当前位置:文档之家› 简爱电影与原著的区别












你以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?我也会的,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我一定会使你难于离开我的,就象我现在难于离开你,上帝没有这样,我们的精神是同等的,就如同你跟我经过坟墓将同样的站在上帝面前. If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should h ave made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, con ventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stoo d at God’s feet, equal - as we are! 我很小的时候,姥姥给我读的第一本英国小说就是《简.爱》,从那时候起,我明白了,人是平等的,贫富可以不等,社会分工可以不同,教育程度可以不一样,但是作为人,我们是平等的! 每次当我捧着《简.爱》细读时,它便不再是书,感觉自己融进它的世界,与“简.爱”的灵魂对话。《简.爱》不是一个童话,她让我相信,拥有了独立人格并可以自尊、自爱、自立、自信的女子,即使是一株野百合,一介草根平民,也会有自己的骄傲和自尊,也会找到属于自己的永远的春天。


简爱经典语录中英文 Why you want to tell me that! She told you that has nothing to do with me. Do you think I’m poor, not good-looking, without feelings? I will, if god had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I must make you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you! God did not so. Our spirit is same, just like you with my grave, will equally by standing in front of god! 你为什么要跟我讲这些!她跟你,与我无关。你以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?我也会的,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我一定要使你难以离开我,就像现在我难以离开你!上帝没有这样。我们的精神是同等的,就如同你跟我经过坟墓,将同样地站在上帝面前! I think the bird flies but the sea birds fly, is that no courage of the sea, years later I discovered, not the bird flies past, but not the other side of the sea, and had no waiting 我以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是以为小鸟没有飞过沧海的勇气,十年以后我才发现,不是小鸟飞不过去,而是沧海的那一头,早已没有了等待 ”Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without


Brief Introduction The whole story is about four dissimilar people brought together at an Italian villa during the Italian Campaign of World War II. The four main characters are: an unidentifiably-burned man—the titular patient, presumed to be English; his Canadian Army nurse, a Sikh British Army Sapper, and a Canadian thief. The story occurs during the North African Campaign and centers on the incremental revelations of the patient's actions prior to his injuries, and the emotional effects of these revelations on the other characters. Similarities: 1.major idea: the war and the morality; the love and the human nature; the gender and the power. The war destroys everything. It breaks peace, beauty, and human nature.During the cruel war, there are many things becoming under suspicion.: the love, the loyalty, the ownership, the friendship,and the morality. So both the novel and the movie aim at criticizing the wars and representing the effects on human nature and love. 2.technique of expression: Both the novel and the movie are skilled in dealing with time sequence and spatial order to give a better narration. For example, the person and the person pronoun always keep changing, and the constant change of the time is also the highlight. 3.Figures: All the important characters are kept. Differences: 1.the whole plot:Different from the movie,the telling of the love story about Katharine and Almasy ends in the middle of the story.Much more information about other people is mentioned in the novel.That is to say,the story in the novel;s version is more complicated and elaborate. 2.details: A.In the novel,when Katharine’s husband, Clifton, knew that her wife had cheated on him, he chose to revenge by making the aircraft be crushed. But in the movie it is not mentioned as that, and maybe it is just a accident. B.In the novel, the reason that Kip left is not because his friend died of bombing.Kip hated the war. The author prefer the movie. 1.The brilliant directing and acting 2.The recreating of the story,the simplifying of relationship 3.Detail: the church scene is magnificent,and the hiden meaning of the book


简爱里的经典语录20句 2017-05-071、假如你避免不了,就得去忍受。 不能忍受生命中注定要忍受的事情,就是软弱和愚蠢的表现。 2、幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,请你学会珍惜。 3、生命太短暂了,不应该用来记恨。 人生在世,谁都会有错误,但我们很快会死去。 我们的罪过将会随我们的身体一起消失,只留下精神的火花。 这就是我从来不想报复,从来不认为生活不公平的原因。 我平静地生活,等待末日的降临。 4、你有权拒绝我的爱,但你不能蔑视我的爱,因为那是一颗真诚地为你跳动的心。 5、没有判断力的感情的确淡而无味,但未经感情处理的判断力又太苦涩、太粗糙,让人无法下咽。 6、要自爱,不要把你全身心的爱,灵魂和力量,作为礼物慷慨给予,浪费在不需要和受轻视的地方。 7、我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。 8、第一次报复人,我尝到了滋味,像喝酒似的。 刚一喝,芬芳甘醇,过后却满嘴苦涩。 9、怜悯,不过是内心自私无情的人,听到灾祸之后所产生的以

