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above prep. 在…上面

a. 上面的ad. 在…之上

▲accept vt.接受,同意,承担(责任等) accident n. 事故,意外的事

▲across prep. 横过,穿过

▲act n. 法令,条例

v. (戏)表演(角色),行动,做事▲active a. 积极的;活跃的;勤奋的

▲activity n. 活动;行动

▲advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议

agree v. 同意,应允

▲alive a. 活着的,存在的

▲allow vt. 允许,准许

almost ad. 几乎,差不多

alone a. 单独的,孤独的

along ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同

prep. 沿着,顺着

another a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的

pron. 另一个

answer n. 回答,答复,回信,答案

v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案▲appear vi. 出现

▲area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面

arm n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力v. 以…装备,武装起来

▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡

▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正!

August n. 八月

Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚

▲Australian a. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人


basket n. 篮子

basketball n. 篮球

▲beach n. 海滨,海滩

▲bear n. 熊

v. 承受,负担,承担,忍受,容忍beat v.(beat, beaten)敲打,跳动,打赢

n. (音乐)节拍

beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的

▲beef n. 牛肉

begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手

▲believe v. 相信,认为

birthday n. 生日

▲blind a. 瞎的

blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹气

▲boring a. 乏味的,无聊的

borrow v. (向别人)借用,借

bottle n. 瓶子

▲bowl n. 碗

break (broke, broken) v. 打破(断,碎),

损坏,撕开n. 间歇

breakfast n. 早餐

brown n & a. 棕色,棕色的

brush v & n. 刷,擦,刷子

build (built, built) v. 建筑,造

business n. (本分)工作,职业,职责,


▲butter n. 黄油,奶油


▲camera n. 照相机,摄象机

▲cancer n. 癌

▲candy n. 糖果

▲cap n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子,(瓶子的)盖,(钢笔等的)笔套

▲capital n. 首都,省会,大写,资本careful a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的

carry v. 拿,搬,抬,背,抱,运等

catch (caught, caught) v. 接住,捉住,赶上,


▲cause n. 原因,起因

v. 促使,引起,使发生

▲CD n. 光盘(compact disk 的缩写)centre(美center)n. 中心,中央

▲century n. 世纪,百年

▲certain a. 一定的pron. 某几个,某些certainly ad. 当然

▲chance n. 机会,可能性

▲check n 检查,批改;

v. 校对,核对,检查,批改

▲cheese n. 奶酪

▲chemistry n. 化学

▲chicken n. 鸡,肌肉

▲chocolate n. 巧克力

choose (chose, chosen) vt. 选择

Christmas n. 圣诞节(12月25日)cinema n. 电影院,电影

▲circle n. 圆圈

vt. 将…圈起来

▲clever a. 聪明的,伶俐的

▲climb v. 爬,攀登

▲coffee n. 咖啡

▲coin n. 硬币

▲collect v. 收集,搜集

▲college n. 大学

colour (Am color) n. 颜色


▲comfortable a. 舒服的,安逸的,舒服的company n. 公司

computer n. 电子计算机

▲concert n. 音乐会,演奏会

▲conversation n. 谈话,交谈

corner n. 角,角落,拐角

▲cough n. & v. 咳嗽

▲could modal v. (can的过去式)可以…,(表示许可或请求)可以…,行

▲count vt. 数,点数

country n. 国家,农村,乡下

▲countryside n. 乡下,农村

course n. 过程,经过,课程

▲cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟、姐妹

cover n. 盖子,罩,封面

v. 覆盖,遮盖,掩盖


▲danger n. 危险

dangerous a. 危险的

▲deaf a. 聋的

▲death n. 死

December n.12月

decide v. 决定,下决心

▲decision n. 决定,决心

delicious a. 美味的,可口的

▲describe vt. 描写,叙述

▲develop v. (使)发展,(使)发达,(使)发育,开发vt. 冲洗(照片)▲diary n. 日记,日记簿

dictionary n. 词典,字典

▲difference n. 不同

different a. 不同的,有差异的

difficult a. 难的,艰难的,不易相处的

dig (dug , dug ) v. 挖;掘

dinner n. 正餐,宴会

▲discover vt. 发现

▲discuss vt. 讨论,辩论

▲discussion n. 讨论,辩论

dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等


▲downstairs ad. 在楼下,到楼下

draw (drew, drawn) v. 绘画,绘制,拉,拖,


▲dream (-ed,-ed/dreamt, dreamt) v & n.


