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最新大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson

最新大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson
最新大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson

大学英语读书笔记Sherlock Holmes and Watson

第一篇:Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng

Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng

although living in different period of history,Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng are asses. both of them are famous detectives. they find out the true of many kinds of difficult cases. Holmes calls himself as “consultative detective”, and bao zheng is called justice bao. hootivation for solving cases, and the characters of them are disparate. but it cannot be denied that the te motivation for clearing up a case. it is his interesting that impels Holmes to solve cases. thus, he is inal happening so that he can totally express his ability. at that time, the government officials and other detectives for help if they meet difficulties in the cases. hoperial court official, bao spares no efforts to eans he justices any cases mon people.

second, the characters of them are disparate. Holmes’temperament is cool, solitary. he does not ents to people. he only has one assistant--dr. john h.eanething of proud. but bao is . he has many assistants, for instance, zhan

zhao、gong sun ce. in many situations, bao municate , discuss, analyse and search for opinions about the cases. he is good at team are clever. eet puzzles in a case,they any aspects. Holmes is good at solving problems by observation and using deductive method, ous. bao does any times, some small clues ake a great contribution to find the truth.

although, Sherlock Holmes and bao zheng live in different history background and they have many differences and similarities, both of them are famous detectives and they have been remembered deeply by the masses.

第二篇:Sherlock Holmes and the sport of kings

Sherlock Holmes and the sport of kings

horse racing is very popular in england, among the rich. that’s oney. but issing?

silver blaze ous racehorse and his trainer an and eone killed him and silver blaze disapeared. mr. ross, the oes for help. and so Sherlock Holmes and his friend dr ust see, hearis the favourite for a big race in a e, and his or.

poss,is hoping to an in the case.his name is john straker, silver blaze′s trainer. his ud not far from the stables. and inspector gregory needs to find the killer.

there eat curry to him. a stranger asked them about the horses but they didn’t anseon e put opium in his dinner. es and atches, a small piece of candle, some papers for a mr. darbyshire and a small, thin knife. it es asked, ‘it’s not good for fighting.’ he thought carefully for some time and talked to john straker’s oney for a lady called mrs. darbyshire, so he put big bets against silver blaze. that night, he secretly took the horse out of the stable and ake a small cut in its tendon. he an! but silver blaze

ake the cut, the horse kicked him very hard on his head and killed him.

understand. so, Holmes and r. bror. broitted that he found the horse near his stable early in the morning. so everything es. he knees is very smart.he needs many money.he is so fun. i think this story is very good.i like

it very much. Sherlock Holmes is very smart.

1887.12 a study in scarlet1890.2 the sign of four1891.7 a scandal in bohemia1891.8 the red-headed league1891.9 a case of identity1891.10 the boscombe valley mystery1891.11 the five orange pips1891.12 the man b1892.4 the noble bachelor1892.5 the beryl coronet1892.6 the copper beeches1892.12 silver blaze1893.2 the yellousgrave ritual1893.6 the reigate squires1893.7 the crooked man1893.8 the resident patient1893.9 the greek interpreter1893.10~11 the naval treaty

1893.12 the final problem

1901.8~1902.4 the hound of the baskervilles

1903.1 the empty house1903.11 the noren1904.1 the solitary cyclist1904.2 the priory school1904.3 black peter1904.4 charles augustus milverton1904.5 the six napoleons1904.6 the three students1904.7 the golden pince-nez1904.8 the missing three quarter1904.9 the abbey grange1904.12 the second stain1893.1 the cardboard box1908.9~10 azarin stone1922.2 the adventure of thor bridge1923.3 the adventure of the creeping man1924.1 the adventure of the sussex vampire1925.1 the adventure of the

three garridebs1925.2 the adventure of the illustrious client1926.1 the adventure of the three gables1926.11 the adventure of the blanched soldier1926.12 the adventure of the lion’s mane1927.1 the adventure of the retired colourman1927.2 the adventure of the veiled lodger1927.4 the adventure of schoscombe old

第三篇:Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

people all over the es. Holmes had his oethods, ore advanced than those of the police of his time. from the colour of a man’s face, Holmes deduced(推断) that he had lived abroad for many ye ars. from a man’s clothes, he could tell if he lived in the toes’s friend, dr. ed(声称)that his methods entary, my dear ous detective did not exist, except in fiction (小说).

he arl called sir arthur conan doyle. doyle es’s methods an deduced many things ab out his patients’ lives ined them.

the first Sherlock Holmes stories onthly in a magazine. later, they ade into books. the detective became very popular, and conan

doyle in his next story, Holmes es y. he es es had escaped from the es and the circus of fear book report

