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一、单项选择( 15 分)

( )1.---How do you study _______a test?

----I study _______reading the textbook.

A. for ; for

B. for ; by

C. by ; for D .by ; by

( )2. I don't know _______.Can you tell me________?

A. how swim; what to do

B. how to swim ; what to do it

C. how to swim; what to do

D. what to swim; how to do

()3. Liu Xiang is one of ______ runners in the world.

A. famous

B. more famous

C. the most famous

()4. My brother spends too much time ______computer games.

A. to play

B. play

C. plays


() 5. If I ____ ten million dollars, I ____travel around the world.

A. have; will

B. had; will

C. had; will D .had; would

()6.The young trees should ______well as often as possible

A.be water

B. watered

C. watering

D. be watered

()7.He pretended ________me when he walked by.

A. not see

B. not to see

C. don't see

D. to not see

()8._________that river ________very clean?

A. Did ;use to

B. Did ;use to be

C. Does ;used to

D. Does ;use to be ()9.You__________to school so early. It opens at 7.

A. needn't come

B. don't need come

C. needn't coming

D. needn't to come

()10.----How many people will come to Beijing next year?

----It's hard to say. _________people , I think.

A. Million of

B. Millions of

C. Three millions

D. Three millions of

()11.-----Whose guitar is this?

-----Susan plays the guitar. It must _______.

A. belong to her

B. belong her

C. belong to hers

D. belong hers ()12.Do you like music ____makes you excited?

A. that

B. what

C. who

D. it

()13.We prefer ________at the party rather than______.

A. to sing; dance

B. to sing ; dancing

C. sing; to dance

D. sing ;dance

()14.------Where would you like to visit?

------ I'd like to visit____

A. warm somewhere

B. warm anywhere

C. somewhere warm

D. anywhere warm

()15.I like places __________it's not cold in winter.

A. those

B. which

C. where

D. this

二、完形填空 (15 分)

Jack went to a barber’ s shop and had his hair cut. But when 1he out,

he was not happy __2__ the result.When his friend Bob saw him,he laughed and

said。“ What has happened to your hair。Jack? ’’ Jack.said“I tried a new barber’ s shop

today,__3__ 1 wasn ’ t quite satisfied with my old one,but this one seems ___4___ worse.”

Bob agreed,“ Yes, I think you’ re,rightJack".

Now I ’ ll tell you _5 to do when you go into a barber’ s shop:nextlook timeat

all the barbers ’ hair,find out whose hair 1ooks 6__,and then go straight to him.

“ __7__ shall I go to him?” .Jack‘‘askedButthat would be foolish!”

“ Oh,no,it wouldn,’t”answered

Bob.“ Who cut that man’ s hair? Just think it. He couldn’ t cut8 it,could he? 9barber cut it.So you know he 10be

the worst barber.”

1.A.brought 2.A.with 3.A. so 4.A.very 5.A.why 6.A. worst


B. on

B. when

B. too



C.1ooked D. watched

C.into D.along

C.and D.because

C. even D. quite

C.when D.what

C.shortest D. longest

7.A. How 8.A.herself 9.A. Other 10. A.mustn’t B.What C.Why

B. himself C.yourself

B. Others C. Another

B. can’t C.must

D. When

D. myself

D.The other


三、阅读理解(20 分)


We asked thirty children between 14 and 1 .8A11 the children had computers at home.The usual time spent on computer in a week was about 1 2 hours, with the highest user about 3 2 hours.and the lowest user only 5 hours.

A11 the children said they usually used computers to play games.Fourteen children told us thev did some word processing(文字处理 )at times.Only two of them said computers helped them with their lessons. and eight children told us they kept addresses and phone numbers on their computers or used them as diaries.Only three children said they were learning to make computer programs and nobody looked up databases(数据厍 ).The diagram gives all the results one by one.The results show that computer use is quite high among 14 to 18 year-old children. They also show quite clearly that computers are looked on by most young people as little more than game machines.It means that,though computers are common in the homes of young people,they have not yet become popular in everyday 1ife.

()1.In the diagram, what does the letter‘‘ d’’ show?