drink (drank, drunk) v. 喝,饮n. 饮料,喝酒drive (drove, driven) v. 驾驶,驱赶

▲drop n. 滴v. 掉下,落下,投递,放弃


earth n. 地球,土,泥,大地

▲education n. 教育,培养

▲eighteen num. 十八

▲eighty num. 八十

either a. 两方任一方的,二者之一

conj. 二者之一,要么

ad. (用语否定句或短语后)也

▲elephant n. 象

empty a. 空的

▲encourage v. 鼓励

▲especially ad. 特别,尤其

exam =examination n. 考试,检查,审查▲example n. 例子,榜样

▲excellent a. 极好的,优秀的

except prep. 除……之外

excuse n. 借口,辩解vt. 原谅,宽恕exercise vi. 锻炼

n. 锻炼,做操,练习,习题

▲expect v. 预期,盼望,期待

expensive a. 昂贵的

▲experience n. 经验,经历

▲explain v. 解释,说明


factory n. 工厂

fail v. 失败,不及格,衰退

fall (fell, fallen) v. 落(下),降落,倒family n. 家庭,家族,子女

famous a. 著名的

favourite (美favorite) a. 喜爱的

n. 特别喜爱的人或物

February n. 二月

▲festival n. 节日

few pron & a. 不多;不多的,少数的field n. 田地,牧场,场地

▲fight (fought, fought) n. 打架,战斗,斗志v. 对抗,打架

▲final a. 最后的,终极的

▲finger n. 手指

floor n. 地面,地板,(楼房的)层

flower n. 花

follow v. 跟随,仿效,跟得上

foreign a. 外国的

▲foreigner n. 外国人

forget (forgot, forgot) v. 忘记,忘掉

▲form n. 表格,形式,结构

Friday n. 星期五

fridge (=refrigerator) n. 冰箱

friendly a. 友好的

▲friendship n. 友谊,友情

fruit n. 水果,果实

▲funny a. 有趣的,滑稽可笑的

future n. 将来


▲geography n. 地理学

grade n. 等级;年级,成绩,分数

▲grandparent n. 祖父母,外祖父母


▲hang (hung, hung) v. 处(人)绞刑,上吊

happen v. (偶然)发生

hardly ad. 几乎不

▲headache n. 头疼

▲health n. 健康,卫生healthy a. 健康的,卫生的

heavy a. 重的

▲height n. 高,高度

history n. 历史,历史学

▲hit (hit, hit) v. 打,撞,击中

▲hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好

hold (held, held) v. 拿,抱,握住,举行,


holiday n. 假日,假期

▲honest a. 诚实的,正直的

hospital n. 医院

▲however ad & conj. 可是,尽管如此hungry a. 饥饿的


▲ice-cream n. 冰淇淋

▲imagine v. 想像,设想

important a. 重要的

▲impossible a. 不可能的

▲improve v.改进,更新

▲increase v & n.. 增加,繁殖

▲information n. 信息

instead ad. 代替,顶替

▲interest n. 兴趣,趣味,利息interesting a. 有趣的

▲introduce v.介绍

invent v. 发明,创造

▲invention n. 发明,创造

▲invite v. 邀请,招待

▲island n. 岛


jacket n. 短上衣,夹克

Japanese n. 日本人,日语

a. 日本的,日本人的,日语的


kilometre n. 千米(公里)

▲kitchen n 厨房

knock v & n敲,打,击

knowledge n知识,学问


▲lab=laboratory n实验室

language n语言

lay (laid, laid) v. 放,搁

▲leader n. 领袖,领导人

▲leaf (pl. leaves) n. (树,菜)叶

▲least n. 最少,最少量

leave (left, left) v. 离开,把…留下,剩下lesson n. 课,功课,教训

library n. 图书馆,图书室

lie (lay, lain) v. 躺,卧,平放,位于

lie v & n说谎,谎言

▲litter v & n. 乱丢杂物

▲lonely a. 孤独的,寂寞的

lucky a. 运气好,侥幸


machine n. 机器

madam=madame n. 夫人,女士

▲magazine n.杂志

▲mail n. 邮政,邮递,邮寄

▲mark n & v. 标记,注明,作记号于market n. 市场,集市

▲marry v. (使)成婚,结婚

match v & n. 使相配,成对;比赛,竞赛math(s) = mathematics n. 数学

▲matter n. 事情;问题;物质

v. 要紧;有关系

▲meaning n. 意思,含义

medicine n.药

▲memory n. 回忆,记忆

▲mention n & v.提及,记载,提到,说起,


mistake (mistook, mistaken) n.错误,v.弄错

▲model n.模型,原形,范例,模范modern a 现代的

moment n. 片刻

▲monitor n. 班长,纠察生,监视器monkey n. 猴子

mountain n. 山,山脉

▲mouse (pl. mice) n. 鼠,鼠标,耗子museum n.博物馆,博物院

music n. 音乐,乐曲


name n. 名字,姓名,名称

▲natural a. 自然的▲nearly ad. 将近,几乎

▲necessary a. 必需的,必要的

▲neighbour (美neighbor) n. 邻居,邻人▲nervous a. 紧张不安的

noise n. 声音,噪声,喧闹声

north a. 北的,朝北的,从北来的

n. 北,北方,北部

▲northern a. 北方的,北部的

▲notice n. 布告,通告,注意

v. 注意,注意到

November n. 十一月


▲ocean n. 海洋

October n. 十月

▲offer v & n. 提供,建议

office n. 办公室

once n, ad. 一次,一度,从前conj. 一旦orange n. 橘子,橙子,橘汁

a. 橘色的,橙色的

own a & n. 自己的;拥有,所有


▲P.E.=physical education n. 体育

▲palace n. 宫,宫殿

pardon n. 原谅,宽恕,对不起passage n. 通道,走廊,一段文章

▲passenger n. 乘客;旅客

▲patient n. 病人

patient a. 忍耐的,耐心的

▲personal a. 个人的,私人的

▲phone=telephone v & n. 打电话;电话photo=photograph n. 照片

▲physics n. 物理(学)

picnic n. 野餐

piece n. 一块(张,片,件……)

