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1. 中国服饰文化指的是中国的汉族和各少数民族的传统服饰文化。中国是一个有56个民族的国家,由于受到各民族文化、传统和地理特征的影响,各民族的服饰风格各不相同。另一方面,中国各民族在穿衣风格上也互相渗透并互相影响。服装式样是各民族的重要标志。各民族服装的变化显示了其经济生活、宗教信仰、理想信念、审美情趣和风俗习惯的发展。

Chinese costume culture refers to the traditional culture of costumes of the Hans and the minorities. China is a country consisting of 56 nationalities, and each of them has its own clothing style with distinct ethnic characteristics due to the influence of different cultures, traditions, and geographical features. On the other hand, they have influenced and learned from one another in the way of dressing. Dresses are the important symbols of the nationalities. The changes of clothing manifest the development of an ethnic group’s economic life, religious belief, ideology, aesthetic consciousness and customs.

2. 中国的餐桌礼仪最重要的原则是“食不言”。吃饭不讲话被认为有益健康。但若是参加社交的宴会(banquet),不语就失礼了。社交宴会上的座次和上菜次序很复杂。每上一道菜要由尊者或长者先食,他一般坐于桌首位置。开饭后要尽量坐得靠前,以免掉落食物弄脏衣服,吃的时候尽量不要发出声响。此外,喝汤的时候不可过快,应尽量小声。

The most important role of Chinese table manners is to remain silent while eating. Not talking over meals is supposed to be good for the health. It is impolite if people do not talk to each other during a social banquet. The table arrangements and serving order for a social banquet are extremely complicated. Each dish should be tasted by the eldest person who is seated at the head of the table. The diners should sit close to the table so food won’t drop on their clothes. Try your best not to make noise when

chewing. One should drink soup slowly and is not supposed to make a lot of noise.

3. 在中国,动物被赋予了独特的象征意义。例如:在中国传统文化中,金鱼象征财富。中国人过春节(the Spring Festival)时,最常见的年画(New Year Picture)就是一个大胖小子怀抱一条大金鱼,取意“富裕和谐”。在中国的传说中,蝴蝶象征着恋人之间至死不渝的爱情。虎在中国文化中是尊贵、力量和勇气的象征。在某些少数民族(ethnic minority)文化中,人们认为燕子成对出现能够带来美满婚姻与幸福生活。

In China, animals are endowed with special symbolic meanings. For example, the goldfish means abundance of gold in traditional Chinese culture. In the Spring Festival, one of the most popular New Year Pictures is a plump baby holding a large goldfish which represents both wealth and harmony. Chinese legend has it that the butterfly symbolizes an undying bond between lovers. The tiger is seen as an emblem of dignity, power and courage. In the culture of some ethnic minorities, the presence of swallow in pairs is a blessing, which signifies happiness to a marriage and good luck to

a family.

4. 随着经济全球化的深入发展,产品质量和食品安全日益成为全球性问题。对于国内外消费者对产品质量和食品安全的反映和诉求,中国政府高度关注。我们认为,即使存在万分之一的不合格产品,也有可能对消费者构成百分之百的危害。经过多年坚持不懈的努力,中国的食品质量控制和食品安全监督水平有了很大提高。

With the fast development of economic globalization, product quality and food safety have increasingly become a global issue. The Chinese government shares the concerns of both Chinese and foreign consumers about the product quality and food safety. We are keenly aware that if 10 000 products are sold, just one defective product that finds its way to market will harm the interest of the consumer who buys it definitely. Thanks to the efforts over the years, China has improved a lot in strengthening product

quality control and food safety supervision.

5. 1978年以来,中国的农业技术得到了很大的改善。中国引进了高产农作物,增加了农用化学品和农业机械的用量,扩大了灌溉面积。农村地区的耗电量增加了6倍多。近年来,中国在农业和食品工业研究方面取得了巨大进步。例如:早在20世纪90年代中期,就启动了一个大型国家生物技术项目。中国的研究中心从那时起就开始研制先进的生物技术,如合成DNA技术。

China has significantly improved its agricultural technology since 1978. Our country has introduced high-yield crops, increased its use of agro-chemicals and agricultural machinery, and expanded irrigation area. Rural electricity consumption has increased more than sixfold. In recent years, China has made great advance in agriculture and food-related research, for instance, a major national biotechnological program was initiated as early as the mid-1990s. Chinese research centers since then have begun to develop advanced biotechnological tools, such as recombinant DNA technology.

