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U n i t2E d g a r A l l a n P o e 1) Who is the narrator What wrong does he want to redress

It is Montresor. Fortunato has given Montresor thousands of injuries that he has to bear before he has this opportunity of taking revenge.

2) What is the pretext Montresor uses to lure Fortunado to his wine cellar

He claims that he has just got a cask of Amontilado and stores it in the wine cellar before he may find a connoisseur to testify to its authenticity.

3) What happens to Fortunado in the end

The deceived Fortunado is killed because of his inability of getting out of the catacomb.

4) Describe briefly how Poe characterizes Mortresor and Fortunado as contrasts.

Poe characterizes Mortresor and Fortunado as seemingly contrasting characters chiefly by presenting their identical habit in wine and their different manners towards each other, but actually he intends to show some similarly defective aspects in their nature. The similarity in their nature is also suggested by their names as synonyms in Italian: Mortresor means “fortune” while Fortunado “treasure”. Their defective nature is highlighted when the revenger Mortresor, who is fully prepared on psychological and operating levels, throws the hardly prepared but totally deceived wrong-doer Fortunado into the deep and damp catacomb and blocks up its entrance with huge rocks. Lecture 4 Nathaniel Hawthorne

Questions : is the prison the setting of Chapter 1

No matter how optimistic the founders of new colonies may be, they are quick to establish a prison and a cemetery in their “Utopia,” f or they know that misbehavior, evil, and death are unavoidable. This belief fits into the larger Puritan doctrine, which puts heavy emphasis on the idea of original sin—the notion that all people are born sinners because of the initial transgressions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. he is therefore using the prison building to represent the crime and the punishment which are aspect of civilized life

What is the implication of the description of the roses

The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man's activities. The narrator suggests that roses offer a reminder of Nature's kindness to the condemned; for his tale, he says, it will provide either a “sweet moral blossom” or else some relief in the face of unrelenting sorrow and gloom.

the appearance of Hester Prynne and the attitude of the people towards her.

The second paragraph on page crowd in front of the jail is a mixture of men and women, all maintaining severe looks of disapproval. Several of the women begin to discuss Hester Prynne, and they soon vow that Hester would not have received such a light sentence for her crime if they had been the judges. One woman, the ugliest of the group, goes so far as to advocate death for Hester.

has happened to Hester

As a young woman, Hester married an elderly scholar, Chillingworth, who sent her ahead to America to live.

While waiting for him, she had an affair with a Puritan minister named Dimmesdale, after which she gave birth to Pearl.

The scarlet letter is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy.

Why does she make the embroidery of the letter A so elaborate

It seems to declare that she is proud, rather than ashamed, of her sin. In reality, however, Hester simply accepts the “sin” and its symbol as part of herself, just as she accepts her child. And although she can hardly believe her present “realities,” she takes them as they are rather than resisting them or trying to atone for them.

How does this tell us about her character

Throughout The Scarlet Letter Hester is portrayed as an intelligent, capable. It is the extraordinary circumstances shaping her that make her such an important figure.

Unit 5 Herman Melville

1. What are the stories Ismael tells about Moby Dick

2. Ishmael compares the legend of Moby Dick to his experience of the whale.

3. He notes that sperm whale attacks have increased recently and that superstitious sailors have come to regard these attacks as having an intelligent, even supernatural origin.

4. In particular, wild rumors about Moby Dick circulate among whalemen, suggesting that he can be in more than one place at the same time and that he is immortal. Ishmael remarks that even the wildest of rumors usually contains some truth.

5. Whales, for instance, have been known to travel with remarkable speed from the Atlantic to the Pacific; thus, it is possible for a whale to be caught in the Pacific with the harpoons of a Greenland ship in it.

6. Moby Dick, who has defied capture numerous times, exhibits an “intelligent malignity”(狠毒)in his attacks on men

7. Why does Ahab react so violently against the white whale

8. First, he lost one of his legs because of the white whale.

9. Second,He considers Moby Dick the embodiment of evil in the world, and he pursues the White Whale,because he believes it his inescapable fate to destroy this evil.

10. Ishmael suggests that Ahab is “crazy”and call him “a raving lunatic.” Do you agree with him Why or why not

11. Ishmael describes Ahab as mad in his narration, and it does indeed seem mad to try to fight the forces of nature or God.

