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1.I come from one of those families where you have to yell at the dinner table to get in a word.Everyone has a strong(1),and talks at the same time,and no one has a(2)leading to heated arguments.We often talk or even debate with each other on different topics.

(3) a family like mine has made me more (4)about the world around me,making me tend to question anything anyone tells me.But it has also made me realize that I'm not a good listener.And when I say "listening",I'm not (5)to the nodding﹣your﹣head﹣and﹣(6)﹣answering ﹣Uh﹣huh﹣or﹣Ooh﹣I﹣see variety.I mean the kind of listening where you find yourself deeply(7)with the person you're speaking with,when his story becomes so(8)that your world becomes less about you and more about him.No,I was never very good at that.

I spent summer in South Africa two years ago.I worked for a good non﹣profit (9)called Noah,which works(10)on behalf of children affected by AIDS.But(11)you asked me what I really did in South Africa,I'd tell you one thing:I listened,and I listened.Sometimes I(12),but mostly I listened.

And had I not spent two months(13),I might have missed the(14)moment when a quiet little girl at one of Noah's community centers,orphaned (孤儿)at the age of three,whispered after a long(15),"I love you."

(16)that summer,I knew how to hear.I could sit down with anyone and hear their(17)and nod and respond at the(18)time﹣but most of the time I was(19)about the next words out of my own mouth.Ever since my summer in South Africa,I have noticed that it's in those moments when my mouth is closed and my (20)is wide open that I've learned the most about other people,and perhaps about myself.

(1)A.qualification B.influence C.opinion D.assumption (2)A.commitment B.problem C.schedule D.request (3)A.Belonging to B.Believing in C.Bringing up D.Struggling for (4)A.anxious B.curious C.nervous D.adventurous (5)A.objecting B.appealing C.turning D.referring (6)A.rudely B.loudly C.politely D.gratefully (7)A.identifying B.quarreling C.debating D.competing (8)A.vivid B.magical C.mind﹣numbing D.time﹣


(9)A.school B.organization C.factory D.church (10)A.effortlessly B.timelessly C.aimlessly D.tirelessly (11)A.unless B.because C.although D.if

(12)A.applauded B.spoke C.wept D.complained (13)A.studying B.traveling C.listening D.working (14)A.touching B.frustrating C.astonishing D.fascinating (15)A.delay B.course C.journey D.silence (16)A.Before B.After C.Except D.Since

(17)A.needs B.stories C.comments D.cases

(18)A.valuable B.free C.right D.same

(19)A.talking B.arguing C.learning D.thinking (20)A.sympathy B.spirit C.mind D.family

2.It's a high﹣risky,multibillion﹣dollar industry with tight deadlines,demanding customers and lives in danger.

The business is (1).And it's booming.

The number of jobs for translators and interpreters doubled in the past 10 years while their wages steadily (2)before,during and after the recession.During a period of stagnating (停滞的)wages across the labor market,

the language﹣service industry with its 50,000 jobs is a (3)spot in the jobs outlook.

Lillian Clementi is a French translator working in corporate communications from her home in Arlington,Massachusetts and is routinely on tight deadlines to hand in translated material."The risks can be huge," said Clementi,"There's tons of (4)pressure."

I n some cases,a(n)(5)translation or interpretation is also vital.If

a user's guide for medical equipment is not translated well,it could lead to (6)during an emergency.Soldiers in conflict areas require excellent interpreters to speak with community members.Any change of tone or context could put lives (7).

Translators' and interpreters' immunity (免疫力)to the nation's economic downturn also(8)the growing demand for people who can speak several languages in an increasingly globalized economy,experts said.

"Good translators who (9) a particular subject and become really good at it can really make six﹣digit figures annually," said Jiri Stejskal,spokesman for the American Translators Association.

Multinational corporations,U.S.demographic (人口的)changes and the Internet economy raise the need for translated and localized information.Companies increasingly want their content (10)to the tongue of the town,even between dialects of the same language.

"As more people (11)the worldwide economy,that's going to drive more commerce,and that's going to drive more language services," said Bill Rivers,executive director of the National Council for Language and International Studies in the Washington region.

(12),qualifications for translators and interpreters are not as simple as they may seem.Speaking two languages does not mean a person can work in the language﹣service industry,experts said.Learning how to translate or interpret is a (13)skill beyond knowing the language.

Furthermore,the most successful translators and interpreters maintain a (14),such as legal documents,quarterly earnings reports or a special knowledge of industry.

Technological advances may cut jobs in some industries,but online translation services like Google Translate (15)raise demand for human translators and interpreters,experts said.Online sales companies also drive demand for translation.

(1)A.tourism B.language C.technology D.economy (2)A.shrank B.changed C.grew D.remained (3)A.bright B.scenic C.historic D.tough

(4)A.money B.peer C.blood D.time

(5)A.proper B.quick C.direct D.innovative (6)A.disease B.depression C.violence D.confusion (7)A.in order B.at risk C.under control D.out of state (8)A.highlights B.understands C.increases D.resists

(9)A.set up B.depend on C.specialize in D.object to (10)A.limited B.accustomed C.related D.tailored (11)A.agree with B.have access to C.are confident of D.insist on (12)A.Instead B.Therefore C.However D.Otherwise (13)A.separate B.genetic C.learnable D.worthwhile (14)A.certificate B.diploma C.strategy D.specialty (15)A.automatically B.respectively C.actually D.immediately 3.When I was in my twenties,I travelled alone through the UK.In order to(21)locations that the public transportation couldn't get to,I bought a(n)(22)car,drove it around for three months and sold it before I returned to Australia.The car cost most of my money,so I lived mainly on(23)during that trip,it being cheap and filling.In Ireland,my(24)was stolen,and it was impossible to get another.So for the rest of the trip I(25)out in my car,

being too poor to afford bed and breakfast.

