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雅思口语2011年01月08日考题回顾 考试日期2011.01.08 Part 1Your Work or Your Studies What do you do (in a typical day) at work? Do you like your job? Would you like to change your job? Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future? What job would you like to do in the future? Why are you taking the IELTS test? Do you think the first day at work is important? What subjects are you studying? Why did you choose that subject? What school (or university) do you go to? Why did you choose that university (or, school)? How do you like your subject? What's your favourite subject at school? What's the most difficult part of your course? What's the most interesting part of your course (your subject)? For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course? Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work? Did you like your first day at university? Do you think the first day at university is important? Your Home& Your Accommodation Do you live in a house or a flat? How long have you lived there? Do you plan to live there for a long time? Please describe your home a little. What are the benefits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house? What's your favourite room in your home? (Why?) How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved?


第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。 Part 2 Topics Describe : 1. A luxurious thing 2. An important Stage in your life 3. A period of time you enjoyed most in your life. When is it? What did you enjoy? Why? 4. An English Lesson you have attended. What is the content? Why do you remember it? 5. Clothing. 6. Which area(aspect) of life do you want to be successful in? Why? 7. The legal age for marriage in China. Do you think it is suitable?

8. An impressive speech you have heard. What is it about? Why do you remembe it so well? 9. A bicycle. 10. The person you are familiar with. 11. A Building. 12. An advertisement 13.what do people in different age do? 14. a thing you want to achieve Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory, Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】 No one's special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features.


2015年9月3日雅思写作真题回忆备考雅思写作考试,考生除了掌握写作技巧之外,每一次的考题回顾也是要看的,这样才会知道考试都考了哪些内容,心理也有一个准备。下面,我们一起来看2015年9月3日雅思写作真题回忆吧。 Task 1 The bar chart shows the information about the favourite subjects of 60 students from 2 schools, school A and school B. 分析: 本次的小作文考查了柱状图,且为静态图。配图是根据网友回忆所做,数据仅供参考。纵轴代表人数,时态在回忆的图中没有明确显示,范文用过去式为主。在写作时,要注意数据内和数据间的比较。 范文:

The bar chart shows the students’major preference between school A and school B. The optional subjects are social science, science, language, sport and craft & drawing. In school A, more than half of the students (36) chose sport as their favourite subject, compared with 5 in school B. By contrast, the rest subjects are all not very popular among students in school A. In school B, 25 students enjoyed craft and drawing, which was more than five times as many as the students number in school A.(4). Also, the figure in language came second in school B, roughly reaching 18 and narrowly beating social science into third place. In addition, no matter in school A or school B, students were not quite interested in social science and science, with less than 10 persons in both. Overall, students in school A and school B had different major preference. Students in school A liked sport the most and disliked craft and drawing while students in school B were more fond of craft and drawing taut were not much crazy about science. Task 2 题目: Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 题型: 论述类议论文


2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


2021年03月18日雅思考试口语考题回顾考试日期:2010.03.18 Part 1 Name Is there any special meaning behind your name? What’s your name? Why do you get this name? Is there a certain name that is popular in China? Is the name important to Chinese people? Occupation Are you a student or at work? What are you studying for?

Can you tell me something about your student life? What’s your job? What are you responsible for? Do you study part-time while working? What are the subjects you study? What’s your major? Why do people have worked think school life is happy? Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends? Hometown and Accommodation Where are you from?

Where do you live? How’s the traffic around your home? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer? What’s on your apartment’s wall? How to improve your home? Where’s your hometown? What do you like most about your hometown? Are bicycles popular in your hometown? Do you like to live beside the seaside?

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总 part 1

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总part 1 人物 1. Someone you would like to spend time with 2. An old person you respect 3. a person who is good at his/her job 4. A school friend 5. a teenager 6. a family you are familiar with (not your own) 7. A person you helped 8. a well-known person 地点 1. A tourist attraction 2. Workplace 3. a place with a lot of water 4. a city you visited 5. Cafe or restaurant 6. a place for shopping 7. a garden you’ve been to 物品 1. A book you recently read 2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

3. A photo 4. A good law in China 5. Some interesting news 6. A special gift you gave to another person 7. An organization 8. A show/performance you watched 9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10. A white lie 11. an important letter that you received 12. TV program 13. second foreign language 14. a website 15. handicraft you made 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17. a film you watched recently 18. a magazine you like to read 19. an interesting animal 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you 事件 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding)


The leaders directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. What do you think? 2015年1月17日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 2015年1月29日雅思写作真题 Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 2015年1月31日雅思写作真题 Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月7 日雅思写作真题 Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people? 2015年2 月12 日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月14日雅思写作真题 The use of mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile should be banned like smoking.To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年2月28日雅思写作真题 Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 2015年3月12日雅思写作真题 some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年3月14日雅思写作真题 Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, others believe that family members like grandparents can do a better job. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3 月21 日雅思写作真题 Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3月28 日雅思写作真题 Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年4月11 日雅思写作真题 Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions? 2015年4月18日雅思写作真题 Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.