自我为中心的痛苦,混杂着对受害者的盲目鄙视!10、在你未来的人生道路上,你常常会发现不由自主地被当作知己,去倾听你熟人的秘密。 你的高明之处不在于谈论你自己,而在于倾听别人谈论自己。 11、和一个人生活习惯有很多差异的人恋爱不要紧,结婚要慎重,想想你是否可以长久忍受彼此的不同。 12、男人有钱就变坏,是的,很多男人这样,不过一有钱就变坏的男人就算没有钱,也好不到那里去。 13、不管多大多老,不管家人朋友怎么催,都不要随便对待婚姻,婚姻不是打牌,重新洗牌要付出巨大代价。 14、你爱他吗?爱就告诉他,何必把思念之苦放在心底深处。 怕样子,地位,身份不相配吗?别怕,爱一个人是美好的。 15、不要因为自己长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象,真正决定能否结合主要取决于双方的性格。 我见过的帅哥配丑女,丑女配帅哥的太多了。 16、女人要学会扮靓自己,不要那朴素来做挡箭牌,不啊哟那做家务来做借口,不懂时尚,你就不是一个完整的女人。 17、浪漫是什么?是送花?雨中浪漫?如果两人彼此相爱,什么事都不做,静静相对都会是浪漫的。 否则,即使两人做到月亮上去拍拖,也是感觉不到浪漫的俄18、是否门当户对不要紧,最重要应该是兴当趣对,不然没有共同语言,


《倾城之恋》电影与小说的对比 《倾城之恋》是张爱玲最脍灸人口的短篇小说之一。 故事发生在香港,上海来的白家小姐白流苏,经历了一次失败的婚姻,身无分文,在亲戚间备受冷嘲热讽,看尽世态炎凉。偶然认识了多金潇洒的单身汉范柳原,便拿自己当做赌注,远赴香港,博取范柳原的爱情,要争取一个合法的婚姻地位。两个情场高手斗法的场地在浅水湾饭店,原本白流苏似是博输了,但在范柳原即将离开香港时,日军开始轰炸浅水湾,范柳原折回保护白流苏,在生死交关时,两人才得以真心相见,许下天长地久的诺言。作者自述《倾城之恋》是一个动听的而又尽人情的故事。《倾城之恋》里从腐朽的家庭走出来的流苏,香港之战的洗礼并不曾将她感化成为革命女性;香港之战影响范柳原,使他转向平实的生活,结婚并不使他变为圣人,完全放弃往日的生活习惯与作风。柳原与流苏的结局,虽然多少是健康的,仍是庸俗。 由许鞍华执导,周润发、缪骞人等主演的电影《倾城之恋》改编自张爱玲的同名小说。电影描述失婚的上海富户养女白流苏,邂逅不羁的南洋才俊范柳原,发展出一段华丽而又凄美的爱情故事;最后,太平洋战争爆发,在漫天烽火下,繁华美梦虽尽碎,却造就了陷落中的范、白在香港暂过平淡的同居生活。 文学版,是以文字的形态出现;而影视版,则是大众声色的产物。搬上银幕的张爱玲小说,保留了其故事性和戏剧性,场景

转换、冲突和磨难,充斥了全文,悲欢离合之后最终是一个大团圆的结合——竟是一出刻意的电影,而电影基本上孔算不负众望,有一股子张爱玲小说淡淡的域外人的味道,此外,声色光影使其增色不少。 文学给人无限的想象空间,文学是通过文字呈现给读者的,而电影则给人以视觉的冲击力。在小说中流苏的相貌只出现过一次:“纤瘦的腰,孩子似的萌芽的乳”、“半透明的轻青的玉”似的皮肤、“小得可爱”的脸,还有“一双娇滴滴,滴滴娇的清水眼”,整个给人一种小雀儿的感觉,但到底是什么样的雀儿,那就见仁见智了。而电影则是通过影像将想像具体化了,在电影中,白流苏的出场是在戏院。台上小生与青衣的温存算是衬托了流苏的孤独身世。随着镜头的慢慢移动,再渐渐推上去,我们见到了这位窈窕淑女一样的白家小姐。一头短发、一身青色的旗袍和一副虽不太漂亮但很耐看的脸蛋便是她的全部。 小说中刻画人物形象自然少不了语言,而电影中,最欠缺不了的更是语言,甚至可以说,通片由语言构成,无“言”不成片。比如范柳原,前一句还在固执地说“我要你懂得我!”马上就“换了一副声调,笑道:‘是的,别忘了,你的特长是低头’”。在电影中这会是一个多么戏剧性的态度转变,正在苦恼中的他看到流苏低头,马上换了一副调戏的嘴脸,花花公子的样子又回来了。 在很多文学中的细节是电影无法表现的,比如说文章开头流苏的哥哥让她为前夫奔丧时,她“若无其事地继续做刀的鞋子,


