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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

1.chopstick n. 筷子

chop v. 剁碎;砍

e.g. Onions must be chopped up to make a salad.

n. 砍;排骨

e.g. Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops?

stick v. 粘贴;刺;戳;伸出n. 棍;手杖

stick to doing 坚持做某事

get stuck in... 陷入...

e.g. The car got stuck in the mud.

sticker n. 贴纸

e.g. I receive a praise sticker from my teacher.

sticky adj. 粘性的;粘的

e.g. These sticky sweets are harmful to children’s teeth.

2.coin n. 硬币

coiner n. 造币者;创造者

v. 制造硬币;创造

e.g. The nation plans to coin more money.

in coins

e.g. He gave me 10 dollars, all in coins.

flip a coin 抛硬币(决定)

e.g. Let’s flip a coin to see who goes first.

every coin has two sides 凡是皆有利弊

3.fork n. 餐叉;叉子

e.g. Westerners eat with a knife and fork.

v. 分叉

e.g. The hotel is near where the road forks.

knife n. 刀子(pl. knives)


folk n. 名族,人们

4.blouse n. (女式)短上衣;衬衫

5.sliver n. 银;银器adj. 银色的

gold/silver/bronze medal 金牌/银牌/铜牌

silverware n. 银器(尤指银制餐具)近义词tableware

silvery adj. 银色光亮的;银铃般的;清脆的

6.glass n. 玻璃(不可数);玻璃杯(可数);

e.g. a tall glass of water 一大杯水

glasses 眼镜

sunglasses 太阳镜,墨镜

7.cotton n. 棉;棉花

BCI (Better Cotton Initiative, 更好棉花计划)

建立与2009年的非营利性公益组织,脱胎于WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature世界自然基金会)。

Xinjiang Uyghur 新疆维吾尔

8.steel n. 钢;钢铁

stainless steel 不锈钢

v. 使坚强,使坚定

e.g. She steeled herself to jump out of the plane.

steely adj. 钢铁般的;坚定的

e.g. He had a steely determination to succeed.

steely eyes

9.fair n. 展览会,交易会

adj. 公平的;美丽的; 白皙的;晴朗的

e.g. My sister has dark hair but my brother’s fair.

fair weather

to be fair 公平地说,说句公道话


fairness n. 公平性

fairly adv. 公平地;相当地

e.g. It’s a fairly common disease.

相当地:quite, pretty, rather,

10.environmental adj. 自然环境的;有关环境的

environmental protection/pollution 环境保护/污染

environmentally adv. 有关环境地

e.g. environmentally friendly packaging 环保包装

e.g. Building the road will be environmentally damaging.

environment n.

protect the environment

beautify the environment

11.grass n. 草;草地

cut the grass 除草

grassland n. 草原

sit on the grass 坐在草地上

The grass is always greener on the other side. 这山望着那山高。

grassy adj. 长满草的;草绿色的

grassy plain 草原

e.g. They are lying on a grassy lawn.

12.leaf n. (pl. leaves) 叶;叶子

in leaf 长满叶子的

e.g. The trees are in leaf early this year.

turn over a new leaf 改过自新;重新开始

e.g. After being released from jail, Tony decided to turn over a new lea



leaves v. (单三) 离开

13.produce v. 生产;制造;出产

producer n. 制作人;制片人

product n. 产品;产物

e.g. product manager 产品经理

production n. 生产;制作

productive adj. 多产的;富饶的

productivity n. 生产率;生产力

14.widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地

wide adj. 宽的;广阔的

widen v. 加宽;使变宽

width n. 宽度;广度

反义词narrow adj. 狭窄的v. 变窄

broad adj. 宽阔的,广阔的

broaden v.扩大

15.be known for 以...闻名;为人知晓

be famous for …

be known as 作为...而出名

well-known adj. 出名的

It is known that... 众所周知...

反义词unknown adj. 未知的;陌生的

16.process v. 加工;处理n. 过程

processor n. 加工、处理事物的人;处理器

procession n. 队伍;行列

e.g. The procession passed right by my door.

17.pack v. 包装;装箱

e.g. She packed a suitcase for the trip.

n. 包裹;包装;一群

e.g. a pack of cigarettes

Wolves hunt in packs.

packer n. 包装工人

package n. 包,包裹

backpack n.双肩包

18.product n. 产品;制品

19.19. France 法国

French adj. 法国的;法语的;法国人的n. 法国人;法语French fries 炸薯条

20.no matter 不论;无论

no matter +特殊疑问词= 特殊疑问词+ever

21.local adj. 当地的;本地的;

n. 当地居民

e.g. I want to eat what the locals eat.

