当前位置:文档之家› (完整版)“主语+be+形容词+不定式”结构中不定式的主动形式表被动意义




“主语+be+形容词+ to do”结构如果同时符合了下列两个条件,则不定式是主动形式表被动意义:


(2)主语是to do的逻辑宾语。


例1:The cake is easy to make. 这种蛋糕很容易做。

例2:The apples are hard to reach. “苹果很难够到。

例3:The water is not fit to drink. 这水不宜喝。

例4: The baby is not easy to look after. 这个孩子不好带。



例5:I am sorry to hear that. 听到那件事我很难过。

例6:I am glad to attend her party. 我很高兴参加她的聚会。

例7:I am glad to be invited to her party. 我很高兴被邀请参加她的聚会。

例8:He is satisfied to be treated with dignity.他很满意,因为他受到了有尊严地对待。

例9:The baby is clever enough to take down the picture.这小孩很聪明,会取下这幅画。

例10:The girl is too young to understand it. 这个女孩太小,还不能理解这一点。

例5、例6、例7、例8中的形容词是表示心理活动(喜怒哀乐)的状态形容词。这类形容词还有:glad, pleased, happy, joyful, delighted, angry, angry, sorry等。

例5、例6、例9、例10中的主语不是to do 的逻辑宾语。


The boss is hard to get along with. 这个老板很难相处。

I’m grateful to be taken care of. 我受到了照顾,我很感激。


在某些特殊结构中,动名词可以用主动形式表示被动意义,这主要见于以下几种情况: 一、“需要”型 在need, want, require几个表示“需要”的动词后,英语习惯上用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。如: He needs encouraging. 他需要鼓励。 Your hair wants cutting. 你需要理发了。 The front gate requires mending. 前门需要修理。 从意义上看,以上三句的动名词均含有被动意味,但用的都是主动形式。不过,如果改用不定式,则要用被动式,如上面也可说成: He needs to be encouraged. 他需要鼓励。 Your hair wants to be cut. 你需要理发了。 The front gate requires to be mended. 前门需要修理。 二、“值得”型 这类词比较典型的有三个,它们是(be) worth, deserve, merit——它们后面跟的动名词习惯上要用主动式表示被动意义,不能直接使用被动式。如: The film is worth seeing twice. 这个片子值得看两遍。 None of it is worth keeping. 这东西一点儿也不值得保存。 They merit praising. 他们值得表扬 说明:从搭配上看,be worth 和merit 后只能跟动名词,不能跟不定式;而deserve 后则通常是接不定式的。如: They deserved to be congratulated. 他们值得祝贺。 She deserved to win because she was the best. 她有资格获胜,因为她是最优秀的。 只有当它后面所接动词具有被动意义时才可用动名词,且要用主动形式表示被动意义;此时若改成不定式,则要用被动形式。如: 我认为他的文章不值一读。 I don’t think his article deserves reading. =I don’t think his article deserves to be read.


不定式的被动不定式 的主动 高考 链接 对应 训练 1.当逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示动 作的承受者时,不定式一般用被动形式。 The plan to be made is a five-year plan. 将要被制定的是一项五年计划。 提示:请点击球体

①当不定式与它修饰的名词(代词)有动宾关系,且与该句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时。Add your text in here ②形容词easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good 等形容词后面接不定式作状语时,常用主动形式表示被动意义。 ③在“疑问词+不定式”结构中。 2.在下列情况下,不定式常用主动形式代替被动形式。 Add your text in here She has a sister to look after.她有一个妹妹要照顾。He has nothing to eat.他没有什么东西可吃。English is easy to learn.英语容易学。 The book is hard to understand.这本书难以理解。She doesn't know which bus to take. 她不知道坐哪路公共汽车。

题析 This machine is very easy____. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. A.operating B. to be operating C. operated D. to operate 句意:这台机器操作起来很容易。任何人在几分钟之内就能学会使用它。考查非谓语动词。“be+表示难易好坏的形容词”后需用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。 答案:D


