们由“嘲笑”到“惭愧”,抓住这一点,李老师马上让学生想象,该怎么读好这两句,自己的意见,之后,李老师模仿课文,在师生之间进行对话,在朗读中,还有的同学还带上了表情动作,如:嘲笑时,不仅有哈哈大笑的,还有嘻嘻笑的;在惭愧时,有几个同学甚至感觉到像自己做错事情一样,边说边把头低下来。在这个教学片段中,学生以个性化的方式走进文本,给学生部分添加提示语。李老师有意识地引导学生与文本展开对话,用自己独特的视角去发现,结合自己的生活实际去想象,最后在敞开心扉的对话中,在表达阅读感受中,在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,理解文本、感悟文本,这种源自学生“童心世界“的生成资源是富有生命力的——处处呈现着精彩的感悟,焕发着灵性的光芒。 二、联系生活,想像拓展。 让语文拓宽,走出课本,利用资源,让学生搜索在日常生活中你听到或遇到过像画杨桃这样的事情。并通过学习和联系生活实际都有哪些体会、感受,从中明白了什么道理。请大家也拿起笔用概括性的语言写一写自己的这些体会、感受和明白的道理。把它写在大家准备好的小书签上。写后让学生读一读把书签送给老师或自己的好朋友,让他们与你共同分享。活跃了大家的思维。 三、亲身实践,思考体验。 为了上好《画杨桃》,李老师充分利用自然资源,特地从水果店里挑选了一只杨桃。并有意将杨桃放在教室的中间,让学生从各自的角度去画自己看到的杨桃。学生兴致很高,都转过身静静地画起来。展示中间与前排旁边同学的画,看看有什么不同。或者让同学从前排靠边的座位上实际观察一下,使学生增加感性认识,并激发阅读与思考的兴趣。让学生亲身实践、亲身体验课文所讲的事实,


最方便的图片转换成文字的技巧 在我们网站更新的过程中,最好是更新一些原创的文章。很多人都已经想出了好的办法: 1、将正版的网上没有收录的文字,拍成照片,用软件转成文字。 2、将超星、书生上下载下来的网络上没有收录的书下载下来,截图后,用软件转成文字。 …… 无论使用什么样的方法,“用软件转成文字”是其中的一个重要的步骤。 很多人为此而苦恼…… 今天给大家介绍一种比较,方便又实惠。 具体步骤: 1、在电脑里安装WPS和AJViewer软件。 (WPS 是将图片转换成PDF文档的,AJViewer是转换的。) 具体的下载地址:(为了方便您查找,当然,你也可以百度查找)WPS :https://www.doczj.com/doc/b411867114.html,/ AJViewer :https://www.doczj.com/doc/b411867114.html,/soft/3688.html 2、安装好这两款软件。(这个应该大家都会的) 3、得到图片。(这个应该大家也会吧,一种方法用照相机拍,一种方法用截图,360,QQ都有截图功能。) 注意:照片效果越好,可以大大缩小转换文字的误差率

4、在wps中插入你的照片(打开WPS——插入菜单——图片——来自文件——选择照片——插入) 5、在WPS工具栏中,找到,点击后,弹出保存的路径,就得到了一个PDF文件。 6、打开AJViewer软件,然后在AJViewer中打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。 7、选择AJViewer中的,然后在需要的文字部分拖动鼠标画出虚线。 8、点击发送到word按钮,就可以转换成word文件了。可以编辑了。第7、8步骤图片如下:

要点提示: 1、照片一定要平整,最好对比强烈。(最关键的部分) 2、如果熟练的使用我的方法,用不了一分钟就可以转出若干的文字,


如何将图片转换成文字 用OCR软件 日常工作中,有大量的JPG或BMP格式的图片当中包含着文字与表格,如果需要将它们转换为WORD格式,则需要专门的OCR软件,如果没有的话,那就需要自已一个个字的打出来,浪费了大量的时间和精力,现在我们只要使用微软OFFICE2003版软件的话就没必要这么辛苦了。具体操作过程如下: 首先手头要有一张JPG或BMP格式的图片,我使用的图片如下图


