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1、告诉我怎么把水变成冰?Tell me how to turn water into ice.

2、你们是什么时候结婚的?When did you get married?

3、我们一到西安就爱上了这个城市。As soon as we got to Xi’an, we fell in love with this city.

4、这个女孩如此小以至于不能照顾自己。This girl is so young that she can’t look after.

5、带上这张地图,你们就不会在山里迷路了。Take this map, and you won’t get/be lost in the mountains.

6、最后她决定改变她的计划。At last, she decided to change her plan.

7、从前一个叫Mike的小孩住在这里。Once upon a time, a boy called/named Mike lived here.

8、早饭她吃了几片面包。She ate some pieces of bread for breakfast.

9、他们看到了一所食物做的房子。They saw a house made of food.

10.这条河比那条河长得多。The river is much longer than that one.

11.据我所知,莉莉的母亲是一名医生。As far as I know, Lily’s mother is a doctor.

12、你喜欢这些人造物品吗?Do you like these man-made objects?

13.修建长城的主要原因是什么?What was the main reason to build the Great Wall?

14.这座楼和那座楼一样高。This building is as high/tall as that one.

15.每年许多人死于不健康的食物。Many people die from unhealthy food every year.

16.砍伐森林是不对的。It’s not right to cut down the forests.

17.昨天她正走着,突然绊倒了。Yesterday she was walking and suddenly she fell over.

18.老虎比猫重许多倍。A tiger weighs many times more than a cat.

19.我不得不在家照顾我的孩子们。I have to take care of my children at home.

20.这块石头比那块石头重很多倍。This stone weighs many times more than that one.

21.保护野生动物是重要的。It’s important to protect wild animals.

22.这个湖是世界上最深的。The lake is the deepest in the world.

23.我们不应该砍伐森林。We shouldn’t cut down forests.

24.我妈妈正在为我们准备早餐。My mother is preparing for our breakfast.

25.故事是怎么开始的?how does the story begin?

26.你们学校学生的人数是多少?What’s the number of the students in your school?

27.你穿这条裙子挺好看。The dress looks good on you.

28.昨天校车把我们带回学校。The school bus brought us to school yesterday.

29.你觉得你的新学校怎么样?How do you feel about your new school?

30.玛丽把她的新朋友介绍给了我们。Mary introduced her new friend to us.

31.在这儿,你会看到许多不同种类的电脑。Here, you can see many different kinds of computers.

32.你也喜欢茶具吗?Do you also like collecting tea sets?

33.我们想去一个令人放松的、安宁的地方。We want to go to a relaxing and peaceful place.

34.他们将在大连呆几个星期。They will say in Dalian for a couple of weeks.

35.我想知道将来机器人还能够做些什么事情。I wonder how much more robots will be able to do in the future.

36.说实在的,我不认识那个人。To be honest, I don’t know that man.

37.妈妈正忙着清理书柜呢。Mom is busy cleaning out the bookcase.

38.他不想舍弃他的狗。He doesn’t want to part with his dog.

39.莉莉,我不再使用的钢笔都在这儿。Lily, the pens that I no longer use are all here.

40.至于乔,他现在日子过得不错。As for Joe, he is doing fine.

41.你在这儿工作多长时间了?How long have you worked here?

42.到目前为止他没有骑过马。He hasn’t ridden a horse so far.

43.在过去的十五年里她仅给我打过一次电话。She has called me only once in the past fifteen years.

44.她在这里住了近五年了。She has lived here for close to five years.

45.自从上周我就买了这本书。I have had this book since last week.