不定式作定语表主动及被动的区别 摘要:不定式中,用主动式还是被动式?一直是同学们学习语法的难点。本文将从逻辑及语义理据出发,对不定式作定语表主动及被动的区别进行探究。 关键词:不定式作定语的主动式与被动式;特定句型用法;语义理据 不定式是非谓语动词的重要情形之一。由于它具有名词、动词、形容词和副词的多种特征,所以在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、同位语或独立成分。不定式作定语时兼有主动式和被动式两种形式,用主动式还是被动式?这往往是不少同学感到棘手的问题。现归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。 1.不定式作定语只能用主动式的情形

1.1不定式所修饰的名词和不定式中的动词所表示的动作是逻辑上的主谓关系(此时,该不定式短语可转化为一个定语从句)。例如: Li Xuemei was the first athlete to get to the finishing line(=...athlete who got to the finishing line).李雪梅是第一个到达终点的选手。 We need someone to help to repair the computer(=...someone who will help to repair the computer).我们需要一个能帮助我们修电脑的人。 He is always the first to bear hardships (=...the first who will bear hardships),the last to enjoy comforts(=the last who will enjoy comforts). 他总是一个吃苦在前,享乐在后的人。


首先,要先明确不定式被动式的意义:如果不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者,不定式需用被动语态 例:He dislikes to be praised in public. 他不喜欢当众被表扬。(“他”作为动作"praise"的承受者,故用不定式) 用主动表被动的情况: 1、句中存在名词或代词可以作为不定式的逻辑主语,构成逻辑上的主谓关系 例:Mr.Bird gave the dog a few bones to eat. 这里是dog eat bone,也就是说是狗作为不定式中“吃”这个动作的主语,所以,可以用主动表被动 如果不具有这种结构,则仍需要用被动 例:The news reporter raised a few questions to be answered. 记者提了几个问题有待回答。(这里问题是由别人回答,而句中未出现具体有谁回答,也就是“answer”这个动词没有出现具体主语,所以要用被动) 2、在“形容词+不定式”的结构中,如果不定式与句子主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,用主动表被动 例:The plane is dangerous to fly. 这架飞机开起来很危险 句中是“开” “飞机”,不定式中的动词"fly"与主语“plane”构成动词与宾语的关系 3、在there be结构中,用不定式主动表被动 例:There is always much housework to do in the house. 这里用to do而非to be done,一定要记住~ 4、在特定句子中要用主动表被动 例: 1)The house is to let. 这房子待出租。(用to let ,而非to be let) 2)He is not to blame. 他不该被责备


英语动词不定式有主动和被动两种形式。当不定式所说明的人或物是不定式所表示的动作的对象,即是一种动宾关系时,不定式用被动形式。当不定式所说明的人或物是不定式所表示的动作的执行者,即是一种主动关系时,不定式用主动形式。 在某些情况下,不定式虽然与所说明的人或物是动宾关系,但仍用主动形式。这种不定式主动形式表示被动意义的情况主要有下列几种: 一、当不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系,又与句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系时,该不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。例如: I have a meeting to attend. 我有个会议要参加。(to attend与I有主谓关系) Give him some books to read. 给他一些书看。(to read与him有主谓关系) 如果不属于上述情况,则表示被动意义时仍需要用被动形式。试比较下面两句: 1. Have you anything to do this afternoon? 你今天下午有事要做吗? 2. Have you anything to be taken to the city (by me or someone else) ? 你有什么东西要带到城里去吗? 句1中主语you与不定式to do存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,to do实际上指的是you的动作,所以用主动形式表示被动意义;而句2中主语you与不定式to take不存在逻辑上的主谓关系,不定式所指的并非是you的动作,所以仍要用被动形式to be taken表示被动意义。 二、当不定式在"There be..."句型中用作定语修饰主语而表示被动意义时,一般情况下,既可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式。在口语中用主动形式的时候更多一些。例如: There is no time to lost (to be lost). 时间紧迫,不能耽误了。 There are still many things to take care of (to be taken care of). 还有好多事要处理。 但是应该注意以下两点: (1)如果不定式结构加了"for sb."表示的逻辑主语,那么用主动形式或被动形式则须视sb. 是其动作的发出者或承受者而定。例如: There are still many questions for us to discuss. 我们还有许多问题要讨论。


