当前位置:文档之家› 山东省枣庄市第九中学201-2015学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷及答案




考试时间:60 分钟满分:100分

Part 1: Multiple Choice (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1.“With more and more businesses closing down, it is hard to________ nowadays,” she said with a sigh.

A.earn one's living B.make a living C.make a life D.earn one's life 2.According to the driver’s explanation, it was not his carelessness but the bad road conditions that

for the accident.

A.was to blame B.was to be blamed C.were to be blamed D.were to blame 3.Nowadays, many people walk to work Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low carbon lifestyle to cope with global warming.

A.in harmony with B.in response to C.in preparation for D.in view of 4.Only after the incident happened was I conscious ______ his unfriendliness.

A.with B.for C.of D.at 5.Eating habits ______ from country to country.One man’s meat can be another man’s poison.

A.vary B.advance C.spread D.turn

6. ______ no bus, we had to walk home.

A.There was B.There being

C.Because there being D.There were

7.______ no bus, so we had to walk home.

A.There was B.There being

C.Because there being D.Because there was

8.Most of the educators are ______ providing more freedom to the teenagers, believing that it may make them more creative and independent.

A.in search of B.in charge of

C.in favor of D.in need of

9.All of the children ______ in the school play and they are in high spirits.

A.are involving B.involve

C.are involved D.have involved

10.______ her head, she walked past me as if I had not existed.

A.Taking up B.Giving up C.Keeping up D.Holding up 11.I believe that Mary hurt her mother’s feelings consciously rather than ______ as she said.

A.in advance B.by accident C.on purpose D.for sure 12.— Can I ask you a favor? This box is too heavy for me to carry.

—_________ I’m coming.

A.No problem.B.I’ve no time.C.I’m afraid not D.Sure, go ahead. 13.______ you find either his address or his telephone number, you can’t get in touch with him.A.Although B.Even though C.Unless D.If

14.I hate those who show off their knowledge ______ they have the chance.

A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however 15.You can borrow my car ______ you promise not to drive too fast.

A.unless B.even if C.in case D.as long as 16.Convenient ______ plastic bags are for people, they will cause white pollution.

A.as B.although C.since D.while 17._______difficulties we may come across, we’ll help one another to overcome them.A.However B.Whenever C.Whatever D.Wherever 18.______ we had not helped him, what would have happened?

A.Though B.Suppose C.Unless D.Even if 19.______ he has studied in Beijing for two years, he hasn’t visited the Forbidden City.

A.If B.Although C.As D.Until 20.One can always manage to do more things, no matter ______ full one’s schedule is in life.

A.how B.what C.when D.where

Part 2: Cloze Test (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

All throughout life we deal with some types of disappointment,whether they are from our job,family or friends. Disappointment is 21.It is not a matter of “if” it comes,it is “ 22 ”it comes.

Several days before my 15th birthday,my dad 23me that they had bought me a car and

it would be 24on the morning of my birthday. You can imagine the 25I felt.

That morning,I stood outside waiting for my car to arrive. I26 a red sports car and could feel the wind blowing through my hair as I took the car from 4th to 5th gear(挡).

Several minutes later,I noticed a tow truck(拖车)coming down the street. I couldn't27 it!It wasn't a red sports car like I had pictured.28,on the back of this tow truck sat a(n)29,multicolored, 1972 Ford truck. There were no words to30the ugliness of this truck.

My dad walked out of the 31and gave directions where it was to be 32.Clearly my dad saw the33on my face and told me that we had one year to work on the truck and get it in 34shape.

Throughout the next year I would 35my truck every weekend with my dad. After much hard36,the moment had finally arrived. My dad and I managed to get it running again and off I went for my first37in my “new” truck.

I have learned through the38that there is something to learn from our disappointment. The truck gave me an opportunity to actually know my dad. It is through disappointment that we are39.In every disappointment there is a 40to be learned.However,it is up to you to look for the lesson.

