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1 .The Great Depression

2 Industrial Revolution

3 Melting Pot

4. Black Death

5. American Constitution





the Black Death

It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept thr ough England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half an d one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was s hort. It caused far-reaching economic consequences.


Bloody Mary

Henry VIII’s daughter and a devout Catholic. Whe n she became Queen, she persecuted and burnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname “Bloody Mary”. Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.


. the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are the most important lakes in the United States. They are Lake Superior, w hich is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan —— the only one entirely in the U.S. —— Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.


What is meant by the term “welfare state” in Britain?

—— The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic an d social security of its citizens through its organization of health services, pensions and other facilities. The system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation. In Britain the term applies mainly to National Health Service (NHS), national insurance and social security.



What are some of the characteristics of American education?

——(1) Formal education in the United States consists of elementary, secondary and higher e ducation.

(2) Public educations is free and compulsory.

(3) Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education.

(4)Education is a function of the states, not the federal government.






What role does the community college play?

What functions does it perform?

What is it important in American higher education?

What is the guiding principle of such a college?

—— The community college as an institution is one of the most important innovations in the history of American higher education more accessible and in meeting the needs of educated a dults, employees of local business, professional requiring certification as well as communit y organizations.

It performs five main functions. First, it prepares students for transferring to a BA progra m at a four-year institution. Second, it provides vocational training for people who are alr eady working or expect to be working in the future. Third, it gives remedial instruction to higher school students who are underprepared for college academically and adults who did not learn basic skills in elementary or secondary school. Fourth, it offers recreational, cultu ral activities for adults who are not seeking regular vocational or academic skill. Fifth, i t absorbs students in a four-year program who are not qualified into a lower-status vocation al program.

The guiding principle of community college is higher education for everyone and the philosop hy that equality must mean equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual differences.









I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices:

1. The highest mountain in Britain is ____.

A. Scafel


B. Ben Nevis (本尼维斯)

C. the Cotswold


D. the Forth

2. The longest river in Britain is _____.

A. the Clyd


B. the Mersey

C. the Severn(塞汶

河) D. the Thames

3. The largest lake in Britain is _____.

A. the Lough Neage 内伊

湖 B. Windermere Water

C. Coniston Wate


D. the Lake District

4. Which part of Britain is always fighting?

A. Englan


B. Scotland

C. Wale


D. Northem Ireland

5. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from _____.

A. Europe

B. the United States

C. Africa

D. the West Indies, Indies and Pakistan

6. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____.

A. the Norman


B. the Celts

C. the Iberians 伊比利

来 D. the Anglo-Saxons

7. British Recorded history began with _____.

A. Roman invasio


B. the Norman Conquest

C. the Viking and Danish invasion

D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion

8. In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English.

A. Joh


B. James I

C. Egbert 埃格伯特中世纪英格兰西撒克逊国王,英格兰首任国王(829~839)

D. Henry I

9. Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

A. 105


B. 1066

C. 100


D. 1060

10. Henry II was the first king of the _____ dynasty.

A. Windso


B. Tudor

C. Malcol


D. Plantagenet

11. In 1265 ____ summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.

A. Henry II


B. the Pope

C. Baron


D. Simon de Montfort

12. The Hundred Years’ war stated in ____ and wa ended in ____, in which the English had los t all the territories of France except the French port of ____.

A. 1337, 1453, Flander

s B. 1337, 1453, Calais

C. 1346, 1453, Argencourt

D. 1346, 1453, Brest

13. The Wars of Roses lasted for _____ years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.

A. 30, Richard III, Henry Tudor

B. 50, R ichard III, Henry Tudor

C. 30, Richard I, Henry Tudor

D. 50, Richard I, Henry Tudor

14. The Renaissance began in ____ in the early ____ century.

A. England, 1


B. England, 15

C. Italy, 1


D. Italy, 15

15. The English Civil War is also called _____.

A. the Glorious Revolutio

n B. the Bloody Revolution

C. the Catholic Revolutio

n D. the Puritan Revolution

16. In _____, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first s ettlers in the New Land.

A. 1620, Londo


B. 1620, Plymouth

C. 1720, Londo


D. 1720, Plymouth

17. In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the inve ntion of machines.

A. the Industrial Revolutio

n B. the Bourgeois Revolution

C. the Wars of the Rose

s D. the Religious Reform ation

18. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of _____ in 1583.

A. Canad


B. Australia

C. Indi


D. Newfoundland

19. _____ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American:

A. Edward VII


B. Edward VII

C. George V


D. George VII

20. In January _____ Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.

A. 195


B. 1967

C. 197


D. 1979

21. soon after _____, Britain not only gave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.