6. 微博(microblog)的实质是一种“超短网络日志”,即在网页上按照时间顺序排列个人信息的一种记录形式。微博的最大特点就是利用网络空间,发表自己的观点和主张。2009年新浪微博的推出使得微博一时间成为网络世界的新宠。现在,至少70%的网民都是微博用户,微博也正在成为一种越来越重要的文化载体甚至社会载体,以至于眼下的时代被称为“微博时代”。

The core of the microblog is a kind of “short network diary”, namely, a recording form of displaying the personal information on the web page chronologically. The biggest characteristic of the microblog is to use the network to express one’s point of view. In 2009, with the introduction of Sina’s microblog, it became the new favorite of the virtual world in a short time. At present, at least 70% of the netizens are microbloggers. It gradually becomes a more and more important cultural carrier or even social carrier,

so that the current era is called “The Era of Microblog”.

7. 中国的大多数银行现已能够提供完全可靠的、功能齐全的网上银行业务,不收取或只收取少许费用。随着越来越多的银行网上业务的成功以及越来越多的客户登陆它们的网站,网上银行业务很可能变得像自动柜员机一样普及。许多网上银行网站现在还提供先进的工具,可以帮助你更有效地理财。目前,银行业面临的挑战在于如何使客户乐于学习使用并信任这种新型的服务渠道。

The majority of banks in China are capable of providing completely reliable and multiple functional online banking service, free of charge or of little charge. With an increasing number of successful online banking businesses and more log-ins of online customers, multiple functional online banking services could probably become as widespread as ATM machine. Many online banking webs also offer advanced tools to help you to manage your finances more effectively. The challenge that the bank industry is confronted with today lies in how to get customers be willing to learn to use and trust this new-style service channel.

8. 教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志,是经济社会发展的重要动力源泉。在人类的历史进程中,教育承担了不可替代的使命和职能,发挥了重要的作用。早在两千年前,中国古代的一部经典著作《大学》(The Great Learning)就曾提到,大学的宗旨,在于彰显人类自身的美德,重塑他人,追求达到至善至美。这一教育思想千百年来薪火相传,至今仍展示着其蓬勃的生命力。

As an important driving force for economic and social development, education signifies the progress and prosperity of human civilization. In the course of human history, education undertakes an irreplaceable obligation and plays a vital role. The Great Learning, a classic written in ancient China as early as 2 000 years ago, advocates that the way of great learning lies in the illustration of illustrious virtues, the

remoulding of people, and the pursuit of ultimate goodness. This educational thought has been handed down over generations for thousands of years, demonstrating its vigorous vitality up till now.

9. 今天中国幼儿园里的大多数孩子都是独生子女。他们机灵、好学、想象力丰富、精力充沛,但往往以自我为中心,不守纪律,而且比较脆弱。一般来说,刚进幼儿园的4至6岁的孩子都是以自我为中心的,但9至10岁的孩子则表现出有自制力、不怕挫折的优点。因此我们的教育强调集体主义( collectivism)、互助友爱,鼓励孩子们自己照顾自己,并且教育他们与人分享的好处。

Today, most kids in Chinese kindergartens are the only children of their family. They are clever, studious, and full of imagination and energy. However, they are usually self-centered, undisciplined and more vulnerable. Generally speaking, children aged from 4 t0 6 having just entered kindergarten are egocentric, while children aged from 9 t0 10 demonstrate the quality of self-control, being not afraid of setbacks. Therefore, our education program attaches great importance to the collectivism, mutual help and love. Children are encouraged to look after themselves. They are also taught the benefits of sharing with others.

10. 各种慢性疾病(chronic diseases)已经成为影响中国人健康的主要隐患。随着钱包越来越鼓,中国人的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化,其中包括饮食上的变化和向城市迁移(migration),这也使得中国人的健康面临极大的风险。卫生部( Ministry of Health)的数据显示,高血压( hypertension)和肥胖症已经成为导致中国人死亡的主要原因,目前超过2.6亿的中国人患有慢性疾病。

Various chronic diseases have become the major health challenge for the Chinese. With fatter wallets, the Chinese lifestyles have changed dramatically, including changes in diet and migration to cities, which has put the population’s health in peril. Major

causes of death have shifted to hypertension and obesity, and now more than 260 million citizens in China suffer from chronic diseases, according to data from China’s Ministry of Health.

11. 杭州是浙江省的省会,是中国四大园林城市之一,有着“人间天堂”的美誉。它位于长江以南,钱塘江下游(lower reaches),气候温和,四季分明。杭州因美丽的风景而出名,其声望主要来自西湖。早在1982年,西湖就被确定为国家风景名胜区。西湖位于杭州市市中心,旧称钱塘湖,宋代始称西湖。它以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹闻名中外,是中国著名的旅游胜地。

Known as “Heaven on Earth”, Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province and also one of the Top Four Garden Cities in China. It is situated in the south of Yangtze River and on the lower reaches of the Qiantangjiang River. It has a mild climate with distinct seasons. Hangzhou is renowned for its scenic beauty, and earned its fame because of West Lake. As early as 1982, West Lake has been selected as national scenic spot. Lying in the center of Hangzhou City, it was called Qiantang Lake in the past. From Song Dynasty, it has been known as West Lake. As a celebrated tourist attraction, it is famous at home and aboard for the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, as well as numerous scenic spots.