Sherlock Holmes and the circus of fear book report

by doris

today i finished the book-Sherlock Holmes and the circus of fear. this is the second detective story i have read about Sherlock Holmes. just like the first one i read-Sherlock Holmes and the death theater, the book is ain characters include Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective; dr john es; lord george sanger, a circus oes for help. the animals in his circus have died one after another and there have happened many accidents. ous letters ahead of time. any terrorist events happen in this circus? urder? according to all kinds of details, Holmes uses his excellent reference skills, courage, and sharp observation talent to investigate the case. step by step, he finds the

fact of all the terrorist things. ho that simple. in the next chapter, es manages to find out the truth about sanger’s death as bshell concerning national treasure.

actually, i don’t like this novel very much. on reading the book, i find it difficulty focusing on the story, because the author spends too many ances and characters in the circus, ost drives me to sleep! also, i

think the plot isn’t very attractive, e advantages uch. for example, i like this paragraph: he(Holmes)editate, and onographs. i already have my eye upon a farm cottage eastbourne, yet far enough for that distance to insulate me from the hordes of mankind.” the reason es’s longing for a peace life, and it really touches me.

es to an end. Sherlock Holmes is bound to live a risky life no matter hoe, he e to a mysterious emoirs of Sherlock Holmes

memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

----adventureⅱ the yelloous detective novels, posed by

many stories of Sherlock Holmes. adventure ⅱthe yelloe: a gentleman called jack munro es help him to solve a puzzling problem bet. the husband jack found his e eccentric things. and Sherlock Holmes succeeded in solving it by his .

the protagonists of adventure ⅱthe yelloy opin ion, are jack and Holmes. at the beginning of the story, mr. doyle an here asking for you, sir”, said our page-boy.” and r. Holmes also asked jack many sharp and puzzling questions, ax.

second, as to antagonists of this passage, i think, is his ysterious child. the story described his idnight secretly, etal, to see if she had disturbed me.” it obviously gives readers and mr. Holmes conflicts, also makes the story developing

naturally. ent of the story, another antagonist comes out, r. Holmes, but it s eemed to send a chill right doy back.” many conflicts betage of unexpected fear and tension.

analyzing this famous detective novels, r. doyle introduces the feature and habits of husband—jack by his amber pipe. certainly, it is described in logical deduction of Sherlock Holmes. after appearing of jack, the story is gradually told by jack. es, it comes to exciting climax. and es decided to solve this problem ing to peak. after all the doubts are solved, the story comes to the end.

“ended, once in the and once in the amber, each of these mends, done, as you observe. ust have cost more than the pipe did originally. the man must value the pipe highly e money.” of Sherlock Holmes, and ing beginning.

in the detective novels, ention a literary technique—fore shadoportant skill everyy s to have gone to pieces.’” and mr. doyle otion. then, as i approached the door, she seized my sleeve and pulled me back emoirs of Sherlock Holmes is emory of es—his best friend.

totally is the classic of represents of Sherlock Holmes detective novels. es and also appreciate his unbelievable and deductions.


大学生读书笔记怎么写-读书笔记 第一篇:初一读书笔记怎么写 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这是一本让人读后觉得荡气回肠的书,这是一首英雄的颂歌。本书所描写的是以俄-国十月革命为背景的一个传奇人物保尔柯察金。所描述的事件发生于1915年直到30年代初那一段历史时期。保尔柯察金是作者着力塑造的中心人物,也是书中塑造得最为成功的共-产主义战士的形象,他是在老布尔什维克朱赫莱的影响下从自发战斗走向自觉战斗的。在战斗中他懂得了不平等生活的社会根源,懂得了要想推翻旧世界必须成为勇敢坚强的阶级弟兄和坚决斗争的钢铁战士。在积极投身保卫苏维埃政权的伟大斗争中,他认识到,一个人只有和祖国联系在一起时,才会创造出奇迹。他曾说:我赞成那种认为个人的事情丝毫不能与集体的事业相比的革命者。 本书作者尼古拉奥斯特洛夫斯基在解释这部作品的标题时说:钢是在烈火里燃烧、高度冷却中炼成的,因此它很坚固。我们这一代人也是在斗争中和艰苦考验中锻炼出来的,并且学会了在生活中从不灰心丧气。作者在塑造保尔这一形象时,用内心独白、书信、格言警句,揭示了这一形象的内心的全部复杂性和成长过程。保尔的形象是社会主义青年一代中最光辉最典型的代表。无论从思想内容还是从艺术形式来看,这部小说都可以称为30年代的苏联文学中最优秀的作品之一,而就它对读者影响的力量和深度来说,在世界文学史上也是独一无二的。 同时,尼古拉奥斯特洛夫斯基所塑造的保尔精神对人们的影响也是超越时间和空间的界限的。拿我国来说,八十年代起我国迈入了改革开放社会主义现代化建设的新时期,同保尔那个时代的具体内容已经有了很大的不同,我们面临着新的形势,新的任务,也有一大堆新的问题需要解决。现实生活不再要求我们像保尔当年那样一天发起十七次冲锋去攻占一个城堡,也不再要求我们在身患伤