One morning,I (26)in my old Skoda under a twisted tree on a remote lane in the Irish countryside,with no more than a(27)house in sight.I had a terrible desire for a (28)cup of tea and some hot water to make porridge with(29).I would not have to eat the cold leftovers from the previous day.My thermos(暖瓶)had gone cold overnight so I knocked on the door of the house.A woman opened it.Hot water?She(30)let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors,seated at the breakfast table with the (31)and given a delicious breakfast,as much as I could eat.I was(32)to eat something more than porridge! I (33)being friends with the whole family.That was only one of many acts of(34)strangers showed me when I was travelling alone in foreign regions.One London businessman rushing to work,seeing me(35),offered to pull my ridiculously heavy suitcase(36)several flights of stairs in the underground.After he'd done so,with a smile and a wave,he (37)into the crowd.

Kindness gets (38).The other day,I was able to point out a rare parking spot to a young man who had been driving around the railway car park,looking (39)desperate.His grateful smile was all the(40)I needed as I dashed off to catch my train.

21.A.search B.reach C.choose D.arrive 22.A.modern B.intelligent C.ancient D.special 23.A.porridge B.brand C.rice D.vegetable 24.A.car B.mobile C.luggage D.wallet 25.A.camped B.worked C.watched D.looked 26.A.appeared B.slept C.awoke D.explored 27.A.deserted B.single C.simple D.shabby 28.A.typical B.clean C.necessary D.steaming 29.A.now that B.even if C.so that D.in case

30.A.wouldn't B.shouldn't C.needn't D.couldn't 31.A.couple B.family C.woman D.adult 32.A.amazed B.frustrated C.ashamed D.delighted 33.A.ended up B.gave up C.kept on D.turned up 34.A.sadness B.kindness C.happiness D.forgiveness 35.A.working B.travelling C.struggling D.crying 36.A.around B.forward C.away D.up 37.A.faded away B.threw away C.put away D.stand away 38.A.turned down B.handed out C.passed on D.started with 39.A.immediately B.increasingly C.constantly D.directly 40.A.award B.memory C.intention D.reward

4.A lot happened to me while I lived on Thirteenth Street.I(41)school at Miss Marie Purkins' School for Little Folks kindergarten which I loved until I broke my leg one day (42)rope.And it wasn't (43) a moving rope.One of the rope ends in the playground was tied to a tree,the other end to a swing set.The kids would(44)on one side and take turns running and jumping over it.All the other kids(45)the rope.

But I had no(46).I was a little short and fat anyway,and I was so slow that I was once the only kid at an Easter egg hunt who didn't get a(47)egg,not because I couldn't find them but because I couldn't get to them (48)enough.On the day I tried to jump rope but I was wearing cowboy boots to school.Like a fool I didn't (49)the boots to jump.My heel(50)on the rope,so I turned,fell and hurt my leg.I lay in(51)on the ground for several minutes while Daddy(52)over from his company to get me.I had broken my leg above the knee,and (53)I was growing so fast,the doctor was(54)to put me in a cast up to my hip.(55),he made a hole through my ankle,pushed a stainless steel bar through it.And then he(56)it to a stainless steel horseshoe,and(57)my leg up in the air over my

hospital bed.For two months,I had been lying on my(58)feeling both foolish,waiting to return to my(59).I missed my playmates so much.After I got out of the hospital,my folks bought me a bicycle,(60)I never lost my fear of riding without the training wheels.No wonder people say,"Once bitten,twice shy."

41.A.valued B.left C.started D.ended 42.A.jumping B.stepping C.holding D.waving 43.A.still B.already C.even D.also 44.A.hold on B.check in C.try out D.line up 45.A.covered B.cleared C.found D.picked 46.A.strength B.score C.sign D.luck 47.A.single B.large C.ripe D.round 48.A.slowly B.far C.fast D.eagerly 49.A.take off B.put on C.throw away D.break down 50.A.hid B.slipped C.pressed D.caught 51.A.silence B.pain C.worry D.peace 52.A.walked B.looked C.raced D.argued 53.A.because B.although C.in case D.even if 54.A.satisfied B.uncertain C.patient D.unwilling 55.A.Therefore B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Fortunately 56.A.separated B.compared C.exposed D.attached 57.A.hung B.dried C.raised D.sent 58.A.hand B.back C.leg D.head 59.A.home B.company C.school D.community 60.A.and B.but C.for D.so

5.I said,"Dad,you might leave now."

(1)he looked out of window and said,"I'm going to buy you some

oranges.You just stay here."

I(2)several vendors (摊贩)waiting for customers beyond a platform.But to reach that platform would (3)crossing the railway track and doing some climbing (4).That would be a/an (5)job for father,who was fat.

I watched him move (6)towards the railway track in his dark blue cotton﹣padded cloth long gown.He had (7)trouble climbing down the railway track,but it was rather difficult for him to climb up that (8)after crossing the railway track.His hands (9)onto the upper part of the platform,his legs huddled up and his body tipped slightly towards the left,(10)making an enormous effort.

While I was watching him from(11),tears rolled down from my eyes.I quickly wiped them away (12)he or others should catch me crying.The next moment when I looked out of the (13)again,father was already on the way back,holding bright red oranges in both hands.After (14)the train,he laid all the oranges on my overcoat,and (15)the dirt off his clothes,he looked somewhat (16)and said after a while,"I must be going now.Don't forget to write me from Beijing!"

