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Language points of unit six:

1. eve

n.1. [U] the night or day before the stated religious day or holiday (宗教节日或假日的)前夜;前夕

[例] New Year's eve除夕

[例] They met each other on Christmas eve. 他们在圣诞节前夜相遇。

2. [the + singular (of)] the time just before an important event (重大事件发生


[例] on the eve of a war 战争前夕

[例] They held a secret meeting on the eve of a revolution. 革命前夜他们召开了秘密会议。

2. ancient

adj.1. in or of times long ago 古代的

[例] ancient Rome 古罗马

[例] She studies ancient history. 她研究古代历史。

2. having existed for a very long time 古老的;旧的

[例] an ancient city 古城

[例] I bought a very ancient-looking dress. 我买了一件式样很古旧的衣裳。

3. c elebrate

v.m ark (an event or special occasion) by enjoying oneself 庆祝

[例] These good results have given us something to celebrate. 这些好成绩值得我们庆祝一番。

4. measure

v.1. show or record (length, temperature, etc.) 量出或记录(长度、温度等)

[例] The inch measures length. 英寸是长度的测量单位。

[例] A clock measures time. 钟是计时的。

2. find the size, length, amount, degree, etc. of (something) in standard units 度


[例] measure the height of the house 测量房子的高度

[例] Mother measured me to see what size dress I should have. 母亲给我量尺寸,好知道我该穿多大号的衣服。

n.(plural) an action taken to bring about a certain result 措施;方法

[例] They took strong measures against smoking in public. 他们对在公共场所吸烟采取了强硬的措施。

[例] What measures shall we take to find the thief? 我们采取什么措施来抓住那个贼?

5. f estival

n.1. [C] a special occasion, especially in memory of a religious event, marked by public enjoyment, religious ceremonies, etc. (尤指宗教的)节日

[例] This festival is a cheerful occasion. 这个节日是个欢乐的日子。

[例] A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. 日本每年举行一次“亡灵节”。

2. a group of especially musical or theatrical performances held usually in a particular place (定期在某地举行的)音乐节(戏剧节等)

[例] the Cannes Film Festival戛纳电影节

[例] a pop festival流行歌曲节(会演)

6. p rivate

adj.n ot intended for everyone, but for a particular person or chosen group; not public 私下的;非公开的;私有的

[例] a private room 私人房间

[例] She got an invitation to a private party. 她被邀请去参加一个私人聚会。

7. c ommon

adj.1. found or happening often and in many places; usual 常见的;平常的[例] Snow is common in these countries. 在这些国家雪很常见。

[例] It is now quite common for women to work. 现在妇女工作很普遍。

2. belonging to or shared equally by two or more; united; joint 共同的;共有的

[例] common interests 共同利益

[例] Pollution is a common problem for all countries. 污染是所有国家的共同的问题。

8. t radition

n.1. [C] a customary way of thinking or behaving that has been passed down in this way and continuously followed for a long time 惯例;老规矩

[例] follow old traditions沿袭旧传统

[例] We try to keep up the family traditions. 我们努力保持家庭传统。

2. [U] the body of principles, beliefs, practices, experience, etc. passed down from the past to the present 传统

[例] break with tradition和传统决裂

[例] The British are said to be lovers of tradition. 据说英国人很看重传统。

9. e vil

adj.n ot good morally; wicked; harmful 邪恶的;有害的