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1. The scie ntific method is not applicable to the study of economics because

economics is not a true scie nee.

A) True

B) False

2. Hypotheses derived from econo mic an alysis can be validated through

empirical an alysis, but hardly ever with absolute certai nty.

A) True

B) False

3. Which of the follow ing stateme nts relates to the con cept of efficie ncy?

A) The abse nee of waste.

B) Using resources as effectively as possible.

C) Being able to produce more of one good only by producing someth ing else.

D) All the above.

E) b. and c. only.

4. Figure 1 displays the product ion-possibilities of two coun tries.

that both countries produce five units of x, which of the following best describes country

B's producti on of y?

A) Less tha n country A's product ion of y.

B) The same as country A's producti on of y.

C) More tha n country A's producti on of y.

D) Cannot be determ ined from the graph.

E) None of the above.

5. Mass unemployment of resources means society operates

product ion-possibility fron tier .

A) True

B) False

less of

Give n

in side its Figure 1

6. If two goods use the same resources and the same tech no logy, product ion possibilities curve betwee n the two goods will have a positive slope.

A) True

B) False

7. It is scarcity that makes goods econo mic goods.

A) True

B) False

8. Which of the follow ing is the most basic of the subjects with which the study of econo

mics must try to deal?

A) Markets.

B) Mo ney.

C) Profit seeki ng.

D) The price mecha ni sm.

E) Scarcity.

9. Poor money man ageme nt by the gover nment, aside from in creas ing the un employme

nt rate, will have a relatively small effect on the economy.

A) True

B) False

11. Barter is inconvenient because:

A) barga ining power is un equal betwee n rich and poor

B) without mon ey, who can defi ne "fair" values?

C) my wants and supplies do not match your supplies and wan ts.

D) it leads to imperfect competiti on.


Figure 2

10. In Figure 2, what is Country B's cost of produci ng 1 un it of x in terms

of y?

A) 10 units of y.

B) 1/2 units of y.

C) 5 units of y.

D) 2 units of y.

E) None of the above.

E) all of the above.

12. The econo mic role of gover nment in mixed econo mies can in clude:

A) provisi on of public goods.

B) tax collect ions.

C) in come redistributi on.

D) all of the above.

E) none of the above.

13. By the "in visible han d," Smith meant the in flue nee and lobby ing of the hidde n in terest groups.

A) True

B) False

14. A society which forgoes prese nt con sumpti on:

A) is forced to do so because of excessive con sumpti on with in the country in the past.

B) may be devot ing new resources to new capital formatio n.

C) is merely devot ing resources to the replaceme nt of capital.

D) expects to con sume only that amount tomorrow which was forego ne today.

E) does none of the above.

15. An econo mic good is valued in part by its scarcity.

A) True

B) False

16. The stateme nt that roun dabout methods of producti on are often more efficie nt tha n more direct methods:

A) means that roun dabout methods use the same in puts as more direct methods, except for time, which is not a scarce economic good.

B) means that con sumers ought to choose those goods which most lend themselves to roun dabout methods of product ion.

C) means that the most roun dabout method is always the most efficie nt method of produci ng any output.

D) is false, for direct and in direct methods of product ion are usually the same in terms of efficie ncy.

E) suggests that forego ne con sumpti on devoted to in vestme nt sometimes in creases future output in ways that more closely match in dividual an d/or social desires.

17. Which of the following statements is true of specialization?

A) Specializati on is incon siste nt with the idea of in dividual freedom.

B) Econo mies that practice a divisi on of labor are morally superior to those

that do not. A) True

B) False

22. An in crease in price will lead to a lower qua ntity dema nded


A) suppliers will supply only the smaller amount.

B) quality deteriorates.

C) people will purchase less of the good.

D) all of the above.

E) none of the above.

Use the following to answer question 23: C) In accepting specialization, a person sacrifices his or her own interests

for the sake of society's in terest.

D) While specializati on has eno rmous adva ntages, the costs


E) In creased productivity is more likely to be achieved

specializati on.

18. In an afflue nt moder n society, bus in esses may have to offer workers

more fulfilli ng jobs.

A) True

B) False

19. Con sumers vote their dollars primarily in:

A) labor markets.

B) land markets.

C) capital markets.

D) goods markets .

E) none of the above.

20. An example of legal limitations on property rights is the prohibition of

polluti on.