简爱经典语录50句 导读:《简·爱》是我大学时代特别喜欢读的一本书,非常欣赏里面的女主角自尊、自重、自立、自强,欣赏她对于自己的人格、情感、生活、判断、选择的坚定理想和执着追求。橙子今天给大家带来简爱经典语录50句,一起来重温经典吧。 1. 夜晚和清晨不再出现加拿大式的低气温,险些把我们血管里的血冻住。 2. 只要能常常和你见面,我就觉得快活;只要依偎着你娇小的身躯,我就不会寂寞。 3. 当饥饿像猛禽—样嘴爪俱下抓住我时、孤独也不成其孤独,歇息也谈不上歇息了。 4. 那些无论我做什么去讨他们的欢心都始终厌恶我的人,我也应该厌恶他们;对那些不公平的惩罚我的人,我就应该反抗。她不久就要超脱于尘世风雨之外了,精神已挣扎着要脱离它物质的居所,而当它终于解脱出来之后,将会飞到哪里去呢? 5. 我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。 6. 罗沃德的束缚,至今仍在你身上留下某些印迹,控制着你的神态,压抑着你的嗓音,捆绑着你的手脚,所以你害怕在一个男人,一位兄长——或者父亲、或者主人,随你怎么说——面前开怀大笑,害怕说话太随便,害怕动作太迅速,不过到时候,我想你会学着同我自然一些的,就像觉得要我按照陋习来对待你是不可能的,到那时,你的神态和动作会比现在所敢于流露的更富有生气、更多姿多彩。我透过木条紧固的鸟笼,不时观察着一只颇念新奇的鸟,笼子里是一个活跃、不安、不屈不挠的囚徒,一旦获得自由,它一定会高飞云端。你还是执意要走?” 7. 要自爱,不要把你全身心的爱,灵魂和力量,作为礼物慷慨给予,浪费在不需要和受轻视的地方。 8. 没有判断力的感情的确淡而无味,但未经感情处理的判断力又太苦涩太粗糙,让人无法下咽。 9. 爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。


简爱经典语录英语 "Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!" “你以为我可以留下来成为你觉得无足轻重的人吗?你以为我是一台机器吗?——一台没有感情的机器?可以忍受别人把我口中可怜的一点面包夺走,把我杯中可怜的一点活命之水泼掉吗?你以为,因为我贫穷、卑微、矮小而且不漂亮,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?——你想错了!我的灵魂和你一样,我的心也完全一样!如果上帝赐予我一点美貌和很多财富,我也能让你对我难分难舍,就像现在我难以离开你一样。我现在不是通过凡人的肉体在和你交谈——是我的精神在对你的精神说话,就好像我们俩都穿越了坟墓,一起站到了上帝的脚下:在上帝的脚下我们是平等的——我们本来就是平等的!” 简:Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I’m poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. 您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过了坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。简:Let me go, sir.让我走,先生。 罗切斯特:I love you. I love you!我爱你。我爱你! 简:No, don’t make me foolish.别,别让我干傻事。罗切斯特:Foolish? I need you. What’s Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father’s land with. Marry me, Jane. Say y ou marry me.傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简。说你嫁给我。 简:You mean it?你是说真的?罗切斯特:You torture me with your doubts.Say yes,say yes。God forgive me.And let no men meddle with me.She is mine.Mine.你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。上帝饶恕我,别让何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。


