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Unit 19 Language


Teaching Aim:

(1) to learn three kinds of communications

(2) to learn that there are varieties of English accents in the world

Stage 1 introducing communications and the three kinds

Communication means the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.

the three kinds of communications: written communication, visual communication, spoken communication

Teacher here can give several pictures to students to identify what kind of communication it is.

Stage 2 Ttalk about English the language

English spoken as a first language----Canada, America, Britain…

English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and universities and between people whose main languages are different----India, Scot, Singapore…

English spoken only as a foreign language----Holland, France, China

Stage 3 talk about body language randomly

Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language learning 教案

Teaching Aims:

1. To learn some new ways about learning a foreign language

2. To master some important words and expressions in the text

3. To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses

①subject clause

②object clause

③appositive clause

④predicative clause

4. To improve the students reading ability

Teaching important and difficult points:

To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses

Teaching Aids: CAI

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ. Warm up

Free talk and discuss the following questions:

1.Do you think it is difficult to learn English well?

2.Why do you think the French man wants to learn English in the video?

3.Which is his problem? Speaking, listening, writing or reading?


In the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people try to learn English well in various ways.

StepⅡ. Reading

Task1: first reading to figure out the whole structure of the passage

The whole structure of the passage.

1st para.:

Why do we need to learn English?

2nd para. and 3rd para:

How can we learn it well in terms of theory?

4th para. to the last:

Some practical suggestions

Task2: second reading to answer the four questions:

1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recent years ?

2. According to some theories, what is the best way to learn a foreign language?

3. How can teachers try to create a rich language environment in the classroom?

4. What extra work can you do outside of the classroom?

Task3: the third reading to decide whether the statements are true or false and do the Blank-filling after the third reading

1.Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week. F

2.Listening to an English song several times can help you revise new vocabulary. T

3. There is no point reading the news in English if you have already watched it in your

own language. F

4. Watching your favorite DVD in English will improve your listening skills. T

Blank-filling after the third reading.

Many people predicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languages one day, which proved to be the case. With the growing international companies and the great advances in communications, more and more people tend to learn English as the second language. And the fact is that speaking more than one language make you stand out/outstanding . People have realized that in the absence of the native language environment, people can not learn it well. In other words, you have to be surrounded by the language. Sadly, most of the English learners can not live in the native country, which means we can only depend on our school resources.

So teachers have to guarantee rich language input, which can be conveyed to students through various mediums. Since extra-curricula work may accelerate language learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:setting workable targets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; Studying with your friends; and rewarding yourself. Please remember to keep dedicated

StepⅢ. Language points and sentence structures

Students are going to learn some important words, expressions and sentence structures in the task.

Language Points


1.case 情况

in that case 如果那样的话

I am sure that he will say hello to you. In that case, will you feel embarrassed?

in case 万一Please take this umbrella with you in case of rain.

2. stand out 鹤立鸡群

Tom stands out in our class because he always gets the first in math test.

3 The chances that …are small. ……的可能性很小。

他迟到的可能性很小。The chances that he will be late are quite small. The chances that parents don’t like their children are extremely small.

4.. encourage 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.


Teachers encouraged us to speak English as much as possible.

其反义词为: discourage

5.. adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯★拓展:写出相应的单词。

(1)adjustment n.调整;调节;适应(2)adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的

◆搭配: 用适当的介词填空。

(1)adjust sth. (to sth.)调整(以适应/适合) (2)adjust to (doing) sth.适应(做)某事(3)adjust oneself to sth.使自己适应……


(1)我的表快了,我得把它校准。I must adjust my watch , it's fast.


It is difficult for someone to adjust himself/herself to others’ habits


Adjust your language to the age of you audience.

(4)我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet.


It took her a long time to adjust to living alone America.


Animals can adjust themselves to the environment.

As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.

6. inform v.通知告知(give information to) ★搭配:用适当的介词填空。

(1)inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事(2)inform oneself of the facts使自己了解事实(3)keep me informed of sth.告诉我某事

■运用: 用inform翻译下列句子。

(1)如果他回来了,请告诉我。If he comes back, please inform me

(2)他告诉了我他的旅行计划。He informed me of his travel plans.

