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英 语 模 拟 试 题

(考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)


第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.

B. £9.18.

C. £9.15.

答案是 C 。

1. How does the man usually get to work? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.

2. What is Mark doing? A. Watching TV. B. Playing a game.

C. Studying for the exams.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a hotel. B. In a bank. C. In a shop.

4. What does the man dislike about the place? A. The weather. B. The crowd. C. The location.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. School life.

B. Places of interest.

C. Holiday plans.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完 后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Bring him some water. B. Get off the plane. C. Put on her coat.

7. What’s the weather like in New York? A. Warm. B. Cool. C. Cold.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What would the man like to drink? A. Milk tea. B. Red wine. C. Coke. 9. How much should the man pay? A. $60. B. $70. C. $80.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. Who will the man discuss the report with? A. The general manager. B. The sales manager.

C. The marketing manager.

11. When will the man meet Mr. Black? A. At 1:30 pm today. B. At 3:00 pm tomorrow. C. At 8:30 am on Wednesday.

12. Why does the man go to Hong Kong? A. To go sightseeing. B. To take a class.

C. To have a conference.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. How long has the man lived in Britain? A. For 3 years. B. For 5 years. C. For 7 years. 14. What’s the relationship between the man and Stephan? A. Friends. B. Old neighbors. C. Teacher and student.

15. What did the man do after lunch? A. He went to a department store. B. He took a walk by the river. C. He went to a sports center. 16. What is the bridge like? A. Small. B. Old. C. Modern.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What should a traveler get before going to Australia? A. A visa. B. A guide book. C. A credit card. 18. Which is a cheap way to travel around Australia? A. By plane. B. By train.

C. By bus. 19. Where can travelers walk around barefoot in Australia? A. In the forest. B. On the beach. C. In the mountains. 20. What should travelers take to Australia? A. Sunscreen. B. Umbrellas.

C. Sunglasses.

英语试题 第 1页(共 8页)

英语试题 第 2页(共 8页)

学校: ______________ 姓名: _____________ 班级: _______________ 考号: ______________________

… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 外… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 装… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 订… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 线… … … … … … ○ … … … … … …

… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 内… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 装… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 订… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 线… … … … … … ○ … … … … … …

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Tour De Science - A Science Storytelling Show

When: Wed 16 May 2018, 6:00pm–7:00pm

Where: Quarry Arts Centre, 21 Selwyn Ave, Whangarei

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information: General Admission: $10.00

Concession Admission (kids, students, seniors): $ 5.00

Award-winning performer, David Klein is bringing his science storytelling show to town. Part theatre, part pop-learning, Tour de Science is a scientific and personal learning adventure. David shares his journey of curiosity and discovery from childhood to adulthood as atoms, cells, the solar system, stars and beyond are pieced together into a unique and extremely satisfying conclusion.

Decode Your Diva With Lisa O’Neill

When: Wed 16 May 2018, 7:30pm–10:00pm

Where: ASB Baypark, 81 Truman Ln, Mt Maunganui, Bay of Plenty

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information: General Admission: $ 45.00

Learn the secrets of being a powerful, happy woman. This night is not about clothes ― this is a night of motivation for women who want to love their lives. Lisa O’Neill is co ming back to Tauranga to bring out your inner Diva!

Lisa is a speaker, author, and motivator who has spoken to 10,000’s of women at public events and conferences who want to become bigger, better, happier versions of themselves.

Japanese Level 1 Beginners Course

When: Wed 16 May 2018, 6:00pm–7:30pm

Wed 23 May 2018, 6:00pm–7:30pm

Where: Euroasia, 10 Titoki Street, Parnell, Auckland

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information: Course Admission: $ 399.00

Euroasia is Ne w Zealand’s premier private provider of services in the area of foreign languages and cultures. Visit our website https://www.doczj.com/doc/a5314305.html, for other levels and languages that we provide service for!

A first taste of the Japanese language, this course is for complete beginners. No previous knowledge of the language is required.

21.If one couple with their twin children attend Tour De Science, how much should they pay?

A. $35.

B. $30.

C. $25.

D. $20.

22.Who made a great contribution to helping women become happier?

A. Euroasia.

B. Tauranga.

C. David Klein.

D. Lisa O’Neill.

23.What do the three events have in common?

A.They are all popular with language learners.

B.They are all free of charge for small kids.

C.They don’t have age limit to admission.

D.They all last more than two hours per day.


I used to love sugar in a way that sometimes made me feel like it was ruling me, so I tried to give up added sugar last year. But I failed.

This year I wanted to make sure I gave up added sugar “correctly”. My colleagues and I have written many articles about added sugar, so I know added sugar is never, ever a good thing for your brain or body. That is my major motivation.

Added sugar is in all kinds of foods, from store-bought bread to sauce. I’ve avoided buying those items, but I haven’t stopped eating them at restaurants. I’ve also been eating dried fruit and other forms of naturally occurring sugar, which is not entirely accepted in the anti-sugar community.

There’re times when I really want to break my rules. For example, when a giant cake appeared on my mom’s birthday, it was tough not to regard it as a “special occasion”. Fortunately, I turned to dark chocolate in time. I’ve found enough similar treats.

Quitting added sugar has brought me many changes. I used to feel sick after eating too much sugar. Now, I don’t need to worry about my heart racing from cookie dough. Posting on social media about the challenge has got me in touch with friends I wouldn’t talk to as often otherwise. One friend even sent me sugar-free recipe recommendations.

After two months of added sugar-free life, several friends told me they were impressed by my efforts. Two of my college friends got rid of added sugar last month because I was doing it, which makes me feel like a role model. My former roommate gave up added sugar too.

All these changes contribute to a healthier body and mind. This is a simplification of diet that I’d like to continue.

24.What is the main reason why the author decides to quit added sugar?

A.Added sugar is harmful to our health.

B.Her body requires a limit on sugar intake.

C.Her colleagues set a good example for her.

D.Added sugar is a major cause of weight gain.

25.In order to get rid of added sugar, the author now .

A. avoids eating at restaurants

B. avoids buying bread from stores

C. eats fresh fruit instead of dried fruit

D. is a member of an anti-sugar community

26.What did the author do with her mom’s birthday cake?

A. She replaced it with a sugar-free one.

B. She broke her rules and ate it.

C. She took a small bite of it.

D. She didn’t eat any of it.

27.What did the two college friends think of the author’s added sugar-free efforts?

A.They should be flexible on special occasions.

B.They needed inspiration from role models.

C.They were quite worthwhile.

D.They needed improvement.


The biggest and the smallest of the world’s animals are most at risk of dying out, according to a new analysis. Action is needed to protect animals at both ends of the scale(规模), scientists say.

