当前位置:文档之家› 完整版)最新外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结




e back。In this unit。we XXX.

We toured the city by bus and taxi and had quite a good time。The city was full of interesting sights and sounds.

XXX。there was nothing to worry about as long as we made

it to our n.

During our trip。XXX in having a great time.

At the end of the term。we attended the school-leavers' party and said goodbye to our friends。We look forward to XXX.

In Unit 2.we learned how to express our care and concern for others。We said goodbye to our friends and reminded them to take care.

XXX。such as getting on and off a vehicle。We were afraid that we might miss our。but we made it safely.

Overall。we had quite a good time and learned a lot during

our travels.

1.XXX about something。Be afraid to do something means

to be scared to do something。


something ready means to prepare something。For example。"Please have your tickets ready."

4.Have a look at something。take a look at something。and look at something all mean to XXX

5."I see the problem" means to XXX the problem。"I see" means to understand。

6."How stupid of me!" means to express self-criticism for XXX。


8."That's very good of you" means to express XXX's kindness。

9."Go past" means to move past something or XXX

10."Be surprised to do something" means to feel amazed or shocked about doing something。"Be surprised at something" means to feel amazed or shocked about something。

11."Take off" means to remove something。The opposite is "put on." "Take off" can also mean to depart。as in "The plane will take off soon."

Module 2: XXX

Unit 1: They Don't Sit in Rows

1.What are English schools like?

What is the weather like today?

2.A little earlier。much better.

3.Dress XXX.

4.Sit in groups instead of rows.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/a019204631.html,e the sports ground.

6.Enjoy playing sports.

7.One day in the past or future.

8.Play with friends.

9.Mean to do something or imply doing something. Unit 2-Unit 3: What Do I Like Best About School?

1.What do you think of。

2.How far is it from here?



Module 3 Life Now and Then

Unit 1 XXX

XXX that people work hard to earn a living。However。

there are differences een how people work now and how they used to work.

In the past。people used to work longer hours than they do now。They worked six or seven days a week and sometimes even worked at night。Nowadays。people usually work five days a week and have weekends off。They also have a limited number of working hours per day.

There is less fear of getting ill now because people have better living ns and medical care。They also take XXX。In the past。people did not have access to good medical care and did not do much exercise.

People used to do things differently in the past。For example。they used to travel by horse or on foot instead of by car or public XXX。They also used to do XXX.

Suppose that you had to work like people did in the past。You would have to work longer hours and do more manual labor。That's why people appreciate the modern way of working.

XXX。there are still many people who work in XXX.

Above all。people should take care of their health and well-being。They should take breaks and do exercise regularly。If you feel unwell。you should seek medical advice.

To sum up。people work differently now than they used to。It is XXX and to take care of our health and well-being.

Unit 2-Unit 3: I Believe Life is Better Today

I believe that life is better today than it was in the past。People have more opportunities and access to resources that were once XXX all one's life。people can now enjoy new XXX cold or in the summer heat。people can still live comfortably with the help of modern XXX.

XXX element in a happy family。Mothers play an essential role in raising XXX。many mothers go out to work and have a

full-time or part-time job to afford to buy the things they need。What's more。mothers can still be happy and glad to do what they do。even if they are busy with work.

XXX in today's world。people have XXX make a difference and play a role in making the world a better place。With a good n。people can learn how to XXX speaking。people are more satisfied with their lives and have a better quality of life than in the past.

Module 4: XXX

When walking in areas with falling stones。it is important to pay n to your XXX。Always set off or start out with a group of people and be mindful of the risks.

Unit 2-Unit 3

It is suggested that we keep the camp clean。We should make a XXX to do so。Whenever we see any trash。we need to pick it up and dispose of it properly。We must be careful with the fire

and make sure it is completely out before leaving.

We should stay close together and not wander off on our own。If someone does get lost。we need to look out for them and help them find their way back。It is XXX walking in the woods and watch out for any dangerous animals.