(3)有事,请随时告诉我。Please keep me informed of /about what happens.

(4)他将通知我们去哪儿。He will inform where to go

(5)他被告知他已经被开除了。He was informed that he had been fired.

7.surround v.包围★拓展:surrounding adj.周围的n.环境(复数)


(1)这个城市被一条河流包围着.。The city is surrounded by a river.

(2)快乐幸福围绕你。Joy and happiness surround you

(3)部队已将该城包围。Troops have surrounded the town surroundings

(4)我们生活在舒适的环境中。We are living in pleasant surroundings.

8.. ensure vt. 保证;担保(make sure)

★搭配:ensure sb. sth. 向某人担保某事

ensure that + clause 保证……


(1)务必确保所有窗户都关紧了。Please ensure that all the windows are closed.

(2)这药物能保证你有健康的体魄。The medicine will ensure us a healthy body.


1. It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.早至公元十八世纪,就有预言说,总有一天英语会成为全球性的语言,而最近几十年的情况证明了这一预言。

结构分析: 全句是由and连接的较长的并列句,前一分句中含有一个重要句型It was predicted that…(有人预言说……据人们推测……)和一个有用的短语as early as the 1700s(早至十八世纪)。后一分句中表示时间的短语in the last few decades常与现在完成时连用。

据人们推测, 未来的某些工作将由电脑代替。

It was predicted that some jobs in the future will be done by computers.

据说明年的油价会上升. It is reported that oil price will go up next year.



It was predicted as early as 1980s that the Chinese Economic would develop very fast and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.

2. In today's world being able to speak more than one language, including English, is how you stand out and get ahead. 当今世界,你能讲包括英语在内的一门以上的语言,就标志着你与众不同,比其他人进步。

结构分析:该句中的being able to speak more than one language为动名词短语作主语,泛指经常性的一般的情况;how引导一个表语从句。



Winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states,where black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished.

StepⅣ. Grammar learning

In this task, students are going to know and learn the four kinds of noun clause.

Grammar----Noun Clauses

Learning objective: How to use Noun Clauses

Key &Difficult Learning Point: How to use Noun Clauses correctly

Learning Procedures




例That he stole a bike was true. 他偷了一部自行车是真的。

The important thing is what you do, but not what you say. 重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么。


例Where and when he was born has not been found. 他出生在何时何地还不知道。

When the person was murdered and why he was murdered are still unknown. 那个人何时被谋杀,为什么被谋杀尚不知道。


例The problem is what he has done to the little boy. 问题是他对那个小男孩做了些什么。


例Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week? 那个科学家下个星期给我们作报告是真的吗?


例We believed that he had earned enough money to build a house.我们相信他已经挣够足够的钱来



例She insisted that she not be sent to the countryside.她坚持不被派到农村去。


例The smile on his face suggested that he had passed the examination. 他脸上的微笑表明他已经通过了考试。

7、同位语从句一般跟在某些表示抽象概念的名词后(如news, idea, information, fact, hope, thought, belief等),用来说明名词所表示的具体内容,引导同位语从句的连接词通常有that, whether和连接副词when, where, why, how;连接代词who,what,whose,which通常不能引导同位语从句。例I have no idea when she will be back.我不知道他何时回来。

8、whether和if均可引导动词后的宾语从句,常可互换。但从句中有or not时或介词宾语从句中只能用whether连接。其他名词性从句,如主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句只用whether连接,不用if。

例I don’t care about whethe r you have money or not. 我并不在意你是否有钱。


例I could say nothing except that I was angry.我无话可说,只是感到生气。


例He said (that) the text was very difficult and that we had to work hard at it.他说课文很难,我们必须努力学习。

11、当主句是I/ We think ( suppose, expect, believe, guess, imagine) 时,其后的宾语从句如果是否定形式,常把否定词not从从句中转移到主句中,成为否定的转移。

例We don’t believe that he will win the game. 我们相信他不会赢得这场比赛。


例He has made it clear that he will not give in. 他清楚地表明他不会屈服。

13、doubt用于肯定结构时,后面用whether/ if引导名词性从句;用于否定结构或疑问结构时,后面用that引导名词性从句。be sure 用于肯定句或疑问句时,后接that引导的名词性从句;用于否定句时,后接whether/ if引导的名词性从句。

例We doubt whether/ if he can win the game.我们怀疑他是否能赢得这场比赛。

14、连接代词whoever,whatever,whichever可引导名词性从句,相当于anyone who, anything that 等。他们也可以引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter who/ what/ which。

例Whoever breaks the law should be punished. 任何违法的人都要受到惩罚。


1. It is pretty well understood ___ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today. (2003上海)

A. that

B. when

C. what

D. how

2. --- I think it’s going to be a big problem.

