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英语阅读 第二单元 乔丹

Michael Jordan ,a Global Icon

毫无疑问,迈克尔.乔丹(Michael Jordan)是篮球这项运动诞生以来最伟大的球星。多年以来,“飞人陛下”仍然无人能及。这名能从罚球线上起跳扣篮的球员就是胜负最关键的因素。他偷走了比赛的胜利,打垮了对手的意志,俘获了球迷的心。没有了乔丹,篮球世界将变得不够完整。


Mid-jump, Michael Jordan appears as though he can actually take flight.

From his famous basket shots that earned him the nickname “ Air ” Jordan ,

to the millions of fans who emulate him, Michael Jordan transcended the

sport of basketball to become one of the 20th century's greatest global


?The forces that shaped Michael's extraordinary talent began at an early age.He was born into a middle-class black family in Brooklyn,New York that moved to Wilmington, North Carolina later that year.The Jordan family was very disciplined.Michael learned at an early age to abide by his parents'rules.His father and mother,James and Deloris Jordan, taught their children to work hard and not waste their talent.Michael's father was a military man with a strong sense of order,and he pushed his sons hard in athletics.Michael's parents continually raised their expectations for their children,letting them know that more was expected from them.

Michael's relationship with his older brother, Larry Jardan,was a key force in his early years. Larry was also a great athlete He had the same strength,athletic ability and ambition as Michael but Larry didn't have the build to excel in sports. Michael competed ferociously to win against his older brother when the two of them played against each other.Every day,the Jordan backyard saw some

form of athletic combat between Larry's domination over his younger brother pushed Michael's determination to catch up finally,one day,he did.David Hart,a North Carolina team manager:said,Michael really loved Larry and talk about his all the time.He rally revered him.But if Michael had gone far beyond Larry as an athlete,he never let it affect his feeling for his brother-his emotional connection and his respect for his brother were very strong. When his brother was around,he dropped all his mounting fame and his accomplishment sand became nothing more than a loving, adoring younger brother."

Michael displayed the first signs of his athletic ability in baseball pitching well for a Wilmington little league team.Although basketball attracted him from an early age,his small stature made the sport seem like a distant dream.Like his brother Larry,Michael was also short and skinny when he was young.He was reportedly frustrated about his height and started hanging from a chain-up bar to stretch his body.

The worst day of Michael's young life occurred when he found out he hadn't made the cut for his high school basketball team-although he was a good player and quick,he was still too short.But Michael didn't give up.He became even more competitive and determined,Finally,in his late high school years, Michael began to grow much taller than anyone else in his family (and most people in general).He began to excel at basketball.

Michael went to college at the University of North Carolina's Chapel Hill.He played for the Chapel Hill team for three seasons and was named College Player of the Year in1984.In his junior year,Michael declared that he was eligible for the NBA draft. Before he went on to the NBA,he went to Los Angeles where he was co-captain and star the gold-medal-winning U.S.Olympic basketball team in1984.

After the Olympic win,Michael was chosen to play

for the Chicago Bulls as a third overall draft pick.

Although the decision by Houston and Portland to

overlook Michael was the worst draft decision in the

history of the NBA,it helped launch Michael into

stardom.Michael could have played equally well in

either place,but his rise to stardom would not have

been as swift as it was in Chicago.Back then,Chicago

was starved of success,and the Bulls were a bad team.

Michael had to use every ounce of his talent and push

himself harder than ever to win.He completely and

quickly took over the Bulls,His rise brought admiration

for his moves on the court and scoring ability;but it

wasn't until the Bulls started to win,and win big,that

his basketball genius was truly appreciated.Michael led

the Bulls to three World Championships in1991,1992

and1993before he announced his first retirement.



Michael‘s life off the courts had been going well-he married Juanita Vanoy,in Las Vegas on September2,1989.They had three children,Jeffrey Michael,Marcus James and Jasmine.But things began to fall apart just before Michael announced his first retirement.His father,James Jordan,was murdered while driving home from a friend’s funeral.The grief of his father‘s death left Michael with little motivation.Tired of the intense scrutiny(精选),Michael left the NBA in1993to play professional baseball.

