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托福口语万能例子|托福口语万能套用例子 环保 There’s no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and grass in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and noisy pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution. 健康运动: Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension. 听音乐: Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. When I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life. 合作与交流: To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success. 增长知识和扩大视野: It may be helpful to increase our knowledge and widen our views. 减少压力: The games can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on.Through the game, the adults can feel easy and happy. 发展能力:Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are


托福口语万能模板 为了让同学们在短期内可以快速有效地提高托福口语水平,天道小编特为大家搜集整理了一些比较常用、比较简单的托福口语模板,希望对大家复习托福口语备考有所帮助。 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that…


托福口语练习法总结 根据2020年名校托福成绩要求中能够看出,很多学校对于托福口语成绩是有极大的要求的,整体来看,我们需要在托福口语考试中考到25分才能自由的选择自己理想的学校。在这样的形式下,考生就需要在平时更努力的练习托福口语!那么在练习托福口语的时候我们应该遵循哪些步骤呢?该怎样练习才能在托福口语考试中取得高分呢?前程百利小编认为,采用五步就能够解决了! 托福口语练习第一步:熟读OG ,了解托福口语题型 知己知彼,百战不殆。建议考生在备考之前熟读OG 。OG是大陆地区考生能够获得的由ETS发布的托福考试辅导书。书中对于考试形式,内容以及评分标准都做了全面清楚的解释。OG 能够为我们备考托福口语指引方向,提升备考的实力! 托福口语练习第二步:采用准确的材料练习 了解了托福口语考试到底怎么出题之后,接下来,我们就应该选择一些材料练习!但是自从托福考试进入中国以来,市场中的各种托福口语备考资料可谓是琳琅满目,并不是每一份资料都是能够有效协助大家备考,提升托福口语成绩的。建议考生选择血统纯正的由官方出版的一些资料,用以协助自己了解托福口语出题规律,掌握托福口语答题技巧。关于备考资料的选择详见托福口语备考资料对比 托福口语练习第三步:针对不同的题型总结答题方法和练习技巧 1.独立口语:针对托福独立口语部分重视考生使用具体的事例表达自己观点的特点,建议考生在练习独立口语的时候,把练习册中的独立口语部分按照话题实行归类,然后根据不同的话题准备相对应的万能理由和备考素材,并且训练自己在45秒的时间内充分表达自己观点的水平。点击托福黄金口语80题中的万能理由能够查看托福独立口语部分的万能理由,想要了解托福独立口语部分答题时间安排技巧请点击托福口语应该这样把握答题时间


2020年12月12日托福口语真题 Task1 Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist’s , businessman’s or government official’s? Task2 If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home? Task 3 阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1):学生有能够选择 的时间表;原因2):课程有折扣。 听力:女生同意该建议,因为1):很多人是一边工作一边上课, 平时没有时间,只能晚上上课,现在多了选择;2)现在学费很贵,有了 折扣肯定能吸引充足的学生。 Task 4 阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理 听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20美元,结果被刷了30美元。他非要把那10美元要回来,但那个地方很远,后来有个朋友告诉他有个咖啡馆试喝咖啡给10美元,他去试喝了。 Task5 问题:女生要组织camp trip,但是气象预报说天要下雨。方案1:改时间,但是他们已经改过一次时间了,期末忙再改就没人去了。方案2:带防雨设备坚持去露营。 Task6

热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics。 一是热带雨林环境温暖潮湿,很多植物不能在干冷的地方生村。举例某种植物遇到冷天就会死,但在亚马逊的热带雨林就能够活。二是茂密的树叶会遮住阳光,形成canopy,所以地面环境和高处环境大不相同,举例一种植物能够在高处生存,但落到地上就会死。

新托福口语黄金80题万能理由之五:get emotional ...