2018年大学英语读书笔记4篇-word范文 (6页)

2018年大学英语读书笔记4篇-word范文 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 大学英语读书笔记4篇 本文目录 1.大学英语读书笔记 2.大学英语的读书笔记范文 3.大学英语读书笔记 A Tale of Two Cities 4.大学英语读书笔记 Notre Dame cathedral i have never been to troy, but david maule made me feel as if i were standing on the high wall of troy, watching the fierce war. thanks to this british author, who adapted the famous homer’s poem into a lively story, i found it easier to understand this story. though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, i was deeply fascinated by it. the mysterious plot is one of the reasons why i loved the story of troy so much, yet i am more interested in the human heroes of the war. hector was the eldest son of king of troy, priam. he was not only a real hero of trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in greek classic by later historians. the war started because of the mischief of his brother, paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. however, since hector was the commander of the trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. it was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, achilles. it is natural to see death in a war. as a famous chinese parable says, “a life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as mount tai.” sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. achilles was such a typical person. his persona l charm made the story of troy more attractive. he was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. actually, achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. that’s why his nam e was memorized long after his death.


大学生如何写读后感范文 当品味完一本著作后,从中我们可以吸收新的思想,不能光会读哦,写一篇读后感吧。但是读后感有什么要求呢?以下是小编整理的大学生如何写读后感范文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 读后感是我们学生常接触的文章类型。而要写一篇好的读后感,即要下一翻工夫了。以下谈谈我对写读后感的一些个人体会。 从结构上看,一篇读后感至少要有三个部分的内容组成:一是要介绍原作的篇名内容和特点;二是根据自己的认识对原作的内容和特点进行分析和评价,也就是概括地谈谈对作品的总体印象;三是读后的感想和体会。即一是说明的部分,二是要有根据评价作品的部分,三是有感而发,重点在“感”字上。 首要的一点是“读”。“读”是感的基础,“感”是由“读”而生。只有认真地读书,弄懂难点疑点,理清文章的思路,透彻地掌握文章的内容和要点,深刻地领会原文精神所在,结合历史的.经验、当前的形势和个人的实际,才能真有所“感”。所以,要写读后感,首先要弄懂原作。 其次要认真思考。读后感的主体是“感”。要写实感,还要在

读懂原作的基础上作出自己的分析和评价。分析和评价是有所“感”的酝酿、集中和演化的过程,有了这个分析和评价,才有可能使“感”紧扣原作的主要思想和主要观点,避免脱离原作,东拉西扯,离开中心太远。 所以,写读后感就必须要边读边思考,结合历史的经验,当前的形势和自己的实际展开联想,从书中的人和事联系到自己和自己所见的人和事,那些与书中相近、相似,那些与书中相反、相对,自己赞成书中的什么,反对些什么,从而把自己的感想激发出来,并把它条理化,系统化,理论化。总之,想的深入,才能写的深刻感人。 第三,要抓住重点。读完一篇(部)作品,会有很多感想和体会,但不能把他们都写出来。读后感是写感受最深的一点,不是书评,不能全面地介绍和评价作品。因此,要认真地选择对现实生活有一定意义的、有针对性的感想,就可以避免泛泛而谈,文章散乱,漫无中心和不与事例挂钩等弊病。 怎样才能抓住重点呢? 我们读完一部作品或一篇文章后,自然会受到感动,产生许多感想,但这许多感想是零碎的,有些是模糊的,一闪而失。要写读后感,就要善于抓住这些零碎、甚至是模糊的感想,反复想,反复作比较,找出两个比较突出的对现实有针对性的,再集中凝神的想下去,在深思的基础上加以整理。也只有这样,才能抓住具有现实意义的问题,写出真实、深刻、用于解决人们在学习上、思想上和实践上存在问题的有价值的感想来。