A. It shows three people between 14 and 18.

B. It shows only two of the thirty children .

C. It shows that only two of them use computers to help them with their lessons.

D. It shows that only three of them use computers to help them make computer programs.

()2.Most of the 3 0 children spent about hours on computers in a week.

A.5B. 1 2C.20D. 32

() 3.There is one mistake in the diagram.What is it?

A.The number of“ e" should be lower.

B.The number of‘‘ d’’ should.be higher

C.The.number of“ a” is too.high

D.There should be no number about .“ f ’’

()4.In the last paragraph“ little more than .” means

A.almost the same as B.far more than

C.different from D.much more than

()5.The writer thinks.


My grandfather is an eighty-year-old man. He changed, and he often says that life used to be better.

Families aren t families’ the way they used to be.A lot of families have broke down. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together.And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children,but now everyone ’ s working.No one has time to look after children at home.

And the cars! No one walks any more:everyone drives. We used to walk five miles to school every day,even in winter.But now they don .’t And in schoo1.the children don ’ t have to think any .moreInmath class, for example,we used to add,subtract, multiply and divide in our heads.Kids don ’ t use their heads any more;instead,they use calculators(算器 ).

Most families have computers now. In the past we didn’ t have computers.We didn ’ t even have lights.My mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen.But now nobody eats home.cooked food any more. And people don ’ t talk to each other any more.They are too busy to talk,too busy to eat,too, busy to

think ??

Life used to be simple, but it isn.’ t any more

( )6.My grandfather thinks the 1ife.

A.is better than it used to be B.is worse than it used to be

C.is as good as it used to be D. is as bad as it used to be

( )7.What does the underlined word“ marriage” mean in Chinese?


( )8.What changes have happened to some families?

①T here are lights at home.

②P eople like to eat home.cooked food.

③Lots of families have computers.

④Lots of couples live apart because of some prob1ems.


( )9.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.People have too much time to talk with each other.

B. Life now is very simple .

C.Many families have broken down because of problems between husbands and wives.

D. Mothers stay at home and look after their children.

( )10..Which is the best title for this passage?

A. How life used to be B.The better life

C.The changes in our life D. Hard-working students

四、词汇考查。 24 分


1.The student made m_____________ again yesterday, so his teacher was angry.

2.Our math teacher has taught at this school for more than 20 years. So he has a lot of


3.Our teachers often tell us the i____________ of studying knowledge .

4.We are so c ______________that we aren afraid’t tospeak in public .

5.To be h______________, I am not good at the schoolwork .


worry , die, terrify , decide, play, own, friend

6.The girl is shy, she is _______________ of speaking at the meeting.

7.My lovely dog died yesterday ; the dog's _________ made me very sad.

8.I can't make a ____________ about the dress for my birthday party.

9.My English teacher is _______________ to us. We all like her .

10. Here are some earrings. The_____________ can't be a boy.

11. The boy is ill .His patents are _____________ about him.

12. She prefers the group that ___________quiet and gentle songs.

五、按要求改写句子。 6 分

1.This computer is Alan.(’s改为同义句)

This computer_______ _______Alan .

2.Tom likes music . The music has lyrics.(合并为复合句)

Tom like music ______ _______lyrics .

3.We are so young that we can’ t do the hard.(work改为同义句)

We are ________ young _______do the hard work.

六、书面表达。10 分


周围废纸太多,黑板不能Give up bad habits 为题写篇短



Give up bad habits



1-----5 BADCD6-----10ACBCB



1-----5 DBDAB6-----10 BCDCC


1.① lessons/examples/models/ ② and/??


3.(She) is an athlete. / a sportsperson. / a sportswoman. / a player. / a sports star. /?

4.Yes, he does. /Yes.

5.Success isn ’ t simplyn dowtochance. / It would be clear that top athletes are actually just like us. / Like sportspeople, we also try to be mentally strong and

give our best. / Just like athletes, how we feel influences our decisions, behavior

and achievements. / ?

