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(2016杭州): 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


1.Tom was old e______ to work and make money.

2.Linda stayed up late and p______ herself for the math exam last night.

3.A m______ is a list of food that you can eat in a restaurant.

4.As the old saying goes, “Old h______ die hard.” So s tart exercising

before it’s too late!

5.She was so n______ about her first speech that she couldn’t sleep.

6.My father isn’t tall or short. He’s of medium h______.

7.I have already got my passport, but she h asn’t got h_____ yet.

8.It is said that the moon c______ the earth every 28 days.

9.Tea is one of the most p_______ drinks in China. Many people like it.

10.---Have you ever r______ a horse before

---Yes, I just rode a horse last month.

【试题答案:61. enough 62. prepared 63. menu 64. habits 65. nervous

66. height 67. hers 68.circles 69. popular 70.ridden】

【时间:2016-7-2 8:39:41】(2016杭州)第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)



Speaker 1: I went straight into work after leaving school at the age of eighteen. I got a job in a big

business. But I think it was a mistake as there weren’t any chances for me.

I think

graduates(毕业生) ___51__ (usual) get more interesting jobs, so I decided to go to university to

have a better future. Studying for a degree was one of the best __52__

(experience) of my life. I

loved my subject, and now I’m looking for a new job-better paid and more interesting than my

last one.

Speaker 2: I ___53__ (leave) school at sixteen and started working in a market. Now I’ve just opened my

first shop. Some of my friends __54___ went on to university can’t find work. They had _55__

good time at college for a few years, but I really don’t know _56__ they still stayed in college.

Working for ___57___ (you) is the best education.

Speaker 3: I got quite a shock when I got my first job after graduation from university. My boss had been

in the same class __58___ me at school! She went straight into work at eighteen and now she’s

making more money than me! Actually, she _59__ (want) to go to university now. And I think

that’s probably a much ___60__ (good) way to do it. I think you’ll get more from university if

you spend some time working first.

【试题答案:51. usually 52. experiences 53. left 54. who/that 55. a

56. why 57. yourself/yourselves 58. as 59. wants 60. better】

【时间:2016-7-2 8:39:41】(2016嘉兴)语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Dear Auntie Em,

Great news! Mrs Mumford just told me I had been chosen as one of the school ______ (student) to visit the University of Cape Town in South Africa this summer! She said the program ______ (design) for some of the brighter teenagers to experience a different culture. ______ a good chance!

The only problem is: mom and dad ______ (simple) won’t let me go. They said it was dangerous for me, a girl, ______ (travel) alone. But my guess is that

they think it too expensive. I ______ (keep) telling them I had been on a

plane on my own before. They needn’t worry about ______ (I) because this trio would be almost the same as that time when I had visited you in Texas. ______. They just won’t listen!

Will you help, Auntie Em It will be ______ very important experience to my personal growth.

Love, (and love you even ______ (much) if you manage to make mom & dad agree

with me.


61. students

62. was designed

63. What

64. simply

65. to travel

66. kept

67. me

68. But

69. a

70. more













【时间:2016-6-20 9:12:59】



Alison Lapper, a very unusual painter, paints pictures for a living. She doesn’t use her__51____(手)when she paints. She uses her mouth! Alison was born ___52___ (没有)any arms. Her physical problem caused her to spend the first ___53___ (十七)years of her life in a hospital. But this didn’t stop her from making her dreams in life come true. She ___54___(认识到)that even though she was disabled, she could express herself as freely as __55____ (正常的)people. This was what got her to start drawing paintings. Although Alison lives ___56___ (十分)a different life from others, she believes that she can ___57___(成功)as others. Her paintings are excellent and they do not look like they were drawn by ___58___(某人)who used her mouth. Alison has become a symbol of __59____(勇气). Her active way of living has encouraged many disabled people around the __60____(世界)and will

continue to do so in the future.


