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青年人的四种选择Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People


Shortly before his graduation,Jim Binns,president of the senior class at Stanford University,wrote me about some of his misgivings.


“More than any other generation,” he said,“our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.”


Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.


During the last few years,I have listened to scores of young people,in college and out,who were just as nervous about the grown world.


Roughly,their attitude might be summed up about like this:“The world is in pretty much of a mess,full of injustice,poverty,and war. The people responsible are,presumably,the adults who have been running thing. If they can’t do better than that,what have they got to teach our generation?That kind of lesson we can do without.”


There conclusions strike me as reasonable,at least from their point of view.


The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect (we can take that for granted),but how to deal with it.


For all its harshness and irrationality,it is the only world we’ve got.


Choosing a strategy to cope with it,then,is the first decision young adults have to make,and usually the most important decision of their lifetime.


So far as I have been able to discover,there are only four basic alternatives:


1)Drop Out


This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can be practiced anywhere,at any age,and with or without the use of hallucinogens.


It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured.


By definition,this way of life is parasitic. In one way or another,its practitioners batten on the society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.


Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life.


But for the poor in spirit,with low levels of both energy and pride,it may be the least intolerable choice available.




This strategy also has ancient antecedents.


Ever since civilization began,certain individuals have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler,more pastoral,and more peaceful life.


Unlike the dropouts,they are not parasites. They are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to the general community,but they simply don’t like the environment of civilization;that is,the city,with all its ugliness and tension.


The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on a large scale.


Our planet,unfortunately,is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped;except for the polar regions,the frontiers are gone.


A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life – but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.


Plot a Revolution


This strategy is always popular among those who have no patience with the tedious working of the democratic process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force.


It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of every generation.


To them it offers a romantic appeal,usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.


It has the even greater appeal of simplicity:“Since this society is hopelessly bad,let’s smash it and build something better on the ruins.”


Some of my best friends have been revolutionists,and a few of them have led reasonably satisfying lives.


These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off;they have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence.


Others died young,in prison or on the barricades.


But the most unfortunate are those whose revolutions have succeeded.


They lived in bitter disillusionment,to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a new one,just as hard-faced and stuffy.


I am not,of course,suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing.


Some (The American Revolution,the French Revolution)clearly do change things for the better.


My point is merely that the idealists who make the revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case.


For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of,cleansed of all human meanness.


Instead it dawns on a familiar,workaday place,still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.


The revolutionary state,under whatever political label,has to be run-not by violent

romantics-but by experts in marketing,sanitary engineering,and the management of bureaucracies.


For the idealists who are determined to remake society,but who seek a more practical method than armed revolution,there remains one more alternative.


Try to Change the World Gradually,One Clod at a Time


At first glance,this course is far from inviting.


It lacks glamour. It promises no quick results.


It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.


It demands patience,always in short supply.


About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes works – that in this particular time and place it offers a better chan ce for remedying some of the world’s outrages than any other available strategy.


So at least the historical evidence seems to suggest.


When I was graduating from college,my generation also found the world in a mess.


The economic machinery had broken down almost everywhere:In this country nearly a quarter of the population was out of work.


A major was seemed all too likely.


As a college newspaper editor at that time,I protested against this just as vehemently as student activists are protesting today.


At the same time,my generation was discovering that reforming the world is a little like fighting a military campaign in the Apennines,as soon as you capture one mountain range,another one looms just ahead.


As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control,new problems took their place –the unprecedented problems of an,affluent society,of racial justice,of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable,of coping with war in unfamiliar



Most disturbing of all was our discovery of the population explosion.


It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years.


So long as the earth’s population keeps growing at this cancerous rate,all of the other problems appear virtually insoluble.


Our cities will continue to become more crowded and noisome. The landscape will get more cluttered,the air and water even dirtier.


The quality of life is likely to become steadily worse for everybody.


And warfare on a rising scale seems inevitable if too many bodies have to struggle for ever-dwindling shares of food and living space.


So Jim Binns青年人的四种选择

Lesson 2:Four Choices for Young People


Shortly before his graduation,Jim Binns,president of the senior class at Stanford University,wrote me about some of his misgivings.


“More than any other generati on,” he said,“our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.”


Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.


During the last few years,I have listened to scores of young people,in college and out,who were just as nervous about the grown world.


Roughly,their attitude might be summed up about like this:“The world is in pretty much of a mess,full of injustice,poverty,and war. The people responsible are,presumably,the adults who have been running thing. If they can’t do better than that,what have they got to teach our generation?That kind of lesson we can do without.”


There conclusions strike me as reasonable,at least from their point of view.


The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect (we can take that for granted),but how to deal with it.


For all its harshness and irrationality,it is t he only world we’ve got.


Choosing a strategy to cope with it,then,is the first decision young adults have to make,and usually the most important decision of their lifetime.