五、(每小题 1 分,计 16分)




4. confident



7.death8.decision9. friendly10.owner11.worried 12.plays

六、(每小题 2 分,计 10分)

.belongs to. that has.too, to

七、(计 15 分)

one possible version

Recently I find that some of students have some bad habits. You may see the lights on without

anyone in the classroom. When you go into the classroom, you may be surprised that there is so

much waste paper around your seats. The blackboard can ’ ttimebecleanedforthe nexton class

and there is always much noise in class. Even some students sleep in class. I really hope that we would give up these bad habits.


初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结 鹅公中学叶月平期中测试阅卷结束后我对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查结果表明英语成绩不够理想。在本次期中测试中我教初三1和4班英语共有2个班三1班共57人参加考试及格38人优秀7人最高分113最低分38三4共63人参加考试及格3人优秀0最高分86最低分17。一、试卷特点试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以及在掌握知识的同时对基础知识的运用。试卷总体感觉不难但是从学生角度反应出试题具有较大的迷惑性要求学生能够排除干扰因素并且注意知识细节。二、本试卷在命题上的特点听力部分三大题考查了学生的理解日常英语的能力相当部分题目难以直接从录音对话中找到答案学生必须通过思考从词语释义、句意理解或段意理解等不同方式悟出正确的选择内容难度不大而且语速不快但部分学生本来基础知识欠熟练而且没有掌握好答题技巧也就是说没能按老师平时的要求在听录音前做到反复看透听力的题目所以答题反应慢而失分说明学生的听力理解能力还待提高。如单项选择题。试卷要求所有的考点都不是孤立地考语法知识而是将他们放在特定的语境中学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后经过思考方能选出正确答案。一些中下层生失分多集中在语法方面。完型填空。大部分学生比平常测试的成绩要好一些上层生得分较高其中原因一是短文所描述的内容较容 易理解学生对这方面了解较多。阅读理解。第一、二篇短文内容较为简单所选的答题大体都能一目了然但7选5这题错的较多学生不能把握短文意思而且学生很多审题不清。书面表达。明显检查学生运用语言能力这是学生成绩差距最大的一题15分的题目差的只能得23分普通的一般是56分左右好的约910分关键是学生很多以汉语的思路来写作以至不能正确表达意思从中反映了学生句子结构还不熟练语言表达能力弱语法错误多的缺点。三、学情分析总的来说这次考试成绩不理想优秀率偏低尖子生还没有发挥水平低分较多两极分化的距离还没有缩少。通过整体的分析反映了学生在复习中基本上能领会课堂的要点要求一些知识点在堂上反复出现的掌握得较牢固但是运用这些知识去解决实际问题的能力较差这与课后的练习有关说明了部分学生对课后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性而且解题的依赖性强缺乏独立的思考能力另外对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成学生的遗忘率也很高。四、今后的教学措施针对目前学生状况要提高成绩首先要端正学生思想态度在保证课堂质量的同时一定要确保课后的“自我消化”环节尤其是中上层学生只有通过练才能达到知识的巩固、才能学会灵活运用、才能发现问题查漏补缺、才能培养独立的解题能力。结合实际我们的具体计划第一、加强听力方面的练习在有可能的情况下多给学生开展听力训练。认真用好《初三英语听说训 练》平时组织学生定期训练真正提高学生的听力水平。第二、强化单词的记忆并结合目前的情况对优生及中上等的注意培养他们对一些多义词、兼类词的实际运用能力提高他们基础题的解题水平。第三、抓好语法的分类复习在此过程中就当前所暴露出来的弱点开展进行通过分析试题教会学生学会归纳知识并如何把识记的内容用于实践中第四、完形填空及阅读理解部分平时应加强训练同学们的答题速度及答题质量。有针对性地组织学生组织阅读训练期中考试后组织学生用好《初三英语读写训练》确保每周训练12次。第五、争取改变学生凭感觉做动词填空的方式。通过时态语态固定用法等培养学生动词填空的能力。第六、指导学生做好短文填词这一中考题型首字母填空是一项综合能力考查题要求学生能读懂短文然后选用恰当的词进行填空我们需要对学生进行方法指导并多做这类题目才能真正提高学生的能力。第七、书面表达是一个薄弱环节主要是学生组句的能力差语法漏洞多不会审题的原因所以在以后要重视对作文的评讲及优秀范文的分析。 扩展阅读:初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结报告书 初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结报告书 期中测试阅卷结束后,我们对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查,结果表明,我校英语成绩不够


