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❖ The second period saw the early growth of realistic novels.
❖ Realist Novel: bourgeois in essence Led by Daniel Defoe ---Robinson Crusoe Jonathan Swift ---Gulliver’s Travels Henry Fielding---Tom Jones
❖ A Tale of the Tub is a satire on the various churches of his time.
❖ The Drapier’s Letters are a series of four letters occasioned by the issue of the debased coins to expose the blatant act of robbery under the pseudonym Mr. Drapier.
❖ The intellectual movement from the 1680s to 1789, which advocated reason as the primary basis of authority.
❖ The enlightenment thinkers believed the world was an object of study and that people could understand and control the world by means of reason and research.
Text Study: A Modest Proposal
❖ Swift is a master of satirist and his irony is sharp. His satire is masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness. This makes his satire all the more powerful as is shown in A Modest Proposal
❖ The neoclassicists believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity.
❖ 4.Sentimentality in poetry and fiction appeared together with the rise of the English novels as a particular reaction against that cold and logic rationalism.
the guiding principle or slogan is Ration/Reason, natural right and equality
Ration became standard for measurement of everything.
The Enlightenment Movement
❖Gulliver’s Travels records the pretended four voyages of Gulliver, and his adventures in four strange countries.
❖A Modest Proposal is a more bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people.
The Works of Swift:
❖The Battle of Books (1696-1698) ❖A Tale of the Tub (1696-1698) ❖The Drapier’s Letters (1724) ❖Gulliver’s Travels (1726) ❖A Modest Proposal (1729)
Sentimentalism Period
❖ The 3rd runs through the rest decades of the century, in which the decline of the great enlightenment brought about sentimentalism ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnd pre-romanticism as protests against the social reality of the day.
• England benefited a lot from the Industrial Revolution and became the first powerful industrial country. The direct result of the Industrial Revolution was a rapid growth of the middle class.
❖ Prose
Satire : Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” Journalism/Periodicals: Richard Steele and
Joseph Addison ’s literary journals
the early growth of realistic novels.
❖ The general tendency of neoclassical literature was to look at social and political life critically, to emphasize intellect rather than imagination, the form rather than the content of a sentence. Writers intended to repress much of their personal emotion and enthusiasm and to use precise and elegant methods of expression.
❖ Neoclassicist poetry
Upheld the classic principles of ration, morality, balance, unity, order, propriety, decorum, etc.
Led by Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson (A Dictionary of English Language)
❖ Generally speaking, the literature of this century may be divided into three periods according to the development of the Enlightenment from its early stage to its eventual crisis.
❖ 2.The rise of English novel: an important phenomenon of the period.
❖ 3. Gothic novels emerged and flourished in the last decade of the 17th century, which combine both elements of horror and romance.
Literary Achievements of this period
❖ 1.Neoclassicism: This is a revival of interest in the old classical works. According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers and those of the contemporary French ones.
Neoclassicism ==Sentimentalism==Preromanticism
❖ The First Group ❖ The Second Group ❖ The Third Group
Neoclassicism Period
❖ This period is characterized by neoclassicism and its fine expressions in poetry and then in prose ---periodicals.
The Enlightenment Movement
❖ Enlightenment is:
an intellectual movement beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe.
a continuation of Renaissance in belief in the possibility of human perfection through education
Language style of Swift:
❖ Cold and bitter satire
❖ The Battle of Books is a satire on the controversy among literary people concerning the values of the ancients and moderns.
The Eighteenth Century
Historical Background
• This was a period of political stability and economic development at home and also an age of vast expansion of colonies overseas.
Sentimentalism ❖Graveyard Poetry---Thomas Gray
Pre-romanticism---Robert Burns and William Blake
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
❖ One of the greatest satirist, novelist, poet and prose writers in the history of English literature. His language is simple, clear and vigorous. “Proper words in proper places” is his popular definition of a good style.
❖ They questioned the privilege of monarch, social inequality, injustice, oppression and superstition. They believed in the right of the individual and they were positive advocator of education.
❖ 5.Satire made another feature of writing in this period, which is a composition in verse or prose in which human or individual vices, follies, or shortcomings are held up to be censured by means of ridicule, derision,