▲pink n & a. 粉红色的

plant v & n. 种植,播种;植物

▲plastic n & a. 塑料的

plate n. 板,片,牌,盘子,盆子

▲pleasant a. 令人愉快的

▲pleasure n. 高兴,愉快

▲point v & n. 指,指向;点,分数police n. 警察,警务人员

polite a. 有礼貌的,有教养的

popular a. 流行的,大众的,受欢迎的

▲population n. 人口,人数

possible a. 可能的

▲postcard n. 明信片

potato n. 土豆,马铃薯

▲pound n. 磅,英镑

▲practice n. 练习

practise (Am practice) v. 练习,实践present n. 礼物,赠品

▲prize n. 奖赏,奖品

problem n. 问题,难题

▲produce v. 生产,制造

programme (Am program) n.节目,项目

▲progress n & v. 进步,上进;进展,进

▲proud a. 自豪的,骄傲的

▲provide v. 提供

▲public a & n. 公共的,公众的;公众


quarter n. 四分之一

quick a. 快的,敏捷的,急剧的

ad. 快地,敏捷地,急剧地

quiet a. 安静的,寂静的

quite ad. 完全,十分


▲rabbit n. 兔,家兔

▲raincoat n. 雨衣

▲rainy a. 下雨的,多雨的

rather ad. 相当,宁可

reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到

really ad. 真正地,到底,确实

▲reason n. 理由,原因

receive v. 收到,得到

▲refuse v. 拒绝,不愿

▲relax v. (使)放松;轻松

remember v. 记得,想起

▲repair n & v. 修理,修补

report n & v. 报道,报告

▲restaurant n. 饭馆,饭店

▲result n. 结果,效果

▲return v. 归还,回,归

▲review v & n. 重新调查,回顾,复习▲riddle n. 谜语

▲robot n. 机器人

▲rock n. 岩石,大石头

▲rubbish n. 垃圾,废物

run (ran, run) v. 跑,奔跑,(颜色)退色


▲safety n. 安全,保险

Saturday n. 星期六

science n. 科学,自然科学

▲scientist n. 科学家

▲screen n. 幕,荧光屏

▲search n & v. 搜寻,搜查

second num, a & n. 第二;第二的;秒

▲secret n. 秘密,内情

send (sent, sent) v. 打发,派遣,送,邮寄September n.九月

serious a. 严肃的,严重的,认真的

▲serve v. 招待(顾客等),服务

▲shape n.形状,外形v. 使成型,塑造sheep (pl. sheep.) n. 绵羊,羊皮,驯服者▲shelf (pl. shelves) n. 架子,搁板,格层,


shine (shone, shone) v. 发光,杰出,擦亮▲should modal v. 应当,应该,会

shout n & v. 喊,高声呼喊

show ( showed , shown) v. 给…..看,显示▲shower n. 阵雨,淋浴

▲skate v. 溜冰,滑冰

▲smoke v & n. 冒烟,吸烟;烟

▲snake n. 蛇

snack n. 小吃

snow v & n. 下雪;雪

▲socks n. 短袜

soldier n. 士兵,战士

sorry a. 对不起,抱歉,难过的

sound v & n 听起来,发出声音;声音

▲soup n. 汤

south n南,南方,南风,南部.

a. 南方的,向南的,从南来的

▲special a. 特别的,专门的

▲speed n & v. 速度;(使)加速

▲spell (-ed, -ed; spelt, spelt) v. 拼写

spend (spent, spent) v. 花费(钱、时间等)

▲spoon n. 匙,调羹

▲square n. 广场

stamp n. 邮票

stand (stood, stood) v. 站,立,起立,坐落,经受,持久

station n. 站,所,车站,电台

stick (stuck, stuck) v. 粘住,钉住,坚持n. 木棒(棍),枝条

▲store n & v. 商店;贮藏,存储

▲strange a. 奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的strong a. 强(壮)的,强烈的,坚强的subject n. 题目,主题,学科,主语,主题▲success n. 成功

▲successful a. 成功的,有成就的suddenly ad. 突然地

summer n. 夏天,夏季

▲sunny a. 晴朗的,阳光充足的

▲supermarket n. 超级市场

supper n. 晚餐,晚饭

▲suppose v. 猜想,假定,料想

surprise n & v. 惊奇,诧异;使惊奇,使诧异

▲sweater n. 厚运动衫

sweep (swept, swept) v. 扫除,扫

sweet n甜食,蜜饯,甜点,糖果,芳香;