12. What narrative features can you find in the selected chapter

13. In the selected charpter, Melville employed the technique of multiple view of his narrative to portray Moby Dick to achieve the effect of ambiguity and let readers judge the meaning.

Lecture 6 Herman Melville

indeed did Thoreau live, both at a physical level and at a spiritual level

He lived in a cabin on Walden Pond, which belonged to Emerson’s property.

Thoreau ever bought a farm Why did he enjoy the act of buying

No, he hadn’t.

He avoided purchasing a farm because it would inevitably tie him down financially and complicate his life.

Thoreau didn’t see the acquisition of wealth as the goal for human existence, he saw the goal of life to be an exploration of the mind and of the magnificent world around us.

He regarded the places as an existence free of obligations and full of leisure.

it significant that Thoreau mentioned the Fourth of July as the day on which he began to stay in the woods Why

Yes, it is.

Because The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day,the birthday ot the United States.

Here Thoreau uses the day to express his beginning of??regeneration at Walden.

It also means a symbol of his conquest of being.

could you answer the question Thoreau asked at the end of this selection

Unit 7 19th Century American Poets

1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

(1)I Shot an Arrow…

1. Why did the speaker lose sight of his arrow and song

The arrow flies too swiftly and too far away to be seen by the speaker; whereas the song is naturally invisible.

2. In what circumstances did he find them again

He finds them unexpectedly years later from the trunk of a tree and the heart of a friend.

3. What do arrow and song stand for in this poem

The images of arrow and song here may stand for friendship.

(2)A Psalm of Life

1. What kind of person is the speaker of this poem

The speaker is a man of action, always optimistic and cheerful, trying to achieve as much as possible in the short span of life.

2. According to the poem, how should our lives be led to overcome the fact that each day brings us nearer to death

We should work harder and live happier.

3. Interpret the metaphor of "Footprints on the sand of time" (line 28).

The metaphor refers to human deeds in real life.

2. Walt Whitman

(1)One's Self I Sing

1. What is the significance of singing about one's self

It is an exaltation of the individual spirit, which is typical of American people.

2. What is the difference between physiology and physiognomy

Physiology is a science that deals with the functions and life process of human beings, whereas physiognomy refers to an art of judging character from contours of face itself or the appearance of a person.

3. What does Whitman mean by the term of "the Modern Man"

He means that a man should be free from any prejudice and pride, totally different from the traditional one, that is full of bias.

(3)O Captain! My Captain!

1. Why is the word "Captain" capitalized throughout the poem

In this poem the word “Captain” specially refers to Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States.

2. What overall metaphor does the poet employ in this poem

Life is a journey.

3. Why do people on the shores exult and bells ring, while the speaker remains so sad

They welcome the ship returning from its hard trip, whereas the speaker is sad because the captain fails to receive his own honor. Dickinson

(1) To Make a Prairie …

1. What things are needed to "make" a prairie In what sense can one really do it

Some grass and insects and small animals. People can make a prairie with their imagination.

2. How can "revery alone" create a prairie

The prairie stays in one's mind.

(2) Success Is Counted Sweetest

1. Why is success "counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed"

Those who have tasted the bitterness of failure would have a keener desire for success.

2. Who are "the purple host"

The so-called successful people in the world.

3. Who is "he" in the last stanza

Anyone who is pursuing his success.

(3) I'm Nobody!

1. Who are the "pair of us" and "they" in this poem

The "pair of us" refers to the speaker in the poem and the reader, and "they" refers to the public, especially those in power.

2. What does "an admiring bog" really mean" (line 28).

It Implies the vain and empty common people, who are always admiring and pursuing the celebrities.

3. What is the theme of this poem

The real admirable life is a secluded and common one.

4. Do you want to be "nobody" or "somebody" Explain your reasons.

Different persons would have different answers to this question. Personally, I prefer to be nobody.

Unit 17 20th-Century American Poets

1. Ezra Pound

In A Station of the Metro

1. Why does the poet call the faces of pedestrians "apparition"

These pedestrians are all walking in a hurry amidst the drizzling rain.

2. What do "petals" and "bough" stand for

Petals refer to the faces while the bough stands for the floating crowd.

