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1. 学校生活School life





Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much.





Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend.

2. 阅读Reading





I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting. For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy. He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.





I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. I am interested in istory books, but I like novels best. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me.

3. 自己动手做Do it yourself


1. 我表弟安德鲁对DIY很着迷;他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间;但事后,房间总是一团糟;

2. 曾经有一次他想在自己的卧室里安装一盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了一个错误,整个房子都停电了;

3. 我给他买了一些DIY书籍,建议他选修一些DIY课程。

My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, The house always looks terrible. He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut. So I bought some books about DIY for him, and I also advised him to take some courses in DIY.


1. 这里有一些制作水果沙拉的小建议;

2. 首先,使用当季水果;其次,搭配不同颜色的水果;比如,把红色的苹果、青色的梨子和紫色的葡萄搭配起来会使沙拉看上去五彩缤纷;

3. 最后,在食用沙拉前再做沙拉;有些水果在空气中放置一段时间后会很快变色。

Here are some tips for making a fruit salad . First, use fruit in season. Then, use fruit of different colours. For example, mixing red apples, green pears and purple grapes together will make the salad look very colourful . Last,prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.

4. 大熊猫Giant pandas






Everyone likes giant pandas. Giant pandas are quiet and peaceful. They eat a special kind of bamboo . Now, there are only about 1,600 giant pandas in the world. Their number is going down. Their living areas are becoming farmlands. Also, people hunt them for their fur. If this continues, there will soon be no giant pandas in the world .





The baby panda is called Xi Wang. When she was born, she weighed about 90 grams. She drank her mother’s milk every day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo. Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. If people cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. We should try our best to protect them.

5. 饮食Diet






I have changed my diet because I want to be healthier. Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. I liked cakes, sweets and cola. Now, I always have a banana, some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. I usually eat fish and vegetables for lunch. I’m now becoming healthier and healthier. Because of this, my studies have greatly improved.





Before, Tom loved chips and hamburgers and ate a lot of sweet snacks, but he seldom ate fruit and vegetables. Now, he has changed his diet because he wants to be healthier. For breakfast, he usually has some milk and bread. He usually has rice, fish and vegetables for dinner. After meals he often eats some fruit. Tom is much healthier now. He knows it is important to change an unhealthy diet.

6. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies





I have many hobbies. I love swimming, singing and shopping. At the moment, travelling is my favourite hobby. However, I have a lot of homework every day. I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies. I really feel bad about it. I don’t want to give up all my hobbies because of my homework.






Mike is crazy about football! He loves watching football matches. Of course, he loves playing football too. He often spends about one hour playing football with his classmates after school. His parents don’t like this and have asked him to go home before 5:30. He thinks it is important for him to spend some time on his hobbies. He wishes he could have his parents’ support.

7. 推荐Recommendations







If you are thinking about visiting Beijing, I recommend this book. It describes many tourist attractions in the city. It also tells you about the local souvenirs. There are many beautiful photos in the book. You can learn a lot about Beijing from this book. The book is not expensive. You can buy it in a nearby bookshop.





I recommend Helen to be the Tennis Club leader. She has been a club member for three years. She always takes an active part in club activities. I often see her practising hard. This year, she came first in the school tennis competition. She is also very organized. I think she is a good choice to be the Tennis Club leader.

8. 变迁Changes





I know Sunshine Town very well. I moved here with my parents when I was four years old. I have lived here since then. We first lived in the northern party of town. A few years later, we moved to another flat in the centre of town. Now Sunshine Town has changed a lot. It looks like a big beautiful park.




3. 有时,他们回来看我,那使我很高兴。

Sunshine Town has changed a lot. The government has turned the place into a park. We have a large shopping mall and a theatre. We have open spaces and pretty gardens too. However, it is difficult to see some of my old friends. They have moved to Beijing or other places, and I feel a bit lonely from time to time. Sometimes they come back to see me, and that makes me very happy.

