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The Analysis Of Pragmatic Failures

In Cross-cultural Communication


With the globalization of the contemporary economy and society, intercultural communication becomes more and more frequent. However, different cultural backgrounds lead to different language conventions and rules. That will cause misunderstanding even obstacles in the

cross-cultural communication. In order to avoid making ridiculous mistakes during communication, people should have cultural awareness and use the language appropriately to make the communication successful. That is the competence of cross-cultural communication. As we all know that through many years of English learning, most Chinese students may have little problem in grammar and vocabulary, but only a small proportion of them can achieve pragmatic competence. So it is necessary to know the pragmatic failures in the cross-cultural communication (Leech, G .N. Principles of Pragmatics [M]. New York: Longman, 1983: 32,150).

About the pragmatic failures, Chinese scholars have done much work and people can see such articles in various periodicals. It was first raised by Thomas, J.He believed that pragmatic failure in cross-cultural communication is a common phonemon( Thomas, J.(1983) Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure [J].Applied Linguistics, vol.4 (2):91- 112). However, those articles just discuss or list the different types of the pragmatic failures and analyze the possible reasons causing pragmatic failures.

The thesis aims to study problems and causes in cross-culture communication and this paper also analyzes the differences between English and Chinese learners and then offers some methods. This paper wants to provide the readers with some basic knowledge about the language difference between English and Chinese. Meanwhile, it can help the English learners to develop their language skills to make a smooth cross-cultural communication.

2. Problems in Cross-culture Communication

Scio-pragmatic failure occurs when people do not have fully understanding abou t each other’s cultural difference in cross-cultural communication thus they choose an improper way to communication with each other and cause a communication breakdown. Oatery (See Hu Wenzhong, 1998)said that the Chinese and western interpersonal relationships in eight aspects in daily conversations, namely, addressing people, initiating conversations, arranging a visit or activity ,conversation topics, greeting others , visiting someone, leave-taking, the use of “Thank you”

Now, I will choose some typical commonly problems to discuss in following parts.

2.1 Greetings

Conventional greeting is a kind of effective means to build and keep social contact. In China, most people tend to greet acquaintances or some people with "Have you had your dinner?" or "Have you eaten?" In Chinese opinion, the questions in the example are natural and normal, but if you greet the native speakers of English this way, it will certainly cause pragmatic failure and they might think you are inviting him to dinner. In fact, it is a Chinese way of greeting when people meet. It has the same meaning with the word "hello" in English. This phenomenon results in a question for us to think over: Why are Chinese are used to using "Have you had your dinner?" or "Have you eaten?” as greeting? Let me take for example the reality in China before Liberation. China was one of seriously famine-stricken countries in the world .Many people were starved to death at that time. Worse still, between 1959 and1961, about 40 million people died of starvation throughout China. That was really a hard time for the Chinese people. Later on, under the leadership of China's Communist Party, the agriculture improved, and people started to lead a happier life. So, Chinese people think that food is the foundation of life. So it is very natural for us to use "Have you had your dinner?" as a greeting. But when we greet English people, we should not act this expression; instead a "Hello" would do.

2.2 Compliments and Thanks

We can also see the cultural differences in view of the ways people express gratitude and compliments. Chinese value of politeness is different from foreign one.People in the West tend to

use their gratitude and compliments more than Chinese people, and the Chinese tend to accept thanks and compliments less directly and frankly than the westerners do. To English-speaking people, who is willing to use the remark like” Thank you" to accept the praise from other people. It is assumed that the compliment is sincere and that the praise is for some worthy achievement or things. Therefore, there should be no show of no pretended modesty,false humility. However, modesty is one of the traditional virtues for Chinese people. The customary response to a compliment would be to say that one is not worthy of the praise, or that what one has done is hardly enough. Acceptance of a compliment would imply lack of manners. So we should pay attention to the difference in accepting compliments and thanks.

2.3 Color Words

Though for people all over the world the colors are the same, different nations have different preference towards colors. In different culture, colors indicate different analogical meanings and associations, which are quite opposite sometimes. This difference will bring difficulties to two parties in understanding and communication . Some languages have only two color terms: black and white. The third term is red, if a language has three color systems. A term that may include yellow orange but that has a focal point very close to the “red” of English In add ition to the exact fact that different languages may have different divisions of color, different language showsl different color related association. For example, since he was made director, the company has been running in the black, instead of the red. In our traditional mind, black always represents something bad or inferior, while red means joy. However, in this example in the black means to make profit, and in the red means lose the money.

2.4 In other fields

Cultural differences can be embodied in many other fields. Such as religious beliefs, values, taboos, etc. In terms of religious beliefs, China is deeply influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism while US and some other western countries promote Christianity (Helen Oatey .The Customs and Language of Social Interaction in English). As for values, it is most evidently reflected in the attitudes towards privacy. In western countries where individualism is encouraged,

individual privacy is especially protected and respected by others. However, the concept of privacy is rather weak in China where collectivism is advocated. As for taboos, people who have just met each other for the first time would frequently touch on topics like age, sex, income, marital status which is regarded to be very impolite and offensive in western culture. Moreover, Chinese people created many idioms, some of which can be translated word-to-word into English, while some are not. For example, the idiom "挥金如土" is translated as "spend money like water". These are also caused by different cultures. If we do not take the different cultures into consideration, we are very likely to have pragmatic failures in cross-cultural communication.

3. Causes Of Pragmatic Failure

There are various causes of pragmatic failure. The main reasons may be: students’ inappropriate transfer of the mother language and students’ tendency of judging or interpreting behavior different from others according to their own cultural standard and the inappropriate teaching methods. Conflict of different value system and students’ insufficient exposure to the target culture as well as a lack of comparative studies of the two cultures can also lead to pragmatic failure. In the following parts,I just choose some possible reasons to be discussed.

3.1 Inappropriate Transference

Negative transfer of the mother language is the most important reason for pragmalinguistic failure (何自然、阎庄,1986(l): 52-57). EFL Learners transfer the linguistic pattern of their mother tongue into the target language which looks syntactically and semantically similar, but convey a rather many of the Chinese EFL learners’ errors result from the negative transfer of Chinese(Odlin, T. Language Transfer [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989: 7).Here is a typical examples for you. When a foreigner visited his Chinese friend, the Chinese host offered him a cup of tea and said, “Please have a cup of tea.” On this occasion, the foreign guest maybe thought his friend was insincerely. In English, “please,” means the speaker want to get benefits from the hearer. But in Chinese, we can use “请”( qing, please) both in offering and requesting situation to show politeness. And here in this situation, we should use “Would you like a

cup of tea?”So if we express our own method in a wrong way, it may cause some troubles.