初三英语期中考试试卷 II. 选择填空 ( 20分 ) ( 共20小题, 每小题1分 ) ()21. The voice told Daisy _________ waste water any more. A. do not to B. did not to C. not to D. not ( ) 22. It is not easy _______ fish using only your hands. A. catch B. to catch C. to catching D. caught ( ) 23. It’s very nice _____ you to say so. A. to B. of C. with D for ( ) 24. Nothing will make me _________ my mind.. A. changing B. to change C. change D. to changing ( ) 25. Remember ________the tap running while you are brushing your teeth. A. not leave B. don’t leave C. leaving D. not to leave ( ) 26. My mother loves _________, so she taught me _______ yesterday evening. A. swim,swim B.. swimming, swimming C. to swim, swimming D. swimming, how to swim ( ) 27. I am not interested in playing cards, he is not interested in it ,______. A. either B. too C. also D. but ( ) 28. My parents have been in Shenzhen __________ one month. A. since B. for C.in D. about ( )29. I often see her _______ the piano. Listen, can you hear her _________ the piano now? A. play, playing B. plays, playing C. playing, plays D. play, plays ( )30.______ does this car cost? A. How many B. How much C. How much dollars D. How much dollar ( )31. There is a beautiful garden outside your house, ___________? A. are there B. is there C. isn’t there D. aren’t there ( )32.____________ go swimming? A. Why not you B. Why not C. Why don't you D. Band C .( ) 33. Snails can walk ______slowly than any other animal. A. much more B. very more C. more much D. too more ( ) 34. I don’t know_________ next. A. when to do B. how to do C. what to do D. where to do ( ) 35. - Did you go to school party last night? Yes, I did. ____________. A. So did Tim B. So Tim did. C. Tim did so D. Tim went so ( ) 36.If you are clever enough, try and ________ this maths problem. A . work B. solve C. look for D. make ( ) 37. Jill denied ________ the window, but his teacher didn’t believe him. A. breaking B. to break C. broken D. broke ( ) 38. Hurry up, there is _________ time. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( ) 39. He would not admit _______ her purse. A. stealing B. to stealing C. steal D.stole ( ) 40. Have you __________ seen a fireworks’ display? Yes, I have. A. never B. often C. even D. ever


九年级英语下学期期中试题 卷面:120分考试时间120分钟 一听力理解(25分) 现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. A)请听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1 . How is the weather now ? A. Cloudy B. Rainy C. Sunny 2. Where’s the woman’s son now ? A. In London B. In New York C. In Tokyo 3. What time will the train leave? A. At 8:45 . B. At 9:00. C. At 9:15. 4.What does the man suggest they should do ? A. Travel on a later train. B. Check the timetable. C. Go to the railway station earlier. 5. Why does the man want to change his shirt? A. Because it is too small. B. Because it is out of style. C. Because he doesn’t like its color. 6. What does the man mean? A. The doctor is busy all day today. B. The doctor is busy tomorrow. C. The doctor will see her today. B)请听下面5段对话和两段独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍(每小题1分) 请听第1段对话,回答7、8 小题 7. When will the party be held? A. This Monday evening. B. This Tuesday evening. C. This Saturday evening. 8. How long will the party last? A. Four hours. B. Five hours. C. Six hours. 请听第2段对话,回答第9、10小题。 9. What does the man do every day? A. Swims . B. Runs . C. Walks. 10.How often does the woman usually run ? A. Three times a week. B. Five times a week. C. Every day. 请听第3段对话,回答第11至13小题。 11. Why does the girl feel nervous before going to Switzerland? A. Because she doesn’t know the language. B. Because she has never been abroad. C. Because she doesn’t know the culture there. 12. What are famous in Switzerland? A. Watches . B. Time. C. Culture. 13. What should the girl do if she goes to a party in Switzerland? A. She can’t be late.


Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.Britain is ________ European country and China is ________ Asian country. A. an;an B. a;a C. a;an D. an;a ( )2.—Do you know who ________ America? —No. Let's find out the answer on the Internet. A. looked for B. discovered C. found out D. invented ( )3.—What did the guard say to you just now? —He warned us ________ any farther. There's danger ahead. A. didn't walk B. not to walk C. walk D. to walk ( )4.I'm lucky enough to have a ________ to work as a volunteer in Sichuan. A. decision B. advice C. education D. chance ( )5.—What do you think a driver is required ________ attention to? —He or she must avoid ________ after drinking. A. paying;to drive B. to pay;to driving C. paying;driving D. to pay;driving ( )6.—Do your parents allow you to go to the movies on weekends? —Yes. I ________ to go to the movies on weekends. A. am not allowed B. allow C. allowed D. am allowed ( )7.—________ delicious beef! —Well. You can eat more if you like it. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )8.—How do you usually go to school? —I ________ take a bus,but I walk now. A. am used to B. used to C. use to D. was used to ( )9.—Your dress looks nice. Is it ________ cotton? —Yes. And it's ________ my mother. A. made of;made by B. made from;made in C. made of;made in D. made from;made by ( )10.—I'm afraid of going out at night. What about you,Nick? —I'm afraid of speaking ________. A. in time B. on time C. in fact D. in public ( )11.I like my students and I ________ being a teacher. A. take pride in B. pay attention to C. get along with D. make a decision ( )12.Do you know ________? A. when will he be back B. when he will be back C. where did he go D. where will he go ( )13.—We'd better not go out for a picnic this afternoon. —________. The weather report says it's going to be rainy. A. Let's go B.I agree with you C.I disagree with you D.I don't understand you ( )14.English is very important and it is ________ used all over the world.


2014-2015第一学期初三年级英语期中测试题及答案 (试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 听力理解(共24分)(略) 知识运用(共31分) 四、单项填空。(共11分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. The smart boy is from Class 7. ________ name is Jeff. A. Him B. His C. Her D. He 22. I know my mother’s birthday is ________ July, 1952. A. on B. at C. in D. for 23. I think English is ________ than any other subject. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 24. —Excuse me, ________ you show me around the college? —Sorry, I’m new here. A. can B. may C. must D. need 25. Peter asked me ________ the street dance society. A. joined B. join C. to join D. joining 26. We are going to have a 6-day holiday, ________ I have no idea where to go. A. unless B. or C. so D. but 27. —________ did it take you to do this job last night? —For two and a half hours. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much 28. —Listen! What beautiful music! Who ________ the piano in the next room? —It’s Miss Wang. She’s our music teacher. A. played B. is playing C. was playing D. has played 29. —It’s so hard for me to get up in the morning. —If you go to bed earlier, you ________ it easier to get up. A. will find B. won’t find C. find D. don’t find 30. The sick boy ________ to hospital by the police yesterday. A. took B. is taken C. was taken D. had taken 31. —Could you tell me ________? —She’s a teacher. A. what does your mother do B. what your mother does C. what did your mother do D. what your mother did 五、完形填空(共20分,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 A Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. It was a cowboy’s life, a life for someone who wanted no boss. I received a call one night from the quiet part of town. And when I arrived at 2:30 a.m., the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door. This passenger might be someone who needed a helping hand, I reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked.


英语初三期中考试试题及答案 第一部分:听力部分(20分) 一、情景反应。 ( ) 1. A. On Sunday. B. On April 3rd. C. At 6p.m. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I think so. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, please. ( ) 3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, here you are. C. No, you aren’t. ( ) 4. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Have a good time. C. Goodbye. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 二、对话理解。(5分) ( ) 6. A. He is an artist. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a teacher. ( ) 7. A. He is tall. B. He is thin. C. He is fat. ( ) 8. A. For 30 minutes. B. For 40 minutes. C. For 50 minutes. ( ) 9. A. To the theater. B. To the beach. C. To the countryside. ( ) 10. A. The first one. B. The second one. C. The third one. 三、短文理解。(5分) ( )11.When did Bobbi McCaughey have her babies?

