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IV---1 Women of achievements


1. … a girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French. ……一个来自农村的女孩,她装扮成男人去为法兰西而战。

dress as 穿……的服装,使穿得像

Mom insists that we dress up as monsters. 妈妈坚持要我们打扮成怪物。

We must fight for our rights, comrades!同志们, 我们必须为自己的权利而斗争!

2. She helped drive the English out of France. She was caught and put to death by the English.她帮助把英国人驱逐出法国。她被捕并被英国人处死。

drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure. 赶走袭击者;打消失败的念头

He drove the children to school. 他开车送孩子去上学

Indecision drives me crazy.


In these cases, the person is put to death.


The prisoner was put to death at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被处决.

3. the Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖

4. …one of the top leaders in modern Chinese histo ry 中国现代史上杰出的领导人之一。

the top historian in her department. 她部门中最杰出的历史学家

5. She concerned herself with welfare projects 她关心福利事业

He concerned herself with public work 他关心公众事务

We're rather concerned about father's health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。

This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply.这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。

6. a specialist in women‘s illnesses 妇科疾病的专家

7. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.她毕生贡献于中国妇女儿童的医疗工作。

He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。He devoted a great sum of money to books. 他们花了一大笔钱买书。

After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. 退休后,他将要致力于园艺。

8. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors. 她的工作鼓励了很多其他的妇女成为女医生。

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

encourage a man to work better鼓励一个人更好地工作

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

9. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. 她的工作说明了人类和黑猩猩的关系。

have connection with ―与……有关系‖,

His illness must have had some connection with his diet. 他的病想必与他的饮食有关。

in connec tion with ―与……有关;关于‖,

The teachers often deal with problems in connection with education. 老师经常处理和教育有关的问题。

Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease? 你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗?

We have connections with various international corporations in Europe. 我们同欧洲的多家跨国公司有业务往来。

10. She also worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them.她也努力工作使尽可能多的国家同意不使用它们。

I don't like milk, but she made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝。

Can you say the names of film stars as many as possible? 你能尽可能多说出一些影星的名字吗?

We hope they agree to do something. 我们希望他们同意做些事情。

We may agree to something that we do not actually agree with. 我们可能同意实际上我们不赞成的事。

We may agree to something that we do not actually agree with. 我们可能同意实际上我们不赞成的事。

She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。

I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。

We agree on this count. 在这一点上,我们的意见一致。

11. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to university?你认为古德珍为什么不去上大学而去研究黑猩猩?

He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。

The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。

We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。

Do you think it is importantt to study chimps in the wild rather than in a zoo? 你认为在野外研究黑猩猩而不是在动物园重要么?

We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。

I decided to write rather than telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。

He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。

12. Following Jane‘s way of studying chimps, our groups are all going to visit them in the forest.我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林拜访他们。

现在分词作状语,表示伴随。I offered them something to eat, thinking they might be hungry. 我给了他们一些吃的东西,心想他们可能饿了。

Some like the older ways of doing things. 有些女性喜欢处理事务的老办法。

Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people for advice? 您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们征求大家的建议?

13. … understand how much they behave like humans. …了解黑猩猩的行为和人们是多么地相似。

The boy behaved very well last night. 孩子昨天晚上表现挺好。

Please behave yourself. 请礼貌点儿。

14. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.我们当天的首要任务是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。


15. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. 这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。

I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot. 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。