I stared while he was retreating out of the (17).After a few (18),he looked back at me and said,"Go back.Don't leave your things (19)." I,however,did not go back to my seat until his figure was (20)among crowds of people hurrying to and fro.My eyes were again wet with tears.

(1)A.Then B.Instead C.But D.So

(2)A.caught sight of B.watched over C.heard of D.glanced


(3)A.require B.request C.suggest D.risk

(4)A.back and forth B.up and down C.in and out D.here and


(5)A.easy B.interesting C.rewarding D.demanding (6)A.happily B.lightly C.anxiously D.awkwardly (7)A.great B.enormous C.little D.some

(8)A.station B.fence C.train D.platform (9)A.held B.pressed C.struck D.fell

(10)A.eventually B.obviously C.actually D.certainly (11)A.above B.behind C.beneath D.sideways (12)A.so that B.in case C.before D.until (13)A.platform B.station C.track D.window (14)A.approaching B.leaving C.boarding D.entering (15)A.brushing B.taking C.patting D.washing (16)A.refreshed B.relaxed C.relieved D.renewed (17)A.carriage B.sight C.window D.breath (18)A.steps B.minutes C.words D.meters (19)A.away B.alone C.behind D.aside (20)A.abandoned B.drowned C.covered D.lost 6.Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top(1)but on their way back conditions were very (2)Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if Simon(3)alone,he would probably get back (4).But Simon decided to risk his(5)and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳).

As they (6)down,the weather got worse.Then another (7)occurred.They couldn't see or hear each other and,(8),Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).It was (9)for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joe's (10)was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice.(11),after more than an hour in the dark and the

icy cold,Simon had to (12).In tears,he cut the rope.Joe(13)into a large crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He couldn't walk,but he (14)to get out of the crevasse and started to (15)towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers (16).

Simon had (17)the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be (18),but he didn't want to leave (19).Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joe's voice.He couldn't (20)it.Joe was there,a few meters from their tent,still alive.

(1)A.hurriedly B.carefully C.successfully D.early

(2)A.difficult B.similar C.special D.normal (3)A.climbed B.worked C.rested D.continued (4)A.unwillingly B.safely C.slowly D.regretfully (5)A.fortune B.time C.health D.life

(6)A.lay B.settled C.went D.looked (7)A.damage B.storm C.change D.trouble (8)A.by mistake B.by chance C.by choice D.by luck (9)A.unnecessary B.practical C.important D.impossible (10)A.height B.weight C.strength D.equipment (11)A.Finally B.Patiently C Surely D.Quickly (12)A stand back B take a rest C make a decision D hold on (13)A jumped B.fell C escaped D backed (14)A.managed B.planned C.waited D.hoped (15)A.run B.skate C.move D.march (16)A.around B.away C.above D.along (17)A.headed for B.traveled to C.left for D.returned to

(18)A.dead B.hurt C.weak D.late (19)A.secretly B.tiredly C.Immediately D.anxiously (20)A.find B.believe C.make D.accept 7.Having a clear picture in mind of what their future will look like can motivate students to keep going despite the challenges of college life.This (41)seems to be particularly effective for female students from relatively low socioeconomic status(SES)backgrounds says Mesmin Destin of Northwestern University in the US.College is a time of great opportunity for some,but can be (42)for others.It is often the first time that many students are away from the regular and familiar support of their family and friends.Weak students from lower SES backgrounds often encounter greater financial and psychological challenges than others,and this can lead to (43)and even withdrawal from difficult situations,such as when interacting with their lecturers or taking tests and exams.

Destin and his colleagues wanted to understand if students' (44)to academic challenges improve when they look forward to the future.This idea is built around the theory of identity﹣based motivation.It holds that people can take positive action during times of unfavorable conditions when they (45) a successful future for themselves.

"The theory of identity﹣based motivation proposes that stimulating a focus on a successful future identity may be especially (46)in motivating students who are weak during challenging academic situations to develop a sense of action readiness,"explains Destin.This involves feeling ready and able to take appropriate action when (47)difficulty.

In two almost identical laboratory experiments﹣one involving 93female students,the other 185students(including 101women)﹣﹣participants were first asked either to write about their past or their future (48).After their deep thoughts,the participants were filmed during an limited interview with a so﹣called lecturer,and then had to (49) a difficult academic test.The research

team noted whether participants' body language was bold and confident,and measured the amount of effort participants' (50)the academic test.The results were in agreement with the theory of identity ﹣based motivation.Destin and his team found that having a successful future identity can prevent especially female students from lower SES backgrounds from (51)during challenging academic situations.Specially,lower SES women who wrote about their future identities displayed greater action (52)compared to those who considered their past.They showed more confident body language.It helped them to make more effort to tackle the test,and had an indirect effect on their (53).

"Simulating imagined successful future identities appears to provide a (54)pathway to enable weak students to effectively navigate everyday stressors,"says Destin."The findings(55)suggest that certain students may benefit from strategies that remind them to image their successful futures before any difficult and important task that they might otherwise be likely to avoid." 41.A.instruction B.strategy C.challenge D.psychology 42.A.disgraceful B.shameful C.harmful D.stressful 43.A.hesitation B.intention C.depression D.decision 44.A.willingness B.options C.responses D.applications 45.A.destroy B.imagine C.abandon D.substitute 46.A.powerful B.upright C.unique D.ambitious 47.A.avoiding B.overcoming C.surrendering D.encountering 48.A.experience B.suffering C.success D.failure 49.A.design B.complete C.comment D.revise 50.A.put away B.put on C.put out D.put into 51.A.withdrawing B.transforming C.advancing D.engaging 52.A.quantity B.dullness C.readiness D.inability 53.A.fascination B.ignorance C.dilemma D.performance

54.A.tolerable B.potential C.straight D.academic 55.A.therefore B.however C.otherwise D.meanwhile 8.Saving Duke turned out to be one of the best decisions Jenna had ever made.Little did this family know they were about to be extremely(1)for adopting Duke.Six years later,it became apparent just how(2)Duke is to the family.This(3)came when Jenna gave birth to their second child,a beautiful little girl called Harper.