To start with。we need to set up our tents and make sure they are secure。We should also gather firewood and start a fire to keep warm。But we must be careful not to start a fire that is too big and could cause harm.

In the middle of the night。we need to be quiet and not make any noise。If we need to use the bathroom。we should do so quietly and not wake anyone up。We should also be careful not to hurt ourselves while walking around in the dark.

When it is time to leave。we need to make sure everything is packed up and the campsite is clean。We should double-check that we have not left anything behind。Then。we can close up our tents and go off on our way.

Finally。we should always remember to look out for each other and help each other out。The three of us can work together to make XXX.

3.We need to put up a tent before it gets dark。If we don't。we'll have to sleep in the open。(建议搭起帐篷)

Before it gets dark。we should XXX。we will have to sleep outside.

4.XXX from a long way away。(描述远处的鸟)

From a long distance。I XXX.

5.Let's tidy up the room before our guests arrive。(建议整理房间)

Before our guests arrive。let's clean and organize the room.

6.We need to reach out to those in need and offer our help。(呼吁帮助他人)

It's essential that we extend a helping hand to those who are in need.

7.As we hiked deeper into the woods。we found a piece of wood that we could use for our fire。(描述在树林里的经历) While trekking through the dense woods。XXX piece of wood to use for our campfire.

8.Every time I see him。he makes me laugh。(频繁发生的事情)

Each time I XXX。XXX.

9.When I heard the news。my blood went cold。(描述惊恐的感受)

Upon hearing the news。a chill ran down my spine.

10.All the food in the fridge has gone bad。(描述食物变质)

XXX the fridge have XXX.

11.I like all the colors except for yellow。(表达喜好)

I have a fondness for all colors。with the n of yellow.

12.The table is made of wood。(描述物品的材质)


13.We must wake up to the XXX(呼吁意识到问题的重要性)


14.To save water is to save lives。(表达节约水的重要性)


15.Please pass on the message to him。(传递信息)

XXX the message to him.

16.We need to work hard in order to achieve our goals。(表


XXX objectives。we must put forth our best effort.

17.The concert was amazing。At the same time。it was also very loud。(描述不同的感受)

The performance was incredible。yet it was also extremely loud.

18.XXX is known as the queen of pop。(描述某人的称号)

XXX pop music.

19.As a XXX。I am XXX' XXX(表达责任)

As an educator。I have XXX.

Get off the sofa!

Thanks to the new health care program。we can XXX medical n.

To keep fit。it is important to step by step require XXX.

Don't miss your chance to catch up with old friends。It's always nice to show them what you've been up to.

There he is。Here comes the bus。Don't worry。if you miss it。another one will come along soon.

Nothing us happened。but we had to call off our plans for the day.

In the future。XXX rapid pace.

It'XXX to have an agreement to do something before making any major ns.

If you have an accident。XXX.

Be careful not to fall over or fall off anything。It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Remember。the same rules apply to everyone。regardless of their background or status.

Module 6E: XXX

Unit 1: When is the School-Leavers’ Party?

The school is going to hold a school-leavers’ party XXX。the party has been chosen to be held on the last day of school。The teachers have asked the students to help with the ns for the party。They have also asked the students to bring some food to share with everyone.

Some students XXX。XXX。Some students have been asked to bring drinks。and others have been asked to XXX have asked the students not to bring any nuts。as some students are allergic to them.

The students are very excited about the party and are thinking about what to wear。They want to look their best and be in good health for the party。Some students have put on weight recently and want to lose weight before the party。They plan to XXX.

The teachers have also reminded the students to be careful during the party。They should not drink too much and should not

eat too much either。They should also think about their r and not

do XXX.

Overall。the school-leavers’ party is going to b e a fun event。The students are looking forward to it and are showing an interest

in the ns。They have been planning for the party for the past couple of months and are excited to see it finally happen。From time to time。they talk about the party and smile from side to side.