《活着》小说与电影作品之间主题表达的差异分析 姓名:陈艳 专业班级:08汉语言文学1班 学号:080504011113

摘要:余华的小说《活着》发表后得到多方好评,使它成为20世纪90年代重要的小说之一。1994年,小说《活着》由张艺谋导演改编成同名电影,葛优、巩俐主演,并且获得多个奖项。然而,小说和电影是两种不同的艺术形式,创作方式和表现形式不同,所以两种艺术形式对同一主题的阐释必然有差异。同一个“活着”,余华和张艺谋给读者观众呈现出它的不同。 关键词:活着;小说与电影;忍耐;希望;比较 一、小说《活着》主题:为活着本身而活着;忍耐 小说《活着》由福贵徐徐道来他的苦难人生,福贵年轻时因家里富裕常年在外赌博,最后把家产全部输光,福贵爹也被他气死,剩下的一家老小跟着他开始过上贫穷的生活,接着在以后的几十年里,随着年龄增长福贵的人生呈现出不断减缩的情景,家里七口人在他眼前相继死去,还有和他有关联的其他生命也陆续消失。与他相关的人和物随着岁月的流逝都远离了他。这些事物的离去使福贵一个人孤独留在世上,不禁让人思考他活着的支柱是什么。从作品看,通常的理解福贵没有活着的支撑,反而有很多选择死亡的理由,他可以悲伤过度而死可以绝望而死,但是福贵选择了活着。而且作为后死者他活得这么久。学者季羡林对长寿有过这样的看法:“随着自己的年龄的增长,我现在越来越觉得,在人世间,后死者的处境是并不美妙的。年岁越大,先他而走的亲友越多,怀念与悲思在他心中的积淀也就越来越厚,厚到令人难以承担的程度。”福贵没有学者季羡林拥有的包括亲人、金钱、地位、名誉等可以寄托精神的生活动力,季羡林对自己后死的情况尚且感到孤独空虚而难以承担,福贵这种普通后死者晚年的凄凉则更是难以言语,有时悲切凄凉之感会让人感到死亡比活着更好,赤条条的福贵寻死的理由有很多,但是作品里福贵却选择顽强乐观地活着。他把死去的亲人深深地记在脑子里,常常唤他们出来和他做伴。然而这种回忆并非他活着的理由,不过是为了舒缓浓重的寂寥。余华在《活着》前言里朴实而深刻地讲述了福贵活着的理由:“《活着》讲述了人是为活着本身而活着,而不是为活着之外的任何事物而活着。”从这里可以看出福贵活着的理由仅只是为活着本身而活着,因为“我”这个生命存在所以要活着。这正是作者通过这篇小说主要要阐释的主题。作者余华从深层次的哲学层面为读者揭示了一个冷峻深远的道理。 小说《活着》不仅从哲学层面为读者揭示了为活着本身而活着的深刻道理,同时也浅层次地为读者展示了另一个活着的道理。 小说的讲述给人透彻的痛苦和震撼的感觉,作者通过把极大的苦难降临到福贵身上,把属于他人生里的东西一点点剥离,夺去他生存的理由,让主人公独立在世上,而使作品本身要表达的活着的理由(为活着本身而活)凸现出来。作者在凸现这个主题的后面还向读者传达着另一个主题:忍耐。作者在小说的韩文版自序中说:“‘活着’在我们中国的语言里充满了力量,它的力量不是来自于喊叫,也不是来自于进攻,而是忍受,去忍受生命赋予我们的责任,去忍受现实给予我们的幸福和苦难,无聊和平庸。”也正如小说所表现的,作者给福贵安排的苦难接踵而来,从没有透息的机会,福贵的人生笼罩在痛苦之下,他的生命被苦水彻底“浸润”着。福贵的人生就是对现实命运中的苦难平庸的忍耐。面对亲人生命的逝去福贵徒有着一身的力气却无处可使,正如看着一个生命在渐渐消亡,眼看着他/她张着嘴拼命呼吸想留在人世的时候,你什么也不能做。在死神面前,人的力量显得无比渺小,谁也无法阻挡生命的脆弱,在经历渺小和无能为力的体验时,人会感到人生空虚毫无价值。面对亲人们即将死亡,福贵没来得及思考自己


Jane: I thought you’d gone. Rochester: I changed my mind or 1)rather the Ingram family changed their’s. Why are you crying? Jane: I was thinking about having to leave 2)Thornfield. Rochester: You’ve become quite 3)attached to that foolish little Adele,haven’t you? To that simple old Fairfax. You’d be sorry to 4)part with them. Jane: Yes, sir! Rochester: It’s always the way in this life. 5)As sooner as have you got settled in a pleasant resting place, you’re 6)summoned to move on. Jane: I told you, sir, I shall be ready when the order comes. Rochester: It has come now! Jane: Then it’s settled? Rochester: All settled! Even about your future situation. Jane: You’ve found a place for me? Rochester: Yes, Jane, I have...er... the west of Ireland. You’ll like Ireland, I think. There are such warm-hearted people there. Jane: It’s a long way off, sir. Rochester: From what, Jane? Jane: From England and from Thornfield. Rochester: Well? Jane: And from you, sir. Rochester: Yes, Jane, it’s a long way. When you get there, I shall probably never see you again. We’ve been good friends, Jane, haven’t we? Jane: Yes, sir.