a. 甜的,新鲜的,可爱的,亲切的


▲tape n. 磁带,录音带

▲taste n. 品尝,尝味,味道


▲taxi n. 出租汽车

telephone n & v. 电话;打电话temperature n. 温度

▲tennis n. 网球

terrible a. 可怕的,糟糕的

▲theatre (Am theatre) n. 剧场,戏院thirsty a. 渴

though conj. 虽然,可是

▲thought n. 思考,思想,念头thousand num. 千

through prep & ad. 穿(通)过;从始至终Thursday n. 星期四

ticket n. 票,卷

▲tie v. (用绳、线)系,拴,扎

n. 领带,绳子,结,关系

▲tiger n. 老虎

▲tomato n. 西红柿,番茄

tooth (pl. teeth) n. 牙齿

▲tour n. 旅行,观光

▲tourist n. 旅行者,观光者

▲traffic n. 交通,来往车辆

train n & v. 火车;培训,训练

▲truth n. 真相;事实;实情


▲umbrella a. 雨伞

▲university n. 大学

▲unless conj. 如果不,除非

usual a. 通常的,平常的

usually ad. 通常地,平常地


vegetable n. 蔬菜

▲volleyball n. 排球


▲waste n & v. 浪费

watch n & v. 手表;注视,当心,注意wear (wore, worn) v. 穿,戴

weather n. 天气

Wednesday n. 星期三

▲weekday n. 平日

welcome a. 受欢迎的

▲western a. 西方的,西部的

▲whenever conj. 无论何时,每当

while conj. 在……时候,和……同时

n. 一会儿,一段时间

white a & n. 白色的;白色

window n. 窗户,计算机的窗口

▲windy a. 有风的,多风的

without prep. 没有

▲wonder v. 对…疑惑,感到惊奇,想知道wonderful a. 美妙的,精彩的,了不起的,


world n. 世界

worry v. 反那里,担忧,发怒,困扰

▲would modal v. (will的过去时)将会,打算,想要,过去常常


▲yard n. 码,院子,场地

yellow a & n. 黄色的;黄色

yesterday n & ad. 昨天


zero n & num. 零,零度,零点

zoo n. 动物园


a piece of 一块,一张,一片

according to按照,根据

after class课后

agree to do sth.同意做某事

agree with sb.同意某人的看法,与某人看法一致

all right行了,好吧

and so on等等

arrive at (in) place到达某地

as soon as一……就……


at the same time同时

at work在工作

be able to do sth.能够(有能力)做某事

be afraid of害怕

be angry with生某人的气

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

be busy with sth. 忙于做某事

be different from与……不同

be full of充满……的

be good at擅长……,……学得好

be interested in对……感兴趣

be late for迟到

by air(bus, train, ship, car, plane)乘飞机(公共汽车,火车,轮船,小车,飞机)

by the way顺便说

catch a cold得感冒

catch up with赶上(或超过)

change into转换成,把……变成

come from出生于,来自

come on来吧,赶快

come true变为现实,成为事实

cut down砍倒

day and night日日夜夜


enjoy oneself过得愉快

fall asleep入睡

fall ill患病,病倒far from远离

feel like doing想要……感觉要……fill…with用……填充

fill in填充

find out查明,发现,了解

first of all首先

for example例如


from now on从今以后,今后

get back返回,回来,回家

get off下车

get on上车

get on (along) with与……相处

get ready for为……准备好

give up放弃

go back回去

go fishing (shopping, skating…)(去)钓鱼(买东西,滑冰)

grow up长大成人,成长

had better (do)最好(做)

half an hour半小时

hand in上交

have a cold患感冒

have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快

have a meeting (match, rest, swim, talk, walk…)开会(比赛,休息,游泳,谈话,散步)

have breakfast (lunch, supper, some medicine…)吃早餐(午餐,晚餐,服药)have classes (lessons)上课

have sports进行体育活动

have to不得不,必须

hear from收到……的来信

hear of听说

help oneself to请随便吃点

help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

hold a meeting开会

hold on等一等(别挂电话)

hundreds of几百,成百上千

hurry up赶快,快点

in a hurry匆忙,很快地

in front of在……前面

in the end最后,终于

in the middle of在……中间

in time及时,来得及

instead of代替,而不是

join in参加,加入

just now现在,刚才

keep doing sth.继续做某事

keep on继续(进行)

knock at (on)敲

laugh at 嘲笑

less than不到,少于

listen to听…….(讲话)

look after照顾,照料

look at看,观看

look for寻找

look out留神,当心

look up查找

make a face (faces)做鬼脸,做苦脸make a mistake犯错误

make (be) friends with与……交朋友make up one’s mind下决心neither…nor既不……也不……

next to紧接着,相邻

no longer(not any longer)不再

not …until直到……才

not any more (=no more)不再

not at all一点也不,不用谢,别客气not only…but also不仅……而且……not so… as不像,不如

of course当然

on the radio通过收音机

on foot步行,走路

on one’s way在.…..的途中

on time准时,按时

out of在……外,从……里头

pay for付款

pick up拾起,捡起

put on穿,戴上,上演

put off推迟

rather than而不,非

right now立即,马上

ring up打电话给

run away逃跑,跑开

save one’s life挽救某人生命

send up发出,射出

so far到目前为止

so…that太……以至于….. spend…on在……花钱

stop doing sth.停止做某事

stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事stop to do. sth.停下来做某事

such as例如

take a rest (walk)休息,散步

take a seat就座,坐下

take off脱下,起飞

take out取出

take part in参加

take place发生

take the train (a boat…)坐火车(船……)talk about谈论,议论

the day after tomorrow后天

the day before yesterday前天

the more…the more越……就越……

the other(s)另一个(其它的)

think about考虑(是否去做)

think of想起,考虑,认为

thousands of成千上万


try on试穿,试试看

turn down关小,调低

turn off关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等)turn on打开(水、电、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)

used to sth.习惯于

used to do sth.过去常常

wait for等候,等待

wake up 醒来

work out 算出,解决

worry about 担心,烦恼

write down写下,记下

write to 写信给…..