22.brand n. 品牌;牌子

brand -new 全新的

23.avoid v. 避免;回避

avoid doing sth

avoidance n. 回避;避开

e.g. tax avoidance 避税

unavoidable adj. 不可避免的

e.g. Aging is an unavoidable natural process.

24.handbag n. 小手提包

25.mobile adj. 可移动的;非固定的

mobile/cell phone 手机

反义词immobile adj. 固定的;不变的

China Mobile:中国移动

26.everyday adj. 每天的;日常的(日常发生、普通的事)

daily adj.&adv. 每日(的);日常的/地(每天发生一次的)n. 日报every day: 每一天

e.g. China is good at making everyday things.

e.g. He gets a daily wage. (只做定语)

e.g. Take the medicine twice daily/every day.

China Daily 中国日报

27.boss n. 老板;上司

bossy adj. 专横的;爱指挥他人的

e.g. A bossy person is always telling people what to do.

28.Germany 德国

German adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的n. 德国人;德语pl. Germans

29.surface n. 表面;表层

v. 浮出水面;使成平面

e.g. They surfaced the walls with cement.

The truth began to surface.

30.material n. 材料;原料

teaching materials 教学材料

raw material 原材料

adj. 物质的;重要的

e.g. I need your material support. 物质上的支持

反义词immaterial adj. 不重要的;非物质的

e.g. This is immaterial/unimportant to me.

31.traffic n. 交通;路上行驶的车辆

e.g. The snow cut off the traffic.

traffic accident 交通事故

traffic jam 交通堵塞

traffic light/signals

heavy traffic 交通拥堵

32.postman n. 邮递员

post office 邮局

post card 明信片

post code 邮编

post v. 邮寄;发布;宣布

e.g. post the letter

e.g. post the video online

poster n. 海报

postal adj. 邮政的,邮局的

33.cap n.(尤指有帽舌的)帽子

v. 覆盖; 给...戴帽子/盖子

e.g. He capped his pen.

34.glove n.(分手指的)手套

v. 戴手套

She gloved her hands to protect them from the chemicals.

mitten 指拇指分开、其余四指连在一起的手套

glove 指五指都分开的手套

35.international adj. 国际的

internationally adv. 国际性地;国际间地



【inter-: 在...之间】

inter+net (网) 互联网

inter+view (看) 面试

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8c19170029.html,petitor n. 参赛者;竞争者

competition n. 竞赛;竞争

compete v. 竞赛;竞争

e.g. compete with

competitive adj. 竞争的;好竞争的;有竞争力的

competitive advantage 核心竞争力

e.g. Basketball is a competitive sport.

e.g. He is a competitive athlete.


compare v.比较,对比

compare to 把…比作…

compare with 比较…和…

complete: v. 完成;adj. 完全的,完整的,彻底的

completely adv. 完全地,彻底地

37.its adj. 它的


38.form n. 形式;类型

e.g. Swimming is the best form of exercise.

in the form of …以…的形式

n. 表格(印有横线或格让人填写内容)

e.g. Fill up the form according to the instructions.

v. 形成;组成;构成

e.g. We can form a baseball team.

e.g. A solution began to form in her mind.

e.g. She formed the clay into a small bowl.

formation n. 形成;构成;编队;排列

e.g. a rock formation

e.g. The soldiers marched in formation.

39.clay n. 黏土;陶土


earth: 地表带有水分的泥土

clay: 潮湿时发粘,火烤后变坚硬

dirt: 地表干松的泥土

dust: 飞扬于空中的细微泥土

mud: 湿土,雨后稀泥、污泥

40.celebration n. 庆典;庆祝活动

celebrator n. 庆祝者

celebrate v. 庆祝;赞颂

e.g. The only way to celebrate is to have a party.

e.g. Her poetry celebrates the beauty of nature.

ceremony n. 庆典

41.balloon n. 气球

hot-air balloon 热气球

v. 膨胀如气球;激增

e.g. My weight ballooned.

42.paper cutting 剪纸

43.scissors n. (pl.) 剪刀

e.g. a pair of scissors

nail scissors 指甲剪

44.lively adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的

alive adj. 活着的,反义词dead

以ly结尾的形容词:lovely, lonely, friendly, silly, ugly, curly,

有些既可作形容词、也可作副词:daily, weekly, monthly, early 形副同形:hard, high, late, enough, fast, along

45.fairy tale 童话故事

fairy n. 仙女,小精灵

tale n. 故事;传说

46.historical adj.(有关)历史的


historic: 历史上有名的,具有历史意义的

historical: 历史上的或历史的;侧重在历史上出现过

e.g. This is a historic moment for our country.