3.2The Difference Of Society and Culture

Domestic researchers considered cultural difference as the primary factor leading to Scio-pragmatic failure .Moreover, according to Halliday, the outstanding English linguist, language is a social behavior and a form of behavioral potency. The whole social environment constitutes a cultural environment. Culture is just the behavioral potency which realizes the meaningful potency through linguistic form and the meaningful potency converts into vocabulary grammatical potency through linguistic system. We can also see that speech behavior is restricted by social culture environment to a great extent. If we always explain the verbal behavior of people from other cultures according to our own cultural standards, it will inevitably lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and even conflict.

Therefore, only paying attention to wording and phrasing, complying with grammatical rules and ignoring social and cultural differences are bound to result in pragmatic misuses and failures. We should emphasis the importance of society and culture and respect the difference.

3.3 Improper Teaching Techniques

It is easy to teach students some linguistic elements, but it takes much more efforts and time to convey how and when to use them appropriately. In teaching, we have many materials that emphasize language rules too much, but seldom strengthen the communicative functions. Much practice is often limited to syntactic considerations and phonological. Although students need to understand some pragmatic principles that charge the performance of speech acts in real communication, some teachers still teach students linguistic knowledge only. Due to using some inappropriate teaching materials, pragmalinguistic failure may occur. Look at these sentences patterns, such as “How old are you?” or “How much do you earn?”etc. Students are required to recite and use them as possible as they can. So, they have the wrong impression that when they meet a foreigner, after greeting, they should use expressions listed above to begin a conversation. In fact, they may touch some taboo topics for English native speakers. Violating a taboo can be quite offensive. Mentioning a certain topic in public would be shocking or cause strong


To reduce pragmatic failure, language teacher should develop students’ cross-cultural communicative competence, which sets new and higher requirements for both teachers and students. It is desirable for English teachers to be more learned in the areas of linguistics, literature, and criticism and so on.

4. Measures to Avoid Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure

The finally purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to communication with native speakers of this country. However, in China many learners think that learning a foreign language means learning the vocabulary and grammar of this country. Finally, more and more people are unable to communicate with the native sp eakers’ .Moreover,being deeply influenced by their native culture backgrounds, people communicate with their own cultural values, thinking patterns, communicative modes, and linguistic knowledge which lead to pragmatic failures. In that situation, people can neither correctly understand the intensions of other people nor appropriately convey their original thoughts. In intercultural communication, pragmatic failure’s frequent occurrence brings lots of obstacles of understanding each other which has a bad effect on communication .How can we reduce pragmatic failures in intercultural communication? Through the analysis above, I do believe that there are some methods for both EFL teachers and learners. As for teachers, they should teach cultural knowledge, teach with comparisons and teach in contexts. As for students, they should adjusting study attitude, update the schema storage frequently and broaden the general knowledge of both cultures. So we have to cultivate our communicative competence to avoid pragmatic failures in cross-cultural communication. So far, there is no systematic way of developing students’ cross-cultural communicative competence, but some possible solutions could be worked out (Stephen, C. Levinson. Pragmatics [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001).This chapter would like to make some suggestions on improving students’ cross-cultural communicative competence.

4.1suggestions for Language Teaching

As we have seen, the pragmatic failures taking place in all the cases could have been avoided i

f the non-native speaker had had a meta-pragmatic capacity. As Kasper & Schmidt (1996: 160) say "pragmatic knowledge should be teachable”. There are numerous studies that prove this is so and instruction helps language learners in acquirin

g pragmatic competence .This shows that teachers are so important for students to avoid pragmatic failures.So I am going to talk the teaching methods from the following aspects.

4.1.1 Teaching Cultural Knowledge

Nowadays, more and more EFL teachers find that a lot of Chinese students who get high marks in exam can not fully understand others or make him or herself fully understood when communicating with foreigners. That is to say, only charging vocabulary and grammar is far from a good English learner. Hu Wenzhong finds that cultural mistakes made them (native speakers) more uncomfortable than grammatical mistakes. So teaching cultural knowledge is also of great importance which has two functions: improving students’ cross-cultural awareness and developing students’ communicative competence. Teachers can pay more attention to the culturally-loaded words or expressions especially those which have no direct equivalents in Chinese, for example, the lost generation, Adam’s apple and so on. During te aching cultural knowledge, there are two principles: first, laying emphasis on cultural teaching is not to say that linguistic knowledge can be ignored. The teacher should balance both sides and make the linguistic content more closely to the practical use in daily life. Second, teachers should make cultural teaching nonjudgmental. We must realize, as Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres has once stated: all people have the right to be equal and the equal right to be different. We should respect cultural div ersity and never say that others’ culture is inferior or superior just because it is different from ours.

4.1.2 Teaching with Schemata Comparisons

Robert Labo points out that when the negative transfer happens during the foreign language studying, the learners are able to know the reasons of the problem through comparing the differences between two kinds of cultures. In short, only through comparing those two kinds of cultures, can students realize the differences. Comparative teaching way can work as the core of constructing culture schema structure and make the bring context into lovely. Through comparison and analogy that the relationship can be created between new information and original schema so

that students can know more about different cultural schemata. For example, when we come to western women’s social status, we can make a comparative study of the different aspects of educational background, political status, economic condition, etc. In western countries, especially in America the moral culture of equal rights has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. American women are not always passive, but usually active; they turn compliment into rebellion. While in China, ethics is an important part of China’s traditional culture. In traditional society, Confucianism, the mainstream of social consciousness, expects a woman just to be a good wife and a devoted mother. Through the comparative study, students can build a more comprehensive schema of women’s social status of both cultures which can promote mutual understanding.

4.1.3 Teaching in Contexts

Most English teachers in China still adopt the traditional language teaching method which considers forms and rules of language only but seldom concerns about how to use the forms and rules in the right place and at the right time. It’s better for teachers to create real contexts as much as possible during teaching. First, teacher should supply authentic teaching material. There is a joke I was told several years ago. Once, a Chinese student had an accident on freeway in America and fell off the cliff with his car. When the traffic police came and shouted: “How are you?” the student answered ,with no hesitation: “I’m fine. Thank you! And you?”. After hearing that, the police left and the student lost his life. The reason why the student make such a response is that almost all the answers in text book to that question “How are you?” is “I’m fine. Thank you! And you?” Though it is just a joke, it reveals the problem of our unreal, impersonal and inactive teaching material which is helpful to the study of grammar rules but harmful to the cultivation of students’ pragmatic competence. Under the current Chinese exam-oriented education mode, teachers put more emphasis on the result of written test. It is better to add t he test of students’ pragmatic competence. As teachers, it is impossible for them to choose textbook and change the test system. The effective solution they can adopt is to make good use of classroom teaching. They can make the teaching student-centered an d carry out various activities which are close to students’ lives and relevant to their interests at class. For example, role-acting ,speech contest, English debating and so on. It aims to arouse students’ initiative to use all the resources around them su ch as movies ,Internet, books,

from which students can get various contexts, So that students can construct real cognitive image schemata from muti-culture perspectives.