Book7 unit2动词不定式被动语态形 一、复习各种时态的被动语态 ★被动语态的基本结构: be+ done (以the book , publish 为例) 一般现在/过去时: The book is/ was published. 一般/过去将来时: The book will/would be published. The book is/was going to be published. 现在/过去进行时: The book is/was being published. 现在/过去完成时: The book has/had been published. 情态动词: The book can/could/may/might…be published. 1)一般式:(not/never )to be done 2)完成式:(not/ never)to have been done (表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前) 三、▲通常在believe, suppose, say, report等动词构成的句子中可以进行主动语态到被动语态以及被动语态和动词不定式的转换.如: They say that Mike is sick in bed. =It is said that Mike is sick in bed. =Mike is said to be sick in bed. 据说麦克卧床不起. People believe that he was killed. =It is believed that he was killed. =He is believed to have been killed. 大家相信他被杀了. 四、当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者而非发出者时,不定式一般要采用被动形式(to be done). 语法功能: 1.作主语: It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 2.作宾语: She asked to be sent to work in Xinjiang. 3.构成复合宾语: He wanted the letter to be typed at once. She didn’t like herself to be praised like that.


我是英语专业的,或许能帮助你~!!楼主记得给分啊~!!2011—12--23 主动语态形式表示被动意义在初三英语教学当中,被动语态的学习是一个重点,学生常常在做选择填空和完形填空当中,会遇到一些用主动语态形式表示被动意义的题目,他们常常会犯一些错误。例如以下的一道选择题:The cotton very soft.(棉花摸起来很软)A、is felt B、feels C、was felt D、feel这道题的正确答案是B,而往往很多同学选择A。他们觉得应该用被动结构,其实这就是一个典型的“某些表示状态特征的系动词,就是用主动语态形式表示被动意义”的题目。为了避免学生再遇到类似的问题,犯同样的错误,本人觉得在初三复习当中,在不增加学生过多负担下,有必要将一些初中学生接触过的这一方面的内容,做一下简单的归纳。英语中主动语态形式并不都表示主动意义,有时可表示被动意义,因为被动语态不如主动语态用得普遍,在不引起误解的情况下,可用主动语态表示被动意义。常见的有以下几种情况。一、某些表示状态特征的系动词,如:look,sound,smell,taste等用主动语态形式表示被动意义。如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布料摸起来很软。The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来很美。The cake smells nice. 这蛋糕闻起来香。The meat tastes terrible. 这肉尝起来变味了。二、表示某些“需要、要求”意义的动词,如need、want、require等后的动名词的主动语态形式表示被动意义。如:The bike needs mending. 这辆自行车需要修理。Your hair wants cutting. 你的头发该理了。The story requires reading carefully.这篇故事需要仔细阅读。三、形容词worth后接的动名词用主动语态形式表示被动意义。The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得读。The clock isn’t worth repairing. 这闹钟不值得修。The film is worth seeing. 这部电影值得一看。四、作表语的形容词,如difficult,easy,hard,nice,possible,impossible等之后的不定式作状语时,用主动语态形式表示被动意义。此时,不定式表示的动作与其主语一般为动宾关系。如:Is English difficult to learn? 英语难学吗?The maths problem is not easy to work out.这道数学题不容易解。I think apples are nice to eat.我认为苹果好吃。五、某些动词,如:lock,open,sell,wash等,特别是与副词badly,easily,well等连用时,常常用主动语态形式表示被动意义。如:The door won’t lock. 这门锁不上。This kind of colour TV sells well. 这种彩电很畅销。Does the cloth wash well?这布耐洗吗?The shop opens at eight in the morning.商店早上八点开门。六、不定式作定语,与被修饰动词的名词或代词构成被动关系,表示被动意义。如:I have lots of homework to do today.今天我有许多家庭作业要做。I want to get something to drink. 我想弄点喝的。Would you like something to eat?你想要点吃的吗?当然“学无定法”,英语的学习不能靠死记规则,关键要提高语感,真正养成用英语思维的习惯,才能做到活学活用。