新托福口语黄金80题 万能理由之五:Let’s get emotional… 我们先来看下上期的答案: (第36题Do you prefer to do your school assignments alone or in a group? Doing school assignments with a group is much better than doing them alone It is more interesting ?doing assignments alone is very bor ing ?exchanging ideas and feelings is full of fun ?it also enhances your relationships with peers 点评:中国古话说的好,“独乐乐不如众乐乐”。当题目里面出现“一和多”的对立时,我们一般总是选择“多”,而其中的一个强大理由就是full of fun或more interesting. (第42题Would you like to attend class regularly or study by oneself? I think attending class regularly is much better than self-studies Interacting with people is fun ?can often have interesting discussions ?have frequent face to face communication ?make friends with classmates or even professors 点评:该题的出题和解答思路跟上题完全一样,仍旧是选择“多”的模式,在分支理由中加入了face to face communication和make friends等思路。 (第60题Describe the favorite room in your home. The living room of my home is my favorite as there is a big TV screen


托福黄金口语80题 十大万能理由 在这里,小站为您从托福80道真题中,精心挑选和梳理了十个万能话题理由,其中囊括了几乎所有常规题和部分另类题。考生如果掌握了这串十个万能理由的钥匙,就如同拥有了打开任意门的钥匙,使你通往一扇又一扇高分的大门。 让我们启程吧。 key 1 Expand one’s horizons Money, finance & economy Learn, learn, learn Let’s get emo-tional Relax, enjoy & have fun! Communi -cation Efficient Health & wealth Trait & characte-ristic Interest

Expand one’s horizons 作为万能理由的第一条,expand one’s horizons 绝对是不二之选。究其本意,单数的horizon 是“地平线、海平线”的意思,但复数的horizons 却指人们的“眼界、视野”,其英文注释为: the limit of your ideas, knowledge and experience. 略举一例:World history is a course of study that will broaden your horizons. 先看一个具体话题:(第10题)Should the government help to build more museums and theaters?下面以表格的形式给出其中一条主干理由:enrich citizens’ cultural life(丰富公民的文化生活) 再来看一个抽象话题:(第3题)Describe the most important decision in your life. 面对此类抽象话题,最佳策略是将其具体化,变成一个日常生活话题,然后套用我们的万能理由。 请看思路:I think I made the most important decision of my life by choosing to go to an overseas university after graduation from high school in China.而其中的一条主干理由就是:it will broaden my horizons. 参见下表: 作为主干理由的broaden my horizons,之下又有made friends, travelled a lot, visited various museums等三条分支理由,思路极易展开。


托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分 享 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享, 综合独立题型都能用,今天给大家带来了托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享 综合独立题型都能用,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享综合独立题型都能用 托福口语科技类话题万能理由分享 1、convenient 人类世界的大部分发明 2、efficiency 科技发明也让我们的生活变得更加便利,比如以前人类想要获得知识需要查很多很多的书籍,但是现在只要在网络上一搜索就可以找到自己想要的答案。科技确实让我们的学习和工作变得更加高效,便利。 3、健康

健康可以分为身体健康和精神健康。任何新事物的出现都是一把双刃剑,有好的地方就一定会有坏的地方。科技的发明在提高人类的工作效率的同时,也对人们的健康造成了一定的影响. 4、personal relationship 科技最终要在人类的世界中应用,只要有人,就会有人际关系,科技在实际生活中也会影响人与人之间的关系 5、money 钱涵盖了我们生活中的方方面面,科技产品的出现也不例外。如果想要使用科技产品,首先需要购买,而且科技产品的出现也促使了很多物品进行价格的调整。 托福口语:还在很土的用I think表达“我认为”? I maintain/suppose/presume that 除了think这种老旧的说法,我们可以用 maintain/suppose/presume 这几个词来替换。这些词都比think、believe 要高大上、听上去有质感,比如: I presume the director has already heard the news. 我觉得主管已经知道这件事了吧。 I maintain that all workers should be treated eqaully.


美联英语学习网 托福口语考试第一题万能模板 口语第一题万能模板:分2部分。 注意,有下划线的地方是说明,你可以按照题目的要求换一些词。 第1部分,用于应对以下情况:1,最美好的回忆。2,最喜欢或最有用的一本书。3,最喜欢或对你最重要的一样物品(说你喜欢的物品是一本书,然后就可以转成2 3,一次旅行。4,最想去的地方(注意这里需要转换时态到将来时。5,朋友。。。。。还有其他题目可以用这个模板,大家自己拿口语80题都套套,这就不一一举例了。。 Well, 题目,First , It always reminds me of some sweetest memories I spent in a small town in Santa Babara. It has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It also reminds me of some friends in this small town, one of them give me a book, I cherish this book as much as I cherish our friendship. 第2部分。 用于应对以下情况: 1,空闲时间去干什么。2,周末和朋友一起去哪玩。。。。。自己套吧。。。 Well, 题目,First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It is a very free place where I can choose my favorite dishes, I can have some red, warmming wine twinkling in a beauty glasses. The aroma and flavor filling my sense.