2. Wallace Stevens

Anecdote of the Jar

1. What does the jar in poem symbolize Why does the speaker place it on top of a hill

The jar here symbolizes a certain perspective on looking at this world. If the perspective of the viewing is creative and unique, it will change the conventional order of the old world. When a new perspective comes out, it will certainly hold attention from the rest.

2. The jar is "round" and "of a port in air," meaning that it has a stately importance. What effect does it have on surroundings when placed on the ground

Maybe the round jar assumes the air of a domineering figure, which helps to form a certain order out of the disordered surrounding.

3. How did the wilderness of Tennessee characterized What words or phrases does the poet use to describe it

Tennessee seems to a place full of life and energy. “Slovenly,” “sprawl” and “wild” are some of the words used to describe th e place. (See Anecdote of the Jar )


(1)Fire and Ice

1. What are the symbolic meanings of fire in this poem

Fire symbolizes natural disaster, human passion, as well as war.

2. Why does the speaker say that ice is also great for destruction Explain what ice stands for here.

Ice, oppose to fire, is also a dreadful natural disaster in this world, and ice is always related to indifference, coldness, hatred, and the other negative sentiments of human beings.

3. What is your opinion about fire and ice Which one is more destructive

Both fire and ice can destroy this beautiful world if they are beyond control of human beings. Therefore we should be open-minded and reduce our prejudice and pride so as to keep this world in peace.

(2)Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening

1. In your opinion, what was the reason that made the speaker stop by the woods on a snowy evening

The poet was deeply attracted by the natural beauty of the scene at that very moment.

2. Why did the horse give the harness bell a shake

The horse grew impatient by stopping in the middle of the dark, cold woods at midnight. It was eager to go home.

3. Why couldn't the speaker stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty

He realized that it was late at night and he would have to hurry home to get some food and sleep, because the next morning he would have a lot of work to do.

4. What is the effect of repetition in the last two lines

The refrain-like repetition in the last two lines reminds the reader a simple fact of life: whatever happens, one must go forward in the journey of his or her life.

(3) The Road Not Taken

1. What is the speaker's initial response to the divergence of the two roads

The speaker is at a loss which road he should choose, and he feels sorry that he cannot explore both roads at the same time.

2. Describe the similarities and differences of these two roads. Which one does the speaker take

Two roads are similar except one of them is more “grassy,” which implies that it is less traveled by people. The speaker pref ers the less traveled one, because he likes adventure.

3. What might the two roads stand for in the speaker's mind

One road stands for the traditional one and the other is unconventional one and full of challenges and difficulties. To follow other people's footsteps or to open a new road for himself is really not an easy decision for us to make in our lives.


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


2018年自学考试《美国文学选读》试题 Multiple choice; 1._________ works are marked by a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of original sin and the mystery of evil. A.Emerson’s B. Hawthorne’s C. Thoreau’s D. Allan Poe’s 2. Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”got ideas from _______ legends. A.B ritish B. German C. Italian D. French 3. “Rip Van Winkle”reveals the theme of ______ the past. A. nostalgia for B. rejectionn to C. detachment from D. dislike for 4. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter , “A”may stand for ____________. A. Angel B. Adultery C. Able D.all the above 4. According to Hawthorne, the scarlet letter “A”which originally stood for “____”finally obtained the meaning of “able”or “angel”through Hester’s efforts. A. adultery B. arrogance C. accomplishment D. agony 5. Which one is not the characteristics of the puritan style? A. Fresh B. Simple C. Grand D. Direct 6. In his ______, Benjamin Franklin creates the image of a boy’s rise from rags to riches and demonstrates his belief that the new world America was a land of opportunities which might be met through hard work and wise management.