最新的读书笔记8篇 如果问世界上最伟大的爱是什么?那莫过于纯洁的母爱!对此,我国着名女作家冰心也唱出了对慈母的爱的赞歌《繁星春水》。 在灵魂的深处,有一种快乐在冥冥中跳跃。轻轻地拨动着我的心弦,在一次次静谧中的夜里滋润我干涸的新。感动,洗涤着我雀跃的灵魂,我安静的聆听。哦。我听到了童年银铃般的欢笑与父母慈爱的教诲。于是,我悄悄的将其谱写成童年与母爱的五线谱。在繁星闪烁下一遍又一遍的弹奏。 妈妈把我们带到这个美好的世界来,让我们去享受别人的爱护;妈妈是我们的第一位老师,辛苦地把我们抚养****;妈妈是我们的精神支柱,总是支持着我们,鼓励着我们,当我们摔倒了流血,最痛的不是我们,是妈妈的心;当我们不听话,妈妈动手打我们,最痛的同样是妈妈,正所谓打在儿身痛在娘心。可是,当妈妈帮我们补衣服刺到手指,妈妈仍然会觉得开心,因为如果她的痛能够换来我们的快乐,就算是痛不欲生,对于妈妈来说也是值得的。这使我想起一首诗:慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。《游子吟》 妈妈对我们所付出的实在太多了,而这是我们做子女的一生也没办法报答的。 可怜天下父母心,妈妈真的真的是世界上最最最最伟大的人,而这怎么可以用三言两语表达出来呢?在这个地球里,每个人只有一

个亲妈妈,我们必须争取在有限的时间中为妈妈做自己力所能及的事情在妈妈生日的时候送上最真挚的祝福,唱出《世上只有妈妈好》,就这么简单,妈妈也会觉的心满意足! 在《春水》中有一段诗:自然的微笑里,融化了人类的埋怨。 我读懂了自然用它的微笑化解了人类的怨怒。还有它博大的胸怀容纳我们,让我们洗尽铅化,重获新生。这是对自然多么崇高的礼赞!人 类的枯燥与冷漠和大自然的新鲜与热情,如此鲜明的对比!在广博、 崇高的大自然面前,人类该是多么渺小啊!去爱自然吧!与自然融为一体。那该是何等美妙的境界啊! 书中这样写着:别了,春水。感谢你一春潺潺的细流,你带去 我许多思绪。向你挥手了。缓缓地流到人间去吧,我要坐在泉边,静听回响。这让我浮想联翩:春天的山涧里,清凉潺潺的溪流。涓涓的流向田野、树庄,流向人间。它带来的信息向山泉天穹无尽的流响,其中既有春水的温柔和清冷,也有诗人冷暖不定的心情意绪诗人天意。流水有情,一幅交相融合的春溪图跃然纸上。 书中的诗歌情至深,语至美。以含蓄、温婉、典雅、美丽着称。还有淡淡的忧愁。每一首诗都如天空中的星星,荷叶上的露珠,晶莹剔透,有着特具的美术感。 在岁月的轮回中,时间的枯叶永远无法将我的童年与母爱埋没。我在生命道途中采拮童年的朝花,拾起一片片童真的梦想与慈爱的教诲。朋友,我又拾起了多少甜蜜呵! 今天我看了《海的女儿》。


Pride and Prejudice Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century. The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book. The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in poss ession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughte rs. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social position s are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married. In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may in fluence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our


大学生读书笔记2000字 【篇一:大学生2000字读书心得】 《做最好的自己》读书心得 一、读者简介 二、内容简介 在这本书里的许多想法都是作者在过去的文章或信函中表达过的。 而且,如果由职业作家来写本书,语言以及文字一定能更加流畅、 更加生动。但是,作者自己总有一种提笔写作的冲动,因为作者相 信自己在青年一代中有一定的影响力,作者希望能尽力帮助他们。 作者深信,读者无法理解说教或难以产生共鸣的案例是不可能被读 者接受的。在年轻人看来,发生在成功者身边的故事最值得学习和 品味,最容易从中汲取经验和教训。如果说作者的写作还有某些特 点可循的话,那就是,作者更倾向于用缜密的逻辑和真实的案例来 阐释成功的秘诀。虽然这本书不是一本自传,但是在本书中,也有 许多发生在作者身上的有意思和价值的事情。 三、读后感 《做最好的自己》一书是李开复博士结合自己人生的经历和事业成 功的经验,写给中国的青少年,是帮助他们实现成功的方向指引。 书中运用很多的例子阐述了“成功同心圆”的理念,为中国的青少年 指明了成功的方向。真正的成功人士并不是仅仅靠知识、创意等外 在素质赢得成功,他们成功的经验在于,他们具备了某些最根本的、最有价值的素质或品格,他们获得成功的内因几乎都可以用“成功同 心圆”来解释。 书中写到:真诚坦白的人,才是值得信任的人,这句话给我留下非 常深刻的印象。如果得到他人的信任,就必须让他人看到,自己是 一个非常真诚和坦白的人。一个人如果愿意把自己隐藏在内心深处 的东西坦白地暴露给对方,就能很容易地走进对方的心灵深处。书 中告诉我们,表现真诚的最好方法就是做一个真诚的人,没有什么 可以掩饰真心和诚意。一个虚伪的人假装真诚,很容易就会被看穿,因为没有诚意的人不可能做到言行如一。 做到真诚坦白会赢得别人的信任,但这还只是针对客观事物的态度,如果能够进一步地从主观感情出发,真正做到真情流露,用自己的 激情感染他人,或者用自己的感情打动他人,那么,不但会得到他 人的信任,而且会真正与他人建立起沟通心灵的桥梁。