动词不定式主动形式表示被动意义 1、look ,feel ,smell, sound, taste等系动词在句中做谓语 This coat feels very soft and smooth. Her voice sounds very pleasant.. The dishes taste delicious. 2.有些动词做不及物动词,用来表示主语的内在品性或性质。 如:wash, clean, cook, iron, cut , sell, read, wear, feel , draw, write , sell 等 The book sells well. This knife cuts easily. My new pen writes well. 3.在need , require, want , worth (adj )后的动名词可以主动表被动 The door needs repairing. This book is worth reading. Her mother is ill .She needs looking after. 4.在疑问词what/which/whom+不定式结构中,主动表被动 I don’t know which to choose . He asked me what to do . 5.在某些固定句型中, 动词不定式作定语, 用主动形式表被动意义。 1)have(give, show)sth. to do 在这种句型中的不定式与前边的名词有动宾关系, 又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系。例如: I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. to do与things是动宾关系, 与I是主谓关系。否则, 在表示被动意义时, 仍需要被动式。试比较: Have you anything to do this afternoon? 今天下午你有事要做吗? (to do是由you发出的) Have you anything to be taken to your parents? 你有要带给你父母的东西吗? (谁带不得而知) 再如: Please get me something to read. 请给我弄点读的材料。 He'll show you the right path to take. 他会给你指出要走的正确的路。 There is much work to do. Have you any questions to ask? Would you like something to drink? 2)It(This, That)+be+a/an+adj. + n. +to do 在这种句型中, 不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系。动词不定式可改为动词不定式复合结构。 例如: This is a difficult question to answer. 这是个难答的问题。 question与to answer为动宾关系。to answer可改为 for me to answer。


主动表示被动的13种情况回顾 一、不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态常见动词是:cut, sell, read,write, fill, cook, lock, wash, drive, keep等。 This knife cuts well.这把刀好切。 These books sell well.这些书好卖。 The pen writes smoothly.这支笔写起来流畅。 Meat won’t keep long in such hot weather.肉在这样热的天气里放不长久。 The cloth washes well.这种布好洗。 二、一些连系动词的主动式+形容词。常见动look,smell,taste,sound,feel,prove,turn out等。The apples taste good. The flower smells wonderful. The news proved/turned out true. Cotton feels soft. 三、不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。不定式修饰作表语和宾语补足语的形容词时,结构:主语+系动词+形容词+ 不定式;动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。如果形容词是表示难易、利弊等含义: 用于此结构的常见形容词hard,defficult,easy,heavy,fit,good,comfortable,convenient,impossible,convenient, cheap, expensive,(便利的,方便的), 等。 The problem is easy to do. The question is difficult to answer. The box is heavy to carry. The project is impossible to complete in a year. The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。 The work is easy to do. 这项工作很好做。 I found the car comfortable to ride in. 我觉得这种车很好坐。 They think it difficult to finish the work in such bad weather.他们认为在这样恶劣的天气里很难完成这项工作。 That makes poetry difficult to write. 那就使得诗很难写。 She was as easy to please as her father. 她如她妈妈一样容易取悦。 四、Need, want, require(要求,需要), deserve(应得,值得), be worth值得),not bear(经不住) 后面接doing主动表被动。 The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 The old building requires repairing. 这座古建筑需要修了。 These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully. 这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。 Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut). 你的头发该剪了。 五、不定式作定语,放在被修饰词后面,与前面被修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,又在句子中与另一名词或代词有主谓关系,不定式要用主动表被动含义。 I have much work to do. 我有许多要做的事情。(与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系)Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在找一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Tom 有主谓关系)