--- Yes, it could be.

--- I wonder ___ we do about it. (2002上海春)

A. if

B. how

C. what

D. that

3. You should make it a rule to leave things ___ you can find them often. (1999NMET)

A. when

B. where

C. then

D. there

4. A computer can only do ____ you have instructed it to do. (2001NMET)

A. how

B. after

C. what

D. when

5. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ___ I disagree. (2004 NMET)A. why B. where C. what D. how

6. I like ___ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (2004 NMET)

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. one

7. The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand ___ they insist on going by motor-bike.


A. Why

B. whether

C. when

D. how

8. We can’t figure out ___ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. (2004 北京)

A. that

B. as

C. why

D. when

9. After Yang Liwei succeeded circling the earth, ___ our astronauts to do is walk in space. (2004 上海)

A. where

B. what

C. that

D. how

10. A story goes ___ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. (2004 上海)

A. when

B. where

C. what

D. that

参考答案:1-5 CCBCB 6-10 CACBD

StepⅤ. Exercise

To do some exercise to review the noun clause



1.(NMET 2002上海)Perseverance is a kind of quality, and that’s _____ it takes to do anything well. A.what B.that C.which D.why

2. The seaside in Qingdao is so attractive that it draws a lot of tourists every year. Beautiful sunshine and soft sands make _____ it is.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. why

3. _____ is it _____has made Peter _____ he is today?

A.what; what; that

B. that; that;what

C. what; that; what

D. what; that; that

4. A modern city has been set up in _____ was a wasteland ten years ago.(NMET 2004天津)

A.what B.which C.that D.where

5. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed. (NMET 2004 上海春季)

A.as B.which C.what D.that

6. After _____ seemed a long time, he managed to work out this problem.

A.that B.what C.which D.it

7. A man’s worth lies not so much in _____ he has but in _____ he is.

A. what; who

B. what; what

C. that; that

D. what; that

8. If the south had won the war, _____ is now the United States might have been divided into several


A. what

B. where

C. then

D. that

9. That was _____ was first ca lled “India” by Columbus.

A. what


C.the place

D. the place where

10. In some countries, _____ are called “public schools” are not owned by the public.

A. which

B. as

C. what

D. that

11. They boy dived into the water and after _____ seemed to be a long time, he came up again.

A. what

B. that

C. it

D. which

12. It was not until dark _____ he found _____ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.

A. that; what

B. that; that

C. when; that

D.when, what

13. Scientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and _____ more than 10,000 years ago.

A. this is Alaska

B. Alaska is now

C. is now Alaska

D.what is now Alaska

14. Having traveled eight hours, we finally reached _____ is now

A. which

B. what

C. where

D. it



1._____ get such a book?

A. where do you think can I

B. Do you think where can I

C.Do you think when I can

D. Where do you think I can

2. I don’t remember _____ at present.

A. whom I should speak to

B. who should I speak

C. whom should I speak to

D. with whom should I speak

3. Living things are dying quickly. First we should ask _____ destroying them in the past years.

A. people have played what part in

B. people have played a part in

C.what part people have played in

D. what part have people played in

4. The professor forgot _____.

A. in which office the meeting would be held.

B. whose office the meeting would be

C. which office would the meeting be held in

D. whose office was the meeting

5. I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter_____I am talking to. (NMET 2004 广东)

A.who is it B.who it is C.it is who D.it is whom

6. I just wonder _____ that makes him so excited.

A. why it does

B. what is it

C. how it is

D. what it is

7. _____ be sent to work there?

A. Who do you suggest

B. Who do you suggest that should

C. Do you suggest who should

D.Do you suggest whom should

8. _____ heat is different from temperature?

