当前位置:文档之家› 2021最新江西省新余四中、临川一中等2019届高三英语9月联考试题(扫描版)








Text 1

W: Hi. Can I help you with anything?

M: Yeah. I wonder if you have any necklace that would go well with this ring. W: Let me see. Actually, we have a few to choose from, and they are over here. Text 2

W: Do you ever play computer games, Henry?

M: I no longer do. Now I like to play chess. I used to play computer games, but they’re not good for our age, I feel.

W: You sound like an expert in it. Do you ever do some exercise?

M: Although I hate to exercise, I go hiking at least twice a week.

Text 3

W: As most of our customers are foreigners, you must be able to speak at least one foreign language to be employed.

M: In that case, I'm fit for the position I think. I can speak Spanish fluently and can understand French.

Text 4

W: So the doctor said your stomachaches are caused by too much stress?

M: Yes. And he told me that I need to get positive in my daily life, adding that stress can cause many different problems.

Text 5

W: What time does your plane leave?

M: It leaves at 12:15. And I have to be there two hours early.

W: That means we have to leave the house at 9:15. There’s half an hour before we start off.

Text 6

W: Hi, Tony. Nice to meet you here. So you must have had a lot of fun since the summer vacation?

M: Yes. As my father puts it, have fun while it lasts, as the excitement wears off really fast. And now I’m considering going to New York for a visit, because my parents wanted me to go to an American university for my further education. W: Indeed, it’ll be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country, so that you can learn about different cultures. How I envy your good luck. I’ll have to take a part-time job to help support my family.

M: Well, we cannot choose our family background, but we have to try to make a difference.

Text 7

W: I don't like riding the bus. You see, the seats and windows are dirty. Don't they clean the bus every night?

M: I think they do. But next time you catch a bus, be sure to bring something with you to wipe your seat and window.

W: People will think I'm strange.

M: Who cares? Everyone is strange.

W: That's for sure.

M: Don't worry about what people think.

Text 8

W: What happened to your car?

M: I parked it in the parking lot an hour ago, and when I went out of the shopping center, I found it was knocked into. Judging from the size of the dent, maybe it was from a shopping cart.

W: Those shopping carts are dangerous, especially the metal ones. I don't park at

a store that uses metal shopping carts.

M: That's a good idea, but there was a good sale at this store.

W: Did you save any money on the sale?

M: Yes, I did. I saved about $50.

W: That's great.

M: Yes, but this dent will cost about $150.

Text 9

W: Where are you guys going for your honeymoon?

M: We decided on Cancun, Mexico.

W: I've been there before. It's a big tourist place so there is access to everything. M: That's good. I'm looking forward to our honeymoon. Especially after all the wedding plans I had to do.

W: How long are you going for?

M: We decided on 6 days. We are leaving on Sunday and returning on Saturday. We just booked our flight and got our room. Everything is set.

W: You're going to have so much fun. I'm so jealous.

M: By the way, where do you want to go for your honeymoon when you get married? W: Since I've been to Mexico and Hawaii before, I want to go to Australia.

M: That sounds great. It's a little out of our budget so we didn't even consider Australia.

W: For the price, Cancun is one of the best so don't have any regrets. It is a great place. So do you have a ride to the airport?

M: My brother is going to drop us off.

W: Looks like everything is set. Just make sure to take a camera. I know many people who forgot to take a camera on their honeymoon.

M: Will do. Thanks.

Text 10

W: Henry saw a dog on the sidewalk looking lost and upset. Approaching the dog, he patted its head. “Nice doggy,”he said to the dog. The dog wagged its tail. The dog had a collar that read its name. Its name was Spike. “Come on, Spike,”Henry said to the dog. The dog followed him home. He brought the dog upstairs to his room and opened a jar of dog food. He used to have a dog. He poured the dog food into a bowl and placed it in front of Spike. Spike started eating.“I'll take care of you, Spike,”he said to the dog. He knew the dog did not belong to him. He printed posters of Spike. The poster said “Found

Dog”. He went around hanging the poster. Nobody came to find Spike that day, though.

1—5 CBACB 6—10 CACBA 11—15 BCBAC 16—20 ABACB



21.C 细节理解题。第一段说,该研究中心致力于通过推进有意义的和创新的临床研究,来促进婴儿、儿童和青少年的身心健康,由此可知选C。

22.A 细节理解题。根据题干的“儿童治疗的指导”,我们把答案定位在第二段,该段说,目前用来治疗儿童疾病的指导方针都是以对成年人的研究数据为基础的,因此选A。

23.D 推理判断题。本文从几个方面讲述当前青少年疾病治疗方面面临的问题,呼吁青少年行动起来,参与该研究中心的活动,并呼吁家庭、孩子的监护人等各方面的支持,因此选D。



24.C 细节理解题。第一段作者说,自己比妹妹大两岁,却要跟她有一样的就寝时间;每次做了不该做的事,自己的麻烦总比妹妹多,由此可知选C。

25.A 推理判断题。第五段最后说,作者闹离家出走,拉着行李箱艰难地走在去爷爷奶奶家的路上,妈妈在后面跟着,同时示意那些关注的人们离开,因此选A。

26.A 细节理解题。第四段说,作者拖着行李箱准备出门的时候妈妈说她这是要去奶奶家,于是作者不敢相信她连这个也能猜出来,简直就像个女巫。结合语境判断,这是因为作者的妈妈竟然猜到她离家出走要去哪里,因此选A。