“The largest vertebrates(脊椎动物) are mostly threatened by direct killing by humans, ” said a team led by Prof Ripple of Oregon State University in Corvallis, US. The research adds to evidence that animals are dying out on such a scale that a sixth extinction is considered under way. Research on birds and mammals has shown that those with larger bodies are more likely to go extinct. Yet, when the researchers made a data base of thousands of birds, mammals, and fish at risk of extinction, they found disproportionate(不成比例的) losses at the large and small ends of the scale.




To the researchers’ surprise, they found that not only the largest of all vertebrate animal species are most

threatened, but the very tiniest ones are also highly threatened with extinction.

Large animals, such as elephants, and lions have long been the target of protection efforts. However, small species at risk - such as frogs - receive very little attention. “I think, for the smallest species, first of all we need to bring higher awareness to them, because the larger ones get a lot of attention, but the smaller ones get very little, ”said Prof Ripple. Vertebrates with the smallest and the largest bodies were found to be most at risk of disappearing, whether they were on land or living in oceans, streams or rivers.

The researchers say that while different approaches are needed for the conservation of large versus small species, there is an urgent need to step up efforts for both. Larger animals are threatened mainly by hunting, while smaller ones are losing out to pollution and cutting down forests. Reducing global consumption of wild meat is a key step necessary to reduce negative impacts of human hunting, fishing, and trapping on the world’s vertebrates. 28. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs? A. Key drivers of animals’ extinctio n are unknown. B. Middle-sized animals are under protection. C. A large number of animals are dying out. D. Big animals are nearly dying out.

29. What’s Prof Ripple’s suggestion on protecting small species? A.Finding ways to make them produce more. B. Taking measures to stop killing them. C. Transforming our living habits. D.Increasing awareness to them.

30. Which of the following brings the greatest threat to vertebrates? A.Loss of forests. B. Climate change. C.Human activities. D. Environmental pollution. 31. What would be the best title for the passage? A.Size matters when it comes to extinction risk B. Large animals are badly in need of protection C. Why a great number of animals are dying out D. What we should do to protect endangered species D

You know how things work with these WhatsApp messaged; right after you hit send, you realize the terrible mistake that you made and you might think that there is no way to change things. I must contradict you on that! WhatsApp’s much -expected “Unsend ” feature is finally ready. It has been in development for months, but has now started rolling out to users.

The feature, which is officially called “Delete for Everyone ”, has also been widely referred to as “Recall ” and “Revoke”. It lets you unsend messages, making them completely disappear from a co nversation. They will be hidden from both yourself and the other people in the chat.

However, both you and your recipient need to be using the latest version of WhatsApp, and it only works for messages you have sent within the last seven minutes. Once that period of time has passed, your message is there to stay.

“Delete for Everyone ” can work on all types of messages, including text, images, videos, GIFs and documents. To unsend a message, you simply need to highlight it by tapping and holding the line of text, select the “Delete” button from the menu and hit the “Delete for Everyone ” option. “This is particularly useful if you sent a message to the wrong chat or if the message you sent contains a mistake,” explains WhatsApp in an FAQ (frequently asked question). “Messages you successfully delete for

everyone will be replaced with ‘This message was deleted’ in your recipients’ chats. Similarly, if you see ‘This message was deleted’ in a chat, it means that the sender deleted the mes sage.”

WhatsApp says you will be informed if “Delete for Everyone ” hasn’t worked. It also warns that even if the

feature does work successfully, there is a chance the person you have been chatting to may have already seen the message before you decided to delete it.

According to WABetaInfo, the roll-out of “Delete for Everyone ” is proving very slow, so don’t worry if you are unable to make use of it quite yet.

32. What is the main function of the “Delete for Everyone ” feature? A. Deleting junk messages. B. Hiding yourself in a chat. C. Ridding unwanted messages. D. Removing messages you’ve sent. 33. In order to make the feature work successfully, you must . A. update your WhatsApp in time

B. use the official version of WhatsApp

C. create files for different types of messages

D. handle the messages you have sent within 11 minutes

34. What does the underlined word “highlight ” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Examine. B. Replace. C. Mark.

D. Erase.

35. What is the present situation of the “Delete for Everyone ” feature? A. It lacks proper advertising. B. It still has holes to work on. C. Its reaction speed needs improving. D. It has become a big hit on the market. 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


I study English literature at university. Some British authors that you may have heard of are Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. These writers are famous all over the world because their books have been translated into many different languages. 36 We say that these novels are ‘classic’ because they are still read and enjoyed years after their publication.

I read classic novels because they are part of my university syllabus but also because I enjoy them. They can teach you a lot about how people used to live and what society was like in the past. Novels like Hard Times by Charles Dickens remind us of the poverty in London during the Industrial Revolution. 37 People who are interested in history or philosophy can read classic novels to find out how ideas have changed and how the world became what it is today.

38 One of my favourite books is Charles Dickens’ novel Great Expectations . It is about a boy called Pip who suddenly receives a lot of money from a mysterious patron. As he grows up, his character changes: he becomes quite selfish and mean.

39 But sometimes I feel like reading something lighter. I love the Harry Potter series and sometimes read ‘chick lit’: books that are like romantic comedies. In my opinion, it’s important to read lots of different kinds of literature and magazines, if possible in another language. So far, I have only read fashion magazines in Italian but soon I want to start reading classic novels by Italian authors. 40 A. Wish me luck!

B. I think that classic novels can be very satisfying.

C. He is a fascinating character, both sad and s cary.

D. She lives in a dark house and still wears her wedding dress.

E. Classic novels usually have memorable stories and interesting characters.

F. Jane Austen’s fiction shows us what family life was like in the 18th century.

G. In the UK, their novels are celebrated as some of the best that have ever been written.

英语试题 第 5页(共 8页)

英语试题 第 6页(共 8页)

学校: ______________ 姓名: _____________ 班级: _______________ 考号: ______________________

… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 外… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 装… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 订… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 线… … … … … … ○ … … … … … …

… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 内… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 装… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 订… … … … … … ○ … … … … … … 线… … … … … … ○ … … … … … …

第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)

第一节(共20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

One evening I was visiting my friend near my school. As I didn’t live in the area, I never 41 any of my students outside of class. On this 42 evening, my friend and I came to the local video store to pick some 43 .

While inside, I glanced out and saw one of my third-graders. I thought she was 44 her parent to the store. As we left the store, I saw her again, still standing just in front of the 45 . “Hey, girl, what’s going on? Are you going to 46 some movies?” I asked. “No,” she replied47 . I looked in her hands and 48 that she was standing there selling flowers, 49 to earn some extra money for her very poor family. My heart sank. She became 50 . I didn’t ask any more and made an 51 to pretend everything was fine. Then I said 52 good-bye to her and left.

On the way back to my friend’s home, a thousand thoughts 53 my mind. I was extremely sad that this little

girl 54 in such tough life circumstances.

The next morning, as I drove to school, I still thought about the 55 of the evening before. I couldn’t change the life circumstances for this little girl, but as long as she was my student, I had the 56 to make a difference, to affect her life 57 , to encourage her to learn and maybe to 58 her reaching her biggest d ream.