A. How do you think

B. How you think

C. What do you think

D. What you think

9. _____ is the most useful invention?

A. Do you think which of these

B. Which of these do you think

C. Which of these you think

D. You think which of these

10. ____ you have seen both fighters, _____ will win?

A. Since; do you think who

B. As; who you think

C. When; whoever

D. Since; who do you think

11. How surprising _____ he should have refused to come!

A. is he that

B. he is that

C. is it that

D. it is that



难点3: who/whoever/whom/whomever的辨析。

1) Please give the book to _____ wins the first prize.

2)_____ comes back first will win the first prize.

3) It was a matter of _____ would take the position.

4)----I don’t th ink that Bob will come here again today. ----Please give the book to _____ comes here first.

5) I’m wondering _____ he expects will win the gold medal in the men’s Single.

6) Those children were driving me mad. I feel sorry for _____has to be their babysitter.

7) It is said that the famous football star is willing to play for _____ would pay him three million dollors

a year.

8) _____ you have praised should try to make more progess in the future.

9) He is so kinkd as to help _____ asks him for help.

10) The chief manager has decided to put _____ he thinks is energetic, clever and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the company.

总结:引导词用主格还是宾格(尤指who,whom,whoever,whomever),决定于它在宾语从句中作主语还是宾语。Whoever 表示anyone who 有肯定的含义,但是who则表示疑问,不确定的含义。



比较:1、A story goes____ Elizabeth of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified nobleman at court.(NMET04上海)

2、We told the same story ____ they had told.

A.when B.where C.what D.that


比较:1、____ he did surprised us all.

2、All ____ he did surprised us all.

A.what B.that C.which D.as

3、_____is well known, _____Hong Kong returned on July 1st, 1997.

A.It; that

B. It; which

C. As; /

D. As; as


比较:1、A computer can only do ____ you have instructed it to do. (NMET 2001)

A.how B.after C.what D.when

2、The teacher did all _____ he could to help us.

A.what B.which C.that D.where


比较:1、You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is____ I disagree. (2004 河南、河北) A.why B.where C.what D.how

2、We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, ____ other visitors seldom go. (2002 北京)

A.what B.which C.where D.when

3. H e doesn’t know that is _____ he was born.

A. where

B. there

C. in which



注意1:that引导的宾语从句只用在少数介词后,如:except, in, but等。此时,that不能省略。

如:I know little about him except that he lives downstairs.

He differed from his classmates in that he devoted his spare time to reading.

Mary wrote an article on ______ the team had failed to win the game.

A. why

B. what

C. who

D. that



如:We thought it strange that Xiao Wang did not come yesterday.

He has made it clear that he will not give in.


You may depend on it that I shall always support you. 你可以放心我会永远支持你的。

I'll see to it that your problem will be dealt with immediately.我保证你的问题会立即得到处理的。3.在take, hide, see to, insist on, depend on等动词以及一些表示"好恶"的动词(enjoy, hate, like, love, don't mind, resent 等)之后,形式宾语it可直接跟宾语从句。

I take it for granted that he's not interested in the book. 我认为他对这本书不感兴趣。

She hid it that she was married. 她隐瞒了她已婚的事实。

I don't like it when you look at me like that! 我不喜欢那样看我。

I hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food. 我不喜欢人们满嘴食物的说话。




难点3. whoever/ whoever/ who/ whoever/ who whoever/ whoever/ whomever/ whoever/ whoever 难点4. DD / ABC/ CC/BCA

难点5. A

StepⅥ. Homework

Unit19 lesson2 Varieties of English教案

Teaching Aims:

1.To practice listening strategies for identifying different English accents

2.To develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries.

3.To practise using phrasal verbs.

Teaching difficulties:

1. To practice listening strategies for identifying different English accents

2. To develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries

Teaching Aids: CAI

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ. Warming up

Have a free talk with the following questions:

1. What’s your native language?

2. Do you speak Cantonese? Do you speak Hakka?

3. What about our native language? What’s the native language for all of us?

4. What about the native language for the following countries?

5.. How many countries can you name where English is the native language? Do all

these English speakers sound the same?