51. hands

52. without

53. seventeen

54. realized / realized

55. normal

56. quite

57. succeed

58. someone / somebody

59. courage

60. world














【时间:2016-6-20 9:12:59】(2016嘉兴)词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)

A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。

46. It is ______to have a good diet to stay healthy.

47. David bought his father a ______on Father’s Day.

48. Jiaxing is ______the most beautiful cities in Zhejiang Province.

49. The book, New Exploring, is ______written for young students.

50. Scientists are working to______ a better way to fight air pollution. 【试题答案与分析:46. necessary

47. jacket

48. among

49. mainly

50. discover








【时间:2016-6-20 9:12:59】(2016宁波)方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

Sandy: Mom, I'm really worried.

Mom: Why What's the 56

Sandy : I can't fmd my schoolhag.

Mom: Well, where did you last put it

Sandy: I can't rememher! I 57 a concert yesterday so it might still he in the museum hall.

Mom: Do you have anything 58 in your schoolbag

Sandy: No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls. Mom: So it can't be 59 .

Sandy : Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.

Mom: So could it still be at the park

Sandy: Yes. I left early, before the rest of my 60 . I'll call them now to check if anybody has it.


【时间:2016-6-20 9:04:35】(2016宁波)词汇运用 (本题有 15题,每小题 1分;共计15分)

A.根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思 ,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一

词 ) 。

More and more teenagers are using the internet nowadays, but some of them aren't using Jt in a

proper way. If you follow these suggestions, it'Il be much 46 (安全的) than you might think.

★ Do not give your password to others and never gi ve out your home 47 (地址) , real name, age, school or phone number to those 48 (陌生人).

★ Do not share your49 (私密的) information in Momencs(朋友圈).

★ Never answer unwanted50 (电子邮件) .

★Be51 (小心的) when you are using public Wi-Fi or scanning QR code (扫二维码).

★Neve r go and meet anyone you met online 52 (没有) your parents' permission and never

go 53 (单独地).

★Keep a separate credit (信用) card just for 54 (购物) online. 'Ihis will make it easier

to 55 (取消) if something bad happens and your other credit cards can still be used uninfluenced.


【时间:2016-6-20 9:04:35】(2016绍兴)语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词.或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。The whole school was talking about the winter camp. And everyone was looking forward 61 it except me because I thought l would get homesick. But it was the way we grew up.

When arriving at the camp, we 62 (ask) to ski(滑雪)down to field by the coach.I skied63 (careful), but I still hit a piece of ice and fell down. Ha! Ha!" Behind me, somebody started laughing.I looked back to see 64 was laughing at me. To my surprise,I saw 65 girl in the same embarrassing position l was in. "I thought I’d be bad at this.but it seems66 (difficult) than I expected!” she said suddenly, I startcd laughing,too. Afer being so afraid of 67 (faIl), it was a comfort not to fear it anymore.

The next day, 68 I didn’t want to go ski jumping,1 was chosen to do that first. But when my 69 (foot)left the ground,I felt l was flying and it was wonderful.

Just do your best 70 (meet) every challenge. You'll never imagine how much you will get.

【试题答案:61. to 62. were asked 63. carefully 64. who 65.a

66. more difficult 67. falling 68. though/ although 69. feet 70. to meet】

【时间:2016-6-18 13:37:39】(2016绍兴)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

Many museums house works of art, and some have valuable pieces that can never

be replaced. These museums give the 51 (公众)a chance to enjoy their treasures. In the past, people could 52 (几乎不)talk when visiting museums. Today, rules aren't as strict, but following some 53 (基本的)rules is still necessary.

Respect(尊重)the space

1.Keep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.

2.54 (避免)standing against walls and watch where you walk.

3.No food is allowed. Finish 55 (吃)all the food before entering

the museum.

Respect the art

1.No touching the art. Hands, 56 (手指)or any body part should never

come into contact with the artwork. (Someone thinks a small touch

won't hurt the artwork, but imagine how those "touches" would add up

with 57 (百)or thousands of visitors every day.)

2.No flash photos. Bright lights can be 58 (有害的)to the art. Respect other visitors

https://www.doczj.com/doc/9c1546809.html,plete silence isn't necessary, but talk in a low 59 (说话声).

2.Stand in lines while buying tickets or waiting.

Follow the rules 60 (在……上面).It can make everyone's museum experience safe and enjoyable.