With a long history, the city has many historical scenic spots.

historically adv. 历史上地

e.g. The city will help to restore historically significant buildings.

history n. 历史

historian n. 历史学家

47.heat n. 热;高温v. 加热;变热

e.g. Heat the pan over high heat for about five minutes.

heater n. 加热器,暖气

e.g. water heater 热水器

heated adj. 热的;激烈的

e.g. a heated swimming pool / e.g. a heated debate

48.polish v. 磨光;修改;润色n. 磨光;擦亮;上光剂

e.g. Polish your shoes to protect the leather.

e.g. I’ll give my shoes a quick polish.

e.g. shoe/furniture/silver polish

nail polish

polisher n. 抛光机

Poland 波兰

Polish adj. 波兰的;波兰人的;波兰语的n. 波兰人;波兰语

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8c19170029.html,plete v. 完成;

finish doing

adj. 完整的;完全的

completely adv. 完整地;完全地

完全地: absolutely; fully; totally


人教版九年级英语Unit5《What are the shirts made of?》知识 点 【短语归纳】 1. be made of 由……制造(看得出原材料) be made from由……制造(看不出原材料) be made in 在……制造(某地) be made into被制成… be made by由制成…(某人) be made up of 用……构成或组成的,指人、物皆可,指结构成分。 2. environmental protection 环境保护 protect the environment 保护环境 3. be famous/known for 以……而著名 be famous/known as 以(身份)而著名 be famous/known to 对于某人来说是著名的 4. be produced in ……生产 第 1 页共11 页

produce v. 生产 production n. 生产 product n. 产品 5. as far as I know 据我所知 so far 到目前为止 far away 远 far-farther-farthest far-further-furthest 6. pick by hand 手工采摘pick up 捡起 7. send for 派…去请send…to…寄给某人 send up发射send out 发送,派遣,放出send away 解雇,开除 8. avoid doing sth 避免做某事 finish/mind/enjoy/pratice/stand/consider/suggest/avoid doing 9. everyday things 日用品daily 每天 every day 每天 10. What are the shirts made of? 衬衫是由什么制成的? 第 2 页共11 页

人教版九年级英语unit 5单词讲义

人教版九年级英语单词讲义 Unit5 1.chopsticks /'t??pst?ks/n.筷子Westerners eat with forks and knives, while we Chinese eat with chopsticks. ____ 2.coin / k??n/ n.硬币Every coin has both sides.______________ 3.fork /f?:k/n.餐叉,叉子Which hand should I use to hold the fork? _____________________ 4.blouse / bla?z/n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫You have to dry-clean that blouse. __________________________ 5.sliver / 'sl?v?(r)/ n.银,银器;adj.银色的He was born with a silver spoon n.玻璃Please pour this milk into that glass. _______________________ 7.cotton /'k?tn/n.棉;棉花Cotton was picked._________________pick up①__________②________③_____ 8.steel /sti:l]/ n.钢;钢铁This bridge is made of steel.______________ be made of_________________ be made from______________be made into___________be made by_____________ 9.fair /fe?(r)/ n.展览会;交易会They went(go) to a fair today.______________ 10.environmental /?n?va?r?n?mentl/ adj.自然环境的;有关环境的The biggest environmental problem in my eyes is the haze. In one’s opinion/view_______________________ for oneself______________ 11.grass /ɡrɑ:s/n. 草;草地We play football on the grass. _____________________ 12.leaf /li:f/n.叶;叶子Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn. ____________________ 13.produce /pr?'dju:s/v. 生产;制造;出产Tea is produced in the southeast China._________________ 14.widely /?wa?dli/adv. 广泛地;普遍地Computers are widely used in China.__________________________ 15.be known for 以……闻名;为人知晓Beijing is known for the Great Wall.________________________ Mo Yan is known as his novels.__________________ be known/famous


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 1.chopstick n. 筷子 chop v. 剁碎;砍 e.g. Onions must be chopped up to make a salad. n. 砍;排骨 e.g. Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops? stick v. 粘贴;刺;戳;伸出n. 棍;手杖 stick to doing 坚持做某事 get stuck in... 陷入... e.g. The car got stuck in the mud. sticker n. 贴纸 e.g. I receive a praise sticker from my teacher. sticky adj. 粘性的;粘的 e.g. These sticky sweets are harmful to children’s teeth. 2.coin n. 硬币 coiner n. 造币者;创造者 v. 制造硬币;创造 e.g. The nation plans to coin more money. in coins e.g. He gave me 10 dollars, all in coins. flip a coin 抛硬币(决定) e.g. Let’s flip a coin to see who goes first. every coin has two sides 凡是皆有利弊 3.fork n. 餐叉;叉子 e.g. Westerners eat with a knife and fork. v. 分叉 e.g. The hotel is near where the road forks. knife n. 刀子(pl. knives) 【辨析】 folk n. 名族,人们 4.blouse n. (女式)短上衣;衬衫