In early October 2012,Harper was only nine weeks old when something unusual occurred.Duke(4)Mom and Dad in the middle of the night with the most abnormal behavior.Duke jumped up on Jenna and Eric's bed and began shaking from head to toe.It was such(5)behavior to see from such a typically well﹣behaved dog.At first,Jenna and Eric tried to(6)the dog,but then they thought the dog might be(7)this way for another reason.Sure enough,Eric quickly ran in to(8)on Harper and was shocked by what he saw.

Harper looked just like a doll.She went(9),her eyes glassy,and her figure unmoving.Their new baby wasn't breathing and the parents needed to (10)quickly.Fortunately,Jenna(11)Harper hard on the back and the baby began breathing again.The parents were immediately flooded with(12),but it didn't take long for that relief to turn to gratitude to Duke.It appeared Harper's(13)had been caused by acid reflux(胃酸倒流).Consequently,she ended up(14)on the up﹣swallow.(15)Duke,the parents would have slept right through it.

(16),the case of Duke received wide publicity."We rescued him and he(17)us by rescuing our daughter during an emergency," Jenna tearfully told cameras(18)the rescue happened."Duke with no doubt is a hero to us."

Indeed,heroes are(19)from love.The more you love them,the more they love you.So save a dog and give it a(20)to save you too.

(1)A.regretful B.grateful C.delighted D.worried (2)A.generous B.sensitive C.mean D.vital

(3)A.realization B.admiration C.news D.relationship (4)A.annoyed B.interested C.attacked D.surprised (5)A.brave B.rude C.strange D.normal (6)A.calm down B.pick up C.play with D.believe in (7)A.barking B.jumping C.reacting D.rushing (8)A.check B.wait C.spy D.focus

(9)A.mad B.hungry C.red D.pale

(10)A.recover B.act C.call D.run

(11)A.laid B.threw C.hit D.took

(12)A.disappointment B.relief C.anxiety D.satisfaction (13)A.mistake B.puzzle C.disability D.problem (14)A.choking B.breathing C.pausing D.flowing (15)A.Thanks to B.But for C.In spite of D.Regardless


(16)A.Hopefully B.Naturally C.Honestly D.Sadly (17)A.repaid B.betrayed C.treated D.supported (18)A.before B.when C.since D.after

(19)A.protected B.respected C.spread D.made (20)A.life B.home C.chance D.hand 9.My mother once said her aim in life was to be capable of satisfying her desire to leave a personal legacy(遗产)in this world.Whatever was thrown her way in life,she never(1).Her strength,her determination,her belief and values were her strongest qualities and she (2)them with everything she did.She left us with many (3)to share,whether they brought us bitter tears or

delighted laughter.

My mother's skills to make (4)were endless.She showed great potential as an enterpriser and a leader of vision.My mother dreamed of one day owning her own company but she (5)believed in stability and worked the (6)9am﹣5pm job being a dental hygienist(牙科保健员)and eventually (7)in the Health Insurance Industry (8)her retirement.In daily life,she had amazing leadership skills and forward﹣looking ideas that made us (9)that anything is possible if you have a dream.

My mother's greatest accomplishment,besides (10)her two daughters,was(11)being able to receive her four﹣year degree in Science and Management.That accomplishment took many years to complete but her(12)never faltered(变弱).She was truly a(n)(13).Several years after receiving the degree,she became an author,another important (14)made by her.Her first book called Red River Rising was published in 2002 and (15)in 2006 a book called Reality in Rachel was published.My mother's (16)to express her words,through her books and poetry,(17)many of us.she always seemed to know exactly what to (18)with her touching words.It's a (19)that she isn't here to write her story today but I pray I can(20)her through my words.

(1)A.broke up B.turned up C.gave up D.stayed up (2)A.showed B.studied C.imagined D.compared (3)A.opportunities B.advantages C.techniques D.memories (4)A.jokes B.money C.food D.notes

(5)A.never B.next C.even D.still

(6)A.incredible B.alternative C.traditional D.compulsory (7)A.retired B.abandoned C.worked D.failed

(8)A.after B.until C.since D.upon

(9)A.suppose B.doubt C.predict D.realize (10)A.raising B.bearing C.celebrating D.controlling (11)A.nearly B.finally C.directly D.merely (12)A.organization B.opposition C.determination D.education (13)A.inspiration B.enterpriser C.authority D.explorer (14)A.experiment B.accomplishment C.adjustment D.movement (15)A.almost B.alone C.again D.thus

(16)A.chances B.wishes C.duties D.abilities (17)A.saved B.moved C.blessed D.amused (18)A.say B.leave C.change D.give

(19)A.reason B.pity C.hope D.thought (20)A.help B.advise C.improve D.honor 10.At the age of nine,I was taking swimming lessons at a pool.The day arrived when I was to be tested to see if I could (1)to a higher level class.Fifteen of us were to (2)swimming from one side of the pool to the other and back.I watched as my (3),one by one,tried and failed.Then it was my turn to (4),I mean,my turn to attempt to pass the test.It was about halfway when I got (5).I immediately stopped and (6)the side of the pool,ending my test.Our instructor, a college student,was standing (7)me."Why did you stop?" he yelled,in a less than (8)voice."I got water in my nose." I (9).That's when this college student (10)me one of life's great lessons,(11)he probably never realized that.Bending down,he shouted,"So?"