【试题答案:51. public 52. hardly 53. basic 54. Avoid 55. eating/having

56. fingers 57. hundreds 58. harmful 59. voice 60. above】

【时间:2016-6-18 13:37:39】(2016绍兴)词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)


46. Tom's garden is quite nice but I prefer________ .

47. The journey to the lake ________ takes about two hours.

48. My cousin visited his old friend _________ his stay in London.

49. China's population of wild pandas has ________ by around 17% in the last ten years.

50. On weekends, the supermarket is usually full of ________ .

【试题答案:46. mine 47. normally 48. during 4 9. increased 50. customers 】

【时间:2016-6-18 13:37:39】(2016丽水)语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


It was a very special day because Dylan Terry c ame to the West End Children’s Home! Dylan Terry is my favorite 66 (sing). I like him because he sings 67 (wonderful), he’s cute and he helps the kids a lot.

We 68 (stand) near the door, waiting for him. Everyone was very excited. Finally, hearrived 69 shook hands with us. He was so nice! He sang several songs for us. Some of us even st arted dancing 70 he was singing. We were having a great time!

71 our surprise, Dylan joined us for lunch. He broug ht us 72 big cake. Everyone ate some and 73 was delicious. While we were eating, Dylan told us many interesting

74 (story) about himself. I never thought I could talk to my favorite pop star. It was just like a dream. I 75 (remember) this unforgettable experience forever.


【时间:2016-6-14 16:41:38】(2016丽水)词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限填一词。

51. A house with a big garden full of roses is _____ what I want.

52. Julia _____ presents from her son on Mother’s Day every year.

53. The scarves in this store are _____ than those in the supermarket.

54. We haven’t told anyone about the secret _____ our English teacher.

55. In Chinese cult ure, it’s not polite to point your _____ at others at table.



【时间:2016-6-14 16:41:38】


2017年考试说明 a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n.能力 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep.关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面; a. 上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 accept v. 接受;收受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n.演员 actress n. 女演员 actually ad. 实际上,事实上 ad.(=advertisemnt) n.广告 add v.添加,增加 address n. 地址 advantage n. ,() advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise v.建议;劝告 afford v.买得起;提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 Africa n.非洲 African a. 非洲的 n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后;后来 prep.在……之后 conj.在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意;应允 agreement n. 协议;同意;一致 air n. 空气;大气 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 pron.全部;全体人员 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前;和……一起;一同 prep.沿着;顺着 aloud adv.大声地;出声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 although conj. 虽然,尽管 always ad. 总是;一直;永远 amazing a. 了不起的 America n. 美国;美洲 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人 among prep. 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和;又;而 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物 another a. 再一;另一;别的;不同 pron.另一个


2017年浙江省中考英语词汇表 A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 accent n. 口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 add vt. 添加,增加 address n. 地址 advantage n. 优点;好处 advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 after ad. 在后;后来prep.在……之后;在后面conj.在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v.同意;应允 air n. 空气;大气 airline n. 航空公司;航空系统 airplane n. (美)飞机 airport n. 航空站,飞机场

中考英语词汇运用 专项练习(含答案)

名词专项 1.识别可数名词,不可数名词 2.可数名词单数变复数及其修饰语 3.名词所有格 4.变名词 1) +er / or / ist / ian (play --- player; visit --- visitor; science --- scientist; music --- musician) 2) +ion / sion (collect --- collection; decide --- decision) 3) +ment (develop --- development) 4) +ing (mean --- meaning; paint --- painting) 5) +ure (press --- pressure) 6) +ness (kind --- kindness; happy --- happiness) 7) +y / ty (difficult --- difficulty; honest --- honesty; safe --- safety) 8) t变ce (important --- importance; silent --- silence) Group 1 得分: 1. ___________ say five minutes laughter is as good for you as fifteen minutes in the sports hall. (doctor) 2. Wang Ping tried his best and saved the ___________ life. (baby) 3. The proper time to rest should between 10 and 30 ___________. (minute) 4. Now more and more people in the cities keep ___________ as their friends. (pet) 5. Many young parents choose to buy some books as presents on ___________ Day. (children) 6. Parents sometimes have difficulty understanding the strange ___________ in their children’s mind.