The world applauded when Michael returned to the NBA in March1995.It was time for a comeback.Although his first season was shaky.even his critics had to admit Michael‘s talent shone through.He had been away from the game for18months.After that first season,Michal knew he was going to have to work extra hard to get back regular season,Michael was prepared.He had trimmed his six foot inch frame to216pounds with only four percent body fat. He had also rekindled(重燃)the fire that drove him on court.He guided to the best regular season record in NBA history.He was named the league's MVP for the4th time and brought the team to their Championship in six years.Michael was rewarded with the largest.One-year contract in the history of professional sports.He had become of the most high profile celebrities on the planet.

Nike,Coca Cola and McDonalds courted Michael for lucrative product endorsements.He was even approached by Air Jordan,the national airline of the country of Jordan,to apearer in a commercial for the airline.Although he turned hundreds of deals down,he did follow fellow NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal to the silver screen.They appeared together in several Nike commercials and the Warner Brothers cartoon comedy Space Jam.Michael's rising fame converged with the explosion of sports media in print,broad casting and advertising in the early1990's.The popularity of sports celebrities in the media and the marketing genius of companies like Niketrans formed Michael into a myth.

Throughout his life,Michael displayed an amazing prove himself through practice.He was driven and he was always the hardest working player on the team in practice.If his teammates were not working hard enough,he got on them.himself to work hard,and pushed the coaches to expect more from the team.His coach,Phil Jackson says Michael never took his talent for granted.He put in gym time in the off-season,shooting hundreds of shots each day.He studied his opponents, learned their moves and dedicated himself to mastering the techniques necessary to stop them.

Michael ended his legacy on January13,1999when he announced his final retirement from basketball.While some athletes play beyond their best years for financial reasons,Michael was moving from one lucrative career to another as CEO of his JORDAN brand.He expanded his JORDAN clothing line from basketball gear to lifestyle wear.As of May199the JORDAN brand was showcased(在橱窗中陈列)in its own retail concept shops with plans for up to the end of the year2000. Michael‘s extensive business prospects earned him the number one spot in The Sporting News’annual list of them most powerful people in sports.This distinction is normally reserved for media moguls(巨头) whose influence extends to multiple sports.Naming Michael identifies him as an athlete that touches multiple industries and nations.

But Michael's real legacy is that he showed that true greatness comes from within.He was aware of his success,but he never stopped trying to be better.As superstar Magic Johnson said,"There's Michael,then there's all the rest of us.

Sentence pattern analysis

?His rise brought admiration for his moves on the court and scoring


ability; but it wasn't until the Bulls started to win, and win big, that his basketball genius was truly appreciated.


?From his famous basket shots that earned him the nickname “Air” Jordan, to the millions of fans who emulate him.定语从句定语从句

?Before he went on to the NBA , he went to Los Angeles where he

was co-captain and star the gold-medal-winning U.S. Olympic

basketball team in 1984.时间状语从句


The worst day of Michael's young life occurred when he found out he hadn't


made the cut for his high school basketball team-although he was a good


player and quick, he was still too short.


?Do you think Michael Jordan is the most talented player ?What is the key to his accomplishment ??How do you understand “there’s Michael ,then there’s all the rest of us”?

?Why is he considered the greatest basketball in the word ?



乔丹名言警句 乔丹名言警句 1天才能够赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军 . 2.我能够接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹座右铭) 3.. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成秀的篮球 运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我能够做的事 情做好。 4.". 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警 察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什 么去让大家放松! 5.. 我不关心钱,我不在乎,哪怕我仅仅得到了很少的钱,我只 想说在很长的岁月里,我尽力打了篮球,因为我热爱篮球! 6.“除非我打得极糟,否则他们是不会有这种想法的。不管是去 哪里,都会让那里伤心的……这是我从来没想过的问题,我的经纪人 也许会这样想的。” 7."." 我不是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来的时候满怀 信心,我相信仍然能够有所作为。如果我仅仅坐在这里听别人告诉我 不能复出,那我肯定不会出现在这里。 8."." “从身体上来说,我知道我已经不是25岁的年轻人了。当 我走上赛场时,我也不会说我跟25岁时一样强壮,但我相信我能够的 的水平,这也是我的目标。” 9 当我退役时,我能够控制赛场,我是每一个人欲*而后快的目标,但现在,没人对我有所指望,我是以低调的姿态出现的,这反差太大了,但这也很新鲜。没人指望我们会取得50场胜利,很多人说我们不 会取得30场胜利。这是一个挑战……我并不是带着将取得50胜的信