4.2suggestions for language learning

Since English is widely used in the fields of politics, commerce and culture, the right use of English is highly demanded in addition to the good command of English skills such as listening,reading,and,writing.Since,we,having understood the major causes to pragmatic failure in c ross-cultural,communication.In order to cultivate learners’ pragmatic competence, I shall discuss the following aspects to adhere to in the process of English language learning.

4.2.1 Adjusting Study Attitudes

Under the exam-oriented education mode, most Chinese EFL learners hold the view that the purpose of learning English is to master new words and grammar rules which can help them get high mark in examinations. The way they learn English is just reciting vocabulary and grammar rules as many as they can. But the ultimate goal of learning a language is to have the ability to use this language in communication in right places and at right times which needs both linguistic competence and communicative competence. According to Dell Hymes’ (1972) theory of communicative competence, students should pay attention to four aspects:

a. possibility: whether or not something is formally possible. It is concerned with whether a language permits a sentence as grammatically possible.

b. feasibility: the ability to produce sentences which can be understood by the human brain.

c. appropriateness: the ability to use correct forms of language in a particular situation.

d. performance: the fact that the utterance is completed. Linguistic competence is only a corner of iceberg. In order to perform like native speakers, all the EFL learners should first adjust their purpose of learning a second language and spare no effort to develop their communicative competenc


4.2.2 Updating the Schema Storage Frequently

According to J.Mandler ( Understanding Pragmatics [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1979), schema is just a cognitive structure including slots and default

values which are used for filling the slots. Whenever the slot is filled, a schema is formed. Due to the hierarchical feature of slot, schema is highly flexible. Whichever default value is modified, the stored schema should make some changes accordingly. With the more and more bodily interactions with the world, the default values are changing all the time. The process of acquiring knowledge in fact is a process of enlarging and updating the existed schemata. So the schemata stored in our mind are dynamic rather than static. For example, after seeing maple, the color slot of leave is turned from green and yellow to green, yellow and red. Due to the inadequate general knowledge reserve and limited pragmatic competence, the schema stored in mind can never be enough to satisfy our needs. Students should renew reserved schemata and construct new schemata so that the schema storage can be more substantial and comprehensive.

4.2.3 Improving the Understanding of Both Cultures

According to the analysis above, we know that pragmatic failure will occur when the interlocutors have no cross-cultural awareness which describes the sensitivity to the impact of culturally-included behaviors in various kinds of language use including communication. Valdes once states the four goals of cultural instruction:

a. developing a greater awareness of the target culture and a border knowledge about the target culture;

b. acquiring a command of the etiquette of the target culture;

c. understanding differences between the target culture and the students’ culture;

d. understanding the values of the target cultur


As we all know, language is not only a tool of communication but also a bridge which connects the native culture with the outer world. It helps us know almost every corner on the earth and at the same time, it provides a channel for other nations to have acquaintance with us, a great nation with long history. So during the second language learning process, students should consciously enlarge their cultural deposits of not only the target culture but also our own culture such as politics, religions, literature, values, conventions, and so on. By doing this, students can have the awareness of cultural differences and schema diversities so that they can activate the appropriate schema in real-context cross-culture communication.

5. Conclusion

As the globalization of world economy grows faster and the Internet tears down national boundaries, cross-cultural communication is becoming an indivisible part of our daily life. More research on cross-cultural communication. Pragmatic failure is urgently needed to explain and prevent communication breakdown in cross-cultural communication. In this thesis the author has attempted to do an analysis of this issue and come up with some suggestions for avoiding pragmatic failures in cross-cultural communication.

Analysis in the third chapter has shown us that the main causes of pragmatic failures are the lack of communicative competence. Communicative competence consists of grammatical competence and pragmatic competence. Though we can learn the grammatical rules of another language; we still need pragmatic competence in cross-cultural communication. For cultivating pragmatic competence we must first know and respect the fact that people have different cultures which will guide them to do things in different ways. A good attitude is the start for everything. Then we can have cultural training to help people to communicate more efficiently.

In intercultural communication, pragmatic failure’s frequent occurrence brings lots of obstacles of understanding each other which has a bad effect on communication. Since intercultural communication is an inevitable trend, research on pragmatic failure in intercultural communication has become a hot issue of both theoretical significance and practical value. The theoretical significance of this dissertation is that it has adopted a cognitive perspective of analyzing pragmatic failures in intercultural communication. This dissertation supplies some strategies for both EFL teachers and students to reduce or avoid intercultural communication pragmatic failures. It is the practical significance of this study. As for teachers, they should teach cultural knowledge, teach with schemata comparisons and teach in contexts. As for students, they should adjusting study attitude, update the schema storage frequently and broaden the knowledge of both cultures.

Due to the poor theoretical ability of the author and the complexity of this problem, thesis of intercultural communication pragmatic failure from the perspective of language learning and language teaching are far from being complete. And the analysis of nonverbal communication pragmatic failures is oversimplified. In the future, more advanced methods should be adopted to get the comprehensive level of Chinese EFL learners’ pragmatic competence, and more theories will be employed to analyze

this hot issue which may provide more solutions to reduce pragmatic failures as well as practical teaching methods to promote EFL students’ pragmatic competence.

Fortunately, it is good to see that more people have realized the importance of not being just grammatically competent. As more and more attention is paid to the communicative competence of speakers. We believe that the barriers of cross-cultural will be removed sooner or later.


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开题报告 跨文化交际的语用失误

中国矿业大学徐海学院英语专业 《英语学术论文写作》课程论文 姓名:____王鲁楠_________ 班级:_____英语08-1______ 学号:_____22080409______ 成绩:__________________ 2011.10