21.A.temporary B.important C.unavoidable D.obvious 22.A.where B.how C.why D.when 23.A.asked B.informed C.reminded D.promised 24.A.bought B.posted C.delivered D.repaired 25.A.excitement B.anxiety C.puzzlement D.nervousness 26.A.drove B.pictured C.purchased D.raced 27.A.manage B.get C.make D.believe 28.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Furthermore D.Instead 29.A.beautiful B.ugly C.expensive D.ordinary 30.A.describe B.reflect C.change D.instruct 31.A.car B.school C.house D.street 32.A.painted B.stored C.unloaded D.covered 33.A.curiosity B.disappointment C.surprise D.satisfaction 34.A.complex B.usual C.natural D.excellent

35.A.work on B.meet with C.put out D.tend to 36.A.practice B.work C.experiment D.instruction 37.A.holiday B.entry C.present D.adventure 38.A.birthday B.story C.experience D.gift 39.A.strengthened B.suffered C.terrified D.threatened 40.A.mistake B.lesson C.skill D.chance

Part 3: Reading Comprehension (共8题;每小题2分,满分16分)


Tony Tolbert looked for a family in need after his father set a good example when he was growing up by always welcoming people to stay in their spare room.“You don’t have to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Oprah,” Tolbert told CBS.“We can do it wherever we are, with whatever we have, and for me, I have a house that I can use.” His mother, Marie Tolbert, added, “He is so kind and he’s always been helping others.”

Tolbert went to Alexandria House, a shelter for homeless women and children, and came across Felicia Dukes, who lived in a single bedroom with three of her children.Her family had been separated as the shelter was just for children and her eldest son was unable to join them.Tolbert told the staff that he wanted to bring the family back together, and offered them his home.

The family has now moved into the three-bedroom, two-bathroom home—with Felicia Dukes’ oldest son.It is worth nearly $400,000, according to online estimates (评估).“I am so excited,” Felicia Dukes said, as she wiped away her tears.

The heartwarming story comes after a report that 10-year-old Gracie McNulty, from England, served Christmas dinners to 50 homeless people, achieving her father’s l ast Christmas wish.

Her father Craig, 38, was a charity volunteer who had served breakfast to the homeless on Boxing Day.But as a roofer, he suffered serious head injuries when he fell down from the roof.He was taken to a hospital by air ambulance but died soon after the accident in August.

“It’s been the best Christmas,” Gracie said.“I was just at school feeling sad and then I wanted to do something to make him proud and this may be the perfect thing.”

41.When Tony Tolbert was young, he

A.lived in a large room alone B.was encouraged by his father

C.led a happy life with his mother D.wanted to become Bill Gates 42.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Felicia Dukes lived in Alexandria House with all her children.

B.Alexandria House is a place for those poor children.

C.Tony Tolbert offered his house to the family of Felicia Dukes.

D.Tony Tolbert donated $400,000 to help those poor people.

43.What might be Craig’s last Christmas wish?

A.He wanted his daughter to be a roofer.

B.He asked his daughter to learn from Tolbert.

C.He still wanted to help the poor at Christmas.

D.He persuaded his daughter to work hard at school.

44.Gracie felt sad at school probably because

A.she missed her father very much B.she failed in her exams

C.she couldn’t offer help to others D.she didn’t achieve her father’s dream 45.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To explain some puzzling events.

B.Tony Tolbert is very warm-hearted.

C.To tell two inspiring stories.

D.To show there are still many poor people.


Body language is an important part of communication.If you wish to communicate well, it is important to understand how you can use your body to say what you mean.You should also pay atten tion to other people’s body language.

When a person is bored, his whole body is telling you.If you are trying to persuade him to buy your products, don’t bother unless you are trying to make them give in.

A bored person looks anywhere but at the person who is talking to him.He finds other things to do, from talking with others to looking around the room.He may also keep looking at his watch or a wall clock.Bored people often do things such as tap their toes, swing their feet or drum their

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