大学英语读书笔记 A Tale of Two Cities

?¤§?|è?±èˉèˉ??1|??”è?° A Tale of Two Cities) we believe in only the government we need but we insist on All the government we need. we believe in A government thAt is chArActerized by fAirness And reAsonAbleness, A reAsonAbleness thAt goes beyond lAbels, thAt doesn't distort or promise things thAt we know we cAn't do.we believe in A government strong enough to use the words "love" And "compAssion" And smArt enough to convert our noblest AspirAtions into prActicAl reAlities. we believe in encourAging the tAlented, but we believe thAt while survivAl of the fittest mAy be A good working description of the process of evolution, A government of humAns should elevAte itself to A higher order. our government should be Able to rise to the level to where it cAn fill the gAps left by chAnce or A wisdom we don't fully understAnd. we would rAther hAve lAws written by the pAtron of this greAt city, the mAn cAlled the "world's most sincere democrAt" - st. frAncis of Assisi - thAn lAws written by dArwin. we believe, we believe As democrAts, thAt A society As blessed As ours, the most Affluent democrAcy in the world's history, one thAt cAn spend trillions on instruments of destruction, ought to be Able to help the middle clAss in its struggle, ought to be Able to find work for All who cAn do it, room At the tAble, shelter for the homeless, cAre for the elderly And infirm, And hope for the destitute. And we proclAim As loudly As we cAn the utter insAnity of nucleAr proliferAtion And the need for A nucleAr freeze, if only to Affirm the simple truth thAt peAce is better thAn wAr becAuse life is better thAn deAth. we believe in firm but fAir lAw And order. we believe proudly in the union movement. we believe in privAcy for people, openness by government, we believe in civil rights, And we believe in humAn rights. we believe in A single fundAmentAl ideA thAt describes better thAn most textbooks And Any speech thAt i could write whAt A proper government should be. the ideA of fAmily. mutuAlity. the shAring of benefits And burdens for the good of All. feeling one Another's pAin. shAring one Another's blessings. reAsonAbly, honestly, fAirly - without respect to rAce, or sex, or geogrAphy or politicAl AffiliAtion. we believe we must be the fAmily of AmericA, recognizing thAt At the heArt of the mAtter we Are bound one to Another, thAt the problems of A retired school teAcher in duluth Are our problems. thAt the future of the child in buffAlo is our future. thAt the struggle of A disAbled mAn in boston to survive, And live decently, is our struggle. thAt the hunger of A womAn in little rock is our hunger. thAt the fAilure Anywhere to provide whAt reAsonAbly we might, to Avoid pAin, is our fAilure. now for 50 yeArs, for 50 yeArs we democrAts creAted A better future for our children, using trAditionAl democrAtic principles As A fixed beAcon, giving us direction And purpose, but constAntly innovAting, AdApting to new reAlities: roosevelt's AlphAbet progrAms; trumAn's nAto And the gi bill of rights; kennedy's intelligent tAx incentives And the AlliAnce for progress; johnson's civil rights; cArter's humAn rights And the neArly mirAculous cAmp dAvid peAce Accord.