So far as I have been able to discover,there are only four basic alternatives:


1)Drop Out


This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can be practiced anywhere,at any age,and with or without the use of hallucinogens.


It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured.


By definition,this way of life is parasitic. In one way or another,its practitioners batten on the society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.


Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life.


But for the poor in spirit,with low levels of both energy and pride,it may be the least intolerable choice available.




This strategy also has ancient antecedents.


Ever since civilization began,certain individuals have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler,more pastoral,and more peaceful life.


Unlike the dropouts,they are not parasites. They are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to the general community,but they simply don’t like the environment of civilization;that is,the city,with all its ugliness and tension.


The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on a large scale.


Our planet,unfortunately,is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped;except for the polar regions,the frontiers are gone.


A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life – but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.


Plot a Revolution


This strategy is always popular among those who have no patience with the tedious working of the democratic process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force.


It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of every generation.


To them it offers a romantic appeal,usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.


It has the even greater appeal of simplicity:“Since this society is hopelessly bad,let’s smash it and build something better on the ruins.”


Some of my best friends have been revolutionists,and a few of them have led reasonably satisfying lives.


These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off;they have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence.


Others died young,in prison or on the barricades.


But the most unfortunate are those whose revolutions have succeeded.


They lived in bitter disillusionment,to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a new one,just as hard-faced and stuffy.


I am not,of course,suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing.


Some (The American Revolution,the French Revolution)clearly do change things for the better.


My point is merely that the idealists who make the revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case.


For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of,cleansed of all human meanness.


Instead it dawns on a familiar,workaday place,still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.


The revolutionary state,under whatever political label,has to be run-not by violent romantics-but by experts in marketing,sanitary engineering,and the management of bureaucracies.


For the idealists who are determined to remake society,but who seek a more practical method than armed revolution,there remains one more alternative.


Try to Change the World Gradually,One Clod at a Time


At first glance,this course is far from inviting.


It lacks glamour. It promises no quick results.


It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.


It demands patience,always in short supply.


About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes works – that in this particular time and place it offers a better chance for remedying some of the world’s outrages than any other available strategy.


So at least the historical evidence seems to suggest.


When I was graduating from college,my generation also found the world in a mess.


The economic machinery had broken down almost everywhere:In this country nearly a quarter of the population was out of work.


A major was seemed all too likely.


As a college newspaper editor at that time,I protested against this just as vehemently as student activists are protesting today.


At the same time,my generation was discovering that reforming the world is a little like fighting a military campaign in the Apennines,as soon as you capture one mountain range,another one looms just ahead.


As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control,new problems took their place –the unprecedented problems of an,affluent society,of racial justice,of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable,of coping with war in unfamiliar guises.


Most disturbing of all was our discovery of the population explosion.


It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years.


So long as the earth’s population keeps growing at this cancerous rate,all of the other problems appear virtually insoluble.


Our cities will continue to become more crowded and noisome. The landscape will get more cluttered,the air and water even dirtier.


The quality of life is likely to become steadily worse for everybody.


And warfare on a rising scale seems inevitable if too many bodies have to struggle for ever-dwindling shares of food and living space.


So Jim Binns’generation has a formidable job on its hands.


But not,I think,an insuperable one.


On the evidence of the past,it can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before-piecemeal,pragmatically,by the dogged efforts of many people.

generation has a formidable job on its hands.


But not,I think,an insuperable one.


On the evidence of the past,it can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before-piecemeal,pragmatically,by the dogged efforts of many people.


Unit 2 Marrakech 马拉喀什见闻 1、As the corpse went past the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but they came back a few minutes later. 尸体被抬过去的时候,成群的苍蝇嗡嗡地飞离了餐馆的饭桌,尾随尸体去,几分钟后又嗡嗡地飞了回来。 —threade 2、The little crows of mourners - all me and boys, no women their way across the marker place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, wailing a short chant over and over again. What really appeals to the flied is that the corpses here are never put into coffins; they are merely wrapped in a piece of ray and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders of four friends. When the friends get to the burying- ground they hack an oblong hole afoot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth. Like a derelict building-lot. After a month or two no one can even be certain where his own relatives are buried. 一支人数不多的送葬队伍- 其中老老小小全是男的,没有女人——挤过一堆堆的石榴,穿行在出租车和骆驼之间,迂回着穿过市场,嘴里还一遍遍地哀号着一支短促的悲歌。真正令苍蝇感兴趣的是这里的尸体从来都不装进棺材,而是只用一块破布裹着,放在一副粗糙的木制担架上,有死者的四位朋友抬去送葬。达到坟场后,朋友们首先挖出一块一两英尺深的长方形的坑,将尸体扔入坑中,再在上面丢一些像碎砖头一样的干土块。没有墓碑,没有留名,也没有任何身份标志,坟场只不过是一片巨大的如同一块废弃的建筑工地般土丘林立的荒原。一两个月之后,就谁也找不到自己亲人的坟墓之处了。 3、When you walk through a town like this - two hundred thousand in habita nts of whom at least twenty thousa nd own literally no thi ng except the rags they stand op in - when you see how the people live, and still more how easily they die, it is always difficult to believe that you are walk ing