Canada, the USA, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Britain

. No. The English language has different varieties.

StepⅡ. Pre-listening

Task1: answer the question: How many countries can you name where English is the native language? Do all these English speakers sound the same?

Task2: Match the British English words with the American English ones in the list below. StepⅢ. Listening

Task1: Listen to the dialogue and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

Task2: Listen to the sentences and decide whether they are spoken in an American accent (A) or a British accent (B).

Task3: Listen to these sentences and decide whether they are spoken in an Australian accent or a British accent.

Task4: Listen to the conversation and decide which speaker is American, which is British and which is Australian.

Task5: Listen again and use these expressions to complete the Function File.

StepⅣ. Speaking

Task1: Listen and think about language and intonation. Which request are:

Task2: Now listen and repeat six polite requests

StepⅤ.Explain some language points

1. catch on 明白,理解(understand);受欢迎(become popular)

※提示:表示明白什么事,后接介词to。■运用:用catch on翻译下列句子。

(1)那首新歌很快就流行起来。The new song caught on really quickly.

(2)我明白了他的意思。I caught on to what he meant.

(3)我终于明白他们在干什么了I finally caught on to what they were doing.

StepⅤ. Homework

Remember the words we learned today .

Unit19 Lesson3 Body Language教案

Teaching Aims:

⑴to learn common sense of body language.

⑵to learn to analyze the structure of the passage and accumulate some new words.

⑶to learn some useful words and expressions

Teaching important and main points:

⑴to develop the students’ reading ability

⑵to use the words and expressions

Teaching aids: CAI

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ. Warming up

Look at a picture of a girl with a smiling face then ask the students the following questions: ?What does the girl look like?

?Does she look happy?

?How do you know that?

Then Look at the photos and tell what the following body language mean.

StepⅡ. Pre-reading

Here we are going to have a quiz about the body language to test the st udents’ common sense about the body language and this step is also the preparation for the reading.

StepⅢ. Reading

Task1. Read the text and use the Strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading. And we will analyze each part of the text.(E3 on P11)

Task2. Read the text again and finish the T or F question (Ex4on P11)

StepⅣ. Language points

In this step, we are going to learn some useful words, expressions and sentence patterns to help students to further understand the text.

1. congratulate vt. 祝贺★拓展:congratulation n.祝贺(常用复数)

◆搭配:congratulate sb. on sth./doing sth.为某事祝贺某人


★比较:celebrate(庆祝)的宾语是成功、生日等,不能是人。如:celebrate one’s birthday 庆祝某人的生日。■运用:用congratulate翻译下列句子


Your parents congratulate you on your exam results.


People congratulated Liu Xiang on winning the race.

2. resemble vt. 像……;与……相似(look or be like)

★拓展:resemblance n.相似类似■运用:用resemble翻译下列句子。

(1)你的单车与我的差不多。Your bicycle resembles mine.

(2)你非常像你的母亲。You resembled your mother very closely.

3.purchase vt.& n.购买(buy, buying)

◆辨析:purchase 是较为正式的用语,buy是普通用语,意义较为广泛。

make a purchase 买件东西on special purchase 特价出售

purchasing power 购买能力purchasing price 购买价


(1)你必须提前21天购票。You must purchase your tickets 21days in advance.

(2) 我打算在乡间买一所房子。I intend to purchase a house in the country.

4.approval n.赞成,同意★拓展:approve v. 赞成,同意


(1)他用赞许的眼光看了看儿子。She looked at her son with approval.

(2)她想赢得父亲的同意。She wanted to wi n her father’s approval.

(3)他用微笑表示赞成。He showed his approval by smiling.

5.consist of 某物是“由……组成”的意思时, 强调结果是一个统一的整体, 但所有组成的成分之间往往保持着自己的特性, 用于主语动态。


be made up of 常可用来表示某物是用什么材料制造的意思, 用于被动语态。

化合物是由元素组成的。Compounds are made up of elements.

★拓展:consist in sth.主要在于,(内容)主要是



For me, the pleasure of studying consisted in the process, not results.


The medical team consists of 5doctors and 10 nurses.

(3)中山由19个镇组成。The city of Zhongshan consists of 19 towns.

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