心复出的,如果我们50胜32负的话,我会很吃惊的,但我想我们肯 定会比19胜63负好. 10." 我将会有充足的耐心,我不敢奢望在第一场比赛就拿下40 分或者50分。我将以自己的方式逐渐适合激烈的比赛 . 11." 如果关心这个,我就不会复出了……我从不害怕挑战……我 从不怕走出新的一步,如果我失败了,那我会爬起来重新开始. 12."." 所有人都对我将要做的事情感到沮丧。如果我读了那些反 对我复出的报纸,我发誓我肯定不能够在美国生存下去。美国的宗旨 是随心所欲地做你想做的事。我现在正是这么做的,我不是在这里犯罪,我仅仅想打一场真正的篮球比赛。如果我厌倦了与小孩子的比赛,我会参加精英赛的。不论成败与否,都是好事。不管怎么说,你不能 将我的六枚总冠军戒指剥夺。” 14." 那些年轻的家伙将在场上追得我团团转,我也不会离他们太 近的。如果是,那将会是一场很伟大的挑战。 15."很显然,在我离开比赛时,我在赛场上留下了一些东西。你 们也许不会懂,当我们取得最后一个总冠军时,我并没有打算退役, 我并没有打算在当时*建立起来的基业。如果菲尔(杰克逊)呆在公牛 队的话,我现在还会在比赛。” 19."." 如果自己被当作某场比赛的球员,我就得向人们展示自己 有那种水平,是因为我比别人更努力、付出更多。我的成功并非来自 安逸享受。(这句的原文不太一致) 20."在我接近比赛之前,参加了比赛接近运动员之前,我没有意 识到这痒。我现在要做的就是挠最后一痒,当我再次离开时我就不会 有所遗憾了. 21."." 很多人都担心我的复出会让NBA的成长停止。我就是出来 协助(NBA成长)的。我没有让他们在商场挂我的Logo,我也没有叫 他们用电视转播我的比赛,我打篮球仅仅出于对这项运动的热爱。


精选迈克尔乔丹励志名言 挫折并不像我们想象中的那样冷酷无情,它也是可以战胜的。当我们用心去体会时,挫折带给我们的不再是痛苦,而是我们向往已久的成功。试着走进挫折的世界,试着去战胜挫折,等待我们的是绚丽的彩虹。下面由小编与大家分享迈克尔乔丹励志名言,希望你们喜欢!欢迎阅读! 迈克尔乔丹励志名言大全 1、我可以承受失败,但不能忍受放弃。 2、才能赢得比赛,但是团队赢得冠军。 3、一步一步地走,这是唯一的成功之路。 4、我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。 5、天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军。 6、我一次又一次的失败,这就是我为什么能够成功。 7、天赋才能贏得比賽,但团队合作与智慧贏得冠軍。 8、我一生中有多次的挫败,但这却是我成功的原因。 9、只有一个人能界定你一生的成就,那就是你自己。 10、我一生不断地失败失败再失败,这就是我成功的原因。 11、没有让你看见过去的失败给我的力量,或许是我的错。 12、我经历了失败、失败再失败,但这就是我成功的原因。 13、有些人想成功,有些人渴望成功,有些人努力实现成功。 14、当我步入篮球场的时候,我认为我自己就是最好的篮球手。 15、一名伟大的球星最突出的能力就是让周围的队友变得更好。 16、我已到达生涯的顶点。我只是觉得没有什么其他的可证明了。 17、我有完全的自信认为一旦我步入球场,我就可以做任何事情。 18、我的身体可以忍受靠著拐杖行走,但我的內心无法忍受不能上场比賽。 19、如果你接受別人的期待,尤其是负面的预期,那你绝不会想去改变结果。 20、在我的一生中,我失败了一次又一次,一次又一次,这就是我成功的原因。 21、曾经经历过很多不成功的时刻,我的成历是在那些失败的映衬下才显得