高级英语第二册课文翻译 Unit1 Pub Talk and the King's English 酒吧闲聊与标准英语 亨利?费尔利 人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。 闲谈的引人人胜之处就在于它没有一个事先定好的话题。它时而迂回流淌,时而奔腾起伏,时而火花四射,时而热情洋溢,话题最终会扯到什么地方去谁也拿不准。要是有人觉得“有些话要说”,那定会大煞风景,使闲聊无趣。闲聊不是为了进行争论。闲聊中常常会有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中是不存在什么输赢胜负的。事实上,真正善于闲聊的人往往是随时准备让步的。也许他们偶然间会觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之而失,他们也就听之任之。 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒瞎里的闲聊别有韵味。酒馆里的朋友对别人的生活毫无了解,他们只是临时凑到一起来的,彼此并无深交。他们之中也许有人面临婚因破裂,或恋爱失败,或碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿,但别人根本不管这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手一样,虽然日夕相处,却从不过问彼此的私事,也不去揣摸别人内心的秘密。 有一天晚上的情形正是这样。人们正漫无边际地东扯西拉,从最普通的凡人俗事谈到有关木星的科学趣闻。谈了半天也没有一个中心话题,事实上也不需要有一个中心话题。可突然间大伙儿的话题都集中到了一处,中心话题奇迹般地出现了。我记不起她那句话是在什么情况下说出来的——她显然不是预先想好把那句话带到酒馆里来说的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话——我只知道她那句话是随着大伙儿的话题十分自然地脱口而出的。 “几天前,我听到一个人说‘标准英语’这个词语是带贬义的批评用语,指的是人们应该尽量避免使用的英语。” 此语一出,谈话立即热烈起来。有人赞成,也有人怒斥,还有人则不以为然。最后,当然少不了要像处理所有这种场合下的意见分歧一样,由大家说定次日一早去查证一下。于是,问题便解决了。不过,酒馆闲聊并不需要解决什么问题,大伙儿仍旧可以糊里糊涂地继续闲扯下去。 告诉她“标准英语”应作那种解释的原来是个澳大利亚人。得悉此情,有些人便说起刻薄话来了,说什么囚犯的子孙这样说倒也不足为怪。这样,在五分钟内,大家便像到澳大利亚游览了一趟。在那样的社会里,“标准英语”自然是不受欢迎的。每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制 看看撒克逊农民与征服他们的诺曼底统治者之间的语言隔阂吧。于是话题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯转到12世纪的英国农民。谁对谁错,并没有关系。闲聊依旧热火朝天。 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。我们谈到饭桌上的肉食时用法语词,而谈到提供这些肉食的牲畜时则用盎格鲁一撒克逊词。猪圈里的活猪叫pig,饭桌上吃的猪肉便成了pork(来自法语pore);地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef(来自法语boeuf);Chicken用作肉食时变成poultry(来自法语poulet);calf加工成肉则变成veal(来自法语vcau)。即便我们的菜单没有为了装洋耍派头而写成法语,我们所用的英语仍然是诺曼底式的英语。这一切向我们昭示了诺曼底人征服之后英国文化上所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。 撒克逊农民种地养畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不起,全都送上了诺曼底人的餐桌。农民们只能吃到在地里乱窜的兔子。兔子肉因为便宜,诺曼底贵族自然不屑去吃它。因此,活兔子和吃的兔子肉共用rabbit