动词不定式的主动形式表被动含义 通常情况下,动词不定式的主动形式表示主动意义,被动形式表示被动意义。但在某些情况下,动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。请看下列几种结构: 1. 在“主语+ 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语+ to do ”结构中,动词不定式与宾语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,句子的主语与动词不定式又有逻辑上的主谓关系。因此,用动词不定式的主动形式可以表示被动意义。例如: She has a meeting to attend. 她有一个会议要参加。 宾语 a meeting 与动词不定式to attend 有逻辑上的动宾关系,主语She 与动词不定式to attend 又有逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。又如:The man has a large family to support. 这个人要养活一大家子人。 2. 在“主语+ 谓语(及物动词)+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语+ to do ”结构中,动词不定式与直接宾语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系。因此,也可以用动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。例如:I'll give him some books to read. 我要给他一些书看看。 直接宾语some books 是动词不定式to read 的逻辑宾语,间接宾语him 是动词不定式to read 的逻辑主语。又如: He set us a good example to follow. 他为我们树立了学习的好榜样。 3. 在“主语+ 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语+ 宾补+ to do ”结构中,宾语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语,而句子的主语可能是动词不定式的逻辑主语,也可能不是。此时,也用动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。例如: I found the fellow hard to get along with. 我发现那家伙很难相处。 He made his lessons easy to understand. 他的课让人容易理解。 the fellow 是to get along with 的逻辑宾语,I 是to get along with 的逻辑主语。his lessons 是to understand 的逻辑宾语,He 不是to understand 的逻辑主语。 4. 在“主语+ 谓语(系动词)+ 表语(形容词)+ to do ”结构中,句子的主语与动词不定式有逻辑上的动宾关系,且形容词表示主语的特征或性质。该结构中常用的形容词有:easy ,hard ,difficult ,important ,impossible ,interesting ,pleasant ,nice ,comfortable,safe,dangerous,cheap,fit,heavy 等。例如: Good novels are interesting to read. 好的小说读起来有意思。 This question is easy to answer.这个问题容易回答。 5. 动词不定式前面可以加上疑问代词构成“疑问代词+ to do ”结构。在这个结构中,尽管动词不定式与疑问代词之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系,却用动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。例如: The question is what to do next.问题是下一步做什么。 I don't know what measures to take to solve this difficult problem. 我不知道该采取什么措施来解决这一难题。 6. 在“There be ”句型中,当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某事时,用动词不定式的主动形式。如果强调事情本身必须要做时,则用动词不定式的被动形式。例如:There is a lot of work to do.有许多工作要(人)去做。(需要人去做工作) There is a lot of work to be done.有许多工作要做。(工作需要被做) 7. 在“It/ This/That is + a/an+adj.+ 名词+ to do ”结构中,如果动词不定式与名词之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,则用动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。例如: This is a hard question to answer.这是一个很难回答的问题。 That is a nice place to visit. 那是一个很好的参观地点。


动词不定式有两种被动式, 即一般式和完成式, 例如do 的被动式有to be done, to have been done 。只有及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语才有不定式的被动式。一般说来, 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时, 该不定式要用被动式。例如: He asked to be sent to work in that factory. 他要求派他去那个工厂工作。 These books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 这些书不许带出室外。 但在某些情况下, 不定式虽然表示被动意思, 用的 却是主动形式。常见的有下列几种情况: 一、在某些固定句型中, 动词不定式作定语, 用主动形式表被动意义。 1) have( give, show )sth. to do 在这种句型中的不定式与前边的名词有动宾关系, 又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系。例如: I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. to do 与things 是动

宾关系, 与I 是主谓关系。否则, 在表示被动意义时, 仍需要被动式。试比较: Have you anything to do this afternoon? 今天下 午你有事要做吗? ( to do 是由you 发出的) Have you anything to be taken to your parents? 你有要带给你父母的xx 吗? (谁带不得而知)再如: Please get me something to read. 请给我弄点读 的材料。 He'll show you the right path to take. 他会给 你指出要走的正确的路。 2) It ( This, That )+be+a/an+adj. +n. + to do 在这种句型中, 不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系。动词不定式可改为动词不定式复合结构。例如: This is a difficult question to answer. 这是个难答的问题。 question 与to answer 为动宾关系。to answer 可 改


