当前位置:文档之家› 雅思作文长难句使用三大建议






比如:When all things are considered, young adults of today live more satisfying lives than those of their parents, in my opinion。

这句话当中的“when all things are considered”和“in my opinion“都显得多余。完全能够去掉。改为:

Young adults of today live more satisfying lives than their parents。


例如:Due to the fact that our grandparents were under an obligation to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have at this point in time。

“due to the fact that”就是一个很典型的繁琐的表达方式的例子,能够替换,简化为下面的表达方式:

Because our grandparents were obligated to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have now。



例如下面这个例子:The farm my grandfather grew up on was large in size。

large对一个farm来说就是size方面的large,所以in size能


The farm my grandfather grew up on was large。


My grandfather grew up on a large farm。


例如:My grandfather has said over and over again that he had to work on his parents' farm。

这里的over and over again就能够改为repeatedly,显得更为


My grandfather has said repeatedly that he had to work on his parents' farm。






例如:The situation that resulted in my grandfather's not being able to study engineering was that his father needed

help on the farm。

从意思上来分析,上面这句话需要表达的重要的概念是“grandfather's not being able to study”,而在表达这个概念时,原句用的主语是situation,谓语动词是was,不能强调需要表达的重


My grandfather couldn't study engineering because his father needed help on the farm。

2.避免频繁使用“there be”结构

例如下面的句子:There were 25 cows on the farm that my grandfather had to milk every day. It was hard work for my grandfather。


My grandfather worked hard. He had to milk 25 cows on the farm every day。


My grandfather worked hard milking 25 cows daily。


例如:Dairy cows were raised on the farm, which was

located100 kilometers from the nearest university and was in

an area that was remote。


The dairy farm was located in a remote area, 100

kilometers to the nearest university。



诚信作文结尾怎么写(范文4篇) 以下是网友分享的关于诚信作文结尾怎么写的资料4篇,希望对您有所帮助,就爱阅读感谢您的支持。 诚信作文结尾怎么写(1) [作文结尾怎么写] 每个人都有自己的理想,有的想当士兵,保家护国;有的人想当老师,培育人才;有个人想当医生,救死扶伤&&而我就想当一名成功的企业家~企业家的名字,让人一听就气派十足,一看就是有能力的表现,这项职业的好处有很多很多,可以挣多多的钱,拥有属于自己的公司,可以买自己最心爱的昂贵跑车,拥有自己豪华的别墅,可以资助有困难人&& 想要当一名成功的企业家,光靠说是行不通的,必须 1 要有实际行动为实现自己的理想而奋斗,为实现我的理想,我要好好学习,掌握好的学习方法与学习习惯,提高学习效率,每天认真完成所有作业,扎扎实实打好基础,作文结尾怎么写。在学习之余,我要博览群书,多阅读一些有关成功人士的书籍,把他们当作我的典范,背诵一些优美的词句,不断充实自己,提高自己的写作水平。企业家要有良好的人际关系,要拥有丰富的知识,不断完善自我,谨慎择友,多交益友,不交损友,当朋友有困难时,一定会伸出援助之手,当自己有困难时,这些朋友定会帮助自己渡过难关,这些都是我前进路中必须学会的。这就是我的理想,一个远大的理想。我知道要实现这个理想十分不容易,为了实现这个理想,我愿从今天起努力学习,不懈努力。因为我知道,要成为一个有名望的企业家,必须要有渊博的知识,我会为我的理想而努力奋斗的。听惯了凤头猪肚豹尾之说,不少同学误以为文章开头只应该追求优美多姿,结尾只应该讲究简洁有力。实际上,文章结尾不仅要笔法简洁、明快、干净利落,犹如豹尾劲扫,响亮有力,给读者以咀嚼回味的余地,也应该追求美感,给予读者美的享受。下面通过满分作文的凤尾进行分析和说明,介绍一些实用技法。第一招:首尾照应,篇末点题开头:花一样的年华,花一样的校园,我更为花一样灿烂的校园生活而陶醉~结尾:我们为校园生活而陶醉~湖北荆州《为校园生活而陶醉》开头:语文 2 是每个人的心灵乐园,它像一阵风,无时无刻不在包围着你,中学生作文《作文结尾怎么写》。结尾:语文无处不在,它在不经意间从我身边轻轻走过,让我变得充实,不再空虚。它确如一阵风,拥抱着我,无论何时,无论何地,都从我身边走过。我大喊一声,对天地公开:语文,从我身边轻轻走过。苏省盐城市《语文从我身边悄悄走过》亮点揭秘: 首尾呼应是考场作文中最实用的方法之一,即先在开头提出中心,开篇点题,然后在结尾时再次强调,照应开头,从而使文章的中心鲜明突出。在上面片断中,作者运用首尾照应方式,用简洁的语言凸显了文章的主旨。第二招:发出号召,直接抒情有了梦想


