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Unit 1 I have a good friend


1.almost adv.几乎

e.g. Dinner is my almost ready. 晚饭差不多准备好了。

2.never adv.从不

3.other pron.另外,其他;(两个中的)另一个;其余的,剩下的

常用短语:each other互相,彼此(只能做宾语,不能做主语)

e.g. Mary and Kitty always help each other. 玛丽和凯蒂总是互相帮助。

other…th an…不同于;除了

e.g. You will have time to visit other places than those. 除了那些以外你还能有时间参


Other woman than Sally would have said nothing. 除了萨莉以外,别人什么也没说。

rather than 而不是

e.g. Passions are inflamed r ather than cooled. 激情被点燃而不是冷却.

4.friendly n.有好的;亲切的

5.kind adj.友好的;宽容的n.种类,本质、性质

常用短语:be kind to sb. …对某人有好,友善

all kinds of 各种各样的

6.naughty adj.淘气的

7.lie n.谎言(现在分词lying)v.说谎(过去式lied,过去分词lied);躺,平卧(过去式


8.ocean n.海洋


Pacific ocean太平洋Atlantic ocean 大西洋Indian ocean 印度洋Arctic ocean北冰洋

9.just n.刚刚;仅仅

e.g. I have just been to London. 我刚刚去过伦敦。

He was just a child. 他只是一个孩子。

10.Earth n.地球

常见短语:on (the)Earth在地球上

on earth到底怎样,究竟

e.g. What on earth are you doing? 你到底在干什么?

How on earth did she manage that? 她究竟怎么办到的?

11.Look after照顾,照料


look ahead 向前看,着眼未来look at 看着

look around/about 四处看看,四下环顾look back 回头看;回顾

look into向...的里面看, 窥视look for 寻找

look like 看来像look out向外望,注意, 当心, 小心

12.environment n.环境

13.pollute v.污染

pollution n.污染


air pollution大气污染land pollution土地污染water pollution水污染

ocean pollution海洋污染noise pollution 噪音污染stream pollution河流污染

nd n.陆地,大陆v.使…着陆;登岸,着陆

15.keep v.保持n.生活费,生活必需品


keep away from sb./sth. 不接近某人/物

keep an eye on注意,看守

keep on doing sth 保持/不停做某事

keep out留在外面,不进入

16.pick up

(1)捡起,拾起(pick sth up= pick up sth,但是当对象是it/them等代词时,只能是pick it/them up,没有pick up it/them这种表达)

(2)好转,改善e.g. Her health soon picked up after a few day’s rest. 休息了几天后,她的身体很快康复了。

(3)重新开始,继续e.g. We’ll pick up where we finished yesterday. 我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。

(4)用汽车搭载某人;接(某人)e.g. I wil l pick you up at 7 o’clock. 7点钟我开车来接你。

17.into 到…里面

18.rubbish n.垃圾,废物(近义词:litter,garbage);无聊的想法

rubbish bin 垃圾箱

19.leave v.

(1)留下e.g. Someone left this note for you. 有人给你留下这张便条。leave sth for sb He left me a few books. 他留给我几本书。leave sb sth

(2)落下,忘拿,未带e.g. I‘ve left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套落在公共汽车上来。


20.promise v.承诺,保证n.承诺,诺言


make a promise答应,许诺keep one’s promise遵守诺言

break one’s promise违背诺言

21.discuss v.讨论

22.reuse v.再利用

23.work hard 勤奋学习

24.be late for 迟到

25.tell lies 说谎

26.for the first time 第一次

27.shopping bag 购物袋

28.Friend of the Earth 地球之友


1.Winnie is visiting Garden City for the first time. 温妮第一次来到花园城。

2.Have you ever been to Ocean Park yet? 你去过海洋公园吗?

(have been to“去过某个地方”)

3.What do you like about her?你觉得她怎么样?

= What do you think of her?= How do you like her?

4.What about Water World?水世界怎么样?

What about=How about “…怎么样?”

5.But she doesn’t talk at all. 但是她什么也不说。

not…at all “一点也不”

(She doesn’t like red at all. 她一点也不喜欢红色)

6.They always walk to school together. 她们总是一起步行去学校。

7.She is never late for school. She never gets angry. 她从不迟到,从不生气。

(be late for 迟到)

8.She is always kind to others. 她总是对人很友好。

(be kind to sb)

9.I promise to keep our school clean. 我保证保持学校清洁。