However。some students are also XXX up too late and being in pain the next day。They are also worried about the dangers of smoking and have decided to say no to smoking。They know that thousands of people have died from smoking and do not want to take that risk.

In n。the school-leavers’ party is a special n that the students have been looking forward to。They are excited to be a part of it and want to make it a memorable event。They are ready to have fun。but also to be responsible and make good choices.

XXX used for most Western dishes。When dining out。a server will usually bring the utensils to the table and serve the food。At the start of the meal。the utensils are placed on either side of

the plate。and at the end of the meal。they are left on the plate。

XXX in that they are used to pick up food。but they are different in shape and size。Knives and forks are used for cutting and spearing food。XXX。

Knives and forks are made with us materials。such as metal

or plastic。They can also be made of or from different materials。depending on their origin。For example。a knife made in Japan may be made of different materials than XXX。

These utensils XXX。and are used for most meals。They are not only used in restaurants。but also in homes and other settings。

When dining with knives and forks。it XXX and help oneself to the food。This is known as self-service or XXX or drinks.

Module 7 English for You and Me

Unit 1: Have XXX Corner?

1.Making progress in something means to improve in that area。For example。"I have made great progress in maths this year."

2.Achieving XXX it。For example。"She achieved her dream of XXX."

3.Anyway means regardless of what has been said before。For example。"I don't really like that restaurant。but anyway。let's go there tonight."

4.Spoken English refers to the language spoken out loud。while written English refers to the language written down。English-XXX.

5.Keep doing something means to continue doing it。For example。"I will keep practicing my English every day."

6.Having fun means to enjoy oneself。For example。"We had so much fun at the party last night."

7.Continuing to do something means to keep doing it。For example。"I will continue to study English even after I finish this course."

8.You mean is used to XXX saying。For example。"You mean I have to finish this project by tomorrow?"

9.XXX is used to express a us belief that may have been proven wrong。For example。"I thought he was coming to the party。but I was mistaken."

10.Including means to have something as part of a group。For example。"The package includes a free gift."

11.Don't need to do something means it is not necessary to do it。For example。"You don't need to XXX party."

Unit 2-Unit 3: We all own English.

English is a language that belongs to all of us。We all own it。When we speak to someone。we use English to communicate。At the same time。we can help someone with their English。With their help。we can improve our English skills.

In the future。XXX language。From now on。we should focus on learning and using English in our everyday lives。This

will help us grow as XXX with people from all over the world.

English is used as a common language in many countries。It

is a language that is owned by everyone。not just native speakers。If we work together and help each other。we can all improve our English skills and use it to communicate with people from different XXX.

Growing up。we learn to use XXX of a whole。When using ns as a subject。we should make sure that the verb agrees with the

noun that follows it。For example。one fifth of the water is dirty。and three fifths of the students in our class are girls.

There is a good XXX why is that it is a common language

that is used by people all over the world。By learning and using English。we can communicate with people from different countries and cultures.

People XXX.

We all know the importance of learning English。as it is a XXX.

As time passed。XXX.

Together with other valuable resources。the small country is rich in oil.

Even though it was raining heavily。we still had a great time

at the party.


完整版)外研版英语九年级下册知识点总 结 Module 1: XXX Unit 1: XXX the City by Bus and Taxi 1.e back。It's great to have you here again. 2.The trip wasn't bad。it was XXX. 3.The city was full of interesting sights and sounds. 4.XXX than we expected to. 5.Because of the rain。we had to change our plans. 6.We flew back to our hometown after the trip. 7.We arrived a bit late。but it wasn't a big problem. 8.XXX. 9.XXX see. 10.We took a boat to reach our n and had a lot of fun. 11.We toured the city by bus and had a great time. 12.We decided to go for a walk and explore the city on foot. 13.XXX it rains.