12. 石林位于云南省昆明市东部,是世界著名的旅游景点。石林,就是石头森林的意思,那里有各种奇形怪状的石头,有的像人,有的像鸟,有的像牛。这一地区以喀斯特地貌(karst topography)闻名于世,面积广达350多平方千米,共有7个风景片区。该地区还流传着一些美妙动人的传说,撒尼族著名爱情故事“阿诗玛”就出自这里。中外游客都非常向往石林。

The Stone Forest, located in the east of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, is a world-famous tourist site. The Stone Forest, which means the forest of stone, has

numerous curiously shaped rocks, some of which look like human, some look like bird, and some look like ox. This place, covering an area of more than 350 square kilometers, is famous for karst topography, and is divided into seven scenic areas. Here also circulate some beautiful legends, one of which is Ashima’s love story from Sani People. Many tourists from all over the world are looking forward to visiting the Stone Forest.

13. 中国历史上洪灾频繁,而且造成的危害十分严重,季风气候是主要原因。自公元前206年至公元1949年,有记载的大水就有1 092次,平均每两年就发生一次大灾。20世纪令人记忆犹新的大洪水就有4次。1931年长江发大水,夺去了42万人的生命。与之类似的大水还发生在1954年,1991年和1998年。这三次洪水淹没了大片的农田,冲走了无数的财富,只是生命损失相对减少了。

Chinese history witnessed frequent floods, which were mainly caused by the monsoon climate and led to severe consequences. From 206 B. C. to 1949 A. D., a total of 1 092 floods were recorded, that is to say, one serious flood happened every two years. The 20th century has already gone through four memorable floods. In 1931, the flood in the Yangtze River took away the lives of 420 000 people. Similar floods occurred in the years of 1954, 1991 and 1998. The three floods submerged large areas of farmland, washed away countless wealth, just with comparatively fewer casualties.

14. 中国始终奉行独立自主的原则。对于一切国际事务,都从中国人民和世界人民的根本利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直,决定自己的立场和政策,不屈从于任何外来压力。中国不同任何大国或国家集团结盟,不搞军事集团,不参加军备竞赛,不进行军事扩张。中国反对霸权主义( hegemonism),维护世界和平。中国认为,国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会一员。

China has all long adhered to the principle of independence. With regard to all

international affairs, China will, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world, determine its stand and policy in the light of the rights and wrongs of the matter, without yielding to any outside pressure. China does not form an alliance with any big power or group of big powers. Nor does China establish military blocs with other countries, or engage in arms race and military expansion. China opposes hegemonism and safeguard world peace. China believes that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community.

15. 中国的烹饪艺术不仅限于满足人们的口福那么简单,它还强调体现食物的审美价值,所做菜品应该色、香、味俱全。菜品的色泽必须让人赏心悦目,而色彩的协调在菜品制作的过程中就已经了然在心了。


The art of Chinese cooking has always extended far beyond the simple need to satisfy the stomach. Attention is also paid to the aesthetic appreciation of food, and careful consideration is given to the aroma and appearance of a dish as well as its flavor. The color of a dish has to be satisfying to the eye, and the balance of colors is kept in mind during its preparation.

Different tastes should balance each other as the colors do. The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes. They are: sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and salty. The sense of smell is satisfied by avoiding all unpleasant smells, as well as those strong ones which might dominate the rest. Chinese cooking art basically includes four aspects: the selection of ingredients,

cutting and garnishing, temperature, and cooking techniques.

16. 在中国,农村人口占相当大的比例。虽然他们的收人远比城镇居民要低,抗风险能力更差,但是长期以来,他们却不能像城镇居民一样享受基本的医疗保障。为此,我国正在推行一项前所未有的计划:用8年的时间,在全国农村基本建立起新型的合作医疗制度(cooperative medicare system),以解决所有农民的医疗保障问题,使他们不必再为看不起病而犯愁。经济发达的浙江省已率先实行这一制度。

In China, the rural population accounts for a large portion. They are not entitled, for a very long period time, to the basic medical service like urban citizens, although they are more likely to suffer from risks because of their far lower income. Thus, an unprecedented project is being implemented in China to build a new cooperative medicine system on the whole within eight years in rural areas, which will cover all the farmers and free them from worries of being unable to afford a cure (to see a doctor). The advanced Zhejiang Province has taken a lead in employing the new system.


Although their income is lower than that of the city people.

They aren’t like city people.

They don’t have to worry about not affording the money.

, which can make them not have to worry about money. They will not worry about seeing a doctor.

To make them not worry about the cost.

Zhejiang Province, has a developed economy (whose economy is developed)

The developed province, Zhejiang, has taken The developed Zhejiang Province has taken

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