make progress on the piano, one day, a boy 70. to a Paderewski’s concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to g reet her, leaving the boy alone in 71. seat. Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door 72. marked “No Admittance(进入)” . Soon, the hall got dark and the concert about to begin. When the mother 73. to her seat, discovered that the child was missing. Suddently the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother

work can be truly beautiful. Next time, you set out to achieve great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t stop. Keep playing.” 解析 70. 考查一般过去时的被动语态,一天,一个小男孩被他妈妈带到 帕德雷夫斯基的音乐会。根据后文“by his mother”及上下文时态可知was taken。 71. 考查物主代词。根据上下文可知“把小男孩独自留在他的座位


初三英语词汇运用: 1. ______(看)TV too much is bad for your eyes. 2. Could you tell us the differences______(两者之间)these two styles of music? 3. There are many __ (老鼠) in the room. 4.He couldn’t fall asleep because he _______(咳嗽) a lot. 5. The angry boy left the room without saying _______(再见) to us. 6.Yesterday he ________(选择) a scarf for his mother. 7 .The 2008 Olympic games will be held in Beijing --- the______(首都) of China. 8. We’ll have a game ___________(与…对抗) Class 7 9. Do you like _________ (收集)stamps in your free time? 10.Have you got a ________(门票) for the soccer ball match? 11. Hamsters are sometimes ________(吵闹的)at night. 12. There are several boys playing soccer on the ____________(操场) 13.I had an unusual __________(经历)that day. 14 It’s impolite to read a _________(私人的) letter without permission. 15 It’s dangerous to____________(横穿) the road without looking both ways. 16.From the _________(窗户), we can see many teachers doing exercise on the first floor. 17.He was so excited to hear the good news that he ________(跳)and sang happily 18.The girl was __________(幸运的) to win first prize. 19.As soon as I got home, mother_________(给) a hug 20. Last week Jack _______(不及格) the math test. 二、选择题: ( )1. My grandma didn’t go to sleep I got back home. A. where B. until C. as soon as D. while ( )2. —I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. — A.All right. B. Is that so? C. Sorry to hear that. D. I’m afraid so. ( )3. I him to go there with me. A. wish B. hope C. think D. let ( )4. —Now the air in our hometown is even than it was before. —So we must do something to stop it. A. better B. dirty C. more better D. worse ( )5. He less time reading stories about film stars than before. A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays ( )6. My watch is broken. I want to know how to make it . A. work B. to work C. walk D. to walk ( )7. China is very the Great Wall and pandas. A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for ( )8. —Can you see ? —No. Let’s go and have a look. Maybe we can help them. A. what was happening there B. what are they doing there C. what are they talking there D. what is happening there ( )9. I asked Lily for paper, but she didn’t have . A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some ( )10.—Will you please bring me some orange, Lucy? —. A. That’s right B. All right C. That’s all D. No matter ( )11. the word in the dictionary, and you’ll get the meaning by yourselve. A. Look at B. Look up C. Look for D. Look over ( )12. There a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning. A. has B. is going to be C. will have D. has been ( )13.—I’m sorry for what I said. —. A. With pleasure B. It’s right C. It’s too bad D. Forget it ( )14. —Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. —Really? Where he . A. has; gone B. will; go C. did; go D. does; go ( )15. There are about two students in the newly built school. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )16. —Here’s coffee and tea. You may have . —Thanks. A. either B. each C. one D. it ( )17.—Whose picture is better, Jack’s or Tom’s? —Both of them are good. I think Jack draws Tom. A. as good as B. as well as C. better than D. worse than ( )18. I was drawing a horse the teacher came in. A. while B. as C. when D. the moment ( )19. Again and again the doctor the crying girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her. A. looked over B. looked after C. looked for D. looked out ( )20.—Have you mended your shoes, Bob? —Yes, I them twenty minutes ago. A. have mended B. mend C. had mended D. mended ( )21.—Is Runyang Bridge open to the public yet? —Yes. It for almost one and a half months. A. has opened B. has being opened C. has been open D. was open ( )22.—You are leaving your school. How do you like it? —Very much, of course, I this school since I moved here. A. came to B. have gone to C. have been at D. have been to ( )23.My cousin read a history book. . A. So John does B. So did John C. So does John D. So John did ( )24.—Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk. —Oh, sorry. I’ll right now. A. put them away B. put them up C. put them on D. put them down ( )25.It rained heavily this morning, but of my classmates were away from school. A. neither B. none C. all D. both ( )26.—The windows are broken and need to be repaired. —I think so. They can hardly the cold now. A. keep out B. give out C. take out D. put out