雅思写作地图题深度解析(上) 朗阁海外考试研究中心姜芮 在雅思小作文中,流程图和地图题无疑对于广大考生来说都有不小的威胁,很多考生在遇到此类型的题目时,会变得手足无措,不知道应该从何写起。许多考生抱着侥幸的心里,往往不重视此类小众题目的备考,结果作文分数受到了很大的影响。在本系列文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将着重对雅思写作地图题做一个深度解析。 我们用两个经典的地图题真题为例,在近两年出现的数次地图题中,多数都是属于这类“三格地图”。 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the development of the village of Kelsby between 1780 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 在审题过程中我们需要特别注意以下几点: 1. 时态:关注时态是小作文能否取得高分的关键,同样对于地图题,我们也应该很好地注意时态,本文的时间是明确的,都是过去的时间,因此全文应当使用一般过去时。 2. 顺序:该图属于动态的地图题,这种类型的地图题一律按照时间顺序来写。在这道题中,也就是按照图的顺序依次来写,不要把元素拆开。如果是静态的地图题(即不涉及时间变化的题型),则按照空间顺序来写。在描述单幅地图时,我们可以采取上北下南的顺序描述,或者从左到右的顺序也可以,但值得注意的是,如果地图上有明显的方向标示,那就要根据这个标示来描述。 下面我们一起来分析文章的写作。 第一段:Introduction 引言段就是把题目进行改写。原文中的diagram,可以替换成figure,原文中的shows,可以改为illustrate, demonstrate, reveal, indicate等词。宾语development,可以替换成transformations,也可以改为宾语从句how the village of Kelsby developed/ changed. 题目中给出的时间比较模糊,可以具体化为in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 【例文】The three maps illustrate how the village of Kelsby changed in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 第二段:描述1780年的地图 1780年的情况只涉及到静态的数据,因此只需要用存在句即可表达,不涉及任何变化的单词。但是,考生非常容易把这些元素全部用there be这个句型来表达,从而导致句式单一。表示存在的句型除了there be之外,还有非常简单的have句型,还有lie/ be located/ be situated这样的结构。另外还有一种倒装句型,比如“桌子上面有一本书”,可以翻译为on the desk is a book. 除此之外,要注意几个元素的顺序问题。这里有四大元素:住宅区homes,树林woods,农场farms,还有一条河流river。理论上只要按照一定的空间顺序(比如顺时针、逆时针,从左到右)都是可以的,但是要考虑家庭数量的变化是导致其它所有变化的根本原因,因此建议先写住宅区homes。 还有就是土地单位的表达,land是不可数名词,因此不能说a land,只能说a piece of land。为了表达更加精确,可以用a plot of land(一小块),a stretch of(一长片),a large expanse of(一大片)。 另外朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们还要注意方位词的表达。地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of ...; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of ...; 如果是在角落,可以用in the southwestern corner of ...; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 在河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.


雅思写作真题总汇_IELTS雅思 学术类: 1. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 比较不同国家的教育水平) 2. Compare people's income and tax in different countries. ( 不同国家人民收入与税金之比较。) 3. Compare the different household tasks and who does them. ( 比较男女在家事上的内容不同及其分担比率。) 4. Compare the difference between the rates of car theft, insurance costs and number of policemen. ( 比较各国之汽车被偷率、保险金高低和警察人数多寡之不同。) 5. Describe what kind of jobs people do in relation to their university major . ( 描述毕业生工作职务与大学在校主修之关系。) 6. Describe how water is gathered? ( 试描述水之取得) 7. Compare the construction of houses and how well they insulate the houses in summer and winter. ( 比较三个房子在冬天.夏天的结构及隔热情形) 8. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 不同国家之学生修读的教育程度总额之不同,教育水平之比较) Task 2 : 1现代生活中,许多人认为现在的工作压力比以前大了,闲暇时间更少,你的看法如何?Many people think that work nowadays is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past, how about you opnion? 2有人认为现代科技的不断发展,传统文化和技术必会灭亡,继续保持传统的文化和技术已经没有意义了,你的看法? As the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by