Lesson2 The little crowd of mourners -- all men and boys, no women--threaded their way across the market place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, walling a short chant over and over again. What really appeals to the flies is that the corpses here are never put into coffins, they are merely wrapped in a piece of rag and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders of four friends. When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. After a month or two no one can even be certain where his own relatives are buried.(翻译) 一小队送葬者——所有送葬者均为男子——迂回穿行于集贸市场,从一堆堆石榴以及出租汽车和骆驼间挤道而行,一边走一边悲痛地重复着一支短促的哀歌。四个朋友抬着一个薄薄的木制停尸架,上面放着一具破布包裹的尸体,苍蝇因而群起追逐。这里的人去世后尸体从不入殓。朋友们到了安葬场后,便在地上凿出一个一至两英尺深的长方形坑洞,将尸体往坑里一倒,再草草洒上一些像碎砖头一样的干土块。他们既不立墓碑,不刻名字,也不作任何标记。坟场只不过是一大片土丘林立的荒野,恰似废弃的建筑工地。一两个月过后,谁也说不准亲人究竟葬于何处。 When you go through the Jewish Quarters you gather some idea of what the medieval ghettoes were probably like. Under their Moorish Moorishrulers the Jews were only allowed to own land in certain restricted areas, and after centuries of this kind of treatment they have ceased to bother about overcrowding. Many of the streets are a good deal less than six feet wide, the houses are completely windowless, and sore-eyed children cluster everywhere in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies. Down the centre of the street there is generally running a little river of urine. 当你走过这儿的犹太人聚居区时,你就会知道中世纪犹太人区大概是个什么样子。在摩尔人的统治下,犹太人只能在划定的一些地区内保有土地。受这样的待遇经过了好几个世纪后,他们已经不再为拥挤不堪而烦扰了。这儿很多街道的宽度远远不足六英尺,房屋根本没有窗户,眼睛红肿的孩子随处可见,多的像一群群苍蝇,数也数不清。街上往往是尿流成河。 It is only because of this that the starved countries of Asia and Africa are accepted as tourist resorts. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas. But where the human beings have brown skins their poverty is simply not noticed. What does Morocco mean to a Frenchman? An orange grove or a job in Government service. Or to an Englishman? Camels, castles, palm trees, Foreign Legionnaires, brass trays, and bandits. One could probably live there for years without noticing that for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil. 正因如此,贫穷至极的亚非国家反倒成了旅游观光的胜地。没有谁会有兴趣到本地的贫困地区去作依次毫无价值的旅行。但在那些居住着褐色皮肤的人的地方,他们的贫困却根本没有人能注意大批。摩洛哥对于一个法国人来说意味着什么呢?无非是一个能买到橘子圆或者谋取一份政府差使的地方。对于一个英国人呢?不过是骆驼、城堡、棕榈树、外籍兵团、黄铜盘子和匪徒等富于浪漫色彩的字眼而已。就算是在那儿呆过多年的人也未必会注意得到,对于当地百分之九十的居民来说,现实生活只意味着永无休止、劳累至极的斗争,其目的是从贫瘠的土壤中费力地弄出点吃的来。


Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English 人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。 闲谈的引人人胜之处就在于它没有一个事先定好的话题。它时而迂回流淌,时而奔腾起伏,时而火花四射,时而热情洋溢,话题最终会扯到什么地方去谁也拿不准。要是有人觉得“有些话要说”,那定会大煞风景,使闲聊无趣。闲聊不是为了进行争论。闲聊中常常会有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中是不存在什么输赢胜负的。事实上,真正善于闲聊的人往往是随时准备让步的。也许他们偶然间会觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之而失,他们也就听之任之。 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒瞎里的闲聊别有韵味。酒馆里的朋友对别人的生活毫无了解,他们只是临时凑到一起来的,彼此并无深交。他们之中也许有人面临婚因破裂,或恋爱失败,或碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿,但别人根本不管这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手一样,虽然日夕相处,却从不过问彼此的私事,也不去揣摸别人内心的秘密。 有一天晚上的情形正是这样。人们正漫无边际地东扯西拉,从最普通的凡人俗事谈到有关木星的科学趣闻。谈了半天也没有一个中心话题,事实上也不需要有一个中心话题。可突然间大伙儿的话题都集中到了一处,中心话题奇迹般地出现了。我记不起她那句话是在什么情况下说出来的——她显然不是预先想好把那句话带到酒馆里来说的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话——我只知道她那句话是随着大伙儿的话题十分自然地脱口而出的。 “几天前,我听到一个人说‘标准英语’这个词语是带贬义的批评用语,指的是人们应该尽量避免使用的英语。” 此语一出,谈话立即热烈起来。有人赞成,也有人怒斥,还有人则不以为然。最后,当然少不了要像处理所有这种场合下的意见分歧一样,由大家说定次日一早去查证一下。于是,问题便解决了。不过,酒馆闲聊并不需要解决什么问题,大伙儿仍旧可以糊里糊涂地继续闲扯下去。 告诉她“标准英语”应作那种解释的原来是个澳大利亚人。得悉此情,有些人便说起刻薄话来了,说什么囚犯的子孙这样说倒也不足为怪。这样,在五分钟内,大家便像到澳大利亚游览了一趟。在那样的社会里,“标准英语”自然是不受欢迎的。每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制。 看看撒克逊农民与征服他们的诺曼底统治者之间的语言隔阂吧。于是话题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯转到12世纪的英国农民。谁对谁错,并没有关系。闲聊依旧热火朝天。 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。我们谈到饭桌上的肉食时用法语词,而谈到提供这些肉食的牲畜时则用盎格鲁一撒克逊词。猪圈里的活猪叫pig,饭桌上吃的猪肉便成了pork(来自法语pore);地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef(来自法语boeuf);Chicken用作肉食时变成poultry(来自法语poulet);calf加工成肉则变成veal(来自法语vcau)。即便我们的菜单没有为了装洋耍派头而写成法语,我们所用的英语仍然是诺曼底式的英语。这一切向我们昭示了诺曼底人征服之后英国文化上所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。 撒克逊农民种地养畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不起,全都送上了诺曼底人的餐桌。农民们只能吃到在地里乱窜的兔子。兔子肉因为便宜,诺曼底贵族自然不屑去吃它。因此,活兔子和吃的兔子肉共用rabbit 这个词表示,而没有换成由法语lapin转化而来的某个词。 当我们今天听着有关双语教育问题的争论时,我们应该设身处地替当时的撒克逊农民想一想,新的统治阶级把法语用来对抗撒克逊农民自己的语言,从而在农民周围筑起一道文化障碍。当英国人在像觉醒者赫里沃德这样的撒克逊领袖领导下起来造反时,他们一定深深地感受到了文化上的屈辱。“标准英语”——如果那时候有这个名词的话——已经变成法语。而九百年后我们在美国这儿仍然继承了这种影响。 那晚闲聊过后,第二天一早便有人去查阅了资料。这个名词在16世纪已有人使用过。纳什作于1593年的《截获信函奇闻》中就有过“标准英语”(Queen’s English)的提法。1602年德克写到某人时有句话说:


《高级英语》句子翻译(英译汉)及参考答案 1.This is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO.这是北约的问题,关于此问题的评论应由北约做出,这才是适宜的。 2.Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.司法部门对此不闻不问,那就是失责。 3.In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China. 十四世纪后半叶,马可?波罗从意大利沿贸易通道来到中国,因而一举成名。 4.Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.他们的指挥官认为留在战场上不如呆在工事里安全,这是很明智的。 5.Chimpanzees are the animals closest biologically to humans. 从生物学角度看,大猩猩与人的关系最亲近。 6.Tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely. 泰米说有这样的可能,但是从统计的角度来看又不太可能。 7.The second child she dreamed of might now be medically impossible.她本来还想要一个孩子,从医学角度来看,现在是不可能了。 8.Only 18 percent are officially unemployed. 据官方统计,只有18%的人是失业者。 9.Real-estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.市中心曼哈顿的房价贵得使人望而生畏。 10.She was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed. 别人有说有笑时她却沉默不语,显得很突出。 11.It was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breath-takingly beautiful.这是一片广阔而变幻莫测的景致,但却美得令人惊讶。 12.A schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy's essay, would be justly indignant. 校长在小学生的作文里发现这样的错误一定会生气,这不是没有道理的。13.Voters were understandably confused by the identical Caser names on the ballot, and the split vote sent the real candidate Caser down to defeat in the primary.选举人被选票上一模一样的凯撒的名字弄糊涂,因而选票分散,导致真正的候选人在初选时就落选,这是可以理解的。 14.The sleek turbines of the American windmills made economic and ecological sense.美国造了许多风力磨坊,这从经济和生态角度看是有道理的。 15.Now we stay a respectful distance from him.我们对他敬而远之。 16.He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很有道理的。 17.The prisoners of war are allowed to write censored letter.战俘们可以写信,但信件要受到检查。 18.We should be very cautious when buying expensive things and ask ourselves if we are making a wise purchase.我们在买贵重的东西时一定要小心,问问自己买

高级英语Lesson 6 (Book 2) Disappearing Through the Skylight 课文翻译

Lesson 6 Disappearing Through the Skylight 从天窗中消失 小奥斯本·本内特·哈迪森 科学是能够为人们普遍接受的。有一个事实可用来说明这一点:一门科学发展程度越高,其基本概念就越能为人们普遍接受。举例而言,世界上就只有一种热力学,并不存在什么分开独立的中国热力学、美国热力学或者苏联热力学。在二十世纪的几十年的时间里,遗传学曾分为两派;西方遗传学和苏联遗传学。后者源于李森科的理论,即环境的作用可能造成遗传基因的变异。今天,李森科的理论已经被推翻,因此,世界上就只有一种遗传学了。 作为科学的自然产物,工艺技术也显示出一种世界通用的倾向。这就是为什么工艺技术的发展传播使世界呈现出一体化特征的原因。原本各异的世界各地的建筑风格、服饰风格、音乐风格——甚至饮食风格——都越来越趋向于变成统一的世界流行风格了。世界呈现出同一性特征是因为它本来具有同一性。在这个世界上长大的儿童感受到的是一个千篇一律的世界而不是一个多样化的世界。他们的个性也受到这种同一性的影响,因此,在他们的感觉中,不同文化和个人之间的差异变得越来越小了。由于世界各地的建筑越来越千篇一律,居住在这些建筑里的人也越来越千人一面了。这样带来的结果用一句人们已经听熟的话来描述再恰当不过:历史要消失了。 以汽车为例即可非常清楚地证明这一点。诸如流线型或全焊接式车身结构一类的技术革新,一开始可能不被人接受,但假如这种技术革新在提高汽车制造业的工作效率和经济效益方面确有巨大作用,它便会一再地以各种变异的形式出现,直到最终它不仅会被接受,而且会被大家公认为是一种宝贵的成果。今天的汽车再也找不出某个汽车公司或某个民族文化的标志性特征了。一般的汽车,不管产于何地,其基本特征都大同小异。 几年前,福特汽车公司制造出一种菲爱斯塔牌汽车,并将其称为“世界流行车”。这种车出现在广告上的形象是周围环绕着世界各国的国旗。福特公司解释说,这种汽车的汽缸活塞是英国产的,汽化器是爱尔兰造的,变速器是法国产的,车轮是比利时产的,诸如此类,等等等等。 这种菲爱斯塔牌汽车现在似乎已完全销声匿迹了,但这种制造世界流行汽车的设想计划却是势在必行的。这表明汽车业也像建筑等行业一样在向国际流行风格的方向发展。菲爱斯塔牌汽车问世十年后,所有大型汽车制造公司都已国际化。