乔丹经典绝杀 ★1984.11.11 公牛118-116步行者 终场前4秒,乔丹在12英尺远处投篮命中,公牛险胜。这是乔丹在NBA 的第一个制胜球。 ★1984.12.7 公牛95-93尼克斯 终场前5秒,乔丹在18英尺远处投篮命中,绝杀! ★1985.3.26 公牛120-119步行者 终场前5秒,乔丹两次罚球命中,公牛险胜! ★1985.4.24 公牛109-107雄鹿 1985年季后赛首轮第三场,终场前22秒,乔丹在右侧底角接球跳投命中,公牛险胜雄鹿。这是乔丹在NBA的第一个季后赛制胜球。 ★1985.10.25 公牛116-115骑士 双方战成115平,乔丹得到两次罚球机会,只要他罚中,公牛就能赢球。乔丹的第一罚出手未中,但第二罚空心入筐,公牛以一分险胜。 ★1986.11.11 公牛112-110老鹰 乔丹运球从中路突破,躲过老鹰队的多人防守出手投篮,在他倒身的同时,球打板反弹入筐——终场前9秒,乔丹绝杀! ★1986.11.21 公牛101-99尼克斯 比赛还有1秒钟结束,乔丹在篮筐左侧18英尺远处急停跳投,球进,公牛险胜。 ★1988.2.12 公牛95-93雄鹿

雄鹿队特里·卡明斯对乔丹狠狠的犯规,把乔丹打倒在地,但乔丹冷静地在终场前两秒两罚全中。 ★1988.4.3 公牛112-110活塞 终场前4秒。乔丹两罚全中。 ★1988.4.15 公牛100-99篮网 乔丹在右翼控球,篮网对他进行双人包夹,乔丹从右侧底线运了一下球,随即在迈克·奥科伦面前跳投命中,公牛在终场前20秒一分领先,最终凭借这一分险胜。 ★1989.2.16 公牛117-116雄鹿 终场前一秒,乔丹在20英尺远处投篮命中,公牛以一分险胜雄鹿。 ★1989.5.7 公牛101-100骑士 这个球被称为“The Shot”,是乔丹职业生涯当中最重要的进球之一。1989年季后赛首轮第五场,乔丹在最后三秒接球,运球,起跳,滞空,投篮,整个动作一气呵成。骑士球员克雷格·伊洛在这个过程中一直跟着乔丹,乔丹起跳后他也起跳,但乔丹玩了一个经典的滞空,等伊洛身体下落时,才抢在终场哨响前把球投出。球进后,乔丹狂喜着跳起挥拳的画面里,还可以看到伊洛沮丧地扑倒在地。公牛以101比100取得决胜第五场的胜利,以3比2淘汰了骑士。 ★1989.5.19 公牛113-111尼克斯 1989年东部半决赛第六场,尼克斯队特仑特·塔克“打四分”成功,将比分扳成111平。终场前四秒,乔丹走上罚球线,稳稳地将球罚进。 ★1989.5.27 公牛99-97活塞


芭芭拉乔丹经典英语演讲 芭芭拉乔丹出生于1936年德克萨斯州休斯顿的南部。她是家里三姐妹中最小的一个,她爸爸是洗礼堂的一位牧师。他教导她要爱家人,为人要忠诚,并且还教她音乐和外语。她经常以她自己的亲生经历来教导所有的美国人,一个人的信念是多么的重要,真理是多么的强大。下面是芭芭拉乔丹经典英语演讲,希望WTT小雅整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for a very warm reception. It was one hundred and forty-four years ago that members of the Democratic Party first met in convention to select a Presidential candidate. Since that time, Democrats have continued to convene once every four years and draft a party platform and nominate a Presidential candidate. And our meeting this week is a continuation of that tradition. But there is something different about tonight. There is something special about tonight. What is different? What is special? I, Barbara Jordan, am a keynote speaker. A lot of years passed since 1832, and during that time it would have been most unusual for any national


关于30句乔丹英文励志名言 励志名言 乔丹英文励志名言 1.i am back! (乔丹最经典名言) 2.i can accept defeat but could not accept to give up . 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹座右铭) 3.when i step out on to the basketball court,i consider myself to be the best basketball player i can be. i have total confidence that once i step on the basketball court that i can do all the things that im capable of doing. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。 4.were entertainers. i dont think my job is more important than all the firemen and policemens jobs each and every day. there is a place for relaxation,and i think thats where my responsibility lies. hopefully,i can provide relaxation for some people. 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松! 5.im not about the money. i dont care if i get paid a dime. ive said that many years. im going to play the game of basketball because i love it. 我不关心钱,我不在