雅思作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在... 年之... 年间... 数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关... 有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that.... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了... 的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that... 数据(字表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that... 该数据(字可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...


托福写作必备英文句型 在托福写作中,有一些常用的万能句型,跟托福写作模板的作用相似,都可以套用在托福写作中,帮助你在托福写作考试中取得高分。下面天道小编为大家列举了35种托福写作句型。 一、~~~ the + ~ est +名词+ (that) +主词+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read,etc) ~~~themost+形容词+名词+(that)+主词 +haveever+seen( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more +形容词+ than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much. (再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...)


雅思作文常见开头结尾形式 注:如下方式,雅思写作针对性强,且略带模板印迹,同学应在充分理解结构的基础上,用上面的方法去灵活写作 雅思大作文第一段一定要包括这样三个基本要素:“背景句”,“话题”和“观点”。这三个部分是完整统一的,一定不能忽略。 第一,背景句:背景句主要起到引题的作用,但要紧密联系题目中的话题。其方法是围绕题干中的关键词或核心词展开。 背景句的写作方法: 1 联系社会背景:任何一个话题肯定都于一定的社会发展息息相关,所以联系关键词的社会背景是一种最简单、最常用的方法。具体可以有以下5种句式: 1) The 21st century witnesses --- 2) With the development of science and technology,--- 3) In modern society, --- 4) It is quite common these days that --- 5) Recently,--- 例如:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 参考背景句: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 或with the development of science and technology, the mobile phone is more and more available to and popular with common people. 2 重述话题:有的时候题干里是有一个背景介绍的,这时候我们只需将题目所给话题重新复述一遍即可。但切忌原样照搬照抄,不过可以将原文中的词汇和句式进行同义转换。转换句型可以有以下三种. 1) it is generally believed that --- 2) it is said that--- 3) it is reported that--- 例如:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it. 参考背景句: It is generally believed that individuals are confronted with psychological and physical stress coming from work. 3解释中心词: 即将中心词进行解释或展开说明。此种方法一般适合容易下定义的词比如图书馆。可以有以下三个句型: 1)It is known to all that --- 2)As is known to all, --- 3)--- is known as--- 例如:The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards


1、The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感2、No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 3、People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实4、Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康 5、Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 6、An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city


雅思小作文开头段应该如何写 在雅思写作的小作文部分里,往往我们可以采纳“老三段”式的写法,以不变应万变,不论是线图,柱图,表格,饼图,亦或是流程图,我们都可以采用此种方式完成雅思小作文的写作。 那么老三段式的经典写法中,强调着第一段“开门见山”介绍出本文讨论内容,即改写题目。将必要内容进行改写,这样可以获得高分效应。 第二段“丰实的内容”尽量多地将图表中的信息表达明确,不时的需要我们之前总结的常用表达(敬请参见前几篇文章关于雅思作文经典表达介绍文章)。第三段也就是文章的最后一段,对全文进行一个总结概括即可。 本文将着眼于介绍雅思作文开头段的常用高频高分表达,希望对同学们准备雅思有所帮助。也请同学们积极准备! 五分表达: The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出… The chart shows (that)… The figures/statistics show (that)… The diagram reveals … The chart illustrates (that)… 六分表达: The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。 The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势 As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示… According to the chart …根据这些表格… As is shown in the table…如图所示… This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from …to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系。 This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势。