"So?" The (12)shocked me.It had just seemed (13)to me that the answer to pain was to remove the thing causing the (14).My nine﹣year﹣old brain had not understood the fact that a valuable (15)is worth achieving,however difficult to get there.Recognizing that,I was (16)

nothing would keep me from completing the test.In fact,I did it rather (17)on my next attempt.Seeing me (18)the test,almost all the others did so as well.

Life is a journey,and the road won't (19)be easy.We have to focus on the final destination,not the (20)along the road.

(1)A.skip B.refer C.advance D.add

(2)A.take turns B.insist on C.take risks D.put off (3)A.competitors B.classmates C.students D.instructors (4)A.show B.leave C.fail D.observe (5)A.injured B.blamed C.trapped D.chocked (6)A.pushed B.pressed C.grabbed D.controlled (7)A.above B.below C.beside D.beyond (8)A.surprised B.sympathetic C.annoyed D.cold

(9)A.explained B.reacted C.declined D.urged (10)A.delivered B.owed C.taught D.promised (11)A.so that B.as if C.in case D.even if (12)A.problem B.excuse C.question D.voice (13)A.logical B.illegal C.ridiculous D.impossible (14)A.disaster B.discomfort C.damage D.fear (15)A.result B.advantage C.goal D.task (16)A.concerned B.sensitive C.embarrassed D.sure (17)A.slowly B.easily C.strangely D.eagerly (18)A.attend B.take C.give D.pass (19)A.always B.sometimes C.ever D.seldom (20)A.sights B.barriers C.surprises D.harvests 11.One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit

one's mistakes.It is extremely (1)sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it is even harder to say,"I was wrong,and you were (2)about that."

I had an experience recently with someone (3)to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago.He told me he had been the manager of a certain (4)store in the neighbourhood where I grew up,and he asked me (5)I remembered the egg boxes.Then he (6)an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he was (7).

I was about eight years old at the time,and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping.On that (8)day,I must have found my (9)to the dairy food department where the incident took place.

There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive (10)of eggs in dozen and half﹣dozen boxes.The boxes were stacked three or four feet high.I must have stopped in front of a display to (11)the stacks.Just then a woman came by pushing her grocery cart and (12)the stacks of boxes.For some reason,

I (13)it was up to me to put the display (14)together,so I went to work.

The manager heard the (15)and came rushing over to see what had happened.When he appeared,I was on my knees (16)some of the boxes to see if any of the eggs were broken,but he misunderstood.He severely (17)me and asked me to (18)any broken eggs.I tried to explain it wasn't me who had broken them,but (19).Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident,(20)the manager did not.

(1)A.necessary B.important C.hard D.good

(2)A.angry B.right C.sure D.worried

(3)A.admitting B.appealing C.denying D.waving

(4)A.book B.food C.egg D.grocery

(5)A.if B.why C.when D.that

(6)A.told B.said C.shared D.related

(7)A.describing B.giving C.thinking D.talking

(8)A.lucky B.bad C.particular D.unforgettable (9)A.road B.way C.mother D.cart

(10)A.price B.display C.arrangement D.picture (11)A.look B.buy C.admire D.enjoy

(12)A.kicked off B.turned down C.ran into D.knocked off (13)A.decided B.agreed C.promised D.realized (14)A.on B.off C.down D.back

(15)A.sound B.noise C.voice D.shout

(16)A.repairing B.mending C.inspecting D.watching (17)A.scolded B.beat C.forced D.hated

(18)A.put off B.take away C.bring in D.pay for (19)A.with difficulty B.in vain C.without effort D.out of hope (20)A.fortunately B.unluckily C.obviously D.lately

12.In her life,my mother was always willing to offer gifts to others.The occasion never (1)一weddings,birthdays,anniversaries or no occasion at all.She was always thinking about who might enjoy (2).She always wrapped her gifts with (3).Sometimes she'd take wedding gifts to the wrap counter at the department store thinking they could do a better job.(4),she didn't really believe they could do a better job.She was just (5).Thoughtfulness and creativity went into the gifts she gave,and she (6) a thank﹣you note.(7)you didn't send one,she would give you another gift the next (8)she had.She figured bad manners were your problem,not (9).

The funny thing is that she didn't come from a (10)background.She grew up during the Depression (大萧条).She said that she used to be afraid of going back to school (11)Christmas because the teacher would always have them write about what they got for (12).Never stories for self﹣pity,my mother (13)some fine ones to hold back,the fact.Every time Mom and Dad (14)over to visit,all of us would gather in the driveway as they unload luggage and a few things she prepared for the family.There was always something for my kids,often a couple of bags of candy that I said would rot their (15).On they came to visit,Mom (16)me a gift bag full of tissue paper.(17)was an (版画)on glass that read:"A Special Daughter.You've brought laughter and joy to so much (18)to our hearts.The most precious things we can wish for you are have given us﹣happiness and love." Not long after that visit,Mom (19) a bra died.Mom was a great gift giver,but the gifts we will always (20)her for are love and her love for us.

