剑桥英语青少版(English in mind) unit5课件

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P37 9
make sentences and use the present perfect with just and yet. 1.He ‘s just got a letter, but he hasn’t open it yet.
2.He’s just done the shopping ,but he hasn’t done the cooking yet.
P39 C.Imagine you are on holiday in a city. choose one of the cities in the box(or a different city).
New York
Rio De Janeiro
Homework: 1.复习unit5单词,预习unit6单词。 2.完成书p39 作文一篇,按老师上课讲解的要 求,写好一封邮件的开头,结尾,和正文部分。 3.练习册习题, p28 1 grammar (a&c) P30 c&d P31 6 everyday English P33 2&3
P 35
d 2.do they 3.doesn’t she 4.were you 5.didn’t they 6.doesn’t she 7.did they 8.didn’t she
Work with a partner. Use the words below to make sentences about him/her that you think are true. Then add tags to make them into questions to ask your partner.
3.She’s just gone to bed, but she hasn’t switched off the light yet.
4.She’s just made breakfast, but she hasn’t eaten it yet.
5.She’s just bought a new DVD, but she hasn’t watched it yet.
A coming of age ceremony on a pacific island
Minimum age limits around the word
A Japanese ceremony
Clown doctors
A stuntwoman
Hollywood film stars and their lifestyles
Module 2
Warm up
1.Does everyone know what the capital of Canada and the USA? 2 . What else everyone knows about the Canada and the USA?
Warm up
Can you match each photo with a topic? Canada and the USA
VS North American English
sidewalk 人行倒 elevator 电梯 trousers 裤子 subway 地铁 apartment 公寓 rubbish 垃圾 streetcar 有轨电车 vacation 假日
pavement lift pants underground flat garbage tram holiday
5.a Italy 6.b about 30%of the population 7.C San Francisco, USA 8.b about 28 million 9. b Ice hockey 10.b baseball
在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问 句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问 句叫反意疑问句。 如: 1. SARS is scary, isn’t it? 2. We speak Chinese, don’t we?
结构一: 前肯,+ 后否 eg. SARS is scary, isn’t it?
结构二: 前否,+ 后肯 eg. SARS isn’t scary, is it?
结构一: 前肯,+ 后否
(一)当陈述句的谓语是be动词,助动词,情态动词 时,疑问部分也用这些动词,表示“不是吗”之意。
eg You don’t like Chinese food, do you? Chinese food fifteen years old football a big house Maths English brother swim
• P36
Warm up
1.Do you think how old the girl is? 2.How much money she won as her prize? 3.What kind of competition is it? 4.When did Linda get her idea? 5.What does she want to do in the future?
(二)行为动词(当陈述句的谓语是行为 动词时,用don’t ,doesn’t , didn’t来反 问.)
doesn’t ___ it ? 1. It often rains here, ________ don’t ___ you ? 2. You have a headache, _______ didn’t __? I 3. I called you yesterday, _______
Checking information. Talking about recently completed activities.
Quiz about Canada &the USA
Quiz about Canada &the USA $1000 for a young Vancouver poet. Poem: Whale song. Story : you said 6.30,didn’t you. Writing Email about a holiday
A San Francisco Giants baseball cap.
How to write an email 1.开头 Hi Mark! 2.结尾 Love ,Sarah 3.正文。 (1) 互相的问候,并介绍度假城市或国家。 (2) 去过哪些城市。 (3)去过的城市的主要景点。 (4)接下来要去的目的地。
6.They’ve just scored a goal, but they haven’t won the match yet.
Everyday English
1.Sure . 2.Off we go . 3.Nice one. 4.Wicked!
a. Let’s start b. really good C. yes, OK d. you did that very well
Read and listen
a.What do you know about Canada and the USA? Do the quiz.
1.b 2.C 3.b 4.a Washington Ottawa second largest 50
language and people
P39 11.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
San Diego and Los Angeles a.Read and answer. 1.Which cities has Sarah already visited? Alcatraz prison. she liked it. 2. Where did she go yesterday, and what did she think of it? No, bur she’s seen it. 3.Has she visited the Golden Gate Bridge yet? Yes 4. Has she been on a tram yet? 5.What has she bought as a present for Mark?
Unit5 Canada and the USA Grammar
Question tags. Present perfect simple, just/already/yet.
North American &British English. Everyday English.
Speaking & Function
1. You are an actor, ________ _____ ? isn’t he 1. aa good boy, ________ ______ ? 2. He Heis is good boy, ________ ______ ? aren’t I 2. I I am am Chinese, ____? 3. Chinese,______ ______ ____? wasn’t it ? 3. fine yesterday, _______ ___ ? 4. It Itwas was fine yesterday, _______ ___ 4. You were studying when I called 5. You were studying when I called weren’t you you last night, _______ _____ ? you last night, _______ _____ ? can’t they 5. The boys can swim, ____ _____? 6 . The boys can swim,___________? 7. Your father will be back in a week,
结构二: 前否,+ 后肯
.陈述句为否定句时,问句部分用肯定。后面部分构成 由“be动词,助动词或情态动词+前部分代词?”
are you 1. You aren’t an actor, ______ ____ ? was it? 2. It wasn’t fine yesterday, ____ ____
3.You didn’t call me yesterday, did _____? you _______ will you 4. You won’t go to U.S.A., ____ ____?
Grammar Question tags
2.don’t 3.can’t 4.isn’t 5.is 6.do