1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765) American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th) 北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱) Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical) 2、The Enlightenment and Revolution Period Benjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源 3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war) American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. 早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature 短篇小说 James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大 自然的摧残与破坏 William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl>美国 山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实 Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories) He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.” He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story. Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism American Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Walden he regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization. 小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗 诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme ) 《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》song Dickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty 4、The Age of Realism James upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of man Howells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life. Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实) Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimistic Theodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire) O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthem Jack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden 5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature) The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot) 现代主义小说家 F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream 为主线。


1.Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. 1.simply speaking , American Puritanism just refers to the spirit and ideal of puritans,who settled in the North American continent in the early part of the seventeenth century because of religious persecutions. 2.In content it means scrupulous ,moral rigor ,especially hostility to social pleasure and religion . 3.with time passing it became a dominant factor in American life , one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and literature.to some extent it is a state of mind,a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes ,rather than a set of tenets. 4.Actually it is a code of values,a philosophy of life and a point of view in American minds,also a two-faceted tradition of religious idealism and level -headed in common sense . 2.The American Romanticism(浪漫主义):a literary movement flourished as a cultural force the early period and the late period. associated with imagination and boundlessness, as an historical movement it arose in the 18th and 19th centuries.(Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe.) II.Features of American romanticism (1) It was the expression of “a real new experience(全新体验)”. (2) American Puritanism was a cultural heritage. Many American romantic writings intended to edify(启发) more than they entertained. (3) American Romanticism is full of “newness(新奇)” . Ideals:Individualism; political equality Dream:America: a new Garden of Eden (4)American romanticism was both imitative and independent. 3.Transcendentalism 超验主义 The major features of Transcendentalism: ① The Transcendentalists placed emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the universe. 思想超灵宇宙 ② The Transcendentalists stressed the importance of the individual. To them, the individual is the most important element of Society. ③ The Transcendentalists offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was not purely matter. It was alive, filled with God’s ove rwhelming presence. 自然+上帝 Ralph Waldo Emerson. American Transcendentalism:As a philosophical and literary


例1.用数学归纳法证明: ()()12121217 51531311+=+-++?+?+?n n n n Λ. 请读者分析下面的证法: 证明:①n =1时,左边31311=?=,右边3 1121=+=,左边=右边,等式成立. ②假设n =k 时,等式成立,即: ()()12121217 51531311+=+-++?+?+?k k k k Λ. 那么当n =k +1时,有: ()()()()32121121217 51531311++++-++?+?+?k k k k Λ ????????? ??+-++??? ??+--++??? ??-+??? ??-+??? ? ?-=3211211211217151513131121k k k k Λ 322221321121++?=??? ??+-= k k k ()1 121321+++=++=k k k k 这就是说,当n =k +1时,等式亦成立. 由①、②可知,对一切自然数n 等式成立. 评述:上面用数学归纳法进行证明的方法是错误的,这是一种假证,假就假在没有利用归纳假设n =k 这一步,当n =k +1时,而是用拆项法推出来的,这样归纳假设起到作用,不符合数学归纳法的要求. 正确方法是:当n =k +1时. ()()()()32121121217 51531311++++-++?+?+?k k k k Λ ()() 3212112++++=k k k k ()()()()()() 321211232121322++++=++++=k k k k k k k k

()1 121321+++=++=k k k k 这就说明,当n =k +1时,等式亦成立, 例2.是否存在一个等差数列{a n },使得对任何自然数n ,等式: a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+na n =n (n +1)(n +2) 都成立,并证明你的结论. 分析:采用由特殊到一般的思维方法,先令n =1,2,3时找出来{a n },然后再证明一般性. 解:将n =1,2,3分别代入等式得方程组. ?????=++=+=603224 26321 211a a a a a a , 解得a 1=6,a 2=9,a 3=12,则d =3. 故存在一个等差数列a n =3n +3,当n =1,2,3时,已知等式成立. 下面用数学归纳法证明存在一个等差数列a n =3n +3,对大于3的自然数,等式 a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+na n =n (n +1)(n +2)都成立. 因为起始值已证,可证第二步骤. 假设n =k 时,等式成立,即 a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+ka k =k (k +1)(k +2) 那么当n =k +1时, a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+ka k +(k +1)a k +1 = k (k +1)(k +2)+ (k +1)[3(k +1)+3] =(k +1)(k 2+2k +3k +6) =(k +1)(k +2)(k +3) =(k +1)[(k +1)+1][(k +1)+2] 这就是说,当n =k +1时,也存在一个等差数列a n =3n +3使a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+na n =n (n +1)(n +2)成立. 综合上述,可知存在一个等差数列a n =3n +3,对任何自然数n ,等式a 1+2a 2+3a 3+…+na n =n (n +1)(n +2)都成立. 例3.证明不等式n n 21 31 21 1<++++Λ (n ∈N). 证明:①当n =1时,左边=1,右边=2.