汽车类广告语 1.宝马7系汽车广告语―――生活艺术唯你独尊 2.奔驰汽车广告语―――领导时代,驾驭未来 3.福特汽车广告语———你的世界,从此无界 4.奥迪汽车广告语―――突破科技、启迪未来 5.沃尔沃汽车广告语―――关爱生命、享受生活 6.北京现代汽车广告语———追求卓越、共创幸福 7.广州本田汽车广告语———世界品质、一脉相承 服装品牌广告词 8.森马服装广告语———穿什么就是什么 9.美特斯邦威服装广告语———美特斯邦,不走寻常路 10.以纯服装广告语———以纯,穿出你要的感觉 11.真维斯服装广告语———真情,真意,真维斯 12.唐狮服装广告语———爱我全世界 13.李宁服装广告语———运动之美,世界共享 14.柒牌服装广告语———男人就应该对自己狠一点 鞋子广告语词 15.阿迪达斯广告语———没有不可能 16.鸿星尔克广告语———to be no.1 17.耐克广告语———事在人为;想做就做 18.李宁广告语———一切皆有可能 19.乔丹广告语———凡事无绝对 20.安踏广告语———永不止步篇二:迈克尔乔丹经典广告maybe maybe its my fault. maybe i made you think my highlights started at the free-throw line, and not in the gym. maybe i made you think that every shot that i took was a game-winner. that my game was built on flash, and not fire. maybe its my fault that you didnt see that failure gave me strength, that my pain was my motivation. maybe i led you to believe that basketball was a god-given gift and not something i worked for every single day of my life. maybe i destroyed the game. or maybe, youre just making excuses.篇三:迈克尔.乔丹一直激励着我 他回来了。可乔丹把这个当成一种耻辱了,很多人当事人说:他只是想找个让自己努力 前进的理由而已 5. 大学时代 ---- 尽管1982年的那记准绝杀被人津津乐道,但那时北卡的核心并不是 乔丹,而是帕金斯和渥西。帕金斯也在乔丹的第一场总决赛里准绝杀了公牛。 6. 初入nba ---- 刚刚进入职业联盟的乔丹,没有那么自信,他对自己的要求是能参加 一次全明星赛就满足了。他后来说那时所有的人都在谈论大鸟和魔术师,这给他感觉很不好。 更多 ? ? ?


关于30句乔丹英文励志名言 1.i am back! (乔丹最) 2.i can accept defeat but could not accept to give up . 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹) 3.when i step out on to the basketball court,i consider myself to be the best basketball player i can be. i have total confidence that once i step on the basketball court that i can do all the things that i m capable of doing. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。 4. we re entertainers. i don t think my job is more important than all the firemen and policemen s jobs each and every day. there is a place for relaxation,and i think that s where my responsibility lies. hopefully,i can provide relaxation for some people. 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松! 5.i m not about the money. i don t care if i get paid a dime. i ve said that many years. i m going to play the game of basketball because i love it. 我不关心钱,我不在乎,哪怕我只是


腾讯体育讯迈克尔-乔丹,这个名字在渐渐离我们远去。远去的是流逝的岁月年华,不去的是乔丹曾带给我们的欢乐和精彩。数不清的荣誉伴随着乔丹辉煌的职业生涯,其中不乏经典之作。乔丹职业生涯十佳进球,你知道几个? 十、以一敌四 乔丹右侧底角拿球,凯尔特人三人上来围堵。乔丹加速突破,重心不稳,左手扶了一下地,一个加速冲到篮下,篮筐右侧起跳,伯德跳起封盖,乔丹滑翔到篮筐左侧,勾手,球进。这个以一敌四的壮举,让大导演斯派克-李兴奋的手舞足蹈。

九、做给威尔金斯看 右侧45度角,乔丹右手拿球,单手做投篮假动作,老鹰防守队员站立不稳,倒地。乔丹突入内线,高高跃起,在老鹰中锋的脑袋上一个暴扣。落地后,乔丹狠狠的盯着他的老对手--“人类电影精华”多米尼克-威尔金斯。

八、查克-戴利的无奈 乔丹抢断,在自己出界的同时,传球给皮蓬,回场后马上下快攻。皮蓬回传过来,乔丹带球直奔篮下,活塞的兰比尔和乔丹同时跳起封盖,乔丹空中右转身,背对篮筐,手朝脑后一扬,球进。镜头对住活塞名帅查克-戴利,他双手掩面。