篇一:大学生读书笔记 大学生读书笔记一 《名人传》由法国著名作家罗曼?罗兰的《贝多芬传》、《米开朗琪罗传》和《托尔斯泰传》组成,它们均创作于二十世纪初期,无论在当时是在后世都产生了广泛的影响。 书中写了三个世界上赫赫有名的人物。 在这本《名人传》中最令我感动的就是贝多芬的故事。贝多芬是个音乐天才,他的天分很早就被他的父亲发现了,不幸的是,贝多芬的父亲并不是一个称职的好父亲,他天天让贝多芬练琴,不顾及他的心情,一个劲儿的培训他,有时甚至把贝多芬和一把小提琴一起放进一个屋子里关起来,一关就是一整天,用暴力逼他学音乐。贝多芬的童年是十分悲惨的,他的母亲在他十六岁时就去世了,他的父亲变成了挥霍的酒鬼。这些不幸一起压到了贝多芬的头上,在他心中刻下了深深的伤痕,也因此导致他的脾气暴躁而古怪。但是贝多芬没有因此而沉沦,他把自己的全部精力,都投入到了自己所热爱的音乐事业中去了。由于他的天分和勤奋,很快地他就成名了。 贝多芬的一生是悲惨的,也是多灾多难的,但他为什么还能成功呢为什么正常人做不到 的事,他却能做到呢这引起了我的深思。我认为,贝多芬之所以成功,是因为它有着超与凡人的毅力和奋斗精神。面对困难,他丝毫无惧。这就是他成功的秘诀。在日常生活中,我们遇到困难时,经常想到的就是请求他人的帮助,而不是直面困难,下定决心一定要解决。而贝多芬,因为脾气古怪,没有人愿意与他做朋友,所以,他面对困难,只能单枪匹马,奋力应战。 罗曼?罗兰称他们为“英雄”,以感人肺腑的笔墨,写出了他们与命运抗争的崇高勇气和担荷全人类苦难的伟大情怀. 早在二十世纪三四十年代,由我国著名翻译家傅雷先生译成中文,他从《名人传》中得到的启示是: “惟有真实的苦难,才能驱除浪漫底克的幻想的苦难;惟有克服苦难的壮烈的悲剧,才能帮助我们担受残酷的命运;惟有抱着‘我不入地狱谁入地狱'的精神,才能挽救一个萎靡而自私的民族” 如崇山峻岭,“我不说普通的人类都能在高峰上生存。但一年一度他们应上去顶礼。在那里,他们可以变换一下肺中的呼吸,与脉管中的血流。在那里,他们将感到更迫近永恒。以后,他们再回到人生的广原,心中充满了日常战斗的勇气”。对于我们的时代,这实才是真言。 贝多芬的“在伤心隐忍中找栖身”,米开朗琪罗的“愈受苦愈使我喜欢”,托尔斯泰的 “我哭泣,我痛苦,我只是欲求真理”,无不表明伟大的人生就是一场无休无止的战斗。我们的时代千变万化,充满机遇,我们渴望成功,但我们却不想奋斗。我们要的是一夜成名。浮躁和急功近利或许会使我们取得昙花一现的成就,但绝不能让我们跻身人类中的不朽者之列。说自己笨,人人都是平等的,没有天才,也没有笨蛋。天才和笨蛋是取决于这个人有没有决心学习,有没有毅力坚持下去,这才是最重要的。人生的路途坎坷、崎岖,就看你有没有信心和毅力去把它踩在脚下,一步一步登上成功之路。 大学生读书笔记范文三 《雾都孤儿》是本世界名著,它讲述的是发生在19 世纪的一个动人的故事。书中的主人翁奥利弗?特威斯特是一个孤儿,他出生在济贫院,出生不久他的妈妈就死了。 读完这本书,我的心情久久不能平静。可怜的奥利弗在已经失去亲人的痛苦下,受了这么多折磨。真不知道在他瘦弱的身体下,有着怎样的意志,能使他坚持不懈,使他在饥饿、寒冷、孤独下顽强斗争,向美好的生活前进。最令我感动的是奥利弗遇到强盗集团的那段经 历。奥利费在路上走上了七天七夜,饥饿难忍,疲倦不堪。他遇到杰克一个小偷。杰克把奥利弗带到了贼窝,小偷们想把奥利弗训练成一个小偷。但奥利弗受尽折磨也不愿意,逃了出来。正义是我们难以相比的! 奥利弗承受着痛苦,宁愿过着流浪的生活,也不愿意成为一个小偷。 与奥利弗相比较,我们生活的多幸福,可还是不满足,常常抱怨生活。在目标追求上,也是一遇到小小的困难,就放弃了,缺少意志力。现在,世界上还有许多的孩子正承受着巨大的痛苦,正和饥饿、孤独、寒冷作战。 大学生读书笔记四 我一字一句地仔细阅读时,仿佛和高尔基在一起读书。他读得那么专心,把世界上的一切都忘记了。读到这里,我情不自禁想起了自己以前读书的情景。每当父母给我买回新书或自己借到一本书,我


四年级的读书笔记 第一篇:四年级读书笔记 四年级读书笔记 阅读者:杜艾林阅读篇目:阅读日期:2020年12月15日主要内容: 莱谛”主动与“我”和好,教育我们与发生矛盾要主动承认错误,相互谅解,彼此宽容,以诚相待。收集好词(至少6个)我会选一个词语写一句话: 呼雀跃,台下的小观众们津津有味地欣赏着歌舞表演,赞不绝口,身后的爸爸、妈妈们一次又一次地竖着大拇指,嘴里不停地称赞道:“好!好!好!”。 收集好句(至少2句) 去,发现他上衣的肩部破了。我的阅读感受: 家长的评价:(□优□良□中□差) 第二篇:四年级如何写读书笔记 四年级如何写读书笔记“好记性不如烂笔头”,阅读好书后写读书笔记历来为名家们所重视,读书笔记的形式也有很多。我