人教版九年级英语Unit 5知识点整理

Unit 5短语知识点整理 1.be made of由...制成(能看出原材料)be made from 由...制成(看不出原材料) be made in 在...制成 be made into (原材料)被制成… 2. environmental protection 环境保护 protect environment 保护环境 3.be famous for 因...而著名 4.be famous as 作为...而著名 4. be known for 因...而著名 be known as 作为...而著名 5. as far as I know据我所知 6. be produced 被制作/ produce v. 生产;制造; product n. 产品/ production n. 生产 7. be grown 被种植 8. by hand 手工 9. be picked 被采摘 10.be sent for processing 被送去加工 11. be packed 被包装 12. all over the world =around the world 全世界 13.be good for 对...有好处be good at (doing) sth 擅长于(做)某事14. no matter what 无论什么 no matter when 无论何时 no matter where 无论何处 no matter how 无论如何15. find it adj. to do sth. find it adj. that +句子发现做某事/ 某件事... 16.buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 17.a pair of basketball shoes 一双篮球鞋 18.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 19. in fact 事实上 20. everyday things 日常用品 21.in the future 在将来 22.make high-technology products 制作高科技产品 23. shopping experiences购物经历24. be paid 被支付 25. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 26. be spoken 被说 27. careless driving 粗心的驾驶 28. traffic accidents 交通事故 29. an international kite festival 国际风筝节 30. learn to do sth. 学习做某事 31. be held 被举行 32. many different kinds of 许多不同种类的... 33. special forms of traditional art 独特的传统艺术形式 34. according to... 根据... 35. turn...into... 把...变成 be turned into ...被变成 36. send...out 发送;派送 37. (be) in trouble (处于)麻烦 38. cover... with ... 用...覆盖 be covered with 被覆盖 39. rise into the air 升入空中 ( rise --rose--risen ) 40. be seen as 被看作 (see-- saw--seen) 41. symbols of happiness and good wishes 幸福和美好祝愿的象征 42. be folded 被折叠 43. be cut 被剪切 44. during Spring Festival 春节期间 45. paper cutting 剪纸 46. fairy tale 童话故事 47. historical story 历史故事 48. at a very high heat 在高温下 49. be used for doing sth. = be used to do sth. 被用来做... 50. on the sides of mountains 在山坡上 51. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间干某事 sb. spend time/money (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间/金钱做某事 sth. cost sb. money 某物花费某人多钱 sb. pay for sth. 某人花费多少钱为某物

人教版 ▏九年级英语(下册)Unit 5 词汇、句型精讲

人教版▏九年级英语(下册)Unit 5词汇、句型精讲词汇精讲 1. everyday; every day (1)everyday作形容词,意为“每天的,日常的,平日的”。仅用在名词之前做定语,不能单独使用。例如: everyday life 日常生活 everyday English 日常英语 everyday activities 日常活动 everyday clothes 平日里穿的服装 (2)every day 是副词短语,意为“每天”,相当于each day, 通常用作句子的时间状语从句。例如: We should eat vegetables and fruits every day. 我们应该每天都吃蔬菜和水果。 My parents ask me to go to bed before 11:00 every day. 我的父母要求我每天11:00之前睡觉。 2. fair (1)fair作形容词,意为“公平的,合理的”。 There must be fair play whatever the competition is. 不管是什么样的竞赛都必须公平合理。 (2)fair作形容词,意为“自然的,理所当然的”。 It’s fair enough to ask your close friends to help. 向你的好朋友求助,这是很自然的/理所当然的。 (3)fair作形容词,还意为“相当大(多、远)的”。

They’ve made a fair amount of money. 他们赚了相当大的一笔钱。 (4)fair作形容词,也意为“(肤色)浅的,(头发)金色的”。 Her daughter has big eyes and fair hair. 她的女儿长着大大的眼睛,金色的头发。 【拓展】 fair作名词,意为“(定期)集市、庙会;商品展览会、博览会”。 He brought his piglets to the fair. 他把小猪带到集市去卖。 A book fair is to be held next month. 下个月将举行书展。 3. avoid (1)从意思上看,可表示“避开”或“躲避”(keep oneself from)某人或某物;也可表示“防止”(prevent)某事的发生。例如: Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止发生事故。 I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。 You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。 (2)从用法上看,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。例如: 他避而不答我的问题。

