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2019-2020年九年级第一学期靖江外国语学校英语周末作业(2019.11.30)WORD 版本,附答案

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靖江外国语学校九年级英语课后巩固练习(November 29, 2019)





2. The palace is ______________________(一个中国园林) and m_________ i__________ a hill and a lake.

3. The lake is very big —it ___________(占据)______________________________(这个地区的四分之三).

4. It was ________________(结冰的),so we could not ______________________(划船) there.

5. _____________ the lake is _____________________________(横跨这个湖的是一座17孔的桥).

6. There are many __________________(石狮子)_______________________________(在桥的任何一边). They are _______________________________________(形态各异).

7. We________________________________________________________(一大清早从北京出发去上海).

8. _________________(据说) that the air is not clean here, but I _________________________________ __________________________________(污染没有我想得严重).

9. We all think ______________________________________________________(呆在酒店里是舒适的). They ________________________________________(提供高水平的服务).

10. The l___________ people are friendly. It _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________(他们回答我们所有得问题真是太好了).


( )1. Jessie J comes from _____ European country. She is taking part in _______ TV show I Am A Singer .

A. a; the

B. an; /

C. the; the

D. an; the ( )2. Mike’s mother kept telling him he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help.

A. he

B. her

C. they

D. it

( )3. There are bus stops every few _________ metres along the road.

A. hundred

B. hundreds

C. hundred of

D. hundreds of

( )4. ---Do you have any plans for the winter holiday? ---I ’m not sure. I _______ take a trip to Beijing.

A. need

B. must

C. might

D. should

( )5. Every Monday morning, all the teachers and students watch the _______ of the national flag.

A. rising

B. raising

C. increase

D. spread

( )6. ---Next week, I’ll go to London. What should I take with me?

---Take a map ________ you have a guide or know the city well.

A. while

B. if

C. unless

D. because

( )7.---What shall we do to kill time?

---Well, _______ it is Wanda Cinema’s half -price day, why not go to watch a film?

A. since

B. whether

C. although

D. until

( )8. Don’t worry. If the discussion _________, I will tell you the result.

A. will be done

B. does

C. will do

D. is done

( )9. It _______ that the method didn’t work well. He had to try another one.

A. ran out

B. found out

C. turned out

D. worked out

( )10. William Shakespeare’s works are of ______ lasting value ______ they’re still popular and classical

now .

A. so a; that

B. such a; that

C. so; which

D. such; which


1. Yancheng is a city in ________________(中央的) Jiangsu. It is developing very fast in recent years.

2. We all complain about the poor _________________(服务) in the hotel coffee lounge.

3. Three ____________________(四分之一) of the theater was full.

4. We will travel by train across _________________(东方的) Europe.

5. Students at this ________________(水平) may have problems with basic grammar.

6. The Chinese government is doing its best __________________ (save) Meng Wanzhou from Canada.

7. Sydney is the largest city of Australia. But Amy often ________________(mistake) it for the capital.

8. To the __________(win) surprise, the Oscar wasn’t given to them because of the wrong announcement.

9. It’s reported that one ______________(five) of the citizens have never used a shared bike so far. 10. Take care of your bag on the bus, or your wallet ____________________(steal). 四、完形填空

There was once a young man who liked puppets(木偶) so much that he was apprenticed(当学徒) to a master puppet-maker. __1__, the young man was not very clever. His __2__ and other apprentices were

always telling him he had no ability for making puppets, and that he would not 3 .

Even so, he enjoyed it so much that he worked day after day to 4 . Although he devoted much time to do it, they would 5 find something wrong with the puppets he made, and finally drove him out of the workshop.

He wasn’t going to 6 , so the young man decided that from then on he would spend all his time making just one kind of puppet. And 7 he found a fault(瑕疵) in his puppet, he would throw it away and start again. With each 8 attempt(尝试), his puppet became a little bit better. Years passed, his puppet was much better than anything his old apprentices could make, but he 9 making improvements. Living like that, the man wasn’t making any money, a nd many people 10 him and thought how silly he was.

When he was an old man, his puppet was 11 wonderful. Finally one day, after years of 12 , he finished his puppet, and said, “I can’t find anything wrong with it. This time it is __13__.” And fo r the first time in all those years, instead of 14 his puppet away, he put it on the shelf, feeling 15 and happy. The puppet gave that old man more joy than any other famous puppet-lovers ever got.

