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英语短剧剧本 仲夏夜之梦

荷米亚。。。。夏冰清莱赛德。。。。。。储 狄米崔斯。。。。荷叶粥海伦娜。。。王丽乾 爸爸。。。。王达 仙王。。。。何玉婷仙后。。。。管管 派克。。。。王霜 旁白。。。。孙怡晨 第一幕 口白: There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughter s to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chos en to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death. Egeus and Hermia上场 Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city. 荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。 Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad! I can’t be his wife.I don’t love him. I’ve fell in love with Lysander. 爸爸,抱歉。我不能成为他的妻子。我不爱他。我已经爱上了莱赛德。 Egeus: Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No! 莱赛德?他会比狄米崔斯好吗?不! Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply. 喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友—海伦娜,而这一个甜美女孩也深爱狄米崔斯。Egeus: No matter what you say, I’ve decided to let you marry to Demetrious. I stick to do this! 不管你怎麼说!我已经决定让你嫁给狄米崔斯了,我坚决这样做。 Hermia: Oh! Please, please do not! My dear father! Don’t you love me any more? Don’t give me up, please! 喔,不要,请不要这麼做,亲爱的父亲,你不再爱我了吗?请不要放弃我。 Lysander上场 Lysander: Sweet Hermia, my love! What’s going wrong? Let me wipe your heart-breaking tears! 亲爱的荷米亚,我的爱人,怎麼回事?让我擦掉你那心碎的眼泪。 Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, or he’ll be put me to death! What can I do? 我爸爸说,除非我嫁给狄米崔斯,否则他将处死我,我该怎麼办? Lysander: Fear not and hear me. Tomorrow night, I’ll wait for you in the wood a few miles outside the city. If you really love me, getting far away this sad city with me. 不要害怕并听我说,明天晚上,我将在城外几哩的树林里等你,如果你真的爱我,就和我一起逃离这伤心的城市吧。 Hermia: I will because I love you so. 我会的,因为我如此爱你。


2019年英语话剧剧本范文 篇一:白雪公主的英文话剧表演剧本 人物:白雪公主、老王后、新王后、猎人、七个小矮人、王子、小动物(5个)。道具:小动物头饰、皇冠、枪、矮人帽、七张板凳、七个杯子、魔镜、洋娃娃、一张桌子、苹果(一半红一半绿)、头巾、篮子。 演员表:老师根据本班孩子性格特点自定。 剧情: (幕启) 老王后:(怀抱洋娃娃,哄小孩,戴围巾don’tcry音乐) 旁白:It’ sacoldwinterday.Ababy,hernameisSnowWhite,wasborn.Sheisveryb eautiful. 仆人:(上场,围住老王后,手摸娃娃脸)旁白:Thequeenlovesher.Everybodylovesher.(播放音乐LazyMary,人们、

老王后下场)(点击下载背景音乐LazyMary)(音乐起,动物和公主跳上场,老王后上场睡床上) 旁白:Theanimalsloveher,too.(音乐渐弱) 仆人:(一个人上场)SnowWhite!SnowWhite!Yourmotherisill.(焦急)白雪公主:Mum!Mum!(边跑边下,动物跟下)(公主上台围在床前,小动物上) 白雪公主:Oh!Mum.No!No!What’swrongwithyou? 老王后:(摸公主的脸)Mydear.Iloveyoufor…ever…(手垂下,脸歪,死去)(音乐悲伤,抬老王后下,公主坐地上哭) (音乐欢快斗牛,新王后上,围公主走一圈,瞟一眼)旁白:Anewqueenes.Sheisbeautifulbutbad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)魔镜:(音乐邪恶37,上场)旁白:Thisisamagicmirror. 新王后:Mirror,mirror.Whoisfairestofall? 魔镜:Notyou.SnowWhite.