初中英语阅读理解常见题型及答题技巧 从近几年的中考阅读理解情况看,短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面,充分体现其时代性、实用性。短文难度逐年加大。常见题型有主旨题、细节题、推断题、猜测词义题和正误判断题。 做阅读理解练习应先看问题,弄清考点。在阅读短文之前,快速浏览问题,以便在阅读短文时做到心中有数,快速、准确地捕捉所要信息。先易后难。做题时不必拘泥于书中所呈现的语篇顺序,应遵循先易后难的原则。如可先做细节题再做推断题,因为细节题大多能直接从文中找到答案,而推断题则需对短文进行深层理解,再作判断。 (一)主旨题 主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。 (二)细节题 细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时要有针对性。 (三)推断题 推断题就是根据某个事实推断结论,主要考查学生的理解力和推断力。这类推断通常包括:数据事实推断、常识推断以及作者的写作目的、态度和倾向等的推断。做此类题时,应根据短文中的相关语句,对与事实有关的细节加以分析,找出线索,悟出字里行间的意思,反复比较,从而作出合乎逻辑的判断。 (四)猜测词义题 猜测词义题主要考查学生根据上下文正确判断灵活变化的词义能力。一般情况下,推断词义的题目中所出现的单词,大多数是学生未曾见过的生词,学生需要在该词出现的上下文中去寻找线索。通过阅读上下文,断定该词的真正含义,然后将这个释义代入文中,检查是否贴切,仔细比较直到得出该词的确切的含义。 (五)正误判断题 正误判断题主要考查学生对文章的具体事实、信息的理解能力。一般是根据文章的事实或细节,给出一个句子,判断其正误。这类题比较直接,难度相对较小。做此类题时,应先看题,后带着“问题”快速阅读短文,寻找所需要的信息。初中英语阅读理解题已成为评估学生英语水平的重要测试题型,在中考英语试卷中所占比重较大。阅读理解题主要是考查学生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括细节理解能力、词义判断能力、归纳概括能力及逻辑推理能力等。大致来说,阅读理解题主要针对如下方面:(1)个别词语或句子;(2)某一细节或情节;(3)主题;(4)背景知识;(5)结论或结局;(6)内涵隐意或寓意等。下面本人就根据阅读理解题的题型特点,来谈一些答题技巧。 一、直接理解题 这种题目比较简单,只要通读全文,了解文中所叙述的重要事实或细节就可以解答出来,有的甚至可以从文章的原句中直接找到答案。此类题目的出题形式很多,例如:



阅读理解1 Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example. She does not like newspapers very much Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants, too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper? Scientists say, "All food comes in some way from plants." Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants, then bigger fish swim along and eat the ……Chickens eat bits of grass and give us…… Think for a minute. What food does not come from plants in some way? Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. It is very good food, too. Now they have begun to say, "We make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is—food from paper. Scientists say, "We can turn paper into food. It will be good, cheap food, too, cheaper than meat or fish or eggs." So please keep your old books and letters. (Don't feed [喂] your cat.) One day, they will be on your plate, if what scientists say may come true. 1. The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because _____. A. they are useful for reading B. They may be used to feed cats C. We can make food from them soon D. we can read them at breakfast 2. From the passage (段落), we can infer(推断) that _____ do not come from plants in some way. A. few kinds of food B. meat and fish C. cheese and chicken D. wood and paper 阅读理解2 Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve o'clock. "Who can it be at this time of night?" He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got of bed, put on his dressing gown (浴袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That is very strange." Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed ,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep. A few minutes later he heard the bell again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it : "It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fool's Day (禺人节) . April fool to you!" "Oh , it was the English boy next door!" Mr. Lee exclaimed (惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and feel asleep at once. The bell did not ring again. 1. When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He went to bed _______. A. before twelve o'clock B. after twelve o'clock C. when the bell rang D. when he saw the boy 2. Why did he rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time? A. He wanted to open the door for the visitor B. He wanted to find out who the visitor was. C. He was afraid of the ring D. He was waiting for someone. 3. From this passage, we learn that we can _______ on April Fool's Day. A. say "Hello" to each other B. dance and sing at night C. play jokes on each other D. send pressents to children 4. What did Mr. Lee think about the English boy? He thought he _________. A. was a good boy B. was friendly with him C. shouldn't ring the bell at midnight D. did a dangerous thing just now 阅读理解3 In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


中考英语高频词汇汇总 A 动词:accept接受 achieve 实现 advise 建议 afford 支付得起 answer 回答 appear 出现 add 添加 act 行动 allow 允许 agree 同意 arrive到达 ask 问 appreciate 欣赏 argue争论 名词:advice建议 activity 活动 address 地址 age 年龄 air空气 attention注意 accident事故 形容词:able能够的 awful可怕的 active活跃度 afraid恐惧的 alive活着的 amazing 令人惊异的 angry 生气的 asleep睡着的 anxious 焦虑的 actually实际的 alike 相同的 alone 孤独的 代词:any 任何的 anybody 任何人 anymore 不再 anyone 任何人 anything任何事 anytime 任何时间 anywhere任何地方 B 动词:beat打败 begin开始 believe相信 borrow 借来 bring 带来 break 打破 build 建筑burn 燃烧 buy 买 bother 打扰 名词: bank 银行 breakfast早餐 bread 面包 business 商业 形容词:beautiful美丽的 blind 盲的 boring无聊的 born 天生的 bright 明亮的 brave勇敢的 busy 忙