( )1. A. Sadly B. Gently C. Luckily D. Usually

( )2. A. father B. teacher C. classmate D. friend

( )3. A. miss B. forget C. succeed D. listen

( )4. A. improve B. form C. connect D. remind

( )5. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always

( )6. A. give up B. give out C. carry up D. carry out ( )7. A. whoever B. whenever C. however D. whatever ( )8. A. usual B. old C. easy D. new

( )9. A. finished B. avoided C. kept D. stopped

( )10. A. looked over B. cheered up C. laughed at D. stayed out ( )11. A. hardly B. possibly C. simply D. really

( )12. A. effect B. effort C. spirit D. value

( )13. A. modern B. perfect C. priceless D. expensive ( )14. A. hiding B. fixing C. covering D. throwing ( )15. A. talented B. surprised C. worried D. satisfied


Nearly 2.4 billion people around the world used a smartphone in 2017. By the end of 2018, more than a third of the global population will be using smartphones. Those numbers -- from Mobile Marketing Magazine -- sound great, don’t they? More people will have more information at their fingertips. However, smartphone technology can be a double-edged sword(双刃剑).

On one hand, it sends us endle ss information. We don’t have to wait. Our devices ring, ping, vibrate(振动)and light up with the latest news from family, friends and around the world.

On the other hand, this immediate way to information may become an addiction(瘾). And it may make some people feel lonely, worried and stressed.

These findings are from a 2018 study from San Francisco State University and have been published in Neuro Regulation.

Erik Peper and Richard Harvey are both health education professors at the university. They led the study.

The two professors asked 135 university students about their smartphone use and their feelings. They found that “students who used their phones the most reported higher levels of feeling—lonely, stressed and worried.”

But Erik Peper suggests turning off push notifications(推送提醒)and other such alerts on our phones.

The researchers also suggest taking control of when and where you answer a text, a message or an email. You do not need to answer them all. And you certainly don’t need to answer them a s soon as you get them.

They also suggest setting limits on the time you spend on smartphones. If you want to catch up with friends on Facebook or WeChat, set aside a small amount of time to it. Schedule periods of the day to focus on important tasks and do not allow technology to take up your time.

1. What are Eric Peper and Richard Harvey?____________________________________________________

2. How do smartphones make people feel according to the study?_______________________________

3. How many suggestions are given to fight against smartphone addiction?___________________________

4. What did Eric Peper and Richard Harvey ask 135 university students about?________________________

5. When will more than a third of the global population be using smartphones according to Mobile Marketing Magazine?____________________________________________________________________________ 六、首字母填空

Have you ever felt anxious(焦虑的) about a maths question? 1)N everyone may have this feeling at some time. What may not seem so obvious is that many other people have felt the same way and

2019-2020年九年级第一学期靖江外国语学校英语周末作业(2019.11.30)WORD 版本,附答案 3 / 5

that maths anxiety is a 2)r problem.

Even Maths Anxiety Trust (数学焦虑症信托基金会)has been set up to 3)r awareness(意识) . A survey for the trust found more than a third of 13 to 15-year-olds feel anxious when they are 4)s a maths problem. The same happens to one in five 5)a . Celia Hoyles, professor of mathematics education at University College London (UCL)says, “With maths, there’s a right or a wrong answer and that’s why people can feel so anxious — they’re afraid of looking 6)f_____________.” One problem that needs to be dealt with is how maths is taught. “We need teachers to see 7)o points of view. In this way, they can understand where pupils are finding aspects of the subject 8)d so they can be 9)e to solve their problems.” In the past few years, many education technology products have been designed. But it isn’t 10)e to teach them maths with pictures and games. Learning technology needs to be designed with deep understanding of how pupils learn and a healthy reality check around how teachers want to use it.

A student learns to write fu character, which means happiness and good fortune

(幸运), in Zhenjiang, East China's Jiangsu province, Jan 14, 2018.

International students at Jiangsu University visited local communities to

experience Spring Festival culture. They learned from Chinese the skills of Chinese

handwriting and paper-cutting.

In 2013, Xiadang villagers' income (收入) was just 4,600 yuan every year. By the end of 2016, however, it rose 160 percent to more than 12,000 yuan, from the

shares of the tea gardens and factories that they owned, thanks to the targeted

poverty alleviation (精准扶贫).

'Memory5D+' highlights Chinese culture. The theatrical production Memory5D+,

combining high-end technology with a presentation showing the best of traditional

Chinese culture and performing arts, shown for the first time in Beijing on


A keeper feeds a snack to a giant panda at Jilin Siberian Tiger Park in

Changchun, Jilin province, on Jan 5, 2018. To help the two pandas get through their

third winter at the zoo, they buy 500 kilograms of fresh bamboo every five days,

while giving them snacks four times a day, to secure their intake of nutrients. ( ) 1. Why did the international students visit local communities?

A. To learn Chinese.

B. To find happiness and good fortune.

C. To experience Spring Festival culture.

D. They only learned to write fu character.

( ) 2. How did Xiadang villagers have their income?

A. They grew rose.

B. They grew and produced tea.

C. They shared tea with others.

D. They bought tea from other cities.

( ) 3. Where was 'Memory5D+' shown for the first time?

A. In Beijing

B. In Xiadang

C. In Zhenjiang

D. In Changchun

( ) 4. How old may the Pandas at Jilin Siberian Tiger Park be?