甲:Hello,every one, have you ever seen the movie? Yeah, you are right, I'm the director-- Cameron Diaz, applaud , thank you....Recently, I will direct a new movie called < Avatar 2 >, today, there will be a audition and I will select three actresses who can get the chance to perform in this film with famous actress---Anne Hathaway,OK, let's begin. At first , talent show, number one, let's welcome. 乙:(风情万种,妖娆妩媚地走进来,给观众一个飞 吻):oh,honey,dear,sweet,darling director, the most beautiful charming, sexy girl is coming , every body knows me, right? Yeah, I'm Nicole Kidman, open your eyes as big as you can and hold your breath, there will be a unique, fantastic dance show for you, I believe that all of you will be crazy about it ,(打个响指) come some music.(搞笑舞,自由发挥). (跳完,鞠躬,向观 众谢幕), thank you,(面向导演), honey, is it a wonderful performance? 甲:(作目瞪口呆状), 乙:(在甲眼前晃手),oh, darling, are you Ok? 甲:eh...my god, have you use some stimulant drugs this morning, you make my nerves nervous. Get out , next one.

儿童英语话剧 拔萝卜剧本

Pulling the carrots 角色: Bird (小林),Monkey(小明),Tiger(贝贝),Snake(宝宝), Frog(小浩),Rabbit A(丽丽),Rabbit B(花花), RabbitC(小燕)Big carrot(小米) (背景:森林里) 旁白(Molly):One day, Three rabbits are playing in the forest,They are happy. (三只小兔子出场,一起拎着自己的小篮子,欢快的采着小花,哼着自己喜欢的儿歌。) Rabbit A: Look,A red flower.I like red. (跑向红花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) Rabbit B:wow,A pink flower,I like pink. (跑向粉花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) Rabbit C:wow,A blue flower,I like blue. (跑向粉花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) (随意的采一些花后,坐在一起,分享自己的花,一起开心的说着) RabbitA:What colour do you like? RabbitB:I like … RabbitB:What colour do you like? RabbitC:I like … (RabbitC:What colour do you like? RabbitA:I like … 一起欢快的起来边跳“编花篮”边唱歌) (儿歌“What colour do you like?”) 旁白(Molly):At that time,They are hungry.They want to find some food. (三只小兔子唱完歌曲,摸摸自己的肚子。) RabbitA:Oh,I`m hungry. RabbitB:Me too. RabbitA:Let`s find some food,OK? RabbitC:OK. RabbitB:Look,carrots! RabbitA:Let`s pull it out. RabbitB&C:OK,let`s pull it out. Carrot:(瞪他们一眼,狠狠的说了声“哼”然后扭过身,稳稳的坐在地上,下决心决不被他们拔走。) RabbitA & RabbitB:one,two,three,pull! Carrot:(使劲的往后退,不让他们拔走)No,I don`t like you! RabbitA & RabbitB& RabbitC:(互相看了一眼,互相鼓励,点点头继续)one,two,three,pull!Carrot:(使劲的往后退,然后松开,故意把兔子们闪倒)Hahaha,I don`t like you! (Carrot 站起来抖抖自己的胳膊,腿,神奇的走一圈) Carrot:I am strong!I am strong!hahhaha. (跟着音乐唱和跳“Head,shoulders,knees and toes”的儿歌) (唱完后狠狠的瞪了小兔子们一眼,继续蹲在地上,稳稳的坐着,挑衅又可爱的看着


Monkey Subdues the White-bone Demon Roles: Monkey King(M) 猴哥 Pig (P) 八戒 Tangseng(T) 唐僧 Shaseng(S) 沙僧 White-bone Demon(W) 白骨精 White-bone Demon’Servant(Ws) Young Girl(G) 年轻女孩 Old Lady(L) 老妇人 Fortune teller(F) 先知 Narrator: It’s a very day in the journey to the west, the four monks are travelling in the rolling mountains,in which lives white-bone demon. And she is quite excited to be informed that Tangseng is coming. 师徒四人西天取经,白骨精途中等待。 (1桃花朵朵开) (White-bone Demon with her servant behind steps in the stage) Ws: madam, here is the fresh blood! You look so well today! W: Aha, of cause! A monk called Tangseng is coming and it is said that one who has eaten his flesh will never die or grow old! What a precious opportunity for me it is! I will turn into a beautiful girl to win his heart! (White-bone Demon spinsherself and turned into a beautiful young girl,then waited for the monks to come.) M: master, I feel that there is some evil in this area! (让三人站在呼啦圈内)you three stay in this magical ring and I will go to search for some food! See you later!(悟空跳出舞台) G:oh, god gives me such a wonderful chance!(整理妆容,伴奏2音乐起,走猫步上台)