A. 190

B. the First World War

C. the Second World Wa

r D. 1960

22. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate.

A. inflation, growt

h B. gro wth, inflation

C. growth, divorc

e D. growth, birth

23. The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except _____.

A. the exhaustion of old mines

B. c ostly extraction

C. little money being invested

D. the labour shortage

24. Britain’s foreign trade is mainly with _____.

A. developing countries

B. other Commonwealth countries

C. other developed countries


25. The House of Lords is presided over by _____.

A. the Lord Chancello

r B. the Queen

C. the Archbishop of Canterbur

y D. the Prime Minister

26. A General Election is held every _____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments are elected.

A. five, 60

B. five, 650

C. five, 65


D. four, 651

27. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.

A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Commons

B. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of Lords

C. the Queen, the House of Commons

D. the Queen, the House of Lords

28. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.

A. the Quee


B. the Cabinet

C. the House of Lord

s D. the House of Commons

29. The sources of British law include _____.

A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Communi ty law

B. statutes, common law and equity law

C. statutes, common law and European Community law

D. a complete code and statutes

30. In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt o r innocence.

A. the judge, the jur

y B. the judge, t he judge

C. the jury, the jur


D. the Lord Chancellor, the jury

31. ____ tries the most serious offences such as murder and robbery.

A. Magistrates’ court

s B. Youth court s

C. district court


D. The Crown Court

32. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of _____.

A. the England secretarie

s B. the Scottish Secretarie s

C. Northern Ireland Secretaries

D. the H ome Secretary

33. The National Health Service was established in the UK in _____ and based at first on ___ __.

A. 1948, Acts of Parliamen

t B. 1958, Acts of Parliament

C. 1948, the Bill of Right

s D. 1958, the Bill of Right s

34. The non-contributory social security benefits include the following except _____.

A. war pensio


B. child benefit

C. family credi


D. unemployment benefit

35. Except that _____ may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distincti on to members of all churchs or of none.

A. the lord Chancellor

B. th e Prime Minister

C. the Speake

r D. the mini sters of all departments

36. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____.

A. independent school

s B. jun ior schools

C. independent school

s D. pri mary schools

37. There are some ____ universities, including the Open University.

A. 90

B. 290

C. 9

D. 50

38. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _____ by law.

A. receive completely fre e education

B. receive parly free edu cation

C. receive no free educat ion if their families are rich

D. receive no free educat ion at all

39. With regard to its size, the USA is the _____ country in the world.

A. larges


B. second largest

C. third larges


D. fourth largest

40. In the following rivers, _____ has been called the American Ruhr.

A. the Mississipp


B. the Missouri

C. the Hudso


D. the Ohio

41. Among the following rivers, _____ forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S.

A. the Potoma


B. the Columbia

C. the Rio Grande Rive

r D. the Col orado

42. All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except _____.

A. Yale

B. Harv ard

C. Oxford

D. Massachuset ts Institute of Technology

43. The nation’s capital city Washington D.C. and New York are located in _____.

A. the American Wes

t B. the Great Plains

C. the Midwes


D. the Middle Atlantic States

44. The Midwest in America’s most important _____ area.

A. agricultura


B. industrial

C. manufacturin


D. mining in dustry

45. In the case of Brown versus Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that _____.

A. separate educational faci lities had been illegal

B. educational facilities had been separate but equal

C. educational facilities ha d been equal

D. separate educational faci lities were inherently unequal

46. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in _____.

A. 188


B. 1883

C. 190

D. 1924

47. The first immigrants in American history came from ____ and ____.

A. Ireland/Franc


B. England/China

C. Scotland/Englan


D. England/Netherland

48. Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Roots are two novels which give a vivid description of the miserab le life of the _____.

A. early settler


B. Puritans

C. native Indian


D. black slaves

49. According to American historians and specialists in demography, there are _____ great po pulation movement in the history of the United States.

A. tw


B. three

C. fou


D. five

50. Many early Chinese immigrants worked in the mining industry, especially in the _____.

A. gold mine


B. silver mines

C. coal mine


D. copper mines

51. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by _____.