14.At the end of the term。we will have a school-leavers' party. 15.There is nothing to worry about。everything is under control. 16.As long as we XXX。we will be fine. 17.We are all looking forward to our next trip. Unit 2: It's a Long Story 1.We said goodbye to our friends and thanked them for the wonderful time we had together. 2.Take care and stay in touch。We will miss you. 3.We got on the bus and found our seats. 4.I'm afraid that we might miss the train if we don't hurry. 5.XXX for the show to start. 1.XXX. 2.XXX item. 3.I understand the issue now. 4.How foolish of me to make such a mistake. 5.Hold on for a moment.


完整版)最新外研版英语九年级下册知识 点总结 e back。In this unit。we XXX. We toured the city by bus and taxi and had quite a good time。The city was full of interesting sights and sounds. XXX。there was nothing to worry about as long as we made it to our n. During our trip。XXX in having a great time. At the end of the term。we attended the school-leavers' party and said goodbye to our friends。We look forward to XXX. In Unit 2.we learned how to express our care and concern for others。We said goodbye to our friends and reminded them to take care.

XXX。such as getting on and off a vehicle。We were afraid that we might miss our。but we made it safely. Overall。we had quite a good time and learned a lot during our travels. 1.XXX about something。Be afraid to do something means to be scared to do something。 2.XXX。 something ready means to prepare something。For example。"Please have your tickets ready." 4.Have a look at something。take a look at something。and look at something all mean to XXX 5."I see the problem" means to XXX the problem。"I see" means to understand。 6."How stupid of me!" means to express self-criticism for XXX。 7."XXX。 8."That's very good of you" means to express XXX's kindness。 9."Go past" means to move past something or XXX


最新外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地 10. have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 quite a / an + adj. + n. = a very adj. + n. quite a nice boy = a very nice boy 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 Unit 2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重care for:喜欢care about:关心 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物 3. get on 上(车)get off 下(车) 4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. take one’s seat就坐;坐某人的座位 5. have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好Please have your tickets ready.请把票准备好。 6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物 7. I see the problem. 我发现问题了。I see. 我明白了。 8. How stupid of me.!我真笨!= How stupid I am! How + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人因做了某事而显得怎样 How careless of you to make this mistake. 9. wait a moment 等一会儿for a moment 一会儿at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s/ That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。It’s kind of you to help me with the work.


最新英语外研版九年级下册知识点总结大全 最新英语外研版九年级下册知识点总结大全 作为一名九年级学生,即将面临中考的挑战,掌握英语外研版九年级下册的知识点对于提高英语成绩和应对中考至关重要。本文将为大家详细总结该教材中的重要知识点,帮助大家更好地备考。 一、动词时态和语态 1、一般现在时:表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态,常与always, usually, often等时间状语连用。 2、现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或状态,常与now, at present 等时间状语连用。 3、一般将来时:表示将来要发生的动作或状态,常与tomorrow, next week等时间状语连用。 4、现在完成时:表示已经完成的动作或状态,对过去发生的事情进行总结或结果进行描述。 5、被动语态:表示动作或行为的承受者,动词形式需要根据主语的人称和数进行变化。 二、句型结构

1、陈述句:表示陈述一个事实或观点,主语和谓语之间没有疑问或否定。 2、疑问句:表示提出疑问或询问信息,语气上包含疑问或不确定。 3、否定句:表示否定某个事实或观点,使用否定词或词组。 4、祈使句:表示命令、请求或建议,常以动词原形开头。 5、感叹句:表示强烈的感情或感叹,常以what或how开头。 三、词汇用法 1、名词:表示人、物或概念,可以分为普通名词和专有名词。 2、动词:表示动作或状态,需要根据主语的人称和数进行变化。 3、形容词:修饰名词,表示人或物的性质或特征。 4、副词:修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示动作发生的方式、程度或时间。 5、代词:代替名词、形容词或副词,起到连接上下文的作用。 6、介词:表示时间、地点、方向等关系,常与动词连用。 7、冠词:用于名词前,表示特指或泛指。 四、语法知识


