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She can speak French and l ean' . t

You should do your homework every day.

You don ‘have to spend too much money.

以上句中的can, can ' t, should, have等都是情态动词,又叫情态助动词。它们具有以下特点:

⑴ 它们必须与其他动词连用,即:情态动词+动词原形山,表示说话人对所述动作的看法,如需要、可能、意愿或怀疑等。

⑵绝大多数情态动词没有人称和数的变化,即第三人称单数不加-S(以be和have 开头的情态动词短语除外)。




11.2.1 can的基本用法

⑴表示体力或智力上的能力,即“能够,会”,可与be able to转换。例如:

He can sp eak En glish. / He is able to s peak En glish. 他会讲英语。

Can you play basketball? —No, I can' . t 你会打篮球吗?我不会。

如果表示将来具备的能力,要用will be able to。例如:

If I have a good slee p, I will be able to do the p roblem.

⑵ 表示许可,主要用于口语,书面语一般用may。例如:

Can we go home now, pl ease? —No, you can'. t - 不可以。

You can only smoke in this room.

You can' kee p the library books for more tha n a mon th.


An ybody can make mistakes.

The news can' be true.


Can / Could we meet aga in n ext week?

What shall we do? —We can / could try aski ng Lucy for hel p.

You can / could hel p me with the cook ing.

⑷ 现代语法认为,be able to也是一个助动词,因为它后面接不带to的不定式。be able to主要用来表示能力,并可用来填补can (表示能力)所缺少的时态形式。can 的主语可以是sb或sth,但be able to的主语一般只能是sb。以下是一些例子:Are you able to / Can you play football?

When I was youn g, I was able to / coulc T un very fast.

I have n been able to come here for two mon ths.

Will you be able to come tomorrow?

He may be able to p ass the exam.

11.2.2 may的基本用法


You may / can come if you wish.

You may not p ick flowers in this p ark.


May I smoke here? —No, you must n


It may ra in tomorrow. (may not表示按规定不许可,如果用mustn't '(tmustn '表示明确的禁止。)

The n ews may not be true.


Can it be true? Who can he be?

11.2.3must 的基本用法

⑴ 表示必须,强调说话人的主观意志。例如:

I must go now, or I ' ll be late.

You must be here by ten o 'clock.

Must I go with them? — No, you needn'.t

表示必须时,must的否定式为need n't而不是must n't后者表示说话人禁止某人做某事。例如:

You mustn' talk like that.

They mustn' stay there any longer.

⑵ 表示推测,一般只用于肯定陈述句。例如:

She didn ' t look at me. Sh ust be angry.她不朝我看,一定是生气了。

He is good at En glish. He must know the word.他英语好,准知道这个词。

You must be Mr Jon es.想必您就是琼斯先生吧。

must用于推测时,其否定式为cannot,缩写为can 't例如:

She can'bte serious. 她不可能是当真的。

That can' be the postman; it ' s only seven o 那不可oC是邮差,现在才7 点钟。

11.2.4have to的基本用法

have to可视为情态动词,但它与其他情态动词在用法上稍有不同。其他情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而have to却要视主语的不同而变化。例如:

I / You / We / They have to . … He / She / It has to

You don ' t have to ….Does she have to …?

have to又作have got to,意思是“必须,不得不”。和must不同,have to强调客观需要。例如:

Sorry, I have to leave now. 对不起,现在我得走了。

I've got t g o o to a meeting. 我得去参加一个会议。

Will he have to work deep into the night. 他将不得不工作到深夜吗?

You don t have tO nock -just walk in.你不必敲门,直接进来就行。(don' t have to = needn )'t

11.2.5n eed的基本用法


⑴ need 用作情态动词时,只用于否定句和疑问句。它只有一种形式,后接不带to 的动词不定式。例如:

You need not meet him un less you ' d like除非你愿意,你不需要见他。

I don't believe yo n u eed worry. 我相信你没有必要焦急。

Need we go so soon? —Yes, we must. / No, we needn'. t 我们需要这么早就去吗?
