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Henry Fielding, the famous novelist who was also 26)

a London magistrate, once made

a night raid to two known hideouts in this city-within-a-city; he found seven men,

women, and children packed away in a few tiny 27)

stinking rooms. All of these people,

included little children of five and six who were trained as pick-pockets, were wanted

for crime. Conditions like these bred more criminals. One of the 28)

typical cases was that Jack Shepard, whose execution in 1724 was watched by two hundred thousand people. Shepard, the son of honest working people, was an 29)

apprentice in a respectful trade. He ran away from it because he fancied that he had been ill-treated, and soon 30)

found it was easy to make more money by thieving 31)

as his father had done by a lifetime of honest work. 32)

In Shepard’s day highwaymen committed robberies at broad daylight, in sight of a crowd, and rode solemnly and 33)

triumphantly through the town with danger of molestation. If they were chased, twenty or thirty armed men were ready34)

to come to their assistance. Murder was a everyday affair, 35)

and there were many people who made heroes from the murderers.


26.to * on

27.included * including

28.Jack * of Jack

29.respectful * respectable

30.was easy * easy

31.as * than

32.at * in

33.with * without

34.a * an

35.from * of


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析 About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____


2019年高考短文改错专项练习 短文改错是很多同学的短板,不管练习多少篇文章都不能准确的把握短文改错的答题技巧,今天就分享给大家超级好用的高中英语短文改错答题6步法,还附100道练习题含答案,大家快抓紧时间学习吧! 第一步必须熟悉设错方式 1. 必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词。 ⑴多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。 ⑵少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等。 ⑶错词现象主要在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词、词形。 2. 平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。 短文改错与书面表达一样,最能反映一个人的语言功底。大家在该题上失分最厉害,因为此题而影响英语总成绩的占大多数。 第二步对全文宏观把握 大家应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有全面的了解。 在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。 第三步从语法角度审查 1. 查看时态是否一致。 My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. 全文都是用的一般现在时,此句中的was显然与上下文语境不符,应改为am。 2. 查看主谓是否一致。 Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. cost应改为costs,因其主语是it(为形式主语),且上下文均为一般现在时。 3. 查指代是否一致。 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句中的主语the Smiths表的是Smith一家人,因此指示代词his应改为their。 4. 查平行结构是否平行一致。 由and, or, but, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。 It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. 句中的drove显然与and前面的to meet不平行,应改为drive。 5. 查名词的单复数与修饰词语或上下文是否一致。 We study quite a few subject, such as Maths, Chinese... quite a few 只能修饰复数名词,故subject应改为subjects。 6. 查行文逻辑是否一致。 Most people can quickly get help from a doctor or go to a hospital since they are ill.根据行文逻辑,这里不应该由since来引导原因状语从句,而应该是when / whenever或if来引导时间


专业英语八级改错练习题及答案解析(30) Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of particular kind is actually taking place around us and is more and more manifesting. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by mean of speech. With the invention of writing, knowledge could be communicated and stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in turn added libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly risen. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.However, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called “modern civilization” is not the result of a balanced development of all man’s nature, but not of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge? Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being frequently used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, clo se at hand, surgeons use it to restore them. 1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ 7 ________ 8 ________ 9 ________ 10 _______


2017年英语专业八级考试改错模拟测试 题及答案5 I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (26) have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (27) their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (28) of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in "contexts" and strung together in dialogues and (29) reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learners brain(30) by means of practice drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (31)


2019年高考英语二轮复习【短文改错题】专项练二 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A It had been raining for three days before I called my parents last week to ensuring that they were OK. I was worrying by the violent storms because our home is located at foot of a mountain. And I still remembered how our house was flooded terrible when I was little. My parents had to get water out of our house with washbasins, with my sister and I staying safely on the bed and watched. Luckily, my parents said something bad had happened during the storms. Therefore, one day later, I was told by my elder sister that the walls around our yard had fallen down two days ago. Then I realized my parents just didn’t want to worry about me because they didn’t want to distract me from my studies. B Last month, I read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which is a novel publishing in 2012. Harold had retired before receiving a letter from a colleague of twenty years before, Queenie Hennessy. It turned that Queenie had cancer and was in a hospital in another distance city. The doctors said nothing more could be done for him. Harold wrote her a brief note but went to post it. Deep in thought, he didn’t post it and couldn’t stop walk. He then phoned the hospital from a call box and left a message. He had decided to walk from her, saying that she should wait for him and stay alive. After going through various difficulties, Harold finally made it up. And unexpectedly, his own life was changed for good through an unlikely journey. How touched the story is! C When I was visiti ng Qingdao with my parents two weeks before, I knew I couldn’t leave