雅思写作必备的20个万能句 According to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟相关的疾病. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明象互联网同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这个事实. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 很多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康. Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus. 当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,很多学生都会兴高采烈.不过, 对多数年轻人来说,校园刚开始的日子并不是什么愉快的经历. In view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


EVA句型团笔记 DAY 1(主系表句型) 平庸,甚至错误句型: there are more and more peopl e study abroad [2个谓语动词] with the d evel opment of technol ogy, friends become more and more important [没有逻辑关系] 英文思维:主次分明,注重逻辑;(效率/不会产生歧义) 主语:发出动作宾语:动作的接受者 思维决定了语言表达 中英文句型直观的差异: 1.语序——先主干,后次要 2.词性和成分一一对应——动词 五大句子基本类型: 1. 主谓 2. 主谓宾 3. 主系表 4. 主谓宾1宾2 5. 主谓宾宾补 核心思维: 主系表句型 eg1:新鲜空气对健康有益 Fresh air is beneficial to health. Health can benefit from fresh air a lot. Fresh air contributes to promoting health. 注意:有许多系动词可以使用,be动词是其中较为简单的一种。 句型一:A(人/物)+ be. + adj.(怎么回事)+ to B(针对于谁来说) 注意点:1. Be 2. 位置,语序 A is beneficial/harmful/d etrimental/superior/inferior to B eg2.过度的工作对工作者的身体有害(overwork v.) Excessive work is d etrimental to worker’s health. Working for excessive hours does harm to worker’s health. It is unhealthy for workers to work excessively. Overworking throws shad ow on worker’s health. 英文基本原则:一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词


剑盟雅思预备学院官网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/b017540387.html,/ 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾!一个好的结尾自然也会为作文带来很高的分数,因此同学们在复习的过程中,不要仅仅侧重于一个漂亮的开头,也要适当的来关注我们作文的结尾,这样才能够让我们的大作文拿到高分! 1. “烂招”解救烤鸭于危难 在巨大的时间压力下,很可能你没有来得及写末段,请记住这个“烂招”:写下In conclusion, I personally believe that ……, 在省略号部分抄上原题的观点。比如最近有一道考题:Some people think that economic progress is the most important way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 在剩下最后一分钟时写下:In conclusion, personally, I believe that economic progress is not the most important way to measure a country’s success, and other facts must be taken into consideration. 这个末段给人一种强烈的“扣题”感,理由很明显,紧紧地扣住题目啦! 2. 高招体现缜密思维 “烂招”其实在某种程度上不赖。但是对于追求真正写作能力的同学,想要写出“圆满示“回响”。这个词是我们接下来讨论的关键。首先,我们必须区分“repeat”和“echo””的末段,那就要明白一个基本道理:有始才有终,善始才能善终!映射到雅思作文上,这句话的意思是:写好了首段和主体段,才能够写出“圆满”的末段。下面给各位烤鸭仔细分析一下末段与首段之间的关系,末段与主体段之间的关系。 首先需要给大家介绍一个词汇——回响,英文对应为echo,名词表示“回声”,动词表。Echo表示意义一致,但是使用不同的说法让读者能够想起前面陈述过的内容,而低级repeat指的是copy,高级repeat指的是paraphrase。 圆满的末段做到“首尾呼应” 末段回响首段立场 (The concluding paragraph echoes the thesis statement in the opening paragraph)


雅思大作文高分句型 I. 不要总是以有生命的名词或者人称代词开头。 屌丝:People experience many great changes in the last half century. 高分:文章原句 技巧:找到原句中的非生命名词短语,把它变成主语。 屌丝:Because the rich and powerful people impose the changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that depends on them. 高分:文章原句 技巧:使用强调结构。在强调的内容前加上it is,强调的内容后加上who/that, 公式就是It is + 强调内容+ that + 非强调内容 屌丝:Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China. 高分:It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary. 技巧:使用主语从句。Many people think...= It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that..... 屌丝:Many Chinese people have gone to the Unite States in the past 15 years. 高分:The past 15 years have bought many Chinese people to the United States. 技巧:用时间做主语,效果非常好。The last half of the 20th century has seen/witnessed many great breakthrough in every aspect. 练习: 1.In many of these countries, this increasing number of visitors (mostly from western countries) has caused problems like drug abuse and alcoholism. 2.Because only rich people have enough money to travel overseas, poorer countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of wealtheir nations. II.英语中被动使用频率远远高于汉语 屌丝:They make a lot of innovations to make money for a few people. 高分:文章原句 技巧:宾语变主语 屌丝:We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children. 高分:More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children. 技巧:动词变名词。 练习: 1.We produce millions of tons of pollutions every day. 2.Nowadays sophisticated computer games fascinate every child. III.不要总是用“如果”、“因为”、“当”等口语意味较重的句子。不要对动词过于依赖,要


