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OBIEE11g 日志路径

OBIEE 11g Log Locations:

OBIEE System Component Log Locations
You have to check the below logs if you have any startup issues for any of your OBIEE components.
The first step is to check the status of all components using opmnct status -l, if any of the component status is down go to the corresponding
log file for more information.

To individually start components for an example to start the presentation services you would use the below command

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Similarly to start other components replace the coreapplication_obips1 with correct names.

Presentation Services:


sawlogo.log - Fro any issues related to Presentation Services start/stop

BI Server Component:


nqquery.log - For any issues related OBIEE Analysis & RPD issues
nqserver.log - For any issues related to Server Component start/stop

BI Scheduler Component:


nqscheduler.log - For any issues related to Scheduler Component start/stop

BI Cluster Component:


nqcluster.log - For any issues related to Cluster Component start/stop

Java host Component:


jh.log - For any issues related to Java Host Component start/stop

Weblogic Server Log Locations

BI Managed Server:


bi_server1.out - For any issues related to bi_server1

Admin Server:


AdminServer.log - For any issues related to AdminServer

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