Today, I believe firmly in what I do. I believe in the great 59 that a good teacher can have on a student and

I try hard to 60 a lasting mark on the life of every child I teach.

41.A. praised B. met C. taught D. comforted

42.A. particular B. rainy C. peaceful D. warm

43.A. foods B. movies C. flowers D. books

44.A. bringing B. helping C. accompanying D. pushing

45.A. counter B. shelf C. school D. entrance

46.A. enjoy B. produce C. rent D. comment

47.A. softly B. loudly C. happily D. angrily

48.A. proved B. reported C. expected D. realized

49.A. working B. playing C. advising D. pretending

50.A. disappointed B. surprised C. embarrassed D. excited

51.A. order B. attempt C. offer D. apology

52.A. long B. meaningless C. informal D. unexpected

53.A. supported B. discussed C. fought with D. crowded into

54.A. educated B. performed C. changed D. struggled

55.A. event B. meeting C. lesson D. store

56.A. opportunity B. dream C. appointment D. choice

57.A. lightly B. narrowly C. positively D. obviously

58.A. put off B. hold onto C. suffer from D. contribute to

59.A. efforts B. effects C. connections D. experiences

60.A. cover B. leave C. remove D. search

第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cai Lun was 61 Chinese politician of the Han Dynasty. He is traditionally regarded as the 62 (invent) of paper and the papermaking process.

Some people say that Cai received inspiration for making paper from watching paper wasps (虎头蜂) make their nests. Tools and machinery of papermaking in modern times may be 63 (much) complex, but they still employ the ancient technique.

Emperor He, 64 was pleased with the invention, awarded Cai great wealth. When Emperor An of

Han assumed power, Cai was ordered 65 (report) to prison. Before he was to report, he committed suicide by 66 (drink) poison.

After Cai invented the papermaking process, it became widely used 67 a writing medium in China by the 3rd century. It enabled China to develop 68 (it) civilization much faster than it had with earlier writing materials.

By the 7th century, Chin a’s papermaking technique had spread to Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. In 751, some Chinese paper makers were caught by Arabs after Tang troops (军队) 69 (defeat) in the Battle of Talas River. The techniques of papermaking then 70 (gradual) spread to the West.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分35 分)

第一节短文改错(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

My trip to London during my last summer holiday, when could be one of the most unforgettable travel experience of my life, lasted three weeks. It was my first time to staying in a foreign country alone. In the fact, I went there to study in a summer school, but I really learned something about the lifestyle and culture of Britain. In addition, I made friends with students from differently countries. We introduced the customs of our own countries each other. I learned such much from them. They helped us know more about other countries. Since then, I had kept in touch with my friends over the Internet.

第二节书面表达(满分25 分)






1.词数 100 左右;


参考词汇:张贴 paste





湖南省常德市2021届高考数学模拟考试试题(一) 理 总分:150分 时量:120分钟 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.已知集合P={65|<<-x x },Q={065|2≤--x x x },则P ?Q=____(桃源县第四中 学) A 、{61|<<-x x } B 、{61|≤≤-x x } C 、{6 1|<≤-x x } D 、{61|≤<-x x } 答案:由已知得Q=[-1,6] P=(-5,6)故P ?Q=[-1,6]故选C 2.设复数z 满足3(1)z i z ,则下列说法正确的是 ( ) (桃源一中) A. z 的虚部为2i B.z 为纯虚数 C. 5z D. 在复平面内,z 对应的点位于第二象限 答案:C 由3(1)z i z 得3(3)(1)1212i i i z i i , 22(1)25 z 3.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项的和为n S ,若5 347S a ,11a ,则6 a ( ) (桃 源一中) A. 37 B.16 C. 13 D. -9 答案:B 设等差数列{}n a 的公差为d ,由5347S a 得: 1 15(51) 54(2)72 a d a d , 将11a 代入上式解得3d ,故61511516a a d (法二:5347S a ,又535S a ,所以37a =,由11a =得3d , 故61511516a a d 4.如图是某市连续16日的空气质量指数趋势统计图,空气质量指数(AQI)小于100表示空气质量优良,空气质量指数大于200表示空气重度污染.则下列说法不正确的是 ( ) (桃源一中) A .这16日空气重度污染的频率为0.5 B .该市出现过连续4天空气重度污染 C .这16日的空气质量指数的中位数为203 D . 这16日的空气质量指数的平均值大于200 答案:D 这16日空气重度污染的频率为 80.516 故A 正确;12日,13日,14日,15日连 续4天空气重度污染,故B 正确;中位数为 1 (192214)2032 +=,故C 正确;1 200 [(147543(43)6 x (120) (48)60(117)(40)


《2015计算机技能高考模拟试卷5》 一、单项选择题,每题2分,25题共50分 【第1题】 在下列HTML语句中,可以正确指向百度搜索引擎的超是 A、百度 B、百度 C、.baidu. D、百度 本题答案:B . 【第2题】 某兴趣小组想制作一个反映当代人类探索宇宙的多媒体作品,规划了四个专题,通过网络、图书馆、教材、光盘等途径获取了素材,接下来他们将进入多媒体作品制作的 A、选题立意阶段 B、设计规划阶段 C、开发制作阶段 D、评估测试阶段 本题答案:C . 【第3题】 用流程图描述算法时,表示“开始”的图形符号是 A、 B C D、 本题答案:B . 【第4题】 浏览网页时,可以从一个网页跳到另一个网页,也可以从一个跳到另一个,制作时实现网页之间跳转的技巧是 A、网页动态效果 B、超级 C、动画 D、网页布局 本题答案:B .

【第5题】 下图是一Excel工作表,若用柱形图反映每天销售利润的情况,应选择的区域是 A、A2:A11,H2:H11 B、A2:A11,F2:F11 C、A2:A9,H2:H9 D、B2:B9,F2:F9 本题答案:C . 【第6题】 君同学录制了一段wav格式的音乐文件,为了使文件变小,并能正常播放,最好的办法是使用音频编辑软件 A、给音乐加上淡入淡出的效果 B、将文件转换成mp3格式 C、剪掉其中的一部分 D、将音乐的音量变小 本题答案:B . 【第7题】 某同学搜索资料时进入一家英文,可是他不能完全看懂的英文容。下列选项中,能帮助他看懂网页容的软件是 A、Word B、英汉字典 C、好记星 D、金山快译 本题答案:D . 【第8题】 下列选项中不是文字处理软件的是 A、Word B、WPS C、记事本 D、暴风影音 本题答案:D .