Week20 A: rabbit B: wolf C: duck D: butterfly E: mouse F: elephant (第一场) 起床(背景音乐) A:(起床动作)wake up ! B C D E F: I get up at XX o’clock . A: I am very hungry. Let’s have breakfast. (动作:发现自己的胡萝卜) Look! Carrot is orange, it is good for me .(吃的动作) C:I want to eat fish, fish is for my breakfast. Fish lives in the river.(动作:到河边抓鱼) D:The flowers are beautiful. They are red, yellow, pink and purple.(动作:闻花香和喝) E:mouse (小老鼠的动作和声音) F:Haha, I have many fruits. Banana is yellow and sweet, watermelon is red and juicy. B:I want to eat the rabbit!(大家一起说:No !Rabbit is our friend.做指责狼的动作)(狼做吃叶子的动作,然后呕吐。)(大家一起说;I’m full, it’s time to go to school.) 第二场上学 变队形XXX XXX A and B A:I am a rabbit, nice to meet you! B:I am a wolf, nice to meet you too!


Scene ⅰ: 地点(at campus) 人物:kevin Jason and Rita Jason: Oh ,I’m sorry ,are you ok ? 对不起,你还好吗? Rita: How familiar! 好眼熟啊! J: you pick? 是你捡的吗? Kevin: Shut up !谁说的! R and J: Kevin ? 是Kevin 吗? K: Jasson ? Rita ? Rita:Kevin! Do you know ? I miss you so much. we have lost much romantic without you 你知道吗? 我太想你了kevin,没有你我们少了很多浪漫 Jason:It’s so nosiy here ,let’s find a quiet place to talk.这里太吵了,我们找个安静的地方聊吧 K to R: Is it convenient for you to share your department with me during my finding job?在我找工作期间方便让我住你的宿舍吗? R: Sure ,no problem,as long as avoid dormitory administrator当然没问题,只要躲过宿管就可以了 J: But why? What happened to you ? I thought that after graduation you will live well.但是为什么啊?你怎么了?我以为你毕业后会过的很好

R: You’re such a dream catcher .why are you come back to the place where you were sick of?你那么有梦想的人,怎么还要回到你曾经连做梦都不爽的地方? K: Because no money ,no job,even there’s no place to live.Nothing at all. 因为我没钱、没工作,甚至连住的地方都没有,一无所有。R:Impossible !这不可能! K: This is what happened…事情是这样的。。。 Scene ⅱ: (at kevin’s home) 人物:Kevin , land lady Marry M: Open the door, open the door.开门开门 K: What’s wrong ?Marry?有事吗Marry? M: Look,you must be paid as rent, You’ve defaulted if for 6 months. Not only didn’t I take your deposit,but also I disbursed ultilities for half a year. I’m enough of it .pay of f your bills ,right now.听着,你现在必须付房租,你已经拖6个月了,我不仅没收你押金,连水电都帮你垫付了半年。我受够你了,付清账单,现在,马上,立刻,马上! K: please, I have no money now. Look , I only eat the cheap bread for food . 拜托,我现在真的没钱。看,我只能吃这种廉价的食物。M: Wow , turn to black , is it my dog’s food ? 哇,都变色了!是我家狗的食物吗?