新托福独立写作必背分类话题词汇 一、Education教育 二、Technology科技 三、Media媒体 四、Success 成功 五、Work 工作 六、Government 政府七、Friends 朋友 八、Old vs. Y oung 九、Transportation 交通 十、Environment 环境 十一、Money 金钱 十二、Leisure 休闲 十三、Family 家庭 十四、Animals 动物 十五、Food 食物 十六、Safety安全 十七、Health健康 十八、Food 食物 一、Education教育 作业n. assignment(可数)与homework不同选修课n. elective course 学分n. credit 青少年n. ;青春期的adj. adolescent 适应adapt to sth. / become accustomed to sth. 应用v. apply 团队精神team spirit 独立思考think independently 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 学生的反馈students’ feedback 学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist 专才n. specialist 全面发展的adj. well-rounded 多才多艺的adj. versatile 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) 工科n. engineering 学科(通称);纪律n. 管教vt. discipline 互动vt. interact 自制力n. self-discipline 小(中、大)学教育primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education 职业教育vocational education 学校给学生的教育n. schooling 学校提供的课程总称n. curriculum ( pl. curricula) 心理的adj. psychological 参与n. participation 熟练掌握……be proficient in 榜样role model 同龄人n. peer 对孩子/弱者过度保护adj. overprotective 家长给小孩的教育n. parenting 批判眼光看问题能力critical thinking abilities 有创造力的adj. creative/original 表现出色perform well 为…打好基础lay a solid foundation for 评估n. evaluation 对…非常好的掌握n. mastery 好奇心n. curiosity 精英n. elite 应试教育test-oriented education 富于想象力的imaginative 无知的adj. ignorant 误入歧途go astray 文盲(的)n.&adj. illiterate 给人动力的adj. motivating 未成年人n. minors 溺爱vt. spoil 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 欺负(n. “喜欢欺负人的孩子”)vt. bully 植物学n. botany 天文学n. astronomy 培养v. cultivate/ foster/ nurture 促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical/mental (or intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare 给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth/ motivate the students to do sth 传授知识impart/ inculcate knowledge 灌输高尚的道德观instill high moral values 给学生以灵感give the students inspiration 学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’grasp (or command) of what has been taught 就业技能employable skills 填鸭式教法教学生force-feed the students 死记硬背learn things by rote 责任感sense of obligation/ duty/ responsibility 记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws 盲从follow sth. blindly


雅思大作文论段与让步反驳段的顺 序问题 关于雅思大作文论段与让步反驳段的顺序问题,希望可以以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思大作文立论段与让步反驳段的顺序问题 广大烤鸭们都知道雅思大作文整体由三个部分组成:开头段——主体段——结尾段,其中主体段又分为立论段(支持自己观点的段落)与让步反驳段。 这两段是两个对立面,是对于题目中的观点所产生的正反两个不同方面的看法,通常是决定大作文分数高低的关键段落,因此,里面有很多细节问题值得提醒大家注意。 笔者在实际教学过程中发现,很多同学在自己练习的时候都习以为常地把立论段写在让步反驳段之前,这种理解显然是过于笼统,并不适用于所有的题型,那么,这两者的顺序究竟应该孰先孰后? 笔者今天为烤鸭们做了一个具体分析。 例如: 1. In some countries,young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting

university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. ( C5T2 ) 在这篇经典的双边讨论题型中,考官所持的立场是支持gap year这件事,*的布局是先写出立论段,即在主体段第一段先讨论了他支持的观点gap year这件事的advantages: 1)have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. 2)They tend to be more independent. 然后在主体段第二段先让步讨论了gap year这件事的disadvantages: end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment, 然后在这一段紧接着列出反驳部分: But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable job. 2. Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? (C3T1)