【典型题】数学高考模拟试题(带答案) 一、选择题 1.已知长方体的长、宽、高分别是3,4,5,且它的8个顶点都在同一球面上,则这个球的表面积是( ) A .25π B .50π C .125π D .都不对 2.()22 x x e e f x x x --=+-的部分图象大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.设集合M={1,2,4,6,8},N={1,2,3,5,6,7},则M ?N 中元素的个数为( ) A .2 B .3 C .5 D .7 4.设01p <<,随机变量ξ的分布列如图,则当p 在()0,1内增大时,( ) ξ 0 1 2 P 12 p - 12 2 p A .()D ξ减小 B .()D ξ增大 C .() D ξ先减小后增大 D .()D ξ先增大后减小 5.设集合{1,2,3,4,5,6}U =,{1,2,4}A =,{2,3,4}B =,则()C U A B ?等于( ) A .{5,6} B .{3,5,6} C .{1,3,5,6} D .{1,2,3,4} 6.已知a 与b 均为单位向量,它们的夹角为60?,那么3a b -等于( ) A 7B 10 C 13 D .4 7.函数()ln f x x x =的大致图像为 ( )

A . B . C . D . 8.已知复数 ,则复数在复平面内对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 9.已知双曲线C :22221x y a b -= (a >0,b >0)的一条渐近线方程为5 2 y x =,且与椭圆 22 1123x y +=有公共焦点,则C 的方程为( ) A .221810 x y -= B .22145 x y -= C .22 154 x y -= D .22 143 x y -= 10.已知非零向量AB 与AC 满足 0AB AC BC AB AC ?? ?+?= ? ?? 且1 2AB AC AB AC ?=,则ABC 的形状是( ) A .三边均不相等的三角形 B .等腰直角三角形 C .等边三角形 D .以上均有可能 11.已知ABC 为等边三角形,2AB =,设P ,Q 满足AP AB λ=, ()()1AQ AC λλ=-∈R ,若3 2 BQ CP ?=-,则λ=( ) A . 12 B 12 ± C 110 ± D . 32 2 ± 12.设集合(){} 2log 10M x x =-<,集合{} 2N x x =≥-,则M N ?=( )


高考语文模拟试题及答案 一.现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1- 3题。 5月23日,当今世界围棋第一人柯洁与计算机围棋程序“阿尔法狗”(Alpha Go)的第一场比赛结束,“阿尔法狗”以四分之一子优势赢得首场胜利.除了围观和好奇,人类骨子里的不服输以及想要看看人工智能到底有多厉害的求胜欲促成了这一挑战。面对人类棋手注定完败于人工智能的结局,人类要做好的准备是全面迎接而非拒绝人工智能,努力去掌控而非臣服于人工智能。。 接纳人工智能是今天社会发展、经济增长、人类演化的必然,更是人们生活的需求。其实,很多人每天离不开的智能手机就是低端人工智能的应用。更应当看到的现实是,人工智能的发展极具竞争性,未来谁在人工智能的研发和应用中落后,谁就会被淘汰。 2016年3月15日,“阿尔法狗”最终以4比1战胜韩国名将李世石。两个月之后,美国白宫就推动成立了机器学习与人工智能分委会,由其主持和协调撰写了三个关于人工智能发展的报告:《为人工智能的未来做好准备》《国家人工智能研究和发展战略计划》和《人工智能、自动化与经济报告》。欧盟、英国和日本等也相继发布了研发和应用人工智能的报告。显然,中国应当参与到这种战略布局当中,这种布局不仅是国家和民族的需要,而且也是赢得未来的利器。 尽管美国对人工智能的布局着眼于产业自动化和提升经济,但人工智能的发展和应用早就向各行各业全面渗透,春江水暖的领域主要体现在医疗、制造业、交通、金融、生态环境监测、刑事司法调查等。人工智能并不是只会下棋,还会在不同的领域帮助人,甚至超过人。 然而,无论人工智能有多少个理由可能战胜人,它们首先是在人类为其布置和引导的范围内进行学习,并且它们始终无法获得人的理性分析能力、运用逻辑思考的能力,以及具有情感交流和互动的能力。缺少了这些方面的能力,所谓“人工智能战胜人”就是无源之水,无根之木。 此外,预见性或先见之明也是人类胜过地球上所有生物以及人工智能的地方。凭借未雨绸缪的超前性,人工智能受控于人的装置早就在研发之中。美国麻省理工学院的詹森·多夫曼研究团队已经研发了一个反馈系统,能够让人类操作者仅通过大脑信号就能实时纠正机器人的错误,并做出正确的选择。这其实也是人工智能的内容和应用,即实现控制人工智能的智能。 另一方面,由人掌控人工智能也意味着必须以人类社会的法律与伦理来制约人工智能。人工智能的发展和应用是如此广泛和深远,不可避免地会触及人类社会各个方面的法律规范、制度和伦理。这意味着,如果不改进和创造新的法律和规范,就无法让人工智能融入人类生活和生产,从而无法让人工智能发挥应有的巨大作用。我们必须针对人工智能制定新的法律、形成新的伦理规范,以避免人工智能陷人类于危险境地。 例如,人工智能驾驶的汽车上路,必须改变1968年联合国制定的汽车控制者必须是人而非电脑的道路交通公约。为此,美国于2016年2月改变了这一法律,允许无人驾驶汽车上路。这也表明,此后一系列和各个方面人工智能的应用都可能会改变现行的法律,或者需要制定新的法律。 与此相关的是,人工智能的应用涉及人和机器、人和动物、人和人之间的伦理时,如何规范人工智能也提上议事日程。尽管阿西莫夫在1941年就提出了机器人三定律,后来发展为四定律,但对于今天飞速发展的人工智能而言,这样的法则还是太简单。于是,美国麻省理工学院的学生埃德蒙德·阿瓦达和索罕·迪索扎2016年共同创建了一家名为“道德机器”的网站,试图解决人工智能应用的某些伦理问题,体现为三种情况:一是车辆直行,导致4只狗1只猫死亡,还是撞向右侧路障,导致5位乘客死亡?二是汽车直行,导致3位违章行人死亡,还是撞向右侧路障,导致5位遵守交规行人死亡?三是汽车直行,导致5位违章行人死亡,还是撞向右侧路障,导致4位乘客死亡?