A. In 1996 B. In1997 C. In 1998 ( ) 12. How many girls did Bobbi have? A. Seven B. Four C. Three ( )13. Who called to celebrate Bobbi and her husband? A. The pre sident. B. The volunteers. C. The popular singers. ( ) 14. How long did the volunteers help the family? A. For two months. B. For five months. C. For eight months. ( ) 15.What helped the family with the high cost? A. A new house. B.A CD. C. Food 四、听对话选择准确信息填表。 Name Subjects she or he likes Be interested in Good or not good at Not like John English and French learning 16 ×numbers math Nancy History and geography learning about 17 ∨drawing maps ×doing experiments 18 Daniel 19 drawing ∨drawing 20 math ( ) 16. A. music B. languages C. numbers ( ) 17. A. foreign nations B. famous cities C. different countries ( ) 18. A. physics B. chemistry C. science


第二学期九年级英语模拟样卷 试 题 卷 一、听力(20分) A )听下面小对话,回答问题,每段对话读一遍。 1. What is Li Gang's favourite? 2. What is the girl looking for? 3. Which of these animals is giving a show? 4. What does the man ask the woman for ? 5. How can the girl get to the bookshop? 6. What colour is the sweater behind the door? A. Black. B. Red. C. Blue. 7. Where are the Green family? A. In London. B. In Boston. C. In Washington. 学校_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 班级__________________ 姓名________________ __ 学 号 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 装 订 线

8. How long has Jim been in Beijing? A. 5 years. B. 10 years. C. 11 years. 9. Who keeps the CD now? A. David. B. Tom. C. Bill. 10. What is the woman probably going to do right now? A. Do some cooking. B. Do some shopping. C. Do some washing. B)听长对话,回答问题,每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段长对话,回答第11~12题: 11. On which day will the Chinese Music concert be held? A. The 30th. B. The 13th. C. Thursday. 12. How much do the tickets cost? A. 30 yuan. B. 60 yuan. C. 50 yuan. 听下面一段长对话,回答第13~15题: 13. How long did the woman stay in Australia? A. One week. B. A month. C. Two weeks. 14. When did the man go to Australia before? A. Last Sunday. B. Last week. C. Two years ago. 15. How many times did the man go there? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 二、单项填空:(10分) 16. Peter likes music very much and he is good at playing _____ piano. A . a B. an C. the D. / 17. Work hard, _____ you’ll catch up with the others. A. or B. and C. but D. though 18. What else do you need, Mum? —Nothing else. We’ve got _____ ready. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 19. —What do you think of the food? —It tastes very _____, I should say. A. good B. well C. badly D. terribly 20. —Have you visited the Dinosaur World, Elsa? —Yes, I _____ it yesterday. A. have visited B. had visited C. visited D. visit 21. —Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. —______. A. I don’t. B. I won’t C. I can’t D I haven’t 22. Do you know ___________? A. What time would the train leave B. What time does the train leave. C. What time will the train leave D. What time the train leaves. 23. —I haven’t seen Jane for a long time. Where is she? —She _____ to New York.


最新教学资料·人教版英语 同山中心学校期中试卷 九年级英语 满分:120分考试时间:100分钟 第一部分:听力部分(25分) 一、听力 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(每题1分)( )1. What is Tom allowed to do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )2. What did Mr. Black use to do? A. B. C. ( )3. How does the boy study English? A. B. C. ( )4. Who used to be afraid of the dark ? A. B. C. ( )5. What has Mary bought for Susan’s birthday? A. B. C. 第二节:听对话,回答问题(每题2分, 共10分)