简爱经典语录 2014简爱经典语录一: 1、我在控诉和恐吓里德太太时,内心恰如一片点燃了的荒野,火光闪烁,来势凶猛,但经过半小时的沉默和反思,深感自己行为的疯狂和自己恨人又被人嫉恨的处境的悲凉时,我内心的这片荒地,便已灰飞烟灭,留下的只有黑色的焦土了。 2、“我喜欢今天这样的日子,喜欢铁灰色的天空,喜欢严寒中庄严肃穆的世界,喜欢桑菲尔德,喜欢它的古色古香,它的旷远幽静,它乌鸦栖息的老树和荆棘,它灰色的正面,它映出灰色苍穹的一排排黛色窗户。可是在漫长的岁月里,我一想到它就觉得厌恶,像躲避瘟疫滋生地一样避之不迭:就是现在我依然多么讨厌。 3、暴力不是消除仇恨的最好办法——同样,报复也绝对医治不了伤害。 4、被命运所抛弃的人,总是被他的朋友们遗忘。 5、但冬日最大的愉悦,却在于极度的幽静和光秃秃的树木所透出的安宁。 6、当我复又独处时,我细想了听到的情况,窥视了我的心灵,审察了我的思想和情感,努力用一双严厉的手,把那些在无边无际、无路可循的想象荒野上徘徊的一切,纳入常识的可靠规范之中。 7、而如今我觉得这很不够。一个下午之间,我对八年的常规

生活突然感到厌倦了,我憧憬自由,我渴望自由,我为自由作了一个祷告,这祈祷似乎被驱散,融入了微风之中。我放弃了祈祷,设想了一个更谦卑的祈求,祈求变化,祈求刺激。而这恳求似乎也被吹进了浩茫的宇宙。“那么”,我近乎绝望地叫道,“至少赐予我一种新的苦役吧!” 8、荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。 9、假如刮一阵风或滴几滴雨就阻止我去做这些轻而易举的事情,这样的懒惰还能为我给自己规划的未来作什么准备呢? 10、她不久就要超脱于尘世风雨之外了,精神已挣扎着要脱离它物质的居所,而当它终于解脱出来之后,将会飞到哪里去呢? 感谢欣赏本文,更多经典语句请关注:网络小说中的经典语句四大名著的经典语句 11、可惜布罗克赫斯特先生没有能看到,要不然他也许会感受到,他纵然可以摆布杯盘的外表,但其内部,却远非他所想的那样可以随意干涉了。 12、罗沃德的束缚,至今仍在你身上留下某些印迹,控制着你的神态,压抑着你的嗓音,捆绑着你的手脚,所以你害怕在一个男人,一位兄长——或者父亲、或者主人,随你怎么说——面前开怀大笑,害怕说话太随便,害怕动作太迅速,不过到时候,我想你会学着同我自然一些的,就像觉得要我按照陋习来对待你是不可能的,到那时,你的神态和动作会比现在所敢于流露的更富有生气、更多姿多彩。我透过木条紧固的鸟笼,不时观察着一只颇念新奇的鸟,笼子里是一个活跃、不安、不屈不挠的囚徒,