七、巴克利梦碎 总决赛,乔丹带球冲进三秒区,巴克利已经高举双手,守株待兔。乔丹向右跳起,巴克利扑过来,乔丹倚在胖子身上,在下落同时把球“抡”向篮板,球右侧打板入筐。伴随乔丹高举双手紧握拳头,是巴克利黯然的神色。

六、伯德倒地 季后赛。乔丹冲出凯尔特人三人包围,中线附近艰难拿到球,向左侧运了两下,突然高高跃起,空中停顿一下,两脚用力登地,就这么绝杀了绿军。落地后,乔丹激动的跳起老高,左脚侧登,站在他左边的伯德顺势倒下。假摔?绝望?伯德自己最清楚。

五、尤因脑袋上暴扣 乔丹左侧底线左手运球,尼克斯双人包夹过来,乔丹佯装往底线突破,突然向左转身,球换到右手,马上又换回来,再次转身过来。两个包夹队员被一连贯的假动作弄了晕头转向,只能目送着乔丹迎着尤因的封盖,劈头暴扣。


乔丹经典语录 导读:本文是关于语录大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、天赋才能贏得比賽,但团队合作与智慧贏得冠軍。 2、我已到达生涯的顶点,我只是觉得没有什么其他的可证明了。 3、我永远热爱篮球这项运动,即使将来我老了,不能再打篮球了,但是我对篮球的爱依然是执迷不悔的! 4、如果你接受別人的期待,尤其是负面的预期,那你绝不会想去改变结果。 5、每个人心中都有极限,他可能是你的榜样,你的对手,甚至,他就是你自己。 6、我的父母,过去、现在都是我的英雄。我无法想象,让任何别的人充当我的英雄。 7、我经历了失败、失败再失败,但这就是我成功的原因。 8、有些人想成功,有些人渴望成功,有些人努力实现成功。 9、我一生不断地失败失败再失败,这就是我成功的原因。 10、我聆听着人们对我的称赞,我享受着成功带来的喜悦,我知道自己所追求的是什么,但是,我从来没有停止过向更高境界迈进的脚步。 11、不论是在练习或是真正比赛,我打球就是要获胜。我不会让任何事情阻碍我,我有着狂热的竞赛求赢心理。

12、我不害怕挑战,我不害怕尝试,如果我失败了,我将会重新迈开脚步继续前进。 13、我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。 14、球賽像是我的老婆。需要对她忠诚与负责任,而她则会回报我自我实现的满足感与平静。 15、我可以接受失败,但我无法接受从不去尝试。 16、我不是说我可以打败科比·布莱恩特,可以打败麦克格拉蒂。你们都说他们将取代我,我相信他们一定在迫不及待地想会会我,我也在急着见他们。 17、只有一个人能界定你一生的成就,那就是你自己。 18、每个人都尝过失败的滋味,所以我能够接受失败,但我不能接受从未奋斗过的自己。 19、当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。 20、我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松! 21、当我步入篮球场的时候,我认为我自己就是最好的篮球手。 22、我不是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来的时候满怀信心,我相信仍然能够有所作为。如果我只是坐在这里听别人告诉我不能复出,那我肯定不会出现在这里。


迈克尔乔丹中英文简介(带单词) Michael [|maikl]n.迈克尔(男子名) Collection[k?|lek??n]n. 收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款 grace[greis]n.优美, 雅致, 优雅 huge [hju:d?] a dj.巨大的, 极大的, 无限的 accept [?k|sept]vt.接受,承担, vi.同意 improvisation[|impr?vai|zei??n]n.即席创作 outstand[aut|st?nd] vi. vt.忍耐, 停留,凸出, 突出, 卓然独立 athletes[|?θli:t]n.运动员, 运动选手 redefine[|ri:di|fain]vt.重新定义vi.重新定义 superstar[|sju:p?stɑ:]n. 超级明星 recognize[|rek?gnaiz]vt.认可, 承认, 公认, 赏识vi.提交保证书 basketball[|bɑ:skitb?:l]n.篮球, 篮球运动 era[|i?r?]n.时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代 entire[in|tai?]adj.全部的, 完整的, 整个 history[|hist?ri]n.历史, 历史学, 来历, 历史记录 endow [in|dau]v.捐赠, 赋予 legendary[|led??nd?ri]n.传奇故事书, adj.传说中的 career[k?|ri?]n.(原意:道路, 轨道)事业, 生涯, 速度 movement[|mu:vm?nt]n.运动, 动作, 运转, 乐章 influence[|influ?ns]n.影响, 势力, 有影响的人(或事), vt.影响, 改变 inevitably [in|evit?bli]adv.不可避免的;老一套的;惯常的; 逼真的 altar[|?:lt?]n.祭坛, (基督教教堂内的)圣坛, 祈祷祭拜的地方 grace[greis]n.优美, 雅致, 优雅 artistic[ɑ: |tistik]adj.艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的 creativity[|kri:ei|tiv?ti]n.创造力, 创造 improvisation[|impr?vai|zei??n]n.即席创作 desire[di|zai?]vt.期望, 希望, 请求n.愿望, 心愿, 要求v.要求 perfect[|p?:fikt]n.完成式adj.完美的,理想的, vt.使完美, 使熟练 combination[|k?mbi|nei??n]n.结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物 reinterpreted[|riin|t?:prit]vt.重新解释 impact[|imp?kt]n.碰撞, 影响, 效果vt. 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响