第十二课一个发现:做一个美国人意味着什么 詹姆斯·鲍德温 1.亨利·詹姆斯曾经说过,“身为一个美国人是一种复杂玄妙的命运。”而一位作家在欧洲做出的最重大的发现就是这种命运究竟复杂到何种程度。美国的历史,其远大志向,其不同凡响的辉煌成就,还有她那更加不同凡响的挫折失败,以及她在世界上的地位——不论是过去还是现在——都是那么深不可测而又无可更改地独一无二,以至于“美国”这个词至今仍是一个陌生的、几乎可以说是完全没有明确定义的、且具有极大争议性的专有名词。世界上似乎还没有人确切地知道这个词的含义,就连我们这些五颜六色、千千万万自称为美国人的人也不例外。 2.我当初离开美国是因为我曾怀疑自己能否经受住这儿的有色人种问题的狂风暴雨的冲击。(现在我仍然时不时地这样怀疑。)我想使自己不至于仅仅成为一个黑人,或是仅仅只成为一个黑人作家。我想寻求一种什么途径,来使自己的生活经历的特殊性把自己与他人联系起来而不是分离开来。(我同黑人之间也产生了隔阂,就像我同白人之间的隔阂一样严重,当一个黑人开始真正地相信白人对黑人的评价时,常常就会发生这样的情况。) 3.在我认为有必要去寻求一种能把我的生活经历同别的人——黑人和白人,作家和非作家——的生活经历联系起来的途径的过程中,我惊奇地发现:自己原来也同任何得克萨斯州士兵一样,是非常爱国的美国人。而且我发现,我在巴黎所认识的每一位美国作家都有我这种感受。他们都同我一样脱离了自己的本源,而且事实证明,这些美国白人的欧洲本源同我的非洲本源竟没有多少差别——他们在欧洲也像我一样感到不自在。 4.我是奴隶的后代,而他们是自由人的子孙,这种差异则无关紧要。因为我们在欧洲大地上相遇时,都在努力探求着各自的自我价值。当我们终于发现各自的自我价值之后,我们似乎都在感慨:这下可好啦,多少年来造成我们之间的隔阂的遗憾和痛苦之情,我们可再也不用死抱住不放了。 5.我们美国人彼此间的相互了解超过任何欧洲人所能达到的程度。这一点在本国不曾有人认识到,但一到欧洲,我们便认识得很清楚了。还有一点也显得很清楚:不论我们的祖先源于何处,也不管他们曾有过什么样的遭遇,我们美国黑人和白人都是欧洲造就出来的。这一事实就是我们的身分以及我们的遗传特征的组成部分。 6.在我认清这些之前,我在巴黎呆了两三年的时间。:待到认清这些之后,我就像许多前辈作家发现他的生活支柱全部被人拆掉了一样,遭受了一种精神崩溃的痛苦,不得不到瑞士的高山上去疗养。在那一片晶莹的雪山景色中,我以两张贝西·史密斯的唱片和一台打字机为工具,开始试图把自己孩提时代最初体验到的,多年来又一直想尽力忘却的生活经历再现出来。 7.是贝西·史密斯用她的音调和节拍帮我发掘出了当我还是个黑人小孩时本就使用过的说话口吻,使我重新忆起了小时闻、所见和所感。我已将这些深深藏在了心底。在美国,