九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 Unit 2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重care for:喜欢care about:关心 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物 3. get on 上(车)get off 下(车) 4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. take one’s seat 就坐;坐某人的座位 have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好Please have your tickets ready.请把票准备好。 6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物 7. I see the problem. 我发现问题了。I see. 我明白了。 8. How stupid of me.!我真笨!= How stupid I am! How + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人因做了某事而显得怎样 How careless of you to make this mistake. 9. wait a moment 等一会儿for a moment 一会儿at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s / That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。It’s kind of you to help me with the work. 2). 若形容词仅仅是描述事物, 不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价时,用for sb.,这类形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous等。It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 11. go past 经过 12. sb. be surprised to do sth.某人惊奇做某事sb. be surprised at sth.某人对…感到惊奇 to one’s surprise 令人惊奇的是in surprise 惊奇地, 是副词性短语,修饰动词 13. take off 脱下(反义词) → put on穿上take off 起飞 14. make sb. / oneself + adj.(形容词) 使某人/某人自己怎样The news made her happy. 15. make sb./oneself done (heard /understood)使某人/ 某人自己被(听见/ 理解)The teacher made himself understood in class. 16. It’s a long story. 说来话长。(口语) 17. 1) offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 2) provide sb. With sb. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows. 1. What is…like? …是什么样的?/…怎么样?What are English school like?英国学校什么样?What’s the weather like today? 2. a bit /a little/much/even + 形容词或副词的比较级 a little earlier much better 3. wear a jacket and tie 穿夹克衫系领带 4. sit in rows 坐成排 5. sports ground 运动场 6. Enjoy /like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 7. one day 某一天(过去/将来) 8. Play with 和…玩


外研版九年级英语下全册知识点精讲 资源目录 Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi Unit 2 It’s a long story. Unit 3 Language in use Module 2 Education Unit 1 I hope we can have a match with them Unit 2 What do I like best about school? Unit 3 Language in use Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1 Life is better today than in the past. Unit 2 I think life is better today. Unit 3 Language in use. Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones. Unit 2 we must keep the camp clean. Unit 3 Language in use. Revison A Module 5 Look after yourself Unit 1 We’d better get you to hospital. Unit 2 Get off the sofa!

Unit 3 Language in use. Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When is the school-leavers’ party? Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food. Unit 3 Language in use Module 7 English for you and me Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner? Unit 2 We all own English. Unit 3 Language in use Module 8 My future life Unit 1 Here’s to our friendship and the future Unit 2 You only really lose if you give up! Unit 3 Language in use Revison B 课本注释语法单词表 扫码看全册教学视频 或复制打开网址: /v/box-16_38_44_80 知识点总结 Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满 =be filled with 4. over = more than 超过、多于 5. because of 名词/代词/动名词 because 句子


外研版九年级下册知识点总结Travel Module1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.Unit1 还不错2. not bad 1. wele back 欢迎回来 超过、多于4. over = more. than =be filled with 3. be full of 充满句子because +/动名词 5. because of + 名词/ 代词不可数名词a bit of + 7. a bit late 有点晚 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港 9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地 have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 环城市旅行to the city n. the city v. = take a tour 11. tour 最好做某事13. had better do sth. 去散步12. go for a walk 没什么担心的15. nothing to worry about 14. at the end of the term 在学期末毕业生晚会party 17. the school-leavers'只要; 和……一样长16. as long as 做)某事(18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望s a long story.' It Unit 2 向某人问候say hello to sb. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别 关心care about: care for:喜欢 2. take care 多保重 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物下(车)get off 3. get on 上(车)4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心 害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.