(1)A.came B.mattered C.occurred D.celebrated (2)A.which B.why C.how D.what

(3)A.care B.ease C.difficulty D.fright

(4)A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Instead

(5)A.joking B.checking C.learning D.observing (6)A.appreciated B.attached C.acknowledged D.received (7)A.As if B.As soon as C.In case D.Even if

(8)A.chance B.ceremony C.vocation D.choice

(9)A.mine B.ours C.hers D.yours

(10)A.well﹣being B.far﹣reaching C.gift﹣giving D.peace﹣


(11)A.before B.at C.for D.after


历年全国高考英语完形填空试题汇总及答案 全国高考英语完形填空试题及答案 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I was a single mother with two small children, working full time and trying to get through college. I was determined to make a better life for my family, but it was a struggle. Then I met Mrs. Parks. She was my teacher for a class on children's literature. She was an 1 woman with a gentle, kind spirit. She took a 2 in me and saw something 3 than I could see in myself. One day, after class, she asked to see me in her office. I was 4 , thinking that I had done something wrong. When I got there, she handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $500. She told me that she had 5 a scholarship for me to help me finish school. I was 6 . I couldn't believe that someone would do something like that for me. Mrs. Parks didn't 7 stop there. Over the next several years, she continued to 8 me in many ways. She gave me books and 9 me about scholarships and grants. She even 10 me to other people who could help me. I graduated from college with honors and went on to earn two graduate degrees. I have had a successful career, and I owe it all to Mrs. Parks, who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Mrs. Parks taught me that one person can make a 11 in someone's life. She taught me to believe in myself and to never give up on my dreams. I will always be 12 for her kindness and her belief in me. 1. A. energetic B. elderly C. aggressive D. humorous 2. A. chance B. risk C. break D. look 3. A. more B. less C. similar D. different 4. A. curious B. excited C. nervous D. disappointed 5. A. applied for B. paid for C. called for D. looked for 6. A. confused B. grateful C. ashamed D. disappointed 7. A. ever B. even C. never D. always 8. A. support B. reject C. ignore D. mock 9. A. warned B. told C. asked D. taught 10. A. introduced B. drove C. lent D. followed 11. A. suggestion B. difference C. request D. promise 12. A. ashamed B. grateful C. angry D. disappointed 答案:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. B

高考英语完型填空50套真题含解析(精品) (1)

完形填空 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A Diana Velez does everything with maximum effort-and at maximum speed. That 1 learning a new language, completing two certificates and opening a store. When arriving in Canada in 2008, she had one 2 :to have what she had back home in Colombia. “I didn’t want to 3 what I do ,like so many who come to a new country .” she said , “I 4 to open a store here in Canada but knew I had to 5 myself properly.” Diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop ownership in Canada a 6 meant going to school to get the 7 education and certification, “My experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me 8 in my abilities but I c ouldn’t speak the language and I had to9 how to do things in Canada. It was like having to 10 all over again ,” said Diana. 11 , she found just the help she needed for her prelaunch (重新开张) 12 continuing education at George Brown College. She began taking 13 for both the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate and the Images Consulting Certificate in May 2009. 14 Diana met with the language barrier, she was always going 15 while at college. By the end of October 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements. Within two years after her 16 in Canada, Diana at last achieved her 17 goal when her new store opened its doors in Toronto’s Sheppard Centre. She was on the fast-track to 18 . Looking back, Diana, a fashion (时装) designer, 19 her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and 20 ,the efforts she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing. ( ) 1. A. requires B. encourages C. include D. advises ( ) 2. A. goal B. memory C. choice D. problem ( ) 3. A. continue B. choose C. change D. lose


高考英语完形填空练习 Cloze 1(2021天津) My brother and I are exactly one year apart. We look like twins, but we are completely 1 . By the time we got to middle school it was clear that my older brother 2 meditation (冥想),while I was a born 3 who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage. I took his relative silence to be offensive. We simply didn't 4 . I didn't 5 having a tense relationship with my brother because I was involved at school. 6 , I threw myself into the world of musicals. I practised singing in the bedroom every day to remain at my best and be 7 for roles; my brother would meditate on a window seat. He might feel high school was already hard enough 8 my noisy singing. So space to practise became a(n) 9 between us because we shared a room. At the start of the semester, I practised “Circle of Life”for a musical. This was the first time I 10 to learn a song, because my voice cracked (破音) as I switched to a head voice. I was annoyed in that period and 11 practising, declaring I had reached the ceiling of my singing career. For the first time in years my brother 12 quiet when I got home. After two days of this, my brother asked me to 13 him in meditation. Feeling my anger at my inability to manage this song 14 , I accepted. My brother said, “When your mind floats away, you simply come back. Don't blame yourself.” I got the message, and it soon became my new 15 . I kept trying at the song, no longer getting 16 at myself. And just in time for the trial performance, I was able to 17 power in my singing despite the switch to a head voice. It was important for me to learn that you don't have to always get everything 18 the