幼儿童话剧剧本(英文童话剧) 小熊请客 第一幕: (旁白) :在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的 生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。 (音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场) Tree: I’m Tree. Tree: I’m green. Tree: I’m Tree. Trees: We’re the forest. (树后退至背景处) Bear1: Happy New Year. My name’s Pat. I’m big brother. Bear2: My name’s Frank. This is my car. I can drive a car. Bear3: I’m Bob. I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy. Bear4: I’m Tom. I like riding a bike. Bear5: I’m Joe. I like playing football. Bear6:I’m Ken. I’m a little boy. I can draw. (熊爸爸,熊妈妈上场) Dady:I’m their father. Mumy:I’m their mother. Bears: Morning, Mum. Morning, Dady. (Bears唱 My mother,my father.) Mumy:Let’s have a rest, OK? Children Bears: OK! Yes! (下场) Mumy Dady:Today’s new year. We are going to play a host. Let’s get ready. 第二幕:小熊的朋友上场。 1. 音乐起,花上场。 Flower: I’m red flower. Flower: I’m yellow flower.


4人英语短剧剧本[搞笑版大话西游] Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust(欲望),lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).


角色:四个大学生,名字分别是:A,B,C,D。 (旁白)我们一直在想,所谓的大学究竟应该是怎样,我们一直在迷茫,为什么自己已经回不到高中时期的状态,于是很多人迷失了自己觉得现在的大学配不上自己,于是很多人与曾经的梦想渐行渐远,于是很多人选择了这样的生活。。。。。。 (在四人间的寝室里,灯光昏暗,三台电脑全开,背景音乐是摇滚乐,十分吵杂,配合有不断地鼠标点击的声音,还有打游戏时的喊声。) C:唉,又死了。这垃圾键盘,该死鼠标!垃圾键盘,该死鼠标! D:哈哈,小撸怡情,大撸伤身,樯橹灰飞烟灭。王跃同志是你不行吧,不要勉强。。。 C:什么?竟敢怀疑我的能力,好歹我也是在咱们寝室积极推广LOL文化第一人好不好? B: 哎哎,你两别吵了,我在跟媳妇视屏呢,声音小点好不。 C:哦,原来呀,我说网速咋这么慢。(敲门声响起,寝室里停止讲话) B:(上前开门,诧异状)张松????一天不见你了,干啥去了? A:(拿着书本,满脸疲倦,走进寝室)老样子,还是去自习。 D:(转过身来)我就一直不明白,这是大学了,还起早贪黑上什么自习呀。 C:其实吧,我也挺想改变一下自己。有时候我老想像他一样每天做一点事,真的不能这样浑浑噩噩了。现在这般的生活确实很惬意,只是完了之后老是有一种愧疚感。 B:你们这么一说,我更加觉得我们对不起自己了。跟你们说个事吧,其实我一直就有个梦想,只是到了大学渐渐地把它抛在了脑后 A:说说吧 C:嗯,以前我想当一个企业家,创造出属于自己的一个商业帝国,为了这个梦想我曾经付出了很多努力,可是,唉,但是看看现在,自己一直萎靡不振,大家应该也有梦想吧。 B:我进入大学的时候曾满怀壮志,想要学好我的专业知识,成为一流人才,为了自己能更好的活着而努力。 A:其实吧,我的梦想很简单,就是以后可以和一个自己爱并爱着自己的人过着简单的生活,但要做到这点不是很容易,所以我很珍惜所拥有的每一天。 D:我的梦想是做一位美食家,我想吃遍天下美食,然后把它们推向世界,中国美食有着中国上下五千年文化的积蕴,不应该泯灭在历史的长河中,可现在我离梦想越走越远。 A:古人曾说过少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,我们的梦,中国的梦,中国梦,从我们的梦开始;当我们的梦实现之时,中国母亲的梦也就会实现,这时,我们民族可以无晦涩地立在人类面前,我们的祖国母亲也会最美的装饰起来,与世界各位母亲平等的携手了! D:是啊,不仅如此,我们身上还有父母们梦想的影子,我们还有很多的责任。 (旁白)最终,我们明白了,不是现在的大学配不上你,而是现在浑浑噩噩的你配不上你曾经的梦想。其实我们的梦想从未离我们远去,只要让自己静下心来,让自己的梦想与祖国的梦想联系起来,我的梦,中国梦,我们已经在追梦的路 上了。