A. James Madiso


B. Thomes Jefferson

C. Alexander Hamilto

n D. George Washington

52. On July 4, 1776, _____ adopted the Declaration of Independerce.

A. the First Continental Con gress

B. the Second Continental Congress

C. the Third Continental Con gress

D. the Constitutional Conven tion

53. The victory of _____ was the turning point of the War of Independence.

A. Saratog


B. Gettysburg

C. Trento


D. Yorktown

54. Ten amendments introduced by James Madison in 1789 were added to the Constitution. They are knows as _____.

A. the Articles of Confederation

B. the Bill of Right

C. the Civil Right


D. Federalist Papers

55. President Jefferson bought _____ from France and doubled the country’s territory.

A. New Mexic


B. the Louisiana Territory

C. Kansa


D. Ohio

56. The Declaration of Independence came from the theory of British philosopher _____.

A. Paul Rever


B. John Locke

C. Cornwalli


D. Frederick Douglass

57. During the WWII, the Axis powers were mainly made up by __.

A. Germany, France and Japan

B. France, Japan and Britain

C. Germany, Italy and Britai

n D. German, Italy and Japan

58. The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the _____ and _____ conditions.

A. economy/politica

l B. social/political

C. economy/socia


D. political/cultural

59. As a result of WWI, _____ was not one of the defeated nations.

A. German


B. Austro-Hungary

C. Ottoma


D. Russia

60. The aim of President Roosevelt’s New Deal was to “save American _____.”

A. econom


B. politics

C. societ


D. democracy

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. B 10. D

11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D

42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D

46. A 47. D 48. D 49. C 50. A 51. B 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. D


Political System 1. The British Monarchy is hereditary 2. The Constitutional Monarchy started at the end of the __17th __ century. 3. The __ Crown _ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people. 4. The oldest part of British Parliament is _ the House of Lords ___. 5. The decision making organ in British Parliament is __ the Cabinet __. 6. The life of Parliament is fixed at ___ five _ years. 7. The House of Commons consists of _651___ members who are elected from the _651____ electoral districts. 8. The titles of the lords, such as Duke, Marquis, Earl, V iscount and Baron, are __ hereditary __. 9. The quorum in the House of Commons is ___ forty _ members. 10. The _ British government _ _____ is the supreme administrative institution. 11. The __ Cabinet is the core of leadership of the British government. 12. The Privy Council was established in the 15th century when __ Henry V __ was on the throne. 13. Not until ___1937 _ could the cabinet have a legal basis. 14. The number of the cabinet members varies, being generally about ___20 __. 15. The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is __ Lord Chancellor __. 16. ___ The Labour Party _ was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives, the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900. 17. It is the _ Prime Minister __ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings. 18. The Shadow Cabinet is organized by the _ Opposition ___. 19. London, because of its special location, is divided into _32____ boroughs and the city of London. 20. “The Morning Star” is the official paper of the ___ Communist Party __. 21. The following persons except ___ criminals _ have no right to vote. 22. In England and Wales, the jury consists of ___ twelve _ people in criminal and civil cases. 23. Legally any citizen aged from ___18__ to __65___ who has never been sent to prison can be a member of the jury. 24. The head of the police force of a county, etc. is called _ Chief Constable __. 25. A __ barrister ___ appointed to act for the State is called Queen’s Counsel. 26. Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into a law for __ one year _. 27. The High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except _ the Criminal Division _. 28. During the Civil War, the supporters of the King and the Church were known as _ Loyalists _. I. Fill in the Blanks 1. The present sovereign is __ Queen Elizabeth II ___ _____. 2. Elizabeth II came to the throne on Feb. 6th, _ 1952 3. The vital power lies in the ___ Prime Minister __ _____, and his/her cabinet. 4. The __ Crown ___ is the only legal and constitutional link binding the members of the Commonwealth to the home country and to one another. 5. The British Parliament consists of three elements – the _ Crown ____, the House of __ Lords ___, and the House of _ Commons ____. 6. The British legislature is _ Parliament ____.


学院 专业班级 学 号 姓 名 教室 号 座位 号 . ———— 装 —————订 — ————线——————外——————不——————要——————答 — ———— 题 — ——— ( 第 1 页, 共6 页 ) 页 ) ( 第 2 页, 共 6 页 ) 湖南涉外经济学院2016-2017学年度第 一 学期期末课程 《英语国家概况》考察试卷 专业年级: 2014级商英本科 考核方式:闭卷 考试时量:90分钟 试卷类型: 题 号 一 合计 复核人 应得分 100 实得分 得分 评卷人 复核人 I.You are required to interpret the following terms.(10X5′) One Standard English Two Magna Carta Three The Reformation Four The Seperation of Three Powers Five Thatcherism Six Critical Realism Eight Thanksgiving Day Nine the Lost Generation Ten Industial Revolution II You are required to answer the following questions.(5X10) 1. How does the english language develops into a universal lingua franca? 2. What is the British Empire? 3. What do we know about the Renaissance? 4. Why is American regarded as a “nation of immigrants ”? 5. What is your understanding of “checks and balance ”?