高考英语完形填空练习题及答案 2023高考英语完形填空练习及答案(一) 完形填空题目: It was a freezing day, when I picked up a wallet in the street. There was nothing 1 but a letter that was 2 Hellen. On the torn 3 I found the return address, so I called information. The operator asked me to 4 on, and she came back on the 5 soon, she told me that Hellenes family had 6 their house years ago. Hellen had to 7 her mother in a nursing home. I called and found out that Hellenes mother had 8 , The woman who answered 9 that Hellen herself was 10 living here. The director waited for me at the 11 of the nursing home. I went up to the third floor. Hellen was an old woman with a warm smile and 12 eyes. I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. She took a deep 13 “Young man,” she said, “t his was the 14 letter I had written to Mike 60 years ago. I loved him very much. I guess no one ever 15 up to him. I still think of him…” I thanked Hellen and came back to the director. His secretary looked at the wallet 16 and said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s. He’s always losing it. He’s 17 here on the 8th floor. That’s his wallet, for 18 .” We hurried to him and asked 19 he had lost his wallet. Mike felt his back pocket and then said. “Goodness, it’s missing.” When I returned him the wallet and told him where Hellen was, he grew 20 . “When the letter came,” He said, “my life ended. I never married.” We took him to Helen’s room. They stood, looked at each other for a minute and embraced (拥抱). 1. A. on B. here C. inside D. outside 2. A. sent for B. written to C. given D. signed 3. A. letter B. envelope C. wallet D. back 4. A. hold B. keep C. put D. go 5. A. way B. floor C. line D. car 6. A. bought B. sold C. moved D. built 7. A. carry B. place C. drive D. bury 8. A. left B. returned C. stayed D. died

高考英语考前指导(新高考专用):完形填空 (解析版)

高考英语考前指导(新高考专用)-考前热身篇(完形填空) Passage 1 Last May, my 15-year-old son, Benjamin, told my wife and me that he would attend a Kendrick Lamar concert. We ___41___ him that he was too young to go. But my son and his friend, Josh, ___42___ to take no for an answer. Later I received a ___43___ from Josh’s father: “How about taking the boys to the Kendrick Lamar’ concert!?” While I felt ___44___ to attend a rap concert in my fifties, Josh’s father was as excited as the boys. He also knew how to get tickets and had started ___45___ the whole evening. By this ___46___ it was impossible to say no. I couldn’t imagine anywhere I would ___47___ less. To learn about Mr Lamar and his ___48___, I downloaded and listened to all his songs days before heading down to the Scotiabank Arena. The truth is the concert was really ___49___. The best part, of course, was how happy my son was. I stood when ___50___, I didn’t dance, and occasionally my son gave me an encouraging, accepting nod. ___51___ Kendrick Lamar is still not my favourite artist, I’m glad my son ___52___ me to him, and I’m glad I went. It’s so easy to sit in our towers, ___53___ by age or upbringing background. ___54___, we have children, like Benjamin, to expose us to new experiences. If, of course, we have the ___55___ to listen to them. 41. A. convinced B. informed C. comforted D. promised 42. A. refused B. struggled C. prepared D. expected 43. A. notice B. ticket C. message D. gift 44. A. relieved B. guilty C. embarrassed D. confident 45. A. singing B. sharing C. planning D. welcoming 46. A. rule B. means C. round D. point 47. A. fit in B. benefit from C. care for D. complain about 48. A. story B. music C. family D. influence 49. A. creative B. formal C. noisy D. impressive 50. A. appropriate B. bearable C. useful D. convenient 51. A. As long as B. In case C. Because D. While 52. A. compared B. referred C. introduced D. recommended 53. A. divided B. threatened C. broken D. tested 54. A. Eventually B. Consequently C. Gradually D. Fortunately 55. A. hobby B. sense C. right D. freedom 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者陪儿子和他的朋友一起去音乐会的经历,作者认为音乐会令人印象深刻,感悟到我们很容易因为年龄或成长背景的不同而坐在各自的塔楼里。幸 运的是,我们有像自己的儿子这样的孩子,可以让我们接触到新的体验。 41.【答案】B 【解析】A. convinced说服;B. informed通知;C. comforted安慰;D. promised承诺。根据后文“him that he


【英语】高三英语完形填空题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.完形填空 It happened when our grandchild, Anne, was three years old. My husband, Paul, asked her if there was anything she wanted to plant in our garden. She had an answer—Fritos (油炸玉米饼). "Anne, Fritos might not 1 in this soil," he said. But Anne looked at her grandfather and said that if the other 2 could grow, so would Fritos. Paul 3 this in the simplest way possible. He sent Anne running to the house for Fritos. That evening, I asked Paul, "Are you 4 ?" "She will forget it," he 5 . The next day, Anne asked again. To gain time, Paul said it would 6 two weeks for Fritos to come out. That should be plenty of time for her to forget, he thought. For the next two weeks, she arrived every evening to 7 her "Frito land". Anne grew more 8 . But with each passing day, Paul became more and more 9 . By the 13th day, he had 10 a plan, and the next morning we began to work. We planted two plants where the Fritos were 11 . Then we began the difficult task of tying Fritos around the leaves of the plants. At last, that was quite a 12 off our mind. Anne ran straight to the garden as 13 . We were shocked when she shouted, "Grandpa! They're up! The Fritos came up!" The story was repeated several times. When Anne was in second grade, it was finally 14 until the day her teacher talked about the topic of 15 . As part of the lesson, the teacher asked each child to 16 something that grows in a garden. You can 17 what Anne said! Anne's parents 18 it was time to tell the truth. Their daughter sat very still while they talked, and when they finished, she remained 19 . Suddenly, Anne burst out 20 and said, "That's the best joke Grandpa ever played on me." 1. A. exit B. grow C. make D. work 2. A. animals B. vegetables C. families D. fruits 3. A. dealt with B. made up C. cut down D. took away 4. A. kind B. humorous C. crazy D. foolish 5. A. questioned B. doubted C. ignored D. promised 6. A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take 7. A. check B. move C. decorate D. value 8. A. lonely B. excited C. beautiful D. smart 9. A. frightened B. shocked C. worried D. puzzled 10. A. come across B. picked up C. broken down D. worked out 11. A. swept B. burnt C. tied D. buried 12. A. peace B. thought C. weight D. anger 13. A. normal B. usual C. ordinary D. common