Number: 2010051614 Word count: 1061 Style Comparison between Book and Movie on Pride and Prejudice Most people hold the view that a film based on a famous novel should be the same as the original work. However, the film, another form of new literature creating, just as translation, must have some differences from the book. A French writer Marcel states that the film version is not restricted by loyalty to the original story, nor the simple repeat of the content as a literature creating activity (2005, p.22).This thesis aims at comparing the style between the well-known novel pride and prejudice by Jane Austen with the 2005 film adaptation by Joe Wright to discover that the movie adaptation has its own profound meaning and understanding as a new work creation without entire copy of original work. The original work takes on an irony and realistic style. Jane Austen lived her life among the landed gentry. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics. The novel Pride and prejudice deals with Mr. Darcy’s pride leads to Elizabeth’s prejudice, and how the prejudice and misunderstanding are removed as they learn more about each other. As we know, Austen’s work s have little narrative or scenic description and contain much more dialogues. Take the marriage of William Collins and charlotte Lucas to analyze the irony style. The reasons why Mr. Collins wants to marry are: first, “a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” (Austen, 2001, p.3).Second, he thought that it is a right thing to set the example for matrimony in his parish. Third, he gets advice and recommendation from his patroness. This is a humorous and piercing description. Obviously, there is not love in this married couple. Charlotte clear knows that she is at the age of 27, without a good fortune. She clearly knows that she has no other way to improve her social position except to marry a husband with a good fortune. In her eye, marriage has been her object, without considering either man or matrimony. It is clear that they get married for duty, for consideration of life guarantee, not for love. Through the descriptions of Mr. Collins and Charlotte’s marriage, the novel perfectly shows an irony style. Furthermore, we can find the realistic style in the book, because money is an unavoidable topic to the theme of marriage in it. At that time, Britain is at the period of transition from Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization. Money is getting more and more important in people’s mind about social value. A western literature critic shows that “even David Ricardo had an unlikely clearer understanding about the function of money in daily life as Jane Austen.”(Zhu, 1985, p.178) Women have to rely on marrying a rich man to improve their social status. Mrs. Bennett’s eager to get her daughters married is a good example to support this idea. Her daughters cannot guarantee their life, when Mr. Bonnet passes away. And also in the novel, there are many times mentioned about one’s property, such as “four or five thousand a year”“ten thousand a year”, which implies people will judge others not by quality but by money. In short, the novel reflexes how great the money affects on people’s life, people’s marriage, people’s value. Through it, the novel successfully creates a realistic


简爱Jane Eyre Rochester: You have grown attached to Thornileld. Jane: I have been happy here. Rochester: Would it grieve you to leave it? Jane: Leave it? Rochester: When I marry I shall not want to live here. Jane: Of course. Adele will go to school. I will find another post. I must go in, sir. I am cold. Rochester: Jane. Jane: Please, let me go, sir. Rochester: Jane Jane: Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm poor and plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. Let me go, sir. Rochester: I love you. I love you! Jane: No, don't make me foolish. Rochester:Foolish? I need you. What’s Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father’s land with. Marry me, Jane. Say you marry me. Jane: You mean it? Rochester: You torture me with your doubts. Say yes, say yes(He takes her chin to his arm and kisser her.)God forgive me. And let no men meddle with me… for I will keep her, keep her. 简:您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过了坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。 简:让我走,先生。 罗切斯特:我爱你。我爱你! 简:别,别让我干傻事。 罗切斯特:傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简。说你嫁给我。 简:你是说真的? 罗切斯特:你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。(他把她搂在怀里,吻她。)上帝饶恕我,别让任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。 Roman Holiday (Solemnly, without speaking, Joe drives Ann through Rome.) ANN:(looking straight ahead)Stop at the next corner, please. JOE:'K. (He slows down, stopping at a corner and leans forward to see the Embassy gate visible down the street)Here?


简爱经典语录中英文的 篇一:简爱经典语录英文版 篇一:简爱经典台词 conventionalities,norevenofmortalflesh;--itismyspiritthataddressesyour spirit;justasifbothhadpassedthroughthegrave,andwestoodatgodsfeet, equal,--asweare! 这一段出自小说的 第二十三章,描述的是简爱和罗切斯特第一次表达彼此爱恋时的情景。 简:whydoyou confideinmelikethis?whatareyouandshetome?youthinkthatbecausei’mpoor andplain,ihavenofeelings?ipromiseyou,ifgodhadgiftedmewithwealthand beauty,iwouldmakeitashardforyoutoleavemenowasitisformetoleaveyou. buthedidnot.butmyspiritcanaddressyours,asifbothhavepassedthroughthe graveandstoodbeforeheavenequal.您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我 有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌, 我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,

但我的灵魂能够同您的 灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过了坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。 简:no,don’tmakemefoolish.别,别让我干傻事。罗切斯特:foolish?ineedyou.what’ sblanchtome?iknowwhatiamtoher.moneytomanureherfather’slandwith. marryme,jane.sayyoumarryme.傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知 道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简。 简:youmeanit? 你是说真的?罗切斯特:youtorturemewithyourdoubts.sayyes,sayyes。godforgive me.andletnomenmeddlewithme.sheismine.mine.你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应 吧。 篇二:简爱经典语录 假如 你避免不了,就得去忍受。 ——勃朗特《简爱》 你以为我会无足轻 重的留在这里吗?你以为我是一架没有感情的机器人吗?你以为我贫穷、低微、不美、缈小,

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