A) True

B) False

21. Lower prices coax out higher qua ntities dema nded

dow nward-slop ing dema nd

outweigh through

25. Upward-slop ing supply curves are the result of:

A) in creas ing retur ns to scale.

B) in creas ing costs of product ion.

C) cha nges in gover nment policies.

D) cha nges in tech no logy.

E) none of the above

23.Let P* and Q* represe nt market cleari ng price and qua ntity, respectively.

Given the supply and dema nd curves draw n in Figure 3, a reduct ion in the

price of an in put used in the product ion of Q can be expected to cause: A)

P* and Q* to climb. B) P* to climb while Q* falls.

C) P* to climb while Q* holds steady

D) P* to fall while Q* climbs.

E) P* and Q* to fall.

Use the following to answer question 24:

Table 1

The Market for Potato Chips

(qua ntities measured in bags per week) Price Quan tity

Supplied $1.00 500 2000

2.00 1000

1750 3.00 1500 1500 4.00

2000 1250 5.00 2500 1000

Quan tity Dema nded 24. Accordi ng to

T A) $1.00.

B) $2.00.

C) $2.50.

D) $3.00.

able 1, the equilibrium price for potato chips is: Quantity of Q

Figure 3

E) $4.00.

26. To say that a price "clears the market" is to say that every one who wants that commodity is getting all they want.

A) True

B) False

27. The positi on of the supply schedule for America n-made cars will not be directly affected by which of the follow ing?

A) Union wage rates.

B) Car prices.

C) The possibility of strikes.

D) A cha nge in assembly tech no logy.

E) All of the above will affect supply.

28. The dema nd curve for a no rmal good will shift to the right if:

A) in come in creases.

B) populati on in creases.

C) the price of a substitute good in creases.

D) all the above.

E) none of the above.

29. Give n a fixed supply of lamb chops, a reduct ion in the price of pork chops (close substitutes) will tend to: (这类题比容易出)

A) shift the dema nd curve for lamb chops to the right.

B) shift the dema nd curve for pork chops to the right.

C) shift the dema nd curve for pork chops to the left.

D) raise the price of lamb chops.

E) lower the price of lamb chops.

30. One reas on that supply curves display positive slope is that:

A) expa nded product ion may require the use of superior resources.

B) people are not willi ng to pay a higher price for more goods.

C) expa nded in dustry output might cause a labor shortage and

subseque ntly in crease the wage rate in cluded in the cost of product ion.

D) extra producti on brings in the more efficie nt, lower-cost producers.

E) the law of diminishing retur ns is importa nt to producers.

31. If a 1 percent change in price causes a 5 percent change in quantity dema nded, the n dema nd is price in elastic.

A) True

B) False

32. Whe never total expe nditure (i.e., total revenue) remai ns the same after

a cha nge in price, the elasticity of dema nd is:

A) greater tha n

1. B) less tha n 1.

C) equal to 0.

D) equal to 1.

E) equal to infinity

33. If price and quantity sold both decrease from one period to another may infer that

the law of dow nward-slop ing dema nd does not operate in that market.

A) True

B) False

(重要) 34. In "tight" hous ing markets, rent con trols are ofte n applied to hold the price of hous ing to a "reas on able" level.

What is the immediate effect of this price policy with respect to the allocative fun cti ons of prices, and the relative in comes

of tenants and Ian dlords? A) The allocative function of prices is impaired, but the tenants preve nted from gaining at the expe nse of the Ian dlords.

B) The allocative function of prices is not impaired, and the tenants are preve nted from gaining at the expe nse of Ian dlords.

C) The allocative function of prices is impaired, and the tenants who find hous ing gain at the expe nse of Ian dlords.

D) The allocative function of prices is not impaired, but the Iandlords gain at the expe nse of tenants who do not find hous ing.

E) None of the above.

35. Which of the following inefficiencies might be the result of monopoly power's destro ying a competitive equilibrium?

A) Prices too high.

B) Output too low.

C) Wages distorted across the economy.

D) In put prices distorted across the economy.

E) All of the above.

36. Dollar receipts for sellers of some commodities will be lower at higher prices.

A) True

B) False

37. The qua ntity of a good which a pers on will purchase will not depe nd on which one of the following items? x

A) The price of the good.

B) His or her tastes.

C) The prices of substitute goods.

D) His or her in come.

E) The elasticity of supply. ,we


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