I.Explain the following terms: 1.the British Isles 2.Poets’ Corner 3.EU 4.the Conservative Party 5.the Seven Year’s War 6.WASPs 7.“roaring 20s” 8.melting pot 9.British Empire 10.system of US politic I.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.Westminster Abby 2.the Church of England https://www.doczj.com/doc/7a17181737.html,monwealth 4.Mr. Speaker 5.Judicial System 6.the Great Charter 7.the House of Plantagenet 8.Puritans 9.monopoly capitalism 10.the first Pan-American Conferencce II.Multi-choices: 1.The longest river in Britain is the _____ River. (Severn, Thames, Mersey, Humber) 2.The leading anthracite coalfields in Britain are in__ (Scotland, England, Wales, ) 3.The English people are descendants of____ (Celts, Roman, Anglo-Saxons) 4.The established church of Britain is___ (the Church of England, Free churches, ) 5.Easter is kept, commemorating the __ (coming, birth, death, resurrection) of Jesus Christ. 6.In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of___. (the Queen, the Prime Minister, the House of Commons, the House of Lords) 7.All the government ministers of Britain must be members of_____. (the House of Lords, the House of Common, the Privy Council, Parliament) 8.___ is the largest state of the US in area.(Hawii, Texas, Alaska, Pennsylvania) 9.The dominant ethnic group in the US today is_____. (the black people, WASPs, Asian Americans, Hispanics) 10.People in the US have kept moving westward for reasons except___. (religious freedom, fertile soil in the West, good climate in the west, discovery gold) 11.The Constitution of the United State was framed in ___in 1787. (Washington, Boston, New York, Philadelphia) 12.The President of the US exercises the ____ power. (legislative, executive, judicial, veto) 13.Congress can veto the President’s veto by a ___ vote of the full membership of Both houses.(two-fifths, two-thirds, three-fourths, three-fifths) 14.The Constitution of US says that only___ can declare war upon other nation.


2013-2014学年度第一学期 英国国家概况期末试题 (考试时间120分钟,总分100分) 班级姓名成绩 得分评卷人复查人 I. Multiple Choice Questions. (50 points, 2 point for each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are 50 unfinished statements or questions. For each of the unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers, marked A. B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts: 1.The British Isles are made up of________ A.two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland 2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______ A.Britain,Scotland and Wales B. England,Scotland and Wales C. Britain,Scotland and Ireland D. England,Scotland and Ireland 3.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______ A. that have a large number of British immigrants B. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars C. that speak English as their native language D. that were once colonies of Britain 4. About a hundred years ago,as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and ______of the world's land area. A.one third B. one fifth C. one fourth D. two fifths 5.The earliest invasion of England is that by _____. A. the Iberian B. the Danes C. the Celts D. the Anglo-Saxons 6.the Celts religion was _____. A.Christianity B. Druidism C. Norman belief D. Roman Catholic 7.the Anglo-Saxons brought _____ religion to Britain.


4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of .在美国20世纪20年代,被描述为一个物质和精神沮丧的成功 7. When we speak of “father of waters” or “old man river”,we are referring to . 当我们说“水”或“老人河之父”,我们指的是密西西比河

8. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from . 凯尔特人是不同群体的古代人来自德国 13. The , the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.落基山脉,北美大陆的脊梁,也被称为大陆分水岭。

14. To help the British East India Company out of difficulty,the British government allowed the company to sell at a lower price in the colonies through its own people. 为了帮助不列颠东印度公司摆脱困境,英国政府允许公司以较低的价格向殖民地通过自己的人卖茶 21. The first Puritans came to America were on the ship_______. A. Codpeed B. Susan Constant C. May Flower 五月花 D. Discovery


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


The industrial revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The industrial revolution A period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The Industrial Revolution, was a period of unprecedented technological, economic and social change that completely transformed British culture from a largely rural, static society with limited production and division of labour into the world's first modern industrial society. the Black Death It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labor was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences. The Black Death----It was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestisis and have started in Central Asia. It came without warning, and without any cue.The Black Death is estimated to have killed30% to 60% of Europe's population and had profound effects on the course of European history. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences. the Progressive Movement The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country. It was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.(Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economic reforms. In spite of limitations of the movement, it brought about changes and improvement in many fields.) Roman Britain was the part of the island of Great Britain controlled by the Roman Empire between AD 43 and about 410. Britannia already had cultural and economic links with Continental Europe, but the invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanisation, industry and architecture, leaving a legacy that is still apparent today. The first Romans to campaign extensively in Britain were