6人英语话剧剧本。一天出租车司机Tommy遇到了很多奇怪的事情。烦人的女孩、孕妇、抢匪、不管事的警 察,甚至还遇到了鬼。。。英语短话剧剧本 A Taxi Driver 一天出租车司机Tommy遇到了很多奇怪的事情。烦人的女孩、孕妇、抢匪、不管事的警察,甚至还遇到了鬼。。。Cast Erin Chang: Robber Debby Tsai: Police officer Serrin Lee: Betel nut girl Alec Zhao: Ghost student Leo Lee: Taxi driver Yi-ling Chen: Pregnant woman Summary This story talks about a poor taxi driver, Tommy, who meets many strange things in one day. First, he carries a Betel Nut Girl who wants to harass him. Second, a pregnant woman makes him feel nervous. Third, he carries a robber and meets a police officer who only manages traffic. At last, he carries a ghost student. Tommy: HeIIo, my name is Tommy. Serving you is my honor. Where wouId you Iike to go? BeteI nut girI: Hi! Tommy. I ' m going to Chong -Shan North Road, pIease. Tommy: Ok, Chong- Shan North Road, no probIem. Um? I remember there ' s onIy a Chong-Shan East Road. Miss, are you sure yo u're going to Chong -Shan North Road? BeteI nut girI: Um, I ' m not sure. You just drive. Maybe I wiII remember where it is Iater. BeteI nut girI: How oId are you? Are you married? You ' re probabIy not married since you ' re so young. Do you have a girlfriend? Tommy: Um ?…miss, we are almost at Chong-Shan East Road. Do you want to have a look? BeteI nut girI: Oh! Not here. By the way, don ' t you feeI tired after driving aII day Iong? Maybe I can help you relax. Tommy: What …what do you want to do? Take your hands off me or I ' II scream! Betel nut girl: I did nothing! You just missed a nice chance. Stop the car, I want to get off. Tommy: (ReIived) Great! The totaI is 155 doIIars, Thank you. BeteI nut girI: Um! Take it! Pregnant woman: Hey! Taxi! Pregnant woman: Thanks. You are real a very kind man. Tommy: Where are you going? Pregnant woman: Hospital, please. Tommy: You ' re going to the prenatal checkup, right? It must be very tiring carrying a baby. Pregnant woman: Yeah. It ' s almost nine months. Tommy: Woo. Congratulations. Pregnant woman: Thank you. Pregnant woman: (screaming) Tommy: Are you ok? Pregnant woman: (screaming) Tommy: Is it time now? Are you going to deliver your baby now? I will drive as fast as I can. Stay down. Pregnant woman: (screaming) Tommy: We 're almost there.


Real Friends (角色:Hare,Monkey,Tree,Bear) Tree(出场,站在场地中间):I’m Tree.I like sun and moon.I have a lot of brothers and sisters.We are the forest. Hare(跳着出场,做兔子状):I’m Hare.I like carrots.(从口袋中拿出胡萝卜,然后放回去)I have a good friend.He is monkey.(喊叫)Monkey! Monkey! Monkey(跑出来,做猴子状):I’m here.I’m monkey.I like bananas.(从口袋中拿出香蕉,然后放回去)Hare is my good friend.Hello,Hare. Hare:Hello,Monkey.Nice to meet you.How are you? Monkey:I’m fine.Thank you.How are you? Hare:I’m fine,too.Thank you. Here you are.(拿出胡萝卜给猴子). Monkey:Thank you.(接过胡萝卜,拿出香蕉给兔子)Here you are. Hare:Thank you.(接过香蕉,做吃香蕉状)En. Banana is nice. Monkey(做吃胡萝卜状)En. Carrot is nice,too. Hare:Monkey,let’s dance and sing.(兔子和猴子挽起胳膊跳圆圈舞,唱英语歌ABC或者其他的歌) Tree:Look out! Look out!There comes a bear! Bear(笨拙的走过来):I’m bear. I’m eight years old.I like honey.Now I’m hungery.I have to look for something to eat. Hare and Monkey(非常焦急,急得原地打转转):How can I do? How can I do? Monkey(突然一拍脑袋):I can climb the tree.(用手指树。然后向书跑来,趴在树的背上)