的 C 动词:care 关心,在乎 call打电话 carry扛 catch 抓住 cause 导致 celebrate庆祝 change改变 chat 聊天 check 检查 choose 选择 clean 打扫 clear清除 climb攀爬 close 关 come 来collect收集 communicate 交流 compare比较 consider考虑 continue 继续control 控制connect 连接 cook 煮 copy 复制 cost 花费 count 有价值,数 cover覆盖 cry 哭 create 创造 cross 横过 cut切 名词: capital首都 cancer癌症 care小心 century世纪 chance机会 child 小孩 children小孩(复) choice 选择 city 城市 clothes 衣服 cloud云朵 collection收集 college大学 communication 交流 competition 比赛 contest比赛 conversation对白 corner 拐角 country国家 countryside乡村 courage勇气 culture文化 course 课程 custom风俗 形容词:careful小心点 careless 粗心的 certain确定的 cheap 便宜的 clean干净的 clear 干净的 clever聪明的 close 关着的 cloudy 多运动 colorful 多彩的 comfortable舒服的 common 共同的 confident 自信的 confusing令人困惑的 convenient 方便


一. 冠词(3个) 1. a 一个(件/只……) 2. an 一个(件/只……) 3. the 这;这个;那;那个 二. 连词(24个) 1. after 在……以后 2. and 和;又 3. as 像……一样;如同;因为 4. because 因为 5. before 在……之前 6. but 但是 7. if 如果;假使;是否;是不是 8. neither 也不 9. nor 也不 10. or 或者;还是;否则 11. since 从……以来;……以后 12. that 既然,由于(引导宾语从句等) 13. though 虽然 14. till 直到;直到……为止 15. until 直到;直到……为止 16. when 当……的时候

17. whether 是否 18. while 在/当……的时候;和……同时 19. than 比 20. so 因此;所以 21. both…and…两个都;既……又…… 22. not only…but also…不但……而且…… 23. either…or…或者……或者……;不是……就是…… 24. neither…nor…既不……也不…… 三. 介词(37个) 1. about 在各处;四处;关于 2. after 在……之后;在……后面 3. along 沿着;顺着 4. as 作为;当作 5. among 在……中间;在(三者或三者以上)之间 6. at (表示地点/位置)在;(表示时间)在……时(刻);(表示动作的目标和方向) 7. before 在……前面;在……以前 8. behind 在……后面 9. below 在……下面 10. beside 在……旁边;靠近 11. between 在(两者) 之间;在……中间


初中英语阅读理解教教案 阅读理解是英语学习中必须具备的能力之一,有助于巩固和扩大词汇、丰富语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。可以训练学生的思维能力、理解能力、概括能力与判断能力。加强阅读训练可以为学生创造大量获取语言知识和大量运用语言的机会和条件。既可以培养学生对语篇进行分析、综合并从中获取信息的能力,也能培养学生的审美情趣。培养阅读能力也是教学大纲中规定的中学英语教学目标之一,所以阅读课在我们平时的英语教学中尤为重要,怎样上好阅读课成为英语教师教学中的关键。以下根据自己近些年的教学经验,对初中英语阅读理解教学模式进行初步的探究和分析。 教学模式总结如下: Presentation(导入)——skimming(粗读)——listening and reading(听读)——scanning (跳读)——intensive reading(细读)——retelling(复述)——discussing(讨论)——writing (写作)——summary(小结)。 初中英语人教版九年级Unit 12 Section B 3a Step 1:Presentation(导入) 本篇文章主要讲述法国的风俗,所以可以通过讲述一个因为语言差异所产生的误解的笑话导入,以此引起学生对课文产生兴趣,使学生更快的进入学习状态。 Step 2:Skimming 这一步是为掌握文章大意而进行的阅读,要求学生读后概括文章的大意,并且设计一些简单的问句让学生进行回答。 What does Wang Kun do? Where is she now? What’s the article mainly about? Step 3:Listening and reading 让学生边听边读,并且在听读的过程中找出文章的重点词汇、短语、句子。并且进行解决,扫除学生阅读中存在的一部分障碍,但要注意知识点的讲解要尽量简练,并且要引导和培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力。 Step 4:Scanning 这是一种为寻求特点细节放弃大部分内容,只注意某一点或某几点的阅读方式,要求学生根据老师提出的问题进行跳跃式的阅读,找出问题的主要信息。在此环节中提醒学生不要逐词逐句看课文,要讲究速度。在最短的时间内找出问题的答案。在此期间老师要出示以下问题:How many table manners are mentioned in the passage ? What are they ? be supposed to do be not supposed to do Step 5:Intensive reading 仔细阅读文章,要求学生从细节处把握文章,在前面阅读的基础上,从整体上把握文章的主要内容,以便于帮助学生加深对课文的理解。 在此环节中,要求学生各自独立完成阅读任务,然后与同桌或同组同学合作解决疑难点。在学生的阅读过程中,教师要出示以下问题帮助学生理解课文。 1、Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France? 2、Why did she have no reason to be nervous? 3、How has her French improved? 4、What is one particular challenge she is facing?