27.B 推理判断题。文章最后说,每次作者与妹妹发生冲突向妈妈抱怨的时候,妈妈就会回答,“你曾经有过机会的”。结合语境判断,这里的“机会”说的是前文交代的作者的母亲曾经故意提议要把妹妹送回孤儿院的建议,那么母亲这句话的含义是说,作者必须学会与妹妹友好相处,并学会谦让妹妹,因此选B。




29.C 细节理解题。根据题干的“技术革命的不利方面”我们把答案定位在第五段,该段说,历史上每次技术革命对劳动力市场和社会生活都有深远的影响,会加深社会紧张,导致不公平现象的上升,因此选C。





32.D 细节理解题。第一段说,英国广播公司公布了一个新名单,详细列举了其顶尖播音员的薪水细节,因此选D。

33.A 推理判断题。第二段托尼说,公布的这些数据表明,BBC已经在采取积极的举措,并且最终目标是实现名单上的平等分配,由此推断选A。

34.C 细节理解题。第四段说,有些批评者说,BBC在倒退(slipping),因为得到最高薪水的女性人数下降了。

35.B 细节理解题。最后一段索菲说,要应对同工不同酬的问题,我们不仅要考虑同工同酬,还要了解阻挠女性有平等工作机会的那些阻碍,因此选B。


36—40 DAEBC


41.D 语境描述作者打棒球时受伤的情景,因此这里表示有个投手给作者发来一粒快球,用


42.A 这里说的是作者受伤的情况,因此选A表示“伤害”。

43.C 语境表示作者嘴唇裂开,下巴受伤,随后就哭了,用following表示“随之而来的”。

44.B 这里用动词strike表示“打击;袭击”。打球会受伤,这使作者很吃惊。

45.C 这里表示从此作者害怕打棒球的时候再次受伤,用thought表示“念头,想法”。

46.A 语境说从此作者在棒球赛场上一无是处(useless),因此选A表示“完全;彻底地”。

47.D 前文说作者在棒球赛场上没有发挥作用(useless),因此这里表示每当看到棒球朝作者


48.C 根据故事的叙述判断选C,用anxiety描述前面提到的作者受伤之后在赛场上害怕再次


49.B 语境表示作者的母亲拽着作者来到后院,每天坚持陪作者练习抛球一小时。而且语境动


50.D 从故事情节的发展和选项看,自从嘴被棒球打到了之后,作者一直回避棒球,这次被妈


51.A 这里说的是作者付出的努力终于得到回报,用pay off表示“有报偿”。

52.C 作者此时重返棒球场,没有了恐惧(without fear),因为能力得到了提高(ability),


53.B 根据语境和选项判断,这是作者在采访(interview)一名作家,因此选B。

54.D 这里填并列连词but表示转折含义:有人认为能力是老天赋予的礼物,而我却认为能力


55.A 根据语境,特别是下文的hold you back,以及后文说的这个作家两本书都被拒绝判断


56.C 语境的it指代前文的“这种感觉”,这里说的是我们感到焦虑,担心自己没有(lack)创


57.B 结合语境的fear, anxiety, rejection等关键词判断选B,语境表示前面提到的担心、


58.A 语境表示作家这本书出版之前还写了两本书,但都被拒绝了,因此选A,用介词before


59.D 语境表示这两本书都被拒绝了,因此用meet表示“遭遇”。

60.B 语境表示作家后来继续写作的每一个词都在进一步强化其写作能力,因此用further表



61. has enjoyed 考查时态。这里用提示动词的现在完成时与since引导的时间状语从句呼应,表示延续到现在的动作。

62. was attracted 考查时态和语态。语境表示“我被吸引”,因此用提示动词的一般过去时的被动语态叙述过去的动作和被动含义。

63.and 考查连词。根据句意的连贯判断,本空填并列连词and表示语义的顺接。

64. kites 考查复数名词。根据句意,这里填提示名词的复数形式表示复数含义。

65. His 考查代词。本空提示代词在句中作定语修饰名词workshops,因此本空填提示代词的形容词性物主代词His。注意大小写。

66. included 考查非谓语动词。本空填提示动词的过去分词included表示“被包括在内”,此时它被放在名词或代词之后。

67. exactly 考查副词词类转换。这里填提示形容词的副词作状语表示“确切地”。

68. surprising 考查非谓语动词。这里填提示动词的现在分词转化的形容词作宾补表示“令人惊讶的”。

69. with 考查介词搭配。这里用with表示“和……一起”。

70. whose 考查连词。本空填whose引导定语从句修饰20 kids并在从句中作定语表示“他们的”。他们的兴趣是在春天制作和放飞风筝。

Yesterday I went to buy some new clothes for me. When I was about to enter, so I saw an old

myself 删除

lady calling me towards her. Though feel scared,I decided to find out what she wanted. She


was in her seventy and asked me /\ some money. She said she hadn't eaten anything since that

seventies for

morning. I gave her money and she happily went to a food store nearby and has her


had Though it wasn’t a great donation, it made me realize if there are people in the world who


don't even have enough money to get the proper meal. I hope to continue to spread kind to those in

a kindness need in any way possibly.


One possible version:

Dear Robert,

It will be a few days before we have another lesson about Chinese paintings. I’m truly excited that I can have you as my classmate learning the lesson.

As is scheduled, the lesson will be held at the local park, which is an ideal place to learn painting. The lesson is expected to start at 8 am and last about two hours. During the lesson, we’ll learn some basic tricks about painting, as well as a brief introduction of its history and characteristics. Therefore, it can’t be a better idea that we make some preparations beforehand, learning to appreciate the beauty of some famous Chinese paintings.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua

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