人教版新目标九年级英语Unit 5讲义及重点总结

新目标九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 讲义一、词性转换 Section A 1. environmental → (n.) environment 2. produce → (n.) production 3. widely → (adj.)wide 4. France → (adj.) French 5. Germany → (adj.) German Section B 6. competitor → (v.) compete 7. celebration→ (v.) celebrate 8. historical→ (n.) history 二、短语归纳 1. be made of 由…制成(看得见原材料) 2. be made in 在…制造 3. be made from由…制成(看不见原材料) 4. environment protection环境保护 5. be famous for 以…著名 6. be famous as作为…而著名 7. be known for以…闻名 8. as far as I know 据我所知 9. on the sides of mountains在山腰上 10. by hand用手 11. all over the world全世界 12. be good for对…有益 13. be good at擅长 14. in the future将来 15. traffic accident交通事故16. turn…into…把…变成… 17. according to根据;按照 18. send out放出 19. ask for help请求帮助 20. in trouble处于困境中 21. be covered with用…覆盖 22. rise into the air升到空中 23. paper cutting剪纸 24. be used by被…使用 25. be used for 被用于(做)… 26. good luck好运 27. sky lanterns孔明灯 28. at a very high heat在高温下 29. go on vacation去度假 30. see…as…把…视为…;看作为 三、句型集萃 1. “be + 及物动词的过去分词”构成被动语态 2. It seems that + 从句好像… 3. no matter + 从句无论… 4. find it + 形容词+ that 从句 发现…(是怎样的) 5. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物 6. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 7. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 8. want to do sth. 想做某事 9. learn to do sth. 学会做某事 10. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 11. It takes + 一段时间+ to do sth. 做某事花费多长时间 12. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 四、重点句子 1. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 当树叶长

人教版 英语九年级 Unit5 知识点整理

人教版英语九年级 Unit5 知识点整理 1.本单元主要研究了以下几个知识点: 宾语从句:宾语从句是一个完整的句子,作为主句的宾语。它 通常由连接词that。whether。if等引导。例如:I ___ that he is a good student. 动词不定式:动词不定式由to和动词原形构成,可以作为主语、宾语、表语和宾补等。例如:To learn English well is my goal. 形容词和副词比较级:形容词和副词的比较级用来表示两者之 间的程度差异,形容词比较级通常在词尾加-er,也有不规则变化形式。例如:This book is more interesting than the one I read before. 特殊疑问词:特殊疑问词用来引导特殊疑问句,包括:what。where。when。why。who。whom。which。how等。例如:What is your favorite color? 定语从句:定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,用 来修饰一个名词或代词。例如:The book that you lent me is very interesting. 2.需要注意的几个语法点:

不定式作主语时,动词不定式的逻辑主语是动词原形后面的动作的承受者。例如:___. 副词比较级的构成规则:形容词/副词比较级 + than + 原级 + [其他成分]。例如:___. 特殊疑问词的使用需要根据不同的情况进行选择。例如:Where do you live?(询问地点) 以上是本单元的知识点整理,希望对你的研究有所帮助。


人教版九年级英语unit5知识点人教版九年级英语Unit 5知识点总结 在九年级英语教材中,Unit 5是一个重要的单元,涵盖了多个 知识点。本文将对这些知识点进行总结和归纳。 词汇 在Unit 5中,我们学习了许多新的词汇。其中包括动物的名称,如elephant、tiger和panda;各种食物的名称,如hamburger、chicken和pizza;以及各种交通工具的名称,如bicycle、bus和train。通过学习这些词汇,我们能够更好地描述我们周围的事物,提高我们的词汇水平。 语法 在本单元中,我们学习了一些重要的语法知识。其中之一是there be句型。这个句型用于描述某个地方存在或发生的事物。例如,There is a book on the desk.和There are many students in the

classroom.通过掌握there be句型,我们能够更准确地表达我们所见所闻。 另一个重要的语法知识点是情态动词can和may。can用于表达能力,may用于表示许可。例如,I can play the piano.和May I go to the bathroom?掌握这些情态动词,可以帮助我们更好地与他人交流。 阅读理解 在Unit 5中,我们进行了一些阅读理解的训练。通过阅读不同主题的文章,我们能够提高我们的阅读理解能力,并学到更多的知识。例如,我们读了一篇关于动物保护的文章,了解到全球范围内的一些保护动物的组织和活动。这样的阅读理解训练有助于我们开阔视野,增长知识。 口语表达 在Unit 5中,我们也进行了一些口语表达的练习。通过与同学们合作进行对话,我们学会了如何礼貌地询问和回答问题,如