人 1.mother*father(characterastic) Personally speaking,i hold the idea that a good parent should have these qualities--patience,well-known and warm-hearted. Foremost of all,there is no doubt that every one will make some mistakes in his childhood,but a patient mother will help him be aware of his mistakes and correct them. In addition,child can get knowledge from his well-known father. At last,a warm-heart e d mother can set a good example to her lovely children. 2.Teacher In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. At First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向)and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. T eachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way."

托福口语 task1-2编话素材

破解IBT口语-23分并不难--序II 在介绍人任何经验以前,先给大家推荐一篇文章,偶是考前10天才看到,有点想见恨晚的感觉,也就是这个帖子,让偶领悟到如何准备口语效果最佳。 请大家好好看,领悟这个帖子的精华所在,这个时间绝对值!看完了偶再介绍技巧! 下面转贴:(非原创) IBT speaking一二两题.无敌备考方法 新托福口语考试得分标准:1、详细具体(空洞的形容词和花哨的句子结构不能得分); 2、词汇量和语法现象要多; 3、规定时间内尽可能说快一点,多说一点,信息量大一点。我深深知道,中国学生缺乏大量的语言环境,在仅有15至30秒的准备时间内要完美地做到以上几点是基本不可能的。那么,是不是要因为一个小小的口语考试就放弃我们在加州的阳光下散步的权利呢?当然不会!既然我们不能依赖于现场发挥,那么就通过平时准备,来大大减低现场难度要求。其核心就是——转化原则,在充分领会转化原则的基础上,创建自己的模板,以精练的短句,清楚的表达为主。独立口语题破解(一)新托福口语考试六大题型中的第一种是问你一个你所熟悉的人、地方、东西或者事件,你需要在回答中加入具体的例子和细节。例如:choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.请看看袁老师是怎么回答的:Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.看出奥妙来了吗?1、这个回答里用的全部是口语化的短句子;2、按照正常的语速念完正好是45秒;3、出现了多处非常具体的细节描写(得分点)。 4、有景色描写(beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friends),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。然后让我们换一个题目再看看,还是用这些内容怎么进行回答:题目:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship. 在新托福口语考试中,本题型能够涉及到的范围包括事件、人物、具体事物和地方。现在你是不是开始有些明白为什么袁老师的口语模板要包括人、地、事、物?然后我们再来做一些难度稍大的扩展训练,看看转化原则是怎么能够帮助我们以不变应万变。Choose an important event/ a favorite activity and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a little trip to France. I like this trip so much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this little trip to France also because there


万能理由整理 1. 便宜 It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However , if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hate squandering, so I think it is awesome. 2.省时 It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge. 3.交朋友 I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence 4.好环境 The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face. 5.减压


托福口语七大高分技巧 托福考试当中,如果要说最难的一个考试部分,那么很有可能大部分 考生都会选择托福口语考试了。托福口语获得高分也是最困难的,那么托 福口语真的就没有办法了吗?为大家整理里一些提分技巧,给大家参考, 大家一起来看看吧! 托福口语七大高分技巧 提分技巧一、 用简单的英文介绍事物,美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方这个 事物是什么。我们的课本尽管词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停 留在一个水平上。中国人常说Where is the book(这本书在哪儿)?很少 有人说What is a book(书是什么)?而美国的小学生就开始问:What is the book?这种Where is the book只是思维的描述阶段。但是我想连大 学生也很难回答What is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学 生表达思想的技巧。 技巧二、 同种事物不同的表达方式,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那 就要训练How to explain things in different ways。一种表达方式对 方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达方式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法