听第一段对话,回答6-7两小题(对话读两遍) ( )6. What are they talking about? A. How to memorize new words. B. How to memorize the text. C. How to make flashcards. ( )7. What is the boy’s idea? To A.make flashcards is certainly useful B.make flashcards is not much useful. C.make flashcards is a waste of time. 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答8--10三小题。(对话读两遍) ( )8. What do you have to say first if you want Jane to tell what kind of person you are . A.The color you like best. B. The color you like least. C. The color you often wear. ( )9. What kind of person is Jeff’s sister? A.If she is kind to others ,she hopes others can be the same to her . B.She is a good listener. C. She does things according to her plans. ( )10. Who is a good listener that doesn’t like yellow. A. Jane B. Jeff’s sister C. Jeff 第三节:听短文,回答问题,(短文读两遍)(每题2分,共10分) 提示词:model (模特) ( )11. Where did the story happen? A. In a book shop. B. In a clothing shop. C. In a fruit shop. ( )12. What did the woman want to buy? A. A dress. B. A skirt. C. A sweater. ( )13. How many times did the woman ask the girl? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( )14. How did the girl treat the woman ? A. Coldly. B. Warmly. C. Friendly. ( )15. How did the girl feel when she heard the woman’s words? A. She felt happy. B. She felt surprised. C. She felt angry. 第二部分:笔试部分(95分) 二、选择填空(每题1分,共10分) ()16.I met with ocean of problems when I was in that country. A. a B.an C. the D. / ( )17.You won’t feel happy at school ________ you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because ( )18. Don’t __________ him. He is too young to finish the work by himself. A.care about B. be strict with C. worry about D. be afraid of ( )19.---- Why is the classroom so dirty ! ---- Sorry , sir ,it yesterday . We forgot to do it . A.doesn’t clean B.didn’t clean C.isn’t cleaned D.wasn’t cleaned ( )20. The whole country is fighting against the H7N9 , a disease has caused many deaths. A.who B.which C.whom D.what ( )21. ---How was your National Day?


初中英语期中考试试卷分析 目前我市使用了两个版本的初中英语教材:仁爱英语和新目标英语。仁爱英语命题的目的是了解学情;新目标英语命题的目的是进行教学质量调查。两者命题有一个共同点:实现新课程要求的三维目标,传道(情感、态度、价值观)、授业(引导学生掌握知识和技能)、解惑(引起主动学习,学会学习方法)。 一、试卷特点: 1.试卷注重基础,体现灵活运用,难度和区分度恰当无偏题、怪题出现。 试题注重考查学生在一定语境下对语言基础知识的掌握情况和综合运用英语的能力。语言基础知识的考查重点突出、覆盖面广;情景设置合理,避免了纯知识性的死记硬背题;词汇和语法的测试充分注意了语言的真实性、趣味性和实践性;注重语感,灵活性强,突出语言形式向语言意义的转化。 2.试题从知识立意逐渐向能力立意转变。 加大了能力考查的比重。试题突出了语言的交际性,强调在特定的语境中英语知识的灵活运用。适当增加了测试词汇量,加强能力检测。如阅读理解考查的内容注重了对学生在语境中运用语言能力的考查。加大了对语言的熟练程度和深层次能力考查的力度。如“阅读理解”部分注重了对归纳,推断和猜测整个句子等深层次能力的考查。阅读材料贴近生活,同时题材广泛,体裁多样、生动有趣,并富有思想性。淡化语法,强调能力。语法知识的测试充分注意了语言的真实性和实践性。纯知识性的试题的比例减少到最低限度,命题者通过设置不同的语境,把对语言知识的考查中心放到了根据上下文中和一定的语境中,让语法测试试题具有更积极和更现实的意义,能更多地体现语言的交际功能。 3.书面表达难度控制合理。 书面表达给学生留有充分发挥能力的空间,加大了考查学生综合运用语言能力的力度,使试卷更具现实性。书面表达题对初中英语教学有着良好的导向作用,要求学生要充分运用所学语言记录自己的真实情感,进一步体现了英语学科的交际性和工具性。 二、七年级英语试卷分析及教学建议 本次期中考试,七年级英语试卷题量适度、难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围很合适,适合七年级学情。对学生来说,只要细心,就会得高分。 第一题听力部分 本题满分为20分,得分率为60%,是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力IV,听对话,选答案,共5道小题,大部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、考试经验不足所致。 第二题单项选择 本题共15分,得分率为86%。本题为基本题型,学生失分较少,不过,学生因语法知识欠缺,导致的问题还是显而易见的。如3. I am from Canada. ____ from the U.S.A. 学生知道应该填I am not,但试卷没有该选项,而是巧妙地提供了I’m not这个选项,学生不知道am和not没有缩写形式,大多选了B这个错误选项。5题中different后应跟名词复数这一点大部分学生也不知道。类似的语法点教师以后应该强调到。 第三题句型转换 本题共5分,学生平均只得了3分。问题多出在助动词do和does没有掌握好。 第四题补全对话 本题共10分,得分率在95%左右。这道题老师指导的不错,学生答的也不错。


