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题目解析:退休后的生活该自己负责吗?这是政府类考题里 的一个重点话题。
其次,政府是人民的代表,有这个责任。而且政府付钱有利于 维护社会稳定性。
最后,可以减轻人们的经济负担,提高人们的生活水平。当然 反过来可以从政府的财政预算是有限的,要致力于很多基础设 施建设,
responsibility/obligation 责任、义务
be conducive to 对…有好处
be entitled to 有权利
minimize the possibility of 减少…可能性
Some people think that rich countries giving international aid to the poor countries has positive impact. Others argue that it may lead to problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
雅思作文Part 2 —Government
国防(defense):保护一个国家免受攻击(protect a country against attack or other threats)
保证法律和公共秩序(enforcement of law and public order)
ease the housing pressure减轻住房压力
the fundamental rele占主导地位
construction quality建筑工程质量
monotonous cityscape单一的城市景观(uniformity of house design)
comprehensive requiements on living conditions对生活 的高要求
tighten one's belt 勒紧裤腰带,生活拮据
All education, primary, secondary and further education, should be free to all people and paid for by the government. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
政府运作(operation of government) 政府职能(government function) 社会保障(social security) 医疗保健(health care system) 福利(welfare) 退休和残疾人福利(retirement and disabilitybenefits)
combat corruption 腐败斗争
humanitarian aid人道主义援助
a moral imperative道德上的必要性
ease tention缓和紧张关系
increase accountability增加责任度
transparency and the involvement of the private sector
house allocation system
dampen the ehthusiasm of individuals in housing investment降低私人投资热情
a grave shortage in the investment in house construction 房屋建设的投资少
impoverished country 贫困国家
suffer from starvation and poverty 遭受贫困和饥饿
be regarded as 被认为
infrastructural construction 基础设施建设
lead deprived lives 过着贫困生活
taxpayer 纳税者
题目解析:人道主义援助在道德上的必要性,受灾的人提供救 助服务是尊重生命的体现。
有利于促进和平稳定,促进各各领域的交流,缓和紧张关系, 让一些国家可以融入全球经济
促使国家接受一系列变化(腐败斗争,政府增加责任度,增加 透明度和私营企业以及公众对事物的参与)
international financial assistance 国际财政援助
It is more important for the government to spend money on promoting the healthy lifestyle to prevent the illness than to spend money treating people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
benifit both individuals and the society
provide more career opportunities and higher incomes
government should provide scholarship and financial aid
release the pressure of society
fianancial assistance
break the cycle of poverty
remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across generations
improve productivity
政府可以提供奖学金和救学援助从子女后代也可以承担部分责 任。
tax revenue come from citizens, should give citizens the welfare
题目解析:国际援助是积极还是消极,需要讨论两边再给出 自己的观点。这道题需要对两边进行辩证思考。
首先,应该给予国际援助是因为国际援助能够救助穷国家人的 生命,维护基础设施建设,摆脱贫困等。从主体来讲也能为富 国树立一个比较好的国际形象。
然后,造成的问题是这些援助可能会被当地政府误用,不能最 终帮助穷国家。而且富的国家也会有穷人,有违公平问题等。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
The advocate of international aid believe that countries have a moral obligationt help each other, while the opponents consider it unnecessary, because money is misspent by the government that receive it. Discuss these tow points of view and give your opinion.
well-being 幸福
ailment 疾病
go hand in hand 密切相关
complementary factors 互补因素
timely medical attention and cure 及时的医疗关注和治疗
lead a healthy and sound life 倡导健康的生活
social stability 社会稳定
prerequisite 前提
the representative of people 人民代表
corresponding 相应的
in consideration of 考虑到
social welfare 社会福利
financial burden 财政负担
题目解析:一些人认为政府花钱促进人们健康的生活方式来 预防疾病比花钱治疗已经病的人更重要。同意或者不同意。
很多疾病是无法治愈的,比如说癌症,所以健康的生活方式是 维持健康的根本方法。
倡导健康的生活方式也是政府的责任。但是给予生病的人经济 上的帮助也是必须的,因为人们有权利享受社会福利。
suffer from 遭受
住房分配会降低私人投资热情 房地产是一个大产业,对经济发展有重要意义 当市场占据主导地位,政府对房屋市场的控制会导致单调,不 能满足城市居民对生活条件的高要求
commercialisation of housing unaffordable to low-income families economical housing government intervention the housing affordability gap widens the direct result of overcrowding and overpopulation zoning policies划地政策 housing allowance住房补贴
have far-reaching effects
Only government action can solve housing shortages in big cities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目解析:支持政府调控房地产的原因 房屋商业化最大的受害人是低收入家庭—政府开发经济适用房, 对房地产行业进行干预 住房购买力缺口大,租金不断增加,低收入家庭没能力买房 人口过多,拥挤造成住房紧缺
tax revenue 税收
immense contribution to 对…有巨大贡献
rudimentary 根本的
physical inferiority 身体劣势
offspring/descendant 后代
improve people's living standard 提高人们的生活水平
and civil society增加透明度和私营部分对公众事业的参与
Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?