论文开题报告 论文题目:浅析跨文化交际中的语用失误 论文题目:Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Cross-culture Communication 一、本选题的国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势 1. 研究现状 珍妮·托玛斯(Jenny Thomas)于1983年在其“跨文化语用失误”一文中首次提出了语用失误这一概念,这位跨文化语用失误及其原因的研究奠定了理论基础。 在国内,黄次栋于1984年在其“语用学与语用错误”一文中首次提出了“语用错误” 这一概念。他详细阐述了十种不同的语用错误并且指出,在语言学习中,除了要掌握必要的语言知识如语音、语法和词汇等外,更重要的是要掌握不同的语言形式在不同的非言语语境和背景下的运用。他还建议有关言语行为中的语用内容应该增加到大纲中并且教授给学生。自此,有关语用失误的研究日益增多,许多学者对学习者语用失误的原因进行了研究并提出了有效的减少语用失误的方法。 继黄次栋之后,何自然、严庄(1986)对语用失误进行了量的研究,他们以托玛斯的理论为基础,在其“中国学生在英语交际中的语用失误——汉英语用差异调查”一文中,对来自几所大学的79名语言教师在语言语用失误和社交语用失误方面的汉英差异进行了调查,结果表明,导致语用失误的主要原因是语言语用知识和社交语用知识的缺乏。由此,他们提出,在课堂教学中应该教授跨文化语用知识。他们的研究对于探索和分析中国学生的语用失误有极大的实际价值。他们所采用的问卷也为今后语用失误的研究提供了一个范例。此外,王得杏(1990)将语用失误的研究扩展到跨文化语用失误的研究,并且解释了语用失误的原因及减少语用失误的方法。贾玉新(1997)提出,正是文化差异导致了行为举止、问候语、社会价值观等方面的差异。戈玲玲(2002)认为语用失误主要源自不同的文化背景,由于说话者与听话者分别来自不同的文化背景,他们之间会产生不恰当的言语行为。戴伟栋、张红玲(2002)指出,文化迁移时导致语用失误的主要原因之一,他们认为,文化迁移有两种,即表层结构迁移和深层结构迁移,语言语用失误属于表层结构迁移,而社交语用失误属于深层结构迁移。郝钦海(2000)的“广告语言中的跨文化语用失误”中提出造成语用失误的主要原因是违反了语用规约。在语言教学方面,鲁健冀(1993)提出,我们在教学中总是忽略了汉语语言原则的变化,从而导致了母语的迁移,因此母语迁移特别是母语的负迁移是产生语言失误的主要原因。 2.水平和发展趋势 内学者对语用失误分别进行了质的研究和量的研究,并从不同的角度分析了语用失误产生的原因,综上所述,造成语用失误的主要原因有文化差异、文化迁移、母语迁移和违反语用规约,众多学者研究了言语行为或非言语行为方面的语言失误及其成因,他们的研究具有非常重要的实用价值。对语用失误成因的分析也非常具体,但是关于语用失误原因的分析仅限于文化方面,这些研究也没有同时对言语行为和非言语行为两方面的语言失误进行具体的研究,很多学者只是对语用失误原因进行了分析,



跨文化交际语用错误举例 【篇一:跨文化交际语用错误举例】 周刊2007年第33期先,人们认为,任何语境中词汇单位的正确意义,一般应当是最符合该语境的那个意义。就某种意义而言,这也就是说,对词语的正确解释即是给整个语境贡献最少的那个解释。换言之,正确的理解最大限度地依赖于语境,而不是最大限度地依赖于孤立的词语。我们如果根据词语的运用范围,即根据词汇单位所处语境的种类来研究词汇意义,便能清楚看到上述原则的重要意义。”(谭载喜,p148)我们如果脱离了词语的上下文语境,只根据只字片语而想当然地按照自己的主观臆念得出结论,恐怕往往会与原文作者本义相悖。 参考文献:〔1〕ApproachestoTranslation〔M〕.PeterNewmark,2001ShanghaiForeignLanguageEducationPress.〔2〕CambridgeInternationalDictionaryofEnglishWithChi-neseTranslation〔M〕.英汉双解剑桥国际英语词典.ShanghaiFor-eignLanguageEducationPress.〔3〕CollinsDictionaryofTheEnglishLanguage〔M〕,PatrickHanksEditor,CollinsLondon&Glasgow.〔4〕LongmanDictionaryofContemporaryEnglishNewEdition(English-Chinese)〔M〕.TheCommercialPress&AddisonWesleyLongmanChinaLimited.1998.〔5〕TheNewOxfordDictionaryofEnglish〔M〕.Ed


浅析跨文化交际中的语用失误及其应对策略 摘要:在跨文化交际时,人们常常理所当然地以本国文化的准则和社会规范作为解释和评价别人行为的标准,这种行为往往造成交际失败,并产生较大的心理或社会距离,即造成语用失误。可以说,语用问题已经成为跨文化交际顺利进行的障碍。本文就语用失误中社交语用失误的概念、产生的原因以及应对策略三个方面进行简单的分析和概括,希望能使更多人了解语用失误,并且能正确应对语用失误以实现交际顺利进行。 关键词:跨文化交际;语用失误;文化背景;社会环境 Abstract: In cross-cultural communication,people often take it for granted that their own cultural norms and social norms as the standard to explain and evaluate the behavior of others.This behavior often causes communication failure and larger psychological or social distance.We can say that pragmatic problems has become the obstacle for the smooth intercultural communication.In this paper,I analysis and summary the pragmatic failure simply in three aspects that concept,reasons and strategy.Hope to make people know more about pragmatic failure and fix them to make Communication go smoothly. Key word: cross-cultural communication;pragmatic failure;cultural background;social environment


跨文化交际中的语用失误 【摘要】近年来,随着跨文化交际的日趋频繁,语用失误引起了国内外语言学家及语言教师的重视。国内外很多学者及语言教师对语用失误进行了一系列的研究。绝大多数的研究都是在英国语言学家Jenny Thomas的研究成果之上进行的。然而,她对语用失误的定义及分类忽略了非语言交际而存在的局限。本文希图借助有限的篇幅阐释不同层次上的语用失误,分析其理论根源,并在此基础上提出帮助学生克服语用失误的教学上的对策 【关键词】语用失误跨文化交际外语教学启示 一、引言 随着社会语言学和语用学的建立和发展,语言学研究的中心逐渐从结构转向功能,从孤立的语言形式转向社会环境中的语言形式,作为语用学及其分支学科———语际语用学的热点话题,语用失误引起了国内外语言学家及语言教师的重视,在近二十年的时间里,国内外许多学者及语言工作者对语用失误进行了一些研究,已经有很多成果问世。但是,笔者发现到目前为止对跨文化交际语用失误的研究存在以下问题。1.对“跨文化语用失误”的界定不清。2.研究的对象局限于jenny thomas所提出的语用语言失误和社会语用失误。这种二分法有很大的局限性,因为她忽视了交际中的一个重要反面,既非语言交际的语用失误。3.重语际语用失误语料,轻语内语用失误语料的收集。4.多描述不同文体中语用失误的实例,缺少对语用失误产生根源的探讨。 本文重点研究中国人在用英语进行跨文化交际中实现其言语行为是出现的语用失误,对其进行归类并分析所收集的实例,找出产生失误的原因,分析其理论根源,语用失误的研究可以让我们了解其本质,提高对英语学习者语用能力培养的重要性和紧迫性的认识,并在此基础上提出帮助学生克服语用失误的教学上的对策。 二、跨文化语用失误界定及分类 语用失误(pragmatic failure)这一概念是英国著名语用学家Jenny Thomas 1983年在“跨文化交际中的语用失误(Cross cultural Pragmatic Failure)一文中提出的。她将其定义为“the inability to understand what is meant by what is said”