英语专业八级改错(1) It is difficult to think of a nation as an abstract collection of people living on a patch of territory. It is easier to think of as a person. This is why we sometimes call Great Britain __1__ "Britannia" and the United States "Columbia", and think of it as stately women. We also use masculine symbols in our __2__ personification of nations. In 1712 John Arbuthont, a Scot,wrote a political satire in that the characters were supposed __3__ to be typical members of different nationalities. The Englishman was John Bull. This name, which was sufficient flattering to be __4__ adopted generally, combined the most common English first name with a last name indicated strength. John Bull is usually __5__ pictured as a partly businessman with a Union Jack on his hatband. After the American War of Independence began in 1783, the United __6__States was knownfor "Brother Jonathan". Jonathan was a biblical __7__ name associated with simple people from rural areas, and it seemed fitting since the United States is rural and unsophiscated, and since __8__American considered their type of simplicity a virtue compared to __9__ the wickedness of European cities. It is possible, however, that the name was originated with President George Washington,


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(一) About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation?s Children?s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____ risk categories. The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____7____ maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8_____ pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ____9____ mother is 35 years old; pregnancies after four births; and those lesser than ____10____ two years apart. 参考答案及解析: 1 将had used 改为used。因为此句是虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反,故条件从句中应使用一般过去时。例如:Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise. 许多人原本会成为聪明人-如果他们不自以为聪明的话。 2 将publishing改为published;report和publish时逻辑动宾关系,故应使用publish的过去分词短语来修饰report。例如:Any discovery that we may make, however small, will remain acquired knowledge. 任何可能的发现,不管多么微不足道,都将成为知识宝库中的一部分。 3 将theirs改为their; 4 将among改为between;在两次怀孕期间留出足够的间隔时间,故用between。 5 将过去分词excluded改为介词excluding。excluding意为“不包括…” 6 将respectably改为respectively;respectively 意为“分别地”,符合句子的意思。而respectably 意为“可敬的,值得尊敬地”。 7将evidences改为evidence。evidence是不可数名词。 8将ill改为illness。 9将year改为years。 10将lesser改为less 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(二) “Home, sweet home” is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1_____ has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2_____


英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1 英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1it can be tempt to hide from the people, places and tasks (1) which make life stressful. by removing you from the situa- (2) tion, it' s possible to find immediate relief-- and these sources (3) of stress will never go away unless we confront against them (4) being haunted by these stressors means that we can' t be re- laxed in the case the sources of stress return. (5) if avoiding stress triggers isn't such a good technique of dealing with stress, then what is? life experience teaches us (6) that whenever we need to master a new skill-- learning to swim, giving a public presentation, taking risks in front of others--it pays to take a deep breath, perhaps grit our teeth,


英语专业八级改错练习题 Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live.Keeping the air we __1__breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making this earth a safe place.Other areas of concern are water,land,the ozone layer,and the preservation of flora and fauna of the planet. Every country has ecological issues to deal.In South America,__2__the rain forests are rapidly disappearing as people burn and cut down trees to make for farmland.Many Middle-Eastern and Asian countries __3__have a battle to fight with air,water,and land https://www.doczj.com/doc/714402741.html,kes and swamps are spread with debris.__4__Mass chemical spraying is used to kill pests on trees and plants.Abundant __5__use of water in countries as China has caused major water shortage.__6__Rivers be polluted by factories and the populations that live on their banks.Global warming is considered a major factor caused __7__the droughts in eastern China,the Sudan,Ethiopia,and northern Kenya. The reduction of the ozone layer is blamed for the global warming trends in variant countries of this globe,and