山东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题 英美文化概况(110126)试卷(5) 注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效 Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. 5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. 6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. 7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. 9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. 12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic” 13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. 14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. 15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. 16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. - 1 - (共页)

Test for US 英美国家概况 美国部分测试题

1. The official full name of the United States is usually referred to as . It is often called , , , , or simply , or the “” in American spoken English. 2. National Holiday of US is . 3. Nicknames for the flag include ,,, and which is also the name of the country's official national anthem. 4. served as the political theory behind the American Revolution. 5. On July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence drafted by a committee including and , with most of the work done by . 6. By the Declaration of Independence the United States held its separate and equal position among the powers of the earth, and also by it the United States had been founded, based on the right “.” 7. The American Civil War was in fact a conflict during 1861-1865 in the USA between the Southern or of America and the Northern or . 8. Four great empires—, , , and —had disappeared by the end of WWⅠ. 9. American Attitudes towards WWⅡ were excitedly divided into who opposed any involvement in the European war, and who urged immediate aid to the Allies. 10. The Cold War was an ideological, political, and economic state of tensions, conflicts and hostility from 1945 to 1990 between the USSR and on the one hand, and the US and on the other. 11. The Berlin blockade promoted the signing of and the founding of . 12. is the only “hot war” between the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period.


《英语国家社会与文化入门》模拟试题及参考答案 Part one Fill in the blanks ( 10 points ) 1.The full name of the United Kingdom is . 2.The Good Friday Agreement, known also as , emerged on 10 April 1998. 3., the ancestor of the present queen, Elizabeth II, united England under his rule in 829. 4.written by Geoffrey Chaucer is often studied by middle school and college students today. 5.The Bonfire Night, which is celebrated in November, sometimes is also called . 6.Columbus discovered the New World in the year of . 7.The Three Faiths in the US refer to Protestant, and Jewish. 8.In 1852, a New England woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel titled , which intensified the political debate on slavery. 9.1968 was known in US history as a violent and tragic year in which the great leader of The Civil Rights Movement: was assassinated. 10.The Grand Canyon is carved away for nearly 6 million years by the River. Part two Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question: ( 20 points ) 1.Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depression was called . a. Progressivism b. laissez faire c. New Freedom d. New Deal 2. The United States did not join the Second World War directly until in December, 1941. a. Great Depression b. Pearl Harbor incident c. the Japanese attack on China d. the German attack on Poland 3. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as . a. Lord Protector b. Lieutenant General c. Commander of the New Model Army d. President 4. Ireland is in the of Great Britain. a. east b. south c. west d. north 5. WASPs referred to . a. the mainstream Americans b. Hispanics c. Asian-Americans d. Blacks 6. Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution formally ended . a. the immigration movement b. the Civil War


上海海关学院 2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷 《英美概论》A卷 考试时间:90分钟考试形式:闭卷 __________系_____级专业班姓名学号____________ 我承诺,遵守《上海海关学院考场规则》,诚信考试。考生签名:________________ I. You will be given fifteen American states and then match them with their corresponding number on the map. (2% x15=30%) 30%)

1.Which invasion laid the foundation for English nation to be formed? A.Romans B. Anglo-Saxons C. Danes D. Normans 2. General election in the UK is held every____ years. A.2 B.3 C. 5. D.6 3. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 4. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 5.Which of the following is a holiday celebrated on November 5th in the UK and used to commemorate a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605? A. First Footing B.Guy Fawk's Day C. Queen’s Birthday 6. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 7..Boston is situated in Boston Bay, _____. A. Maine B. Massachusetts C. Connecticut 8.The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____. A. Maryland B. South Carolina C. Delaware D. Colorado 9.The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774. A. Philadelphia B. Boston C. New York 10. Britain is basically an importer of _____. A. food B. raw materials C. manufactures D. both A and B 11. All of the following events are related to Henry VIII except: A. establishment of Church of England B. legal union of England and Wales C. beating Spanish Armada 12. Grand Canyon is in the state of ____. A. Arizona B. Utah C.Colorado 13. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. _____ began in England. A. The Constitutional Monarchy B. All Estates Parliament C. House of Lancaster 14. England first became a sea power in the time of _____. A. Henry VII B. Elizabeth I C. Victoria 15. The Victorian Age began when the _____ was over. A. Edwardian Age B. Georgian Age C. Elizabethan Age 16. Public schools in the UK belong to the category of the _____ schools. A. state B. independent C. local 17. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to _____ school. A. grammar B. technical C. secondary modern 18. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _____ universities.

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