2019-2020学年九年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)完形填空 It's interesting to visit another country. but sometimes there are problems when we don't know the 1 very well. It may be 2 to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are visiting. We may not know how to buy the 3 we need. In the 4country we might not know where to eat or what to order(点菜) in a 5. It is not easy to decide how 6 to tip(小费) waiters or drivers. When we need help, we might not know how to ask for help. We may be 7 to have an experience like that. 8 a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to 9. We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be 10 to leave there. Do you think so? (1) A . way B . people C . language D . words (2) A . tired B . happy C . easy D . hard (3) A . things B . tickets C . ships D . clothes (4) A . big B . small C . busy D . strange


九年级英语上期中测试 Ⅴ.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—How do you study for a test? —studying with friends. A.By B.With C.On D.For 22.—This is fascinating town I have ever visited. —Yes.I’ve never seen a one. A.the worst,bigger B.the most,better C.the better,best D.the worse,good 23.wonderful Yang Liping’s dance is! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 24.—Do you like your new T-shirt? —Yes.Not only I but also my mother it. A.likes B.like C.doesn’t like D.don’t like 25.We’ll plant trees tomorrow,and I don’t know Tom will come and join us. A.if B.which C.what D.where 26.With the help of the Internet,information can every corner of the world quickly. A.go https://www.doczj.com/doc/a014738196.html,nd C.reach D.arrive 27.It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we to bed too late. A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone 28.The show was success that we enjoyed ourselves very much. A.such a great B.a such great C.so a great D.a so great 29.People from different parts of the world will go to Brazil the Olympic Games. A.in B.from C.to D.for 30.The actress is already 50,but she looks than she really is. A.young B.more young C.more younger D.much younger 31.This sentence right.Please write it down. A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells 32.—Wow! You look different! You be shy. —Yes,I did.But now I am more outgoing. A.would B.could https://www.doczj.com/doc/a014738196.html,ed to D.must 33.My cousin gave up the of working abroad and returned to his hometown. A.chance B.influence C.challenge D.experience 34.This movie wasn’t.I fell asleep half way through it. A.enough interesting B.interested enough C.enough interested D.interesting enough 35.—It’s hard for children to cross the river to school. —I think a bridge over the river. A.should be built B.was built C.will build D.is built Ⅵ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) After years of hard work,I believe that dreams can come true.When I was born,my feet were deformed (畸形的).I couldn’t stand by myself at first,but I 36to balance and walk in casts.Mom enrolled (登记)me in dance classes to treat my feet.However,I quickly decided to try 37.I wanted to try skating. I started taking group skating lessons,but I cried before the class 38going into a group frightened me.Performing on ice came 39,but I was shy and afraid to speak in group settings.One thing I’d never been afraid of was competition.I got nervous,like everyone else,but never fearful.I40my first ice performance at age seven and started winning competitions.The ice was the place 41I could truly express my emo-tions.The ice was like home.After graduating from high school,I moved to Canada for full-time 42to give my dream a chance in reality. I went to compete at the Olympic Games in 1992.No one,neither my coach nor my family,ever talked to me 43winning a gold medal.So,I went with the attitude that I wanted to enjoy the Olympic spirit.Finally,the day arrived.My solid 44placed me first going into the finals. When medals were awarded,I found myself on the top step,the gold medal 45around my neck and our national anthem (国歌)playing.Words can’t describe the mixture of emotions I felt. 36.A.started B.attended C.learned D.joined 37.A.something else B.everything else C.else something D.else everything 38.A.until B.because C.if D.although 39.A.happily B.naturally C.fast D.slowly

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