9.著名人物Famous people





Tan Dun was born in1958 in central Hunan,Chian.When he was very young,Tan showed an interest in music.To him,the best music comes from nature.As he likes the sounds of nature,Tan uses them a lot in his music.Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West.In his words,"My music is to dream without boundaries."





Tan Dun is one of the greastest artists in the world today.He used to make music with common objects like stones and paper when he was young.He loves the sounds of nature.He uses them a lot in his music.For example,in one of his works,Water,he doesn't use any musical intruments.He makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.That's really amazing!

10. 我的家乡My home town



2. 在城里有个美丽的公园,在那里我们可以散步,也可以看到小山、树和湖;在城里有一些高楼,最高的那栋楼有二十四层;有很多商店,我们经常在商店里购物;

3. 我很喜欢我的家乡。

My home town is in the east of China. It is a small town. In it there is a beautiful park. We can go walking there. We can see hills, trees and lakes too.There are some tall buildings in the town and the tallest one has twenty-four floors. There are lots of shops. We often go shopping in them.I like my home town very much.



2. 在市中心有许多建筑物,包括一个大型购物中心、一个青年中心和一个博物馆,还有一个公园;

3. 青年中心是我最喜欢的地方,周末我经常和朋友们去那里。

I live near a small city. Outside my house is a bus stop. It takes about ten minutes to get to the city centre by bus. There are lots of buildings there, including a large shopping mall, a youth centre and a museum. There is a park too.The youth centre is my favourite place. I often go there with my friends at the weekend.



2. 使人感到平静和安宁的另一种颜色是白色;白色代表纯洁;如果你感到压力大,就可以穿白色的衣服。

Some colours make people feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these colours. Blue can also represent sadness.Someone who is feeling sad may say, ‘I’m feeling blue.’Another colour that makes people feel calm and peaceful is white. White is the colour of purity.You could wear white if you are feeling stressed.



2. 橙色是暖色之一,能带给你成功,使你高兴;黄色是另一种暖色,是太阳的颜色,也是智慧之色。

Some colours can make you feel warm. People who live in a cold climate prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange is one of the warm colours. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up. Yellow is another warm colour. Yellow is the colour of the sun. It is also the colour of wisdom.

12. 介绍Introductions



2. 学习英语将近七年,学习情况良好;

3. 在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海;

4. 我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。

My name is Li Lei. I am sixteen years old. I’m in Grade Nine. I will graduate this summer.It is almost seven years since I began to learn English. I’m getting on well with it.I was born in Beijing. Now my parents and I live in Shanghai.I have a dog called Eddie. I love him very much.



2. 他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都很喜欢他;

3. 1998年出生于上海;他现在和父母住在南京。

Li Lei is a Grade 9 student. He will graduate this summer. He’s very good at Maths, and he


英语口语热门50话题 1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 3. Your best friend’s sister is g oing to marry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations. 4. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal? 6. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your vi ews on beauty. 7. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 8. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner. 9. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal? 10. Campus marriage: good or bad? 11. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 12. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your definition of “true love”? 13. What can you do to resist temptation(诱惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.) 14. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would y ou like to buy one? Why? 15. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not?


英语口语话题简述 1.个人介绍 我叫李雷,16岁;九年级学生,今夏毕业; 学习英语将近四年,学习情况良好; 在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海; 我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。 My name is Li Lei, and I'm sixteen years old. I'm in Grade Nine. I will graduate this summer. It is almost five years since I began to learn English. I'm getting on well with it. I was born in Beijing. Now my parents and I live in shanghai. I have a dog called Eddie. I love him very much. 李雷是九年级学生,将于今夏毕业;数学很好,喜欢集邮; 他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都很喜欢他; 1994年出生于上海;他现在和祖父母生活在一起。 Li Lei is a ninth grade student. He will graduate this summer. He's very good at Maths, and he enjoys collecting stamps. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and classmates like him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1994. Now he lives with his grandparents. 2.学校生活