外研版九年级下英语知识点 在九年级英语学习的最后阶段,同学们将进行更深入的学习, 掌握更多的知识点。下面我将为大家总结外研版九年级下英语的 一些重要知识点,希望能够帮助大家更好地掌握英语。 一、语法知识点 1. 时态:九年级下册英语将进一步学习完善各种时态的用法。 除了已经学习过的一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时外,还 将学习现在进行时、现在完成时、过去进行时、过去完成时等复 杂时态的用法。 2. 被动语态:被动语态是九年级下册英语的一个重点,同学们 需要学会如何转换主动句为被动句,并正确使用被动语态。 3. 名词性从句:名词性从句在九年级下册英语中也是一个重点。同学们需要理解名词性从句的种类和用法,并掌握如何正确使用 名词性从句。

4. 宾语从句:宾语从句是九年级下册英语的一个难点。同学们 需要学会如何将复杂的宾语转化为宾语从句,并正确运用。 5. 定语从句:定语从句在九年级下册英语中也占有一定的比重。同学们需要了解定语从句的特点和用法,并通过大量的练习来提 高自己的运用能力。 二、词汇知识点 1. 同义词和反义词:同义词和反义词是九年级下册英语中的一 个重要知识点。同学们需要掌握一些常用的同义词和反义词,并 灵活运用在写作和口语表达中。 2. 词汇积累:九年级下册英语将进一步扩大词汇量,句型结构 也会复杂一些。同学们需要通过大量的阅读和背诵词汇来提高自 己的词汇积累能力。 3. 短语和固定搭配:短语和固定搭配也是九年级下册英语的重 要内容。同学们需要掌握一些常用的短语和固定搭配,并在日常 写作和口语中正确使用。

三、阅读技巧 1. 阅读理解:九年级下册英语中的阅读理解将更加复杂,同学们需要学会快速获取信息,抓住作者的观点和中心思想。 2. 理解文化细节:九年级下册英语中会涉及到一些文化背景,同学们需要学会通过阅读来理解不同文化之间的差异,并注意文化背景对文章意义的影响。 四、听力技巧 1. 完形填空:九年级下册英语中的完形填空将更加复杂,同学们需要仔细阅读文章,理解段落之间的逻辑关系,从而准确填写答案。 2. 短文听力:九年级下册英语中的短文听力也会更加困难。同学们需要提高自己的听力理解能力,通过多听多练的方式来提高听力水平。


外研版九年级下册知识点总结 Travel We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. wele back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 4. over = more. than because + 句子 7. a bit late 有点晚 直飞香港 成功做某事 还不错 3. be full of 5. because of + 充满 =be filled with 名词/ 代词 /动名词 超过、多于 6. fly back to + 地名 飞回某地 a bit of + 不可数名词 坐船去某地 11. tour the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 最好做某事 在学期末 没什么担心的 毕业生晚会 向某人告别 take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人 / 保管 3. get on 上(车) 4. Be afraid +that 从句 be afraid to do sth. 恐怕 Please have your tickets ready. 请把票准备 9. wait a moment 等一会儿 at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才 a moment later 片刻之后 10. 1). That ’s very good of you. 你真好。

It’s / That ’s + 形容词 + of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性 格或品质,这类形容词有: kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless 等。 It’s kind of you to help me with the work. 2). 若形容词 仅仅是描述事物 , 不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价时,用 for sb., 这类形容 词有: d ifficult, easy, hard, finish the work. important, dangerous 等。 It’s difficult for us to 11. go past 经过 12. sb. be surprised to do sth. 某人惊奇做某事 sb. be surprised at sth. 某人对…感到惊 in surprise 惊奇地 , 是副词性短语, take off 起飞 奇 13. take off 脱下 (反义词 ) → put on 穿上 14. make sb. / oneself + adj.( 形容词 ) 使某人 /某人自己怎样 15. make sb./oneself done (heard /understood) 使某人 / 某人自己被(听见 / 理解) T he teacher made himself understood in class. The news made her happy. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. for sb. 提供某物给某人 向某 2) provide sb. Education They don ’t sit in rows. 1. What is …like? …是什么样的? /…怎么样? W hat are English school like? 英国学校什么 样? W hat ’s the weather like today? much better 穿夹克衫系领带 6. Enjoy /like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 8. Play with 和…玩 mean to do sth. 打算 /意图做某事 2. far (away) from 3. primary school 4. be present at sp. 离某地多远 小学 secondary school 出席 中学 be absent from 缺席