读过后整理选择了适合咱们小学生的四种形式,以供大家参考: 一、摘抄。 此为最简单的读书笔记。摘抄文中好词、好句、好段。可抄名言、谚语,也可抄生动优美语段。注意要标明出处,以利查找。另外最好写写为什么摘抄,以利运用。 例一:人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命属于我们只有一次。一个人的生命是应当这样度过的:当他回首往事的时候,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻,——这样,在临死的时候,他就能够说:“我整个的生命和全部的精力,都已献给世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。” (读了这段话使我们更知道珍惜生命、珍惜时间的意义) ——摘自《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 例二:“起风了,芦苇荡好像突然变成了战场,成千上万的武士,挥舞着绿色的长剑,在天空下有板有眼地劈杀起来,四下里发出沙拉沙拉的声音。”(短短几句,比喻句用的很恰当,风起时的芦苇荡的样子写出来了,“沙拉沙拉”写出了声音。)


英语专业读书笔记 个人认为,英语的学习归根到底就在于2个词:一是坚持,二是兴趣。以下是英语专业读书笔记,欢迎阅览! 英语专业读书笔记1 而学好英语这门语言,对于我们来说,会有如下好处: 第一、从小培养良好的英语的听说读写的基础,在相关企业迎接更为复杂困难的英语学习大有裨益; 第二、一旦毕业,选择英语类专业工作将使得我们的成功几率大为增加,比如:除了英语类专业之外,相关专业还有:国际经济法专业、国际贸易类、商务专业、医学专业、国际政治专业、历史专业、考古专业、传媒专业、舞蹈专业、财务专业、文学专业、师范专业、数学专业、工程专业、电子专业、生物技术专业、软件和信息技术专业等,都离不开英语的学习或国外文献资料的查阅,没有良好的英语基础,这些专业领域是不会取得重大建树的。 第三、对于某些重点学校,或者与国外建立了友好交流关系的学校,只有那些具有优势英语的学生才有可能被录取参加国外友好学校的交流活动; 第四、即使是有偏科倾向的学生,如果她的英语口语或者写作或者翻译有一技之长,将来即使是没有考上大学,他也会被社会广泛需要的,比如从事翻译、口译、英语教师、幼儿园老师、外贸行业等。

第五、语言好的学生,其右脑的智商相对更高,反应更灵敏、沟通更快捷易懂、给人印象更深刻,在竞争激烈的社会中,更有优势,更容易夺得一些机会。 第六、如果你想将来出国,就不会在语言关方面花费很多金钱、时间和精力去补课,而是一站式通达国外,获得更多良好教育的机会,也更容易引起外国机构的青睐,收到意想不到的效果。 英语专业读书笔记2 这一年的大学英语学习生涯,让我感慨颇多!回想起,当初的上课时的情形,一切是那么的清晰,仿佛就像是发生在昨天一样。 通过这两年在大学的英语学习,我对于目前的大学英语教学方面有以下的看法:虽然在教学内容较单一的情况下,但在英语教学方式方面相对来说,教学形式还是较丰富多彩的,具体地说:在大学英语课堂教学中,老师采用了有趣生动的教学内容呈现形式,如:游戏化地教学活动、小组讨论、课堂辩论、学生上讲台、看音像资料等来传授教学内容。 对这种形式的教学,我觉得很不错! 与我们高中枯燥的英语课堂相比,这种利用各种喜闻乐见的活动教学方式,让教学内容的呈现方式更乐意被我们接受,提高了我们对教学内容的接受程度。当然,采用何种教学形式,取决于学生的年龄、性格特征、班级规模、班风等实际因素。显然采用了合适的教学形式能较大地激发学生学习。