点击导出图片按扭,在“以此文件格式导出”处将格式改为,TIFF TAG 图像文件格式(*.tif),点击确定,将格式改为tif格式。然后用MICROSOFT OFFICE DOCUMENT IMAGING 软件将此tif格式文件打开,点击将文本发送到WORD按钮,出现下图,并在版式选项中的在输出时保持图片版式不变选项去勾,按确认键。如下图


这样,一个从图片转换为文字的过程就基本完成,现在只要修改一下辨认不是很精确的部位就可大功告成了。 另注,如果你的画图中有TIF格式,可把图片格式直接转为TIF格式,然后用MICROSOFT

OFFICE DOCUMENT IMAGING 软件转换为WORD格式。 1图片转换文字软件 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b411867114.html,/down/view.asp?id=12 尚书文字识别系统 本软件系统是应用OCR(Optical Character Recognition)技术,为满足书籍、报刊杂志、报表票据、公文档案等录入需求而设计的软件系统。目前,许多信息资料需要转化成电子文档以便于各种应用及管理,但因信息数字化处理的方式落后,不但费时费力,而且资金耗费巨大,造成了大量文档资料的积压,因此急需一种快速高效的软件系统来满足这种海量录入需求。本软件系统正是适用于个人、小型图书馆、小型档案馆、小型企业进行大规模文档输入、图书翻印、大量资料电子化的软件系统。 ●识别字符 简体字符集:国标GB2312-80的全部一、二级汉字6800多个。 纯英文字符集。 简繁字集:除了简体汉字外,还可以混识台湾繁体字5400多个以及香港繁体字和GBK汉字。 ●识别字体种类 能识别宋体、仿宋、楷、黑、魏碑、隶书、圆体、行楷等一百多种字体,并支持多种字体混排。 ● 识别字号 初号小六号字体。 ●表格识别 可以自动判断、拆分、识别和还原各种通用型印刷体表格。 ●可支持繁体WINDOWS系统 首先,尚书七号开始将整个OCR的过程,明确化了,通过程序的菜单,我们就能够知道整个OCR的过程,主要分为:“文件”、“编辑”、“识别”、“输出”等步骤。 在文件菜单中,您可以调用扫描仪,或者选择将已经扫描好的图像文件打开。得到图像文件后,用户开始的工作,就是“编辑“菜单里面所提示的:图像页面的处理,其中包括图像页的倾斜校正(提供自动和手动实现方法),旋转等功能。 处理完毕后,就可以进入“识别过程”,该过程关键的是“版面分析”,现在尚书七号的自动版面分析功能很强,面对报纸杂志等复杂情况的版面,也是分析的正确率很高。不再需要我们在尚书六号里面那样的建议手工划识别范围。也正是这点,大大降低了使用者的工作量。为了方便,“识别”菜单下,也提供了用户自己在自动版面分析后,通过修改识别范围框的属性,来决定需要识别否的功能(默认的情况下,图象属性的栏目是不用识别的。当然,如果用户还是习惯原来尚书六号那样,自己来设定识别区域,只要直接用鼠标划框就可以了。接下来,用户就可以直接选择“开始识别”的按钮了,等待识别的结果。 2文字图画V3.5_图片转换为文字画工具_绿色版