英语口语话题200篇 【篇一:英语口语话题200篇】 hypothetical 假设类的英语口语话题 what would you do if you were late for an important appointment? what would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didnt commit? what would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city? what would you do if you left something in a locked building? what would you do if your best friend stole something from you? what would you do if you didnt have enough money to pay your bills? what would you do if your children were caught shoplifting? what would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway? if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? if you could change one major historical event, what would it be? situation 情景类的英语口语话题 someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. what do you say? you need to borrow some money from a friend. what do you say? you broke your sisters favorite vase. what do you say? you forgot your mothers birthday. what do you say when you see her? you want to buy an item located behind the cashier. what do you say? you arrive late to a meeting because you couldnt get a taxi. what do you say? your friend ?wiped out? while skiing and looks hurt. what do you say? the man in the seat next to you is smoking. what do you say? your child is playing with matches. what do you say? you need more time to finish an exam. what do you say to the teacher? description 描述类的英语口语话题


1. 学校生活School life? 例一要点: ? 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校; 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣;? 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到来自学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London.His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreignlanguages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and hisclassmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much.? 例二要点: 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生; 2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习; 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves thisgame and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancygoes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend. ? 2. 阅读Reading? 例一要点:? 1.我喜欢看罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的书,我认为它们真的太精彩了;? 2.比如,《金银岛》讲述的是一个小男孩的故事;他出海航行,寻找宝藏;故事给了我很大的信心; 3.读了这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞;将来,我还想去旅游,拥有一些令人兴奋的经历。 I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because Ifind them really exciting.For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy.He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be.I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future. 例二要点:? 1.我喜欢阅读;每周我花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书;我对历史题材的书感兴趣,但是我


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO34口语Task1题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO34独立口语Task1题目: Your university plans to open a café inside the campus library. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. 托福TPO34独立口语Task1满分范文: I think it' s absolutely a great idea. First, it would be a great place to take a break from study, especially when exams are coming up. While getting refreshments, I could have some small talks with my friends in the study group. In this way, I wouldn' t get a headache from staring at the computer screen for several hours in a row. Also, it would be really convenient to get coffee. Often times I would feel really sleepy and tired in the morning. At this point, it would be awesome if I could easily gra b a latte in the library on my way to the self-study room. The minute I take a sip of my coffee, I' m completely picked up and ready to start a new study session. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO34口语Task1题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!


说真话最大的优势就是听上去很可能更令人信服。 Level 2 目录 一、谈工作 (5) 二、聊英语学习 (5) 三、聊日常生活 (6) 四、谈婚恋 (6) 五、谈事件 (7) 六、谈规划 (7) 七、谈孩子 (8) 八、兴趣 (9) 九、聊出行 (9) 十、聊天气 (9) 十一、聊吃的 (10) 十二、聊性格 (11) 十三、We-chat 微信 (11) 十四、Taobao 淘宝 (11) 十五、E-Payment 网络支付 (12) 1 / 31

十七、APP 应用 (13) 十八、Anger 生气 (13) 十九、Shopping购物 (14) 二十、Rainy days 雨天 (14) 二十一、Wedding and marriage 婚礼和婚姻 (15) 二十二、Hometown 家乡 (15) 二十三、Name 名字 (15) 二十四、Meal 饭食 (16) 二十五、News 新闻 (16) 二十六、Bus 公交车 (17) 二十七、Computer 电脑 (17) 二十八、Jewelry 珠宝 (17) 二十九、Daily life 日常生活 (18) 三十、Fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜 (18) 三十一、Advertisements 广告 (19) 2 / 31