最新的读书笔记好词好句 范文一 《格林童话》读书笔记 《格林童话》是通过“寓教于故事”的形式,让读者开阔眼界、增长知识、懂得道理,汲取到健康成长的丰富“养料” .并且,通过寓言故事,教懂读者一些课本上未能学到的道理.教会读者“分辨善恶、一分耕耘,一分收获、做人不能懒散、智慧是进步的阶梯、遇到危险要冷静……”等做人、待人的道理. 《格林童话》在语言上朴实无华、生动流畅,简明易懂,朗朗上口,娓娓道来,栩栩如生,又充满了德国的乡土气息,令人倍感亲切. 我于是日日盼望新年,新年到,闰土也就到了。好容易到了年末,有一日,母亲告诉我,闰土来了,我便飞跑的去看。他正在厨房里,紫色的圆脸,头戴一顶小毡帽,颈上套一个明晃晃的银项圈,这可见他的父亲十分爱他,怕他死去,所以在神佛面前许下愿心,用圈子将他套住了。他见人很怕羞,只是不怕我,没有旁人的时候,便和我说话,于是不到半日,我们便熟识了。 《格林童话》寓教于乐,每一则故事都有其深刻的人生

哲理.《背包、帽子和号角》告诉人们做事不能太贪心,多做一些帮助别人的事,一定会得到他人的好报.《灰姑娘》则说明了凡事不能光看外表,美好的本质总有一天会被人发现的.《不孝的儿子》教人们懂得了对待父母、长辈一定要孝顺、尊敬…… 《格林童话》源自民间,在艺术上通俗、质朴、粗犷、生动,表现了纯真的自然美.文中的主人公个性鲜明,善恶对错一目了然.不少主人公憨态可拘、滑稽可笑,使故事妙趣横生,引人入胜.总是把真、善、美与假、恶、丑的矛盾冲突置于斑斓多彩的幻梦之中,借助神奇的力量化解矛盾,以善有善报、恶有恶报的结局告终.故事中,自然与神奇,现实主义与浪漫幻想交相辉映,融为一体,使读者既感到故事情节合情合理,又体现了读者的意愿,从而得到满足.如今在这样一个物欲如潮如流的社会里,有些人迷失了方向,有时无法正确辨别善与恶、对与错.这种时候,不妨看一下《格林童话》,在一个个生动、简单的故事里你会体味出内在的深刻意义——以理性的态度去辨别世间的善恶对错.看《格林童话》就像是一次心灵的放飞,看看故事情节体味一下其中的意义,欣赏欣赏其语言艺术的特色.犹如采撷最丰硕的花果,吮吸最甜美的甘露,来滋养自己,丰富自己,提高自己. 范文二


大学英语读书笔记范文 thoughts given by sherlock holmes and the duke’s son. written in the first chapter of the book pride and prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. in terms of sherlock holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “it is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective sherlock holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “holmes series” in the field of detective stories. overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, i decided to take a look on this sherlock holmes and the duke’s son originally published by oxford university press. as a whole, this book is about a case concerning the duke’s missing son. arthur, the duke’s son, was


大学读书笔记范文4篇 本文是关于大学读书笔记范文4篇,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 【大学生廉洁教育读书笔记】 读这本书,是因为几日前接受了学校纪委的一个任务,就是要为全省的廉政文化进校园演讲比赛准备演讲稿。 说实话,我个人认为廉政建设不适于组织演讲比赛,但组织既然要求,又信任我,我也只好努力争取做好。对于廉政建设,以往我认为只是身处要职的领导人的事情,对于学生的廉政教育有些小题大做的感觉。但读过这本书,才意识到我的认识是有局限的。局限就在于没有意识到,廉政教育其实是学生做人教育的一个重要组成部分。 学生接受教育不单纯是科学知识的教育,这是我一贯的认识和主张,我历来强调和重视做人是第一学问。但却忽略了廉洁与学生成长的密切关系。我们反思目前社会上的腐败现象和问题,就会发现与学生时期的做人教育缺乏有着极为密切的关系。一个严格遵守学校纪律,考试从没有违纪习惯,从没有过抄袭作业和论文,养成一个良好的学习习惯的人,基本上会在工作岗位上保持廉洁的习惯,不会出现腐败问题的。因此,反思腐败已经成为国际社会共同面临的问题,其中于人类整体的教育对人文教育的忽略是不是有着密切的关系呢,我想这样的关系是存在的。 当前的教育过于强调科学技能的培养,而轻视了人文精神的培育,以至于导致了在腐败的产生的过程中,腐败分子有了更高的技能应对和逃避被惩治。从广义来说,腐败也已渗透入了学生的生活,正如书中所言:“目前大学生的作弊风已远远超出教育管理者的估计。由个体作业到整体作战,从个别科目向所有课程蔓延,从一种手段向多种方法运用,从个别事项到生活普遍化。论文找枪手,考试找代考,就业简历作假,助学贷款申请作弊,这些由于诚信因子的缺失,由此产生的不公平竞争,在大学生心理上会投下暗影。”这些情况在不同的学校都存在着,绝不是危言耸听。走入社会工作岗位的学生能否廉洁,与学生在校期间接

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