广告语言中的跨文化语用失误 — 简析中译英广告语言


广告语言中的跨文化语用失误—简析中译英广告语言 郝钦海(首都经济贸易大学英语教研室北京100026) 【摘要】广告语言业已成为一种应用语言, 有其独特之处。随着我国经济的发展, 出口广告已 成为开拓海外市场的一个重要手段。但由于中、英文化形态、风俗习惯及认知模式的巨大差异, 跨文 化语用失误时有发生, 成为中国产品打入国际市场的一大障碍。本文通过对一些中译英广告的分析 发现, 造成语言语用失误和社会语用失误的主要原因是: 语用规则、语用意义的迁移、泛化, 联想意 义的差异, 禁忌语的误用及对两种文化不同价值观的忽略。 【关键词】认知; 语言迁移; 语用失误; 广告 【Abstract 】A dvertising is som ething that w e are all expo sed to and it is likely to affect mo st of us in different spheres of our lives. This paper focuses on cro ss2cultural p ragm atic failure in hybrid advertising language,nam ely the English advertisem ents translated from Chinese.W ith the help of Thom as’ distinction betw een p ragm alinguistic failure and sociop ragm atic failure, based on Ro sch’s p ro to type theo ry, L akoff’s t heo ry of cognitive models, and the theo ry of language transfer, the p resent study is undertaken by exp lo ring the reasons fo r cro ss2cultural p ragm atic failure, revealing that the sources of failure are traced back to the transference of p ragm alinguistic and sociop ragm atic rules of mo ther tongue to the target language. Far from a detailed study as it is,it is really an attemp t in this sphere. It goes w ithout saying that such a research is of p ractical significance to peop le engaged bo th in business and linguistic circles,and to our country’s econom ic developm ent as w ell. 【Key words 】cognitive;language transfer;p ragm atic failure;advertisem ent 广告既是一种经济发展的产物, 又是一种文化采用新颖的词语和独特的表达方式, 故意违背格赖 的产物。由于广告所具有的特殊功能, 广告语言作为斯的会话准则, 即方式准则, 不仅吸引顾客的注意 一种实用文体, 在词汇、句法、修辞等方面都独具特力, 强化广告的影响, 而且新颖奇特的方式常令人一点。正因为这些独特之处, 长期以来, 广告语言一直时费解, 读者不免会停下来加以思索, 从而领悟其意 是许多语言学家从不同角度研究的对象。境, 并参与产品消费。Geis(1982) 发现广告英语用间 L eech (1966) 开了系统研究广告文体语言特征接隐晦的手法, 寓意言外, 妙用歧义。与此同时, 随着之先河, 从文体学的角度对广告语言中的各种语言社会语言学的不断发展, 广告语言也一度成为社会 特征进行系统研究, 展示和评述了最有意义的语言语言学研究的重要课题。社会语言学不仅研究其语 特征。之后, 许多学者开始对广告英语的词汇、句法言特征, 而且更注重广告在社会环境中的运用, 揭示和修辞特征加以研究。随着语用学理论的兴起, 许多了决定广告形式的社会因素及广告所产生的社会影 语言学家又用语用学的观点探索广告语言的特征。响。许多中国学者也从不同角度对广告语言进行了


The Analysis Of Pragmatic Failures In Cross-cultural Communication 1.Introduction With the globalization of the contemporary economy and society, intercultural communication becomes more and more frequent. However, different cultural backgrounds lead to different language conventions and rules. That will cause misunderstanding even obstacles in the cross-cultural communication. In order to avoid making ridiculous mistakes during communication, people should have cultural awareness and use the language appropriately to make the communication successful. That is the competence of cross-cultural communication. As we all know that through many years of English learning, most Chinese students may have little problem in grammar and vocabulary, but only a small proportion of them can achieve pragmatic competence. So it is necessary to know the pragmatic failures in the cross-cultural communication (Leech, G .N. Principles of Pragmatics [M]. New York: Longman, 1983: 32,150). About the pragmatic failures, Chinese scholars have done much work and people can see such articles in various periodicals. It was first raised by Thomas, J.He believed that pragmatic failure in cross-cultural communication is a common phonemon( Thomas, J.(1983) Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure [J].Applied Linguistics, vol.4 (2):91- 112). However, those articles just discuss or list the different types of the pragmatic failures and analyze the possible reasons causing pragmatic failures. The thesis aims to study problems and causes in cross-culture communication and this paper also analyzes the differences between English and Chinese learners and then offers some methods. This paper wants to provide the readers with some basic knowledge about the language difference between English and Chinese. Meanwhile, it can help the English learners to develop their language skills to make a smooth cross-cultural communication. 2. Problems in Cross-culture Communication


跨文化交际中的语用失误现象 当说话人在言语交际中使用了符号关系正确的句子,但说话不合时宜或者说话方式不妥,表达不合习惯等,具体说来,说话人不自觉地违反了人际规范、社会规约,或者不合时间和空间,不看对象,不顾交际双方的身份、地位、场合等,违背目的语特有的文化价值观念,使交际行为中断或失败,使语言交际遇到障碍,导致交际不能取得预期效果或达到完满的交际效果, 这种性质的错误就叫语用失误(何自然,1997 ;钱冠连,1997 ;张巨文,2000)。英国著名语用学家Jenny Thomas (1983) 对语用失误进行了定义和分类, 认为语用失误是不能理解话语的含义,并指出语法错误从表层上就能看出,受话者很容易发现这种错误。这种错误一旦发现,受话者便会认为说话者缺乏足够的语言知识,因此可以谅解。语用失误却不会被像语法失误一样看待。如果一个能说一口流利外语的人出现语用失误, 他很可能会被认为缺乏礼貌或不友好。他在交际中的失误便不会被归咎于语言能力的缺乏,而会被归咎于他的粗鲁或敌意。托马斯将语用失误划分成两类: 一类是语用—语言失误(pragmatic linguistic failure),指非本族语者赋予某个话语的语用意义不同于本族语者通常赋予该话语的语用意义,或者是非本族语者把母语的言语行为策略不适当地迁移到目的语中来而产生的语用失误。另一类是社交—语用失误(socio pragmatic failure) , 指的是交际中不了解或忽视交际双方的不同社会文化背景差异而造成的语言表达失误。出现社会语用失误的根源在于不同的文化对什么是得体的语言行为看法不同。一般说来, 语用—语言失误往往比较容易得到人们的理解和谅解,他们通常被认为是说话人在语言知识和语言能力方面有所欠缺。然而,社交—语用失误却不为人们所接受或者忍受,它所产生的负面影响是难以消除的,因为它触及到了英语国家人们的个人隐私权和文化禁忌等。以下将通过中西方文化差异对比实例阐述跨文化交际中的语用失误现象,并指出原因。 称呼语是言语交际活动的第一关。在各种交际策略中,称呼是最基本的策略。中国文化非常重视宗亲关系。因此,中国人习惯将亲属称谓用作社交称谓, 即把亲属之间的称谓用于非亲属之间, 甚至用于称呼陌生人, 从“爷爷”、“奶奶”、“叔叔”、“阿姨”到“哥哥”、“姐姐”不一而足。这种称谓可以使交际双方感到亲近,缩小双方的距离,从而收到较好的交际效果。此外,在中国文化中,人们出自礼貌,在相互称呼时仍按“上下、贵贱、长幼”有别的传统来体现人际交往中的社会关系。而在西方国家,尤其是英美国家,强调人的独立性、平等性,这种称谓是不能接受的。一般来讲, 西方人际交往相互“称呼”时, 起决定作用的是社会地位, 即交际双方是“权势”关系还是“平等”关系。如果是“平等”关系, 双方将会采用对等交流,即双方都用名字称呼对方;但当交际双方之关系是一种“权势”关系,