小学语文观摩课评课稿 今天上午,观摩了三位老师的展示课。给我最大的感受是他们的课品如人品,他们的课不是做秀,也没卖弄,让人所能感受到的是他们对教育深深的挚爱和对学生真诚的关爱!首先,范莉莉老师的课给人第一感觉是真实。比如说,导入时的游戏,“1月1日是什么节日?10月1日是什么节日?……”许多学生回答不上来,这可以看出范老师课前没有跟孩子们说过“悄悄话”,这样有缺憾的课才是真实的,才是美丽的!我们的公开课不是表演,不是做秀,在这里范教师的如果能沉着一点,耐心地告知学生,很自然很巧妙地过渡到自己的预设中来,会收到更好的效果。 其次,范老师有深厚的语文基本功。大方、流畅的粉笔字,标准流利的普通话,尤其是声音甜美。但我们遗憾的是没有听到范老师的那带有童音的动情的范读,如果范老师不用课件录音读,而是自己深情地吟诵,这样效果会更好。课件上画面加上动作,干扰了学生对诗歌美丽语言的感受,致使读完以后,有个小孩说“老师,声音小了听不见”。我想,可能是视觉干扰了学生的听觉吧,再说,对于一年级的学生来说教师的示范引领作用非常重要。

当我们还沉浸在节日的快乐气氛中,童娟老师为我们送上了《妈妈的账单》这一课。这节课,对于上课的学生而言,是一种幸福,对于听课的教师而言,是一次精神的洗礼!在这里,要感谢童老师,让所有的学生,所有的听课老师沉浸于她的情感课堂,同时,心灵为之一震!5月10日,是母亲节了,我们为人儿女的,不能以工作繁忙为借口,应该常回家看看!应该为我们那可亲可敬的母亲做些什么?我相信,在师生情感推向高潮的时候,没有谁不想念自己的妈妈,这正是语文教学人文性的体现,这就是所渭的诗意课堂,诗意语文。 不过,如果童老师的音调再低沉些,语速再缓慢些,能做到语言的抑扬顿挫,这一定会催人泪下的。 当我们的心头还回荡着《烛光里的妈妈》的旋律的时候,季益波校长又为我们送上了精美绝伦的《普罗米修斯》,我认为季老师这节课上得大气,浑然天成、人课合一。 在这里,我想借用几句诗来评价一下季老师的课。 导入——未成曲调先有情 环节——一枝一叶总关情 过渡——嫁于春风不用媒 小结——似曾相识燕归来


一、如果是单独的图片上有文字,可以转成TIF格式后用下面的办法: Microsoft Office 工具--->Microsoft Office Document Imaging,在里面点文件--->打开刚才的图片,工具--->将文本送到word就行了 二、如果WORD文档里有图片,图片上有文字,需要把上面的文字转成WORD格式的话可以试试这样做,特别适合WORD文档里多张图片的情况下用这种办法。 1、Microsoft Office 工具--->Microsoft Office Document Imaging,在里面导入有图片的那个word,然后选择工具-->将文本送到word就行了 2、经过试过后,有时有的图片好象不能直接象上面那样发送,可以先将WORD文档进行打印成mdi文档就可以了,而要打印成这文档就要先装Microsoft Office Document Imaging 打印机,一般正常情况下完全安装office 2003的话都应该自带装好了此打印机,否则可以参照以下进行: Microsoft Office Document Imaging 打印机安装: 首先自定义安装Office 2003,选择安装“Microsoft Office

Document Imaging”组件,完后在“打印机和传真”中会出现一个“Microsoft Office Document Imaging Writer Driver”的虚拟打印机,如果没有请试试如下方法: 控制面板→打印机和传真→添加打印机→下一步→选择“连接到此计算机的本地打印机”→取消勾选“自动检测并安装即插即用打印机”→下 一步→“使用以下端口”中选择“Microsoft Document Imaging Writer Port(Local)”→下一步→厂商选择“Generic”→打印机选择 “Generic/Text Only”→点击“下一步”直到完成。 右击刚添加的打印机→属性→高级→“驱动程序”选“Microsoft Office Document Image Writer”→应用→常规→打印首选项→高级→“输 出格式”选择“MDI”并勾选“压缩文档中的图像”→确定→“打印处理器”->选“ModiPrint”->“默认数据类型”选“RAW”->确定->确定

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