雅思写作题目解析:年轻人不快乐的原因抽象类: In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些国家,年轻人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他们还是不快乐,原因何在,如何解决? 思路拓展:幸福的源泉 1. 做自己喜欢的事情 2. 学习的乐趣 3. 朋友带来的乐趣 4. 生活的简单轻松 5. 梦想的实现年轻人不快乐的根源: 客观上: 1. 有些青少年来自单亲家庭,或者是暴力家庭,缺乏温暖和关爱,很难快乐。 2. 应试教育和填鸭教学使很多成长中的年轻人不堪重负,更谈不上发展自己的兴趣爱好,放松休闲,所以,很多年轻人不快乐。 主观上:

1. 幸福感其实和自我的期待值相关,欲望好像是盐水,越喝越渴。有时候,年轻人想要提升自我,但是,又缺乏力量,想要后退,又不甘心,欲求不得的焦虑正是不快乐的根源之一。 2. 罗素在论及快乐的时候提及朋友和爱好能够是快乐的重要源泉,所以,个人爱好很少以及交际圈很小的人,很难获得更多快乐。 解决策略: 1. 父母承担对于子女的责任,为他们营造快乐健康的成长环境。 2. 教育者协助学生们调整心态,同时,缓解学业负担,丰富校园活动。 3. 年轻人积极交友,培养乐观人生态度,发展个人爱好,获得更多快乐源泉。 原创语料库: 1. numerous youngsters = a great many teenagers = a number of young people n 很多年轻人 2. youngsters = teenagers = adolescents = the young = young adults = those who are in the formative years n 年轻人 3. acquire = attai n 二 obtai n v 获得... 4. well-being = pleasure = happiness n 幸福 5. feel cheerful = feel delighted = feel happy v感到快


题目: A Handicraft Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand) You should say: What it is? What it looks like? How to make it? And explain what other people thought of it. 范文: When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well,you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as “XI, OR FU ”that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the pattern.When you open it up.Ta-da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills. A Health Problem Describe a health problem that you know. You should say: what this problem is what causes of the problem how it affects people's health and explain how to solve this health problem. 素材库what this problem is & what causes ? 是何导致人们吸烟 Peer pressure or curiosity, which leads to an addiction. Some people started as boredom, became a physical addiction. (好奇心或无聊使人们吸烟) People who smoke cigarettes have one or more psychological problems - they have no confidence in themselves and use a cigarette as a crutch and/or to be part of a group that smokes. (缺乏自信,为了融入别人) Sometimes people smoke because they think it makes them cooler. Other times it's because they grew up in a house where smoking was an everyday thing.(装酷或家人影响) People start smoking because they want to look cool, or be part of a group, or because everyone in their family does, and then they get addicted. Oral fixation. maybe there are bad examples from our preceding generation, or maybe there are wrong associations with cigarette, such as it can relieve stress.(口欲滞留症或错误相信烟有其他功效,如减压) 素材库how it affects people's health?


雅思考试写作A 类考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 丁仡然 Task 1 考试日期 2015.04.25 类别 Bar (旧题) 题目 The bar chart compares the changes in the places where people used to surf on the Internet in the years 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 in the UK. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目翻译 以下柱状图比较了1998年、2000年、2002年和2004年英国人在不同地点上网的情况。 要素回忆(数据仅供参考) 写作指导 这次考的柱状图和几个月前的比较相似,考生们要注意趋势的表达和几根柱之间的对比。 1. 注意时态的表达(一般过去式) 2. 可按照不同上网地点进行归类,并写出几个地点之间不同百分比的比较和差异 102030405060 701998 2000 2002 2004 Home Work College Library p e r c e n t a g e o f p e o p l e

3. 注意是动态类型的柱形图 4. 一定要写overview 重点表达式Two times, three times as much as that of ..., double, triple, more than that, less than that... 题目评价难度一般 推荐练习剑桥5-6里的柱形图+高分范文的流程图 考试评价与备考建议本次考试为2015年比较常考的一种柱形图考试,柱状图依然会是考试主流,也可以多关注地图题的出现。

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