NBA乔丹的经典句子 这个世界上,有这样一个人,他能够如此持久而优雅地挑战地心引力,他就是迈克尔?乔丹,人们喜欢他不是因为他像天人一样高高在上、无法企及,而是因为他的谦虚、他的正义感甚至他的食言。我们摘录了乔丹的一些话,和大家共同感受这个平凡的英雄。1、我的父母,过去、现在都是我的英雄。我无法想象,让任何别的人充当我的英雄。 2、有些人居然想靠我去扬名立万,他们想打败迈克尔?乔丹,从此成为大明星,我永远都不会让这些人得逞。 3、我想让人知道,迈克尔?乔丹是个人,而不是黑人或是白人。我应该是个先驱者,有时我会挺身而出,反对种族主义歧视。 4、这真的让人有些难堪。和所有人一样,我只是个再平凡不过的人,可是所有人都把我当成上帝。 5、对于我而言,在比赛中,赛场是我可以想象到的最和平的地方。在球场上,我无需担心任何东西,只要站在赛场上,没有任何事会让我烦心。赛场是我

生活中最隐秘、最私人的部分。 6、我希望当我有一天回望自己的比赛时,我可以说,每一年,我都保持在最高的水准上。当我感觉到这种稳定性已经不再,我的脚开始磕磕绊绊时,我不想再苦苦纠缠下去。我很幸运,在离去时,自己仍处在巅峰。现在,有那么多球员已经涌现出来,取得了自己的声望,这是我离开的最佳时机。———1993年10月7日,乔丹第一次宣布退役。 7、我的身体和从前一样好,可是精神状态已经不同于以前,我曾经不止一次地说过,一旦我开始厌倦竞争,我就应该抽身而出。现在是时候了。我要感谢在我生涯里,所有和我联系过的队友和教练,特别是公牛的队友和教练们。我要感谢公牛和NBA,他们为我提供了这么多机会。最重要的是,我要感谢球迷。从我离开北卡,来到NBA这一天开始,你们就接受了我,你们的支持给了我灵感和动力。———1999年1月13日,乔丹第二次宣布退役。南方H紒紞矠


乔丹励志名言 乔丹励志名言,只要会打篮球,相信这个世界没有几个不认识篮球界的神话人物乔丹,乔丹被誉为篮球界最伟大的人物,也是全世界最著名现今最著名的人物之一,是他将篮球带到了一个相当高的高度,同时,乔丹也是一个励志人物。 乔丹个人资料: 迈克尔乔丹(MichaelJordan,1963年2月17日-)美国职业篮球运动员,被称为空中飞人。他在NBA篮球职业生涯中创造了刷屏般不胜枚举的纪录,被多数人认为是全世界最优秀的篮球运动员,也是NBA历史上第一位拥有世纪运动员称号的巨星。他将NBA 推广至全球每个角落,成为好莱坞以外又一无可阻挡的美国文化,他为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿。NBA官方网站称:就受到的赞誉而言,迈克尔乔丹是NBA史上最伟大的篮球运动员。他在2009年入选篮球名人堂。0年3月19日,已经退役的迈克尔乔丹成功收购NBA夏洛特山猫队,成为山猫队的老板。 1年9月,乔丹已与相恋多年的古巴名模女友伊薇特普列托订婚。 乔丹励志名言: 1.Iamback!(乔丹最经典名言) 2.Icanacceptdefeatbutcouldnotaccepttogiveup. 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹座右铭) 3.WhenIstepoutontothebasketballcourt,Iconsidermyselfto