2015高考乐理模拟试题2014123103 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题2分,共20分)1.人耳能听到的声音,大致每秒钟振动11-20000次。而音乐中所用的音,其振动频率的范围一般只限于()。 A.27—4100次 B.100—4100次 C.100—20000次 D.27—20000次2.音量是音的重要属性,音量大小的决定因素是发音体振动时的()。 A.振幅 B.频率 C.延续时间 D.泛音 3.将乐音体系中的音,按照一定音高关系和次序,由低到高,或由高到低,依次排列起来叫做()。 A.音阶 B.音级 C.音列 D.音律 4.五线谱高音谱表上加一线的音是()。 A.c3 B.a3 C.c2 D.a2 5.由完全相同的单拍子结合在一起所构成的拍子叫做()。 A.混合拍子 B.复拍子 C.变换拍子 D.交错拍子 6.等于八分音符的三连音是()。 A.B.C.D. 7.#c和声小调式的第Ⅶ级音是()。 A.CB.DC.#DD.#B 8.f小调式的关系大调是()。 A.F大调式 B.D大调式 C.b D大调式 D.b A大调式 9.下中音是调式音阶中的()。 A.第Ⅲ级 B.第Ⅵ级 C.第Ⅳ级 D.第Ⅱ级 10.根据音程在听觉上的协和程度,纯四度、纯五度音程属于()。

A.极完全协和音程 B.不完全协和音程 C.完全协和音程 D.不协和音程 二、按要求构成音程与和弦。(第1小题20分,第2小题10分,共30分) 1.将下列音程转位,并写出转位前、后的音程名称。 2.以下列各音为低音,向上构成指定的和弦。 三、用正确的记谱方法,重新组合下列不正确的音值组合。(5分) 四、写出下列音乐术语及符号的中文含义。(每小题1分,共10分)1.Moderato( )2.Allegro( ) 3.rit.( )4.mf( )


课标全国卷数学高考模拟试题精编(一) 【说明】 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.请将第Ⅰ卷的答案填入答题栏内,第Ⅱ卷可在各题后直接作答. 题号 一 二 三 选做题 总分 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 得分 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.已知复数z = 2i 1+i ,z 的共轭复数为z ,则z ·z =( ) A .1-i B .2 C .1+i D .0 2.(理)条件甲:??? 2<x +y <40<xy <3;条件乙:??? 0<x <1 2<y <3,则甲是乙的( ) A .充要条件 B .充分而不必要条件 C .必要而不充分条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 (文)设α,β分别为两个不同的平面,直线l ?α,则“l ⊥β”是“α⊥β”成立的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 3.某程序框图如图所示,该程序运行后输出的k 的值是( )

A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 4.(理)下列说法正确的是() A.函数f(x)=1 x在其定义域上是减函数 B.两个三角形全等是这两个三角形面积相等的必要条件 C.命题“?x∈R,x2+x+1>0”的否定是“?x∈R,x2+x+1<0”D.给定命题p、q,若p∧q是真命题,则綈p是假命题 (文)若cos θ 2= 3 5,sin θ 2=- 4 5,则角θ的终边所在的直线为() A.7x+24y=0 B.7x-24y=0 C.24x+7y=0 D.24x-7y=0 5.如图是依据某城市年龄在20岁到45岁的居民上网情况调查而绘制的频率分布直方图,现已知年龄在[30,35)、[35,40)、[40,45]的上网人数呈现递减的等差数列分布,则年龄在[35,40)的网民出现的频率为() A.0.04 B.0.06 C.0.2 D.0.3


高三语文高考模拟试题(1) 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 谈起法律工具主义,还要追溯到公元前5世纪左右,管仲提出依法治国。此后,法律就被公认为是治理国家的工具。所谓治世之具,也可以叫治国之具,法律的工具主义从这儿就开始了。到唐朝,魏征做了一个形象的比喻。他说国家好像是一匹奔马,骑在马上的骑手就是皇帝,皇帝手中拿的鞭子就是法律,这样就把法律工具主义更加形象化。既然古代的法律是君主手中的鞭子,这个法律必然受到君主的影响。遇有开明的君主就能够发挥法律治世功能的作用,遇到昏君那就没有办法发挥法律的治世功能。历史事实也确实如此。唐太宗时期就是个讲究法制的时代。当时,针对官吏假冒伪造履历,唐太宗说了一句话,以后再遇到假冒履历的官员必死不赦。不久,又发现了假冒履历的事情,大理寺少卿戴胄据法断流,没有断死刑,唐太宗就非常不高兴,说我说过以后再有一定要处死。这时戴胄讲了一句话,他说什么是法,法是“国家布大信于天下”,不能因为皇帝一时喜怒的意见,使法丧失了大信,这样说服了唐太宗。唐太宗说了一句话,法乃天下之法非朕一人之法。所以皇帝也遵法了,这就发挥了法律的工具主义的作用,这是遇到了明主。 遇到了昏君的时候,就是法制的败坏。隋文帝本来是很重视法律的,但是到晚年任意为法。比如说六月天要判处犯人死刑,大家就劝解他从汉以来都秋冬行刑,六月天不能判死刑。他说六月天为什么不能判死刑呢?六月天还有雷霆震怒,雷还会击人呢,我是皇帝我也可以杀人。所以法律工具主义是人治下的法制,遇到明主确实起到了治世的功能,但是遇到昏君的时候便不能发挥积极作用。法律工具主义不仅影响了整个古代社会,也包括近代社会。想起用法就把法拿出来,不想用法就把法收起来。所以今天我们要牢固树立依法治国的法律权威主义的观念,就必须肃清法律工具主义的残余影响。 法与改革的关系就是古人所说的改制与更法。春秋战国时期处于社会大变动时期,其经济体制改革和政治体制改革是联在一起的。到汉以后,专制制度牢固建立起来,谈改革多半都是经济体制改革。无论是先秦的也好,以后的也好,体制改革总是和法制密切联系在一起。也就是说,成功的改制,成功的改革都是和法制相向而行。举一个大家知道的例子,就是商鞅变法。商鞅变法就经济体制改革来说,是建立一家一户的封建的生产方式。政治体制改革是废除世卿制度,建立军功爵制。这次改革借助于法律,颁布了许多新法。开阡陌,封疆令,废除了过去的土地国有制。颁布二十等军功爵令,奖励首功,废除世卿世禄。这些法律明确地提出改革的内容和方向,对改革起了引导作用。其次商鞅也利用法律扫除或者是减除阻碍改革的旧势力。把反对改革的旧贵族,甚至太子的师傅处以肉刑,借以推动改革。最后是运用法律来巩固改革的成果。这些成果得到了秦国百姓的拥护,所谓秦民大悦。尽管商鞅被处以死刑,但其法未败。所以改制与更法密切相关,成功的例子都是改制与更法相向而行。1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析正确的一项是。(3分) A.用法律来治理国家的认识起源很早,法律作为治国之具,从它用来治理国家那天起,就形成了法律工具主义。 B.魏征用比喻来阐释法律工具主义,他说国家好像是一匹奔马,骑手就是皇帝,皇帝手中拿着鞭子,就是法律。 C.在古代要发挥法律治国之具的作用,皇帝至关重要。因为皇帝一时喜怒的意见会使法律失去它应有的信用。 D.戴胄能够依法断案,没有判假冒履历的官员死刑,他认为“法乃天下之法”,非皇帝一人之法,不能随意变更。 2.下列对原文论证的相关分析不正确的一项是。(3分) A.文章先追溯法律工具主义源头,指明我国在很早时候就有人提出了依法治国的主张。 B.文章第一段引用官员履历造假事件,论证古代社会君主对法律工具主义所起的作用。 C.文章第二段,以隋文帝为反面事例,论证君主不依法行事随意变更法律造成的恶果。 D.文章第三段,在论法与改革的关系时,运用商鞅变法,阐明改革与变法应相向而行。 3.根据原文内容,下列说法不正确的一项是。(3分)