跨文化交际中委婉语的语用失误分析 摘要:委婉语不仅是一种语言现象,也是一种文化现象,是文化在语言当中的一种体现。委婉语的产生有其特定的历史、文化背景,它就像一面镜子,折射出不同的民族心理和文化差异,反映一个民族独特的价值观、道德观和伦理观。本文在跨文化交流方面对委婉语进行了探讨,分析了委婉语在跨文化交流过程中出现语用失败的现象及其原因,提出了一些策略和方法,旨在帮助英语学习者更好地了解委婉语,正确地使用它们,从而达到顺畅沟通、交际的目的。 关键词:委婉语,跨文化交际,语用失误 委婉语,就是“采用比喻、借代、迂回、戏谑、抑己等手法来表达那些使人惹人不快、招人厌恶和恐惧的事物;用温和,婉转的说法来替代粗俗、生硬和直率的说法。” (刘纯豹,2001:2)。因此从委婉语表现出强大的交际功能,在某种意义上,它是人际关系的润滑剂。Enright (1985:29)指出:“没有委婉语的语言将是一种有缺陷的交际手段”。委婉语在人类的社会活动、人际交往中起着不可替代的作用。 在跨文化交际的过程中,人们很容易用自己民族的思维方式,价值观念来理解对方的话语,形成母语负迁移的现象,最终造成语用的失误。Miller 曾经指出在交际中,误解的产生很多时候并不是听不懂或者是不能解释所听到的话,交际困难的出现很大程度上是我们没有听出说话者的弦外之音。语用的失败就是“听者没有理解说话者所说的具体的意思”。换句话说语用的失误是听者没有明白说话者的真正的意图。因此就会造成交流的失败(何自然,1988:22)。 1. 跨文化交际中由于使用委婉语造成语用失误的现象 1.1语用语言失误 语用语言失误是指说话人所采取的语言表达方式不符合该语种的本族人的语言习惯,误用了其他语言的表达方式;或者说话人不懂得外语的正确表达方式,把母语的语言习惯套入外语表达之中而产生的一些语用失误。例如,教师每年新生入校第一节课都要纠正互相问候的称呼语,即由“Good morning, teacher 改为“Good morning,Miss/Mrs/Mr +姓”。在这里导致语用失误的原因就是套用母语形式,把母语的言语行为策略不适当地迁移到目的语中去了。 1.2社交语用失误 社交语用失误指交际双方因不了解彼此的文化背景差异,导致语言形式选择的失误。它与谈话双方的身份、语域、话题熟悉程度有关。如果说语用语言失误是语言障碍所导致,那么,社交语用失误则更多是属于谈话双方的文化背景和社交准则存在差异造成的。例如一位中国游客在火车上遇到一位美国人便热情攀谈起来:A:How many children do you have? B:I don’t know.中国传统文化注重人的社会性,讲究互相关心、互相体谅,朋友之间几乎无话不谈,而英美人则以自我为中心,


本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目The Enlightenment of Critical Period Hypothesis on Children’s English Teaching 姓名学号 院系外国语学院专业英语 指导教师职称 年月日

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, who has given me constant and valuable advice, read my drafts through meticulously and offered incisive comments on them. Without her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. My sincere gratitude also goes to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help, which are indispensable to the completion of this thesis. I also give my hearty thanks to all my classmates who have offered generous help and useful suggestions in the process of writing this thesis. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works have been referred to in this thesis.




跨文化交际中的语用失误 Pragmatic Failures in Cross-cultural Communication 李静 内容提要 英语学习者由于对英语国家的社会文化背景了解不足或者不能够结合语境来理解和使用英语,以致于在跨文化交际中产生语用失误,也就是措辞不得体甚至不达意。近年来,大学英语教学在强调提高学生的语音、词汇、语法等语言能力的同时,也强调要培养学生在理解和使用英语时避免语用失误,从而进行成功有效的交际的能力。 关键词:语用失误社会文化背景语境英语教学 一、什么是语用学和语用失误? 语用学是研究语言的理解和使用的学问(Leech, 1983)。要做到真正理解和恰当使用一门语言,仅仅懂得构成这门语言的发音、词汇和语法是不够的,我们还必须懂得这种语言与理解和使用这种语言的人之间存在的各种各样的关系,如词语的字面意义和隐含意义、话语的前提、说话人的意图、听话人的推断等等。跨文化交际是指不同文化背景的人们之间的交际(Gudykunst,1984)。跨文化交际中有一个语言的文化差异的问题。对于中国学生来说,英语是外语,说英语时往往或多或少的带有汉文化的痕迹。英国语言学家Malinowski(1923)说过,语言深深地扎根于文化现实和该民族人民的习俗,语言研究离不开这一宽泛的语言行为环境。要理解语言,归根到底要懂得说话人的整个文化背景和生活方式。因此我们在英语使用

过程中,无论是正确的理解或正确的表达,都需要注意根据语境选择合适的词句。而在语言理解和表达中非常重要的一个问题就是要防止语用失误。 语用失误不是指一般的语言运用错误,而是说话不合时宜的失误,或者说话方式不妥、表达不合习惯等导致交际不能取得预期效果的失误。Thomas(1983)认为,在言语交际中,说话人没能根据标准的语法模式去遣词造句,他顶多被认为是“说得不好”(speaking badly);但没有按照语用原则来处理话语,他就会被认为是“表现不好”(behaving badly)。Thomas将语用失误分为两类:语用语言方面的失误和社会语用方面的失误。 二、语言语用方面的失误 常见的语言语用方面的失误包括以下几种情况: (一)违反操英语本族人的语言习惯,误用了英语的其他表达方式。比如在应答“Thanks a lot, that’s a great help.”时说:“N ever mind.”或者“It doesn’t matter.”在汉语中,人们对感谢的应答通常是“不客气”、“不用谢”,它们相应的英语表达应该是“Don’t mention it.”或者“You arewelcome.”。而“Nevermind.”和“It doesn’tmatter.”经常用来回复对方表示的道歉。(二)将汉语的表达方式直接套用在英语上。例如一位外国朋友说:“My motheris seriously ill.”比较恰当的反应应该是:“I amverysorry tohear that.”而不是把汉语的表达“别担心”直接套