九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会

17. 1) offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 2) provide sb. With sb. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows. 1. What is…like? …是什么样的?/…怎么样?What are English school like?英国学校什么样?What’s the weather like today? 2. a bit /a little/much/even + 形容词或副词的比较级 a little earlier much better 3. wear a jacket and tie 穿夹克衫系领带 4. sit in rows 坐成排 5. sports ground 运动场 6. Enjoy /like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 7. one day 某一天(过去/将来) 8. Play with 和…玩 9. mean doing sth. 意味着做某事mean to do sth. 打算/意图做某事 Unit2-Unit3 What do I like best about school? 1. How do you like …?= What do you think of …?你觉得…怎么样? 2. far (away) from sp. 离某地多远 3. primary school 小学secondary school 中学


外研版九年级下英语各模块知识点汇总 Module1 Travel知识精讲 一、重点词汇 1、flight /flaɪt/ n. 1) a journey in an aircraft 空中航行,航程 例句:I'll never forget my first fligh 我永远也不会忘记第一次乘飞机的经历。 2) an aircraft that is making a particular journey 航班飞机,班机 例句:Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding at Gate 9. 飞往布宜诺斯艾利斯的474航班现在正在9号登机口登机。 2、succeed /səkˈsi:d/ v. 1)If you succeed, you achieve something that you have been aiming for, and if a plan or piece of work succeeds, it has the results that you wanted. 成功;实现目标;达到目的 例句:She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded. 6年来她一直努力想通过驾照考试,终于得偿所愿。 2) to take an official job or position after someone else 接替,继任;继承。例句:He succeeded his father as editor of the paper. 他接替父亲成为了报纸的主编。 3) to come after another person or thing in time 随后出现;接着发生 例句:In the weeks that succeeded, five more patients showed similar symptoms. 接下来的几周里,又有5名患者出现了类似的症状。 3、stupid /ˈstju:pɪd/ adj. 1) silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence 愚蠢的;糊涂的;欠考虑的 例句:She was really stupid to quit her job like that. 她就那样辞掉了工作,简直是愚蠢透顶。 2)annoying, or causing a problem 讨厌的;恼人的;惹麻烦的 例句:I hate doing this stupid exercise, I just can't get it right. 我讨厌做这种烦人的练习,我就是做不对。


外研版英语九年级下知识点汇总教学总结(外研版英语九年 级) 1. beg one's pardon 2. multiply …by… 3. slow down 4. wear out 5. try on 6. make a decision, 7. a place of interest 8. make a mistake 9. drop off 10. think about 11. make up one's mind, 12. at all, 13. at least 14. by the time 15. carry on 16. never mind 17. from now on 18. come down 19. hands up 20. before long, 21. no one,22. not…any longer 1. be busy doing sth. 2. prefer to do sth. 3. regard... as... 4. be pleased with sth./sb. 5. be angry with sb. 之交际用语 1. ---How much does… cost …? 2. ---It can cost as little as … yuan and as much as … yuan. 3. ---It costs …. 4. ---It's worth …. 5. ---I don't agree with …. 6. ---I wasn't sure whether…. 7. ---I wonder if …. 8. ---What size …? 9. ---Have you got any other colour / size / kind? 10. ---Have you got anything cheaper?