中考阅读及完型高频词汇总结 act v.行动,表演 achieve vt. 完成;达到vi. 达到目的accept vt./ vt. 接受;承认;容纳同意;admire vi./vt. 钦佩;赞美 affect vt.影响,感动 afford vt. 给予,提供;买得起agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n.目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 appear vi. 出现;似乎;显得;appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面application n.请求,申请,施用 against prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;防备 adj. 对立的;不利的 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 at least 至少,最低限度 athletic a.运动的;竞技的 average n.平均数a.平均的 avoid vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除 battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战 backward(s) adj. 向后的;反向的; adv. 相反地;向后地forward(s) ? basic adj. 基本的;基础的n. 基础;要素beat vt. 打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打benefit n. 利益,好处 vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 bomb v.轰炸n. 炸弹 bother v.打扰 breathe v.呼吸 bully n. / v.欺负 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 cancel v.取消 cancer n.癌,癌症 cause n.原因,理由 casual(ly) adj. 偶然的;随便的;非正式的 celebration n.庆祝,祝贺 certain adj. 确信的;有把握的pron. 某些; 某几个 chain n.链,链条,项圈 challenge n.挑战 cheer v.欢呼 close adj.亲密的 comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的 command vt.命令,指挥,控制 common a.普通的,共同的 community n.社区 communicate vi. /vt. 通讯,传达;交流communication ? compare vt.比较,对照 complain v.抱怨,投诉 complaint n.抱怨,控告 complete v. 完成adj.完整的 confuse vt. 使混乱;使困惑 confused ? confident adj. 自信的;确信的 unconfident ? confidence? connect vt.连接,联系 contain vt. / vi.包含;容纳;控制; 含有 contact n.v. 接触,联系 continue vt.继续 control vt.控制,克制n.控制 consider vt. 认为;考虑;细想;把…当作 concentrate vi./ vt. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注 n. 浓缩液;浓缩,精选


说明: 1.词汇前标有▲是理解词汇,其余是掌握词汇。 2.部分可根据构词法推出的副词和名词不单列。 3.基数词和序数词未单列完全。 A above prep. 在…上面 a. 上面的ad. 在…之上 ▲accept vt.接受,同意,承担(责任等) accident n. 事故,意外的事 ▲across prep. 横过,穿过 ▲act n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演(角色),行动,做事▲active a. 积极的;活跃的;勤奋的 ▲activity n. 活动;行动 ▲advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 agree v. 同意,应允 ▲alive a. 活着的,存在的 ▲allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着 another a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的 pron. 另一个 answer n. 回答,答复,回信,答案 v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案▲appear vi. 出现 ▲area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面 arm n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力v. 以…装备,武装起来 ▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 ▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正! August n. 八月 Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 ▲Australian a. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人 B basket n. 篮子 basketball n. 篮球 ▲beach n. 海滨,海滩 ▲bear n. 熊 v. 承受,负担,承担,忍受,容忍beat v.(beat, beaten)敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍 beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的 ▲beef n. 牛肉 begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 ▲believe v. 相信,认为 birthday n. 生日 ▲blind a. 瞎的 blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹气 ▲boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 borrow v. (向别人)借用,借 bottle n. 瓶子 ▲bowl n. 碗 break (broke, broken) v. 打破(断,碎), 损坏,撕开n. 间歇 breakfast n. 早餐 brown n & a. 棕色,棕色的 brush v & n. 刷,擦,刷子 build (built, built) v. 建筑,造 business n. (本分)工作,职业,职责, 生意,交易,事业 ▲butter n. 黄油,奶油 C ▲camera n. 照相机,摄象机 ▲cancer n. 癌 ▲candy n. 糖果 ▲cap n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子,(瓶子的)盖,(钢笔等的)笔套 ▲capital n. 首都,省会,大写,资本careful a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的 carry v. 拿,搬,抬,背,抱,运等 catch (caught, caught) v. 接住,捉住,赶上, 染上(疾病) ▲cause n. 原因,起因 v. 促使,引起,使发生 ▲CD n. 光盘(compact disk 的缩写)centre(美center)n. 中心,中央 ▲century n. 世纪,百年 ▲certain a. 一定的pron. 某几个,某些certainly ad. 当然 ▲chance n. 机会,可能性 ▲check n 检查,批改; v. 校对,核对,检查,批改 ▲cheese n. 奶酪


最新中考英语阅读理解经典例题 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容出选择正确答案。 A A farmer had a brother in town who was a gardener, and his brother had a garden full of the finest fruit trees. So his skill and his beautiful trees were famous everywhere. One day the farmer went into the town to visit his brother, and was surprised at the trees that grew quite well. "Look, my brother," said the gardener. "I will give you an apple tree, the best from my garden, and you, and your children, and your children's children will enjoy it." Then the gardener called his workmen and ordered them to take up the tree and carry it to his brother's farm. They did so, and the next morning the farmer began to wonder where he should plant it. "If I plant it on the hill," he said to himself, "the wind might catch it and shake down the delicious fruit before it is ripe. If I plant it close to the road, passersby will see it and take away the apples--but if I plant it too near the door of my house, my children may pick the fruit." So, after he had thought the matter over, he planted the tree behind his barn (谷仓). Time passed, but the tree had no fruit the first year, nor the second-then the farmer called his brother. When the gardener came, the farmer said angrily, "You have cheated me, and given me a useless tree instead of a fruitful one. This is the third year and still it brings out nothing but leaves! " The gardener laughed and said, "See where the tree was planted, it has no sun or warmth. How could you expect flowers and fruit?" (1)From the passage, we can see the farmer planted the apple tree A. behind his barn B. on the hill C. close to the road D. near his house (2)The underlined word "ripe" means "__________" in Chinese. A. 挂果 B. 成熟 C. 开花 D. 成长 (3)What is NOT mentioned in the fifth paragraph? A. What happened to the apple tree. B. Why the farmer got angry with his brother. C. What kind of man the farmer was. D. Why the farmer called his brother. (4)Which of the following is NOT true? A. The farmer's brother had a garden full of the finest fruit trees. B. The gardener gave his brother the best apple tree from his garden. C. No flowers, fruit or leaves were on the apple tree. D. The farmer thought his brother gave him a useless tree. (5)What do you know from the end of the story?