浙江省各大市2019年中考英语模拟试卷汇编:单词拼写 一、浙江省2019年初中毕业学业考试(湖州市) 单词拼写(本题有9小题,每小题1分,共9分) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词。每空限填一词。 In Chinese lunar calendar, people 57 (划分) the year int0 24 solar terms (节气) . Start of Summer means the coming of a new 58 (季节) summer. and it begins on May 6 and ends on May 21 this year. The temperature will 59 (上升) quickly during this period. Here are three things about how Chinese greet the Start of Summer. Checking one's weight The 60 (风俗) of weighing people at the Start of Summer started from the Three Kingdoms Period and is 61 (仍然) popular in South China today. It's said that this practice will bring health and good luck to the people weighed. Eating eggs In ancient China, people believed a 62 (圆的) egg was a symbol of a happy life and eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer was a good 63 (愿望) for good health. People put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs to create "tea egg". Today it has become a 64__ (当地的) snack in many places of China. Taking care of the heart According to Chinese traditional medicine, Start of summer is a key time to moisten the heart. When it grows hot, heat can affect human health. So people 65 (更喜欢) food such as fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins and cool in nature. 二、浙江省衢州市2019年中考英语试卷 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的止确形式。每空限填一词。 Many people go to Utah because they love hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park. They enjoy ________ (岩石) climbing, camping and so on. However, some people go to Utah for a very ________ (不同的) experience. The Boulder Outdoor Survival (生存) School (BOSS) in Utah is the world's oldest survival school. It teaches people how to stay alive outside without tents, or even backpacks. In Bryce Canyon, the days are very ________ (热的) and the nights are very cold. Not everyone wants to go and experience life without modem ________ (发明) like smart phones and e-books, Students at BOSS quickly learn that it is important to work hard and ________ (尝试)new things if they want to complete the trainin9. In survival camps at BOSS, students don't just practise camping, hiking or ________ (骑) horses. They go into the wild for days or weeks. They learn how to find ________ (新鲜的) water for drinking. They also learn how to make a fire, use a ________ (小刀)and find food to eat. Nature can often give them ________ (每件事) they need to survive. After these people go back to the real world, they may never use these skills again. Even if they don't, at ________ (至少) they will always know that they can live without computers, electricity, and smart phones—even if it is only for a few days!


2013年中考英语真题分类汇编—词汇运用 2013年杭州市中考英语试卷 南京市2013年初中毕业生学业考试 四、填空(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号 为46-50的相应位置上。 1.The school library is _ (开放的) Monday through Friday, 9a.m to 6 p.m. 2.I often _ (买)gifts for my parents on their birthdays. 3.The children all _ (跳)with joy when they heard the good news. 4.Where are you going to put your _ (自行车)? It’s so crowded here. 5.Some teenagers don’t know how to _ (处理)with their personal problems and they often go to therapy. B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 51-56的相应位置上。 6.If you don’t tell me what the problem is, I can’t _ (help) you. 7.Miss Li is a kind teacher and she always talks to us _ (gentle). 8.The teacher told us that the gravity on Mars _ (be) only about three-eighth of that on Earth. 9.Mr Black has been in China for three years and now he is used to _ (eat) Chinese food. 10.The Eiffel Tower, a cultural icon of France, was completed at the end of the _ (nineteen) century. 11.It is worth _ (mention) that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities. 四、填空(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确 46.open 47.buy 48.jumped 49. bike(s)/bicycle(s) 50.deal B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 51.help 52.gently 53. is 54.eating 55. nineteenth/19th56. mentioning C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空 57. What 58. thousands of 59. so 60. turning off 61. hopeless 2013年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试试卷 四、词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。 41.The local clubs are making every ▲ (努力)to interest more young people. 42.John went out and ▲ (锁住)the door behind him.