Unit5 What are the shirts made of? 【重点短语】 1. be made of 由……制造 2. be made in 在……制造 3. environmental protection 环境保护 4. be famous for 以……而著名 5. be produced in 在……生产 6. be known for 以……闻名 7. as far as I know 据我所知 8. pick by hand 手工采摘 9. send for 发送 10. avoid doing sth 避免做某事 11. everyday things 日用品 【考点详解】 1. made of 由……制(构)成,后接构成某物质的原料。 例:This skirt is made of silk.这件裙子是用丝绸制成的。 be made of/from/up of的区别 (1)be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。 例:The kite is made of paper.风筝是用纸做的。

(2)be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。 例:The paper is made from wood.纸是木头做的。 Butter is made from milk. 黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。 (3)be made up of 用……构成或组成的,指人、物皆可,指结构成分。 例:Our class is made up of six groups. 我们班是由六个小组组成的。 2. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. 好像全世界的许多人都在喝中国茶。 句型“It seems that…”意为“看起来好像/似乎……”,其中seem是连系动词,意为“似乎;好像”,句型中的it是形式主语,不能用其他代词来替代。 例:It seems that he was late for the train. 看来他没赶上火车。 seem的几种常见结构: (1)seem to do sth此句型可与“It seems that…”转换。 例:They seem to find the way to the cinema. =It seems that they find the way to the cinema. 他们似乎找到了去电影院的路了。 (2)seem+形容词 例:My temperature seems (to be) all right. 我的体温看上去正常了。 (3)seem+名词 例:That seems not a bad idea. 看上去主意不错。 3. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing in factory. 当茶叶成熟时,就被用手工采摘然后送到工厂加工。


人教版九年级英语unit5知识点 人教版九年级英语unit5 单词 chopsticks [?t??pstiks] n. 筷子. coin [k?in] n. 硬币 fork [f?:k] n. 餐叉,叉子. blouse [blauz] n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫.sliver [silv?] n. 银,银器; adj.银色的 .glass [glas] n .玻璃 cotton ['k?tn] ['kɑ:tn] n. 棉;棉花.steel [sti:l] n. 钢;钢铁.fair [fe?(r)] [fer] n.展览会;交易会adj.公平的environmental [?n?va?r?n?mentl] adj.自然环境的;有关环境的grass [ɡrɑ:s] [ɡr?s] n. 草;草地 leaf [li:f] n.(pl. leaves [li:vz])叶,叶子 produce [pr?'dju:s] v. 生产;制造;出产 .widely [?waidli] adv. 广泛地;普遍地 .be known for 因……闻名;为人知晓 process [pr?uses] v. 加工;处理;过程.Park 包装;装箱 product [?pr?d?kt][?prɑ:d?kt] n. 产品;制品 France [fra:ns], [fr?ns] 法国 . no matter 不论;无论 .local [?l?ukl] adj. 当地的;本地的 . brand [br?nd] n. 品牌;牌子 avoid [??v?id] v. 避免;回避 . handbag [?h?ndb?g] n. 小手提包 mobile [?m?ubail] adj.可移动的;非固定的 everyday ['evride?] adj. 每天的;日常的boss [b?s] [b?:s] n. 老板;上司 Germany [?d??:(r)m?ni] n. 德国 . surface [s?:(r)fis] n. 表面;表层.material [m??ti?ri?l] n. 材料;原 料 .traffic [?tr?f?k] n. 交通;路上行驶的车辆 postman [?p?ustm?n] n. 邮递员 . cap [k?p] n(尤指有帽舌的)帽子 glove [gl?v] n(分手指的)手 套 .international [?int?(r) ?n??n?l] adj. 国际的 competitor [k?m?petit?(r)] n. 参赛者;竞争者 its [its] adj. 它的 form [f?:(r)m] n. 形式;类型 clay [klei] n. 黏土;陶土 celebration [?sel??bre??n] n. 庆典;庆祝活动 balloon [b??lu:n] n. 气球 . paper cutting 剪纸 scissors [?siz?(r)z] n. (pl.) 剪刀 lively [?laivli] adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 fairy [?fe?ri] [?feri] tale [teil] n 童话故事 historical [h??st?r?kl] adj.(有关)历史的 heat [hi:t] n. 热;高温 v. 加热,变热polish [?p?l??][?pɑ:l??] v. 磨光;修改;润色 complete [k?m?pli:t] v. 完成 Korea [k??ri:?] 朝鲜;韩国 Switzerland [swits?(r)l?nd] 瑞士 San Francisco [?s?n fr?n?sisk?u] 圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山,美国城市) Marcus [?mɑ:k?s] n. 马库斯(男子名) Pam [p?m] 帕姆(女名) 人教版九年级英语unit5 知识梳理 重点短语1.be made of 由...制成的(表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么)2.be made from 由...制成的(在成品中已无法辨认原材料)3.be known for 以......闻名4.be used for 被用于......5.no matter 不论;无论6.be covered with 用...覆盖7.as far as I know 据我所知8.by hand 用手9.be good for 对……有益10.on the last friday of each month最后一个星期五11.be good at 擅长12.make high-technology products 制造高科技产品