动词不定式主动表被动 用法归纳 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

动词不定式有两种被动式, 即一般式和完成式, 例如do的被动式有to be done, to have been done。只有及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语才有不定式的被动式。一般说来, 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时, 该不定式要用被动式。例如: He asked to be sent to work in that factory. 他要求派他去那个工厂工作。 These books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 这些书不许带出室外。 但在某些情况下, 不定式虽然表示被动意思, 用的却是主动形式。常见的有下列几种情况: 一、在某些固定句型中, 动词不定式作定语, 用主动形式表被动意义。1)have(give, show)sth. to do 在这种句型中的不定式与前边的名词有动宾关系, 又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系。例如: I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. to do与things是动宾关系, 与I是主谓关系。否则, 在表示被动意义时, 仍需要被动式。试比较: Have you anything to do this afternoon 今天下午你有事要做吗?(to do是由you发出的) Have you anything to be taken to your parents 你有要带给你父母的东西吗(谁带不得而知)再如: Please get me something to read. 请给我弄点读的材料。


被动语态与不定式的被动形式 一、选择正确的动词形式 1. No one should be _________ fun of in the public. A. making B. to make C. made D. being made 2. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you wouldn’t have time to ________before the party. A. get dressed B. get dress C. get dressing D. get to dress 3. —How are things going? —The disabled people ________ care of by the volunteers right now. A. are taking B. will take C. are being taken D. is being taken 4. By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ____ in Beijing. A. would complete B. was being completed C. has been completed D. had been completed 5. In 1998, this was the longest bridge that ________. A. was ever built B. had ever built C. has ever been built D. had ever been built 6. —Did you see Sandy in the manager’s office? —Yes, she ________ by the manager. A. is questioned B. was being questioned C. had been questioned D. was questioned 7. The fans hurried to the airport, only _____ they had missed the famous singer. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 8. An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week. A. are to be held B. is to be held C. are holding D.will hold 9. Tom is said _______ to another school already. A. to send B. to be sent C. to have been sent D. to have sent 10. All the applicants ______ today shall wait in this room. A. to interview B. will be interviewed C. are interviewed D. to be interviewed 二、根据句子中所缺少的成分,并使用括号内的动词适当形式补全句子。 1. The topics ________________ (discuss) next class will be sent to you by email. 2.Where to have the party ________________ (discuss)now. 3. The new bridge ________________(build)in a month. 4. The bridge ________________(build)next month will be called the East Bridge. 5. This book is said _______________________(translate) into English by 1611. 6. This book ________________________(translate) into English by 1611.


“主语+be+形容词+不定式”结构中不定式的主动形式表被动意义 “主语+be+形容词+ to do”结构如果同时符合了下列两个条件,则不定式是主动形式表被动意义: (1)表语是性质形容词; (2)主语是to do的逻辑宾语。 如: 例1:The cake is easy to make. 这种蛋糕很容易做。 例2:The apples are hard to reach. “苹果很难够到。 例3:The water is not fit to drink. 这水不宜喝。 例4: The baby is not easy to look after. 这个孩子不好带。 注意: (一)必须同时符合上述两个条件,否则不定式就不是主动形式表被动意义。如: 例5:I am sorry to hear that. 听到那件事我很难过。 例6:I am glad to attend her party. 我很高兴参加她的聚会。 例7:I am glad to be invited to her party. 我很高兴被邀请参加她的聚会。 例8:He is satisfied to be treated with dignity.他很满意,因为他受到了有尊严地对待。 例9:The baby is clever enough to take down the picture.这小孩很聪明,会取下这幅画。 例10:The girl is too young to understand it. 这个女孩太小,还不能理解这一点。 例5、例6、例7、例8中的形容词是表示心理活动(喜怒哀乐)的状态形容词。这类形容词还有:glad, pleased, happy, joyful, delighted, angry, angry, sorry等。 例5、例6、例9、例10中的主语不是to do 的逻辑宾语。 (二)这种结构中不定式的主动形式表被动意义时,不定式必须是及物动词,否则后面要添加相应的介词。如: The boss is hard to get along with. 这个老板很难相处。 I’m grateful to be taken care of. 我受到了照顾,我很感激。