2020年福建省高考模拟试题数学试题(理科) 2020.05 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题),第Ⅱ卷第21题为选考题,其他题为必考题.本试卷共5页.满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 命题人:厦门外国语学校 吴育文 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上. 2.考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效.在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效. 3.选择题答案使用2B 铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号;非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚. 4.做选考题时、考生按照题目要求作答,并用2B 铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑. 5.保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠、不破损.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 参考公式: 样本数据x 1,x 2,…,x n 的标准差 ])()()[(1 22221x x x x x x n s n -++-+-= Λ 其中x 为样本平均数; 柱体体积公式 Sh V = 其中S 为底面面积,h 为高 锥体体积公式 Sh V 3 1= 其中S 为底面面积,h 为高 球的表面积、体积公式 24R S π= ,33 4R V π= 其中R 为球的半径 第I 卷(选择题 共50分) 一、选择题:本大题有10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题都有四个选项中,只有一 个选项是符合题目要求的. 1.设a ∈R ,若2i i a -()(i 为虚数单位)为正实数,则a = A .2 B .1 C .0 D .1- 2.已知E ,F ,G ,H 是空间四点,命题甲:E ,F ,G ,H 四点不共面,命题乙: 直线EF 和GH 不相交,则甲是乙成立的 A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件


1.已知集合{}0,1,2M =,{}1,4B =,那么集合A B U 等于( ) (A ){}1 (B ){}4 (C ){}2,3 (D ){}1,2,3,4 2.在等比数列{}n a 中,已知122,4a a ==,那么5a 等于 (A)6 (B)8 (C)10 (D)16 3.已知向量(3,1),(2,5)==-a b ,那么2+a b 等于( ) A.(-1,11) B. (4,7) C.(1,6) D (5,-4) 4.函数2log (+1)y x =的定义域是( ) (A) ()0,+∞ (B) (1,+)-∞ (C) 1,+∞() (D)[)1,-+∞ 5.如果直线30x y -=与直线10mx y +-=平行,那么m 的值为( ) (A) 3- (B) 13- (C) 13 (D) 3 6.函数=sin y x ω的图象可以看做是把函数=sin y x 的图象上所有点的纵坐标保持不变,横坐标缩短到原来的12 倍而得到,那么ω的值为( ) (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 12 (D) 3 7.在函数3y x =,2x y =,2log y x =,y = ) (A) 3y x = (B) 2x y = (C) 2log y x = (D) y = 8.11sin 6π的值为( ) (A) 2- (B) 12- (C) 12 (D) 2 9.不等式23+20x x -<的解集是( ) A. {}2x x > B. {}>1x x C. {}12x x << D. {}1,2x x x <>或 10.实数lg 4+2lg5的值为( ) (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 20 11.某城市有大型、中型与小型超市共1500个,它们的个数之比为1:5:9.为调查超市每日的零售额情况,需通过分层抽样抽取30个超市进行调查,那么抽取的小型超市个数为( ) (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 18 (D) 20 12.已知平面α∥平面β,直线m ?平面α,那么直线m 与平面β 的关系是( )


2019-2020数学高考模拟试题(附答案) 一、选择题 1.设a b ,为两条直线,αβ,为两个平面,下列四个命题中,正确的命题是( ) A .若a b ,与α所成的角相等,则a b ∥ B .若a αβ∥,b ∥,αβ∥,则a b ∥ C .若a b a b αβ??P ,,,则αβ∥ D .若a b αβ⊥⊥,,αβ⊥,则a b ⊥r r 2.2 5 32()x x -展开式中的常数项为( ) A .80 B .-80 C .40 D .-40 3.如果 4 2 π π α<< ,那么下列不等式成立的是( ) A .sin cos tan ααα<< B .tan sin cos ααα<< C .cos sin tan ααα<< D .cos tan sin ααα<< 4.在“一带一路”知识测验后,甲、乙、丙三人对成绩进行预测. 甲:我的成绩比乙高. 乙:丙的成绩比我和甲的都高. 丙:我的成绩比乙高. 成绩公布后,三人成绩互不相同且只有一个人预测正确,那么三人按成绩由高到低的次序为 A .甲、乙、丙 B .乙、甲、丙 C .丙、乙、甲 D .甲、丙、乙 5.函数()()2 ln 1f x x x =+-的一个零点所在的区间是( ) A .()0,1 B .()1,2 C .()2,3 D .()3,4 6.一动圆的圆心在抛物线2 8y x =上,且动圆恒与直线20x +=相切,则此动圆必过定点( ) A .(4,0) B .(2,0) C .(0,2) D .(0,0) 7.已知sin cos 0θθ<,且cos cos θθ=,则角θ是( ) A .第一象限角 B .第二象限角 C .第三象限角 D .第四象限角 8.下列四个命题中,正确命题的个数为( ) ①如果两个平面有三个公共点,那么这两个平面重合; ②两条直线一定可以确定一个平面; ③若M α∈,M β∈,l αβ=I ,则M l ∈; ④空间中,相交于同一点的三直线在同一平面内.


高考模拟试题1 高三 2011-05-06 09:49 高考模拟试题1 一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全不相同的一组是() A.感喟/匮乏吝啬/褪色遒劲/集腋成裘 B.漂白/漂洗着眼/着落屏除/屏气凝神 C.祈祷/颀长梦魇/笑靥歆羡/万马齐喑 D.隔阂/弹劾脖颈/陷阱洗濯/擢发难数 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是() A.剽悍录像机欢渡春节贻误战机 B.笔杆两码事顾名思义风云变换 C.震撼吊胃口艰苦奋斗迫不及待 D.宣泄金刚钻无可置疑应接不遐 3.下列各句中,标点符号使用不恰当的一项是() A.联系上下文,说说翠翠这时候为什么会“忽然哭起来”,她不何而哭。 B.这部作品以其明丽流畅的笔调,秀雅、隽永的风格和丰富的人物形象,在读者中引起了强烈的反响。 C.如《与吴质书》中“公干有逸气,但未遒耳”的但表示轻微的转折(相当于现代汉语的“只是”),比现在的语意轻。 D.还没等二虎子说完,连长就摆了摆手:“啊,原来是你!” 4.下列各句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是() A.今天上班途中,我碰到步行的老李,问他为啥没开车,他说最近他总是安步当车。