美国文学史及作品选读模拟试题一 ) '×15=15I.Multiple Choice (1'______was the first colony in American history. C1. D.Georgia C. Virginia A. Massachusetts B. New Jersey War. the before Revolutionary only good American author 2. _B_____ was the

One “His shadow lies heavier than any other man's on of his fellow Americans said, this young nation.”D.Thomas Paine B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson A. John Smith 3. Romantics put emphasis on the following EXCEPT __A____. D. individualism C. intuition B. imagination A. common sense The Raven was written in 1844 by __B______ 4. B. Edgar Allan Poe A. Philip Freneau D. Emily Dickinson C. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5. The ship __C____ carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts. D. Titanic C. Mayflower B. Armada A. Sunflower D____ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in 6. Melville's novel __ pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale. Moby Dick D. C. White Jacket A. Typee B. Omoo 7. As a philosophical and literary movement, __D____ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War. D.Transcendentalism C.Sentimentalism B.Rationalism A.Modernism 8. The theme of original sin is fully reflected in ___A______. B. Sister Carrie A. The Scarlet Letter The Old Man and Sea D. C. The Great Gatsby 9. In all his novels Theodore Dreiser sets himself to project the ___B___ American values. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically. 页1 第 A. Puritan B. materialistic C. psychological D. religious 10. Realism was a reaction against____B__ or a move away from the bias towards


《英语文学文化及影视赏析》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明 1、课程名称(中英文):英语文学文化及影视赏析/English Literature and Culture & Appreciation of English movies 2、学时学分:75学时理论教学,2学分 3、适用专业:非英语专业研究生 4、开课学院:外国语学院 5、课程负责人:姜萌萌 二、课程描述: 本课程拟对英语经典文学与相关文化概况进行简要介绍,并遴选英美国家的经典作家和作品,对其文学特色、文化背景进行分析。课程重视文学作品与时代背景、西方历史文化的联系,在教学中将理论与实践相结合,做到寓教于乐。在课内,不仅有作家作品、相关文化背景和信息的介绍、经典作品片段的解读,并通过课堂讨论以及影视作品的欣赏帮助学生最直观地理解西方文化与文学作品的文本意义。在课外,学生需要查阅相关资料,完成相关问题的回答与读书报告,以一种轻松愉悦并且多方面切入的方式学习、了解和体验英语文学文化。该课程目的在于通过英语文学文化的学习,提高学生对英语语言的掌握能力、增强对英语文学经典的理解力和对西方文化的审美能力,进一步养成对英语的敏感性,培养人文素质和文学涵养。 三、教材: 王守仁主编,《英国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 陶洁主编,《美国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 秦秀白,《英美国家概况》,北京:高等教育出版社。 王佐良,《欧洲文化入门》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 自编讲义 四、教学方式: 理论与实践相结合。 五、考核方式: 提交一篇与所学课程相关的课程论文,用英语完成。 总成绩=期末考试成绩70%+平时成绩30%(考勤占10%)


欢迎阅读数学归纳法典型例题 一. 教学内容: 高三复习专题:数学归纳法 二. 教学目的 掌握数学归纳法的原理及应用 三. 教学重点、难点 四. ??? ??? (1 ??? (2()时命题成立,证明当时命题也成立。??? 开始的所有正整数 ??? 即只 称为数学归纳法,这两步各司其职,缺一不可,特别指出的是,第二步不是判断命题的真伪,而是证明命题是否具有传递性,如果没有第一步,而仅有第二步成立,命题也可能是假命题。 【要点解析】 ? 1、用数学归纳法证明有关问题的关键在第二步,即n=k+1时为什么成立,n=k+1时成立是利用假设n=k时成立,根据有关的定理、定义、公式、性质等数学结论推证出n=k+1时成立,而不是直接代入,否则n=k+1时也成假设了,命题并没有得到证明。 ??? 用数学归纳法可证明有关的正整数问题,但并不是所有的正整数问题都是用数学归纳法证明的,学习时要具体问题具体分析。