?不定式的被动式的概念: 如果不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者,不定式要用被动式。如:The next thing to be done is to get our classroom pained. ?不定式被动式的用法: 一、基本形式: 不定式被动式的基本形式为to be done;若表示动作先于另一动作之前,则用完成式,即to have been done。 二、用法归纳: 不定式被动式在句中可以用作: 1、主语: 如:It's a great honour to be invited to the banquet. 承蒙邀请赴宴,甚是荣幸。 To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing, but a good tiring. 被敌人反对是好事,不是坏事。 It's a pity to be kept in the house in fine weather. 好天气时被留在家里是很遗憾的。 2、表语: 如:All this is to be sold. 所有这些都是出售的。 Water must be pure if it is to be drunk. 水如供饮用必须净化。 The switchboard is to be manned at all times. 任何时候电话总机那儿都应有专人在岗负责。

3、宾语: 如:She doesn't want to be separated from him. 她不愿和他分开。 He begged to be allowed to return to Brazil. 他恳求允许他返回巴西。 I don't wish to be disturbed in my work. 在工作时我不愿意被人打扰。 They demanded to be shown the authentic documents. 他们要求出示真实可靠的文件。 4、定语: 如:I made notes of the things to be mended. 我记下了需要修补的东西。 The Blacks are the first to be fired and the last to be hired. 黑人是最先被解雇,最后被雇用。 5、状语: 如:He asked to be kept in formed about developments. 他要求随时向他报告发展情况。 As she waited to be served, she became very impatient. 她在等候侍者送饭时,很不耐烦。 She got there only to be told that they had gone on holiday. 她到达那里,被告知他们度假去了。 6、宾语补足语: 如:He did not like his intention to be laughed at. 他不喜欢自己的意图受到嘲笑。 He ordered the goods to be sent by air. 他命令把货物空运 7、主语补足语: 如:The court was ordered to be cleared. 有命令要关闭法庭。


一、谓语动词的被动情况: 1. 某些连系动词,如look, sound, smell, taste, prove, feel等,由于没有宾语,也就没有被动式,习惯以主动语态形式表示被动意义。例如:Your reason sounds reasonable. 你的理由听起来很合理。 The flower smells sweet. 这花闻起来香。 Good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 The silk feels soft. 丝绸摸起来很软。 但是,当上述动词不用作系动词,作实意动词时,则不具有这种用法。例如:His heart was felt still beating. 他的心脏仍在跳动。 Pepper can be tasted in the soup. 汤里有胡椒粉的味道。 2. 一些动词read, wash, clean, cook, lock,shut,open,act,write,cut,wear、want、need、等,用作不及物动词时且表示主语的某种属性时,用主动表被动。例如: The door won’t open.这门打不开。It can’t move.它不能动。 【注意】该用法的不及物动词通常与can’t(不能), won’t(不会)等连用,注意它与用被动语态含义不同:

The window won’t shut. 这窗户关不上。(说明主语的属性——窗户有问题了) The window won’t be shut. 这窗户将不用关上。(窗户本身没问题,只是不用关) 3、need,want,require(要求,需要),deserve(应得,值得),cannot bear(经不住)后面接doing主动表被动。 The old building requires repairing.这座古建筑需要修了。 These young seedlings will require/need looking after carefully.(=need to be looked after)这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。 Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut)。你的头发该剪了。 2、不定式作定语,放在被修饰词后面,与前面被修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,又在句子中与另一名词或代词有主谓关系,不定式要用主动表被动含义。 I have much work to do. 我有许多要做的事情。(与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系)Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在找一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Tom 有主谓关系) He has a family to support. 他要维持一个家庭。(与family有动宾关系,与he有主谓关系) 二、表语部分的主动表示被动

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