三十三、Transportation 交通 (20) 三十四、Friends 朋友 (20) 三十五、Birthday 生日 (21) 三十六、Housework 家务 (21) 三十七、Teacher 老师 (22) 三十八、Neighbor 邻居 (22) 三十九、Number 数字 (22) 四十、Travel 旅行 (23) 四十一、Dance 跳舞 (23) 四十二、Chocolate 巧克力 (24) 四十三、Restaurant 饭店 (24) 四十四、Television 电视 (24) 四十五、Music 音乐 (25) 四十六、Sports 运动 (25) 四十七、Films 电影 (26) 3 / 31



What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city? With the development of economy, the speed of urbanization of our country is faster and faster. The area of cities is larger and larger. More and more people crowd into cities, resulting in larger and larger population of citcities. The abundance of consumer goods in big city indeed bring us much convenience. However, there are also many challenges and pressures living in a big city. Such as crowded transport, dirty air, noisy street and so on. Among these challenges, I believe, the most serious one is the tense pace of life. To get enough consumer goods and live a happy life, We have to work every day to make money. We get up early in the morning and go to work in a hurry even no time to have breakfast. After a day,s busy work, we go home at night and go to sleep. We spend half of our time to work even forget to stop to enjoy our life. Sometimes I think that we are so stupid to devote ourselves to work and forget the purpose we work for. But most of time, we have to do so. So that is the reason for my view. Say something about the impact of horror films on young children. When it comes to horror films, opinions vary from person to person. It is the same to young children. I believe horror films have both positive and negative impact on young children, the point depend on the attitudes of children on horror films. Horror films indeed excite us greatly compared with other films. For children like horror films, watching horror films is an interesting adventure. Kids who always watch horror films would have more curiosity on the world and life. This results that children watching horror films have the spirit of exploration and innovation. However, for those timid and do not like horror films, watching horror films may make them have nightmares. What is worse, it may lead to psychological illness and make them more timid, resulting them afraid of trying unfamiliar things. So it is concluded that if children like horror films, they are admitted to watch them, if they do not like, do not force them to watch. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job? With the increasing of population of our country and the diversification of economy, it is becoming more and more difficult for our young to find a satisfactory job. Too many factors affect us to


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading https://www.doczj.com/doc/9815080738.html,ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


[英语口语话题Topic] 英语跟我学 2008-03-29 16:18 阅读1611 评论6 字号:大中小 ·Topic:Something about the birthday Hint: When is your birthday? Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents' birthday? How did you celebrate the birthday for them? You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? ·今日话题: Secret love Were you a secret admirer for someone? How was your feeling? How do you think about secret love? What is real love in your opinion? ·今日话题: 写博客 Do you have your own blog? How do you think about writing the blog? What kind of content would you like to write in your blog? Do you think people should write private things in the blog? ·今日话题:减压 Do you have pressure for life and work? Do you often feel upset or disappointed? How will you release your pressure? What is the best way to release our pressure? ·今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日 Do you often celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday?


研究生英语口语考试 话题范文

话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence. Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. 自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。 People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person. 人们说自信是成功的一半。没有自信,一个人就不能做好任何事。自信对一个人很重要也很有价值。 Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical state.We often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly,once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your way.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves. 首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。只有你身体健康,你最后才能真正成功。其次,一旦我们获得了自信,我们就拥有了勇气和力量去克服挫折和困难。有了自信,没有人也没有什么能够阻止你成功。再次,有了自信我们可能实现一些以前看起来不可能的事。没有什么大事对我们是容易的,因此我们应该相信一切皆有可能。我们应该,或者必须相信自己。 When I was a child, I was very unconfident and often doubted everything. It's even like this question “What day is today”,I had to go to the calendar to make sure.This feeling is not good.