B.虽然刚出土的这件帛画已残破不堪,但是专家们通过它的一鳞半爪还是认定此作出自东晋大画家顾恺之之手。 C.王教授非常瞧不起那些述而不作的学者,认为他们没有创见便没有真正属于自己的东西。 D.因为打碎了父亲珍爱的花瓶,我躲在公园里不敢回家,我害怕被父亲生吞活剥了。 5.把下列几个句子组成上下衔接、语意连贯的一段话,最恰当的一组 是() ①立秋至处暑,秋阳肆虐,温度较高,加之时有阴雨绵绵,湿气较重,天气以湿热并重为特点。 ②秋季的气候是处于“阳消阴长”的过渡阶段。 ③故有“秋老虎”之说。 ④“白露”过后,雨水渐少,天气干燥,昼热夜凉,气候寒热多变,稍有不慎,容易伤风感冒,许多旧病也易复发 ⑤被称为“多事之秋”。 ⑥因此,秋季养生在对精神情志、饮食起居、运动导引等方面进行调摄时,应注重一个“和”字。 ⑦由于人体的生理活动与自然环境变化相适应,体内阴阳双方也随之发生改变 A.②①③④⑤⑦⑥ B.①③⑤④②⑦⑥ C.②③①④⑤⑥⑦ D.②⑤④①③⑦⑥ 二、(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文章,完成6—8题。 奇妙的“自然数局” 人们在自然界里,迄今发现的最为神奇的数,就算是黄金数0.618了,不过,神奇的大自然不仅给出了黄金数,还给出了神奇的斐波那契数列。斐波那契是意大利13世纪的数学家,他发现有这样一组数列非常奇妙:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21……这个数列表面无奇,但内里神奇,因为大自然里许多事物都能展现出这种数列,百合的花瓣是3瓣,飞燕草是5瓣,翠雀花是8瓣,金盏草是13瓣,紫宛是21瓣……


2020年高考新课标(全国卷1)数学(理科)模拟试题(一) 考试时间:120分钟 满分150分 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1、已知集合{}|12A x x =-<,12|log 1B x x ?? =>-???? ,则A B =I A .{}|04x x << B .{}|22x x -<< C .{}|02x x << D .{}|13x x << 2、以下判断正确的个数是( ) ①相关系数r r ,值越小,变量之间的相关性越强; ②命题“存在01,2 <-+∈x x R x ”的否定是“不存在01,2 ≥-+∈x x R x ”; ③“q p ∨”为真是“p ”为假的必要不充分条件; ④若回归直线的斜率估计值是1.23,样本点的中心为(4,5),则回归直线方程是08.023.1?+=x y . A .4 B .2 C.3 D .1 3、设,a b 是非零向量,则“存在实数λ,使得=λa b ”是“||||||+=+a b a b ”的 A .充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 4、 已知正三角形ABC 的顶点()()3,1,1,1 B A ,顶点 C 在第一象限,若点()y x ,在ABC ?的内部,则y x z +-=的取值范围是 A.()2,31- B.()2,0 C. ( )2,13- D.() 31,0+ 5、在如图的程序框图中,()i f x '为()i f x 的导函数,若0()sin f x x =,则输出的结果是 A .sin x B .cos x C .sin x - D .cos x - 6、使函数)2cos()2sin(3)(θθ+++= x x x f 是偶函数,且在]4 , 0[π 上 是减函数的θ的一个值是 A . 6π B .3π C .34π D .6 7π 7、已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足121a a ==,21n n S a +=-,则下列命题错误的是( ) A.21n n n a a a ++=+ B.13599100a a a a a ++++=…


2015年江苏高考数学模拟试卷(四) 第Ⅰ卷 (必做题 分值160分) 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1.设集合{0,1,2}A =,{2}B x x =<,则A B I = ▲ . 2.已知复数z 满足(1)1z i -=(其中i 为虚数单位),则=z ▲ . 3.交通管理部门为了解机动车驾驶员(简称驾驶员)对某新法规的知晓情况,对甲、乙、丙、丁四个社区做 分层抽样调查.假设四个社区驾驶员的总人数为N ,其中甲社区有驾驶员96人.若在甲、乙、丙、丁四个社区抽取驾驶员的人数分别为12,21,25,43,则这四个社区驾驶员的总人数N 为 ▲ . 4.袋子里有两个不同的红球和两个不同的白球,从中任意取两个球,则这两个球颜色不相同的概率 为 ▲ . 5.如右图所示的流程图的运行结果是 ▲ . 6.给定下列四个命题: ①若一个平面内的两条直线与另一个平面都平行,那么这两个平面相互平行; ②若一个平面经过另一个平面的垂线,那么这两个平面相互垂直; ③垂直于同一直线的两个平面相互平行; ④若两个平面垂直,那么垂直于其中一个平面的直线与另一个平面平行. 其中,真命题的序号 ▲ . 7.已知1sin cos 2αα= +,且(0,)2πα∈,则 cos2sin()4 α πα-的值为 ▲ . 8.在平行四边形ABCD 中, 1AD =, 60BAD ?∠=, E 为CD 的中点.若1AC BE =u u u r u u u r g , 则AB 的长 为 ▲ . 9.已知a ,b ∈R ,若a 2+b 2-ab =2,则ab 的取值范围是 ▲ . 10.已知{}{},n n a b 均为等比数列,其前n 项和分别为,n n S T ,若对任意的* n ∈N ,总有314 n n n S T +=, 则 3 3 a b = ▲ . 11.已知双曲线()22 2210,0x y a b a b -=>>的左右焦点12,F F ,梯形的顶点,A B 在双曲线上且 12F A AB F B ==,12//F F AB ,则双曲线的离心率的取值范围是 ▲ . 12.已知a ∈R ,关于x 的一元二次不等式2 2170x x a -+≤的解集中有且仅有3个整数,则实数a 的取 值范围为 ▲ .


高考模拟试卷1 (时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1.已知全集U ={0,1,2,3,4},设集合A ={0,1,2},B ={1,2,3},则A ∩(?U B )等于( ) A .{3} B .? C .{1,2} D .{0} 答案 D 解析 ∵U ={0,1,2,3,4},B ={1,2,3},∴?U B ={0,4},且A ={0,1,2} ,∴A ∩(?U B )={0}. 2.设复数z 满足i·z =2+i ,其中i 为虚数单位,则复数z 对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 答案 D 解析 z =2+i i =1-2i ,复平面内该复数对应的点的坐标为(1,-2),它在第四象限. 3.已知双曲线x 2a 2-y 22=1(0