人教版 英语九年级 Unit5 知识点总结

人教版英语九年级 Unit5 知识点总结 人教版英语九年级 Unit5 知识点总结 本文档旨在总结人教版英语九年级Unit5的知识点。以下是该单元重要的内容和要点: 1. 短语和表达 - Be made of/ from: 由...制成/由...构成 - Cut down: 砍倒/减少 - Share...with: 与...分享 - As well: 也/还 - At the age of: 在...岁时 - Look up: 查阅 - ___: 安顿下来 - At the top of: 在...的顶部 - Get along with: 与...相处 - The number of: ...的数量

2. 句型和语法 - 主语+ V-为-IO DO: 例如:___.(我给妈妈买了一件礼物。)- There be句型: 例如:There is a big park near my house.(我家附近有一个大公园。) - 状语从句: 例如:I will go swimming if it doesn't rain.(如果不下雨,我会去游泳。) 3. 词汇 - Sweat: 汗水 - Balanced: 均衡的 - Environment: 环境 - Admire: 钦佩 - us: 好奇的 - Basement: 地下室 - Apartment: 公寓 - Detector: 探测器 - Forever: 永远 - ___: 替换品

请注意,以上内容仅为知识点总结,具体的例句、用法和解释请参考教材或额外的研究资料。希望这份文档对您有所帮助! *文档字数:xxx字*


Unit5 Section A 1a-2d 知识提纲 一、词形转换 1.environment n. 环境→ adj. environmental 自然环境的,有关环境的 2.leaf n. 叶,叶子→复数(pl.)leaves 3 wide adj. 宽的,宽阔的→adv. widely 广泛地,普遍地 二、短语 1. be known for 以……闻名,= be famous for 2.be made of 由……制成 3. be made from 由……制成 4. be made in + 地点产于某地 5. all over the world 全世界 6. by hand 手工地 7. be good for 对……有益 8. on the side of the mountains 在山边上 三、词法和句法 1.be made of“由…制成”主语为制成品of 后接原材料,制成品能看见原材料。 be made from“由…制成”主语为制成品from后接原材料,成品看不见原材料。 be made in + 地点某物产于某地 The desk wood . 桌子是由木头做的。 Paper wood . 纸是由木材做的。 The kind of watch Shanghai .这种手表产于上海。 2.as far as I know 据我所知 据我所知,李先生已经去美国了。 I know ,Mr. Li has gone to America. 3. both …and ………和……都……,不但……而且……连接主语时, 动词为复数。 not only …but also…不但……而且……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 either …or…或者……或者……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 neither…nor…既不……也不……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 Tom Jack know my address . They often drop by my home . A.Not , but B. Both , and C. Either , or D. Not only , but also 4. It seems that ………似乎…… seem + adj. / seem to do sth It seems that he is going to leave here . 似乎他要离开这里。 = He seems to leave here . Unit5 Section A 3a-4c 知识提纲(P35-36) 一、词形转换 1. produce v. 生产,制造→n.product 产品 2. France n. 法国→adj. French法国的 3.Germany n. 德国→adj.German 德国的 二、词法和句法 1. search for 搜寻,寻找相当于look for 2.no matter 不论,无论后接特殊疑问词how / when / where /which/who /what = 特殊疑问词+ ever 表示“无论怎样/ 何时/哪里/哪个/谁/什么” 引导让步状语从句。 No matter what he does , I believe him . = he does , I believe him . 3. hardly adv. 几乎不表示否定含义 I can hardly hear you , ? 4. avoid v. 避免,回避avoid doing sth . 避免做某事 You should avoid such a mistake . (make) 5. be good for 对……有益be good at 擅长be good with sb. 与……和睦相处 be good to 对……好 6. everyday adj. 每天的,日常的 every day 每日,每天相当于频率副词,做时间状语。 He reads everyday English every day . 他每天都读日常英语。 7. continue v. 继续,连续