英语口语考核话题材料 以下对话内容可供参考,请认真准备周一周二进行的口语考查, 由其它班老师来考查我们班级, 请认真对待! 注意:评价标准是,话题的内容是否齐全, 对话要流畅, 要顺利完成任务! 1、话题:看电影 条件:周末你打算邀请你的好朋友去看电影,你想看动作片,由成龙主演的,你们约好在周六下午2点在学校碰面。 -What are you going to do this weekend? -I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas? -What about going to the movies? -That sounds fun. What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies. -Whose action movies do you like? -I really like Jackie Chan’s movies. I think he is a great actor. -Yes, I like him, too. -Great. Then let’s go to the movies this Saturday, OK? -Pretty good. -When shall we meet? -What about 2 p.m? -Then where shall we meet? -Let’s meet at school. 2、话题:购物

条件:到商店去买一件4号的男式蓝色衬衫,最后以100元的价钱买了下来。-Can I help you, Sir? -Yes, I’d like a shirt. -What color would you like? -I like a blue one. -What size? -Size 4. -Yes, oh, how about this one. It’s size 4 and blue. -Good. How much is it? -120 yuan. -I think it’s a little expensive. How about 100 yuan. -OK. Here you are. -Yes, here is the money. Thank you! 3、话题:参加俱乐部 任务:你想参加音乐俱乐部,你会唱歌和弹吉他,但你不会跳舞。 -Excuse me? Are you the organizer of clubs? -Yes, what club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. -Why? Do you like music? -Yes, I like music. And I want to learn something more about music. -Good. Can you dance? -No. But I can do other things.


话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence. Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. 自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。 People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person. 人们说自信是成功的一半。没有自信,一个人就不能做好任何事。自信对一个人很重要也很有价值。 Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical state.We often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly,once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your way.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves. 首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。只有你身体健康,你最后才能真正成功。其次,一旦我们获得了自信,我们就拥有了勇气和力量去克服挫折和困难。有了自信,没有人也没有什么能够阻止你成功。再次,有了自信我们可能实现一些以前看起来不可能的事。没有什么大事对我们是容易的,因此我们应该相信一切皆有可能。我们应该,或者必须相信自己。 When I was a child, I was very unconfident and often doubted everything. It's even like this question “What day is today”,I had to go to the calendar to make sure.This feeling is not good. 我小时候就非常不自信,经常怀疑任何事情,甚至今天星期几这种问题我都


话题简述部分 1. 学校生活School life 例一 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文,他认为学习外语很有趣。 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志。他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favourite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much. 例二 1.南希14 岁,是七年级学生。 2.她每周放学后打两次排球。她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习。 3.每周一南希去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况。她的同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况。朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to the Buddy Club. There, older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school. Julie is her good friend. 2. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies 例一 1. 我有许多爱好,喜爱游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我的最爱。 2. 不过每天我有很多家庭作业,做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好上,对此我真的感到遗憾。 3. 我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 I have many hobbies. I love swimming, singing and shopping. At the moment, travelling is my favourite hobby. However, I have a lot of homework every day. I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.I really feel bad about it. I don't want to give up all my hobbies because of my homework. 例二 1.迈克迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球。 2.放学后,他经常和同学们一起踢一小时左右的足球,他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在五点半之前回家。 3.他认为花些时间在爱好上是很重要的,希望能得到父母的支持。 Mike is crazy about football! He loves watching football matches. Of course, he loves playing football too. He often spends about one hour playing football with his classmates after school. His parents don't like this and have asked him to go home before 5:30. He thinks it is important for him to spend some time on his hobbies. He wishes he could have his parents' support. 3. 饮食Diet 例一 1.为了更健康,我已改变了饮食。 2.以前我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐。 3.现在早餐时我总是吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时通常吃鱼和蔬菜。

英语口语话题 好好

1.Past,now and future The future is scary, but you can't just run to the past because it's familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。 2.My dream Everyone has a dream. Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least. My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages. Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, all my classmates and I are working hard. We all know that the entrance exam of high schools coming in the year of 2009 is a big challenge for us, so we must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school. Thus after we finish our senior high school, we are able to go to a good university. Finally, we can find a good job in society. My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. I know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams, I’ll never give up. My dream I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a

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