第六章 产品策略

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Marketing Considerations for Consumer Products
Type of Consumer Product Marketing Considerations Convenience Frequent purchase, little planning, little comparison or shopping effort, low customer involvement Low Price Widespread distribution, convenient locations Shopping Less frequent purchase, much planning and shopping effort, comparison of brands on price, quality, style Higher price Specialty Strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase effort, little comparison of brands, low price sensitivity High price Exclusive distribution in only one or a few outlets per market area More carefully targeted promotion by both producer and resellers Unsought Little product awareness, knowledge (or, if aware, little or even negative interest) Varies
Marketing Program
The Four P Components of the Marketing Mix
•Product is a key element in the market offering产品是 营销组合的关键要素
•Marketing program begins with product strategy 产品策略是营销组合策略的起点
1What is a Product?
Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need.产品是指能够提供给市场从而引起 人们注意,供人取得使用或消费,并能够 满足某种欲望或需要的任何东西。
consumer goods

unsought goods非渴求产品/忽略品

either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think of buying. 不了解或者想不到的产品 Most major new innovations are unsought until the consumer becomes aware of them through advertising. 创新型产品多数属于非 渴求品 By their very nature, unsought products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts. 需要大量、密 集的广告和促销努力
To marketer

The physical objects they produce or sell 物质载体

To customer

What do cosmetics mean to consumers
1What is a Product?
一切有形和无形的统一体,包括实质层、 实体层和延伸层三个层次
第六章 产品策略
Chapter 6 product strategy
Contents to be covered today 学习内容

the concept of product and product level产品和产品分层 的概念 Lecture Exercise Case study
• Marketers must:
• Plan positions to give their products the greatest advantage in selected target markets.针对目标市场选择合适的定位 • Design marketing mixes to create these planned positions.针对此定位设计营销组合 方案
What is a product

维基百科:产品(Product)是用来满足人们需求和欲望 的物体或无形的载体。 产品是“一组将输入转化为输出的相互关联或相互作 用的活动”的结果,即“过程”的结果 在经济领域中,通常也可理解为组织制造的任何制品 或制品的组合。 马克•佩里博士在总结若干学者的观点之后认为,产品 属性包括内在、外在、表现和抽象四项内容。 中华人民共和国质量法,服务、软件、硬件和流程性 材料
Those purchased for further processing or for use in conducting business.
consumer goods消费品

Convenience goods方便商品/日用品

Purchased frequently & immediately频繁购买 Low priced低价 Mass advertising大众密集广告 Many purchase locations尽可能多的布点
Purchase The fundamental service or benefit that Decision the customer is really buying. Evaluation Postpurchase of Alternatives Behavior 是指消费者在购买一种产品或服务时所寻求的能
Customer buying behavior
Exercise1:Link to the practice 海尔冰箱
核心产品 Core benefit:
效用 质量 特征 式样 品牌 附加 服务
实际产品 Actual product:
Augmented product:
附加 利益
Conclusion 小结
Exercise2: 服务类产品的分层
Selling concept
Marketing concept
Exercise3:Link to the practice
Case Study
案例1 某旅行社推出新线路,为吸引游客参加,承诺可 以先旅游后付款。请结合旅游产品的特点、构 成分析此项促销方式的可能性、可行性及如何 操作? 案例2 电器经销商准备采取先试用空调,然后一个月之 后再收费,请问可能性、可行性及如何操作
Group Discussion小组讨论
Marketing Considerations for Consumer Products 消费品的营销选择 Type of Consumer Product Marketing Considerations Customer buying behavior 消费者行为特点 Price 价格 Distribution 分销渠道选择 Promotion 促销方案 Examples 产品例子 Convenience Shopping 选购商 Specialty 特 Unsought 方便商品 品 殊商品 非渴求品

consumer goods消费品

shopping goods选购商品

Bought less frequently 较频繁 Higher price较高的价格 Fewer and selective purchase locations有 选择的销售网点 deeper sales support需要较多的售中服务 支持
请结合产品的概念、层次,讨论上述案例中哪种 做法可行?请支持你的结论?
3product classification产品类别
3.1 durability and tangibility 产品的耐用程度和有形程度
Nondurable goods易耗品
Durable goods 耐用品
Service服务产 品
consumer goods消费品

specialty goods特殊商品

unique characteristics独一无二的特征 brand identification 品牌识别度高 Exclusive Distribution 专卖店 special purchase effort消费者愿意付出特 殊的购买努力 Buyers normally do not compare specialty products. 最优选择
2Levels of a Product产品层次

Core product or core benefit核心产 品/实质层 Actual product实际产品/实体层 Augmented product延伸产品/延伸 层
2.1核心产品/实质层core product or core benefit
The items convey the core benefit of product,which include features, design, quality level, brand name and packaging.

核心产品借以实现的形式 指消费者需要的产品实体的具体外观,具体包 括:质量水平、特征、式样、品牌名称、包装 等
Includes: physical objects实物, services服务, events事件, persons人员, places区位, organizations组织, ideas概念, or some combination多种组合 thereof.
What is a product

3product classification产品类别
3.2 the purpose for which the product is bought购买目的
consumer goods industrial goods
Products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption.
够解决问题的核心利益,是构成产品最本质的 Information 核心部分。
Need/problem Recognition
What is the core product for a hotel? How about an air conditioning?
2.2actual product实际产品/实 体层
2.3Augmented product延伸产品/ 延伸层
What exceed the normal expectation and make the product distinct.

又称为产品的附加利益,是指在商品的销售和 使用过程中,企业向消费者提供的服务、便利 以及可以用价值衡量的一切无形的东西。是产 品现在内容的横向扩张。必须注意附加产品的 增加而增加的成本消费者是否愿意承担。

Please specify the levels of products for a theme park 请你为一个主题公园绘出它的产品分层 图
Practice: Linkage with marketing concept

Production concept
Product concept