A. O ne year old.

B.Three months old.

C.Two months old.

D.Three years old.

( ) 5. How many kilograms of fresh bamboo does the zoo need every day?

A. Around 100 kilograms

B. Around 500 kilograms.

C. Around 2500 kilograms.

D. Around 1000 kilograms.


One morning, Thomas was woken from a deep sleep by a loud roaring(咆哮) noise. It sounded like a wild animal walking around under his bedroom window.

Thomas rushed over to the window. His eyes bulged(凸出) like basketballs — There, in the middle of the backyard, was a lion! “Amazing!” cried Thomas.

Suddenly, a giraffe poked(戳) its head through the window. It munched(大声咀嚼) the leaves from a plant by Thomas’s bed. Next, Thomas saw an elephant walk past the swimming pool and squirt(喷出) water all over Dad’s car. “Cool!” cheered Thomas. “Now I don’t have to wash Dad’s car today.” Thomas grabbed his camera and rushed down the stairs. “ Dad, Dad, you were right!” he shouted. “The backyard has become a jungle(丛林). Come and see! It’s amazing!” Thomas rushed outside and

started taking photos of the animals.

Dad poked his head outside to see what happened. “Oh, my!” he cried, spilling(溢出) his coffee as a rhinoceros(犀牛) ran past him. “No, no… this can’t be happening,” he cried. “It’s a disaster!”

“Don’t worry, Dad,” said Thomas. “It’s only spilled coffee. We can clean it up later.”

“Thomas, this is your fault(过错). If you mowed(割) the lawns, we wouldn’t be stuck(困在) in the middle of a jungle!” Dad shouted.

Thomas shrugged his shoulders(耸肩). “In fact, Dad, I think it’s really cool. Think of all the money we’ll save on trips to the zoo.”

Thomas’s father left angrily, while Thomas got a group of chimpanzees(黑猩猩) to pose for a photo. ( )6. One morning, Thomas was woken by the noise of __________.

A.his dad

B. his dad’s car

C. a wild animal

D. his friends

( )7. A giraffe poked its head through the window to reach the plant __________.

A.by Thomas’s bed

B. under Thomas’s bed

C. on Thomas’s desk

D. on Thomas’s bedroom wall

( )8. Thomas went to get his camera in order to take photos of __________.

A.his dad

B. the animals

C. his house

D. the grass

( )9. Thomas’s dad ___________ when he saw a rhinoceros pass by.

A.spilled his coffee

B. rushed down the stairs

C. wanted to take a photo

D. shrugged his shoulders

( )10. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Thomas was excited about what was happening.

B. Thomas’s dad was almost driven mad by what he saw.

C. Thomas cared a lot about his dad’s words.

D. Thomas’s dad complained that Thomas was lazy.


Fifteen years ago, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) passed a convention(公约) for protecting intangible cultural heritage(ICH,非物质文化遗产). Since then,508 items from122 countries have been added to UNESCO’S ICH list, including 39 items that were added last month.

After an item is added, its home country is required to take action to protect it. UNESCO will offer money to those countries too. ICH, as the name suggests, isn’t always something we can touch or see. But what kinds of things can be described as ICH? Here are some examples.

Social practices

Social practices are activities that are shared by a group of people. They can include festivals and sports. But they don’t have to be ancient. They can be modern activities that people still practice these days as well. Hurling(曲棍球)is an example of this Irish people play it in schools and clubs. They even have national hurling championships.

Acting arts

Acting arts might have been one of the first ways for people to express their moods creatively. This is because people don't have to use tools to act. They can only use their bodies. They can sing, dance and wear costumes. Reggae music was created in the 1960s in Jamaica. The words of the music are often deep. Reggae artists hold up a mirror to society and make its problems known to the public.

Knowledge and practices about nature

ICH includes not only literature (文学)and arts but also science. Many cultures have developed their own knowledge of the universe and medical practices. Such knowledge and practices have helped people for hundreds of years. In Tibet, people put herbs(草药)in hot water and take baths in it. They use this medicinal bathing " to treat illnesses. Even now, many modern medical colleges in China teach this practice to their students.

Spoken traditions

Spoken traditions include tales, riddles and poems. Over hundreds of years, they prevent knowledge, social values and memories from dying. The tales of Dede Qorqud are an example a spoken tradition. In these tales,



1. central





6.to save



9.fifth 10.will be stolen


五、阅读表达 1. By the end of 2018. 2. Health education progessors.

3. Lonely, stressed and worried.

4. 3/Three

5.Their smartphone use and their feelings.

六首字母填空 1.Nearly 2.real 3. raise 4. solving/shown 5. adults 6. foolish 7. other 8. difficult

9. encouraged 10. enough


八、任务型阅读 1.469 2. provide 3. ancient 4. popular https://www.doczj.com/doc/a28399102.html,ing 6. know 7. help 8. treated 9. alive 10.filled

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