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1.It’s _____ best to make _____ friends with those who are honest.

A.the; 不填B.不填; 不填

C.不填; the D.the; the




考查冠词。句意:最好和诚实的人交朋友。形容词最高级作表语前面省略定冠词the;固定词组:make friends with sb.“与某人交朋友”。故选B。

2.----- Do you go to ______ church every Sunday?

----- Yes. I believe _______God blesses me all _____ time.

A.the;/; the B./ ; /; / C.a; /; the D./; /; the



考查冠词,第一空不填,表示go to church“去教堂”,第二空不填,上帝前面不加冠词,第三空填the,all the time“一直”,句意是:|你每个星期天做礼拜吗?|是的,我相信上帝会一直保佑我的。选D。

3..---It is reported that there is _____ big breakthrough in the cancer treatment.

---If only my son could be brought back to _____ life!

A.a; / B./; a C.the; the D.a; the



考查冠词。a big breakthrough一个大的突破;bring back to life使活泼, 使生动, 使苏醒,根据句意选A。

4.Teng Xiu qin, ____ head of the Beijing Home of Red Ribbon, says that society’s understanding of ____ AIDS patients has progressed a lot in the past decade.

A.the; the B.the; / C./ ; / D.a; /



这题考查冠词的用法:第一空是职位前不加冠词,第二空不填冠词,AIDS patients泛指艾滋病人。选C。

5.In my opinion, Tony is _____ success because he has bought _____ third car though he already has two.

A.a ; a B.a ; the C./ ; the D./ ; a


考查冠词。句中success为成功的人,为可数名词;a third car有一辆小汽车,故选A。

6.As ___ boy, he should learn how to behave like ____ real man sooner or later.

A.a;the B.a; a C./; the D.a;/




7.Though I’m not interested in ____ history, I am really fond of ____ history of Tang Dynasty. A.the; a B./ ; the C./ ; a D.a ; the




8.—It’s reported that over 1billion people watched the live opening ceremony of___ 2010 South Africa World Cup on TV.

—Yes, news came as____ shock to me.

A.the; the B.x; a C.the; a D.a; the



考查冠词的用法。第一空the 2010 South Africa World Cup特指2010年南非世界杯;第二空考查抽象名词具体化,a shock此处指“一个震惊的消息”。故选C

9.Wild animals have been overhunted, and as ____ result, some of them are among the animals in ______danger.

A.a; the B.a; / C.the; a D./ ; the



试题分析:考查冠词。句意:野生动物已经被过度猎杀,结果,一些已经成了濒危生物。as a result结果,in danger处于危险中,濒危,故选B。


10.When you finish reading the book, you will have __ better understanding of __ life. A.a, the B.the, a C./, the D.a, /


试题分析:考查冠词。本题第一空是固定词组have a better understanding of有更好的理解;第二空的名词Life是一个抽象名词,要单独使用,不需要冠词。句意:当你读完这本书的时候,你会对生活有更深的理解。故D正确。



11.(浙江)______prize for the winner of the competition is ______two-week holiday in Paris. A.The ; 不填B.A ; 不填

C.A ; the D.The ; a







12.﹣Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? It's said to be ________ great fun.

﹣No. I have been busy repairing all the broken office ________ these days.()A.a; equipment B.the; equipments

C./; equipment D./;equipments





13.The white paint was cracked and peeling away from itself in ________ most unpleasant manner unlike the paintwork in the house in Berlin.