高考英语完型填空集中训练100题(含参考答案)学校:姓 名:班级:考号: 一、根据所给汉语提示填空Many people experience difficulty in(还清债务).(根据 汉语提示完成句子)It's much easier to(负债)than get out of debt.(根据汉语提示 完成句子) 1.Please(向警察求助)when youare in trouble.(根据汉语提示完成句子) 2.(以吉姆为例),he is one of the tallest boys in class.(根据汉语提示完成句子) 3.I found my letters(被撕成了碎片)after I opened the drawer. (根据汉语提示完成句子)They tried their best to(让校园变得更美丽). (根据汉语提示完成句子)My father is stubborn. I can't(让他改变 主意).(根据汉语提示完成句子)1(毫不后悔离开).(根据汉语提示完成句子) 4.If Jim(参加)the talent show, he'd win it for sure.(根据汉语提示完成句子)They are good friends, but they(没有共同之处).(根 据汉语提示完成句子)All students in my class(积极参加I) school activities and entered the coming round-the-city race.(根据汉t吾提示完成句子)The only thing we(有共同之处)is that we've both been to France.(根据汉语提示完成句子)If I(与有一些共同之处)my aunt, that our smiles.(根据汉语提示完成句子)He looks unhealthy because he(很少锻炼).(根据汉语提示完成句子) 5.He(踱来踱去),waiting for the doctor to call.(根据汉语提示完成句子)


高考英语完型填空专题训练100题(含答案) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、根据所给汉语提示填空 1.To finish his schooling ______ (提前), he studied extra hours every day. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 2.In spite of the bad weather, the celebrations ______ (进行) as planned. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 3.I had a heated argument with the taxi driver about who ____________ (对……负责) the accident. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 4.__________________ (至少可以这么说), it is not an effective way to deal with such kind of problems. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 5.__________________ (最后但同样重要的), I want to thank all the efforts you have made. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 6.-You must find one exam after another very tiring. -__________________ (一点儿也不). In fact, they offered me good chances to apply what I had learned. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 7.____________ (从未) has he lost in playing computer games. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 8.My mother ____________ (饮食均衡), which is of great benefit to her health. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 9.Sometimes it’s not easy to ____________ (踢进一球) in a football match. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 10.In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up ____________ (在于) resetting your body clock. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 11.He ____________ (习惯起床) early in the morning. (根据汉语提示完成句子)12.He told his parents ______ (自信地) that he would be offered the opportunity. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 13.They left the village ____________ (在……之前) the hurricane. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 14.Would you like to step over to my office? I have a suggestion that may ____________ (对你有利). (根据汉语提示完成句子) 15.My uncle has not given up smoking but ______ (至少)he has cut down on it. (根据汉


2023年高考英语真题分类汇编--完形填空 1.全国1卷 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have ___41___ the course earlier than she did. Her ___42___ came because she was carrying a ___43___ across the finish line. As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her ___44___ when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She ___45___ to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with ___46___. She couldn't. Bailey then ___47___ to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get ___48___ attention. Once there, Lenoue was ___49___ and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme ___50___ to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey's help. As for Bailey, she is more ___51___ about why her act is considered a big ___52___ “She was just crying. I couldn't ___53___ her.”Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.” Although the two young women were strangers before the ___54___, they've since become friends. Neither won the race, but the ______ of human kindness won the day. 41. A. designed B. followed C. changed D. finished 42. A. delay B. chance C. trouble D. excuse 43. A. judge B. volunteer C. classmate D. competitor 44. A. race B. school C. town D. training 45. A. agreed B. returned C. stopped D. promised 46. A. courage B. aid C. patience D. advice 47. A. went away B. stood up C. stepped aside D. bent down


2022年新高考英语完形填空专练精华版 2015 •课标I My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, vve spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, " _1_ mv job. Family to Feed.” At this store, a _2 like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a _3_ on how bad it must be to have to stand _4_ in the cold wind. In the store, I asked each of my kids to 5 something they thought our "friend” there would 6 . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a 7_. I thought about it. We were 8 on cash ourselves, but... well, sometimes _9_ from our need instead of our abundance is _10_ what we need to do! All the kids _11_ something they could do away with for the week. When we handed him the bag of 12 , he lit up and thanked with 13 eves. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for _14_ his family might need, he burst into tears. 20. A. cake This has been a wonderful 15_for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 16 ! Things would have played out so 17 if I had simply said, “No, vve really don9t have 18 to give


2023高考英语语法复习完形填空精练15篇(附答案)(2021·四川省南充市白塔中学高三阶段练习)Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are civilization, one of which is to follow the land. water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 1.A.Some B.Most C.Few D.All

2.A.put B.take C.run D.come 3.A.Since B.If C.Though D.Until 4.A.formally B.relatively C.gradually D.literally 5.A.back B.next C.around D.away 6.A.onto B.off C.across D.alone 7.A.unattractive B.uncrowded C.unchanged D.unfamiliar 8.A.site B.point C.way D.place 9.A.So B.Yet C.Instead D.Besides 10.A.immediately B.intentionally C.unexpectedly D.eventually 11.A.surprised B.annoyed C.frightened D.confused 12.A.problem B.option C.view D.result 13.A.Above all B.In contrast C.On average D.For example 14.A.bridge B.avoid C.spot D.separate 15.A.from B.through C.beyond D.under 16.A.posts B.links C.shades D.breaks 17.A.artificial B.mysterious C.hidden D.limited 18.A.Finally B.Consequently C.Incidentally D.Generally 19.A.memories B.marks C.notes D.belongings 20.A.restrict B.adopt C.lead D.expose

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