bethebestbasketballplayerIcanbe.Ihavetotalconfidencethatonc eIsteponthebasketballcourtthatIcandoallthethingsthatImcapa bleofdoing.当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。 4.Wereentertainers.Idontthinkmyjobismoreimportantthan allthefiremenandpolicemensjobseachandeveryday.Thereisapla ceforrelaxation,andIthinkthatswheremyresponsibilitylies.Hope fully,Icanproviderelaxationforsomepeople.我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松! 5.Imnotaboutthemoney.IdontcareifIgetpaidadime.Ivesaidt hatmanyyears.ImgoingtoplaythegameofbasketballbecauseIlov eit.我不关心钱,我不在乎,哪怕我只是得到了很少的钱,我只想说在很长的岁月里,我尽力打了篮球,因为我热爱篮球! 6.除非我打得极糟,否则他们是不会有这种想法的。不管是去哪里,都会让那里伤心的这是我从来没想过的问题,我的经纪人也许会这样想的。 7.ImnotwalkingintothisscenariothinkingImfailing.Imwalkin ginthinkingImconfidentandprettysurethatIcanmakeitwork.IfIsi thereandlistenedtoeveryoneelsetellmethatIcantdoit,thenobvio uslyIwouldntbehere.我不是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来


1.talent wins games,but teamwork wins championships. 天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军 . 2.i can accept defeat but could not accept to give up . 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹座右铭) 3.when i step out on to the basketball court, i consider myself to be the best basketball player i can be. i have total confidence that once i step on the basketball court that i can do all the things that im capable of doing. 当我放大步伐走进篮 球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能 把所有我可以做的事情做好。 4.were entertainers. i dont think my job is more important than all the firemen and policemens jobs each and every day. there is a place for relaxation, and i think thats where my responsibility lies. hopefully, i can provide relaxation for some people. 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比 消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大 家放松! 5.im not about the money. i dont care if i get paid a dime. ive said that many years. im going to play the game of basketball because i love it. 我不关心钱,我 不在乎,哪怕我只是得到了很少的钱,我只想说在很长的岁月里,我尽力打了篮球,因为我 热爱篮球! 6.“除非我打得极糟,否则他们是不会有这种想法的。不管是去哪里,都会让那里伤心 的……这是我从来没想过的问题,我的经纪人也许会这样想的。” 7.im not walking into this scenario thinking im failing. im walking in thinking im confident and pretty sure that i can make it work. if i sit here and listened to everyone else tell me that i cant do it, then obviously i wouldnt be here. 我不 是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来的时候满怀信心,我相信仍然能够有所作为。如果 我只是坐在这里听别人告诉我不能复出,那我肯定不会出现在这里。 8.physically, i know that im not 25 years old. im not stepping up and saying i will be 25 years old when i step on that court, but i feel like i can play the game of basketball at the highest level, and thats what i aim to do. “从身体上来说, 我知道我已经不是25岁的年轻人了。当我走上赛场时,我也不会说我跟25岁时一样强壮, 但我相信我可以的最高的水平,这也是我的目标。” 11.if that was my concern, i wouldnt do this. im not afraid to take on a 12.im all about challenges and seeing if i can go out and see if i can achieve something. if at the end of the day i do it, great. if i dont, i can live with myself. championships away. 所有人都对我将要做的事情感到沮丧。如果我读了那些反对我复 出的报纸,我发誓我肯定不能够在美国生存下去。美国的宗旨是随心所欲地做你想做的事。 我现在正是这么做的,我不是在这里犯罪,我只是想打一场真正的篮球比赛。如果我厌倦了 与小孩子的比赛,我会参加精英赛的。不论成败与否,都是好事。不管怎么说,你不能将我 的六枚总冠军戒指剥夺。” 14.the young dogs are going to chase me around. well, im not going to bark too far away from them, either. im not running from nobody. if anything, itll be a great challenge. 那些年轻的家伙将在场上追得我团团转,我也不会离他们太近的。如果是,那将 会是一场很伟大的挑战。 16.im not walking into the dark. i know what im capable of doing. i know

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