prep. 作为,当做 ask v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请 ▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 at prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处)▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正! August n. 八月 aunt n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 ▲Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚的 n. 澳大利亚人 autumn n. 秋天,秋季 away ad. 离开,远离 B baby n. 婴儿 back ad. 回(原处),向后 n. 背后,后部,背 bad (worse, worst) a. 坏的,有害 的,不利的, 严重的 bag n. 书包,提包,袋子 ball n. 球,舞会 banana n. 香蕉 ▲bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤basket n. 篮子 basketball n. 篮球 be aux v. (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) 是,成为 ▲beach n. 海滨,海滩 ▲bear n. 熊 v. 承受,负担,承担,忍受,容忍 beat v.(beat, beaten)敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍 beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的 because conj. 因为 become (became, become) v. 变得,成为 bed n. 床 bedroom n. 寝室,卧室 ▲beef n. 牛肉before prep. 在…以前,在…前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在…之前 begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 behind prep. ad.(表示位置)在…后 ▲believe v. 相信,认为 bell n. 钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物 below prep. 在…下面 beside prep. 在…旁边,靠近 ▲besides prep. 除…以外(还有)ad. 还有,此外 best a.\ ad. ( good,well 的最高级) between prep. 在(两者之间),在…中间 big a. 大的 bike=bicycle n. 自行车 bill n. 帐单,法案,议案,(美)钞票,纸币 bird n. 鸟 birthday n. 生日 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的 black a. 黑色的 n. 黑色 blackboard n. 黑板 ▲blind a. 瞎的 blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹气 blue n & a. 蓝色,蓝色的 boat n. 小船,小舟 body n. 身体 book n. 书,本子 bookshop n. 书店 ▲boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 born a. 出生 borrow v. (向别人)借用,借both pron. 两,双 a. 两者,双方 bottle n. 瓶子 ▲bowl n. 碗 box n. 盒子,箱子

(浙江地区)中考英语复习考点跟踪:36 词汇运用(含答案)-精校.doc

考点跟踪突破36 词汇运用 训练一单词拼写类 一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1.In the USA,people eat with knives (刀) and forks. 2.I left my book at home.May I borrow yours (你的)? 3.You must look at the traffic lights before you go across (穿过) the road. 4.It rained heavily (大) on my way home yesterday afternoon. 5.The earlier (越早) kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future. 6.The basketball match is worth (值得) watching. 7.We are supposed to encourage (鼓励) the young to read more books. 8.Today is Mary's twelfth (十二岁) birthday.We will go to her birthday party. 9.It's good to have a healthy (健康的) eating habit. 10.We shouldn't waste water.Instead,we should save (节约) it. 11.The students are having a chemistry (化学) class in the lab. 12.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional (传统的) art. 13.Parents always try to provide (提供) a comfortable environment for their children. 14.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real (真实的). 15.All my classmates went to the old people's home except (除了) Eric because he was ill. 二、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词的正确形式。 1.Take o ff your shoes before you go into the house. 2.During the summer h oliday,I will take part in a two-week work experience activity. 3.W ithout your help,I couldn't have passed the exam. 4.Tom was old e nough to work and make money. 5.Linda stayed up late and p repared herself for the math exam last night. 6.A m enu is a list of food that you can eat in a restaurant. 7.As the old saying goes,“Old h abits die hard.” So start exercising before it's too late! 8.She was so n ervous about her first speech that she couldn't sleep. 9.It is said that the moon c ircles the earth every 28 days. 10.Tea is one of the most p opular drinks in China.Many people like it. 三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.His office is on the ninth (nine) floor of the tall building. 2.What about practicing (practice) swimming this summer vacation? 3.With the development (develop) of science and technology,life is becoming much easier. 4.It often rains heavily (heavy) in this season every year. 5.Have you ever read the books translated (translate) by Yang Jiang? 6.John is not good at singing (sing),but he would like to have a try. 7.Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize winners (win) in 2015.We're proud of her. 8.Helping others is helping ourselves (we),so we should try our best to help those in need.