? 2、运用数学归纳法时易犯的错误 ??? (1)对项数估算的错误,特别是寻找n=k与n=k+1的关系时,项数发生什么变化被弄错。 ??? (2)没有利用归纳假设:归纳假设是必须要用的,假设是起桥梁作用的,桥梁断了就通不过去了。 ??? (3)关键步骤含糊不清,“假设n=k时结论成立,利用此假设证明n=k+1时结论也成立”,是数学归纳法的关键一步,也是证明问题最重要的环节,对推导的过程要把步骤写完整,注意证明过程的严谨性、规范性。 ? 例1. 时,。 ,右边,左边 时等式成立,即有,则当时, 由①,②可知,对一切等式都成立。 的取值是否有关,由到时 (2 到 本题证明时若利用数列求和中的拆项相消法,即 ,则这不是归纳假设,这是套用数学归纳法的一种伪证。 (3)在步骤②的证明过程中,突出了两个凑字,一“凑”假设,二“凑”结论,关键是明确 时证明的目标,充分考虑由到时,命题形式之间的区别和联系。


《美国文学选读》课程标准 一、课程性质与任务 美国文学选读是英语专业高年级的选修课。它与英美文学史密切结合,使学生在接触到浩繁的文学作品的同时,可以对繁杂的文学现象加以整理和梳理,并形成自己阅读文学作品的习惯,开阔视野,在学习过程中把握正确的理解文学作品的方法。美国文学选读通过向学生介绍文学作品及其作品创作的历史文化背景,培养学生阅读文学作品的兴趣,增强语感,增进学生对美国社会、历史、文化以及生活习俗的了解,提高他们对西方文学的欣赏能力及批评能力。 二、课程教学目标 1.知识目标 1)文学知识:通过本课程的学习,学生应深入、直观地理解各个时期的美国文学作品,把握其思想、语言及创作技巧上的特点;另外,还应对美国的文学评论流变具备相对清晰的认识。 2)语言知识:本课程是通过介绍不同文体的文学作品,深化学生对英语语言的认知、理解和应用的能力。并通过对不同时期英语原文资料的阅读和解析,以一种更加直观的方式了解这门语言的发展。 2.能力目标 1)文学作品鉴赏能力:通过作者作品的讲解,学生可以对作品的社会历史价值和艺术价值进行评价,培养并提高自我的鉴赏能力; 2)语言表达能力:通过课堂和课下阅读及评价任务的完成,学生的口头和书面表达能力能够得到全面的提高; 3)思辩能力:课上小组讨论环节和presentation环节能够激发学生的思辩能力,助其开拓思路,同时也为以后对英语的有效使用打下基础。 3.素质目标 1)文学文化修养:本课程作为英语专业高年级学生的素养课,旨在培养学生对美国文学及文化的理解,可以使学生以直观的方式全面接触这种语言和文化,并形成独立的开放的文化观,进一步强化其跨文化意识; 2)基本的研究素质:本课程通过对文学评论的介绍和讲解向学生传授文学鉴赏的不同视角,可使其具备基本的文学研究素质; 3)文学翻译的基础:本课程通过对文学作品的细读向学生介绍文字背后的人文、历史、政治、哲学及美学等因素,可为文学翻译课程提供较好的材料,并做好前期准备。 三、课程基本信息和内容要求


【关键字】认识、问题、要点 数学归纳法( 一、用数学归纳法证明与正整数有关命题的步骤是: (1)证明当n 取第一个值0n (如01n =或2等)时结论正确; (2)假设当0(N ,)n k k k n *=∈≥ 时结论正确,证明1n k =+时结论也正确. 综合(1)、(2),…… 注意:数学归纳法使用要点: 两步骤,一结论。 二、题型归纳: 题型1.证明代数恒等式 例1.用数学归纳法证明: 证明:①n =1时,左边31311=?=,右边3 1121=+=,左边=右边,等式成立. ②假设n =k 时,等式成立,即: ()()12121217 51531311+=+-++?+?+?k k k k . 当n =k +1时. 这就说明,当n =k +1时,等式亦成立, 由①、②可知,对一切自然数n 等式成立. 题型2.证明不等式 例2.证明不等式n n 21 31 21 1<++++ (n ∈N). 证明:①当n =1时,左边=1,右边=2. 左边<右边,不等式成立. ②假设n =k 时,不等式成立,即k k 2131211<++++ . 那么当n =k +1时, 这就是说,当n =k +1时,不等式成立. 由①、②可知,原不等式对任意自然数n 都成立. 说明:这里要注意,当n =k +1时,要证的目标是 1211 1 31 21 1+<++++++k k k ,当代入归纳假设后,就是要证明:

1211 2+<++k k k . 认识了这个目标,于是就可朝这个目标证下去,并进行有关的变形,达到这个目标. 题型3.证明数列问题 例3 (x +1)n =a 0+a 1(x -1)+a 2(x -1)2+a 3(x -1)3+…+a n (x -1)n (n ≥2,n ∈N *). (1)当n =5时,求a 0+a 1+a 2+a 3+a 4+a 5的值. (2)设b n = a 22n -3,T n = b 2+b 3+b 4+…+b n .试用数学归纳法证明:当n ≥2时,T n =n (n +1)(n -1)3 . 解: (1)当n =5时, 原等式变为(x +1)5=a 0+a 1(x -1)+a 2(x -1)2+a 3(x -1)3+a 4(x -1)4+a 5(x -1)5 令x =2得a 0+a 1+a 2+a 3+a 4+a 5=35=243. (2)因为(x +1)n =[2+(x -1)]n ,所以a 2=C n 2·2n -2 b n =a 22 n -3=2C n 2=n (n -1)(n ≥2) ①当n =2时.左边=T 2=b 2=2, 右边=2(2+1)(2-1)3 =2,左边=右边,等式成立. ②假设当n =k (k ≥2,k ∈N *)时,等式成立, 即T k =k (k +1)(k -1)3 成立 那么,当n =k +1时, 左边=T k +b k +1=k (k +1)(k -1)3+(k +1)[(k +1)-1]=k (k +1)(k -1)3 +k (k +1) =k (k +1)?? ??k -13+1=k (k +1)(k +2)3 =(k +1)[(k +1)+1][(k +1)-1]3 =右边. 故当n =k +1时,等式成立. 综上①②,当n ≥2时,T n =n (n +1)(n -1)3 .


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案陶洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


2019年宁波大学硕士研究生招生考试复试科目考试大纲 科目名称: 英美文学 一、考试形式与试卷结构 (一)试卷满分及考试时间 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为180分钟。 (二)答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试。 (三)试卷题型结构 1.作家作品辨识 2.名词解释 2. 简答题 3. 作品赏析与批评 二、考查目标(复习要求) 《英美文学》是一门专业方向课程,涉及英美文学作家作品、文学流派、文学批评方法等内容。要求掌握英美文学史的代表性作家及其作品,了解作家的基本创作思想,对英美文学史的思潮和流派有较好的把握,熟悉关于文学知识的基本概念,能够运用一定的文学批评方法分析文学作品。 三、考试内容概要 英国文学:了解英国文学史各时期的主要作家作品及其创作思想,重点了解文艺复兴时期的戏剧和诗歌、17世纪的英国诗歌、18世纪的小说创作、英国浪漫主义诗歌、19世纪英国现实主义作家作品、20世纪英国现代主义和后现代主义文学等。关注以下重要作家:Geoffrey Chaucer 、William Shakespeare 、Francis Bacon 、John Donne 、Daniel Defoe Jonathan Swift 、William Blake 、Robert Burns、William Wordsworth、Samuel Taylor Coleridge、Jane Austen、George Gordon Byron 、Percy Bysshe Shelley 、John Keats 、Charlotte Bronte 、Charles Dickens 、Alfred Tennyson 、Robert Browning 、Matthew Arnold 、Thomas Hardy Oscar Wilde 、George Bernard Shaw 、Joseph Conrad 、T.S.Eliot 、William Butler Yeats 、Virginia Woolf 、James Joyce, https://www.doczj.com/doc/737464447.html,wrence、 E.M.Forster 、William Golding 、Doris Lessing 、John Fowles 、Dylan Thomas 、Philip Larkin 、Ted