外研版九年级英语下知识点归纳在我们的学习生涯中,英语是一门必修课程。而九年级是英语 学习的关键时期,也是为高中英语学习打下基础的重要阶段。外 研版九年级英语下册是我们的主要教材,其中包含了大量的知识点,这些知识点对于我们的学习来说非常重要。在本文中,我将 对外研版九年级英语下册的知识点进行归纳和总结。 首先,让我们来看一下语法知识点。在九年级下册中,语法知 识点相对较难,需要我们付出更多的努力去理解和掌握。其中一 个重要的知识点是情态动词。情态动词是一种特殊的动词形式, 用来表示说话人的态度、意愿、能力等。常见的情态动词有can、could、may、might、must、shall、should、will和would等。我们 需要注意每个情态动词的用法和意义,以便在实际应用中正确运用。 另一个重要的语法知识点是被动语态。被动语态表示主语是动 作的承受者,而不是动作的执行者。被动语态的构成是:be动词+及物动词的过去分词。我们需要掌握被动语态的各种时态和用法,以便写出更加准确和流畅的英语句子。

除了语法知识点,九年级下册还包含了很多词汇的学习。词汇 是英语学习的基础,也是理解和表达的关键。在九年级下册中, 我们需要掌握大量的单词和短语,包括动词、名词、形容词、副 词等等。同时,我们还需要学会运用这些词汇进行句子的构建和 篇章的表达。 除了语法和词汇,九年级下册还包括了听力和口语的训练。在 现实生活中,英语的应用主要体现在听力和口语方面。因此,我 们需要通过大量的听力练习来提高自己的听力能力和理解能力。 同时,我们也需要积极参与口语练习,提高自己的口语表达和交 流能力。这些训练内容在九年级下册中得到了充分的体现和训练。 除了以上的核心知识点,九年级下册还包含了阅读理解、写作 和翻译等技能的培养。阅读理解是我们理解和掌握英语文章的重 要手段,通过大量的阅读训练可以提高我们的阅读理解能力。写 作能力是我们表达自己的重要方式,在九年级下册中,我们需要 学会写一些简单的句子、段落和文章。翻译是将中文翻译为英文 的技巧,通过翻译的训练,我们能够更好地理解中英文的差异, 并提高自己的英语水平。


外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结 LT

that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s / That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。It’s kind of you to help me with the work. 2). 若形容词仅仅是描述事物, 不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价时,用for sb.,这类形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous等。It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 11. go past 经过 12. sb. be surprised to do sth.某人惊奇做某事sb. be surprised at sth.某人对…感到惊奇 to one’s surprise 令人惊奇的是in surprise 惊奇地, 是副词性短语,修饰动词 13. take off 脱下(反义词) → put on穿上take off 起飞 14. make sb. / oneself + adj.(形容词) 使某人/某人自己怎样The news made her happy. 15. make sb./oneself done (heard /understood)使某人/ 某人自己被(听见/ 理解)The teacher made himself understood in class. 16. It’s a long story. 说来话长。(口语)


外研英语九年级下册知识点总结 外研英语九班级下册学问1 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 布满 =be filled with 4. over = more than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/代词/动名词 because+〔句子〕 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不行数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港 9. succeed in doing sth. 胜利做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地 11. have quite a good time 玩得很兴奋 quite a / an + adj. + n. = a very adj. + n. quite a nice boy = a very nice boy 12. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 13. go for a walk 去漫步

14. had better do sth. 最好做某事 15. at the end of the term 在学期末 16. nothing to worry about 没什么可担忧的 17. as long as 只要; 和…一样长 18. the school-leavers’ party 〔毕业〕生晚会 19. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 希望(做〕某事 Unit2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告辞 say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重 care for 喜爱 care about 关怀 take care = be careful 当心、留意 take care of sb. / sth. 照看某人 / 保管某物 3. get on 上〔车〕 get off 下〔车〕 4. be afraid +that从句: 唯恐 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词: 可怕/担忧 be afraid to do sth. 可怕做某事 5. take one’s seat 就坐;坐某人的座位 6. have /get sth. ready: 把某物预备好 Please have your tickets ready. 请把票预备好。 7. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at

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