四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。 人物 Tom: Father Orange Klye: Mother Orange Wallis: Older Sister Orange Jessie: Little Brother Orange Characters Father Orange: He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man. Mother Orange: She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic. Older Sister Orange: She is young , energetic, and competitive . Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled. SCENE I 场景一:果园 One Morning in an Orange Orchard. (Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. ) Father: I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning). Mother: Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this. Sister: A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks. Brother: That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders. Sister: (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help. Father: Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us. Mother: But it’s useless. Sister: Oh, God! We’re discovered! Brother: Oh! We’re being grab bed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water? Sister: It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers. Mother: Well, we’ll just have to do our best. Father: Y eah! SCENE II On a Fruit Stand. (After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. ) Sister: Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall). Brother: I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared. (Suddenly) Sister: Oh! Mother! How could they do that?


话剧 场景: 人物:Lily Kevin 带上面具出场Rainman Fredy Chenny Cadty 出场1 Lily: good afternoon everybody. I’m lily . I like pink. My favourite toy is my doll. I can sing a b c song. Sing&dance a b c song. Thank you. Pose. 出场2 Kevin 带上面具出场 Kevin: Hello lily. Lily:hello ,what’s your name ? Kevin: aha, I’m Kevin. Lily: oops, Kevin sit down here. Kevin: Lily, listen to my chant.12 345 678 9 10 Lily: very good. 出场3 Rainman 跆拳道出场 Kevin: hello ,I’m Kevin, what’s your name? Rainman:I’m Rainman, how are you? Kevin;I’m fine. Thank you. And you? Rainman:I’m great. Thank you. Who’s she? Kevin;She’ s my friend Lily. Lily: Nice to meet you. Rainman:Nice to meet you too. Lily: How old are you? Rainman:I am 6. How old are you? Lily:I am 7. (Rainman 坐下) 出场4 Fredy 打球出场。 Fredy:Hello everyone. I’m Fredy. I’m 7. My favorite toy is my basketball. I can play my basketball. I’m happy. 出场5 Chenny &Cadty 模特秀show 入场 Cadty: I’ve got 2 big eyes and long black hair. I’ve got My favorite desses are black. Chenny : I’v got short black hair and a lot of clean teeth. My favorite are blue. My favorite shoses are 上课铃声响。。。Chenny 坐下,candty 上讲台。 Cadty: Good afternoon boys and girls. Ss :Good afternoon cadty. Cadty: Ok Now,Let’s move our body.Sing a song.


《小红帽》剧本 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来) Hi,mummy, what are you doing Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说) Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum:Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台) I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) 字串6 Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)


Scene I (Green Garden St.) (During the rush hours, when the street is crowded , Mr. Green is driving past the red light , unexpectedly a car accident happens... Two people came out of their cars angrily...) Miss Blue:Oh! It's you, Mr. Green... Do you know how to drive your car? Mr. Green: You see that I was driving across the road! Wow! There is a dent on my beloved BENZ. Miss Blue: My BMW has got a dent too, you should compensate me. (While they are quarrelling, later on, the police comes.) Police: What's happened? Mr. Green: She has bumped into my car! Miss Blue:No! It is himself that drove past the red light...

(Quarrel again ...) Police: Has any one been injured? Mr. Green: I feel headache , foot ache , ache very much. Miss Blue: I ache all over too. (Both of them mourn painfully...) Police: Then I'll call an ambulance Scene II (Blue Sky Hospital-Emergency) (Ambulance sends them to the hospital) Nurse: Who is injured? (Both of them say it is themselves at the same time...) Nurse: What's your name, Mr.? Mr. Green: Call me DPP Green. Nurse: (Unhappy facial expression) Oh! Go to the corner and sit there. Mr. Green: But ... (nurse interrupts)

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