高级英语2课后翻译句子 原文及答案总结版

L1 21. Seconds after the roof blew off the Koshak house, john yelled, "Up the stairs--into our bedroom! Count the kids." the children huddled in the slashing rain within the circle of adults. Grandmother Koshak implored, "Children, let's sing!" the children were too frightened to respond. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. 柯夏克家的屋顶也被掀走了,约翰就高喊道:“快上楼--到卧室里去!数数孩子。”在倾盆大雨中,大人们围成一圈,让孩子仅仅地挤在中间。柯夏克老奶奶哀声切切地说道:“孩子们大家来唱支歌吧!”孩子们都吓呆了,根本没有一点反应。老奶奶独个儿长了几句,然后她的声音就完全消失了。 22. Debris flew as the living room fireplace and its chimney collapsed. With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate, john ordered, "Into the television room!" this was the room farthest from the direction of the storm. 客厅的壁炉和烟囱崩塌了下来。弄得瓦砾横飞。眼看他们栖身的那间卧室也有两面墙壁即将崩塌,约翰立即命令大伙:“进电室去!”这是离开风头最远的个房间。、 23. For an instant, john put his arm around his wife. Janis understood. Shivering from the wind and rain and fear, clutching two children to her, she thought, dear lord, give me the strength to endure what i have to . She felt anger against the hurricane. We won't let it win. 约翰用手将妻子漏了一下。詹妮丝心里明白了他的意思。由于风雨和恐惧,她不住地发抖。她一面拉过两个孩子紧贴在自己身边,一面默祷着:亲爱的上帝啊,赐给我力量,让我经受住必须经受的一切吧。她心里怨恨这场飓风。我们一定不会让它得胜。 24. Pop Koshak raged silently, frustrated at not being able to do anything to fight Camille. Without reason, he dragged a cedar chest and a double mattress from a bedroom into the TV room. At that moment, the wind tore out one wall and extinguished the lantern. A second wall moved, wavered, Charlie hill tried to support it, but it toppled on him, injuring his back. The house, shuddering and rocking, had moved 25 feet from its foundations. The world seemed to be breaking apart. 柯夏克老爹心中窝着一团火,深为自己在飓风面前无能为力而感到懊丧。也说不清为什么,他跑到意见卧室离去将一直杉木箱和一个双人床垫拖进了电视室。就在这里,一面墙壁被风刮倒了,提灯也被吹灭。另外又有一面墙壁在移动,在摇晃。查理〃希尔试图以身子撑住它,但结果墙还是朝他这边塌了下来,把他的背部也给砸伤了。房子在颤动摇晃,已从地基上挪开了25英尺。整个世界似乎都要分崩离析了。 25. Let's get that mattress up! John shouted to his father. "Make it a lean-to against the wind. Get the kids under it. We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders!" "我们来把床垫竖起来!"约翰对父亲大声叫道。“把它斜靠着挡挡风。让孩子们躲


2021年《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(2) 青年人的四种选择Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People 在毕业前不久,斯坦福大学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了一封信,信中谈及他的一些不安。 Shortly before his graduation,Jim Binns,president of the senior class at Stanford University,wrote me about some of his misgivings. 他写道:“与其他任何一代人比拟,我们这一代人在看待成人世界时抱有更大的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成人世界。” “More than any other generation,” he said,“our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.” 很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄人的看法。 Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries. 在过去的几年里,我倾听过许多年轻人的谈话,他们有的还在大学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成人的世界同样感到不安。 During the last few years,I have listened to scores of young people,in college and out,who were just as nervous about the grown world. 大致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。对此该负责的大概应是那些办理这个世界的成年人吧。如果他们不能做得比这些更好,他们又能拿什么来教育我们呢?这样的教导,我们根本不需要。” Roughly,their attitude might be summed up about like this:“The world is in pretty much of a mess,full of injustice,poverty,and war. The people responsible are,presumably,the adults who have been running thing. If they can’t do better than that,what have they got to teach our generation?That kind of lesson we can do without.” 我觉得这些结论合情合理,至少从他们的角度来看是这样的。 There conclusions strike me as reasonable,at least from their point of view. 对成长中的一代人来说,相关的问题不是我们的社会是否完美(我们可以想当然地认为是这样),而是应该如何去应付它。 The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect (we can take that for granted),but how to deal with it. 尽管这个社会严酷而不合情理,但它毕竟是我们惟一拥有的世界。 For all its harshness and irrationality,it is the only world we’ve got. 因此,选择一个办法去应付这个社会是刚刚步入成年的年轻人必需作出的第一个决定,这通常是他们一生中最重要的决定。 Choosing a strategy to cope with it,then,is the first decision young adults have to make,and usually the most important decision of their lifetime. 按照我的发现,他们的基本选择只有四种: So far as I have been able to discover,there are only four basic alternatives: 1)脱离传统社会 1)Drop Out 这是最古老的方法之一,任何年龄的人无论在任何地方,也无论是否使用迷幻剂都可以采用。 This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can be practiced anywhere,at any age,and with or without the use of hallucinogens.