初中英语阅读理解和完型填空答题技巧 一.教学大纲对阅读理解的要求 (一)初中英语教学大纲对学生阅读上的基本要求: 1.能阅读难度相当于课文的材料,理解其大意。 2.能独立阅读所学语言知识范围内的材料,生词率不超过3%。 3.阅读速度要求每分钟50-70词。 (二)中考阅读理解的考点 1.文章的话题—略读文章,领会文章大意的题 2.文章的中心题—归纳,概括的能力 3.文章的细节—扫读或细读文章,以获得某些特地信息或准确的寻找所需细节的能力。 4.文章的寓意,结论-领会作者的言外之意或推断出文章的结论 5.生词词意,猜词—对生词词意的判断能力 (三)中考阅读理解考察的文体 1.记叙文—抓住人物,地点,时间,情节发展线索。 2.说明文—要以事物为中心进行思考。抓住事物的特征,用途,相互关系等。(四)解题思路与技巧 1.快速浏览全文,掌握大意。 2.仔细审题,分析比较选项。 3.带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。 4.再读全文,核对答案。 二.阅读理解题型及解题技巧 从近几年的中考阅读理解情况看,短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面,充分体现其时代性、实用性。短文难度逐年加大。常见题型有主旨题、细节题、推断题、猜测词义题和正误判断题。 做阅读理解练习应先看问题,弄清考点。在阅读短文之前,快速浏览问题,以便在阅读短文时做到心中有数,快速、准确地捕捉所要信息。先易后难。做题时不必拘泥于书中所呈现的语篇顺序,应遵循先易后难的原则。如可先做细节题再做推断题,因为细节题大多能直接从文中找到答案,而推断题则需对短文进行深层理解,再作判断。 (一)主旨题 主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。 (二)细节题 细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读理解 People in different countries speak different languages. But is there a language that can be understood by everyone in the world? If there is, the answer might be EMOJIS(表情符号). Emojis are a kind of special language. Pictures are used to put meaning across. A group called the Unicode Consortium works on choosing emojis. It has added new emojis every year since 2014. They show what people think about and like. Emojis can be used to represent(代表) different groups of people. In 2015, emoji faces with different skin tones(肤色) were added. In 2016, different jobs were added , such as doctor, police officer and painter. This year, emojis of disabled people were added including emojis of blind people and people in wheelchairs. But there is also more to emojis. They can also refer to(指的是)pop culture and new cultural trends(潮流). New emojis in 2019 also include several animals, such as sloths(树懒) and flamingos(火烈鸟). These animals are not very common, but are known to many people. For example, sloths have become popular because of the 2016 film Zootopia(《疯狂动物城》). Many fashion designers(设计师) have included flamingos in their designs in recent years. This animal makes people feel like they're on a vacation. It seems that emojis are a mirror of the world we live in. It will be interesting to see how they change and grow in the years to come. (1)Emojis use to express ideas. A. music B. sounds C. words D. pictures (2)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. The Unicode Consortium. B. An emoji. C. A country. D. A language.(3)In which year were emojis of disabled people added? A. In 2014. B. In 2015. C. In 2016. D. In 2019. (4)According to the passage, emojis include the following EXCEPT . A. people with different skin tones B. popular films C. some interesting animals D. different jobs (5)Which sentence is Not True according to the passage? A. People all over the world might understand emojis.


初中英语首字母高频词汇汇总 A开头单词高频 副词:句中: already also almost always 句尾:again accurately altogether alone 连词: after and as although 介词: around among across along about above after against as 动词:得到:achieve/get/gain/receive afford (afford to do) agree answer allow appear award 代词: a. anything anybody all another any b. both c. everybody/everything/either/each s. somebody/something n. nothing/nobody/neither/none o. others other one(s) 名词: ability B开头单词高频 连词:but because before 介词:besides beside/next to below behind before between 动词:begin/start become believe blow book break borrow 形容词:beautiful/pretty brave brief better/best busy 聪明:bright/clever/smart/wise C 开头单词高频 动词:change sth to sth choose to do sth confuse called catch/know/understand cause sb./sth. to do check v./n. close continue correct v. 纠正complete/finish complain connect…to/with compare…with…cost control 形容词: careful(carefully) careless correct common crazy cheap convenient confident clear comfortable cold clever 一定的:certain/sure be ……to do 一定去做某事 正确:right true correct real 名词:chance choice corner culture/custom hobby/habit D开头单词高频 动词:decide dislike/hate develop discover drive(驱赶) discuss disappear 毁坏,破坏damage/destroy/hurt/wound 形容词:different(difference)difficult dull/boring dishonest deaf dangerous developing--developed 名词:make a decision/suggestion dream/ambition duty diet day danger darkness 介词: during E开头单词高频 副词:even/ever exactly easily everywhere enough especially 形容词:early/earlier easy elder empty excited expensive else(what/who…else anything/nothing else)好的:excellent/perfect/nice/fine/good/great/wonderful 动词: 解释,回答:explain/answer/say/suggest 检查:examine/check enjoy encourage sb. to do end n./v. escape希望:expect/wish/hope 介词:except 名词:end everything/body

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