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This day shows she is gratituded to the people who help her and shows the sincere friendship of friends 对帮助过自己的人的感激,对朋友的真挚友爱
The second day
New York museum of natural history纽约自然历史博物馆 The capital museum of art首都艺术博物馆
The day shows her love of life, and concern of the reality 对生活的热爱,对现实的关注
•In this sense, the "Three Days to see," not only move us, more importantly,make us have a kind of gratitude, she gave us the warning of a survive, live, life ! --- We should know how to cherish our ordinary world and ordinary life which we turn a blind eye to!从这个意义上来说,《假如给 从这个意义上来说, 从这个意义上来说 我三天光明》给我们的不仅仅是感动, 我三天光明》给我们的不仅仅是感动,更 重要的是让我们产生了一种感激之情, 重要的是让我们产生了一种感激之情,她 给了我们一个生存、生活、 给了我们一个生存、生活、生命的提 醒!———我们要懂得珍惜我们视而不见 我们要懂得珍惜我们视而不见 的平凡的世界和平常的生活! 的平凡的世界和平常的生活!
The first day
My teacher (Sullivan) 我的教师(沙利文) forest, farm, sunset 森林景色、农场、落日 All friends, baby 所有的朋友、婴儿 Dogs ,small thing in her house 小狗、家里的小东西
On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness •and companionship have made my 第一天,我要看看那些人,他们的仁慈和友谊 使得我的人生值得活下去。我不知道它到 life worth living. I do not know what 底是什么去看朋友的内心,通过“灵魂之 it is to see into the heart of a friend 窗”,眼睛。我只能通过我的指尖“看”到 through that “window of the soul,” 一张面孔的轮廓。我能察觉欢笑、悲伤和 the eye. I can only “see” through 其它许多明显的感情。我知道我的朋友们 从他们的脸的感觉。 my fingertips the outline of a face. I can detect laughter, sorrow, and many other obvious emotions. I know my friends from the feel of
About Three days to see
• 《假如给我三天光明》是海伦·凯 假如给我三天光明》是海伦 凯 勒的散文代表作, 勒的散文代表作,她以一个身残 志坚的柔弱女子的视角, 志坚的柔弱女子的视角,告诫身 体健全的人们应珍惜生命, 体健全的人们应珍惜生命,珍惜 造物主赐予的一切。此外, 造物主赐予的一切。此外,本书 中收录的《我的人生故事》 中收录的《我的人生故事》是海 凯勒的本自传性作品, 伦·凯勒的本自传性作品,被誉为 凯勒的本自传性作品 “世界文学史上无与伦比的杰 作”。"Three Days to see," is Helen Keller's prose masterpiece, though she is disability but she is high in spirit, she warned the nomal people should cherish life, cherish the gift of the Creator of all. In addition, the book included "My Life Story" is the autobiography of Helen Keller's work, known as "unparalleled in the history of world literature masterpieces."
在我的第二天,我很想看看人类进步 的盛会,我应该去博物馆。我应该努 • 力探究人类的灵魂通过他的艺术。 On my second day, I should like to see the pageant of man’s progress, and I should 通过触摸的东西,我知道我应该现在 go to the museums. I should try to probe 明白了。我的第二天晚上我应该花 into the soul of man through his art. The 在剧院或电影院。 things I knew through touch I should now
海伦 · 凯勒
• In 1964 she was awarded the U.S. citizens highest honor -- President freedom medal1964年被授予美 年被授予美 国公民最高的荣誉—— 国公民最高的荣誉 总统自由勋章 • The next year she was elected as one of the ten prominent women 次年又被推选为世界十 名杰出妇女之一
see. The evening of my second day I should spend at a theatre or at the movies.
This day shows her appetite for knowledge, the desire for art 对知识的渴望,对艺术的享受
Three Days To See
About Helen Keller
When she is seven years old, Anne Sullivan serves as her tutor.七岁时, 七岁时, 七岁时 安妮·莎莉文担任她的家庭教师 安妮 莎莉文担任她的家庭教师 With her help, Helen Keller accomplished Massachusetts Cambridge, girls‘ school and Cambridge Radcliffe college studies 在莎莉文的帮助下先后完成马萨诸塞州 剑桥女子学校及剑桥拉德克利夫学院学 业 And she was awarded the title of temple university and Harvard University honorary degree 并荣获坦普尔大学及哈佛大学荣誉学位
The third day
Empire State Building帝国大厦
Fifth Avenue 第五大街 across the country 整个城市
The following morning, I should again greet the dawn, anxious to discover new delights, new revelations of beauty. Today this third day, I shall spend in the workaday world, amid the haunts of men going about the business of life. 在接下来的一个早晨,我会再次迎接 黎明,迫切地要发现新的愉快,新披露