开头常用模板 第一类:引出一个争议 1.The issue of … is of great interest to many people. 2.The topic of … is of great concern for many parents. 3.The subject of … is of great importance to many scientists. 4.The discussion about … is of great significance to both industrialized an d underdeveloped nations. 5.The question of … is a matter of much contention among the general public. 6.The problem … has been widely debated in the world of politics. 7.The inquiry into … has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of science. 第二类:驳斥对方观点 1.Although it is commonly believed that…, this is actually not the case. 2.Although it is widely accepted that…, this is simply untrue in our day-to-day experiences. 3.Although it is generally acknowledged that…, this can hardly be held true in many real-life situations. 4.Although conventional wisdom has it that…, the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that. 5.Although the received opinion is that…, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture. 6.Although many pe ople subscribe to the belief that…, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. 7.Although most individuals are convinced that… this is actually a myth that must be exploded. 第三类:引出一种现象 1.In recent years, there has been a growing trend th at… 2.In recent years, there has been an interesting tendency that/ of… 3.In recent years, there has been a common practice of… 4.In recent years, there has been a widespread belief /phenomenon that… 5.In recent decades, there has been a popular belief that… 6.Recen t decades have seen an increased awareness of… 7.Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in… 第四类:摆出两种观点 1.While some people think that…, others believe that… 2.While some people say that…, others feel that… 3.While some people claim that…, others argue that… 4.Whereas some people assert that…, others declare that… 5.Some people hold that…, whereas others insist that… 6.Whereas some people maintain that…, others may disagree and contend that…7.Some people hold the opinion that…, whereas others who are not so convinced


The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost. 1.Easier attaching to information 2.More convenient for citizens to communicate 3.Decrease burden for poor people Never do topics concerning internet fail to fascinate us under the ever-increasing development of internet nowadays in the modern society. A lot of people believe that internet is to citizens what water is to fish. From my perspective, I support that citizens accessing to internet should be free based on the following reasons. It is obvious that we are now in the new era of global information, so accessing the internet could be really important to us. If the government proposes that the citizens could use the internet for free, we will concerning about the cost no more so that we can check a lot of information posted online which means we are able to attach to information. Or else, citizens will have to choose cheaper but much slower ways to search for information such as going to the library or asking other people. For instance, I have homework to do every day and the teacher usually puts the materials I may need onto schoology—an online application that can store information. So when sometimes when I am outside home, I cannot use it because it will create cost, in this situation I feel it is necessary for the government to let us using the internet for free. No overstatement, the internet is really connecting the world together. It goes without saying that applications such as Wechat and Facetime have given rise to great convenience on conmunication. However, a lot of citizens still cannot enjoy the convenience because the internet has cost. I am fully convinced that if the government make the internet free, it will be easier to communicate. Taking my friend as an example, I can talk face to face with him with the help of Facetime. We can absolutely say that the price of accessing to internet is really high for working class people, if it is free, it will reduce the burden on poor families. Since the world is developing so fast, a lot of people have to pay money on the internet because they need to get information online even though they are lacking of money. For instance, if a working class family only have the total income of six thousand yuan monthly, and they pay one hundred on internet, wouldn’t this be a burden? Basically it will decrease the burden of citizens to free the internet. In conclusion, all above taken in account, we can safely reach the conclusion that government should let citizens access to internet without paying. It is because it can let citizens be easier attaching to information and be more convenient to communicate. Besides it can burden for poor people. Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. 1.Same feeling and easy to be useful, know each other better; not rational or does not work(bad ideas) 2.Accumulate experience, previous experience to help me make better decisions 3.Maturity brings more thoughtful and achievable suggestions Never do topics concerning getting advice from others fail to fascinate us in the modern society. A great deal of people believes that getting suggestions from older friends can benefit more. I

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