∴e =c a =2. 4.《易经》是我国古代预测未来的著作,其中同时抛掷三枚古钱币观察正反面进行预测未知,则抛掷一次时出现两枚正面一枚反面的概率为( ) A.18 B.14 C.38 D.12 答案 C 解析 抛掷三枚古钱币出现的基本事件共有:正正正,正正反,正反正,反正正,正反反,反正反,反反正,反反反,共8种,其中出现两正一反的共有3种,故概率为38 . 5.(2019·浙江三校联考)已知log 2(a -2)+log 2(b -1)≥1,则2a +b 取到最小值时,ab 等于( ) A .3 B .4 C .6 D .9 答案 D 解析 由log 2(a -2)+log 2(b -1)≥1,可得a -2>0, b -1>0且(a -2)(b -1)≥2. 所以2a +b =2(a -2)+(b -1)+5≥22(a -2)(b -1)+5≥22×2+5=9, 当且仅当2(a -2)=b -1且(a -2)(b -1)=2时等号成立,解得a =b =3. 所以2a +b 取到最小值时,ab =3×3=9. 6.已知函数f (x )=e x (|ln x |-m )-x 有两个零点,则m 的取值范围为( ) A .(-e ,+∞) B.????-1 e ,+∞ C .(-1,+∞) D .(0,+∞) 答案 B 解析 令f (x )=0,可化为x e x +m =|ln x |, 令g (x )=x e x +m ,g ′(x )=1-x e x ,令g ′(x )=0,得x =1, 当x ∈(0,1)时,g ′(x )>0, 当x ∈(1,+∞)时,g ′(x )<0, 所以g (x )max =g (1)=1 e +m . g (x )先增后减,即从m 增大到1 e +m ,然后递减到m ,而函数y =|ln x |,x ∈(0,1)时由正无穷递 减到0,然后又逐渐增大,所以1e +m >0,即m >-1 e . 7.为了调查某厂2 000名工人生产某种产品的能力,随机抽查了20位工人某天生产该产品的数量,产品数量的分组区间为[10,15),[15,20),[20,25),[25,30),[30,35],频率分布直方图如图所示,工厂规定从生产低于20件产品的工人中随机地选取2位工人进行培训,则这2


2020年高考虽然延迟,但是练习一定要跟上,加油! 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分. 第I 卷1至3页,第Ⅱ卷4至9页.满分150分, 考试用时120分钟, 考试结束后,将第Ⅱ卷交回. 第I 卷 注意事项: 1.考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在第Ⅱ卷上. 2.每小题选出答案后,将所选答案填在第二卷的答题卡处,不能 答在第I 卷上. 参考公式: 如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 球的表面积公式 P (A + B ) = P ( A ) + P ( B ) 24R S π= 如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径 P ( A · B ) = P ( A ) · P ( B ) 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是 球的体积公式 P ,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 3 3 4R V π=

次的概率 k n k k n n P P C k P --=)1()( 其中 R 表示球 的半径 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给 出的中四选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.已知全集U=R ,集合)(},02 1 |{},1|{N M C x x x N x x M U I 则≥-+=≥= ( ) A .{x |x <2} B .{x |x ≤2} C .{x |-10时,f (x )=x -1,那 么不等式f (x )<2 1的解集是


新高考数学模拟试题(附答案) 一、选择题 1.已知2a i b i i +=+ ,,a b ∈R ,其中i 为虚数单位,则+a b =( ) A .-1 B .1 C .2 D .3 2.已知函数()()sin f x A x =+ω?()0,0A ω>>的图象与直线()0y a a A =<<的三个相邻交点的横坐标分别是2,4,8,则()f x 的单调递减区间是( ) A .[]6,63k k ππ+,k Z ∈ B .[]63,6k k ππ-,k Z ∈ C .[]6,63k k +,k Z ∈ D .[]63,6k k -,k Z ∈ 3.函数()()2 ln 1f x x x =+- 的一个零点所在的区间是( ) A .()0,1 B .()1,2 C .()2,3 D .()3,4 4.甲、乙、丙3位志愿者安排在周一至周五的5天中参加某项志愿者活动,要求每人参加一天且每天至多安排一人,并要求甲安排在另外两位前面,不同的安排方法共有( ) A .20种 B .30种 C .40种 D .60种 5.函数3 2 ()31f x x x =-+的单调减区间为 A .(2,)+∞ B .(,2)-∞ C .(,0)-∞ D .(0,2) 6.ABC ?的内角A B C 、、的对边分别是a b c 、、,若2B A =,1a =,3b = ,则 c =( ) A .23 B .2 C .2 D .1 7.下列各组函数是同一函数的是( ) ①()32f x x = -与()2f x x x =-;()3f x 2x y x 2x 与=-=-②()f x x =与 ()2g x x =; ③()0 f x x =与()01 g x x = ;④()221f x x x =--与()2 21g t t t =--. A .① ② B .① ③ C .③ ④ D .① ④ 8.函数()ln f x x x =的大致图像为 ( ) A . B .


一. 选择题: 1. 复数 i +12 的共轭复数是( ) A. i +1 B. i -1 C. i 22+ D. i 22- 2. 已知AB 是圆252 2 =+y x 的弦,AB 的中点是(1,2),则直线AB 的方程是( ) A. 02=-y x B. 042=-+y x C. 022=+-y x D. 052=-+y x 3. 命题P :“012,≤+∈?x R x ”,则命题P 的否定是( ) A. 012,>+∈?x R x B. 012,>+∈?x R x C. 012,≥+∈?x R x D. 012,≥+∈?x R x 4. 已知函数()x f 是奇函数,当0>x 时,()x x f x 2log 2+=,则()2-f 的值为( ) A. 5 B. 4 3 - C. -5 D. 无意义 5. 在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边为c b a ,,,若角C A b a C 2sin sin , 3= > π,则关于△ ABC 的两个判断“① 一定锐角三角形 ② 一定是等腰三角形”中( ) A. ①②都正确 B. ①正确②错误 C. ①错误②正确 D. ①、②都错误 6. 已知y x ,是正数,且? ??≤+≥+24362054y x y x ,则y x 93+的取值范围是( ) A. ]22,15( B. )36,22[ C. )72,22[ D. ()72,36 7. 如果执行下图的程序框图,那么输出的S=( ) A. 6 B. 15 C. 61 D. 15 1

8. 已知平面向量c b a ,,满足b a b a c b a -=+===,2,2,1,则c b a ++的最大值是( ) A. 5 B. 25- C. 25+ D. 33+ 9. 如图,正方体1111D C B A ABCD -的棱长是2,E 为BC 的中点,G 为B 1C 1中点,F 为正方形A 1B 1C 1D 1内(包括边界)的点,则使EF=6,GF ⊥AC 的点F 有( ) A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 无数个 10. 已知函数()()012 >+-=a x ax x f ,对函数()x f 作变换()t g x =,得到函数 ()()[]t g f t F =。下列四个变换中①()t e t g =,②()t t g ln =,③()t t g sin =,④()2at t g = a t 31 + -,使()t F 与()x f 有相同值域的变换有( ) A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 3个 答案:1—5 ADBCA 6—10 CBCBD 二. 填空题: 11. 用分层抽样的方法从某校高一、高二、高三三个年段的学生中抽取若干进行调查,若高一年级850名学生中抽取数为34人,则高二800名学生应抽取 人。 12. 直线x y =与抛物线2 x y =围成的封闭图形的面积S= 。

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