导数典型例题 导数作为考试内容的考查力度逐年增大.考点涉及到了导数的所有内容,如导数的定义,导数的几何意义、物理意义,用导数研究函数的单调性,求函数的最(极)值等等,考查的题型有客观题(选择题、填空题)、主观题(解答题)、考查的形式具有综合性和多样性的特点.并且,导数与传统内容如二次函数、二次方程、三角函数、不等式等的综合考查成为新的热点. 一、与导数概念有关的问题 【例1】函数f (x )=x (x -1) (x -2)…(x -100)在x=0处的导数值为 .1002 C ! 解法一 f '(0)=x f x f x ?-?+→?) 0()0(lim = x x x x x ?--?-?-??→?0 )100()2)(1(lim 0 Λ =lim 0 →?x (Δx -1)(Δx -2)…(Δx -100)=(-1)(-2)…(-100)=100! ∴选D. 解法二 设f (x )=a 101x 101+ a 100x 100+…+ a 1x +a 0,则f '(0)= a 1,而a 1=(-1)(-2)…(-100)=100!. ∴选D. 点评 解法一是应用导数的定义直接求解,函数在某点的导数就是函数在这点平均变化率的极限.解法二是根据导数的四则运算求导法则使问题获解. 【例2】 已知函数f (x )=n n n k k n n n n x c n x c k x c x c c 11212210 ++++++ΛΛ,n ∈N *,则 x x f x f x ??--?+→?) 2()22(lim 0 = . 解 ∵ x x f x f x ??--?+→?) 2()22(lim 0 =2x f x f x ?-?+→?2) 2()22(lim + []x f x f x ?--?-+→?-) 2()(2lim 0 =2f '(2)+ f '(2)=3 f '(2), 又∵f '(x )=1 1 2 1 --+++++n n n k k n n n x c x c x c c ΛΛ, ∴f '(2)= 21(2n n n k n k n n c c c c 222221+++++ΛΛ)=21[(1+2)n -1]= 2 1(3n -1). 点评 导数定义中的“增量Δx ”有多种形式,可以为正也可以为负,如 x m x f x m x f x ?--?-→?-)()(000 lim ,且其定义形式可以是 x m x f x m x f x ?--?-→?) ()(000 lim ,也可以是 00 ) ()(lim x x x f x f x --→?(令Δx =x -x 0得到),本题是导数的定义与多项式函数求导及二项式定理有关 知识的综合题,连接交汇、自然,背景新颖. 【例3】 如圆的半径以2 cm/s 的等速度增加,则圆半径R =10 cm 时,圆面积增加的速度是 .


浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试 美国文学选读试题 课程代码:10055 Part Ⅰ: Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10 points in all, 1 point for each) Group 1 Column A Column B ( ) 1. F. S Fitzgerald a. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ( ) 2. Henry David Thoreau b. An American Tragedy ( ) 3. Theodore Dreiser c. The Portrait of a Lady ( ) 4. Henry James d. Walden ( ) 5. Mark Twain e. This Side of Paradise Group 2 Column A Column B ( ) 1. Huck a. A Rose for Emily ( ) 2. Carrie Meeber b. The Hairy Ape ( ) 3. Yank c. The Great Gatsby ( ) 4. Nick Carraway d. Sister Carrie ( ) 5. Emily Grierson e. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Part Ⅱ: Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternatives. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (50 points in all, 2 points for each) 1. Romanticism appeared as a literary trend against _____.【】 A. rationality B. imagination C. intuition D. individualism 2. The famous 20 years in Rip Van Winkle helps to construct the story in such a way that we are greatly affected by Irving’s _____.【】 A. concern with the passage of time B. expression of transient beauty 1


美国文学选读期末复习资料 The Colonial Period or The Enlightenment and Revolution Period American Puritanism ( roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th) 一、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林 作品:1、Poor Richard's Almanac 《格言历书》--- A Collection of maxims, or proverbs, on the value of work and savings for success. 2、The Autobiography 《自传》---“美国梦”的根源 3、参与起草《独立宣言》 American Romanticism The Romantic Period stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War. It is a period of the great flowering of American literature. 浪漫主义两大主题:爱和大自然的力量 The social and cultural background of Romanticism: ---The young Republic was flourishing into a politically, economically and culturally independent country. ---The Romantic writings revealed unique characteristics of their own in their works and they grew on the native lands. ---The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature. ---The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values. Romantics frequently shared certain general characteristics: moral enthusiasm, faith in value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies as a source of corruption.

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