跨文化语用失误研究综述 一、引言 改革开放以来,我国与世界各国之间的接触日益增多,交流日益密切。在接触和交流的过程中,不论人们愿意与否或是否意识到,他们的行为都带来了信息和文化方面的交流。语言交际是跨文化交际的一种重要形式,但会因为思想不同、文化差异、信息不对等以及对外语知识掌握不够等原因,造成言语上的误解与冲突,因此关于跨文化语用失误的研究不可避免地成为语用研究的重要课题。 英国语言学家Jenny Thomas于1983年首次提出语用失误,迄今已有35年。30多年来,在Thomas理论的指导下,我国学者纷纷著书立说,结合学生学习的外语实际情况,通过丰富的实例,证实了语用失误的存在,并在失误成因、研究方法、外语教学等方面进行了研究,使这一领域的研究呈现出繁荣的景象。尤其是在进入二十一世纪后,我国学者质疑、发展原有理论,扩大研究范围,使跨文化语用失误研究更加丰富。 1983年,Thomas(1983:91)在她的论文“Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure”中第一次提出语用失误(pragmatic failure)这一概念,指出语用失误是“the inability to understand what is meant by what is said.(不能理解话语的含义)。”并指出,语用失误可分为语用语言失误和社会语用失误。语用语言失误指学习者将本族语对某一词语或结构的意义套用到外语造成的失误。社会语用失误指由于文化背景不同而犯的语用错误,牵涉到哪些话该讲,哪些话不该讲,人际关系的远近,人们的权利和义务,与人们的价值观念有关。Thomas的这篇文章为分析语用失误和文化迁移构建了理论框架,这也为国内语用失误研究开辟了道路。那时,学界对“pragmatic failure”这一概念已熟悉并接受,但对这个概念的翻译却有不同的看法。黄次栋称之为“语用错误”,何自然称之为“语用失误”,而学界最终采用的是“语用失误”。 二、中国跨文化语用失误研究现状 1.初步发展阶段(1984—1999) 这一阶段,国内学者主要是对语用失误的理论进行介绍以及对中国学生在学习英语过程中的语用失误的原因及对策进行探讨。这一时期,中国知网中以“语用失误”为关键词的文献共有117篇,其中刊登在核心期刊与CSSCI上的有21篇。 (1)语用失误理论介绍 20世纪80年代,在Thomas的影响下,国内学者开始对语用失误进行研究。黄次栋和何自然最先将语用失误理论引入国内。之后,钱冠连(1997)也在他的著作《汉语文化语用学》中对于语用失误提出自己的见解。 作为最早关注语用失误的国内学者,黄次栋(1984)通过对十个语用错误的实例分析,得出中国学生在用英语进行言语交际的过程中产生失误的原因是对交际的非语言环境、背景知识不了解,没有用语用规则指导言语行为以及不重视语言形式在各种非语言环境下的不同应用功能。为此,他提出了英语教学与选材方


[摘要]近年来,在经济全球化的大趋势下,中美两国在经济、政治、文化等各个领域的交流越来越密切。在中美跨文化交际过程中,交际双方由于忽略语言本身的文化内涵会引起各方面的语用失误。本文试图在分析中美跨文化交际中的语用失误现象的基础上,探讨造成中美跨文化交际中语用失误的原因并提出了避免跨文化语用失误的一些建议。 [关键词]跨文化交际语用失误文化差异 一、概述 近年来,在经济全球化的大趋势下,中美两国在经济、政治、文化等各个领域的交流越来越密切,这种跨文化交流对两国的社会进步起着巨大的推动作用。然而中美两国存在着不同的历史发展道路、不同的环境和不同的文化底蕴,人们在语言、文化取向、价值观念、社会规范、思维方式等方面的差异会导致他们在跨文化交际中众多方面的差异,在使用英语交流时很容易出现彼此不理解、误解和曲解的现象,即跨文化交际中的语用失误现象,从而对中美跨文化交际产生极大的负面影响。 二、跨文化语用失误 (一)跨文化语用失误的定义 跨文化语用失误是语用规则迁移所造成的。具体说来“说话者不自觉地违反了交际规范、社会规约,或者不合时间空间、不看对象,不顾交际双方的身份、地位、场合等违背目的语特有的文化价值观念,使交际行为中断或失败,使语言交际遇到障碍,导致交际不能取得预期效果或达不到完满的交际效果,这样性质的错误就叫语用失误”(孙亚,戴凌,2002)。跨文化交际中的语用失误的确会给不同文化背景的人们在跨文化交际中的相互理解与社会生活中的和睦相处带来极大的困难,使人们烦恼苦闷,或彼此误解,极大地阻碍了跨文化交际活动的开展。 (二)跨文化语用失误的分类 根据英国语言学家Jenny Thomas的观点,跨文化语用失误可以划分为语用语言失误和社交语用失误两大类。Thomas 认为,语用语言失误的出现通常是由于外语学习者违背形式恰当的原则,使用错误的语言形式去表达正确的言语行为;或者是由于说话者或听者错译语言信息,尤其是错解话语的语用之力,即不知道言语行为想要表达的意图或修辞力量。有时语用语言失误还指学习者将本族语对某一词语或结构的语用意义套用在外语上造成的语用失误。 社交语用失误,它是因为语用者的社会文化能力欠缺所致,是语用者未能完成交际场景所要求的言外行为造成的。具体说来,社交语用失误是由于文化背景不同而犯的语用错误。牵涉哪些话该讲哪些话不该讲、人际关系的远近、人们的权利和义务等,与人们的价值观念有关。如下面这个例子,一个中国学生相向他的美国美国朋友借一本杂志看看,他这样说到“Would you be kind enough to lend it to me?”。中国学生这种过分礼貌的借书方式一定会让他的美国朋友感觉很不舒服,因为这种请求方式只适用于不熟悉的人或比自己地位高的人。但是在这位中国学生希望把自己摆在一个较低的位置来表达对朋友的尊敬。典型的中式思维和美国的社会价值观碰撞,从而产生社交语用失误。 三、中美跨文化交际语用失误的原因 中美跨文化交际语用失误主要是中美两国文化的巨大差异造成的。这主要表现在以下几个方面。 (一)价值观的差异 首先,中国文化崇尚群体主义,而美国文化重视个人主义。在中国,人们之间相互信赖,团结合作,当个人利益与集体利益相矛盾时,集体利益总被放在首位。在衡量个人行为时,往往是以道德为准则,注重和谐、群体利益的维护,这与美国文化截然不同。美国人崇尚个人自由,强调个人潜力的发挥,个人目标的实现及个人利益的追求,第二,中国文化主张尊卑有别,长幼有序的等级观念,美国人更注重个人权益,追求人人平等。在中国,晚辈见到