广岛--日本“最有活力”的城市 (节选) 雅各?丹瓦 “广岛到了!大家请下车!”当世界上最快的高速列车减速驶进广岛车站并渐渐停稳时,那位身着日本火车站站长制服的男人口中喊出的一定是这样的话。我其实并没有听懂他在说些什么,一是因为他是用日语喊的,其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗? 这儿的日本人看来倒没有我这样的忧伤情绪。从车站外的人行道上看去,这儿的一切似乎都与日本其他城市没什么两样。身着和嘏的小姑娘和上了年纪的太太与西装打扮的少年和妇女摩肩接豫;神情严肃的男人们对周围的人群似乎视而不见,只顾着相互交淡,并不停地点头弯腰,互致问候:“多么阿里伽多戈扎伊马嘶。”还有人在使用杂货铺和烟草店门前挂着的小巧的红色电话通话。 “嗨!嗨!”出租汽车司机一看见旅客,就砰地打开车门,这样打着招呼。“嗨”,或者某个发音近似“嗨”的什么词,意思是“对”或“是”。“能送我到市政厅吗?”司机对着后视镜冲我一笑,又连声“嗨!”“嗨!”出租车穿过广岛市区狭窄的街巷全速奔驰,我们的身子随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪。与此同时,这座曾惨遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。 正当我开始觉得路程太长时,汽车嘎地一声停了下来,司机下车去向警察问路。就像东京的情形一样,广岛的出租车司机对他们所在的城市往往不太熟悉,但因为怕在外国人面前丢脸,却又从不肯承认这一点。无论乘客指定的目的地在哪里,他们都毫不犹豫地应承下来,根本不考虑自己要花多长时间才能找到目的地。 这段小插曲后来终于结束了,我也就不知不觉地突然来到了宏伟的市政厅大楼前。当我出示了市长应我的采访要求而发送的请柬后,市政厅接待人员向我深深地鞠了一躬,然后声调悠扬地长叹了一口气。 “不是这儿,先生,”他用英语说道。“市长邀请您今天晚上同其他外宾一起在水上餐厅赴宴。您看,就是这儿。”他边说边为我在请柬背面勾划出了一张简略的示意图。 幸亏有了他画的图,我才找到一辆出租车把我直接送到了运河堤岸,那儿停泊着一艘顶篷颇像一般日本房屋屋顶的大游艇。由于地价过于昂贵,日本人便把传统日本式房屋建到了船上。漂浮在水面上的旧式日本小屋夹在一座座灰黄色摩天大楼之间,这一引人注目的景观正象征着和服与超短裙之间持续不断的斗争。 在水上餐厅的门口,一位身着和服、面色如玉、风姿绰约的迎宾女郎告诉我要脱鞋进屋。于是我便脱下鞋子,走进这座水上小屋里的一个低矮的房间,蹑手蹑脚地踏在柔软的榻榻米地席上,因想到要这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长而感到十分困窘不安。 市长是位瘦高个儿的男人,目光忧郁,神情严肃。出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己置身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。 到场的宾客们被互相介绍了一番。他们大多数都是日本人,我也不好开口去问为什么要请我们来这儿聚会。在场的少数几位美国人和德国人看来也同我一样有些局促不安。“先生们,”市长开言道,“我很高兴欢迎你们到广岛来。” 大家都开始弯腰鞠躬,连在场的西方人也不例外。只要在日本呆上三天,人的脊椎骨就会变得特别地柔韧灵活。


课文翻译 Once again, outside in the open air, I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I'd prepared in advance for inter views with the patients of the atomic ward. Among them was the que stion: Do you really think that Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan? I never asked it. But I could read the answer in every eye. 从医院出来,我又一次地撕碎了一个小笔记本,那上面记着我预先想好准备在采访原子病区的病人时提问的一些问题,其中有一个问题就是:你是否真的认为广岛是日本最充满活力的城市?我一直没问这问题,但我已能从每个人的眼神中体会出这个问题的答案。 Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever i magined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. 在大多数美国人的心目中,马克?吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克?费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆?索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。的确,这位美国最受人喜爱的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫气质及幽默笔调都达到了登峰造极的程度。但我发现还有另一个不同的马克?吐温——一个由于深受人生悲剧的打击而变得愤世嫉俗、尖酸刻薄的马克?吐温,一个为人类品质上的弱点而忧心忡忡、明显地看到前途是一片黑暗的人 Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved ones: his father, dying of pneumoni a when Sam was 12; his brother Henry, killed by a steamboat explosion; the death of his son, Lang don, at 19 months. His eldest daughter, Susy, died of spinal meningitis , Mrs. Clemens succumbed to a heart attack in Florence, and youngest daughter., Jean, an epileptic, drowned in an upstairs bat htub . 马克?吐温的一生都笼罩在悲剧的阴影之中,自己的亲人一个接一个地去世:他的父亲在他十二岁那年死于肺炎,他的兄弟亨利在一次汽船爆炸事故中遇难;他的儿子朗顿才满十九个月即离开人世。他的大女儿苏茜死于脊膜炎;克莱门斯夫人在佛罗伦萨死于心脏病;而他的小女儿也因癫痫病的发作淹死在楼上的浴盆里。 Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end of our planet, in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean. After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner –only three and a half feet thick –and a nuclear submarine hovered in the water below. After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resubmerged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a re-suit of global warming. I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U. S. Navy to secure the re-lease of previously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap. Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowcape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or "pressure ridges " of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide. But here too, CD, levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature will rise with them – indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidly

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