词语运用 一、考点解读 词语运用题主要考查学生在特定语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。试题的主要考查点是名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词及常用动词短语。 1、名词:名词单复数、名词所有格以及星期、月份等特殊名词的拼写; 2、形容词和副词:形容词与副词的选用及形式转化,形容词与副词的比较级等级; 3、数词:序数词变为基数词的规律; 4、动词:动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词以及动词不定时、动词短语的拼写及用法。 二、解题方法及技巧 (一)阅读全句,理解句意 正确理解全句有助于准确判断所填的单词,若只看所填词的提示而忽略整个句意,往往填不上或填错单词 e.g. We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment. (二)认真分析所填词的词性 做题时结合语境、语法要求去判断所填词的正确词性 e.g.1.This morning I was two minutes late for train,but (luck),I didn’t miss it as the train was late,too. 2.What a (sun) day! Let’s go hiking. 3.She was one of the greatest Chinese (write) of the 20th century. 各种词性之间的相互转换表 (1)v.+er/or n.(人):teach visit work (2)adj.+ly adv. : careful luck quick

(3)n.+ly adj. :friend month (4)adj. n. :important different healthy dead (5)v.+tion n. : invent pollute (6)v.+ment n. : develop move (7)adj.+ness n. : happy ill sad (8)-less后缀,un-前缀都表示否定含义 careless ——(反) helpless——(反) useless ——(反) unhappy——(反) unusual——(反) (三)要判断所填词的正确词性 (1)名词要注意复数和所有格 (2)形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级的变化 (3)动词及词组要注意各种时态、语态及非谓语动词等各种形式 (4)数词注意分数和序数词的变化 e.g.1. In China, students have two (term) every year. 2. After exercising for a few months, she is a little (thin) than before. 3. Mr.Green lives on the (twelve) floor of the building. 4. When I (arrive), it was early in the morning and it was raining. (四)注意固定搭配 e.g. I am (interest) in reading books. 词语运用解题口诀: 空前空后要注意,名词单复要牢记,还有’s不能弃; 动词注意要变形;形、副注意用三级; 要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入代词需谨慎,五格变化要谨记; 介词、连词最省力,看见照抄就可以。

D_中考英语词语运用专项训练 (讲义)

中考英语词语运用专项训练 【知识点睛】 一、中考词语运用命题特点 河南中考对词汇的考查主要集中在______________、______________及 _____________和______________等几个方面。这就要求考生在平时一定要熟记大纲所 规定的考查单词及相关短语搭配,明辨同一词根的词的不同用法,更重要的是要做到对单词的词形/性变化及语法知识的活学活用。预计河南中考对词汇的考查重点在实词的拼写、词形/性变化及同一词根的词的不同用法上。 二、考察目标 该题型旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。该题型将重点考查:同一词根的不同词性变化;序数词与基数词的区别运用;名词的单复数及所有格;代词的用法;形容词和副词比较等级的运用以及动词各种时态语态的灵活运用。 三、解题策略 1.认真查看所给的单词,弄清楚每个单词的意思及词性。如动词一般作谓语,形容词 常作表语或定语,副词作状语等。 2.跳开空格,快速通读文章,初步了解文章框架、大意,获取有用信息。 3.认真阅读挖空的句子,弄清楚句子的结构及句子大意,特别是空格前后单词的词性, 这很关键。因为空格前后的单词往往是选择所要填入空格的单词最重要的依据。 4.根据句意,从所给单词中筛选最恰当的单词填入空格中。注意有时候词性要作相应 的变化。 5.认真研读完成后的短文和句子,看句子结构是否合理,句意是否完整并符合逻辑, 以便确定答案。 四、解题步骤 明确所给词的词性→弄清所给句子的意思→确定空白处所需的词性→正确写出所填的词 五、应试策略 1.对中考课标和考试说明中要求掌握的词汇必须通过听写或练习掌握,牢固掌握单词 不仅有益于答好词汇题,更是做好其他题型的前提。 2.重视背单词的_________,并熟知不同词性的作用。 3.注意结合语境去填对__________,(学生最爱用动原,名词单数),答题时画出关键 词,名词考虑“单复数”,形副考虑“原比最”,数词考虑“基序词”,动词考虑“时态语态”等。 4.练习各种题型,如用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,根据首字母补全单词,用方 框中单词短语正确形式填空等。 5.每天做几道题,作业经常训练,长期坚持必有收获。 6.摘录错题,错题反复看。

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