韩山师范学院 号: 2010141424 英语 2013年12月25日 学生姓名: 林彦芹 (系): 外国语言文学系 目: 浅析跨文化交际中的语用失误 指导教师: 邹慧民

业论文(设计)开题报 1.本课题的目的及研究意义 1.目的 在经济全球化的今天,国际交流日益频繁,尤其是跨文化交际也越来越频繁,在跨文化中的语用失误越来越受到人们的重视。本文旨在从实践活动中找到跨文化交际中语用失误的一般性并加以分析,最后加以对实践的指导。 2.意义 语用失误是异文化冲突的常见现象。本选题重点关注日常交流中常犯的跨文化交际语用失误的现象,从语用学的角度出发,在跨文化交际的视野里, 界定和区分了语用失误的几种类型,通过列举语用失误的案例,分析了语用失误的种种原因,以期在注重语言知识的同时,避免不必要的交际失当,从而提高英语综合应用能力。在日常对话中避免语用失误的出现,即使出现也能很快认识并改正。 2.本课题的国内外的研究现状

语言原则的变化,从而导致了母语的迁移,因此母语迁移特别是母语的负迁移是产生语言失误的主要原因。 3.本课题的研究内容和方法 1.研究内容 Abstract 摘要 Content Chap ter 1 In troducti on of p ragmatic failure 1.1The concept of p ragmatic failure 1.2The type of p ragmatic failure Chap ter 2 Po te ntial sources of p ragmatic failure Chap ter 3 The an alyses of the cases of the p ragmatic failure 3.1The cases of the p ragmatic failure on the p remise of relative theories 3.1.1The case study on the premise of the theory of the illocutionary act 3.1.2The case study on the p remise of the theory of conv ersatio nal imp licature 3.1.3The case study on the p remise of the releva nee Theory 3.2 Other cases of the pragmatic failure in the cross-cultural com muni cati on Chap ter 4 The feasible measures for the p ragmatic failure Chap ter 5 Con clusi on Bibliogra phy 2.研究方法 本文采用案例和实例分析的方法,根据基本的原理,联系实际,旨在从实践活动中找到跨文化交际中语用失误的一般性并加以分析,最后加以对实践的指导。 4.本课题的实行方案、进度及预期效果 1.实行方案: 通过实践活动进行探究。 运用案例和实例分析等补助研究。 2.进度: 2013年12月:完成开题报告 2014年1月:收集、整理材料、进行访谈调查 2014年2月:撰写论文、完成初稿 2014年3月到4月:修改论文,定稿 2014年5月:进行论文答辩 3.预期效果: 本选题重点关注日常交流中常犯的跨文化交际语用失误的现象,在已有研究基础上,从语用学的角度出发,在跨文化交际的视野里,界定和区分了

Pragmatic Failure in the Cross-Cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误

跨文化交际中的语用失误 Pragmatic Failure in the Cross-Cultural communication

摘要 随着中西方文化交流的不断扩大,跨文化交流越来越被人们所重视。不同语言和文化背景的人们要成功的进行交流,语言是基础,但语言背后的文化同样重要,有些英语学习者由于对英语国家的社会背景了解不足或者不能够结合语境来理解和使用英语,以至于在跨文化交际中产生语用失误(也就是措辞不得体,甚至不达意)。如果语言不负载文化就只能是一堆毫无意义的符号。成功的跨文化交际不仅需要外语学习者具备良好的语言能力,而且也需要了解中西文化之间的差异,所以增强对目的语的领悟力是必要的。另一方面,由于语用失误反映出语言学习者的文化背景与价值取向。也就是说,语言学习者是受不同文化背景和价值取向的影响而出现语用失误的,人们不能过于武断的指责或给它贴上“错误”的标签。其中一种理智的解决办法就是通过教师的引导,教授他们一些文化知识帮助学习者了解目的语文化与其母语文化的区别。比如英语词汇包含它特有的文化信息,像有关数字、颜色的词语在语用意义上与中文不同。此外,教师应该让学生重视委婉语和禁忌语的使用。 语用失误会造成交际双方间的误解,甚至可能被对方误认为是刻意冒犯,或缺乏教养的表现,结果造成交际中断。这就是语言教师为什么经常告诫学生要尽量避免语用失误的原因。尽管我们可以避免一些语用失误,但由于母语文化对人们根深蒂固的影响,人们在跨文化交际中不可能完全避免语用失误。所以我们应该客观的对其进行评价。 关键词:语言; 文化; 语用失误; 跨文化交际

ABSTRACT Since China’s opening to the outside world,the cross-cultural communication becomes more and more important, if people of different languages and backgrounds want to communicate smoothly ,language is the foundation ,and the culture which attached to the language is also important. Some English learners often make the pragmatic failures (expressing improperly or even making the wrongly understanding) during the cross-cultural communication, for they have little knowledge about the English speaking countries’ background or they don’t know how to understand and use English according to the conversation context. If the language separated from culture, it is just a pile of symbol. The successful cross-cultural communication needs not only the foreign language learners to have the good ability of using language but also to know the differences of the Chinese and western cultures. So a good understanding of the target language is necessary. In the other hands, because of the pragmatic failure is a kind of phenomenon which reflects the language learners’culture background and value orientation. That’s to say, language learners make the pragmatic failure for they have different culture backgrounds and value orientation, people should not over criticize it artificially or affix to a stag “wrong” on it. One of the sensible ways to solve this problem is to guide the learners by teachers, they can help students to distinguish their mother language’s culture from the target language’s culture by teaching some knowledge of culture. For example, English vocabulary contains its own culture, like the vocabulary about number and color have different pragmatic meanings in Chinese. Furthermore, teachers should ask them to pay attention to the usage of the euphemism and the taboo. Pragmatic failure may cause misunderstandings between the speakers. Sometimes it even regarded as one who offending others purposely or lack of self-cultivation. As a result, the communication will be interrupt. That is why language teachers usually warn the students of avoiding the pragmatic failure as possible as they can. Although people can avoid some pragmatic failures, because of they are influenced by their mother language’s culture so deep-seated, it is

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