2019年高考英语短文改错专题--非谓语动词(含答案) his father died, left the family even worse off. will have trouble learn English well in a year. crossing the street,she was killed by an ambulance speeded by. ’s up to you decide whether to eat out or at home. our way home,we couldn't help to talking about what we had experienced. accepting for the job, you’ll be informed soon. host parents took good care of us,which made us feeling at home. warned of the danger in the street at night, she went home with a friendaccompanying her. took me a little while figure out these differences,but it was fun. must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed. ’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. fact, Americans make go to the baseball game a favorite summer outing nowadays. did all thatI could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure. should have the courage to admit have broken the window. in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,the house is big enough to enable you to have a room of your own. father as well as his three children goes skating on the freezing river every Sunday afternoon in winter. had to look for a place along the street to get his bicycle repairing. their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. to the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did. woman was observed follow him closely.

英语专业八级改错真题及答案 持续更新 部分详解 文字答案校对版

1995-2017年英语专业八级改错真题及答案 (文字/答案校对版) 2017年改错真题 The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well which 1.________ distinguishes one individual from another. The fact is that apart from the basic necessities, one needs to be equipped with habits for good communication skills, thus this is 2.________ what will make one a happy and successful social being. In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time. They need to take stock of the way how they interact and the direction 3.________ in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant in life is change, th e more one accepts one’s strengths and works 4._______ towards dealing with their shortcomings, specially in the area of 5.________ communication skills, the better will be their interactions and the more their social popularity. The dominated question that comes here is: How to improve 6.________ communication skills? The answer is simple. One can find plenty of literature on this. There are also experts, who conduct workshops and seminars based on communication skills of men and women. In fact, a large number of companies are bringing in trainers to regularly make sessions on the subject, in order to 7.________ help their work force maintain better interpersonal work relations. Today effective communication skills have become a predominant factor even while recruiting employees. While interviewing candidates, most interviewers judge them on the basis of the skills they communicate with. They believe that some skills can be improvised on the job; but ability to 8.________ communicate well is important, as every employee becomes the representing face of the company. There are trainers, who specialized in delivering custom-made 9._______ programs on the subject. Through the sessions they not only facilitate better communication skills in the workplace, but also look into the problems in the manner of being able to convey messages effectively. 10._______ 2016年改错真题 All social units develop a culture. Even in two-person relationships, a culture develops in time. In friendship and romantic relationships, 1._________ for example, partners develop their own history, shared experiences, language patterns, habits, and customs give that relationship a special 2._________ character—a character that differs it in various ways from 3._________


文档说明: 1. 本文档经过本人认真校对并排版,能力有限,难免有不良之处。欢迎指出。 2. 百度文库中看到的文档,可能会有不清、前后错乱等问题,是因为文档转换显示的问题; 本文编排时是没有那些问题的。下载后用应该没问题。 3. 文档板式:中文字体是宋体五号;英文是Times New Roman 小四。页眉有内容提要, 页脚有页码。 4. 全国I 卷适用地区:安徽、湖北、福建、湖南、山西、河北、江西、广东、河南、山东 5. 全国II 卷适用地区:甘肃、青海、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、内蒙古、陕西、 重庆 6. 全国III 卷适用地区:云南、四川、广西、贵州、西藏 高考真题2019 年英语改错(含答案)全国卷一二三汇编 2019 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷I) 英语改错(含答案) 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35 分) 第一节短文改错(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。 I became interesting in playing football thanks to a small accident. One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground. Suddenly football feel just in front of me but almost hit me. I stopped the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground. To everyone's surprising, the ball went into the net. All the football player on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football. From now on, I started to play my football with classmates after school. I am a good player now. 2019 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷II) 英语改错(含答案)


2008年英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(1) About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk _ ___1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking _ ___2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children _ ___3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ___ _5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Cen ters for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high __ __6____ risk categories. The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____ 7____ maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8_ ____ pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ___ _9____

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