人教版九年级英语U n i t5 知识点总结

Unit5 Section A 1a-2d 知识提纲 一、词形转换 n. 环境→ adj. environmental 自然环境的,有关环境的 n. 叶,叶子→复数(pl.)leaves 3 wide adj. 宽的,宽阔的→adv. widely 广泛地,普遍地 二、短语 1. be known for 以……闻名,= be famous for made of 由……制成 3. be made from 由……制成 4. be made in + 地点产于某地 5. all over the world 全世界 6. by hand 手工地 7. be good for 对……有益 8. on the side of the mountains 在山边上 三、词法和句法 made of“由…制成”主语为制成品 of 后接原材料,制成品能看见原材料。 be made from“由…制成”主语为制成品from后接原材料,成品看不见原材料。 be made in + 地点某物产于某地 The desk wood . 桌子是由木头做的。 Paper wood . 纸是由木材做的。 The kind of watch Shanghai .这种手表产于上海。 2.as far as I know 据我所知 据我所知,李先生已经去美国了。 I know , Mr. Li has gone to America. 3. both … and ………和……都……,不但……而且……连接主语时, 动词为复数。 not only … but also…不但……而且……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 either …or…或者……或者……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 neither…nor…既不……也不……连接主语时,动词就近原则。 Tom Jack know my address . They often drop by my home . , but B. Both , and C. Either , or D. Not only , but also 4. It seems that ………似乎…… seem + adj. / seem to do sth It seems that he is going to leave here . 似乎他要离开这里。 = He seems to leave here .

人教版英语九年级全册Unit5 SectionA 核心词汇及短语精讲

Unit5 SectionA核心词汇及短语精讲 1. produce v.制造; 出产 【语境领悟】 Where is tea produced in China? 中国什么地方生产茶叶? Hard work produces success. 努力工作导致成功。 Buy some native produce. 买些土特产吧。 【自主归纳】produce的用法 (1)produce作为动词, 意为“生产; 产生; 提出; 出版; 演出; 导致”。 (2)produce作为名词, 意为“产品”。 【妙辨异同】produce/product/production的区别 三者都作“产品”解时, produce指农业生产的产品; product指工业生产的产品; production指剧院、电视等演播的剧类电影等。 People like to buy natural produce. 人们喜欢买天然产品。 That’s the product of his work. 那是他的劳动成果。 The film is a national production. 这部电影是国产片。 【学以致用】 他们在这家面包厂里生产面包。 They__________ bread in the bakery. 答案: make/produce 2. widely adv.广泛地; 普遍地 【语境领悟】 For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 例如, 安溪和杭州就以出产茶叶而广为人知。 The river is very wide. 这条河非常宽。 Open your mouth wide. 把嘴张大。 He has traveled widely. 他到过很多地方。 【自主归纳】wide与widely的异同

九年级英语 Unit 5 Have a good time知识精讲 人教版(朗文)

初三英语Unit 5 Have a good time人教版(朗文) 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 5 Have a good time I. 词汇: kid, Internet, search, double, type, press, neter, press, button, capital, population, towb, whether, edge, cool, cost, one-way, flight, book, round-trip, instruction, straight, whom, chance, sound. II. 词组和惯用法: go straight along沿着…一直往前走 think about考虑 decide to do sth 决定做某事 at the airport在飞机场 do by oneself自己做… have a good / great time 过得愉快 III. 日常交际用法: 1. Come on, we’re having a famil y meeting. 2. I want to go somewhere warm. 3. Could you tell us how long we’re going away? 4. Type in Haina Island and press the enter button. 5. We can have a good time no matter, if we go … 6. Oh, cool! 7. Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan? 8. Just a minute, please. 9. Great! I’d like to book 4 tickets, please. 10. Will that be one-way or round-trip? 11. Please tell me whom we have to see? 12. Go straight along here. 13. How was your holiday? 14. Oh, if you get a chance to go, take it. 15. That sounds really cool? IV. 语法The Object Clause(2) 由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句,注意宾语从句的语序。 1. Let’s see if we can find out some information about that city. 2. Could you tell me whether that’s a fast train or n ot? 3. Could you tell us how much it costs to go to Hainan by air? 4. Do you know where we can stay on the island? 5. Do you know what time the plane leaves? 6. Please tell me who (whom)we have to see.

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