也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思 维层面的替换。比如,I love you(我爱你)。按我们教学的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么区别。 这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维。这种替换句子的基本结构 没变,我听不懂I love you,肯定也听不懂I love her。如果替换为I want to kiss you,I want to hug you,I will show my heart to you 等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方那就是爱,这样一来对方 可能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。也就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一 个意思,或者一个表达式对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达, 直到对方明白。 技巧三、 要有猜测能力,为什么美国人和美国人、中国人和中国人之间交流很 少产生歧义?就是因为他们之间能“猜测”。雅托邦教学不提倡“猜测”,但觉得猜测对学好美国口语很重要。在交流中,有一个词你没有听懂,你 不可能马上去查字典,这时候就需要猜测来架起一座桥梁来弥补这个缺口,否则交流就会中断。中国人学习口语讲究背诵,背句型、背语调,结果就 是很多人讲口语的时候讲着讲着眼就开始向上翻,实际上是在记忆中寻找 曾经背过的东西。如果他要是能猜测的话,我想也就不会出现这种现象。 技巧四、 在考试时事先在头脑中形成类似于写作一样的大致的逻辑框架,对开 头(提出论点),中间(发展论点),结尾(总结或辨析)进行规划,所以考生 只要应用了逻辑的开头,以此来陈述立场,进而发展论点,就会让考官形 成思想认同,觉得你这个人逻辑思维到位,从而取得高分。 技巧五、


2015托福考试口语万能模板汇总 下面整理出来的万能例子。大家参考一下哈。 1.便宜 It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However, if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hate squandering, so I think it is awesome. 2.省时 It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge. 3.交朋友 I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence 4.好环境 The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face. 5.减压 I can totally relax in such a......environment. I’m fascinated to the harmonious atmosphere which could make me refreshed and energetic. I can release my emotion, pressure and uneasiness through it, and have a temporary escape from the academic workload such as assignment and examination. 6.健康


新TOEFL口语考试六道题答题要点回顾 - JERRY TASK 1 1. 一个主题句, 三点理由, 其中一点举例 2. 举例越具体越好 3. 题目分话题准备, 每类话题准备一个45秒回答(录音) TASK 2 1. 主题句表明倾向性, 两点理由充分陈述 2. 其中一点理由加上A/B的优缺点比较 3. 结尾的Conclusion sentence 不强求 TASK 3 1. 针对问题活用三段式的模版, 可以从模版第二段开始 2. 阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2 3. 半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落 TASK 4 1. 用两三句话概括阅读段落大意, 重点在听力段落描述 2. 阅读段落中有提到, 但没有在听力段落中提到的信息, 答题时可以不说 3. 半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落, 引用概念即可 TASK 5 1. 前半部分问题的描述尽量使用模版, 节约时间 2. 前半部分陈述问题+描述方案时做到条理清晰, 描述准确 3. 描述个人倾向意见时不强求两条理由, 一条充分描述即可 TASK 6 1. 描述清楚起因,结果和主要特征最重要 2. 两个例子或试验分别进行描述, 说完一个再说另一个 3. 尽量不要遗漏重要信息, 同时注意不要张冠李戴 1. 描述人物: 1) What are the characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and examples to support your responses. 答题要点: 重要的是描述出2-3个优点, 并加上举例. 类似题目: *What are the characteristics of a good neighbor/parent/teacher/classmate/roommate? * Describe the characteristics that make a person successful 2) Which person has helped you the most to get where you are today, and how has he or she helped you? 答题要点: 重要的是描述出2-3件事情, 越具体越好 类似题目: * What person who is alive today would you most like to meet? * Describe a person you admire most and explain why you admire this person? * What famous person would you like to visit for one hour and why?

托福独立口语万能理由梳理 拿不到高分算我输(一)

托福独立口语万能理由梳理拿不到高分算我输(一) 在托福独立口语部分很多童鞋经常会出现面对考题抓狂沉默的窘境,要么就是没有思路不知道该说点啥,要么就是有了思路却不知如何说,其实,不管是哪一种情况导致我们在考试时“开不了口”,我们都可以通过日常素材积累循序渐进实现托福口语提分。针对于托福独立口语的论证铺陈部分,我们给大家梳理了一些万能理由,大家可以在备考过程中先熟悉再多加应用训练应用,托福实考时才能真正做到心中有数。 1. 便宜 It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However, if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hate squandering, so I think it is awesome. 2.省时 It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge. 3.交朋友 I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversationnot only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personalitysuch as honesty and persistence 4.好环境

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